Last 1000 lines of build log: dependall ===> usr.sbin/moused --- moused.d --- # create moused/moused.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f moused.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv moused.d.tmp moused.d --- dependall-tests --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION t_bpfilter.o --- t_bpfilter --- # link bpfilter/t_bpfilter /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o t_bpfilter t_bpfilter.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_bpf -lrumpdev -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet -lrumpvfs -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread -latf-c --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- .depend --- # create moused/.depend rm -f .depend CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -s .o\ .ln -d -f .depend moused.d --- dependall --- --- dependall-external --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION conv_time.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x conv_time.o --- data_redirect.o --- # compile global/data_redirect.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o data_redirect.o --- dependall-tests --- : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o t_bpfilter t_bpfilter.o --- dependall-carp --- dependall ===> tests/net/carp --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- .gdbinit --- rm -f .gdbinit echo "set solib-absolute-prefix /tmp/bracket/build/2014." > .gdbinit --- moused.html8 --- # format moused/moused.html8 if test "" != "yes"; then /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Thtml -Oman=../html%S/%N.html -Ostyle=../style.css /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > moused.html8.tmp && mv moused.html8.tmp moused.html8; else PATH=/tmp/bracket/build/2014.${PATH} /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Tlatin1 -mdoc2html /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > moused.html8.tmp && mv moused.html8.tmp moused.html8; fi --- moused.o --- # compile moused/moused.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-tests --- --- t_basic.d --- # create carp/t_basic.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f t_basic.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv t_basic.d.tmp t_basic.d --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION nfs.o --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-lib --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_buffer.o --- dependall-sys --- /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x nfs.o --- dependall-tests --- --- regress_bufferevent.o --- # compile libevent/regress_bufferevent.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBEVENT_CRYPTO -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-sys --- --- tftp.o --- # compile sa/tftp.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_NO_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o tftp.o --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-net --- --- .depend --- # create carp/.depend rm -f .depend CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -s .o\ .ln -d -f .depend t_basic.d --- dependall-external --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION data_redirect.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x data_redirect.o --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall --- --- dependall-external --- --- db_common.o --- # compile global/db_common.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o db_common.o --- dependall-bsd --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ntp_io.o --- ntp_leapsec.o --- # compile ntpd/ntp_leapsec.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_DNSREGISTRATION=1 -DOPENSSL -DWANT_IPV6 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-tests --- --- .gdbinit --- rm -f .gdbinit echo "set solib-absolute-prefix /tmp/bracket/build/2014." > .gdbinit --- Atffile --- # create carp/Atffile --- t_basic.o --- --- dependall-usr.bin --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION pigz.o --- dependall-tests --- # compile carp/t_basic.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-usr.bin --- --- yarn.o --- # compile pigz/yarn.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION tftp.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x tftp.o --- ffsv1.o --- # compile sa/ffsv1.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_NO_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o ffsv1.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION yarn.o --- pigz --- # link pigz/pigz /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o pigz pigz.o yarn.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lz -lpthread : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o pigz pigz.o yarn.o --- dependall-rump_allserver --- dependall ===> usr.bin/rump_allserver --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION db_common.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x db_common.o --- debug_peer.o --- # compile global/debug_peer.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o debug_peer.o --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ffsv1.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x ffsv1.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- --- rump_allserver.d --- --- dependall-sys --- --- ffsv2.o --- # compile sa/ffsv2.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_NO_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o ffsv2.o --- dependall-tests --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION t_basic.o --- t_basic --- # link carp/t_basic /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o t_basic t_basic.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread -latf-c : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o t_basic t_basic.o --- dependall-icmp --- dependall ===> tests/net/icmp --- t_forward.d --- # create icmp/t_forward.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f t_forward.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv t_forward.d.tmp t_forward.d --- dependall-external --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION debug_peer.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x debug_peer.o --- debug_process.o --- # compile global/debug_process.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o debug_process.o --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1. checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1. checking target system type... x86_64--netbsd checking LIBRARY_PATH variable... ok checking GCC_EXEC_PREFIX variable... ok --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-lib --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_bufferevent.o --- regress_listener.o --- # compile libevent/regress_listener.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBEVENT_CRYPTO -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-net --- --- t_ping.d --- # create icmp/t_ping.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f t_ping.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv t_ping.d.tmp t_ping.d --- dependall-external --- checking whether to place generated files in the source directory... no checking whether a default linker was specified... no checking whether a default assembler was specified... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-gcc... cc --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION debug_process.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x debug_process.o --- defer.o --- # compile global/defer.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o defer.o --- dependall-bsd --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ntp_leapsec.o --- ntp_loopfilter.o --- # compile ntpd/ntp_loopfilter.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_DNSREGISTRATION=1 -DOPENSSL -DWANT_IPV6 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ffsv2.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x ffsv2.o --- lfsv1.o --- # compile sa/lfsv1.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_NO_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o lfsv1.o --- dependall-tests --- --- .depend --- # create icmp/.depend rm -f .depend CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -s .o\ .ln -d -f .depend t_forward.d t_ping.d --- dependall --- --- .gdbinit --- rm -f .gdbinit echo "set solib-absolute-prefix /tmp/bracket/build/2014." > .gdbinit --- Atffile --- # create icmp/Atffile --- t_forward.o --- # compile icmp/t_forward.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION defer.o --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling... no --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-lib --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_listener.o --- regress_zlib.o --- # compile libevent/regress_zlib.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBEVENT_CRYPTO -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-ibm-public --- /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x defer.o --- deliver_completed.o --- --- dependall-usr.bin --- # create rump_allserver/rump_allserver.d --- dependall-external --- # compile global/deliver_completed.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o deliver_completed.o --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for suffix of executables... --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION lfsv1.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x lfsv1.o --- lfsv2.o --- # compile sa/lfsv2.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_NO_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o lfsv2.o --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION deliver_completed.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x deliver_completed.o --- deliver_flock.o --- # compile global/deliver_flock.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o deliver_flock.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f rump_allserver.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv rump_allserver.d.tmp rump_allserver.d --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-net --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION t_forward.o --- t_ping.o --- # compile icmp/t_ping.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-lib --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_zlib.o --- regress_et.o --- --- dependall-usr.bin --- --- .depend --- --- dependall-tests --- # compile libevent/regress_et.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- # create rump_allserver/.depend --- dependall-tests --- /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBEVENT_CRYPTO -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-usr.bin --- rm -f .depend CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -s .o\ .ln -d -f .depend rump_allserver.d --- dependall-external --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION deliver_flock.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x deliver_flock.o --- deliver_pass.o --- # compile global/deliver_pass.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o deliver_pass.o --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for suffix of object files... o --- dependall-bsd --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ntp_loopfilter.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- --- dependall --- --- dependall-external --- --- ntp_monitor.o --- --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION lfsv2.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x lfsv2.o --- cd9660.o --- # compile sa/cd9660.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_N--- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes --- dependall-sys --- O_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. dependall-external --- --- dependall-bsd --- # compile ntpd/ntp_monitor.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_DNSREGISTRATION=1 -DOPENSSL -DWANT_IPV6 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-usr.sbin --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION moused.o --- moused --- # link moused/moused /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o moused moused.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib --- dependall-usr.bin --- --- .gdbinit --- rm -f .gdbinit echo "set solib-absolute-prefix /tmp/bracket/build/2014." > .gdbinit --- rump_allserver.html1 --- # format rump_allserver/rump_allserver.html1 if test "" != "yes"; then /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Thtml -Oman=../html%S/%N.html -Ostyle=../style.css /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > rump_allserver.html1.tmp && mv rump_allserver.html1.tmp rump_allserver.html1; else PATH=/tmp/bracket/build/2014.${PATH} /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Tlatin1 -mdoc2html /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > rump_allserver.html1.tmp && mv rump_allserver.html1.tmp rump_allserver.html1; fi --- rump_allserver.o --- --- dependall-usr.sbin --- : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o moused moused.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- # compile rump_allserver/rump_allserver.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wold-style-definition -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- dependall-mrinfo --- dependall ===> usr.sbin/mrinfo --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking whether cc accepts -g... yes --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- igmp.d --- # create mrinfo/igmp.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f igmp.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv igmp.d.tmp igmp.d --- dependall-external --- checking for cc option to accept ISO C89... none needed --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- inet.d --- # create mrinfo/inet.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f inet.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv inet.d.tmp inet.d --- dependall-tests --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_et.o --- regress_ssl.o --- # compile libevent/regress_ssl.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror -Wno-missing-noreturn --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBEVENT_CRYPTO -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-sys --- .c -o cd9660.o --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION deliver_pass.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x deliver_pass.o --- deliver_request.o --- # compile global/deliver_request.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o deliver_request.o --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- kern.d --- # create mrinfo/kern.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f kern.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv kern.d.tmp kern.d --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking whether cc understands -c and -o together... yes --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION cd9660.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x cd9660.o --- dependall-external --- checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-g++... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-c++... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-gpp... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-aCC... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-CC... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-cxx... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-cc++... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-cl.exe... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-FCC... no --- dependall-sys --- --- ustarfs.o --- --- dependall-external --- checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-KCC... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-RCC... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-xlC_r... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-xlC... no checking for g++... g++ --- dependall-sys --- # compile sa/ustarfs.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_N--- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-net --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION t_ping.o --- t_ping2 --- # build icmp/t_ping2 echo '#! /usr/bin/atf-sh' >t_ping2.tmp cat /tmp/bracket/build/2014. >>t_ping2.tmp chmod +x t_ping2.tmp --- dependall-sys --- O_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o ustarfs.o --- dependall-tests --- mv t_ping2.tmp t_ping2 --- t_forward --- # link icmp/t_forward /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o t_forward t_forward.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread -latf-c --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- mrinfo.d --- # create mrinfo/mrinfo.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f mrinfo.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv mrinfo.d.tmp mrinfo.d --- dependall-tests --- : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o t_forward t_forward.o --- t_ping --- --- dependall-external --- checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes --- dependall-tests --- # link icmp/t_ping /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o t_ping t_ping.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread -latf-c --- dependall-external --- checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-gnatbind... no checking for gnatbind... no checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-gnatmake... no checking for gnatmake... no checking whether compiler driver understands Ada... no --- dependall-tests --- : ctfmerge -S 1 -g -t -L VERSION -o t_ping t_ping.o --- dependall-if --- dependall ===> tests/net/if --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- .depend --- # create mrinfo/.depend rm -f .depend CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -s .o\ .ln -d -f .depend igmp.d inet.d kern.d mrinfo.d --- dependall --- --- dependall-tests --- --- t_compat.d --- # create if/t_compat.d CC=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -f t_compat.d.tmp -- --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. && mv t_compat.d.tmp t_compat.d --- dependall-usr.bin --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION rump_allserver.o --- rump_allserver --- # link rump_allserver/rump_allserver /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o rump_allserver rump_allserver.o -Wl,-rpath-link,/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -L=/lib -lrumpdev_audio -lrumpdev_bpf -lrumpdev_cgd -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_dm -lrumpdev_drvctl -lrumpdev_fss -lrumpdev_md -lrumpdev_netsmb -lrumpdev_pad -lrumpdev_pud -lrumpdev_putter -lrumpdev_raidframe -lrumpdev_rnd -lrumpdev_scsipi -lrumpdev_scsitest -lrumpdev_sysmon -lrumpdev_wscons -lrumpdev_opencrypto -lrumpfs_cd9660 -lrumpfs_efs -lrumpfs_ext2fs -lrumpfs_fdesc -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_hfs -lrumpfs_kernfs -lrumpfs_lfs -lrumpfs_mfs -lrumpfs_msdos -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nilfs -lrumpfs_ntfs -lrumpfs_null -lrumpfs_ptyfs -lrumpfs_smbfs -lrumpfs_syspuffs -lrumpfs_sysvbfs -lrumpfs_tmpfs -lrumpfs_udf -lrumpfs_umap -lrumpfs_union -lrumpfs_v7fs -lrumpfs_zfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -lrumpvfs_fifofs -lrumpvfs_layerfs -lrumpkern_crypto -lrumpkern_tty -lrumpkern_z -lrumpkern--- dependall-external --- checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E --- dependall-usr.bin --- _sljit -lrumpkern_solaris -lrumpnet_agr -lrumpnet_bridge -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_net80211 -lrumpnet_netbt -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_netinet6 -lrumpnet_netmpls -lrumpnet_npf -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpnet_bpfjit -lrumpnet_virtif -lrumpdev -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- .gdbinit --- rm -f .gdbinit echo "set solib-absolute-prefix /tmp/bracket/build/2014." > .gdbinit --- mrinfo.html8 --- # format mrinfo/mrinfo.html8 if test "" != "yes"; then /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Thtml -Oman=../html%S/%N.html -Ostyle=../style.css /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > mrinfo.html8.tmp && mv mrinfo.html8.tmp mrinfo.html8; else PATH=/tmp/bracket/build/2014.${PATH} /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Tlatin1 -mdoc2html /tmp/bracket/build/2014. > mrinfo.html8.tmp && mv mrinfo.html8.tmp mrinfo.html8; fi --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ustarfs.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x ustarfs.o --- dependall-usr.sbin --- --- igmp.o --- # compile mrinfo/igmp.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-traditional -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-zero-length -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-sys --- --- dosfs.o --- # compile sa/dosfs.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-unwind-tables -std=gnu99 -Werror -m32 -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DBOOTXX_SECTORS=15 -DPRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x1000 -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x10000 -DXXfs_open=lfsv1_open -DXXfs_close=lfsv1_close -DXXfs_read=lfsv1_read -DXXfs_stat=lfsv1_stat -DFS=lfsv1 -DNO_LBA_CHECK -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DLIBSA_SINGLE_FILESYSTEM=xxfs -DLIBSA_NO_TWIDDLE -DLIBSA_NO_FD_CHECKING -DLIBSA_NO_RAW_ACCESS -DLIBSA_N--- dependall-external --- checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep --- dependall-sys --- O_FS_WRITE -DLIBSA_NO_FS_SEEK -DLIBSA_SINGLE_DEVICE=blkdev -DLIBKERN_OPTIMISE_SPACE -D"blkdevioctl(x,y,z)=EINVAL" -D"blkdevclose(f)=0" -D"devopen(f,n,fl)=(*(fl)=(void *)n,0)" -DLIBSA_NO_DISKLABEL_MSGS -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DCOMPAT_UFS --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -Wno-pointer-sign -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. dependall-external --- checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION deliver_request.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x deliver_request.o --- delivered_hdr.o --- # compile global/delivered_hdr.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -O2 -std=gnu99 -Werror --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DNETBSD4 -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2014. -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_SASLC_SASL -DDEF_CLIENT_SASL_TYPE=\"saslc\" -DUSE_TLS -DHAS_SQLITE -DHAS_LDAP -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/html/postfix\" -DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\"/usr/share/examples/postfix\" -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\" -c /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -o delivered_hdr.o --- dependall-usr.bin --- /tmp/bracket/build/2014. undefined reference to `rumpns_cpu_bootconf' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status *** [rump_allserver] Error code 1 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-rump_allserver] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-usr.bin] Error code 2 nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-tests --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-if] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-net] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for ANSI C header files... yes --- dependall-tests --- --- dependall-lib --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION regress_ssl.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-ibm-public --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION delivered_hdr.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x delivered_hdr.o --- dependall-tests --- *** [dependall-libevent] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-lib] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 2 errors nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-tests] Error code 2 nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[10]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-global] Error code 2 nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-lib] Error code 2 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-postfix] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-ibm-public] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-usr.sbin --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION igmp.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-mrinfo] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-usr.sbin] Error code 2 nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for sys/types.h... yes --- dependall-sys --- c -o dosfs.o --- dependall-external --- checking for sys/stat.h... yes --- dependall-bsd --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION ntp_monitor.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[10]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-ntpd] Error code 2 nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-bin] Error code 2 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-ntp] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-bsd] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-gpl3 --- checking for stdlib.h... yes --- dependall-sys --- : ctfconvert -g -L VERSION dosfs.o /tmp/bracket/build/2014. -x dosfs.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[12]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [/tmp/bracket/build/2014.] Error code 2 nbmake[11]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[11]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall] Error code 2 nbmake[10]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[10]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-bootxx_lfsv1] Error code 2 nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-bootxx] Error code 2 nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-../i386/stand] Error code 2 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-amd64] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-arch] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-sys] Error code 2 nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. --- dependall-external --- checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking minix/config.h usability... no checking minix/config.h presence... no checking for minix/config.h... no checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E checking for inline... inline checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... no checking size of void *... 8 checking size of short... 2 checking size of int... 4 checking size of long... 8 checking for long long... yes checking size of long long... 8 checking for __int64... no checking for int8_t... yes checking for int16_t... yes checking for int32_t... yes checking for int64_t... yes checking for long long int... yes checking for intmax_t... yes checking for intptr_t... yes checking for uint8_t... yes checking for uint16_t... yes checking for uint32_t... yes checking for uint64_t... yes checking for unsigned long long int... yes checking for uintmax_t... yes checking for uintptr_t... yes checking whether cc supports -W... yes checking whether cc supports -Wall... yes checking whether cc supports -Wnarrowing... no checking whether cc supports -Wwrite-strings... yes checking whether cc supports -Wcast-qual... yes checking whether cc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes checking whether cc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes checking whether cc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes checking whether cc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes checking whether cc supports -Wc++-compat... yes checking whether cc supports -pedantic -Wlong-long -Wvariadic-macros -Woverlength-strings... yes checking whether cc supports -fno-exceptions... yes checking whether cc supports -fno-rtti... yes checking whether cc supports -fasynchronous-unwind-tables... yes checking valgrind.h usability... no checking valgrind.h presence... no checking for valgrind.h... no checking for multiarch configuration... no, disabled auto check (cross build configured without --with-sysroot) configure: WARNING: decimal float is not supported for this target, ignored configure: WARNING: fixed-point is not supported for this target, ignored checking whether /tmp/bracket/build/2014. sets $(MAKE)... yes checking for gawk... /tmp/bracket/build/2014. checking whether ln -s works... yes checking whether ln works... yes checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-ranlib... no checking for ranlib... ranlib checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking for cmp's capabilities... fastcompare checking for mktemp... yes checking for makeinfo... makeinfo checking for modern makeinfo... yes checking for recent Pod::Man... no checking for flex... flex checking for bison... no checking for nm... nm checking for ar... ar checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes checking whether string.h and strings.h may both be included... yes checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible... yes checking for limits.h... yes checking for stddef.h... yes checking for string.h... (cached) yes checking for strings.h... (cached) yes checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes checking for time.h... yes checking for iconv.h... yes checking for fcntl.h... yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking for sys/file.h... yes checking for sys/time.h... yes checking for sys/mman.h... yes checking for sys/resource.h... yes checking for sys/param.h... yes checking for sys/times.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes checking for direct.h... no checking for malloc.h... yes checking for langinfo.h... yes checking for ldfcn.h... no checking for locale.h... yes checking for wchar.h... yes checking for thread.h... no checking for pthread.h... yes checking for CHAR_BIT... yes checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E checking for unordered_map... no checking for tr1/unordered_map... yes checking for ext/hash_map... yes checking for collect2 libraries... none required checking for library containing exc_resume... no checking for library containing kstat_open... no checking for library containing ldexp... none required checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for times... yes checking for clock... yes checking for kill... yes checking for getrlimit... yes checking for setrlimit... yes checking for atoll... yes checking for atoq... no checking for sysconf... yes checking for strsignal... yes checking for getrusage... yes checking for nl_langinfo... yes checking for gettimeofday... yes checking for mbstowcs... yes checking for wcswidth... yes checking for mmap... yes checking for setlocale... yes checking for clearerr_unlocked... no checking for feof_unlocked... no checking for ferror_unlocked... no checking for fflush_unlocked... no checking for fgetc_unlocked... no checking for fgets_unlocked... no checking for fileno_unlocked... no checking for fprintf_unlocked... no checking for fputc_unlocked... no checking for fputs_unlocked... no checking for fread_unlocked... no checking for fwrite_unlocked... no checking for getchar_unlocked... yes checking for getc_unlocked... yes checking for putchar_unlocked... yes checking for putc_unlocked... yes checking for madvise... yes checking whether mbstowcs works... yes checking for ssize_t... yes checking for caddr_t... yes checking for sys/mman.h... (cached) yes checking for mmap... (cached) yes checking whether read-only mmap of a plain file works... yes checking whether mmap from /dev/zero works... yes checking for MAP_ANON(YMOUS)... yes checking whether mmap with MAP_ANON(YMOUS) works... yes checking for pid_t... yes checking for vfork.h... no checking for fork... yes checking for vfork... yes checking for working fork... yes checking for working vfork... (cached) yes checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/bin/ld checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for shared library run path origin... done checking for iconv... yes checking for iconv declaration... install-shextern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, const char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); checking for LC_MESSAGES... yes checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET... yes checking whether getenv is declared... yes checking whether atol is declared... yes checking whether asprintf is declared... yes checking whether sbrk is declared... yes checking whether abort is declared... yes checking whether atof is declared... yes checking whether getcwd is declared... yes checking whether getwd is declared... yes checking whether strsignal is declared... yes checking whether strstr is declared... yes checking whether stpcpy is declared... yes checking whether strverscmp is declared... no checking whether errno is declared... yes checking whether snprintf is declared... yes checking whether vsnprintf is declared... yes checking whether vasprintf is declared... yes checking whether malloc is declared... yes checking whether realloc is declared... yes checking whether calloc is declared... yes checking whether free is declared... yes checking whether basename is declared... no checking whether getopt is declared... yes checking whether clock is declared... yes checking whether getpagesize is declared... yes checking whether ffs is declared... yes checking whether clearerr_unlocked is declared... no checking whether feof_unlocked is declared... no checking whether ferror_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fflush_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fgetc_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fgets_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fileno_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fprintf_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fputc_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fputs_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fread_unlocked is declared... no checking whether fwrite_unlocked is declared... no checking whether getchar_unlocked is declared... yes checking whether getc_unlocked is declared... yes checking whether putchar_unlocked is declared... yes checking whether putc_unlocked is declared... yes checking whether getrlimit is declared... yes checking whether setrlimit is declared... yes checking whether getrusage is declared... yes checking whether ldgetname is declared... no checking whether times is declared... yes checking whether sigaltstack is declared... yes checking whether madvise is declared... no checking for struct tms... yes checking for clock_t... yes checking for F_SETLKW... yes checking if mkdir takes one argument... no Using `/tmp/bracket/build/2014.' for machine-specific logic. Using `/tmp/bracket/build/2014.' as machine description file. Using the following target machine macro files: /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. /tmp/bracket/build/2014. Using host-netbsd.o for host machine hooks. checking whether NLS is requested... no checking how to print strings... print: not found printf checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F checking for ld used by cc... /usr/bin/ld checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... nm checking the name lister (nm) interface... BSD nm checking whether ln -s works... yes checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 196608 checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes checking whether the shell understands "+="... no checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-objdump... no checking for objdump... objdump checking how to recognize dependent libraries... match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so|_pic\.a)$ checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-ar... (cached) ar checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-strip... no checking for strip... strip checking for x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1.-ranlib... ranlib checking command to parse nm output from cc object... ok checking for dlfcn.h... yes checking for objdir... .libs checking if cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no checking for cc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC checking if cc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes checking if cc static flag -static works... yes checking if cc supports -c -o file.o... yes checking if cc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes checking whether the cc linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no checking dynamic linker characteristics... NetBSD ld.elf_so checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes checking whether to build shared libraries... yes checking whether to build static libraries... yes checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E checking for ld used by g++... /usr/bin/ld checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC checking if g++ PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes checking if g++ static flag -static works... yes checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking dynamic linker characteristics... NetBSD ld.elf_so checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate checking what assembler to use... /tmp/bracket/build/2014. checking whether we are using gold... no checking what linker to use... /tmp/bracket/build/2014. checking what nm to use... checking what objdump to use... not found checking for readelf... /usr/bin/readelf checking what readelf to use... /usr/bin/readelf checking assembler flags... checking assembler for .balign and .p2align... yes checking assembler for .p2align with maximum skip... yes checking assembler for .literal16... no checking assembler for working .subsection -1... no checking assembler for .weak... yes checking assembler for .weakref... yes checking assembler for .nsubspa comdat... no checking assembler for .hidden... yes checking linker for .hidden support... yes checking linker read-only and read-write section mixing... unknown checking for .preinit_array/.init_array/.fini_array support... checking cross compile... guessing... no checking assembler for .sleb128 and .uleb128... yes checking assembler for cfi directives... yes checking assembler for cfi personality directive... yes checking assembler for cfi sections directive... yes checking assembler for eh_frame optimization... buggy checking assembler for section merging support... yes checking assembler for COMDAT group support (GNU as)... yes checking assembler for line table discriminator support... yes checking assembler for thread-local storage support... yes checking linker -Bstatic/-Bdynamic option... yes checking linker --demangle support... yes checking linker plugin support... 0 checking assembler for filds and fists mnemonics... yes checking assembler for fildq and fistpq mnemonics... yes checking assembler for cmov syntax... no checking assembler for ffreep mnemonic... yes checking assembler for .quad directive... yes checking assembler for sahf mnemonic... yes checking assembler for hle prefixes... yes checking assembler for swap suffix... yes checking assembler for different section symbol subtraction... yes checking assembler for GOTOFF in data... yes checking assembler for rep and lock prefix... yes checking assembler for ud2 mnemonic... yes checking assembler for R_386_TLS_GD_PLT reloc... no checking assembler for R_386_TLS_LDM_PLT reloc... no checking assembler for dwarf2 debug_line support... no checking assembler for buggy dwarf2 .file directive... no checking assembler for --gdwarf2 option... yes checking assembler for --gstabs option... yes checking assembler for --debug-prefix-map option... yes checking assembler for .lcomm with alignment... no checking assembler for gnu_unique_object... yes checking assembler for tolerance to line number 0... yes checking linker PT_GNU_EH_FRAME support... yes checking linker position independent executable support... yes checking linker EH-compatible garbage collection of sections... no checking linker EH garbage collection of sections bug... no checking linker --as-needed support... yes checking linker --build-id support... yes checking linker *_sol2 emulation support... no checking linker --sysroot support... yes checking __stack_chk_fail in target C library... checking for __stack_chk_fail... yes yes checking sys/sdt.h in the target C library... no checking dl_iterate_phdr in target C library... unknown checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no Links are now set up to build a cross-compiler from x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.1. to x86_64--netbsd. checking for exported symbols... yes checking for -rdynamic... yes checking for library containing dlopen... none required checking for -fPIC -shared... yes configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating as config.status: creating collect-ld config.status: creating nm config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating auto-host.h config.status: executing default commands A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake[9]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-backend] Error code 2 nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[8]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-usr.bin] Error code 2 nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-gcc] Error code 2 nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-gpl3] Error code 2 nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 3 errors nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [dependall-external] Error code 2 nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 5 errors nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [do-build] Error code 2 nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [build] Error code 2 nbmake[2]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[2]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [distribution] Error code 2 nbmake[1]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake[1]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. *** [release] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2014. ERROR: Failed to make release *** BUILD ABORTED *** 2528.77 real 8382.68 user 3817.48 sys