Last 2000 lines of build log: (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-brconfig --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f machine x86 .depend mbr.d mbr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- cleandir-libgcc_eh --- --- cleandir-bin --- rm -f csh1.png csh2.png csh3.png csh4.png csh5.png csh6.png csh7.png csh8.png csh9.png [eE]rrs mklog --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lamu.ln hasmntopt.ln misc_rpc.ln mount_fs.ln mtab.ln mtab_bsd.ln nfs_prot_xdr.ln strutil.ln transp_sockets.ln ualarm.ln umount_bsd44.ln wire.ln xdr_func.ln xutil.ln || true) --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend dis_tables.d dt_aggregate.d dt_as.d dt_buf.d dt_cc.d dt_cg.d dt_consume.d dt_decl.d dt_dis.d dt_dof.d dt_error.d dt_errtags.d dt_grammar.d dt_handle.d dt_ident.d dt_inttab.d dt_isadep.d dt_lex.d dt_link.d dt_list.d dt_map.d dt_module.d dt_names.d dt_open.d dt_options.d dt_parser.d dt_pcb.d dt_pid.d dt_pq.d dt_pragma.d dt_print.d dt_printf.d dt_proc.d dt_program.d dt_provider.d dt_regset.d dt_string.d dt_strtab.d dt_subr.d dt_sugar.d dt_work.d dt_xlator.d gmatch.d dis_tables.d.tmp dt_aggregate.d.tmp dt_as.d.tmp dt_buf.d.tmp dt_cc.d.tmp dt_cg.d.tmp dt_consume.d.tmp dt_decl.d.tmp dt_dis.d.tmp dt_dof.d.tmp dt_error.d.tmp dt_errtags.d.tmp dt_grammar.d.tmp dt_handle.d.tmp dt_ident.d.tmp dt_inttab.d.tmp dt_isadep.d.tmp dt_lex.d.tmp dt_link.d.tmp dt_list.d.tmp dt_map.d.tmp dt_module.d.tmp dt_names.d.tmp dt_open.d.tmp dt_options.d.tmp dt_parser.d.tmp dt_pcb.d.tmp dt_pid.d.tmp dt_pq.d.tmp dt_pragma.d.tmp dt_print.d.tmp dt_printf.d.tmp dt_proc.d.tmp dt_program.d.tmp dt_provider.d.tmp dt_regset.d.tmp dt_string.d.tmp dt_strtab.d.tmp dt_subr.d.tmp dt_sugar.d.tmp dt_work.d.tmp dt_xlator.d.tmp gmatch.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-ultrix --- --- cleandir-compat --- cleandir ===> compat/amd64/i386/../../../lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc/libgcc_eh --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/brconfig --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f aout2hux.html1 bellctrl.html1 loadfont.html1 loadkmap.html1 palette.html1 tvctrl.html1 || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- cleandir ===> libexec/lfs_cleanerd --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-date --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/emul/ultrix --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdiff_g.a || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man3lua --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh_p.a || true) --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> bin/date --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-apmd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl5000 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-expr --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-mbr_com0 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend parser.d qop.d qop_blue.d qop_cbq.d qop_cdnr.d qop_conf.d qop_dummy.d qop_errlist.d qop_fifoq.d qop_hfsc.d qop_jobs.d qop_priq.d qop_red.d qop_rio.d qop_wfq.d quip_server.d parser.d.tmp qop.d.tmp qop_blue.d.tmp qop_cbq.d.tmp qop_cdnr.d.tmp qop_conf.d.tmp qop_dummy.d.tmp qop_errlist.d.tmp qop_fifoq.d.tmp qop_hfsc.d.tmp qop_jobs.d.tmp qop_priq.d.tmp qop_red.d.tmp qop_rio.d.tmp qop_wfq.d.tmp quip_server.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-etc --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-expat --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-mail.local --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl5000 --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-apmd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f apmd.html8 || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/arch/amd64/../i386/stand/mbr/mbr_com0 --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/bin/expr --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- cleandir ===> share/man/man3lua --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f buildinf.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core libcrypto.pc || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-lfs_cleanerd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit lfs_cleanerd lfs_cleanerd.o fdfs.o coalesce.o cleansrv.o lfs_cksum.o bufcache.o vnode.o lfs.o kernelops.o lfs_cleanerd.ln fdfs.ln coalesce.ln cleansrv.ln lfs_cksum.ln bufcache.ln vnode.ln lfs.ln kernelops.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit/expat --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-mail.local --- cleandir ===> libexec/mail.local --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-drti --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/emul/ultrix/etc --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend dis-buf.d dis-init.d disassemble.d i386-dis.d i386-opc.d dis-buf.d.tmp dis-init.d.tmp disassemble.d.tmp i386-dis.d.tmp i386-opc.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit brconfig brconfig.o brconfig.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit date date.o netdate.o date.ln netdate.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4 --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f mbr_com0.tmp a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mbr_com0 mbr.o || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man3lua --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/lib/drti --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f config_local.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend audio.d decode.d sun.d wav.d audio.d.tmp decode.d.tmp sun.d.tmp wav.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-arp --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdiff_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh.a unwind-dw2.o unwind-dw2-fde-dip.o unwind-sjlj.o unwind-c.o emutls.o empty.o unwind-dw2.o.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.o.tmp unwind-sjlj.o.tmp unwind-c.o.tmp emutls.o.tmp empty.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit/expat/lib --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- cleandir-altqd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl5150 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-lfs_cleanerd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-libbfd --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh_g.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-arp --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/arp --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-mail.local --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mail.local mail.local.o mail.local.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/altq/altqd --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f date.html1 .depend date.d netdate.d date.d.tmp netdate.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-lfs_cleanerd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f lfs_cleanerd.html8 .depend bufcache.d cleansrv.d coalesce.d fdfs.d kernelops.d lfs.d lfs_cksum.d lfs_cleanerd.d vnode.d bufcache.d.tmp cleansrv.d.tmp coalesce.d.tmp fdfs.d.tmp kernelops.d.tmp lfs.d.tmp lfs_cksum.d.tmp lfs_cleanerd.d.tmp vnode.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl3/binutils/lib/libbfd --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f bozohttpd.html3lua gpio.html3lua intro.html3lua netpgp.html3lua sqlite.html3lua syslog.html3lua || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl5150 --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f brconfig.html8 .depend brconfig.d brconfig.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f drti.o a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit drti.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ctl --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend allow.d board.d check.d fancy.d init.d odds.d one.d save.d subs.d table.d allow.d.tmp board.d.tmp check.d.tmp fancy.d.tmp init.d.tmp odds.d.tmp one.d.tmp save.d.tmp subs.d.tmp table.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-arp --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit arp arp.o arp_hostops.o arp.ln arp_hostops.ln rump.arp arp.o arp_rumpops.o arp.ln arp_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f t_expr t_expr.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2020. /tmp/build/2020. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f machine x86 .depend mbr.d mbr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend allascii.d alldig.d allprint.d allspace.d argv.d argv_attr_print.d argv_attr_scan.d argv_split.d argv_splitq.d attr_clnt.d attr_print0.d attr_print64.d attr_print_plain.d attr_scan0.d attr_scan64.d attr_scan_plain.d auto_clnt.d balpar.d base32_code.d base64_code.d basename.d binhash.d byte_mask.d casefold.d chroot_uid.d cidr_match.d clean_env.d close_on_exec.d concatenate.d ctable.d dict.d dict_alloc.d dict_cache.d dict_cdb.d dict_cidr.d dict_db.d dict_dbm.d dict_debug.d dict_env.d dict_fail.d dict_file.d dict_ht.d dict_inline.d dict_lmdb.d dict_ni.d dict_nis.d dict_nisplus.d dict_open.d dict_pcre.d dict_pipe.d dict_random.d dict_regexp.d dict_sdbm.d dict_sockmap.d dict_static.d dict_surrogate.d dict_tcp.d dict_test.d dict_thash.d dict_union.d dict_unix.d dict_utf8.d dir_forest.d doze.d dummy_read.d 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dup2_pass_on_exec.d.tmp duplex_pipe.d.tmp edit_file.d.tmp environ.d.tmp events.d.tmp exec_command.d.tmp extpar.d.tmp fifo_listen.d.tmp fifo_open.d.tmp fifo_rdonly_bug.d.tmp fifo_rdwr_bug.d.tmp fifo_trigger.d.tmp file_limit.d.tmp find_inet.d.tmp format_tv.d.tmp fsspace.d.tmp fullname.d.tmp get_domainname.d.tmp get_hostname.d.tmp hex_code.d.tmp hex_quote.d.tmp host_port.d.tmp htable.d.tmp inet_addr_host.d.tmp inet_addr_list.d.tmp inet_addr_local.d.tmp inet_connect.d.tmp inet_listen.d.tmp inet_proto.d.tmp inet_trigger.d.tmp inet_windowsize.d.tmp ip_match.d.tmp killme_after.d.tmp line_number.d.tmp line_wrap.d.tmp load_file.d.tmp load_lib.d.tmp logwriter.d.tmp lowercase.d.tmp lstat_as.d.tmp mac_expand.d.tmp mac_parse.d.tmp make_dirs.d.tmp mask_addr.d.tmp match_list.d.tmp match_ops.d.tmp midna_domain.d.tmp msg.d.tmp msg_logger.d.tmp msg_output.d.tmp msg_rate_delay.d.tmp msg_syslog.d.tmp msg_vstream.d.tmp mvect.d.tmp myaddrinfo.d.tmp myflock.d.tmp mymalloc.d.tmp myrand.d.tmp mystrtok.d.tmp 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m_blake2b.d m_blake2s.d m_md2.d m_md4.d m_md5.d m_md5_sha1.d m_mdc2.d m_null.d m_ripemd.d m_sha1.d m_sha3.d m_sigver.d m_sm3.d m_wp.d md4_dgst.d md4_one.d md5-x86_64.d md5_dgst.d md5_one.d mdc2_one.d mdc2dgst.d mem.d mem_dbg.d mem_sec.d n_pkey.d names.d nsseq.d o_dir.d o_fips.d o_fopen.d o_init.d o_names.d o_str.d o_time.d obj_dat.d obj_err.d obj_lib.d obj_xref.d ocb128.d ocsp_asn.d ocsp_cl.d ocsp_err.d ocsp_ext.d ocsp_ht.d ocsp_lib.d ocsp_prn.d ocsp_srv.d ocsp_vfy.d ofb128.d ofb64ede.d ofb64enc.d ofb_enc.d p12_add.d p12_asn.d p12_attr.d p12_crpt.d p12_crt.d p12_decr.d p12_init.d p12_key.d p12_kiss.d p12_mutl.d p12_npas.d p12_p8d.d p12_p8e.d p12_sbag.d p12_utl.d p5_crpt.d p5_crpt2.d p5_pbe.d p5_pbev2.d p5_scrypt.d p8_pkey.d p_dec.d p_enc.d p_lib.d p_open.d p_seal.d p_sign.d p_verify.d pbe_scrypt.d pcbc_enc.d pcy_cache.d pcy_data.d pcy_lib.d pcy_map.d pcy_node.d pcy_tree.d pem_all.d pem_err.d pem_info.d pem_lib.d pem_oth.d pem_pk8.d pem_pkey.d pem_sign.d pem_x509.d pem_xaux.d pk12err.d pk7_asn1.d pk7_attr.d pk7_doit.d pk7_lib.d pk7_mime.d pk7_smime.d pkcs7err.d pmeth_fn.d pmeth_gn.d pmeth_lib.d poly1305-x86_64.d poly1305.d poly1305_ameth.d poly1305_pmeth.d pvkfmt.d qud_cksm.d rand_egd.d rand_err.d rand_key.d rand_lib.d rand_unix.d rand_vms.d rand_win.d randfile.d rc2_cbc.d rc2_ecb.d rc2_skey.d rc2cfb64.d rc2ofb64.d rc4-md5-x86_64.d rc4-x86_64.d rmd_dgst.d rmd_one.d rsa_ameth.d rsa_asn1.d rsa_chk.d rsa_crpt.d rsa_depr.d rsa_err.d rsa_gen.d rsa_lib.d rsa_meth.d rsa_mp.d rsa_none.d rsa_oaep.d rsa_ossl.d rsa_pk1.d rsa_pmeth.d rsa_prn.d rsa_pss.d rsa_saos.d rsa_sign.d rsa_ssl.d rsa_x931.d rsa_x931g.d rsaz-avx2.d rsaz-x86_64.d rsaz_exp.d scalar.d scrypt.d seed.d seed_cbc.d seed_cfb.d seed_ecb.d seed_ofb.d set_key.d sha1-mb-x86_64.d sha1-x86_64.d sha1_one.d sha1dgst.d siphash.d siphash_ameth.d siphash_pmeth.d sm2_crypt.d sm2_err.d sm2_pmeth.d sm2_sign.d sm3.d sm4.d srp_lib.d srp_vfy.d stack.d store_err.d store_init.d store_lib.d store_register.d store_strings.d str2key.d t_bitst.d t_crl.d t_pkey.d t_req.d t_spki.d t_x509.d tasn_dec.d tasn_enc.d tasn_fre.d tasn_new.d tasn_prn.d tasn_scn.d tasn_typ.d tasn_utl.d tb_asnmth.d tb_cipher.d tb_dh.d tb_digest.d tb_dsa.d tb_eckey.d tb_pkmeth.d tb_rand.d tb_rsa.d threads_none.d threads_pthread.d threads_win.d tls1_prf.d ts_asn1.d ts_conf.d ts_err.d ts_lib.d ts_req_print.d ts_req_utils.d ts_rsp_print.d ts_rsp_sign.d ts_rsp_utils.d ts_rsp_verify.d ts_verify_ctx.d txt_db.d ui_err.d ui_lib.d ui_null.d ui_openssl.d ui_util.d uid.d v3_addr.d v3_admis.d v3_akey.d v3_akeya.d v3_alt.d v3_asid.d v3_bcons.d v3_bitst.d v3_conf.d v3_cpols.d v3_crld.d v3_enum.d v3_extku.d v3_genn.d v3_ia5.d v3_info.d v3_int.d v3_lib.d v3_ncons.d v3_ocsp.d v3_pci.d v3_pcia.d v3_pcons.d v3_pku.d v3_pmaps.d v3_prn.d v3_purp.d v3_skey.d v3_sxnet.d v3_tlsf.d v3_utl.d v3err.d vpaes-x86_64.d wp-x86_64.d wp_dgst.d wrap128.d x25519-x86_64.d x509_att.d x509_cmp.d x509_d2.d x509_def.d x509_err.d x509_ext.d x509_lu.d x509_meth.d x509_obj.d x509_r2x.d x509_req.d x509_set.d x509_trs.d x509_txt.d x509_v3.d x509_vfy.d x509_vpm.d x509cset.d x509name.d x509rset.d x509spki.d x509type.d x86_64-gcc.d x86_64-gf2m.d x86_64-mont.d x86_64-mont5.d x86_64cpuid.d x_algor.d x_all.d x_attrib.d x_bignum.d x_crl.d x_exten.d x_info.d x_int64.d x_long.d x_name.d x_pkey.d x_pubkey.d x_req.d x_sig.d x_spki.d x_val.d x_x509.d x_x509a.d xcbc_enc.d xts128.d a_bitstr.d.tmp a_d2i_fp.d.tmp a_digest.d.tmp a_dup.d.tmp a_gentm.d.tmp a_i2d_fp.d.tmp a_int.d.tmp a_mbstr.d.tmp a_object.d.tmp a_octet.d.tmp a_print.d.tmp a_sign.d.tmp a_strex.d.tmp a_strnid.d.tmp a_time.d.tmp a_type.d.tmp a_utctm.d.tmp a_utf8.d.tmp a_verify.d.tmp aes-x86_64.d.tmp aes_cfb.d.tmp aes_ecb.d.tmp aes_ige.d.tmp aes_misc.d.tmp aes_ofb.d.tmp aes_wrap.d.tmp aesni-mb-x86_64.d.tmp aesni-sha1-x86_64.d.tmp aesni-sha256-x86_64.d.tmp aesni-x86_64.d.tmp ameth_lib.d.tmp aria.d.tmp asn1_err.d.tmp asn1_gen.d.tmp asn1_item_list.d.tmp asn1_lib.d.tmp asn1_par.d.tmp asn_mime.d.tmp asn_moid.d.tmp asn_mstbl.d.tmp asn_pack.d.tmp async.d.tmp async_err.d.tmp async_posix.d.tmp async_wait.d.tmp b_addr.d.tmp b_dump.d.tmp b_print.d.tmp b_sock.d.tmp b_sock2.d.tmp bf_buff.d.tmp bf_cfb64.d.tmp bf_ecb.d.tmp bf_enc.d.tmp bf_lbuf.d.tmp bf_nbio.d.tmp bf_null.d.tmp bf_ofb64.d.tmp bf_skey.d.tmp bio_asn1.d.tmp bio_b64.d.tmp bio_cb.d.tmp bio_enc.d.tmp bio_err.d.tmp bio_lib.d.tmp bio_md.d.tmp bio_meth.d.tmp bio_ndef.d.tmp bio_ok.d.tmp bio_pk7.d.tmp blake2b.d.tmp blake2s.d.tmp bn_add.d.tmp bn_blind.d.tmp bn_const.d.tmp bn_ctx.d.tmp bn_depr.d.tmp bn_dh.d.tmp bn_div.d.tmp bn_err.d.tmp bn_exp.d.tmp bn_exp2.d.tmp bn_gcd.d.tmp bn_gf2m.d.tmp bn_intern.d.tmp bn_kron.d.tmp bn_lib.d.tmp bn_mod.d.tmp bn_mont.d.tmp bn_mpi.d.tmp bn_mul.d.tmp bn_nist.d.tmp bn_prime.d.tmp bn_print.d.tmp bn_rand.d.tmp bn_recp.d.tmp bn_shift.d.tmp bn_sqr.d.tmp bn_sqrt.d.tmp bn_srp.d.tmp bn_word.d.tmp bn_x931p.d.tmp bsaes-x86_64.d.tmp bss_acpt.d.tmp bss_bio.d.tmp bss_conn.d.tmp bss_dgram.d.tmp bss_fd.d.tmp bss_file.d.tmp bss_log.d.tmp bss_mem.d.tmp bss_null.d.tmp bss_sock.d.tmp buf_err.d.tmp buffer.d.tmp by_dir.d.tmp by_file.d.tmp c_allc.d.tmp c_alld.d.tmp c_cfb64.d.tmp c_ecb.d.tmp c_enc.d.tmp c_ofb64.d.tmp c_skey.d.tmp c_zlib.d.tmp cbc128.d.tmp cbc_cksm.d.tmp cbc_enc.d.tmp ccm128.d.tmp cfb128.d.tmp cfb64ede.d.tmp cfb64enc.d.tmp cfb_enc.d.tmp chacha-x86_64.d.tmp cm_ameth.d.tmp cm_pmeth.d.tmp cmac.d.tmp cmeth_lib.d.tmp cmll-x86_64.d.tmp cmll_cfb.d.tmp cmll_ctr.d.tmp cmll_ecb.d.tmp cmll_misc.d.tmp cmll_ofb.d.tmp cms_asn1.d.tmp cms_att.d.tmp cms_cd.d.tmp cms_dd.d.tmp cms_enc.d.tmp cms_env.d.tmp cms_err.d.tmp cms_ess.d.tmp cms_io.d.tmp cms_kari.d.tmp cms_lib.d.tmp cms_pwri.d.tmp cms_sd.d.tmp cms_smime.d.tmp comp_err.d.tmp comp_lib.d.tmp conf_api.d.tmp conf_def.d.tmp conf_err.d.tmp conf_lib.d.tmp conf_mall.d.tmp conf_mod.d.tmp conf_sap.d.tmp conf_ssl.d.tmp cpt_err.d.tmp cryptlib.d.tmp ct_b64.d.tmp ct_err.d.tmp ct_log.d.tmp ct_oct.d.tmp ct_policy.d.tmp ct_prn.d.tmp ct_sct.d.tmp ct_sct_ctx.d.tmp ct_vfy.d.tmp ct_x509v3.d.tmp ctr128.d.tmp cts128.d.tmp ctype.d.tmp curve25519.d.tmp curve448.d.tmp curve448_tables.d.tmp cversion.d.tmp d2i_pr.d.tmp d2i_pu.d.tmp des_enc.d.tmp dh_ameth.d.tmp dh_asn1.d.tmp dh_check.d.tmp dh_depr.d.tmp dh_err.d.tmp dh_gen.d.tmp dh_kdf.d.tmp dh_key.d.tmp dh_lib.d.tmp dh_meth.d.tmp dh_pmeth.d.tmp dh_prn.d.tmp dh_rfc5114.d.tmp dh_rfc7919.d.tmp digest.d.tmp drbg_ctr.d.tmp drbg_lib.d.tmp dsa_ameth.d.tmp dsa_asn1.d.tmp dsa_depr.d.tmp dsa_err.d.tmp dsa_gen.d.tmp dsa_key.d.tmp dsa_lib.d.tmp dsa_meth.d.tmp dsa_ossl.d.tmp dsa_pmeth.d.tmp dsa_prn.d.tmp dsa_sign.d.tmp dsa_vrf.d.tmp dso_dl.d.tmp dso_dlfcn.d.tmp dso_err.d.tmp dso_lib.d.tmp dso_openssl.d.tmp dso_vms.d.tmp dso_win32.d.tmp e_aes.d.tmp e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha1.d.tmp e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha256.d.tmp e_aria.d.tmp e_bf.d.tmp e_camellia.d.tmp e_cast.d.tmp e_chacha20_poly1305.d.tmp e_des.d.tmp e_des3.d.tmp e_idea.d.tmp e_null.d.tmp e_old.d.tmp e_rc2.d.tmp e_rc4.d.tmp e_rc4_hmac_md5.d.tmp e_rc5.d.tmp e_seed.d.tmp e_sm4.d.tmp e_xcbc_d.d.tmp ebcdic.d.tmp ec2_oct.d.tmp ec2_smpl.d.tmp ec_ameth.d.tmp ec_asn1.d.tmp ec_check.d.tmp ec_curve.d.tmp ec_cvt.d.tmp ec_err.d.tmp ec_key.d.tmp ec_kmeth.d.tmp ec_lib.d.tmp ec_mult.d.tmp ec_oct.d.tmp ec_pmeth.d.tmp ec_print.d.tmp ecb3_enc.d.tmp ecb_enc.d.tmp ecdh_kdf.d.tmp ecdh_ossl.d.tmp ecdsa_ossl.d.tmp ecdsa_sign.d.tmp ecdsa_vrf.d.tmp eck_prn.d.tmp ecp_mont.d.tmp ecp_nist.d.tmp ecp_nistp224.d.tmp ecp_nistp256.d.tmp ecp_nistp521.d.tmp ecp_nistputil.d.tmp ecp_nistz256-x86_64.d.tmp ecp_nistz256.d.tmp ecp_oct.d.tmp ecp_smpl.d.tmp ecx_meth.d.tmp eddsa.d.tmp encode.d.tmp eng_all.d.tmp eng_cnf.d.tmp eng_ctrl.d.tmp eng_devcrypto.d.tmp eng_dyn.d.tmp eng_err.d.tmp eng_fat.d.tmp eng_init.d.tmp eng_lib.d.tmp eng_list.d.tmp eng_openssl.d.tmp eng_pkey.d.tmp eng_rdrand.d.tmp eng_table.d.tmp err.d.tmp err_all.d.tmp err_prn.d.tmp evp_asn1.d.tmp evp_cnf.d.tmp evp_enc.d.tmp evp_err.d.tmp evp_key.d.tmp evp_lib.d.tmp evp_pbe.d.tmp evp_pkey.d.tmp ex_data.d.tmp f_generic.d.tmp f_impl.d.tmp f_int.d.tmp f_string.d.tmp fcrypt.d.tmp fcrypt_b.d.tmp gcm128.d.tmp getenv.d.tmp hkdf.d.tmp hm_ameth.d.tmp hm_pmeth.d.tmp hmac.d.tmp i2d_pr.d.tmp i2d_pu.d.tmp i_cbc.d.tmp i_cfb64.d.tmp i_ecb.d.tmp i_ofb64.d.tmp i_skey.d.tmp init.d.tmp kdf_err.d.tmp keccak1600-x86_64.d.tmp lh_stats.d.tmp lhash.d.tmp libc-sha256.d.tmp libc-sha2xx.d.tmp libc-sha512.d.tmp loader_file.d.tmp m_blake2b.d.tmp m_blake2s.d.tmp m_md2.d.tmp m_md4.d.tmp m_md5.d.tmp m_md5_sha1.d.tmp m_mdc2.d.tmp m_null.d.tmp m_ripemd.d.tmp m_sha1.d.tmp m_sha3.d.tmp m_sigver.d.tmp m_sm3.d.tmp m_wp.d.tmp md4_dgst.d.tmp md4_one.d.tmp md5-x86_64.d.tmp md5_dgst.d.tmp md5_one.d.tmp mdc2_one.d.tmp mdc2dgst.d.tmp mem.d.tmp mem_dbg.d.tmp mem_sec.d.tmp n_pkey.d.tmp names.d.tmp nsseq.d.tmp o_dir.d.tmp o_fips.d.tmp o_fopen.d.tmp o_init.d.tmp o_names.d.tmp o_str.d.tmp o_time.d.tmp obj_dat.d.tmp obj_err.d.tmp obj_lib.d.tmp obj_xref.d.tmp ocb128.d.tmp ocsp_asn.d.tmp ocsp_cl.d.tmp ocsp_err.d.tmp ocsp_ext.d.tmp ocsp_ht.d.tmp ocsp_lib.d.tmp ocsp_prn.d.tmp ocsp_srv.d.tmp ocsp_vfy.d.tmp ofb128.d.tmp ofb64ede.d.tmp ofb64enc.d.tmp ofb_enc.d.tmp p12_add.d.tmp p12_asn.d.tmp p12_attr.d.tmp p12_crpt.d.tmp p12_crt.d.tmp p12_decr.d.tmp p12_init.d.tmp p12_key.d.tmp p12_kiss.d.tmp p12_mutl.d.tmp p12_npas.d.tmp p12_p8d.d.tmp p12_p8e.d.tmp p12_sbag.d.tmp p12_utl.d.tmp p5_crpt.d.tmp p5_crpt2.d.tmp p5_pbe.d.tmp p5_pbev2.d.tmp p5_scrypt.d.tmp p8_pkey.d.tmp p_dec.d.tmp p_enc.d.tmp p_lib.d.tmp p_open.d.tmp p_seal.d.tmp p_sign.d.tmp p_verify.d.tmp pbe_scrypt.d.tmp pcbc_enc.d.tmp pcy_cache.d.tmp pcy_data.d.tmp pcy_lib.d.tmp pcy_map.d.tmp pcy_node.d.tmp pcy_tree.d.tmp pem_all.d.tmp pem_err.d.tmp pem_info.d.tmp pem_lib.d.tmp pem_oth.d.tmp pem_pk8.d.tmp pem_pkey.d.tmp pem_sign.d.tmp pem_x509.d.tmp pem_xaux.d.tmp pk12err.d.tmp pk7_asn1.d.tmp pk7_attr.d.tmp pk7_doit.d.tmp pk7_lib.d.tmp pk7_mime.d.tmp pk7_smime.d.tmp pkcs7err.d.tmp pmeth_fn.d.tmp pmeth_gn.d.tmp pmeth_lib.d.tmp poly1305-x86_64.d.tmp poly1305.d.tmp poly1305_ameth.d.tmp poly1305_pmeth.d.tmp pvkfmt.d.tmp qud_cksm.d.tmp rand_egd.d.tmp rand_err.d.tmp rand_key.d.tmp rand_lib.d.tmp rand_unix.d.tmp rand_vms.d.tmp rand_win.d.tmp randfile.d.tmp rc2_cbc.d.tmp rc2_ecb.d.tmp rc2_skey.d.tmp rc2cfb64.d.tmp rc2ofb64.d.tmp rc4-md5-x86_64.d.tmp rc4-x86_64.d.tmp rmd_dgst.d.tmp rmd_one.d.tmp rsa_ameth.d.tmp rsa_asn1.d.tmp rsa_chk.d.tmp rsa_crpt.d.tmp rsa_depr.d.tmp rsa_err.d.tmp rsa_gen.d.tmp rsa_lib.d.tmp rsa_meth.d.tmp rsa_mp.d.tmp rsa_none.d.tmp rsa_oaep.d.tmp rsa_ossl.d.tmp rsa_pk1.d.tmp rsa_pmeth.d.tmp rsa_prn.d.tmp rsa_pss.d.tmp rsa_saos.d.tmp rsa_sign.d.tmp rsa_ssl.d.tmp rsa_x931.d.tmp rsa_x931g.d.tmp rsaz-avx2.d.tmp rsaz-x86_64.d.tmp rsaz_exp.d.tmp scalar.d.tmp scrypt.d.tmp seed.d.tmp seed_cbc.d.tmp seed_cfb.d.tmp seed_ecb.d.tmp seed_ofb.d.tmp set_key.d.tmp sha1-mb-x86_64.d.tmp sha1-x86_64.d.tmp sha1_one.d.tmp sha1dgst.d.tmp siphash.d.tmp siphash_ameth.d.tmp siphash_pmeth.d.tmp sm2_crypt.d.tmp sm2_err.d.tmp sm2_pmeth.d.tmp sm2_sign.d.tmp sm3.d.tmp sm4.d.tmp srp_lib.d.tmp srp_vfy.d.tmp stack.d.tmp store_err.d.tmp store_init.d.tmp store_lib.d.tmp store_register.d.tmp store_strings.d.tmp str2key.d.tmp t_bitst.d.tmp t_crl.d.tmp t_pkey.d.tmp t_req.d.tmp t_spki.d.tmp t_x509.d.tmp tasn_dec.d.tmp tasn_enc.d.tmp tasn_fre.d.tmp tasn_new.d.tmp tasn_prn.d.tmp tasn_scn.d.tmp tasn_typ.d.tmp tasn_utl.d.tmp tb_asnmth.d.tmp tb_cipher.d.tmp tb_dh.d.tmp tb_digest.d.tmp tb_dsa.d.tmp tb_eckey.d.tmp tb_pkmeth.d.tmp tb_rand.d.tmp tb_rsa.d.tmp threads_none.d.tmp threads_pthread.d.tmp threads_win.d.tmp tls1_prf.d.tmp ts_asn1.d.tmp ts_conf.d.tmp ts_err.d.tmp ts_lib.d.tmp ts_req_print.d.tmp ts_req_utils.d.tmp ts_rsp_print.d.tmp ts_rsp_sign.d.tmp ts_rsp_utils.d.tmp ts_rsp_verify.d.tmp ts_verify_ctx.d.tmp txt_db.d.tmp ui_err.d.tmp ui_lib.d.tmp ui_null.d.tmp ui_openssl.d.tmp ui_util.d.tmp uid.d.tmp v3_addr.d.tmp v3_admis.d.tmp v3_akey.d.tmp v3_akeya.d.tmp v3_alt.d.tmp v3_asid.d.tmp v3_bcons.d.tmp v3_bitst.d.tmp v3_conf.d.tmp v3_cpols.d.tmp v3_crld.d.tmp v3_enum.d.tmp 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x_x509.d.tmp x_x509a.d.tmp xcbc_enc.d.tmp xts128.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/mit/expat/lib/libexpat --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-dd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend hasmntopt.d misc_rpc.d mount_fs.d mtab.d mtab_bsd.d nfs_prot_xdr.d strutil.d transp_sockets.d ualarm.d umount_bsd44.d wire.d xdr_func.d xutil.d hasmntopt.d.tmp misc_rpc.d.tmp mount_fs.d.tmp mtab.d.tmp mtab_bsd.d.tmp nfs_prot_xdr.d.tmp strutil.d.tmp transp_sockets.d.tmp ualarm.d.tmp umount_bsd44.d.tmp wire.d.tmp xdr_func.d.tmp xutil.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh_p.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-fstab --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-ldiff.ln analyze.ln cmpbuf.ln context.ln diff.ln diff3.ln dir.ln ed.ln ifdef.ln io.ln normal.ln side.ln util.ln version.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man5 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-makekey --- --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> bin/dd --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-backgammon --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-canconfig --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-mail.local --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f mail.local.html8 .depend mail.local.d mail.local.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libisc.a app.o assertions.o astack.o base32.o base64.o bind9.o buffer.o bufferlist.o commandline.o crc64.o counter.o error.o event.o hash.o heap.o hex.o hmac.o hp.o httpd.o ht.o iterated_hash.o lex.o lfsr.o lib.o log.o md.o mem.o mutexblock.o netaddr.o netscope.o nonce.o parseint.o pool.o portset.o queue.o quota.o radix.o random.o ratelimiter.o regex.o region.o result.o rwlock.o safe.o serial.o siphash.o sockaddr.o stats.o string.o symtab.o task.o taskpool.o timer.o tm.o utf8.o version.o backtrace.o dir.o entropy.o errno.o errno2result.o file.o fsaccess.o interfaceiter.o net.o os.o resource.o socket.o stdio.o stdtime.o syslog.o time.o backtrace-emptytbl.o meminfo.o condition.o mutex.o thread.o aes.o tcp.o udp.o netmgr.o tcpdns.o uv-compat.o uverr2result.o app.o.tmp assertions.o.tmp astack.o.tmp base32.o.tmp base64.o.tmp bind9.o.tmp buffer.o.tmp bufferlist.o.tmp commandline.o.tmp crc64.o.tmp counter.o.tmp error.o.tmp event.o.tmp hash.o.tmp heap.o.tmp hex.o.tmp hmac.o.tmp hp.o.tmp httpd.o.tmp ht.o.tmp iterated_hash.o.tmp lex.o.tmp lfsr.o.tmp lib.o.tmp log.o.tmp md.o.tmp mem.o.tmp mutexblock.o.tmp netaddr.o.tmp netscope.o.tmp nonce.o.tmp parseint.o.tmp pool.o.tmp portset.o.tmp queue.o.tmp quota.o.tmp radix.o.tmp 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cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/canconfig --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend drti.d drti.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/backgammon/backgammon --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl6000 --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-makekey --- cleandir ===> libexec/makekey --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit altqd altqd.o libaltq2.o altqd.ln libaltq2.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/bin/pax --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-arp --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f arp.html4 arp.html8 .depend arp.d arp_hostops.d arp_rumpops.d arp.d.tmp arp_hostops.d.tmp arp_rumpops.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f aac.html4 ac97.html4 acardide.html4 aceride.html4 acphy.html4 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--- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dd args.o conv.o dd.o dd_swab.o misc.o position.o conv_tab.o dd_hostops.o args.ln conv.ln dd.ln dd_swab.ln misc.ln position.ln conv_tab.ln dd_hostops.ln rump.dd args.o conv.o dd.o dd_swab.o misc.o position.o conv_tab.o dd_rumpops.o args.ln conv.ln dd.ln dd_swab.ln misc.ln position.ln conv_tab.ln dd_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libbfd.a archive.o archures.o bfd.o bfdio.o bfdwin.o cache.o coff-bfd.o compress.o corefile.o elf-properties.o format.o hash.o init.o lib_bfd.o linker.o merge.o opncls.o reloc.o section.o simple.o stab-syms.o stabs.o syms.o targets.o binary.o ihex.o srec.o tekhex.o verilog.o elf64-x86-64.o elfxx-x86.o elf-ifunc.o elf-nacl.o elf-vxworks.o elf64.o elf.o elflink.o elf-attrs.o elf-strtab.o elf-eh-frame.o dwarf1.o dwarf2.o elf32-i386.o elf32.o coff-i386.o cofflink.o coffgen.o pei-i386.o peigen.o i386bsd.o aout32.o i386netbsd.o pei-x86_64.o pex64igen.o elf64-gen.o elf32-gen.o plugin.o cpu-i386.o cpu-iamcu.o cpu-l1om.o cpu-k1om.o netbsd-core.o archive64.o archive.o.tmp archures.o.tmp bfd.o.tmp bfdio.o.tmp bfdwin.o.tmp cache.o.tmp coff-bfd.o.tmp compress.o.tmp corefile.o.tmp elf-properties.o.tmp format.o.tmp hash.o.tmp init.o.tmp lib_bfd.o.tmp linker.o.tmp merge.o.tmp opncls.o.tmp reloc.o.tmp section.o.tmp simple.o.tmp stab-syms.o.tmp stabs.o.tmp syms.o.tmp targets.o.tmp binary.o.tmp ihex.o.tmp srec.o.tmp tekhex.o.tmp verilog.o.tmp elf64-x86-64.o.tmp elfxx-x86.o.tmp elf-ifunc.o.tmp elf-nacl.o.tmp elf-vxworks.o.tmp elf64.o.tmp elf.o.tmp elflink.o.tmp elf-attrs.o.tmp elf-strtab.o.tmp elf-eh-frame.o.tmp dwarf1.o.tmp dwarf2.o.tmp elf32-i386.o.tmp elf32.o.tmp coff-i386.o.tmp cofflink.o.tmp coffgen.o.tmp pei-i386.o.tmp peigen.o.tmp i386bsd.o.tmp aout32.o.tmp i386netbsd.o.tmp pei-x86_64.o.tmp pex64igen.o.tmp elf64-gen.o.tmp elf32-gen.o.tmp plugin.o.tmp cpu-i386.o.tmp cpu-iamcu.o.tmp cpu-l1om.o.tmp cpu-k1om.o.tmp netbsd-core.o.tmp archive64.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/arch/amd64/../i386/stand/mbr/mbr_com0_9600 --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/am-utils/man --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- cleandir-global --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lgcc_eh.ln unwind-dw2.ln unwind-dw2-fde-dip.ln unwind-sjlj.ln unwind-c.ln emutls.ln empty.ln || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rexecd --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit canconfig canconfig.o canconfig.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out.html5 acct.html5 ar.html5 autofs.html5 boot.cfg.html5 capfile.html5 changelist.html5 core.html5 daily.html5 disktab.html5 elf.html5 ethers.html5 floppytab.html5 forward.html5 fs.html5 fstab.html5 gpio.conf.html5 group.html5 hesiod.conf.html5 hosts.html5 hosts.equiv.html5 ifaliases.html5 ifconfig.if.html5 intro.html5 ipsec.conf.html5 link.html5 locale.alias.html5 locate.conf.html5 login.conf.html5 mixerctl.conf.html5 modules.conf.html5 mk.conf.html5 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--- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh_g.a || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rexecd --- cleandir ===> libexec/rexecd --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl6005 --- cleandir-sys --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-libctf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit audioctl ctl.o ctl.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libexpat.a xmlparse.o xmlrole.o xmltok.o xmlparse.o.tmp xmlrole.o.tmp xmltok.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-mpl --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/autofs --- cleandir-altq --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f altqd.html8 altq.conf.html5 .depend altqd.d libaltq2.d altqd.d.tmp libaltq2.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/lib/libctf --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f dd.html1 .depend args.d conv.d conv_tab.d dd.d dd_hostops.d dd_rumpops.d dd_swab.d misc.d position.d args.d.tmp conv.d.tmp conv_tab.d.tmp dd.d.tmp dd_hostops.d.tmp dd_rumpops.d.tmp dd_swab.d.tmp misc.d.tmp position.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libisc_p.a app.po assertions.po astack.po base32.po base64.po bind9.po buffer.po bufferlist.po commandline.po crc64.po counter.po error.po event.po hash.po heap.po hex.po hmac.po hp.po httpd.po ht.po iterated_hash.po lex.po lfsr.po lib.po log.po md.po mem.po mutexblock.po netaddr.po netscope.po 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pool.po.tmp portset.po.tmp queue.po.tmp quota.po.tmp radix.po.tmp random.po.tmp ratelimiter.po.tmp regex.po.tmp region.po.tmp result.po.tmp rwlock.po.tmp safe.po.tmp serial.po.tmp siphash.po.tmp sockaddr.po.tmp stats.po.tmp string.po.tmp symtab.po.tmp task.po.tmp taskpool.po.tmp timer.po.tmp tm.po.tmp utf8.po.tmp version.po.tmp backtrace.po.tmp dir.po.tmp entropy.po.tmp errno.po.tmp errno2result.po.tmp file.po.tmp fsaccess.po.tmp interfaceiter.po.tmp net.po.tmp os.po.tmp resource.po.tmp socket.po.tmp stdio.po.tmp stdtime.po.tmp syslog.po.tmp time.po.tmp backtrace-emptytbl.po.tmp meminfo.po.tmp condition.po.tmp mutex.po.tmp thread.po.tmp aes.po.tmp tcp.po.tmp udp.po.tmp netmgr.po.tmp tcpdns.po.tmp uv-compat.po.tmp uverr2result.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _cmpdi2.c _ucmpdi2.c _clear_cache.c _trampoline.c __main.c _absvsi2.c _absvdi2.c _addvsi3.c _addvdi3.c _subvsi3.c _subvdi3.c _mulvsi3.c _mulvdi3.c _negvsi2.c _negvdi2.c _ctors.c _ffssi2.c _ffsdi2.c _clz.c _clzsi2.c _clzdi2.c _ctzsi2.c _ctzdi2.c _popcount_tab.c _popcountsi2.c _popcountdi2.c _paritysi2.c _paritydi2.c _powisf2.c _powidf2.c _powixf2.c _powitf2.c _mulsc3.c _muldc3.c _mulxc3.c _multc3.c _divsc3.c _divdc3.c _divxc3.c _divtc3.c _bswapsi2.c _bswapdi2.c _clrsbsi2.c _clrsbdi2.c _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _fixsfdi.c _fixdfdi.c _fixxfdi.c _fixunssfdi.c _fixunsdfdi.c _fixunsxfdi.c _floatdisf.c _floatdidf.c _floatdixf.c _floatundisf.c _floatundidf.c _floatundixf.c _fixunssfsi.c _fixunsdfsi.c _fixunsxfsi.c _eprintf.c __gcc_bcmp.c _divdi3.c _moddi3.c _divmoddi4.c _udivdi3.c _umoddi3.c _udivmoddi4.c _udiv_w_sdiv.c cs-tconfig.h cs-tconfig.h tconfig.h insn-constants.h options.h libgcc_tm.h insn-flags.h sysroot-suffix.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f mbr_com0_9600.tmp a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mbr_com0_9600 mbr.o || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-ftpd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man6 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit backgammon extra.o main.o move.o text.o version.o extra.ln main.ln move.ln text.ln version.ln || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-makekey --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libbfd_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-autofs --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/ftpd --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.acorn32 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libcryptotest --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl6030 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man6 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man6 --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rexecd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rexecd rexecd.o rexecd.ln || true) --- cleandir-makekey --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f makekey.html8 .depend makekey.d makekey.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f t_pax t_pax.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2020. /tmp/build/2020. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f canconfig.html8 .depend canconfig.d canconfig.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-df 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quote_821_local.o quote_822_local.o quote_flags.o rcpt_buf.o rcpt_print.o rec2stream.o rec_attr_map.o rec_streamlf.o rec_type.o recdump.o recipient_list.o record.o reject_deliver_request.o remove.o resolve_clnt.o resolve_local.o rewrite_clnt.o safe_ultostr.o scache.o scache_clnt.o scache_multi.o scache_single.o sent.o server_acl.o smtp_reply_footer.o smtp_stream.o smtputf8.o split_addr.o stream2rec.o string_list.o strip_addr.o sys_exits.o timed_ipc.o tok822_find.o tok822_node.o tok822_parse.o tok822_resolve.o tok822_rewrite.o tok822_tree.o trace.o user_acl.o uxtext.o valid_mailhost_addr.o verify.o verify_clnt.o verify_sender_addr.o verp_sender.o wildcard_inet_addr.o xtext.o abounce.o.tmp addr_match_list.o.tmp anvil_clnt.o.tmp attr_override.o.tmp been_here.o.tmp bounce.o.tmp bounce_log.o.tmp canon_addr.o.tmp cfg_parser.o.tmp cleanup_strerror.o.tmp cleanup_strflags.o.tmp clnt_stream.o.tmp conv_time.o.tmp data_redirect.o.tmp db_common.o.tmp debug_peer.o.tmp debug_process.o.tmp defer.o.tmp 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mail_copy.o.tmp mail_date.o.tmp mail_dict.o.tmp mail_error.o.tmp mail_flush.o.tmp mail_open_ok.o.tmp mail_params.o.tmp mail_parm_split.o.tmp mail_pathname.o.tmp mail_queue.o.tmp mail_run.o.tmp mail_scan_dir.o.tmp mail_stream.o.tmp mail_task.o.tmp mail_trigger.o.tmp mail_version.o.tmp maillog_client.o.tmp map_search.o.tmp maps.o.tmp mark_corrupt.o.tmp match_parent_style.o.tmp match_service.o.tmp mbox_conf.o.tmp mbox_open.o.tmp memcache_proto.o.tmp midna_adomain.o.tmp mime_state.o.tmp mkmap_cdb.o.tmp mkmap_db.o.tmp mkmap_dbm.o.tmp mkmap_fail.o.tmp mkmap_lmdb.o.tmp mkmap_open.o.tmp mkmap_proxy.o.tmp mkmap_sdbm.o.tmp msg_stats_print.o.tmp msg_stats_scan.o.tmp mynetworks.o.tmp mypwd.o.tmp namadr_list.o.tmp normalize_mailhost_addr.o.tmp off_cvt.o.tmp opened.o.tmp own_inet_addr.o.tmp pipe_command.o.tmp post_mail.o.tmp quote_821_local.o.tmp quote_822_local.o.tmp quote_flags.o.tmp rcpt_buf.o.tmp rcpt_print.o.tmp rec2stream.o.tmp rec_attr_map.o.tmp rec_streamlf.o.tmp rec_type.o.tmp recdump.o.tmp recipient_list.o.tmp record.o.tmp reject_deliver_request.o.tmp remove.o.tmp resolve_clnt.o.tmp resolve_local.o.tmp rewrite_clnt.o.tmp safe_ultostr.o.tmp scache.o.tmp scache_clnt.o.tmp scache_multi.o.tmp scache_single.o.tmp sent.o.tmp server_acl.o.tmp smtp_reply_footer.o.tmp smtp_stream.o.tmp smtputf8.o.tmp split_addr.o.tmp stream2rec.o.tmp string_list.o.tmp strip_addr.o.tmp sys_exits.o.tmp timed_ipc.o.tmp tok822_find.o.tmp tok822_node.o.tmp tok822_parse.o.tmp tok822_resolve.o.tmp tok822_rewrite.o.tmp tok822_tree.o.tmp trace.o.tmp user_acl.o.tmp uxtext.o.tmp valid_mailhost_addr.o.tmp verify.o.tmp verify_clnt.o.tmp verify_sender_addr.o.tmp verp_sender.o.tmp wildcard_inet_addr.o.tmp xtext.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit token.c automount automount.o automountd.o autounmountd.o common.o defined.o log.o popen.o token.o automount.ln automountd.ln autounmountd.ln common.ln defined.ln log.ln popen.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend analyze.d cmpbuf.d context.d diff.d diff3.d dir.d ed.d ifdef.d io.d normal.d side.d util.d version.d analyze.d.tmp cmpbuf.d.tmp context.d.tmp diff.d.tmp diff3.d.tmp dir.d.tmp ed.d.tmp ifdef.d.tmp io.d.tmp normal.d.tmp side.d.tmp util.d.tmp version.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl6030 --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4/man4.acorn32 --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- cleandir-altqstat --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/openssl/lib/libcryptotest --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> bin/df --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_eh_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man6 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f enable-execute-stack.c unwind.h md-unwind-support.h sfp-machine.h gthr-default.h .depend empty.d emutls.d enable-execute-stack.d unwind-c.d unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d unwind-dw2.d unwind-sjlj.d empty.d.tmp emutls.d.tmp enable-execute-stack.d.tmp unwind-c.d.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d.tmp unwind-dw2.d.tmp unwind-sjlj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/altq/altqstat --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f audioctl.html1 .depend ctl.d ctl.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libisc_g.a || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rlogind --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-ccdconfig --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-ps --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libexpat_g.a || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f backgammon.html6 .depend extra.d main.d move.d text.d version.d extra.d.tmp main.d.tmp move.d.tmp text.d.tmp version.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rexecd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man6 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/bin/ps --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/ccdconfig --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rexecd.html8 .depend rexecd.d rexecd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-rlogind --- cleandir ===> libexec/rlogind --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f version.texi || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f machine x86 .depend mbr.d mbr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit altqstat altqstat.o quip_client.o qdisc_conf.o qdisc_cbq.o qdisc_hfsc.o qdisc_cdnr.o qdisc_wfq.o qdisc_fifoq.o qdisc_red.o qdisc_rio.o qdisc_blue.o qdisc_priq.o qdisc_jobs.o altqstat.ln quip_client.ln qdisc_conf.ln qdisc_cbq.ln qdisc_hfsc.ln qdisc_cdnr.ln qdisc_wfq.ln qdisc_fifoq.ln qdisc_red.ln qdisc_rio.ln qdisc_blue.ln qdisc_priq.ln qdisc_jobs.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libbfd_g.a || true) --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit df df.o df.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man6 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f intro.html6 || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl6050 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-getdate --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f asc.html4 autoconf.html4 cosc.html4 csc.html4 ie.html4 intro.html4 iomdkbc.html4 lpt.html4 mainbus.html4 mem.html4 ptsc.html4 qms.html4 vidcaudio.html4 vidcvideo.html4 || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcryptotest.a tests.o format_output.o output_helpers.o basic_output.o stanza.o main.o tap_bio.o driver.o test_cleanup.o cb.o random.o testutil_init.o tests.o.tmp format_output.o.tmp output_helpers.o.tmp basic_output.o.tmp stanza.o.tmp main.o.tmp tap_bio.o.tmp driver.o.tmp test_cleanup.o.tmp cb.o.tmp random.o.tmp testutil_init.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libctf.a ctf_create.o ctf_decl.o ctf_error.o ctf_hash.o ctf_labels.o ctf_lib.o ctf_lookup.o ctf_open.o ctf_subr.o ctf_types.o ctf_util.o ctf_create.o.tmp ctf_decl.o.tmp ctf_error.o.tmp ctf_hash.o.tmp ctf_labels.o.tmp ctf_lib.o.tmp ctf_lookup.o.tmp ctf_open.o.tmp ctf_subr.o.tmp ctf_types.o.tmp ctf_util.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libglobal_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-autofs --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lgcc_eh.ln unwind-dw2.ln unwind-dw2-fde-dip.ln unwind-sjlj.ln unwind-c.ln emutls.ln empty.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-teachgammon --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/bin --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libisc_pic.a* app.pico assertions.pico astack.pico base32.pico base64.pico bind9.pico buffer.pico bufferlist.pico commandline.pico crc64.pico counter.pico error.pico event.pico hash.pico heap.pico hex.pico hmac.pico hp.pico httpd.pico ht.pico iterated_hash.pico lex.pico lfsr.pico lib.pico log.pico md.pico mem.pico mutexblock.pico netaddr.pico netscope.pico nonce.pico parseint.pico pool.pico portset.pico queue.pico quota.pico radix.pico random.pico ratelimiter.pico regex.pico region.pico result.pico rwlock.pico safe.pico serial.pico siphash.pico sockaddr.pico stats.pico string.pico symtab.pico task.pico taskpool.pico timer.pico tm.pico utf8.pico version.pico backtrace.pico dir.pico entropy.pico errno.pico errno2result.pico file.pico fsaccess.pico interfaceiter.pico net.pico os.pico resource.pico socket.pico stdio.pico stdtime.pico syslog.pico time.pico backtrace-emptytbl.pico meminfo.pico condition.pico mut--- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/getdate --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libexpat_pic.a* xmlparse.pico xmlrole.pico xmltok.pico xmlparse.pico.tmp xmlrole.pico.tmp xmltok.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl6050 --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libgcc_s --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- ex.pico thread.pico aes.pico tcp.pico udp.pico netmgr.pico tcpdns.pico uv-compat.pico uverr2result.pico app.pico.tmp assertions.pico.tmp astack.pico.tmp base32.pico.tmp base64.pico.tmp bind9.pico.tmp buffer.pico.tmp bufferlist.pico.tmp commandline.pico.tmp crc64.pico.tmp counter.pico.tmp error.pico.tmp event.pico.tmp hash.pico.tmp heap.pico.tmp hex.pico.tmp hmac.pico.tmp hp.pico.tmp httpd.pico.tmp ht.pico.tmp iterated_hash.pico.tmp lex.pico.tmp lfsr.pico.tmp lib.pico.tmp log.pico.tmp md.pico.tmp mem.pico.tmp mutexblock.pico.tmp netaddr.pico.tmp netscope.pico.tmp nonce.pico.tmp parseint.pico.tmp pool.pico.tmp portset.pico.tmp queue.pico.tmp quota.pico.tmp radix.pico.tmp random.pico.tmp ratelimiter.pico.tmp regex.pico.tmp region.pico.tmp result.pico.tmp rwlock.pico.tmp safe.pico.tmp serial.pico.tmp siphash.pico.tmp sockaddr.pico.tmp stats.pico.tmp string.pico.tmp symtab.pico.tmp task.pico.tmp taskpool.pico.tmp timer.pico.tmp tm.pico.tmp utf8.pico.tmp version.pico.tmp backtrace.pico.tmp dir.pico.tmp entropy.pico.tmp errno.pico.tmp errno2result.pico.tmp file.pico.tmp fsaccess.pico.tmp interfaceiter.pico.tmp net.pico.tmp os.pico.tmp resource.pico.tmp socket.pico.tmp stdio.pico.tmp stdtime.pico.tmp syslog.pico.tmp time.pico.tmp backtrace-emptytbl.pico.tmp meminfo.pico.tmp condition.pico.tmp mutex.pico.tmp thread.pico.tmp aes.pico.tmp tcp.pico.tmp udp.pico.tmp netmgr.pico.tmp tcpdns.pico.tmp uv-compat.pico.tmp uverr2result.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f automount.html8 automountd.html8 autounmountd.html8 auto_master.html5 .depend automount.d automountd.d autounmountd.d common.d defined.d log.d popen.d token.d automount.d.tmp automountd.d.tmp autounmountd.d.tmp common.d.tmp defined.d.tmp log.d.tmp popen.d.tmp token.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-cvsbug --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc/libgcc_s --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rshd --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-play --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ccdconfig ccdconfig.o ccdconfig.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man7 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rlogind --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rlogind rlogind.o rlogind.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/backgammon/teachgammon --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/bin/cvsbug --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-gptmbr --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-man --- cleandir ===> share/man/man7 --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rshd --- cleandir ===> libexec/rshd --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/audio/play --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f || true) --- cleandir-mit --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _cmpdi2.c _ucmpdi2.c _clear_cache.c _trampoline.c __main.c _absvsi2.c _absvdi2.c _addvsi3.c _addvdi3.c _subvsi3.c _subvdi3.c _mulvsi3.c _mulvdi3.c _negvsi2.c _negvdi2.c _ctors.c _ffssi2.c _ffsdi2.c _clz.c _clzsi2.c _clzdi2.c _ctzsi2.c _ctzdi2.c _popcount_tab.c _popcountsi2.c _popcountdi2.c _paritysi2.c _paritydi2.c _powisf2.c _powidf2.c _powixf2.c _powitf2.c _mulsc3.c _muldc3.c _mulxc3.c _multc3.c _divsc3.c _divdc3.c _divxc3.c _divtc3.c _bswapsi2.c _bswapdi2.c _clrsbsi2.c _clrsbdi2.c _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _fixsfdi.c _fixdfdi.c _fixxfdi.c _fixunssfdi.c _fixunsdfdi.c _fixunsxfdi.c _floatdisf.c _floatdidf.c _floatdixf.c _floatundisf.c _floatundidf.c _floatundixf.c _fixunssfsi.c _fixunsdfsi.c _fixunsxfsi.c _eprintf.c __gcc_bcmp.c _divdi3.c _moddi3.c _divmoddi4.c _udivdi3.c _umoddi3.c _udivmoddi4.c _udiv_w_sdiv.c cs-tconfig.h cs-tconfig.h tconfig.h insn-constants.h options.h libgcc_tm.h insn-flags.h sysroot-suffix.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f altqstat.html1 .depend altqstat.d qdisc_blue.d qdisc_cbq.d qdisc_cdnr.d qdisc_conf.d qdisc_fifoq.d qdisc_hfsc.d qdisc_jobs.d qdisc_priq.d qdisc_red.d qdisc_rio.d qdisc_wfq.d quip_client.d altqstat.d.tmp qdisc_blue.d.tmp qdisc_cbq.d.tmp qdisc_cdnr.d.tmp qdisc_conf.d.tmp qdisc_fifoq.d.tmp qdisc_hfsc.d.tmp qdisc_jobs.d.tmp qdisc_priq.d.tmp qdisc_red.d.tmp qdisc_rio.d.tmp qdisc_wfq.d.tmp quip_client.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libbfd_pic.a* archive.pico archures.pico bfd.pico bfdio.pico bfdwin.pico cache.pico coff-bfd.pico compress.pico corefile.pico elf-properties.pico format.pico hash.pico init.pico lib_bfd.pico linker.pico merge.pico opncls.pico reloc.pico section.pico simple.pico stab-syms.pico stabs.pico syms.pico targets.pico binary.pico ihex.pico srec.pico tekhex.pico verilog.pico elf64-x86-64.pico elfxx-x86.pico elf-ifunc.pico elf-nacl.pico elf-vxworks.pico elf64.pico elf.pico elflink.pico elf-attrs.pico elf-strtab.pico elf-eh-frame.pico dwarf1.pico dwarf2.pico elf32-i386.pico elf32.pico coff-i386.pico cofflink.pico coffgen.pico pei-i386.pico peigen.pico i386bsd.pico aout32.pico i386netbsd.pico pei-x86_64.pico pex64igen.pico elf64-gen.pico elf32-gen.pico plugin.pico cpu-i386.pico cpu-iamcu.pico cpu-l1om.pico cpu-k1om.pico netbsd-core.pico archive64.pico archive.pico.tmp archures.pico.tmp bfd.pico.tmp bfdio.pico.tmp --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- bfdwin.pico.tmp cache.pico.tmp coff-bfd.pico.tmp compress.pico.tmp corefile.pico.tmp elf-properties.pico.tmp format.pico.tmp hash.pico.tmp init.pico.tmp lib_bfd.pico.tmp linker.pico.tmp merge.pico.tmp opncls.pico.tmp reloc.pico.tmp section.pico.tmp simple.pico.tmp stab-syms.pico.tmp stabs.pico.tmp syms.pico.tmp targets.pico.tmp binary.pico.tmp ihex.pico.tmp srec.pico.tmp tekhex.pico.tmp verilog.pico.tmp elf64-x86-64.pico.tmp elfxx-x86.pico.tmp elf-ifunc.pico.tmp elf-nacl.pico.tmp elf-vxworks.pico.tmp elf64.pico.tmp elf.pico.tmp elflink.pico.tmp elf-attrs.pico.tmp elf-strtab.pico.tmp elf-eh-frame.pico.tmp dwarf1.pico.tmp dwarf2.pico.tmp elf32-i386.pico.tmp elf32.pico.tmp coff-i386.pico.tmp cofflink.pico.tmp coffgen.pico.tmp pei-i386.pico.tmp peigen.pico.tmp i386bsd.pico.tmp aout32.pico.tmp i386netbsd.pico.tmp pei-x86_64.pico.tmp pex64igen.pico.tmp elf64-gen.pico.tmp elf32-gen.pico.tmp plugin.pico.tmp cpu-i386.pico.tmp cpu-iamcu.pico.tmp cpu-l1om.pico.tmp cpu-k1om.pico.tmp netbsd-core.pico.tmp archive64.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f df.html1 .depend df.d df.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/arch/amd64/../i386/stand/mbr/gptmbr --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.alpha --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lexpat.ln xmlparse.ln xmlrole.ln xmltok.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man7 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bad144 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lisc.ln app.ln assertions.ln astack.ln base32.ln base64.ln bind9.ln buffer.ln bufferlist.ln commandline.ln crc64.ln counter.ln error.ln event.ln hash.ln heap.ln hex.ln hmac.ln hp.ln httpd.ln ht.ln iterated_hash.ln lex.ln lfsr.ln lib.ln log.ln md.ln mem.ln mutexblock.ln netaddr.ln netscope.ln nonce.ln parseint.ln pool.ln portset.ln queue.ln quota.ln radix.ln random.ln ratelimiter.ln regex.ln region.ln result.ln rwlock.ln safe.ln serial.ln siphash.ln sockaddr.ln stats.ln string.ln symtab.ln task.ln taskpool.ln timer.ln tm.ln utf8.ln version.ln backtrace.ln dir.ln entropy.ln errno.ln errno2result.ln file.ln fsaccess.ln interfaceiter.ln net.ln os.ln resource.ln socket.ln stdio.ln stdtime.ln syslog.ln time.ln backtrace-emptytbl.ln meminfo.ln condition.ln mutex.ln thread.ln aes.ln tcp.ln udp.ln netmgr.ln tcpdns.ln uv-compat.ln uverr2result.ln || true) --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl7260 --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libglobal_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f t_ps t_ps.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2020. /tmp/build/2020. || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4/man4.alpha --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rlogind --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man7 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f tests.7 || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcryptotest_p.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl7260 --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bad144 --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rshd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rshd rshd.o rshd.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libctf_p.a ctf_create.po ctf_decl.po ctf_error.po ctf_hash.po ctf_labels.po ctf_lib.po ctf_lookup.po ctf_open.po ctf_subr.po ctf_types.po ctf_util.po ctf_create.po.tmp ctf_decl.po.tmp ctf_error.po.tmp ctf_hash.po.tmp ctf_labels.po.tmp ctf_lib.po.tmp ctf_lookup.po.tmp ctf_open.po.tmp ctf_subr.po.tmp ctf_types.po.tmp ctf_util.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rlogind --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rlogind.html8 .depend rlogind.d rlogind.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f enable-execute-stack.c unwind.h md-unwind-support.h sfp-machine.h gthr-default.h .depend empty.d emutls.d enable-execute-stack.d unwind-c.d unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d unwind-dw2.d unwind-sjlj.d empty.d.tmp emutls.d.tmp enable-execute-stack.d.tmp unwind-c.d.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d.tmp unwind-dw2.d.tmp unwind-sjlj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f ccdconfig.html8 ccd.conf.html5 .depend ccdconfig.d ccdconfig.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-hostapd --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-domainname --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f gptmbr.bin.tmp a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit gptmbr.bin gptmbr.o || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lbfd.ln archive.ln archures.ln bfd.ln bfdio.ln bfdwin.ln cache.ln coff-bfd.ln compress.ln corefile.ln elf-properties.ln format.ln hash.ln init.ln lib_bfd.ln linker.ln merge.ln opncls.ln reloc.ln section.ln simple.ln stab-syms.ln stabs.ln syms.ln targets.ln binary.ln ihex.ln srec.ln tekhex.ln verilog.ln elf64-x86-64.ln elfxx-x86.ln elf-ifunc.ln elf-nacl.ln elf-vxworks.ln elf64.ln elf.ln elflink.ln elf-attrs.ln elf-strtab.ln elf-eh-frame.ln dwarf1.ln dwarf2.ln elf32-i386.ln elf32.ln coff-i386.ln cofflink.ln coffgen.ln pei-i386.ln peigen.ln i386bsd.ln aout32.ln i386netbsd.ln pei-x86_64.ln pex64igen.ln elf64-gen.ln elf32-gen.ln plugin.ln cpu-i386.ln cpu-iamcu.ln cpu-l1om.ln cpu-k1om.ln netbsd-core.ln archive64.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-sh --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .fname cvsbug a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f expat.pc a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- cleandir-tbrconfig --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit audioplay play.o play.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/am-utils/bin --- cleandir-mpl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man7 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit teachgammon data.o teach.o ttext1.o ttext2.o tutor.o data.ln teach.ln ttext1.ln ttext2.ln tutor.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bad144 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libglobal_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f apecs.html4 asc.html4 autoconf.html4 cia.html4 dwlpx.html4 gbus.html4 intro.html4 irongate.html4 jensenio.html4 kft.html4 lca.html4 mcbus.html4 mcpcia.html4 sableio.html4 tcasic.html4 tlsb.html4 tsc.html4 tsciic.html4 tsp.html4 ttwoga.html4 ttwopci.html4 || true) --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/hostapd --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s.a _muldi3.o _negdi2.o _lshrdi3.o _ashldi3.o _ashrdi3.o _cmpdi2.o _ucmpdi2.o _clear_cache.o _trampoline.o __main.o _absvsi2.o _absvdi2.o _addvsi3.o _addvdi3.o _subvsi3.o _subvdi3.o _mulvsi3.o _mulvdi3.o _negvsi2.o _negvdi2.o _ctors.o _ffssi2.o _ffsdi2.o _clz.o _clzsi2.o _clzdi2.o _ctzsi2.o _ctzdi2.o _popcount_tab.o _popcountsi2.o _popcountdi2.o _paritysi2.o _paritydi2.o _powisf2.o _powidf2.o _powixf2.o _powitf2.o _mulsc3.o _muldc3.o _mulxc3.o _multc3.o _divsc3.o _divdc3.o _divxc3.o _divtc3.o _bswapsi2.o _bswapdi2.o _clrsbsi2.o _clrsbdi2.o _muldi3.o _negdi2.o _lshrdi3.o _ashldi3.o _ashrdi3.o _fixsfdi.o _fixdfdi.o _fixxfdi.o _fixunssfdi.o _fixunsdfdi.o _fixunsxfdi.o _floatdisf.o _floatdidf.o _floatdixf.o _floatundisf.o _floatundidf.o _floatundixf.o _fixunssfsi.o _fixunsdfsi.o _fixunsxfsi.o _divdi3.o _moddi3.o _divmoddi4.o _udivdi3.o _umoddi3.o _udivmoddi4.o _udiv_w_sdiv.o unwind-dw2.o unwind-dw2-fde-dip.o unwind-sjlj.o unwind-c.o emutls.o cpuinfo.o sfp-exceptions.o addtf3.o divtf3.o eqtf2.o getf2.o letf2.o multf3.o negtf2.o subtf3.o unordtf2.o fixtfsi.o fixunstfsi.o floatsitf.o floatunsitf.o fixtfdi.o fixunstfdi.o floatditf.o floatunditf.o fixtfti.o fixunstfti.o floattitf.o floatuntitf.o extendsftf2.o extenddftf2.o extendxftf2.o trunctfsf2.o trunctfdf2.o trunctfxf2.o enable-execute-stack.o _muldi3.o.tmp _negdi2.o.tmp _lshrdi3.o.tmp _ashldi3.o.tmp _ashrdi3.o.tmp _cmpdi2.o.tmp _ucmpdi2.o.tmp _clear_cache.o.tmp _trampoline.o.tmp __main.o.tmp _absvsi2.o.tmp _absvdi2.o.tmp _addvsi3.o.tmp _addvdi3.o.tmp _subvsi3.o.tmp _subvdi3.o.tmp _mulvsi3.o.tmp _mulvdi3.o.tmp _negvsi2.o.tmp _negvdi2.o.tmp _ctors.o.tmp _ffssi2.o.tmp _ffsdi2.o.tmp _clz.o.tmp _clzsi2.o.tmp _clzdi2.o.tmp _ctzsi2.o.tmp _ctzdi2.o.tmp _popcount_tab.o.tmp _popcountsi2.o.tmp _popcountdi2.o.tmp _paritysi2.o.tmp _paritydi2.o.tmp _powisf2.o.tmp _powidf2.o.tmp _powixf2.o.tmp _powitf2.o.tmp _mulsc3.o.tmp _muldc3.o.tmp _mulxc3.o.tmp _multc3.o.tmp _divsc3.o.tmp _divdc3.o.tmp _divxc3.o.tmp _divtc3.o.tmp _bswapsi2.o.tmp _bswapdi2.o.tmp _clrsbsi2.o.tmp _clrsbdi2.o.tmp _muldi3.o.tmp _negdi2.o.tmp _lshrdi3.o.tmp _ashldi3.o.tmp _ashrdi3.o.tmp _fixsfdi.o.tmp _fixdfdi.o.tmp _fixxfdi.o.tmp _fixunssfdi.o.tmp _fixunsdfdi.o.tmp _fixunsxfdi.o.tmp _floatdisf.o.tmp _floatdidf.o.tmp _floatdixf.o.tmp _floatundisf.o.tmp _floatundidf.o.tmp _floatundixf.o.tmp _fixunssfsi.o.tmp _fixunsdfsi.o.tmp _fixunsxfsi.o.tmp _divdi3.o.tmp _moddi3.o.tmp _divmoddi4.o.tmp _udivdi3.o.tmp _umoddi3.o.tmp _udivmoddi4.o.tmp _udiv_w_sdiv.o.tmp unwind-dw2.o.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.o.tmp unwind-sjlj.o.tmp unwind-c.o.tmp emutls.o.tmp cpuinfo.o.tmp sfp-exceptions.o.tmp addtf3.o.tmp divtf3.o.tmp eqtf2.o.tmp getf2.o.tmp letf2.o.tmp multf3.o.tmp negtf2.o.tmp subtf3.o.tmp unordtf2.o.tmp fixtfsi.o.tmp fixunstfsi.o.tmp floatsitf.o.tmp floatunsitf.o.tmp fixtfdi.o.tmp fixunstfdi.o.tmp floatditf.o.tmp floatunditf.o.tmp fixtfti.o.tmp fixunstfti.o.tmp floattitf.o.tmp floatuntitf.o.tmp extendsftf2.o.tmp extenddftf2.o.tmp extendxftf2.o.tmp trunctfsf2.o.tmp trunctfdf2.o.tmp trunctfxf2.o.tmp enable-execute-stack.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl7265 --- --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> bin/domainname --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/altq/tbrconfig --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/bin/sh --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rshd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man7 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f ascii.html7 c.html7 environ.html7 glob.html7 groups.html7 hier.html7 hostname.html7 intro.html7 kernel_sanitizers.html7 mailaddr.html7 module.html7 nls.html7 operator.html7 orders.html7 pkgsrc.html7 release.html7 rfc6056.html7 security.html7 script.html7 setuid.html7 signal.html7 src.html7 sticky.html7 symlink.html7 sysctl.html7 tests.html7 users.html7 || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bad144 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl7265 --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- cleandir-libgcc_s --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rshd.html8 .depend rshd.d rshd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f audioplay.html1 .depend play.d play.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- cleandir ===> compat/amd64/i386/../../../lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc/libgcc_s --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libctf_g.a || true) --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f cvsbug.html8 || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend xmlparse.d xmlrole.d xmltok.d xmlparse.d.tmp xmlrole.d.tmp xmltok.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f elf32-target.h elf64-target.h targmatch.h elf32-ia64.c elf64-ia64.c peigen.c pepigen.c elf32-riscv.c elf64-riscv.c elf32-aarch64.c elf64-aarch64.c pex64igen.c a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcryptotest_g.a || true) --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.amiga --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit domainname domainname.o domainname.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-amd --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rquotad --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lglobal.ln abounce.ln addr_match_list.ln anvil_clnt.ln attr_override.ln been_here.ln bounce.ln bounce_log.ln canon_addr.ln cfg_parser.ln cleanup_strerror.ln cleanup_strflags.ln clnt_stream.ln conv_time.ln data_redirect.ln db_common.ln debug_peer.ln debug_process.ln defer.ln deliver_completed.ln deliver_flock.ln deliver_pass.ln deliver_request.ln delivered_hdr.ln dict_ldap.ln dict_memcache.ln dict_mysql.ln dict_pgsql.ln dict_proxy.ln dict_sqlite.ln domain_list.ln dot_lockfile.ln dot_lockfile_as.ln dsb_scan.ln dsn.ln dsn_buf.ln dsn_filter.ln dsn_mask.ln dsn_print.ln dsn_util.ln dynamicmaps.ln ehlo_mask.ln ext_prop.ln file_id.ln flush_clnt.ln fold_addr.ln haproxy_srvr.ln header_body_checks.ln header_opts.ln header_token.ln info_log_addr_form.ln input_transp.ln int_filt.ln is_header.ln log_adhoc.ln mail_addr.ln mail_addr_crunch.ln mail_addr_find.ln mail_addr_form.ln mail_addr_map.ln mail_command_client.ln mail_command_server.ln mail_conf.ln mail_conf_bool.ln mail_conf_int.ln mail_conf_long.ln mail_conf_nbool.ln mail_conf_nint.ln mail_conf_raw.ln mail_conf_str.ln mail_conf_time.ln mail_connect.ln mail_copy.ln mail_date.ln mail_dict.ln mail_error.ln mail_flush.ln mail_open_ok.ln mail_params.ln mail_parm_split.ln mail_pathname.ln mail_queue.ln mail_run.ln mail_scan_dir.ln mail_stream.ln mail_task.ln mail_trigger.ln mail_version.ln maillog_client.ln map_search.ln maps.ln mark_corrupt.ln match_parent_style.ln match_service.ln mbox_conf.ln mbox_open.ln memcache_proto.ln midna_adomain.ln mime_state.ln mkmap_cdb.ln mkmap_db.ln mkmap_dbm.ln mkmap_fail.ln mkmap_lmdb.ln mkmap_open.ln mkmap_proxy.ln mkmap_sdbm.ln msg_stats_print.ln msg_stats_scan.ln mynetworks.ln mypwd.ln namadr_list.ln normalize_mailhost_addr.ln off_cvt.ln opened.ln own_inet_addr.ln pipe_command.ln post_mail.ln quote_821_local.ln quote_822_local.ln quote_flags.ln rcpt_buf.ln rcpt_print.ln rec2stream.ln rec_attr_map.ln rec_streamlf.ln rec_type.ln recdump.ln recipient_list.ln record.ln reject_deliver_request.ln remove.ln resolve_clnt.ln resolve_local.ln rewrite_clnt.ln safe_ultostr.ln scache.ln scache_clnt.ln scache_multi.ln scache_single.ln sent.ln server_acl.ln smtp_reply_footer.ln smtp_stream.ln smtputf8.ln split_addr.ln stream2rec.ln string_list.ln strip_addr.ln sys_exits.ln timed_ipc.ln tok822_find.ln tok822_node.ln tok822_parse.ln tok822_resolve.ln tok822_rewrite.ln tok822_tree.ln trace.ln user_acl.ln uxtext.ln valid_mailhost_addr.ln verify.ln verify_clnt.ln verify_sender_addr.ln verp_sender.ln wildcard_inet_addr.ln xtext.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-cgdconfig --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit tbrconfig tbrconfig.o tbrconfig.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f machine x86 .depend gptmbr.d gptmbr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4/man4.amiga --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/am-utils/bin/amd --- cleandir-libexec --- cleandir ===> libexec/rpc.rquotad --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- cleandir-iwl8000 --- --- cleandir-mpl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend aes.d app.d assertions.d astack.d backtrace-emptytbl.d backtrace.d base32.d base64.d bind9.d buffer.d bufferlist.d commandline.d condition.d counter.d crc64.d dir.d entropy.d errno.d errno2result.d error.d event.d file.d fsaccess.d hash.d heap.d hex.d hmac.d hp.d ht.d httpd.d interfaceiter.d iterated_hash.d lex.d lfsr.d lib.d log.d md.d mem.d meminfo.d mutex.d mutexblock.d net.d netaddr.d netmgr.d netscope.d nonce.d os.d parseint.d pool.d portset.d queue.d quota.d radix.d random.d ratelimiter.d regex.d region.d resource.d result.d rwlock.d safe.d serial.d siphash.d sockaddr.d socket.d stats.d stdio.d stdtime.d string.d symtab.d syslog.d task.d taskpool.d tcp.d tcpdns.d thread.d time.d timer.d tm.d udp.d utf8.d uv-compat.d uverr2result.d version.d aes.d.tmp app.d.tmp assertions.d.tmp astack.d.tmp backtrace-emptytbl.d.tmp backtrace.d.tmp base32.d.tmp base64.d.tmp bind9.d.tmp buffer.d.tmp bufferlist.d.tmp commandline.d.tmp condition.d.tmp counter.d.tmp crc64.d.tmp dir.d.tmp entropy.d.tmp errno.d.tmp errno2result.d.tmp error.d.tmp event.d.tmp file.d.tmp fsaccess.d.tmp hash.d.tmp heap.d.tmp hex.d.tmp hmac.d.tmp hp.d.tmp ht.d.tmp httpd.d.tmp interfaceiter.d.tmp iterated_hash.d.tmp lex.d.tmp lfsr.d.tmp lib.d.tmp log.d.tmp md.d.tmp mem.d.tmp meminfo.d.tmp mutex.d.tmp mutexblock.d.tmp net.d.tmp netaddr.d.tmp netmgr.d.tmp netscope.d.tmp nonce.d.tmp os.d.tmp parseint.d.tmp pool.d.tmp portset.d.tmp queue.d.tmp quota.d.tmp radix.d.tmp random.d.tmp ratelimiter.d.tmp regex.d.tmp region.d.tmp resource.d.tmp result.d.tmp rwlock.d.tmp safe.d.tmp serial.d.tmp siphash.d.tmp sockaddr.d.tmp socket.d.tmp stats.d.tmp stdio.d.tmp stdtime.d.tmp string.d.tmp symtab.d.tmp syslog.d.tmp task.d.tmp taskpool.d.tmp tcp.d.tmp tcpdns.d.tmp thread.d.tmp time.d.tmp timer.d.tmp tm.d.tmp udp.d.tmp utf8.d.tmp uv-compat.d.tmp uverr2result.d.tmp version.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/cgdconfig --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-record --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man8 --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bad144 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rstatd --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend data.d teach.d ttext1.d ttext2.d tutor.d data.d.tmp teach.d.tmp ttext1.d.tmp ttext2.d.tmp tutor.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s_p.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl8000 --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libctf_pic.a* ctf_create.pico ctf_decl.pico ctf_error.pico ctf_hash.pico ctf_labels.pico ctf_lib.pico ctf_lookup.pico ctf_open.pico ctf_subr.pico ctf_types.pico ctf_util.pico ctf_create.pico.tmp ctf_decl.pico.tmp ctf_error.pico.tmp ctf_hash.pico.tmp ctf_labels.pico.tmp ctf_lib.pico.tmp ctf_lookup.pico.tmp ctf_open.pico.tmp ctf_subr.pico.tmp ctf_types.pico.tmp ctf_util.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-rcs2log --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/audio/record --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rquotad --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- 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elf32-gen.d.tmp elf32-i386.d.tmp elf32-ia64.d.tmp elf32-riscv.d.tmp elf32.d.tmp elf64-aarch64.d.tmp elf64-gen.d.tmp elf64-ia64.d.tmp elf64-riscv.d.tmp elf64-x86-64.d.tmp elf64.d.tmp elflink.d.tmp elfxx-x86.d.tmp format.d.tmp hash.d.tmp i386bsd.d.tmp i386netbsd.d.tmp ihex.d.tmp init.d.tmp lib_bfd.d.tmp linker.d.tmp merge.d.tmp netbsd-core.d.tmp opncls.d.tmp pei-i386.d.tmp pei-x86_64.d.tmp peigen.d.tmp pepigen.d.tmp pex64igen.d.tmp plugin.d.tmp reloc.d.tmp section.d.tmp simple.d.tmp srec.d.tmp stab-syms.d.tmp stabs.d.tmp syms.d.tmp targets.d.tmp tekhex.d.tmp verilog.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-boot --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rstatd --- cleandir ===> libexec/rpc.rstatd --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcryptotest_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cgdlex.c cgdparse.c cgdparse.h cgdconfig cgdconfig.o cgdlex.o cgdparse.o pkcs5_pbkdf2.o params.o utils.o cgdconfig_hostops.o cgdconfig.ln pkcs5_pbkdf2.ln params.ln utils.ln cgdconfig_hostops.ln cgdlex.c cgdparse.c cgdparse.h rump.cgdconfig cgdconfig.o cgdlex.o cgdparse.o pkcs5_pbkdf2.o params.o utils.o cgdconfig_rumpops.o cgdconfig.ln pkcs5_pbkdf2.ln params.ln utils.ln cgdconfig_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-altq --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a1k2cp.html4 a2kbbc.html4 a34kbbc.html4 acafh.html4 afsc.html4 ahsc.html4 amidisplaycc.html4 atzsc.html4 autoconf.html4 console.html4 bah.html4 bppcsc.html4 clockport.html4 cv3dpb.html4 drbbc.html4 ed.html4 efa.html4 em4k.html4 empb.html4 es.html4 fdc.html4 grf.html4 grfcl.html4 grfcv.html4 grfcv3d.html4 grfet.html4 grfrh.html4 grfrt.html4 grful.html4 gtsc.html4 intro.html4 ite.html4 mem.html4 mfcs.html4 mgnsc.html4 mntva.html4 mppb.html4 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_ffssi2.o _ffsdi2.o _clz.o _clzsi2.o _clzdi2.o _ctzsi2.o _ctzdi2.o _popcount_tab.o _popcountsi2.o _popcountdi2.o _paritysi2.o _paritydi2.o _powisf2.o _powidf2.o _powixf2.o _powitf2.o _mulsc3.o _muldc3.o _mulxc3.o _multc3.o _divsc3.o _divdc3.o _divxc3.o _divtc3.o _bswapsi2.o _bswapdi2.o _clrsbsi2.o _clrsbdi2.o _muldi3.o _negdi2.o _lshrdi3.o _ashldi3.o _ashrdi3.o _fixsfdi.o _fixdfdi.o _fixxfdi.o _fixunssfdi.o _fixunsdfdi.o _fixunsxfdi.o _floatdisf.o _floatdidf.o _floatdixf.o _floatundisf.o _floatundidf.o _floatundixf.o _fixunssfsi.o _fixunsdfsi.o _fixunsxfsi.o _divdi3.o _moddi3.o _divmoddi4.o _udivdi3.o _umoddi3.o _udivmoddi4.o _udiv_w_sdiv.o unwind-dw2.o unwind-dw2-fde-dip.o unwind-sjlj.o unwind-c.o emutls.o cpuinfo.o tf-signs.o sfp-exceptions.o addtf3.o divtf3.o eqtf2.o getf2.o letf2.o multf3.o negtf2.o subtf3.o unordtf2.o fixtfsi.o fixunstfsi.o floatsitf.o floatunsitf.o fixtfdi.o fixunstfdi.o floatditf.o floatunditf.o extendsftf2.o extenddftf2.o extendxftf2.o trunctfsf2.o trunctfdf2.o 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cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-echo --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-xmlwf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.arc --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit audiorecord record.o record.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mpl --- --- cleandir-libdns --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- cleandir ===> external/intel-fw-public/iwl8265 --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-banner --- --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rpc.rstatd drvstats.o rstatd.o rstat_proc.o drvstats.ln rstatd.ln rstat_proc.ln || true) --- cleandir-rpc.rquotad --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rpc.rquotad.html8 .depend rquotad.d rquotad.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f 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games/banner --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-libiberty --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lcryptotest.ln tests.ln format_output.ln output_helpers.ln basic_output.ln stanza.ln main.ln tap_bio.ln driver.ln test_cleanup.ln cb.ln random.ln testutil_init.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bootp --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleani386lib --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl3/binutils/lib/libiberty --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- cleandir-man8.acorn32 --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bta2dpd --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-intel-fw-public --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend abounce.d addr_match_list.d anvil_clnt.d attr_override.d been_here.d bounce.d bounce_log.d canon_addr.d cfg_parser.d cleanup_strerror.d cleanup_strflags.d clnt_stream.d conv_time.d data_redirect.d db_common.d debug_peer.d debug_process.d defer.d deliver_completed.d deliver_flock.d deliver_pass.d deliver_request.d delivered_hdr.d dict_ldap.d dict_memcache.d dict_mysql.d dict_pgsql.d dict_proxy.d dict_sqlite.d domain_list.d dot_lockfile.d 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mkmap_fail.d mkmap_lmdb.d mkmap_open.d mkmap_proxy.d mkmap_sdbm.d msg_stats_print.d msg_stats_scan.d mynetworks.d mypwd.d namadr_list.d normalize_mailhost_addr.d off_cvt.d opened.d own_inet_addr.d pipe_command.d post_mail.d quote_821_local.d quote_822_local.d quote_flags.d rcpt_buf.d rcpt_print.d rec2stream.d rec_attr_map.d rec_streamlf.d rec_type.d recdump.d recipient_list.d record.d reject_deliver_request.d remove.d resolve_clnt.d resolve_local.d rewrite_clnt.d safe_ultostr.d scache.d scache_clnt.d scache_multi.d scache_single.d sent.d server_acl.d smtp_reply_footer.d smtp_stream.d smtputf8.d split_addr.d stream2rec.d string_list.d strip_addr.d sys_exits.d timed_ipc.d tok822_find.d tok822_node.d tok822_parse.d tok822_resolve.d tok822_rewrite.d tok822_tree.d trace.d user_acl.d uxtext.d valid_mailhost_addr.d verify.d verify_clnt.d verify_sender_addr.d verp_sender.d wildcard_inet_addr.d xtext.d abounce.d.tmp addr_match_list.d.tmp anvil_clnt.d.tmp attr_override.d.tmp been_here.d.tmp bounce.d.tmp bounce_log.d.tmp canon_addr.d.tmp cfg_parser.d.tmp cleanup_strerror.d.tmp cleanup_strflags.d.tmp clnt_stream.d.tmp conv_time.d.tmp data_redirect.d.tmp db_common.d.tmp debug_peer.d.tmp debug_process.d.tmp defer.d.tmp deliver_completed.d.tmp deliver_flock.d.tmp deliver_pass.d.tmp deliver_request.d.tmp delivered_hdr.d.tmp dict_ldap.d.tmp dict_memcache.d.tmp dict_mysql.d.tmp dict_pgsql.d.tmp dict_proxy.d.tmp dict_sqlite.d.tmp domain_list.d.tmp dot_lockfile.d.tmp dot_lockfile_as.d.tmp dsb_scan.d.tmp dsn.d.tmp dsn_buf.d.tmp dsn_filter.d.tmp dsn_mask.d.tmp dsn_print.d.tmp dsn_util.d.tmp dynamicmaps.d.tmp ehlo_mask.d.tmp ext_prop.d.tmp file_id.d.tmp flush_clnt.d.tmp fold_addr.d.tmp haproxy_srvr.d.tmp header_body_checks.d.tmp header_opts.d.tmp header_token.d.tmp info_log_addr_form.d.tmp input_transp.d.tmp int_filt.d.tmp is_header.d.tmp log_adhoc.d.tmp mail_addr.d.tmp mail_addr_crunch.d.tmp mail_addr_find.d.tmp mail_addr_form.d.tmp mail_addr_map.d.tmp mail_command_client.d.tmp mail_command_server.d.tmp mail_conf.d.tmp mail_conf_bool.d.tmp mail_conf_int.d.tmp mail_conf_long.d.tmp mail_conf_nbool.d.tmp mail_conf_nint.d.tmp mail_conf_raw.d.tmp mail_conf_str.d.tmp mail_conf_time.d.tmp mail_connect.d.tmp mail_copy.d.tmp mail_date.d.tmp mail_dict.d.tmp mail_error.d.tmp mail_flush.d.tmp mail_open_ok.d.tmp mail_params.d.tmp mail_parm_split.d.tmp mail_pathname.d.tmp mail_queue.d.tmp mail_run.d.tmp mail_scan_dir.d.tmp mail_stream.d.tmp mail_task.d.tmp mail_trigger.d.tmp mail_version.d.tmp maillog_client.d.tmp map_search.d.tmp maps.d.tmp mark_corrupt.d.tmp match_parent_style.d.tmp match_service.d.tmp mbox_conf.d.tmp mbox_open.d.tmp memcache_proto.d.tmp midna_adomain.d.tmp mime_state.d.tmp mkmap_cdb.d.tmp mkmap_db.d.tmp mkmap_dbm.d.tmp mkmap_fail.d.tmp mkmap_lmdb.d.tmp mkmap_open.d.tmp mkmap_proxy.d.tmp mkmap_sdbm.d.tmp msg_stats_print.d.tmp msg_stats_scan.d.tmp mynetworks.d.tmp mypwd.d.tmp namadr_list.d.tmp normalize_mailhost_addr.d.tmp off_cvt.d.tmp opened.d.tmp own_inet_addr.d.tmp pipe_command.d.tmp post_mail.d.tmp quote_821_local.d.tmp quote_822_local.d.tmp quote_flags.d.tmp rcpt_buf.d.tmp rcpt_print.d.tmp rec2stream.d.tmp rec_attr_map.d.tmp rec_streamlf.d.tmp rec_type.d.tmp recdump.d.tmp recipient_list.d.tmp record.d.tmp reject_deliver_request.d.tmp remove.d.tmp resolve_clnt.d.tmp resolve_local.d.tmp rewrite_clnt.d.tmp safe_ultostr.d.tmp scache.d.tmp scache_clnt.d.tmp scache_multi.d.tmp scache_single.d.tmp sent.d.tmp server_acl.d.tmp smtp_reply_footer.d.tmp smtp_stream.d.tmp smtputf8.d.tmp split_addr.d.tmp stream2rec.d.tmp string_list.d.tmp strip_addr.d.tmp sys_exits.d.tmp timed_ipc.d.tmp tok822_find.d.tmp tok822_node.d.tmp tok822_parse.d.tmp tok822_resolve.d.tmp tok822_rewrite.d.tmp tok822_tree.d.tmp trace.d.tmp user_acl.d.tmp uxtext.d.tmp valid_mailhost_addr.d.tmp verify.d.tmp verify_clnt.d.tmp verify_sender_addr.d.tmp verp_sender.d.tmp wildcard_inet_addr.d.tmp xtext.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleaning the i386 library objects --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man8/man8.acorn32 --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rcs2log a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleansalib --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- cleandir-common --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f break_case break_compound break_file break_for break_func break_subshell break_until break_while case_break_case case_break_compound case_break_file case_break_for case_break_func case_break_subshell case_break_until case_break_while case_continue_case case_continue_compound case_continue_file case_continue_for case_continue_func case_continue_subshell case_continue_until case_continue_while case_return_case case_return_compound case_return_file case_return_for case_return_func case_return_subshell case_return_until case_return_while compound_break_case compound_break_compound compound_break_file compound_break_for compound_break_func compound_break_subshell compound_break_until compound_break_while compound_continue_case compound_continue_compound compound_continue_file compound_continue_for compound_continue_func compound_continue_subshell compound_continue_until compound_continue_while compound_return_case compound_return_compound co--- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f audiorecord.html1 .depend record.d record.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- mpound_return_file compound_return_for compound_return_func compound_return_subshell compound_return_until compound_return_while continue_case continue_compound continue_file continue_for continue_func continue_subshell continue_until continue_while file_break_case file_break_compound file_break_file file_break_for file_break_func file_break_subshell file_break_until file_break_while file_continue_case file_continue_compound file_continue_file file_continue_for file_continue_func file_continue_subshell file_continue_until file_continue_while file_return_case file_return_compound file_return_file file_return_for file_return_func file_return_subshell file_return_until file_return_while for_break_case for_break_compound for_break_file for_break_for for_break_func for_break_subshell for_break_until for_break_while for_continue_case for_continue_compound for_continue_file for_continue_for for_continue_func for_continue_subshell for_continue_until for_continue_while for_return_case for_return_compound for_return_fi--- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rstatd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- le for_return_for for_return_func for_return_subshell for_return_until for_return_while func_break_case func_break_compound func_break_file func_break_for func_break_func func_break_subshell func_break_until func_break_while func_continue_case func_continue_compound func_continue_file func_continue_for func_continue_func func_continue_subshell func_continue_until func_continue_while func_return_case func_return_compound func_return_file func_return_for func_return_func func_return_subshell func_return_until func_return_while return_case return_compound return_file return_for return_func return_subshell return_until return_while subshell_break_case subshell_break_compound subshell_break_file subshell_break_for subshell_break_func subshell_break_subshell subshell_break_until subshell_break_while subshell_continue_case subshell_continue_compound subshell_continue_file subshell_continue_for subshell_continue_func subshell_continue_subshell subshell_continue_until subshell_continue_while subshell_return_case subshell_return_compound subshell_return_file subshell_return_for subshell_return_func subshell_return_subshell subshell_return_until subshell_return_while until_break_case until_break_compound until_break_file until_break_for until_break_func until_break_subshell until_break_until until_break_while until_continue_case until_continue_compound until_continue_file until_continue_for until_continue_func until_continue_subshell until_continue_until until_continue_while until_return_case until_return_compound until_return_file until_return_for until_return_func until_return_subshell until_return_until until_return_while while_break_case while_break_compound while_break_file while_break_for while_break_func while_break_subshell while_break_until while_break_while while_continue_case while_continue_compound while_continue_file while_continue_for while_continue_func while_continue_subshell while_continue_until while_continue_while while_return_case while_return_compound while_return_file while_return_for while_return_func while_return_subshell while_return_until while_return_while a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rusersd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- cleandir-cosdata-gen --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-chown --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleaning the sa library objects --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleankernlib --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit echo echo.o echo.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit banner banner.o banner.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s_pic.a* _muldi3.pico _negdi2.pico _lshrdi3.pico _ashldi3.pico _ashrdi3.pico _cmpdi2.pico _ucmpdi2.pico _clear_cache.pico _trampoline.pico __main.pico _absvsi2.pico _absvdi2.pico _addvsi3.pico _addvdi3.pico _subvsi3.pico _subvdi3.pico _mulvsi3.pico _mulvdi3.pico _negvsi2.pico _negvdi2.pico _ctors.pico _ffssi2.pico _ffsdi2.pico _clz.pico _clzsi2.pico _clzdi2.pico _ctzsi2.pico _ctzdi2.pico _popcount_tab.pico _popcountsi2.pico _popcountdi2.pico _paritysi2.pico _paritydi2.pico _powisf2.pico _powidf2.pico _powixf2.pico _powitf2.pico _mulsc3.pico _muldc3.pico _mulxc3.pico _multc3.pico _divsc3.pico _divdc3.pico _divxc3.pico _divtc3.pico _bswapsi2.pico _bswapdi2.pico _clrsbsi2.pico _clrsbdi2.pico _muldi3.pico _negdi2.pico _lshrdi3.pico _ashldi3.pico _ashrdi3.pico _fixsfdi.pico _fixdfdi.pico _fixxfdi.pico _fixunssfdi.pico _fixunsdfdi.pico _fixunsxfdi.pico _floatdisf.pico _floatdidf.pico _floatdixf.pico _floatundisf.pico _floatundidf.pico _floatundixf.pico _fixunssfsi.pico _fixunsdfsi.pico _fixunsxfsi.pico _divdi3.pico _moddi3.pico _divmoddi4.pico _udivdi3.pico _umoddi3.pico _udivmoddi4.pico _udiv_w_sdiv.pico unwind-dw2.pico unwind-dw2-fde-dip.pico unwind-sjlj.pico unwind-c.pico emutls.pico cpuinfo.pico sfp-exceptions.pico addtf3.pico divtf3.pico eqtf2.pico getf2.pico letf2.pico multf3.pico negtf2.pico subtf3.pico unordtf2.pico fixtfsi.pico fixunstfsi.pico floatsitf.pico floatunsitf.pico fixtfdi.pico fixunstfdi.pico floatditf.pico floatunditf.pico fixtfti.pico fixunstfti.pico floattitf.pico floatuntitf.pico extendsftf2.pico extenddftf2.pico extendxftf2.pico trunctfsf2.pico trunctfdf2.pico trunctfxf2.pico enable-execute-stack.pico _muldi3.pico.tmp _negdi2.pico.tmp _lshrdi3.pico.tmp _ashldi3.pico.tmp _ashrdi3.pico.tmp _cmpdi2.pico.tmp _ucmpdi2.pico.tmp _clear_cache.pico.tmp _trampoline.pico.tmp __main.pico.tmp _absvsi2.pico.tmp _absvdi2.pico.tmp _addvsi3.pico.tmp _addvdi3.pico.tmp _subvsi3.pico.tmp _subvdi3.pico.tmp _mulvsi3.pico.tmp _mulvdi3.pico.tmp _negvsi2.pico.tmp _negvdi2.pico.tmp _ctors.pico.tmp _ffssi2.pico.tmp _ffsdi2.pico.tmp _clz.pico.tmp _clzsi2.pico.tmp _clzdi2.pico.tmp _ctzsi2.pico.tmp _ctzdi2.pico.tmp _popcount_tab.pico.tmp _popcountsi2.pico.tmp _popcountdi2.pico.tmp _paritysi2.pico.tmp _paritydi2.pico.tmp _powisf2.pico.tmp _powidf2.pico.tmp _powixf2.pico.tmp _powitf2.pico.tmp _mulsc3.pico.tmp _muldc3.pico.tmp _mulxc3.pico.tmp _multc3.pico.tmp _divsc3.pico.tmp _divdc3.pico.tmp _divxc3.pico.tmp _divtc3.pico.tmp _bswapsi2.pico.tmp _bswapdi2.pico.tmp _clrsbsi2.pico.tmp _clrsbdi2.pico.tmp _muldi3.pico.tmp _negdi2.pico.tmp _lshrdi3.pico.tmp _ashldi3.pico.tmp _ashrdi3.pico.tmp _fixsfdi.pico.tmp _fixdfdi.pico.tmp _fixxfdi.pico.tmp _fixunssfdi.pico.tmp _fixunsdfdi.pico.tmp _fixunsxfdi.pico.tmp _floatdisf.pico.tmp _floatdidf.pico.tmp _floatdixf.pico.tmp _floatundisf.pico.tmp _floatundidf.pico.tmp _floatundixf.pico.tmp _fixunssfsi.pico.tmp _fixunsdfsi.pico.tmp _fixunsxfsi.pico.tmp _divdi3.pico.tmp _moddi3.pico.tmp _divmoddi4.pico.tmp _udivdi3.pico.tmp _umoddi3.pico.tmp _udivmoddi4.pico.tmp _udiv_w_sdiv.pico.tmp unwind-dw2.pico.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.pico.tmp unwind-sjlj.pico.tmp unwind-c.pico.tmp emutls.pico.tmp cpuinfo.pico.tmp sfp-exceptions.pico.tmp addtf3.pico.tmp divtf3.pico.tmp eqtf2.pico.tmp getf2.pico.tmp letf2.pico.tmp multf3.pico.tmp negtf2.pico.tmp subtf3.pico.tmp unordtf2.pico.tmp fixtfsi.pico.tmp fixunstfsi.pico.tmp floatsitf.pico.tmp floatunsitf.pico.tmp fixtfdi.pico.tmp fixunstfdi.pico.tmp floatditf.pico.tmp floatunditf.pico.tmp fixtfti.pico.tmp fixunstfti.pico.tmp floattitf.pico.tmp floatuntitf.pico.tmp extendsftf2.pico.tmp extenddftf2.pico.tmp extendxftf2.pico.tmp trunctfsf2.pico.tmp trunctfdf2.pico.tmp trunctfxf2.pico.tmp enable-execute-stack.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit xmlwf codepage.o unixfilemap.o xmlfile.o xmlwf.o codepage.ln unixfilemap.ln xmlfile.ln xmlwf.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bta2dpd/cosdata-gen --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bootp/common --- cleandir-libexec --- cleandir ===> libexec/rpc.rusersd --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-man4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f intro.html4 || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libiberty.a regex.o cplus-dem.o cp-demangle.o md5.o sha1.o alloca.o argv.o choose-temp.o concat.o cp-demint.o crc32.o d-demangle.o dwarfnames.o dyn-string.o fdmatch.o fibheap.o filedescriptor.o filename_cmp.o floatformat.o fnmatch.o fopen_unlocked.o getopt.o getopt1.o getpwd.o getruntime.o hashtab.o hex.o lbasename.o lrealpath.o make-relative-prefix.o make-temp-file.o objalloc.o obstack.o partition.o pexecute.o physmem.o pex-common.o pex-one.o pex-unix.o vprintf-support.o rust-demangle.o safe-ctype.o simple-object.o simple-object-coff.o simple-object-elf.o simple-object-mach-o.o simple-object-xcoff.o sort.o spaces.o splay-tree.o stack-limit.o strerror.o strsignal.o timeval-utils.o unlink-if-ordinary.o xasprintf.o xatexit.o xexit.o xmalloc.o xmemdup.o xstrdup.o xstrerror.o xstrndup.o xvasprintf.o mempcpy.o strverscmp.o regex.o.tmp cplus-dem.o.tmp cp-demangle.o.tmp md5.o.tmp sha1.o.tmp alloca.o.tmp argv.o.tmp choose-tem--- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- p.o.tmp concat.o.tmp cp-demint.o.tmp crc32.o.tmp d-demangle.o.tmp dwarfnames.o.tmp dyn-string.o.tmp fdmatch.o.tmp fibheap.o.tmp filedescriptor.o.tmp filename_cmp.o.tmp floatformat.o.tmp fnmatch.o.tmp fopen_unlocked.o.tmp getopt.o.tmp getopt1.o.tmp getpwd.o.tmp getruntime.o.tmp hashtab.o.tmp hex.o.tmp lbasename.o.tmp lrealpath.o.tmp make-relative-prefix.o.tmp make-temp-file.o.tmp objalloc.o.tmp obstack.o.tmp partition.o.tmp pexecute.o.tmp physmem.o.tmp pex-common.o.tmp pex-one.o.tmp pex-unix.o.tmp vprintf-support.o.tmp rust-demangle.o.tmp safe-ctype.o.tmp simple-object.o.tmp simple-object-coff.o.tmp simple-object-elf.o.tmp simple-object-mach-o.o.tmp simple-object-xcoff.o.tmp sort.o.tmp spaces.o.tmp splay-tree.o.tmp stack-limit.o.tmp strerror.o.tmp strsignal.o.tmp timeval-utils.o.tmp unlink-if-ordinary.o.tmp xasprintf.o.tmp xatexit.o.tmp xexit.o.tmp xmalloc.o.tmp xmemdup.o.tmp xstrdup.o.tmp xstrerror.o.tmp xstrndup.o.tmp xvasprintf.o.tmp mempcpy.o.tmp strverscmp.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleaning the kern library objects --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/chown --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleanzlib --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-npf --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rstatd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rpc.rstatd.html8 .depend drvstats.d rstat_proc.d rstatd.d drvstats.d.tmp rstat_proc.d.tmp rstatd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- cleandir ===> external/nvidia-firmware --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f ctf.html5 .depend ctf_create.d ctf_decl.d ctf_error.d ctf_hash.d ctf_labels.d ctf_lib.d ctf_lookup.d ctf_open.d ctf_subr.d ctf_types.d ctf_util.d ctf_create.d.tmp ctf_decl.d.tmp ctf_error.d.tmp ctf_hash.d.tmp ctf_labels.d.tmp ctf_lib.d.tmp ctf_lookup.d.tmp ctf_open.d.tmp ctf_subr.d.tmp ctf_types.d.tmp ctf_util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f boot32.html8 nbfs.html8 || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleaning the z library objects --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f build_version.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit sun_map_parse.c sun_map_tok.c conf_parse.c conf_tok.c sun_map_parse.h conf_parse.h amd am_ops.o amd.o amfs_auto.o amfs_generic.o amfs_direct.o amfs_error.o amfs_host.o amfs_link.o amfs_linkx.o amfs_nfsl.o amfs_nfsx.o amfs_program.o amfs_root.o amfs_toplvl.o amfs_union.o amq_subr.o amq_svc.o autil.o clock.o conf.o get_args.o info_exec.o info_file.o info_ndbm.o info_passwd.o info_sun.o info_union.o map.o mapc.o mntfs.o nfs_prot_svc.o nfs_start.o nfs_subr.o ops_cdfs.o ops_efs.o ops_mfs.o ops_nfs.o ops_nfs3.o ops_nullfs.o ops_pcfs.o ops_tfs.o ops_tmpfs.o ops_udf.o ops_ufs.o ops_umapfs.o ops_unionfs.o opts.o readdir.o restart.o rpc_fwd.o sched.o srvr_amfs_auto.o srvr_nfs.o sun_map.o sun_map_parse.o sun_map_tok.o conf_parse.o conf_tok.o info_hesiod.o info_ldap.o info_nis.o am_ops.ln amd.ln amfs_auto.ln amfs_generic.ln amfs_direct.ln amfs_error.ln amfs_host.ln amfs_link.ln amfs_linkx.ln amfs_nfsl.ln amfs_nfsx.ln amfs_program.ln amfs_root.ln amfs_toplvl.ln amfs_union.ln amq_subr.ln amq_svc.ln autil.ln clock.ln conf.ln get_args.ln info_exec.ln info_file.ln info_ndbm.ln info_passwd.ln info_sun.ln info_union.ln map.ln mapc.ln mntfs.ln nfs_prot_svc.ln nfs_start.ln nfs_subr.ln ops_cdfs.ln ops_efs.ln ops_mfs.ln ops_nfs.ln ops_nfs3.ln ops_nullfs.ln ops_pcfs.ln ops_tfs.ln ops_tmpfs.ln ops_udf.ln ops_ufs.ln ops_umapfs.ln ops_unionfs.ln opts.ln readdir.ln restart.ln rpc_fwd.ln sched.ln srvr_amfs_auto.ln srvr_nfs.ln sun_map.ln info_hesiod.ln info_ldap.ln info_nis.ln || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- cleandir-dns --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/npf --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core cosdata cosdata.lo cosdata.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- cleandir-gm20x --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rusersd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rcs2log.html1 || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-audiocfg --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f boot.tmp boot.sym vers.c a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit boot biosboot.o boot2.o conf.o devopen.o exec.o exec_multiboot1.o exec_multiboot2.o vers.o boot2.ln conf.ln devopen.ln exec.ln exec_multiboot1.ln exec_multiboot2.ln vers.ln machine x86_64 i386 x86 xen || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- cleandir ===> external/ibm-public/postfix/lib/dns --- cleandir-mit --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/audiocfg --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rpc.rusersd rusersd.o rusers_proc.o utmpentry.o rusersd.ln rusers_proc.ln utmpentry.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- cleandir ===> external/nvidia-firmware/gm20x --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-libavl --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.atari --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit chown chown.o chown.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f banner.html6 .depend banner.d banner.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f echo.html1 .depend echo.d echo.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f xmlwf.html1 .depend codepage.d unixfilemap.d xmlfile.d xmlwf.d codepage.d.tmp unixfilemap.d.tmp xmlfile.d.tmp xmlwf.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- cleandir-man8.alpha --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/lib/libavl --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rwalld --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-xcvs --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f t_dotcmd t_dotcmd.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2020. /tmp/build/2020. || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- cleandir-common --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libiberty_p.a || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- cleandir ===> share/man/man8/man8.alpha --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lgcc_s.ln _muldi3.ln _negdi2.ln _lshrdi3.ln _ashldi3.ln _ashrdi3.ln _cmpdi2.ln _ucmpdi2.ln _clear_cache.ln _trampoline.ln __main.ln _absvsi2.ln _absvdi2.ln _addvsi3.ln _addvdi3.ln _subvsi3.ln _subvdi3.ln _mulvsi3.ln _mulvdi3.ln _negvsi2.ln _negvdi2.ln _ctors.ln _ffssi2.ln _ffsdi2.ln _clz.ln _clzsi2.ln _clzdi2.ln _ctzsi2.ln _ctzdi2.ln _popcount_tab.ln _popcountsi2.ln _popcountdi2.ln _paritysi2.ln _paritydi2.ln _powisf2.ln _powidf2.ln _powixf2.ln _powitf2.ln _mulsc3.ln _muldc3.ln _mulxc3.ln _multc3.ln _divsc3.ln _divdc3.ln _divxc3.ln _divtc3.ln _bswapsi2.ln _bswapdi2.ln _clrsbsi2.ln _clrsbdi2.ln _muldi3.ln _negdi2.ln _lshrdi3.ln _ashldi3.ln _ashrdi3.ln _fixsfdi.ln _fixdfdi.ln _fixxfdi.ln _fixunssfdi.ln _fixunsdfdi.ln _fixunsxfdi.ln _floatdisf.ln _floatdidf.ln _floatdixf.ln _floatundisf.ln _floatundidf.ln _floatundixf.ln _fixunssfsi.ln _fixunsdfsi.ln _fixunsxfsi.ln _divdi3.ln _moddi3.ln _divmoddi4.ln _udivdi3.ln _umoddi3.ln _udivmoddi4.ln _udiv_w_sdiv.ln unwind-dw2.ln unwind-dw2-fde-dip.ln unwind-sjlj.ln unwind-c.ln emutls.ln cpuinfo.ln sfp-exceptions.ln addtf3.ln divtf3.ln eqtf2.ln getf2.ln letf2.ln multf3.ln negtf2.ln subtf3.ln unordtf2.ln fixtfsi.ln fixunstfsi.ln floatsitf.ln floatunsitf.ln fixtfdi.ln fixunstfdi.ln floatditf.ln floatunditf.ln fixtfti.ln fixunstfti.ln floattitf.ln floatuntitf.ln extendsftf2.ln extenddftf2.ln extendxftf2.ln trunctfsf2.ln trunctfdf2.ln trunctfxf2.ln enable-execute-stack.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4/man4.atari --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libgcc_s_pic.a* _muldi3.pico _negdi2.pico _lshrdi3.pico _ashldi3.pico _ashrdi3.pico _cmpdi2.pico _ucmpdi2.pico _clear_cache.pico _trampoline.pico __main.pico _absvsi2.pico _absvdi2.pico _addvsi3.pico _addvdi3.pico _subvsi3.pico _subvdi3.pico _mulvsi3.pico _mulvdi3.pico _negvsi2.pico _negvdi2.pico _ctors.pico _ffssi2.pico _ffsdi2.pico _clz.pico _clzsi2.pico _clzdi2.pico _ctzsi2.pico _ctzdi2.pico _popcount_tab.pico _popcountsi2.pico _popcountdi2.pico _paritysi2.pico _paritydi2.pico _powisf2.pico _powidf2.pico _powixf2.pico _powitf2.pico _mulsc3.pico _muldc3.pico _mulxc3.pico _multc3.pico _divsc3.pico _divdc3.pico _divxc3.pico _divtc3.pico _bswapsi2.pico _bswapdi2.pico _clrsbsi2.pico _clrsbdi2.pico _muldi3.pico _negdi2.pico _lshrdi3.pico _ashldi3.pico _ashrdi3.pico _fixsfdi.pico _fixdfdi.pico _fixxfdi.pico _fixunssfdi.pico _fixunsdfdi.pico _fixunsxfdi.pico _floatdisf.pico _floatdidf.pico _floatdixf.pico _floatundisf.pico _floatundidf.pico _floatundixf.pico _fixunssfsi.pico _fixunsdfsi.pico _fixunsxfsi.pico _divdi3.pico _moddi3.pico _divmoddi4.pico _udivdi3.pico _umoddi3.pico _udivmoddi4.pico _udiv_w_sdiv.pico unwind-dw2.pico unwind-dw2-fde-dip.pico unwind-sjlj.pico unwind-c.pico emutls.pico cpuinfo.pico tf-signs.pico sfp-exceptions.pico addtf3.pico divtf3.pico eqtf2.pico getf2.pico letf2.pico multf3.pico negtf2.pico subtf3.pico unordtf2.pico fixtfsi.pico fixunstfsi.pico floatsitf.pico floatunsitf.pico fixtfdi.pico fixunstfdi.pico floatditf.pico floatunditf.pico extendsftf2.pico extenddftf2.pico extendxftf2.pico trunctfsf2.pico trunctfdf2.pico trunctfxf2.pico enable-execute-stack.pico _muldi3.pico.tmp _negdi2.pico.tmp _lshrdi3.pico.tmp _ashldi3.pico.tmp _ashrdi3.pico.tmp _cmpdi2.pico.tmp _ucmpdi2.pico.tmp _clear_cache.pico.tmp _trampoline.pico.tmp __main.pico.tmp _absvsi2.pico.tmp _absvdi2.pico.tmp _addvsi3.pico.tmp _addvdi3.pico.tmp _subvsi3.pico.tmp _subvdi3.pico.tmp _mulvsi3.pico.tmp _mulvdi3.pico.tmp _negvsi2.pico.tmp _negvdi2.pico.tmp _ctors.pico.tmp _ffssi2.pico.tmp _ffsdi2.pico.tmp _clz.pico.tmp _clzsi2.pico.tmp _clzdi2.pico.tmp _ctzsi2.pico.tmp _ctzdi2.pico.tmp _popcount_tab.pico.tmp _popcountsi2.pico.tmp _popcountdi2.pico.tmp _paritysi2.pico.tmp _paritydi2.pico.tmp _powisf2.pico.tmp _powidf2.pico.tmp _powixf2.pico.tmp _powitf2.pico.tmp _mulsc3.pico.tmp _muldc3.pico.tmp _mulxc3.pico.tmp _multc3.pico.tmp _divsc3.pico.tmp _divdc3.pico.tmp _divxc3.pico.tmp _divtc3.pico.tmp _bswapsi2.pico.tmp _bswapdi2.pico.tmp _clrsbsi2.pico.tmp _clrsbdi2.pico.tmp _muldi3.pico.tmp _negdi2.pico.tmp _lshrdi3.pico.tmp _ashldi3.pico.tmp _ashrdi3.pico.tmp _fixsfdi.pico.tmp _fixdfdi.pico.tmp _fixxfdi.pico.tmp _fixunssfdi.pico.tmp _fixunsdfdi.pico.tmp _fixunsxfdi.pico.tmp _floatdisf.pico.tmp _floatdidf.pico.tmp _floatdixf.pico.tmp _floatundisf.pico.tmp _floatundidf.pico.tmp _floatundixf.pico.tmp _fixunssfsi.pico.tmp _fixunsdfsi.pico.tmp _fixunsxfsi.pico.tmp _divdi3.pico.tmp _moddi3.pico.tmp _divmoddi4.pico.tmp _udivdi3.pico.tmp _umoddi3.pico.tmp _udivmoddi4.pico.tmp _udiv_w_sdiv.pico.tmp unwind-dw2.pico.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.pico.tmp unwind-sjlj.pico.tmp unwind-c.pico.tmp emutls.pico.tmp cpuinfo.pico.tmp tf-signs.pico.tmp sfp-exceptions.pico.tmp addtf3.pico.tmp divtf3.pico.tmp eqtf2.pico.tmp getf2.pico.tmp letf2.pico.tmp multf3.pico.tmp negtf2.pico.tmp subtf3.pico.tmp unordtf2.pico.tmp fixtfsi.pico.tmp fixunstfsi.pico.tmp floatsitf.pico.tmp floatunsitf.pico.tmp fixtfdi.pico.tmp fixunstfdi.pico.tmp floatditf.pico.tmp floatunditf.pico.tmp extendsftf2.pico.tmp extenddftf2.pico.tmp extendxftf2.pico.tmp trunctfsf2.pico.tmp trunctfdf2.pico.tmp trunctfxf2.pico.tmp enable-execute-stack.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcommon.a dovend.o dumptab.o getif.o hash.o hwaddr.o lookup.o readfile.o report.o tzone.o dovend.o.tmp dumptab.o.tmp getif.o.tmp hash.o.tmp hwaddr.o.tmp lookup.o.tmp readfile.o.tmp report.o.tmp tzone.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandiri386lib --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/bin/xcvs --- cleandir-libexec --- cleandir ===> libexec/rpc.rwalld --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdns.a dns_lookup.o dns_rr.o dns_rr_eq_sa.o dns_rr_filter.o dns_rr_to_pa.o dns_rr_to_sa.o dns_sa_to_rr.o dns_str_resflags.o dns_strerror.o dns_strrecord.o dns_strtype.o test_dns_lookup.o dns_lookup.o.tmp dns_rr.o.tmp dns_rr_eq_sa.o.tmp dns_rr_filter.o.tmp dns_rr_to_pa.o.tmp dns_rr_to_sa.o.tmp dns_sa_to_rr.o.tmp dns_str_resflags.o.tmp dns_strerror.o.tmp dns_strrecord.o.tmp dns_strtype.o.tmp test_dns_lookup.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- cleandir ===> external/nvidia-firmware/gm20x/common --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f amd.html8 .depend am_ops.d amd.d amfs_auto.d amfs_direct.d amfs_error.d amfs_generic.d amfs_host.d amfs_link.d amfs_linkx.d amfs_nfsl.d amfs_nfsx.d amfs_program.d amfs_root.d amfs_toplvl.d amfs_union.d amq_subr.d amq_svc.d autil.d clock.d conf.d conf_parse.d conf_tok.d get_args.d info_exec.d info_file.d info_hesiod.d info_ldap.d info_ndbm.d info_nis.d info_passwd.d info_sun.d info_union.d map.d mapc.d mntfs.d nfs_prot_svc.d nfs_start.d nfs_subr.d ops_cdfs.d ops_efs.d ops_mfs.d ops_nfs.d ops_nfs3.d ops_nullfs.d ops_pcfs.d ops_tfs.d ops_tmpfs.d ops_udf.d ops_ufs.d ops_umapfs.d ops_unionfs.d opts.d readdir.d restart.d rpc_fwd.d sched.d srvr_amfs_auto.d srvr_nfs.d sun_map.d sun_map_parse.d sun_map_tok.d am_ops.d.tmp amd.d.tmp amfs_auto.d.tmp amfs_direct.d.tmp amfs_error.d.tmp amfs_generic.d.tmp amfs_host.d.tmp amfs_link.d.tmp amfs_linkx.d.tmp amfs_nfsl.d.tmp amfs_nfsx.d.tmp amfs_program.d.tmp amfs_root.d.tmp amfs_toplvl.d.tmp amfs_union.d.tmp amq_subr.d.tmp amq_svc.d.tmp autil.d.tmp clock.d.tmp conf.d.tmp conf_parse.d.tmp conf_tok.d.tmp get_args.d.tmp info_exec.d.tmp info_file.d.tmp info_hesiod.d.tmp info_ldap.d.tmp info_ndbm.d.tmp info_nis.d.tmp info_passwd.d.tmp info_sun.d.tmp info_union.d.tmp map.d.tmp mapc.d.tmp mntfs.d.tmp nfs_prot_svc.d.tmp nfs_start.d.tmp nfs_subr.d.tmp ops_cdfs.d.tmp ops_efs.d.tmp ops_mfs.d.tmp ops_nfs.d.tmp ops_nfs3.d.tmp ops_nullfs.d.tmp ops_pcfs.d.tmp ops_tfs.d.tmp ops_tmpfs.d.tmp ops_udf.d.tmp ops_ufs.d.tmp ops_umapfs.d.tmp ops_unionfs.d.tmp opts.d.tmp readdir.d.tmp restart.d.tmp rpc_fwd.d.tmp sched.d.tmp srvr_amfs_auto.d.tmp srvr_nfs.d.tmp sun_map.d.tmp sun_map_parse.d.tmp sun_map_tok.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-battlestar --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend basic_output.d cb.d driver.d format_output.d main.d output_helpers.d random.d stanza.d tap_bio.d test_cleanup.d tests.d testutil_init.d basic_output.d.tmp cb.d.tmp driver.d.tmp format_output.d.tmp main.d.tmp output_helpers.d.tmp random.d.tmp stanza.d.tmp tap_bio.d.tmp test_cleanup.d.tmp tests.d.tmp testutil_init.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rusersd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-lua --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend cosdata.d cosdata.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit audiocfg audiodev.o drvctl.o dtmf.o main.o audiodev.ln drvctl.ln dtmf.ln main.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleandiring the i386 library objects --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rpc.rusersd.html8 .depend rusers_proc.d rusersd.d utmpentry.d rusers_proc.d.tmp rusersd.d.tmp utmpentry.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandirsalib --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-ed --- --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/battlestar --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f chgrp.html1 chown.html8 .depend chown.d chown.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit/lua --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rwalld --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleandiring the sa library objects --- cleandirkernlib --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> bin/ed --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libiberty_g.a || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rpc.rwalld rwalld.o rwalld.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f boot.html8 mkbootimage.html8 setnetbootinfo.html8 || true) --- cleandir-man4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f et.html4 floppy.html4 intro.html4 ms.html4 rtc.html4 || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-amq --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libdes --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _cmpdi2.c _ucmpdi2.c _clear_cache.c _trampoline.c __main.c _absvsi2.c _absvdi2.c _addvsi3.c _addvdi3.c _subvsi3.c _subvdi3.c _mulvsi3.c _mulvdi3.c _negvsi2.c _negvdi2.c _ctors.c _ffssi2.c _ffsdi2.c _clz.c _clzsi2.c _clzdi2.c _ctzsi2.c _ctzdi2.c _popcount_tab.c _popcountsi2.c _popcountdi2.c _paritysi2.c _paritydi2.c _powisf2.c _powidf2.c _powixf2.c _powitf2.c _mulsc3.c _muldc3.c _mulxc3.c _multc3.c _divsc3.c _divdc3.c _divxc3.c _divtc3.c _bswapsi2.c _bswapdi2.c _clrsbsi2.c _clrsbdi2.c _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _fixsfdi.c _fixdfdi.c _fixxfdi.c _fixunssfdi.c _fixunsdfdi.c _fixunsxfdi.c _floatdisf.c _floatdidf.c _floatdixf.c _floatundisf.c _floatundidf.c _floatundixf.c _fixunssfsi.c _fixunsdfsi.c _fixunsxfsi.c _eprintf.c __gcc_bcmp.c _divdi3.c _moddi3.c _divmoddi4.c _udivdi3.c _umoddi3.c _udivmoddi4.c _udiv_w_sdiv.c cs-tconfig.h cs-tconfig.h tconfig.h insn-constants.h options.h libgcc_tm.h insn-flags.h sysroot-suffix.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core libgcc-std.ver || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libavl.a avl.o avl.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-pppd --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- cleandir-sbc_crc-gen --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-lgcc_s.ln _muldi3.ln _negdi2.ln _lshrdi3.ln _ashldi3.ln _ashrdi3.ln _cmpdi2.ln _ucmpdi2.ln _clear_cache.ln _trampoline.ln __main.ln _absvsi2.ln _absvdi2.ln _addvsi3.ln _addvdi3.ln _subvsi3.ln _subvdi3.ln _mulvsi3.ln _mulvdi3.ln _negvsi2.ln _negvdi2.ln _ctors.ln _ffssi2.ln _ffsdi2.ln _clz.ln _clzsi2.ln _clzdi2.ln _ctzsi2.ln _ctzdi2.ln _popcount_tab.ln _popcountsi2.ln _popcountdi2.ln _paritysi2.ln _paritydi2.ln _powisf2.ln _powidf2.ln _powixf2.ln _powitf2.ln _mulsc3.ln _muldc3.ln _mulxc3.ln _multc3.ln _divsc3.ln _divdc3.ln _divxc3.ln _divtc3.ln _bswapsi2.ln _bswapdi2.ln _clrsbsi2.ln _clrsbdi2.ln _muldi3.ln _negdi2.ln _lshrdi3.ln _ashldi3.ln _ashrdi3.ln _fixsfdi.ln _fixdfdi.ln _fixxfdi.ln _fixunssfdi.ln _fixunsdfdi.ln _fixunsxfdi.ln _floatdisf.ln _floatdidf.ln _floatdixf.ln _floatundisf.ln _floatundidf.ln _floatundixf.ln _fixunssfsi.ln _fixunsdfsi.ln _fixunsxfsi.ln _divdi3.ln _moddi3.ln _divmoddi4.ln _udivdi3.ln _um--- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdns_p.a || true) --- cleandir-compat --- oddi3.ln _udivmoddi4.ln _udiv_w_sdiv.ln unwind-dw2.ln unwind-dw2-fde-dip.ln unwind-sjlj.ln unwind-c.ln emutls.ln cpuinfo.ln tf-signs.ln sfp-exceptions.ln addtf3.ln divtf3.ln eqtf2.ln getf2.ln letf2.ln multf3.ln negtf2.ln subtf3.ln unordtf2.ln fixtfsi.ln fixunstfsi.ln floatsitf.ln floatunsitf.ln fixtfdi.ln fixunstfdi.ln floatditf.ln floatunditf.ln extendsftf2.ln extenddftf2.ln extendxftf2.ln trunctfsf2.ln trunctfdf2.ln trunctfxf2.ln enable-execute-stack.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- cleandir-gm206 --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f t_arith t_builtins t_cmdsub t_evaltested t_exit t_expand t_fsplit t_here t_option t_patterns t_redir t_redircloexec t_set_e t_shift t_syntax t_ulimit t_varquote t_varval t_wait t_arith.tmp t_builtins.tmp t_cmdsub.tmp t_evaltested.tmp t_exit.tmp t_expand.tmp t_fsplit.tmp t_here.tmp t_option.tmp t_patterns.tmp t_redir.tmp t_redircloexec.tmp t_set_e.tmp t_shift.tmp t_syntax.tmp t_ulimit.tmp t_varquote.tmp t_varval.tmp t_wait.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2020. /tmp/build/2020. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcommon_p.a || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleandiring the kern library objects --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit battlestar battlestar.o command1.o command2.o command3.o command4.o command5.o command6.o command7.o init.o cypher.o getcom.o parse.o room.o save.o fly.o misc.o globals.o dayfile.o nightfile.o dayobjs.o nightobjs.o words.o battlestar.ln command1.ln command2.ln command3.ln command4.ln command5.ln command6.ln command7.ln init.ln cypher.ln getcom.ln parse.ln room.ln save.ln fly.ln misc.ln globals.ln dayfile.ln nightfile.ln dayobjs.ln nightobjs.ln words.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit/lua/lib --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandirzlib --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/am-utils/bin/amq --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> share/examples/pppd --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/bta2dpd/sbc_crc-gen --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/openssl/lib/libdes --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-devpubd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- cleandir ===> external/nvidia-firmware/gm20x/gm206 --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- cleandir-man8.amiga --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-liblua --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ed buf.o cbc.o glbl.o io.o main.o re.o sub.o undo.o buf.ln cbc.ln glbl.ln io.ln main.ln re.ln sub.ln undo.ln || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.sprayd --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleandiring the z library objects --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/devpubd --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleanlibdir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f audiocfg.html1 .depend audiodev.d drvctl.d dtmf.d main.d audiodev.d.tmp drvctl.d.tmp dtmf.d.tmp main.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> share/man/man8/man8.amiga --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.rwalld --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-mit --- cleandir ===> external/mit/lua/lib/liblua --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core sbc_crc sbc_crc.lo sbc_crc.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-nvidia-firmware --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- rm -rf lib --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit xcvs acl.o add.o admin.o annotate.o buffer.o checkin.o checkout.o classify.o client.o commit.o create_adm.o cvsrc.o diff.o edit.o entries.o error.o exithandle.o expand_path.o fileattr.o filesubr.o find_names.o hardlink.o hash.o history.o ignore.o import.o lock.o log.o log-buffer.o login.o logmsg.o ls.o main.o mkmodules.o modules.o ms-buffer.o myndbm.o no_diff.o parseinfo.o patch.o rcs.o rcscmds.o recurse.o release.o remove.o repos.o root.o rsh-client.o run.o scramble.o server.o stack.o status.o subr.o tag.o update.o vers_ts.o version.o watch.o wrapper.o zlib.o gssapi-client.o acl.ln add.ln admin.ln annotate.ln buffer.ln checkin.ln checkout.ln classify.ln client.ln commit.ln create_adm.ln cvsrc.ln diff.ln edit.ln entries.ln error.ln exithandle.ln expand_path.ln fileattr.ln filesubr.ln find_names.ln hardlink.ln hash.ln history.ln ignore.ln import.ln lock.ln log.ln log-buffer.ln login.ln logmsg.ln ls.ln main.ln mkmodules.ln modules.ln ms-buffer.ln myndbm.ln no_diff.ln parseinfo.ln patch.ln rcs.ln rcscmds.ln recurse.ln release.ln remove.ln repos.ln root.ln rsh-client.ln run.ln scramble.ln server.ln stack.ln status.ln subr.ln tag.ln update.ln vers_ts.ln version.ln watch.ln wrapper.ln zlib.ln gssapi-client.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.sprayd --- cleandir ===> libexec/rpc.sprayd --- cleandir-rpc.rwalld --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f rpc.rwalld.html8 .depend rwalld.d rwalld.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdns_g.a || true) --- cleandir-share --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcommon_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libiberty_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libavl_p.a avl.po avl.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-ofl --- --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _cmpdi2.c _ucmpdi2.c _clear_cache.c _trampoline.c __main.c _absvsi2.c _absvdi2.c _addvsi3.c _addvdi3.c _subvsi3.c _subvdi3.c _mulvsi3.c _mulvdi3.c _negvsi2.c _negvdi2.c _ctors.c _ffssi2.c _ffsdi2.c _clz.c _clzsi2.c _clzdi2.c _ctzsi2.c _ctzdi2.c _popcount_tab.c _popcountsi2.c _popcountdi2.c _paritysi2.c _paritydi2.c _powisf2.c _powidf2.c _powixf2.c _powitf2.c _mulsc3.c _muldc3.c _mulxc3.c _multc3.c _divsc3.c _divdc3.c _divxc3.c _divtc3.c _bswapsi2.c _bswapdi2.c _clrsbsi2.c _clrsbdi2.c _muldi3.c _negdi2.c _lshrdi3.c _ashldi3.c _ashrdi3.c _fixsfdi.c _fixdfdi.c _fixxfdi.c _fixunssfdi.c _fixunsdfdi.c _fixunsxfdi.c _floatdisf.c _floatdidf.c _floatdixf.c _floatundisf.c _floatundidf.c _floatundixf.c _fixunssfsi.c _fixunsdfsi.c _fixunsxfsi.c _eprintf.c __gcc_bcmp.c _divdi3.c _moddi3.c _divmoddi4.c _udivdi3.c _umoddi3.c _udivmoddi4.c _udiv_w_sdiv.c cs-tconfig.h cs-t--- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-compat --- config.h tconfig.h insn-constants.h options.h libgcc_tm.h insn-flags.h sysroot-suffix.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core libgcc-std.ver || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f battlestar.html6 .depend battlestar.d command1.d command2.d command3.d command4.d command5.d command6.d command7.d cypher.d dayfile.d dayobjs.d fly.d getcom.d globals.d init.d misc.d nightfile.d nightobjs.d parse.d room.d save.d words.d battlestar.d.tmp command1.d.tmp command2.d.tmp command3.d.tmp command4.d.tmp command5.d.tmp command6.d.tmp command7.d.tmp cypher.d.tmp dayfile.d.tmp dayobjs.d.tmp fly.d.tmp getcom.d.tmp globals.d.tmp init.d.tmp misc.d.tmp nightfile.d.tmp nightobjs.d.tmp parse.d.tmp room.d.tmp save.d.tmp words.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f devpubd-run-hooks a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit devpubd devpubd.o devpubd.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- cleandir-man4.cobalt --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-sleep --- cleandir ===> tests/bin/sleep --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f enable-execute-stack.c unwind.h md-unwind-support.h sfp-machine.h gthr-default.h .depend __main.d _absvdi2.d _absvsi2.d _addvdi3.d _addvsi3.d _ashldi3.d _ashrdi3.d _bswapdi2.d _bswapsi2.d _clear_cache.d _clrsbdi2.d _clrsbsi2.d _clz.d _clzdi2.d _clzsi2.d _cmpdi2.d _ctors.d _ctzdi2.d _ctzsi2.d _divdc3.d _divdi3.d _divmoddi4.d _divsc3.d _divtc3.d _divxc3.d _ffsdi2.d _ffssi2.d _fixdfdi.d _fixsfdi.d _fixunsdfdi.d _fixunsdfsi.d _fixunssfdi.d _fixunssfsi.d _fixunsxfdi.d _fixunsxfsi.d _fixxfdi.d _floatdidf.d _floatdisf.d _floatdixf.d _floatundidf.d _floatundisf.d _floatundixf.d _lshrdi3.d _moddi3.d _muldc3.d _muldi3.d _mulsc3.d _multc3.d _mulvdi3.d _mulvsi3.d _mulxc3.d _negdi2.d _negvdi2.d _negvsi2.d _paritydi2.d _paritysi2.d _popcount_tab.d _popcountdi2.d _popcountsi2.d _powidf2.d _powisf2.d _powitf2.d _powixf2.d _subvdi3.d _subvsi3.d _trampoline.d _ucmpdi2.d _udiv_w_sdiv.d _udivdi3.d _udivmoddi4.d _umoddi3.d addtf3.d cpuinfo.d divtf3.d emutls.d enable-execute-stack.d eqtf2.d extenddftf2.d extendsftf2.d extendxftf2.d fixtfdi.d fixtfsi.d fixtfti.d fixunstfdi.d fixunstfsi.d fixunstfti.d floatditf.d floatsitf.d floattitf.d floatunditf.d floatunsitf.d floatuntitf.d getf2.d letf2.d multf3.d negtf2.d sfp-exceptions.d subtf3.d trunctfdf2.d trunctfsf2.d trunctfxf2.d unordtf2.d unwind-c.d unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d unwind-dw2.d unwind-sjlj.d __main.d.tmp _absvdi2.d.tmp _absvsi2.d.tmp _addvdi3.d.tmp _addvsi3.d.tmp _ashldi3.d.tmp _ashrdi3.d.tmp _bswapdi2.d.tmp _bswapsi2.d.tmp _clear_cache.d.tmp _clrsbdi2.d.tmp _clrsbsi2.d.tmp _clz.d.tmp _clzdi2.d.tmp _clzsi2.d.tmp _cmpdi2.d.tmp _ctors.d.tmp _ctzdi2.d.tmp _ctzsi2.d.tmp _divdc3.d.tmp _divdi3.d.tmp _divmoddi4.d.tmp _divsc3.d.tmp _divtc3.d.tmp _divxc3.d.tmp _ffsdi2.d.tmp _ffssi2.d.tmp _fixdfdi.d.tmp _fixsfdi.d.tmp _fixunsdfdi.d.tmp _fixunsdfsi.d.tmp _fixunssfdi.d.tmp _fixunssfsi.d.tmp _fixunsxfdi.d.tmp _fixunsxfsi.d.tmp _fixxfdi.d.tmp _floatdidf.d.tmp _floatdisf.d.tmp _floatdixf.d.tmp _floatundidf.d.tmp _floatundisf.d.tmp _floatundixf.d.tmp _lshrdi3.d.tmp _moddi3.d.tmp _muldc3.d.tmp _muldi3.d.tmp _mulsc3.d.tmp _multc3.d.tmp _mulvdi3.d.tmp _mulvsi3.d.tmp _mulxc3.d.tmp _negdi2.d.tmp _negvdi2.d.tmp _negvsi2.d.tmp _paritydi2.d.tmp _paritysi2.d.tmp _popcount_tab.d.tmp _popcountdi2.d.tmp _popcountsi2.d.tmp _powidf2.d.tmp _powisf2.d.tmp _powitf2.d.tmp _powixf2.d.tmp _subvdi3.d.tmp _subvsi3.d.tmp _trampoline.d.tmp _ucmpdi2.d.tmp _udiv_w_sdiv.d.tmp _udivdi3.d.tmp _udivmoddi4.d.tmp _umoddi3.d.tmp addtf3.d.tmp cpuinfo.d.tmp divtf3.d.tmp emutls.d.tmp enable-execute-stack.d.tmp eqtf2.d.tmp extenddftf2.d.tmp extendsftf2.d.tmp extendxftf2.d.tmp fixtfdi.d.tmp fixtfsi.d.tmp fixtfti.d.tmp fixunstfdi.d.tmp fixunstfsi.d.tmp fixunstfti.d.tmp floatditf.d.tmp floatsitf.d.tmp floattitf.d.tmp floatunditf.d.tmp floatunsitf.d.tmp floatuntitf.d.tmp getf2.d.tmp letf2.d.tmp multf3.d.tmp negtf2.d.tmp sfp-exceptions.d.tmp subtf3.d.tmp trunctfdf2.d.tmp trunctfsf2.d.tmp trunctfxf2.d.tmp unordtf2.d.tmp unwind-c.d.tmp unwind-dw2-fde-dip.d.tmp unwind-dw2.d.tmp unwind-sjlj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend biosboot.d boot2.d conf.d devopen.d exec.d exec_multiboot1.d exec_multiboot2.d vers.d biosboot.d.tmp boot2.d.tmp conf.d.tmp devopen.d.tmp exec.d.tmp exec_multiboot1.d.tmp exec_multiboot2.d.tmp vers.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.sprayd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man8 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-man4 --- cleandir ===> share/man/man4/man4.cobalt --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f ed.html1 .depend buf.d cbc.d glbl.d io.d main.d re.d sub.d undo.d buf.d.tmp cbc.d.tmp glbl.d.tmp io.d.tmp main.d.tmp re.d.tmp sub.d.tmp undo.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-ofl --- cleandir ===> external/ofl --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdes.a ocbc_cksm.o ocbc_enc.o ocfb64ede.o ocfb64enc.o ocfb_enc.o odes_enc.o oecb3_enc.o oecb_enc.o oede_cbcm_enc.o oenc_read.o oenc_writ.o ofcrypt.o ofcrypt_b.o oofb64ede.o oofb64enc.o oofb_enc.o opcbc_enc.o oqud_cksm.o orand_key.o oread2pwd.o oread_pwd.o orpc_enc.o oset_key.o ostr2key.o oxcbc_enc.o ornd_keys.o ocbc_cksm.o.tmp ocbc_enc.o.tmp ocfb64ede.o.tmp ocfb64enc.o.tmp ocfb_enc.o.tmp odes_enc.o.tmp oecb3_enc.o.tmp oecb_enc.o.tmp oede_cbcm_enc.o.tmp oenc_read.o.tmp oenc_writ.o.tmp ofcrypt.o.tmp ofcrypt_b.o.tmp oofb64ede.o.tmp oofb64enc.o.tmp oofb_enc.o.tmp opcbc_enc.o.tmp oqud_cksm.o.tmp orand_key.o.tmp oread2pwd.o.tmp oread_pwd.o.tmp orpc_enc.o.tmp oset_key.o.tmp ostr2key.o.tmp oxcbc_enc.o.tmp ornd_keys.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-banner --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-libexec --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rpc.sprayd sprayd.o sprayd.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f .depend sbc_crc.d sbc_crc.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-man8 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f installboot.html8 binpatch.html8 boot.html8 || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f cvs.html1 cvs.html5 .depend acl.d add.d admin.d annotate.d buffer.d checkin.d checkout.d classify.d client.d commit.d create_adm.d cvsrc.d diff.d edit.d entries.d error.d exithandle.d expand_path.d fileattr.d filesubr.d find_names.d gssapi-client.d hardlink.d hash.d history.d ignore.d import.d lock.d log-buffer.d log.d login.d logmsg.d ls.d main.d mkmodules.d modules.d ms-buffer.d myndbm.d no_diff.d parseinfo.d patch.d rcs.d rcscmds.d recurse.d release.d remove.d repos.d root.d rsh-client.d run.d scramble.d server.d stack.d status.d subr.d tag.d update.d vers_ts.d version.d watch.d wrapper.d zlib.d acl.d.tmp add.d.tmp admin.d.tmp annotate.d.tmp buffer.d.tmp checkin.d.tmp checkout.d.tmp classify.d.tmp client.d.tmp commit.d.tmp create_adm.d.tmp cvsrc.d.tmp diff.d.tmp edit.d.tmp entries.d.tmp error.d.tmp exithandle.d.tmp expand_path.d.tmp fileattr.d.tmp filesubr.d.tmp find_names.d.tmp gssapi-client.d.tmp hardlink.d.tmp hash.d.tmp h--- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-bcd --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-talkd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libavl_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man4 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libcommon_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- istory.d.tmp ignore.d.tmp import.d.tmp lock.d.tmp log-buffer.d.tmp log.d.tmp login.d.tmp logmsg.d.tmp ls.d.tmp main.d.tmp mkmodules.d.tmp modules.d.tmp ms-buffer.d.tmp myndbm.d.tmp no_diff.d.tmp parseinfo.d.tmp patch.d.tmp rcs.d.tmp rcscmds.d.tmp recurse.d.tmp release.d.tmp remove.d.tmp repos.d.tmp root.d.tmp rsh-client.d.tmp run.d.tmp scramble.d.tmp server.d.tmp stack.d.tmp status.d.tmp subr.d.tmp tag.d.tmp update.d.tmp vers_ts.d.tmp version.d.tmp watch.d.tmp wrapper.d.tmp zlib.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-racoon --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ofl --- nbmake[5]: "/tmp/build/2020." line 3: Malformed conditional (${MKX11} != "no") --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit amq amq_xdr.o amq_clnt.o amq.o amq_xdr.ln amq_clnt.ln amq.ln || true) --- cleandir-compat --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ofl --- nbmake[5]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/build/2020. --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/bcd --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/banner --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-man --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libexec --- cleandir ===> libexec/talkd --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- cleandir ===> share/examples/racoon --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ibm-public --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f libdns_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-compat --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f enable-execute-stack.c unwind.h md-unwind-support.h sfp-machine.h gthr-default.h .depend __main.d _absvdi2.d _absvsi2.d _addvdi3.d _addvsi3.d _ashldi3.d _ashrdi3.d _bswapdi2.d _bswapsi2.d _clear_cache.d _clrsbdi2.d _clrsbsi2.d _clz.d _clzdi2.d _clzsi2.d _cmpdi2.d _ctors.d _ctzdi2.d _ctzsi2.d _divdc3.d _divdi3.d _divmoddi4.d _divsc3.d _divtc3.d _divxc3.d _ffsdi2.d _ffssi2.d _fixdfdi.d _fixsfdi.d _fixunsdfdi.d _fixunsdfsi.d _fixunssfdi.d _fixunssfsi.d _fixunsxfdi.d _fixunsxfsi.d _fixxfdi.d _floatdidf.d _floatdisf.d _floatdixf.d _floatundidf.d _floatundisf.d _floatundixf.d _lshrdi3.d _moddi3.d _muldc3.d _muldi3.d _mulsc3.d _multc3.d _mulvdi3.d _mulvsi3.d _mulxc3.d _negdi2.d _negvdi2.d _negvsi2.d _paritydi2.d _paritysi2.d _popcount_tab.d _popcountdi2.d _popcountsi2.d _powidf2.d _powisf2.d _powitf2.d _powixf2.d _subvdi3.d _subvsi3.d _trampoline.d _ucmpdi2.d _udiv_w_sdiv.d _udivdi3.d _udivmoddi4.d _umoddi3.d addtf3.d cpuinfo--- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f llib-liberty.ln regex.ln cplus-dem.ln cp-demangle.ln md5.ln sha1.ln alloca.ln argv.ln choose-temp.ln concat.ln cp-demint.ln crc32.ln d-demangle.ln dwarfnames.ln dyn-string.ln fdmatch.ln fibheap.ln filedescriptor.ln filename_cmp.ln floatformat.ln fnmatch.ln fopen_unlocked.ln getopt.ln getopt1.ln getpwd.ln getruntime.ln hashtab.ln hex.ln lbasename.ln lrealpath.ln make-relative-prefix.ln make-temp-file.ln objalloc.ln obstack.ln partition.ln pexecute.ln physmem.ln pex-common.ln pex-one.ln pex-unix.ln vprintf-support.ln rust-demangle.ln safe-ctype.ln simple-object.ln simple-object-coff.ln simple-object-elf.ln simple-object-mach-o.ln simple-object-xcoff.ln sort.ln spaces.ln splay-tree.ln stack-limit.ln strerror.ln strsignal.ln timeval-utils.ln unlink-if-ordinary.ln xasprintf.ln xatexit.ln xexit.ln xmalloc.ln xmemdup.ln xstrdup.ln xstrerror.ln xstrndup.ln xvasprintf.ln mempcpy.ln strverscmp.ln || true) --- cleandir-ibm-public --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-compat --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2020. && rm -f devpubd.html8 .depend devpubd.d devpubd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-rpc.sprayd --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-bta2dpd --- --- cleandir-bootp --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-mit --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-mpl --- ERROR: Failed to make release *** BUILD ABORTED *** 5.61 real 5.89 user 28.12 sys