Item | Value |
ATF | |
Version | |
Timings | |
Start time of tests | |
End time of tests | |
System information | |
Host name | |
Operating system | |
Operating system release | |
Operating system version | |
Platform | |
Tests results | |
Root | /usr/tests |
Test programs | 422 |
Bogus test programs | 0 |
Test cases | 2396 |
Passed test cases | 2254 |
15 | |
63 | |
64 | |
Test case | Result | Reason |
atf/atf-c/detail/dynstr_test | ||
append_ap | Passed | N/A |
append_fmt | Passed | N/A |
clear | Passed | N/A |
copy | Passed | N/A |
cstring | Passed | N/A |
equal_cstring | Passed | N/A |
equal_dynstr | Passed | N/A |
fini_disown | Passed | N/A |
init | Passed | N/A |
init_ap | Passed | N/A |
init_fmt | Passed | N/A |
init_raw | Passed | N/A |
init_rep | Passed | N/A |
init_substr | Passed | N/A |
length | Passed | N/A |
prepend_ap | Passed | N/A |
prepend_fmt | Passed | N/A |
rfind_ch | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/env_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
set | Passed | N/A |
unset | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/fs_test | ||
eaccess | Passed | N/A |
exists | Passed | N/A |
getcwd | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_err | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_ok | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_umask | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_err | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_ok | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_umask | Passed | N/A |
path_append | Passed | N/A |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A |
path_copy | Passed | N/A |
path_equal | Passed | N/A |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_empty | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_enotempty | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_eperm | Passed | N/A |
stat_mode | Passed | N/A |
stat_perms | Passed | N/A |
stat_type | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/list_test | ||
list_append | Passed | N/A |
list_append_list | Passed | N/A |
list_for_each | Passed | N/A |
list_for_each_c | Passed | N/A |
list_index | Passed | N/A |
list_index_c | Passed | N/A |
list_init | Passed | N/A |
list_to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
list_to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/map_test | ||
find | Passed | N/A |
find_c | Passed | N/A |
map_for_each | Passed | N/A |
map_for_each_c | Passed | N/A |
map_init | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_null | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_short | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
map_insert | Passed | N/A |
stable_keys | Passed | N/A |
to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/process_test | ||
child_pid | Passed | N/A |
child_wait_eintr | Passed | N/A |
exec_failure | Passed | N/A |
exec_list | Passed | N/A |
exec_prehook | Passed | N/A |
exec_success | Passed | N/A |
fork_cookie | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
status_coredump | Passed | N/A |
status_exited | Passed | N/A |
status_signaled | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_capture | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_connect | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_inherit | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/sanity_test | ||
inv | Passed | N/A |
post | Passed | N/A |
pre | Passed | N/A |
unreachable | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/test_helpers_test | ||
grep_file | Passed | N/A |
grep_string | Passed | N/A |
read_line | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/text_test | ||
for_each_word | Passed | N/A |
format | Passed | N/A |
format_ap | Passed | N/A |
split | Passed | N/A |
split_delims | Passed | N/A |
to_bool | Passed | N/A |
to_long | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/user_test | ||
euid | Passed | N/A |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A |
is_root | Passed | N/A |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/atf_c_test | ||
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/build_test | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A |
cpp | Passed | N/A |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
equal_arrays | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/check_test | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
exec_array | Passed | N/A |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A |
exec_umask | Passed | N/A |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/error_test | ||
error_new | Passed | N/A |
error_new_wo_memory | Passed | N/A |
format | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
include_fwd | Passed | N/A |
is_error | Passed | N/A |
libc_format | Passed | N/A |
libc_new | Passed | N/A |
no_error | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_format | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_new | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_twice | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/macros_test | ||
check | Passed | N/A |
check_eq | Passed | N/A |
check_errno | Passed | N/A |
check_streq | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
msg_embedded_fmt | Passed | N/A |
require | Passed | N/A |
require_eq | Passed | N/A |
require_errno | Passed | N/A |
require_streq | Passed | N/A |
use | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
atf/atf-c/tc_test | ||
config | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
init | Passed | N/A |
init_pack | Passed | N/A |
vars | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/tp_test | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/utils_test | ||
free_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
free_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/application_test | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/env_test | ||
has_get | Passed | N/A |
set | Passed | N/A |
unset | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/exceptions_test | ||
throw_atf_error_libc | Passed | N/A |
throw_atf_error_no_memory | Passed | N/A |
throw_atf_error_unknown | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/expand_test | ||
expand_glob_base | Passed | N/A |
expand_glob_tps | Passed | N/A |
is_glob | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_plain | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_question | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_star | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/fs_test | ||
directory_file_info | Passed | N/A |
directory_names | Passed | N/A |
directory_read | Passed | N/A |
exists | Passed | N/A |
file_info_perms | Passed | N/A |
file_info_stat | Passed | N/A |
is_executable | Passed | N/A |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A |
path_compare_different | Passed | N/A |
path_compare_equal | Passed | N/A |
path_concat | Passed | N/A |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A |
path_op_less | Passed | N/A |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A |
remove | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/parser_test | ||
headers_1 | Passed | N/A |
headers_10 | Passed | N/A |
headers_11 | Passed | N/A |
headers_12 | Passed | N/A |
headers_2 | Passed | N/A |
headers_3 | Passed | N/A |
headers_4 | Passed | N/A |
headers_5 | Passed | N/A |
headers_6 | Passed | N/A |
headers_7 | Passed | N/A |
headers_8 | Passed | N/A |
headers_9 | Passed | N/A |
parse_error_to_string | Passed | N/A |
parse_errors_what | Passed | N/A |
token_getters | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_delims_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_delims_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_keywords_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_keywords_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_minimal_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_minimal_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_quotes_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_quotes_ws | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/sanity_test | ||
nothing | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/text_test | ||
duplicate | Passed | N/A |
join | Passed | N/A |
match | Passed | N/A |
split | Passed | N/A |
split_delims | Passed | N/A |
to_bool | Passed | N/A |
to_string | Passed | N/A |
to_type | Passed | N/A |
trim | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/ui_test | ||
paragraphs | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_col | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_no_repeat | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_repeat | Passed | N/A |
wo_tag | Passed | N/A |
wo_tag_col | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/atf_c++_test | ||
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/build_test | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A |
cpp | Passed | N/A |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
equal_argvs | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/check_test | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
get_all | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/macros_test | ||
check_errno | Passed | N/A |
fail | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
pass | Passed | N/A |
require | Passed | N/A |
require_eq | Passed | N/A |
require_errno | Passed | N/A |
require_in | Passed | N/A |
require_match | Passed | N/A |
require_not_in | Passed | N/A |
require_throw | Passed | N/A |
require_throw_re | Passed | N/A |
skip | Passed | N/A |
use | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
atf/atf-c++/tests_test | ||
atf_tp_writer | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/utils_test | ||
auto_array_access | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_assign | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_assign_ref | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_copy | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_copy_ref | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_get | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_release | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_reset | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_scope | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/tc_test | ||
default_status | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/tp_test | ||
srcdir | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/normalize_test | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/atf-check_test | ||
eflag_empty | Passed | N/A |
eflag_file | Passed | N/A |
eflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
eflag_inline | Passed | N/A |
eflag_match | Passed | N/A |
eflag_multiple | Passed | N/A |
eflag_negated | Passed | N/A |
eflag_save | Passed | N/A |
invalid_umask | Passed | N/A |
oflag_empty | Passed | N/A |
oflag_file | Passed | N/A |
oflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
oflag_inline | Passed | N/A |
oflag_match | Passed | N/A |
oflag_multiple | Passed | N/A |
oflag_negated | Passed | N/A |
oflag_save | Passed | N/A |
sflag_eq_ne | Passed | N/A |
sflag_exit | Passed | N/A |
sflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
sflag_signal | Passed | N/A |
xflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/atf_check_test | ||
equal | Passed | N/A |
experr_mismatch | Passed | N/A |
expout_mismatch | Passed | N/A |
info_ok | Passed | N/A |
null_stderr | Passed | N/A |
null_stdout | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/integration_test | ||
arguments | Passed | N/A |
missing_script | Passed | N/A |
no_args | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/config_test | ||
vflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/expect_test | ||
expect_death | Passed | N/A |
expect_exit | Passed | N/A |
expect_fail | Passed | N/A |
expect_pass | Passed | N/A |
expect_signal | Passed | N/A |
expect_timeout | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/fork_test | ||
stop | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/meta_data_test | ||
no_descr | Passed | N/A |
no_head | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/srcdir_test | ||
default | Passed | N/A |
libtool | Passed | N/A |
relative | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/result_test | ||
result_exception | Passed | N/A |
result_on_stdout | Passed | N/A |
result_to_file | Passed | N/A |
result_to_file_fail | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-config/integration_test | ||
list_all | Passed | N/A |
override_env | Passed | N/A |
query_mixture | Passed | N/A |
query_multiple | Passed | N/A |
query_one | Passed | N/A |
query_one_terse | Passed | N/A |
query_unknown | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-report/integration_test | ||
default | Passed | N/A |
expect | Passed | N/A |
oflag | Passed | N/A |
output_csv | Passed | N/A |
output_ticker | Passed | N/A |
output_xml | Passed | N/A |
output_xml_space | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-report/reader_test | ||
tps_1 | Passed | N/A |
tps_2 | Passed | N/A |
tps_3 | Passed | N/A |
tps_4 | Passed | N/A |
tps_5 | Passed | N/A |
tps_50 | Passed | N/A |
tps_51 | Passed | N/A |
tps_52 | Passed | N/A |
tps_53 | Passed | N/A |
tps_54 | Passed | N/A |
tps_55 | Passed | N/A |
tps_56 | Passed | N/A |
tps_57 | Passed | N/A |
tps_58 | Passed | N/A |
tps_59 | Passed | N/A |
tps_6 | Passed | N/A |
tps_60 | Passed | N/A |
tps_61 | Passed | N/A |
tps_62 | Passed | N/A |
tps_63 | Passed | N/A |
tps_64 | Passed | N/A |
tps_65 | Passed | N/A |
tps_66 | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/atffile_test | ||
atffile_1 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_2 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_3 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_4 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_5 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_50 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_51 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_52 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_53 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_54 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_6 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_getters | Passed | N/A |
read_missing_test_program | Passed | N/A |
read_missing_test_suite | Passed | N/A |
read_ok_simple | Passed | N/A |
read_ok_some_globs | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/config_test | ||
config_1 | Passed | N/A |
config_2 | Passed | N/A |
config_3 | Passed | N/A |
config_4 | Passed | N/A |
config_50 | Passed | N/A |
config_51 | Passed | N/A |
config_52 | Passed | N/A |
config_53 | Passed | N/A |
config_54 | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_both_empty | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_lower_empty | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_mixed | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_upper_empty | Passed | N/A |
read_config_files_none | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/fs_test | ||
change_directory | Passed | N/A |
cleanup | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_eacces_on_root | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_eacces_on_subdir | Passed | N/A |
get_current_dir | Passed | N/A |
temp_dir_raii | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/integration_test | ||
atffile | Passed | N/A |
atffile_recursive | Passed | N/A |
broken_results | Passed | N/A |
broken_tp_list | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_curdir | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_fail | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_mount | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_pass | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_signal | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_skip | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_symlink | Passed | N/A |
config | Passed | N/A |
exit_codes | Passed | N/A |
expect | Passed | N/A |
fds | Passed | N/A |
hooks | Passed | N/A |
ignore_deprecated_use_fs | Passed | N/A |
isolation_env | Passed | N/A |
isolation_home | Passed | N/A |
isolation_umask | Passed | N/A |
missing_results | Passed | N/A |
mux_streams | Passed | N/A |
require_arch | Passed | N/A |
require_config | Passed | N/A |
require_machine | Passed | N/A |
require_progs | Passed | N/A |
require_user_bad | Passed | N/A |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
signaled | Passed | N/A |
timeout | Passed | N/A |
timeout_forkexit | Passed | N/A |
vflag | Passed | N/A |
zero_tcs | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/io_test | ||
file_handle_copy | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_ctor | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_get | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_posix_remap | Passed | N/A |
muxer_large_buffer | Passed | N/A |
muxer_small_buffer | Passed | N/A |
pistream | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_long_read | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_long_write | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_short_read | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_short_write | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/requirements_test | ||
require_arch_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_config_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_config_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_config_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_config_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_missing | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_missing | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_user_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/signals_test | ||
reset | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_destructor | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_preserve | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_process | Passed | N/A |
signal_programmer_preserve | Passed | N/A |
signal_programmer_program | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/test_program_test | ||
atf_tps_writer | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_bad | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_several_tcs | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_zero_tcs | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_death | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_exit | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_failure | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_signal | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_timeout | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_failed | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_passed | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_skipped | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_unknown | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_empty_file | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_invalid | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_multiline | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_no_file | Passed | N/A |
tp_1 | Passed | N/A |
tp_2 | Passed | N/A |
tp_3 | Passed | N/A |
tp_4 | Passed | N/A |
tp_50 | Passed | N/A |
tp_51 | Passed | N/A |
tp_52 | Passed | N/A |
tp_53 | Passed | N/A |
tp_54 | Passed | N/A |
tp_55 | Passed | N/A |
tp_56 | Passed | N/A |
tp_57 | Passed | N/A |
tp_58 | Passed | N/A |
tp_59 | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/user_test | ||
euid | Passed | N/A |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A |
is_root | Passed | N/A |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_certs | ||
x509v3 | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | ||
bf | Passed | N/A |
cast | Passed | N/A |
des | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | |
rc2 | Passed | N/A |
rc4 | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | ||
hmac | Passed | N/A |
md2 | Passed | N/A |
md4 | Passed | N/A |
md5 | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | |
ripemd | Passed | N/A |
sha | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_libcrypto | ||
bn | Passed | N/A |
conf | Passed | N/A |
engine | Passed | N/A |
lhash | Passed | N/A |
rand | Passed | N/A |
threads | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_pubkey | ||
dh | Passed | N/A |
dsa | Passed | N/A |
ec | Passed | N/A |
ecdh | Passed | N/A |
ecdsa | Passed | N/A |
rsa | Passed | N/A |
dev/audio/t_pad | ||
pad_output | Passed | N/A |
dev/cgd/t_cgd | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
unaligned_write | Passed | N/A |
wrongpass | Passed | N/A |
dev/md/t_md | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
raid1_compfail | Passed | N/A |
raid5_compfail | Passed | N/A |
smalldisk | Passed | N/A |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | |
dev/sysmon/t_swwdog | ||
disarm | Passed | N/A |
panic | Passed | N/A |
reboot | Passed | N/A |
dev/sysmon/t_swsensor | ||
alarm_sensor | Passed | N/A |
limit_sensor | Passed | N/A |
simple_sensor | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_fifos | ||
fifos | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_log | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_v2 | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_mount | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | |
fsbsize2big | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_1 | ||
quota_1000_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O2_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O2_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_log | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_log | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_remount | ||
quota_10_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_10_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_getquota | ||
get_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_setquota | ||
set_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quotalimit | ||
herit_defq_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_idefq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_idefq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
sinolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
sinolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
slimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
slimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_clearquota | ||
clear_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_miscquota | ||
log_unlink | Passed | N/A |
log_unlink_remount | Passed | N/A |
npsnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A |
npsnapshot_user | Passed | N/A |
psnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A |
psnapshot_user | Passed | N/A |
walk_list_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/hfs/t_pathconvert | ||
colonslash | Passed | N/A |
fs/kernfs/t_basic | ||
getdents | Passed | N/A |
hostname | Passed | N/A |
fs/lfs/t_pr | ||
mknod | Passed | N/A |
fs/msdosfs/t_snapshot | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES | |
fs/nfs/t_rquotad | ||
get_nfs_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_nfs_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_nfs_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
get_nfs_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_nfs_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_nfs_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/nullfs/t_basic | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
twistymount | Passed | N/A |
fs/psshfs/t_psshfs | ||
inode_nos | Passed | N/A |
ls | Passed | N/A |
pwd | Passed | N/A |
fs/ptyfs/t_ptyfs | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/ptyfs/t_nullpts | ||
nullrevoke | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_basic | ||
inactive_basic | Passed | N/A |
inactive_reclaim | Passed | N/A |
mount | Passed | N/A |
reclaim_hardlink | Passed | N/A |
root_chrdev | Passed | N/A |
root_fifo | Passed | N/A |
root_lnk | Passed | N/A |
root_reg | Passed | N/A |
signals | Passed | N/A |
unlink_accessible | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_fuzz | ||
mountfuzz0 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz1 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz2 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz3 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz4 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz5 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz6 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz7 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz8 | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_io | ||
nocache | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected timeout | ||
fs/tmpfs/t_create | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
create | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_devices | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_dots | ||
nesteddir | Passed | N/A |
topdir | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_exec | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_link | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
subdirs | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mkdir | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
many | Passed | N/A |
nested | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mknod | ||
block | Passed | N/A |
block_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
char | Passed | N/A |
char_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
pipe | Passed | N/A |
pipe_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mount | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
large | Passed | N/A |
mntpt | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
options | Passed | N/A |
plain | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_pipes | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_read_write | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_readdir | ||
caching | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
many | Passed | N/A |
types | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_remove | ||
dot | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
uchg | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_rename | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
crossdev | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_emptydir | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_fulldir | Passed | N/A |
dotdot | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
file_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_rmdir | ||
curdir | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
links | Passed | N/A |
mntpt | Passed | N/A |
nested | Passed | N/A |
non_empty | Passed | N/A |
non_existent | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_setattr | ||
chgrp | Passed | N/A |
chgrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chmod | Passed | N/A |
chmod_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chown | Passed | N/A |
chown_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chowngrp | Passed | N/A |
chowngrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chtimes | Passed | N/A |
chtimes_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_sizes | ||
big | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
overwrite | Passed | N/A |
small | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_sockets | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_statvfs | ||
values | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_symlink | ||
dir | Passed | N/A |
exec | Passed | N/A |
file | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_times | ||
empty | Passed | N/A |
link | Passed | N/A |
non_empty | Passed | N/A |
rename | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_trail_slash | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_truncate | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnd | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnode_leak | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
fs/umapfs/t_basic | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/union/t_pr | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS | |
Expected signal | ||
multilayer | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_full | ||
ext2fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
sysvbfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_io | ||
ext2fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
lfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
lfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
lfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
lfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
nfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
nfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
puffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
puffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
puffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
puffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44307: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sb.st_size != seekcnt | |
sysvbfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
ext2fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
ffslog_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | |
Expected signal | ||
nfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
nfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | |
puffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
puffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
sysvbfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | directories not supported | |
tmpfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_ro | ||
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ffs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_create | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
nfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_create | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createdir | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createlink | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_fileio | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
ext2fs_race | Passed | N/A |
ffs_race | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_race | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
msdosfs_race | Passed | N/A |
nfs_race | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_race | Passed | N/A |
puffs_race | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_race | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rmdir(2) not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_race | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
ffs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
lfs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
rumpfs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | ||
ext2fs_owner | Passed | N/A |
ffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_owner | Passed | N/A |
lfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
nfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
puffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
ext2fs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tsync | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | |
lfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
rumpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
sysvbfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
ext2fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ext2fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ffslog_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
lfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
lfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
lfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
lfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
lfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
lfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
lfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor | |
msdosfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
msdosfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long | |
msdosfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
nfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
nfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
nfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
nfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
puffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
puffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
puffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
puffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
puffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
puffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
puffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
puffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
rumpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
rumpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
sysvbfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
sysvbfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
sysvbfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
tmpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
tmpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43617: other-dotdot | |
tmpfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
fs/zfs/t_zpool | ||
create | Passed | N/A |
games/t_factor | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | |
include/machine/t_bswap | ||
bswap16_basic | Passed | N/A |
bswap16_unconst | Passed | N/A |
bswap32_basic | Passed | N/A |
bswap32_unconst | Passed | N/A |
bswap64_basic | Passed | N/A |
bswap64_unconst | Passed | N/A |
include/sys/t_bitops | ||
fast_divide32 | Passed | N/A |
ffsfls | Passed | N/A |
ilog2_1 | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
include/sys/t_bootblock | ||
mbr_partition | Passed | N/A |
mbr_sector | Passed | N/A |
include/sys/t_tree | ||
tree_rbstress | Passed | N/A |
include/sys/t_types | ||
types_limits | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR standards/44847: /bracket/i386/work/2011. (bs - 1) <= 0 not met | |
types_unsigned | Passed | N/A |
include/t_bitstring | ||
bits_27 | Passed | N/A |
bits_32 | Passed | N/A |
bits_49 | Passed | N/A |
bits_64 | Passed | N/A |
bits_67 | Passed | N/A |
bits_8 | Passed | N/A |
include/t_errno | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
include/t_glob | ||
glob_types | Passed | N/A |
include/t_inttypes | ||
int_fmtio | Passed | N/A |
include/t_limits | ||
char | Passed | N/A |
posix | Passed | N/A |
short | Passed | N/A |
include/t_netdb | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
include/t_paths | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44807: /bracket/i386/work/2011. S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met | |
include/t_stdint | ||
int16 | Passed | N/A |
int8 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_filter_exec | ||
f1 | Passed | N/A |
f10 | Passed | N/A |
f11 | Passed | N/A |
f12 | Passed | N/A |
f13 | Passed | N/A |
f14 | Passed | N/A |
f15 | Passed | N/A |
f16 | Passed | N/A |
f17 | Passed | N/A |
f18 | Passed | N/A |
f2 | Passed | N/A |
f20 | Passed | N/A |
f24 | Passed | N/A |
f3 | Passed | N/A |
f4 | Passed | N/A |
f5 | Passed | N/A |
f6 | Passed | N/A |
f7 | Passed | N/A |
f8 | Passed | N/A |
f9 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_1 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_2 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_3 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_5 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_6 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_filter_parse | ||
i1 | Passed | N/A |
i10 | Passed | N/A |
i11 | Passed | N/A |
i12 | Passed | N/A |
i13 | Passed | N/A |
i14 | Passed | N/A |
i15 | Passed | N/A |
i16 | Passed | N/A |
i17 | Passed | N/A |
i18 | Passed | N/A |
i19 | Passed | N/A |
i2 | Passed | N/A |
i20 | Passed | N/A |
i21 | Passed | N/A |
i3 | Passed | N/A |
i4 | Passed | N/A |
i5 | Passed | N/A |
i6 | Passed | N/A |
i7 | Passed | N/A |
i8 | Passed | N/A |
i9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_logging | ||
l1 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_exec | ||
n10 | Passed | N/A |
n12 | Passed | N/A |
n13 | Passed | N/A |
n14 | Passed | N/A |
n16 | Passed | N/A |
n17 | Passed | N/A |
n3 | Passed | N/A |
n7 | Passed | N/A |
n8 | Passed | N/A |
n9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_ipf_exec | ||
ni1 | Passed | N/A |
ni13 | Passed | N/A |
ni14 | Passed | N/A |
ni15 | Passed | N/A |
ni16 | Passed | N/A |
ni2 | Passed | N/A |
ni21 | Passed | N/A |
ni23 | Passed | N/A |
ni3 | Passed | N/A |
ni4 | Passed | N/A |
ni6 | Passed | N/A |
ni7 | Passed | N/A |
ni8 | Passed | N/A |
ni9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_parse | ||
in1 | Passed | N/A |
in3 | Passed | N/A |
in4 | Passed | N/A |
in5 | Passed | N/A |
in6 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_pools | ||
ip1 | Passed | N/A |
ip2 | Passed | N/A |
p1 | Passed | N/A |
p2 | Passed | N/A |
p3 | Passed | N/A |
p5 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_fifo | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file | ||
file | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file2 | ||
file2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_pipe | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_ttypty | ||
master | Passed | N/A |
slave | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_fifo | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_pipe | ||
pipe1 | Passed | N/A |
pipe2 | Passed | N/A |
pipe3 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_ttypty | ||
master | Passed | N/A |
slave | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_ioctl | ||
kfilter_byfilter | Passed | N/A |
kfilter_byname | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc1 | ||
proc1 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc2 | ||
proc2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_sig | ||
sig | Passed | N/A |
kernel/tty/t_pr | ||
client_first | Passed | N/A |
master_first | Passed | N/A |
ptyioctl | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_lock | ||
lock | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_lwpctl | ||
lwpctl | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_mkdir | ||
mkdir | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_pipe | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_poll3w | ||
poll | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_posix_fadvise | ||
posix_fadvise | Passed | N/A |
posix_fadvise_reg | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_rnd | ||
RNDADDDATA | Passed | N/A |
RNDADDDATA2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_time | ||
time | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_ucontext | ||
ucontext | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_writev | ||
writev | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_extattrctl | ||
extattrctl_namei | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_sigaction | ||
sa_noflags | Passed | N/A |
sa_resethand | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_filedesc | ||
getfilerace | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_extent | ||
bound1 | Passed | N/A |
bound2 | Passed | N/A |
bound3 | Passed | N/A |
bound4 | Passed | N/A |
bound5 | Passed | N/A |
coalesce | Passed | N/A |
free | Passed | N/A |
subregion1 | Passed | N/A |
subregion2 | Passed | N/A |
subregion3 | Passed | N/A |
subregion4 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_umount | ||
umount | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_ps_strings | ||
update | Passed | N/A |
validate | Passed | N/A |
lib/csu/t_crt0 | ||
initfini1 | Passed | N/A |
initfini2 | Passed | N/A |
initfini3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_bluetooth | ||
check_bt_aton | Passed | N/A |
check_bt_ntoa | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_data | ||
check_sdp_data_size | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_data_type | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_get | ||
check_sdp_get_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_attr | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_data | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_str | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_uint | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_url | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_uuid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_match | ||
check_sdp_match_uuid16 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_put | ||
check_sdp_put_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_attr | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_data | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int32 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int64 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int8 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_str | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint32 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint64 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint8 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_url | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid128 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid32 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_set | ||
check_sdp_set_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_uint | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/db/t_db | ||
alternate_recno | Passed | N/A |
big_btree | Passed | N/A |
big_hash | Passed | N/A |
big_recno | Passed | N/A |
bsize_ffactor | Passed | N/A |
byte_orders_btree | Passed | N/A |
byte_orders_hash | Passed | N/A |
cursor_flags_btree | Passed | N/A |
cursor_flags_recno | Passed | N/A |
delete_btree | Passed | N/A |
delete_recno | Passed | N/A |
duplicate_btree | Passed | N/A |
four_char_hash | Passed | N/A |
medium_btree | Passed | N/A |
medium_hash | Passed | N/A |
medium_recno | Passed | N/A |
random_recno | Passed | N/A |
repeated_btree | Passed | N/A |
repeated_hash | Passed | N/A |
reverse_order_recno | Passed | N/A |
reverse_recno | Passed | N/A |
small_btree | Passed | N/A |
small_hash | Passed | N/A |
small_page_btree | Passed | N/A |
small_recno | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_alarm | ||
alarm_basic | Passed | N/A |
alarm_fork | Passed | N/A |
alarm_previous | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_basedirname | ||
t_basename | Passed | N/A |
t_dirname | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_closefrom | ||
closefrom_basic | Passed | N/A |
closefrom_buffer | Passed | N/A |
closefrom_err | Passed | N/A |
closefrom_one | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_dir | ||
seekdir | Passed | N/A |
telldir_leak | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_fmtcheck | ||
tc_fmtcheck | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_getcwd | ||
getcwd_err | Passed | N/A |
getcwd_fts | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_getgrent | ||
getgrent_loop | Passed | N/A |
getgrent_setgid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_glob_star | ||
t_glob_star | Passed | N/A |
t_glob_star_not | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | ||
humanize_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44097: /bracket/i386/work/2011. strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met | |
lib/libc/gen/t_ldexp | ||
basics | Passed | N/A |
denormal | Passed | N/A |
denormal_large_exp | Passed | N/A |
infinity | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
underflow | Passed | N/A |
zero | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_nice | ||
nice_err | Passed | N/A |
nice_priority | Passed | N/A |
nice_root | Passed | N/A |
nice_thread | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_pause | ||
pause_basic | Passed | N/A |
pause_kill | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_raise | ||
raise_err | Passed | N/A |
raise_ret | Passed | N/A |
raise_sig | Passed | N/A |
raise_stress | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_randomid | ||
randomid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | ||
sigalarm | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_dump | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_kill | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_normal | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | |
sigfpe_int | Passed | N/A |
sigsegv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_syslog_pthread | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_ttyname | ||
ttyname_err | Passed | N/A |
ttyname_r_err | Passed | N/A |
ttyname_r_stdin | Passed | N/A |
ttyname_stdin | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_vis | ||
vis | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/hash/t_sha2 | ||
t_sha256 | Passed | N/A |
t_sha384 | Passed | N/A |
t_sha512 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/hash/t_hash | ||
md5 | Passed | N/A |
sha1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_except | ||
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_nan_inf | ||
isinf | Passed | N/A |
isnan | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_round | ||
fpround | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_subnormal | ||
test_double | Passed | N/A |
test_float | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/inet/t_inet_network | ||
inet_network | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_ctype1 | ||
ctype1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_ctype2 | ||
ctype2 | Passed | N/A |
ctype2_state | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbtowc | ||
mbtowc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcstod | ||
wcstod | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb | ||
wcrtomb | Passed | N/A |
wcrtomb_state | Passed | N/A |
wctomb | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo/t_getaddrinfo | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
empty_hostname | Passed | N/A |
empty_servname | Passed | N/A |
scopeaddr | Passed | N/A |
sock_raw | Passed | N/A |
specific | Passed | N/A |
unspported_family | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_nsdispatch | ||
recurse | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_protoent | ||
protoent | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_servent | ||
servent | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex | ||
anchor | Passed | N/A |
backref | Passed | N/A |
basic | Passed | N/A |
bracket | Passed | N/A |
c_comments | Passed | N/A |
complex | Passed | N/A |
error | Passed | N/A |
meta | Passed | N/A |
nospec | Passed | N/A |
nul | Passed | N/A |
paren | Passed | N/A |
regress | Passed | N/A |
repet_bounded | Passed | N/A |
repet_multi | Passed | N/A |
repet_ordinary | Passed | N/A |
startend | Passed | N/A |
subexp | Passed | N/A |
subtle | Passed | N/A |
word_bound | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/rpc/t_xdr | ||
xdr | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_setjmp | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A |
setjmp | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_threadjmp | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A |
setjmp | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_div | ||
div | Passed | N/A |
ldiv | Passed | N/A |
lldiv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_environment | ||
t_clearenv | Passed | N/A |
t_getenv | Passed | N/A |
t_mixed | Passed | N/A |
t_putenv | Passed | N/A |
t_setenv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_environment_pth | ||
t_threaded | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_exit | ||
exit_atexit | Passed | N/A |
exit_basic | Passed | N/A |
exit_status | Passed | N/A |
exit_tmpfile | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_hsearch | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
duplicate | Passed | N/A |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A |
two | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_mi_vector_hash | ||
t_mi_vector_hash | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_posix_memalign | ||
posix_memalign | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | ||
strtod_basic | Passed | N/A |
strtod_hex | Passed | N/A |
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(ld) != 0 not met | |
strtod_round | Passed | N/A |
strtod_underflow | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atexit | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getopt | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
getopt_long | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_clearerr | ||
clearerr_basic | Passed | N/A |
clearerr_err | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fmemopen | ||
test00 | Passed | N/A |
test01 | Passed | N/A |
test02 | Passed | N/A |
test03 | Passed | N/A |
test04 | Passed | N/A |
test05 | Passed | N/A |
test06 | Passed | N/A |
test07 | Passed | N/A |
test08 | Passed | N/A |
test09 | Passed | N/A |
test10 | Passed | N/A |
test11 | Passed | N/A |
test12 | Passed | N/A |
test13 | Passed | N/A |
test14 | Passed | N/A |
test15 | Passed | N/A |
test16 | Passed | N/A |
test17 | Passed | N/A |
test18 | Passed | N/A |
test19 | Passed | N/A |
test20 | Passed | N/A |
test21 | Passed | N/A |
test22 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_format | ||
dot_zero_f | Passed | N/A |
sscanf_neg_hex | Passed | N/A |
sscanf_whitespace | Passed | N/A |
zero_padding | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_popen | ||
popen | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_memcpy | ||
check_memcpy | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_memmem | ||
check_memmem | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
lib/libc/string/t_strerror | ||
strerror_basic | Passed | N/A |
strerror_err | Passed | N/A |
strerror_r_basic | Passed | N/A |
strerror_r_err | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_stresep | ||
check_stresep | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_string | ||
check_memchr | Passed | N/A |
check_strcat | Passed | N/A |
check_strchr | Passed | N/A |
check_strcmp | Passed | N/A |
check_strcpy | Passed | N/A |
check_strlen | Passed | N/A |
check_strrchr | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_swab | ||
check_swab | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_cerror | ||
cerror_32 | Passed | N/A |
cerror_64 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_clone | ||
clone | Passed | N/A |
null_func | Passed | N/A |
null_stack | Passed | N/A |
out_of_proc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_context | ||
context | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigqueue | ||
sigqueue | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/termios/t_tcsetpgrp | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/41673: wrong errno | |
lib/libc/time/t_mktime | ||
mktime | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/time/t_strptime | ||
common | Passed | N/A |
day | Passed | N/A |
month | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_static | ||
t_tls_static | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dynamic | ||
t_tls_dynamic | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dlopen | ||
t_tls_dlopen | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ptm | ||
ptm | Passed | N/A |
ptmx | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio | ||
ioctl | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ssp/t_ssp | ||
fgets | Passed | N/A |
getcwd | Passed | N/A |
gets | Passed | N/A |
memcpy | Passed | N/A |
memmove | Passed | N/A |
memset | Passed | N/A |
read | Passed | N/A |
readlink | Passed | N/A |
snprintf | Passed | N/A |
sprintf | Passed | N/A |
strcat | Passed | N/A |
strcpy | Passed | N/A |
strncat | Passed | N/A |
strncpy | Passed | N/A |
vsnprintf | Passed | N/A |
vsprintf | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/t_convfp | ||
test1 | Passed | N/A |
test2 | Passed | N/A |
test3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/t_gdtoa | ||
long_format | Passed | N/A |
lib/libcurses/t_curses | ||
addch | Passed | N/A |
addchnstr | Passed | N/A |
addchstr | Passed | N/A |
addnstr | Passed | N/A |
addstr | Passed | N/A |
assume_default_colors | Passed | N/A |
attributes | Passed | N/A |
background | Passed | N/A |
beep | Passed | N/A |
box | Passed | N/A |
can_change_color | Passed | N/A |
cbreak | Passed | N/A |
clear | Passed | N/A |
copywin | Passed | N/A |
curs_set | Passed | N/A |
getch | Passed | N/A |
getstr | Passed | N/A |
mvwin | Passed | N/A |
startup | Passed | N/A |
termattrs | Passed | N/A |
timeout | Passed | N/A |
wborder | Passed | N/A |
window | Passed | N/A |
wprintw | Passed | N/A |
wscrl | Passed | N/A |
lib/libevent/t_event | ||
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
Failed | check report | |
select | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_ceil | ||
ceil | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_floor | ||
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
lib/libm/t_log | ||
log_nan | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_round | ||
round_dir | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_tanh | ||
tanh_sign | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_infinity | ||
infinity_double | Passed | N/A |
infinity_float | Passed | N/A |
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(v) not met | |
lib/libobjc/t_threads | ||
thread_callback | Passed | N/A |
lib/libprop/t_basic | ||
prop_basic | Passed | N/A |
prop_dictionary_equals | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_barrier | ||
barrier | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | ||
bogus_timedwaits | Passed | N/A |
broadcast | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | |
destroy_after_cancel | Passed | N/A |
signal_before_unlock | Passed | N/A |
signal_before_unlock_static_init | Passed | N/A |
signal_delay_wait | Passed | N/A |
signal_wait_race | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_detach | ||
pthread_detach | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_equal | ||
pthread_equal | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_fork | ||
fork | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_fpu | ||
fpu | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_join | ||
pthread_join | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_kill | ||
simple | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_mutex | ||
mutex1 | Passed | N/A |
mutex2 | Passed | N/A |
mutex3 | Passed | N/A |
mutex4 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_name | ||
name | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_once | ||
once1 | Passed | N/A |
once2 | Passed | N/A |
once3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_preempt | ||
preempt1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_rwlock | ||
rwlock1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | ||
before_start_no_threads | Passed | N/A |
Expected timeout | Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version | |
named | Passed | N/A |
unnamed | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sigmask | ||
before_threads | Passed | N/A |
incorrect_mask_bug | Passed | N/A |
respected_while_running | Passed | N/A |
upcalls_not_started | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sigsuspend | ||
sigsuspend | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_siglongjmp | ||
siglongjmp1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sleep | ||
sleep1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_atexit | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_cancel | ||
register_while_disabled | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_exit | ||
main_thread | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_resolv | ||
resolv | Passed | N/A |
lib/librt/t_sched | ||
sched_getparam | Passed | N/A |
sched_priority | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44768: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met | |
sched_rr_get_interval_2 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_1 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_2 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_3 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_4 | Passed | N/A |
lib/librt/t_sem | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
child | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumpclient/t_exec | ||
cloexec | Passed | N/A |
exec | Passed | N/A |
noexec | Passed | N/A |
threxec | Passed | N/A |
vfork | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | ||
bigenough | Passed | N/A |
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. sigcnt != 1 | |
lib/librumphijack/t_asyncio | ||
invafd | Passed | N/A |
select_allunset | Passed | N/A |
select_timeout | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_config | ||
fdoff | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_cwd | ||
basic_chdir | Passed | N/A |
basic_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
slash_chdir | Passed | N/A |
slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_chdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_slash_chdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_sh | ||
redirect | Passed | N/A |
runscript | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | ||
http | Passed | N/A |
nfs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_autoload | Passed | N/A |
ssh | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_vfs | ||
blanket | Passed | N/A |
cpcopy | Passed | N/A |
doubleblanket | Passed | N/A |
mv_nox | Passed | N/A |
mv_x | Passed | N/A |
paxcopy | Passed | N/A |
runonprefix | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_efun | ||
ecalloc | Passed | N/A |
efopen | Passed | N/A |
emalloc | Passed | N/A |
erealloc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_parsedate | ||
dates | Passed | N/A |
relative | Passed | N/A |
times | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_pidfile | ||
change_basenames | Passed | N/A |
change_mix | Passed | N/A |
change_paths | Passed | N/A |
custom_basename | Passed | N/A |
custom_path | Passed | N/A |
default_path | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_snprintb | ||
snprintb | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_sockaddr_snprintf | ||
sockaddr_snprintf_at | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_dl | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_in | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_in6 | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_un | Passed | N/A |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | ||
blockwait | Passed | N/A |
busydestroy | Passed | N/A |
destroy | Passed | N/A |
initvalue | Passed | N/A |
named | Passed | N/A |
postwait | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument | |
lib/libdes/t_des | ||
align | Passed | N/A |
cbc | Passed | N/A |
cbc_cksum | Passed | N/A |
cbcm | Passed | N/A |
cfb | Passed | N/A |
desx_cbc | Passed | N/A |
ecb | Passed | N/A |
ede_cbc | Passed | N/A |
ede_ecb | Passed | N/A |
ede_ofb64 | Passed | N/A |
fast_crypt | Passed | N/A |
ofb | Passed | N/A |
ofb64 | Passed | N/A |
pcbc | Passed | N/A |
quad_cksum | Passed | N/A |
lib/libskey/t_algorithms | ||
md4 | Passed | N/A |
md5 | Passed | N/A |
sha1 | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-cleared | ||
rtld_dlerror_cleared | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-false | ||
rtld_dlerror_false | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlinfo | ||
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen_iter | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_inval | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_self | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_df_1_noopen | ||
df_1_noopen1 | Passed | N/A |
df_1_noopen2 | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_modctl | ||
cmd_load | Passed | N/A |
cmd_load_props | Passed | N/A |
cmd_load_recurse | Passed | N/A |
cmd_stat | Passed | N/A |
cmd_unload | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_builtin | ||
busydisable | Passed | N/A |
disable | Passed | N/A |
disabledstat | Passed | N/A |
forcereload | Passed | N/A |
noauto | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_modload | ||
bflag | Passed | N/A |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
plain | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
net/bpf/t_bpf | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44196: /bracket/i386/work/2011. getmtdata() != 0 | |
net/bpf/t_div-by-zero | ||
div_by_zero | Passed | N/A |
net/carp/t_basic | ||
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. netcfg_rump_pingtest("", 1000) != true | |
net/icmp/t_forward | ||
returndatabytes | Passed | N/A |
net/icmp/t_ping | ||
floodping | Passed | N/A |
floodping2 | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case timed out after 2 seconds | |
pingsize | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case timed out after 2 seconds | |
net/icmp/t_ping2 | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
net/if/t_compat | ||
net/if_loop/t_pr | ||
loopmtu | Passed | N/A |
loopmtu_csum | Passed | N/A |
net/net/t_raw | ||
PRU_SENSE | Passed | N/A |
net/route/t_change | ||
reject2blackhole | Passed | N/A |
net/sys/t_connect | ||
low_port | Passed | N/A |
net/sys/t_listen | ||
low_port | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_copy | ||
copyinstr | Passed | N/A |
copyoutstr | Passed | N/A |
copystr | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | ||
lockme_DESTROYHELD | Passed | N/A |
lockme_DOUBLEFREE | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
lockme_MTX | Passed | N/A |
lockme_RWDOUBLEX | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
lockme_RWXR | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_lwproc | ||
inherit | Passed | N/A |
lwps | Passed | N/A |
makelwp | Passed | N/A |
nolwp | Passed | N/A |
nolwprelease | Passed | N/A |
nullswitch | Passed | N/A |
proccreds | Passed | N/A |
rfork | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_modcmd | ||
cmsg_modcmd | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_modlinkset | ||
modlinkset | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_signals | ||
sigignore | Passed | N/A |
sigpanic | Passed | N/A |
sigraise | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_threads | ||
kthread | Passed | N/A |
threadjoin | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_tsleep | ||
tsleep | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_vm | ||
busypage | Passed | N/A |
uvmwait | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_sp | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fork_fakeauth | Passed | N/A |
fork_pipecomm | Passed | N/A |
fork_simple | Passed | N/A |
reconnect | Passed | N/A |
signal | Passed | N/A |
sigsafe | Passed | N/A |
stress_killer | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
rump/rumpvfs/t_basic | ||
lseekrv | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpvfs/t_etfs | ||
key | Passed | N/A |
large_blk | Passed | N/A |
range_blk | Passed | N/A |
reregister_blk | Passed | N/A |
reregister_reg | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpvfs/t_p2kifs | ||
makecn | Passed | N/A |
rump/modautoload/t_modautoload | ||
modautoload | Passed | N/A |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas | ||
corrupt_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
disable_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
disable_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
disable_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
disable_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_check_quotas | ||
corrupt_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
sbin/ifconfig/t_nonexistent | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43141: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/newfs/t_enable_quotas | ||
enabled_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow | ||
grow_16M_v0_8192 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v1_16384 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v2_32768 | Passed | N/A |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_32768 | Passed | N/A |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_65536 | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow_swapped | ||
grow_16M_v0_65536 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v1_4096 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v2_8192 | Passed | N/A |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_4096 | Passed | N/A |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_8192 | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/route/t_missing | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/42179: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/sysctl/t_perm | ||
sysctl_ddb | Passed | N/A |
sysctl_hw | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44946: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sysctl_machdep | Passed | N/A |
sysctl_net | Passed | N/A |
sysctl_security | Passed | N/A |
sysctl_vfs | Passed | N/A |
sysctl_vm | Passed | N/A |
sys/rc/t_rc_d_cli | ||
default_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A |
default_start_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_start_with_args | Passed | N/A |
default_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A |
no_command | Passed | N/A |
overriden_custom_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_custom_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_start_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_start_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_access | ||
access_access | Passed | N/A |
access_fault | Passed | N/A |
access_inval | Passed | N/A |
access_notdir | Passed | N/A |
access_notexist | Passed | N/A |
access_toolong | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_cmsg | ||
cmsg_sendfd | Passed | N/A |
cmsg_sendfd_bounds | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_dup | ||
dup_err | Passed | N/A |
dup_max | Passed | N/A |
dup_mode | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_fsync | ||
fsync_err | Passed | N/A |
fsync_sync | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getgroups | ||
getgroups_err | Passed | N/A |
getgroups_getgid | Passed | N/A |
getgroups_setgid | Passed | N/A |
getgroups_zero | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getpid | ||
getpid_process | Passed | N/A |
getpid_thread | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
getrusage_err | Passed | N/A |
getrusage_sig | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: user time went backwards | |
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
syscall/t_getsid | ||
getsid_current | Passed | N/A |
getsid_err | Passed | N/A |
getsid_process | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_gettimeofday | ||
gettimeofday_err | Passed | N/A |
gettimeofday_mono | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_itimer | ||
getitimer_empty | Passed | N/A |
getitimer_err | Passed | N/A |
setitimer_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR standards/44927: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected errno 14, got 1, in setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,(void*)-1, &ot) == -1 | |
setitimer_old | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_kill | ||
kill_basic | Passed | N/A |
kill_err | Passed | N/A |
kill_perm | Passed | N/A |
kill_pgrp_neg | Passed | N/A |
kill_pgrp_zero | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_mmap | ||
mmap_err | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_1 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_2 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_3 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_truncate | Passed | N/A |
mmap_va0 | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_mprotect | ||
mprotect_access | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_err | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_pax | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_write | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_msync | ||
msync_async | Passed | N/A |
msync_err | Passed | N/A |
msync_invalidate | Passed | N/A |
msync_sync | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_nanosleep | ||
nanosleep_basic | Passed | N/A |
nanosleep_err | Passed | N/A |
nanosleep_sig | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_pselect | ||
pselect_signal_mask | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_setrlimit | ||
setrlimit_basic | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_current | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_err | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_fsize | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_memlock | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nofile_1 | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nofile_2 | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nproc | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_perm | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_setuid | ||
setuid_perm | Passed | N/A |
setuid_real | Passed | N/A |
setuid_root | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_timer | ||
timer_create_bogus | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
timer_create_signal_realtime | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_umask | ||
umask_fork | Passed | N/A |
umask_open | Passed | N/A |
umask_previous | Passed | N/A |
toolchain/cc/t_hello | ||
hello | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | this is not a 64 bit architecture | |
hello_pic | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/diff/t_diff | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/26453: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
nomallocv | Passed | N/A |
same | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/pr/t_basic | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/41880: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
usr.bin/rump_server/t_disk | ||
data | Passed | N/A |
notrunc | Passed | N/A |
offset | Passed | N/A |
size | Passed | N/A |
type_blk | Passed | N/A |
type_blk_default | Passed | N/A |
type_chr | Passed | N/A |
type_reg | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/shmif_dumpbus/t_basic | ||
contents | Passed | N/A |
header | Passed | N/A |
pcap | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/unifdef/t_basic | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
usr.sbin/traceroute/t_traceroute | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
basic_icmp | Passed | N/A |
util/awk/t_awk | ||
big_regexp | Passed | N/A |
end | Passed | N/A |
multibyte | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/42320: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
string1 | Passed | N/A |
util/bzip2/t_bzip2 | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
util/config/t_config | ||
deffs_redef | Passed | N/A |
loop | Passed | N/A |
loop2 | Passed | N/A |
no_pseudo | Passed | N/A |
postponed_orphan | Passed | N/A |
pseudo_parent | Passed | N/A |
shadow_instance | Passed | N/A |
util/cut/t_cut | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
dflag | Passed | N/A |
dsflag | Passed | N/A |
latin1 | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
utf8 | Passed | N/A |
util/df/t_df | ||
hflag | Passed | N/A |
normal | Passed | N/A |
util/grep/t_grep | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
begin_end | Passed | N/A |
binary | Passed | N/A |
context | Passed | N/A |
context2 | Passed | N/A |
egrep | Passed | N/A |
file_exp | Passed | N/A |
ignore_case | Passed | N/A |
invert | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A |
recurse | Passed | N/A |
recurse_symlink | Passed | N/A |
whole_line | Passed | N/A |
word_regexps | Passed | N/A |
zgrep | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_groups | ||
correct | Passed | N/A |
syntax | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_id | ||
Gflag | Passed | N/A |
default | Passed | N/A |
gflag | Passed | N/A |
pflag | Passed | N/A |
primaries | Passed | N/A |
uflag | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_whoami | ||
correct | Passed | N/A |
syntax | Passed | N/A |
util/m4/t_m4 | ||
eof | Passed | N/A |
util/make/t_make | ||
comment | Passed | N/A |
cond1 | Passed | N/A |
dotwait | Passed | N/A |
export | Passed | N/A |
export_all | Passed | N/A |
moderrs | Passed | N/A |
modmatch | Passed | N/A |
modmisc | Passed | N/A |
modorder | Passed | N/A |
modts | Passed | N/A |
modword | Passed | N/A |
posix | Passed | N/A |
qequals | Passed | N/A |
ternary | Passed | N/A |
unmatchedvarparen | Passed | N/A |
varcmd | Passed | N/A |
util/mtree/t_mtree | ||
check | Passed | N/A |
convert_C | Passed | N/A |
convert_C_S | Passed | N/A |
convert_D | Passed | N/A |
convert_D_S | Passed | N/A |
create | Passed | N/A |
merge | Passed | N/A |
util/ps/t_ps | ||
default_columns | Passed | N/A |
duplicate_column | Passed | N/A |
minus_O | Passed | N/A |
minus_o | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_all_null | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_embedded_specials | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_simple | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_some_null | Passed | N/A |
util/sdiff/t_sdiff | ||
dot | Passed | N/A |
flags | Passed | N/A |
iflags | Passed | N/A |
merge | Passed | N/A |
oneline | Passed | N/A |
same | Passed | N/A |
short | Passed | N/A |
stdin | Passed | N/A |
tabends | Passed | N/A |
tabs | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_compexit | ||
set_e | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_exit | ||
function | Passed | N/A |
readout | Passed | N/A |
trap_subshell | Passed | N/A |
trap_zero__explicit_exit | Passed | N/A |
trap_zero__explicit_return | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/6764: sh works but ksh does not: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/sh/t_expand | ||
arithmetic | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at_with_text | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | |
varpattern_backslashes | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_fsplit | ||
default_val | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A |
for | Passed | N/A |
ifs | Passed | N/A |
ifs_alpha | Passed | N/A |
quote | Passed | N/A |
var_length | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_here | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_set_e | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_varquote | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/sh/t_wait | ||
individual | Passed | N/A |
util/sort/t_sort | ||
any_char | Passed | N/A |
basic | Passed | N/A |
bflag | Passed | N/A |
cflag | Passed | N/A |
empty_file | Passed | N/A |
end_of_options | Passed | N/A |
kflag_alpha | Passed | N/A |
kflag_limits | Passed | N/A |
kflag_many_fields | Passed | N/A |
kflag_no_end | Passed | N/A |
kflag_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A |
kflag_one_field | Passed | N/A |
kflag_outofbounds | Passed | N/A |
kflag_two_fields | Passed | N/A |
long_file | Passed | N/A |
long_records | Passed | N/A |
mflag | Passed | N/A |
mflag_uflag | Passed | N/A |
mflag_uflag_first | Passed | N/A |
missing_newline | Passed | N/A |
nflag | Passed | N/A |
nflag_rflag | Passed | N/A |
null_bytes | Passed | N/A |
oflag | Passed | N/A |
oflag_displaced | Passed | N/A |
plus_as_path | Passed | N/A |
plus_bad_tempfile | Passed | N/A |
plus_no_end | Passed | N/A |
plus_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A |
plus_one | Passed | N/A |
plus_one_minus_two | Passed | N/A |
plus_rflag_invalid | Passed | N/A |
plus_tflag | Passed | N/A |
plus_zero | Passed | N/A |
rflag | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
sflag_many_files | Passed | N/A |
tflag | Passed | N/A |
tflag_alphabetic | Passed | N/A |
tflag_char_pos | Passed | N/A |
tflag_whitespace | Passed | N/A |
uflag | Passed | N/A |
uflag_rflag | Passed | N/A |
util/xlint/lint1/t_integration | ||
alignof | Passed | N/A |
c99_complex_num | Passed | N/A |
c99_for_loops | Passed | N/A |
c99_func | Passed | N/A |
c99_recursive_init | Passed | N/A |
c99_struct_init | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init1 | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init2 | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init3 | Passed | N/A |
c9x_array_init | Passed | N/A |
c9x_recursive_init | Passed | N/A |
cast_init | Passed | N/A |
cast_init2 | Passed | N/A |
cast_lhs | Passed | N/A |
compound_literals1 | Passed | N/A |
compound_literals2 | Passed | N/A |
constant_conv1 | Passed | N/A |
constant_conv2 | Passed | N/A |
cvt_in_ternary | Passed | N/A |
ellipsis_in_switch | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements1 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements2 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements3 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_func | Passed | N/A |
gcc_variable_array_init | Passed | N/A |
incorrect_array_size | Passed | N/A |
long_double_int | Passed | N/A |
nested_structs | Passed | N/A |
nolimit_init | Passed | N/A |
packed_structs | Passed | N/A |
shift_to_narrower_type | Passed | N/A |
type_conv1 | Passed | N/A |
type_conv2 | Passed | N/A |
type_conv3 | Passed | N/A |
zero_sized_arrays | Passed | N/A |
util/t_basename | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
suffix | Passed | N/A |
util/t_cp | ||
dir_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
file_over_link | Passed | N/A |
file_to_file | Passed | N/A |
file_to_link | Passed | N/A |
file_to_linkdir | Passed | N/A |
files_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
link_over_file | Passed | N/A |
link_to_file | Passed | N/A |
linkdir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
util/t_dd | ||
io | Passed | N/A |
length | Passed | N/A |
seek | Passed | N/A |
util/t_dirname | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
util/t_expr | ||
arithmetic_ops | Passed | N/A |
basic_functional | Passed | N/A |
basic_math | Passed | N/A |
colon_vs_math | Passed | N/A |
compare_ops | Passed | N/A |
compare_ops_precedence | Passed | N/A |
gtkmm | Passed | N/A |
math_precedence | Passed | N/A |
multiply | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
precedence | Passed | N/A |
regex | Passed | N/A |
util/t_gzip | ||
concatenated | Passed | N/A |
crcerror | Passed | N/A |
good | Passed | N/A |
pipe | Passed | N/A |
truncated | Passed | N/A |
util/t_pax | ||
append | Passed | N/A |
util/t_tar | ||
append | Passed | N/A |
Test case | Result | Reason |
include/sys/t_bitops | ||
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | ||
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(ld) != 0 not met | |
lib/libevent/t_event | ||
Failed | check report | |
lib/libm/t_floor | ||
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
lib/libm/t_infinity | ||
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(v) not met | |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | ||
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. sigcnt != 1 | |
modules/t_modload | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
net/carp/t_basic | ||
Failed | /bracket/i386/work/2011. netcfg_rump_pingtest("", 1000) != true | |
net/icmp/t_ping | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 2 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 2 seconds | |
rump/rumpkern/t_sp | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
syscall/t_timer | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds |
Test case | Result | Reason |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | |
fs/ffs/t_mount | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES | |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected timeout | ||
fs/union/t_pr | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS | |
Expected signal | ||
fs/vfs/t_io | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44307: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sb.st_size != seekcnt | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
Expected signal | ||
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43617: other-dotdot | |
include/sys/t_types | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44847: /bracket/i386/work/2011. (bs - 1) <= 0 not met | |
include/t_errno | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
include/t_netdb | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
include/t_paths | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44807: /bracket/i386/work/2011. S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met | |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44097: /bracket/i386/work/2011. strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met | |
lib/libc/termios/t_tcsetpgrp | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/41673: wrong errno | |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | ||
Expected timeout | Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version | |
lib/librt/t_sched | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44768: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met | |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument | |
net/bpf/t_bpf | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44196: /bracket/i386/work/2011. getmtdata() != 0 | |
sbin/ifconfig/t_nonexistent | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43141: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/route/t_missing | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/42179: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/sysctl/t_perm | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44946: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: user time went backwards | |
syscall/t_itimer | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44927: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected errno 14, got 1, in setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,(void*)-1, &ot) == -1 | |
usr.bin/diff/t_diff | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/26453: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
usr.bin/pr/t_basic | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/41880: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/awk/t_awk | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/42320: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/sh/t_exit | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/6764: sh works but ksh does not: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/sh/t_expand | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | |
util/sh/t_varquote | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details |
Test case | Result | Reason |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | ||
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | ||
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | |
fs/vfs/t_full | ||
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | directories not supported | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
Skipped | rmdir(2) not supported by file system | |
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | ||
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
games/t_factor | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | ||
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_except | ||
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
Skipped | Test not applicable on QEMU | |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | ||
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
toolchain/cc/t_hello | ||
Skipped | this is not a 64 bit architecture |
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
SKIPPED: IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no
SKIPPED: RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no
SKIPPED: MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no
XFAIL: PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_raidframe -d key=/disk0,hostpath=disk0.img,size=32m -d key=/disk1,hostpath=disk1.img,size=32m unix://sock ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -C raid.conf raid0 ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -I 12345 raid0 ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -iv raid0 ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_raidframe -d key=/disk0,hostpath=disk0.img,size=32m -d key=/disk1,hostpath=disk1.img,size=32m unix://sock ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -c raid.conf raid0 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: rump.raidctl: ioctl (RAIDFRAME_CONFIGURE) failed: Invalid argument
XFAIL: PR kern/43785: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0
cd0(scsitest0:0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SENSE KEY: Not Ready ASC/ASCQ: Medium Not Present
XFAIL: PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument
rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set
XFAIL: PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host
XFAIL: PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption panic: union: missing upper layer in write rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_pr'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbba3e5f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbba3e5f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbba3e5b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbba3dd8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbba79040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbbb06b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbbadcf08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbbbe11b6 in rumpns_union_write () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbbad4fb4 in rumpns_VOP_WRITE () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbbb5d1c2 in rumpns_vn_extattr_get () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbbabcff4 in rumpns_dofilewrite () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbbabd141 in rumpns_sys_write () from /usr/lib/ #11 0xbbafd21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #12 0xbbb01dda in rump___sysimpl_write () from /usr/lib/ #13 0x080495e2 in atfu_devnull2_body () #14 0x0804b70b in atf_tc_run () #15 0x0804a55c in atf_tp_main () #16 0x08049372 in main () Stack trace complete
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366p/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366p/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
XFAIL: PR kern/44307: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sb.st_size != seekcnt
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804cee6 in renamerace_dirs () #4 0x0804ec99 in atfu_ext2fs_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0x08061e4b in atf_tc_run () #6 0x08060c9c in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0804c3f2 in main () Stack trace complete
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804cee6 in renamerace_dirs () #4 0x0804eb59 in atfu_ffs_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0x08061e4b in atf_tc_run () #6 0x08060c9c in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0804c3f2 in main () Stack trace complete
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804cee6 in renamerace_dirs () #4 0x0804ea19 in atfu_ffslog_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0x08061e4b in atf_tc_run () #6 0x08060c9c in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0804c3f2 in main () Stack trace complete
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data panic: lfs_rescount rump kernel halting... halted
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[18470]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbb927040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbb9b4b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbb98af08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbbb94855 in rumpns_lfs_reserve () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbbb79f1e in rumpns_lfs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbb982940 in rumpns_VOP_RENAME () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbba0f396 in rumpns_do_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbba0f416 in rumpns_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #11 0xbb9ab21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #12 0xbb9ae5a4 in rump___sysimpl_rename () from /usr/lib/ #13 0x0804d1a2 in w2 () #14 0xbb91b96e in pthread_setcancelstate () from /usr/lib/ #15 0xbb859d60 in ___lwp_park50 () from /usr/lib/ #16 0xb6a00000 in ?? () #17 0xb6c00000 in ?? () #18 0xbba51c40 in ?? () #19 0x11110001 in ?? () #20 0x00000001 in ?? () #21 0x33330003 in ?? () #22 0x00000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[17309]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804cee6 in renamerace_dirs () #4 0x0804e8da in atfu_lfs_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0x08061e4b in atf_tc_run () #6 0x08060c9c in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0804c3f2 in main () Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy
==== dumping mountpoint at ``/mnt'' ==== vnodecovered = 0xbb64f620 syncer = 0x0 data = 0xbb672160 fs_bshift 12 dev_bshift = 9 flag = 0x1000<MNT_LOCAL> iflag = 0x80<IMNT_HAS_TRANS> refcnt = 2 unmounting @ 0xbb705024 updating @ 0xbb705900 statvfs cache: bsize = 4096 frsize = 4096 iosize = 4096 blocks = 1239 bfree = 1239 bavail = 1239 bresvd = 0 files = 512 ffree = 0 favail = 0 fresvd = 0 f_fsidx = { 0xc500, 0x764f } owner = 0 namemax = 255 flag = 0x0 syncwrites = 2153 asyncwrites = 0 syncreads = 6672 asyncreads = 0 fstypename = msdos mntonname = /mnt mntfromname = /dev/device0.msdosfs locked vnodes = all vnodes = 0xbb64f4c8 == dumping vnodes == VM OBJECT at 0xbb64f4c8, refs 2 VNODE flags 0x1<ROOT> mp 0xbb705000 numoutput 0 size 0x4000 writesize 0x4000 data 0xbb6baf04 writecount 0 holdcnt 0 tag VT_MSDOSFS(4) type VDIR(2) mount 0xbb705000 typedata 0x0 v_lock 0xbb64f568 clean bufs: dirty bufs: ==== done ====
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804cee6 in renamerace_dirs () #4 0x0804e79a in atfu_msdosfs_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0x08061e4b in atf_tc_run () #6 0x08060c9c in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0804c3f2 in main () Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366i/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366i/p2kffsfake" instead. readshovel r1 -1 / 6
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: directories not supported
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data panic: SET_ENDOP: rmdir: no dirops but nadirop=-1 rump kernel halting... halted
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[14919]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_rmdirrace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbb927040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbb9b4b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbb98af08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbbb7a3d3 in rumpns_lfs_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbb98289e in rumpns_VOP_RMDIR () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbba0ecbd in rumpns_sys_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbb9ab21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbb9ae25e in rump___sysimpl_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x0804ca1d in func2 () #12 0xbb91b96e in pthread_setcancelstate () from /usr/lib/ #13 0xbb859d60 in ___lwp_park50 () from /usr/lib/ #14 0xb7a00000 in ?? () #15 0xb7c00000 in ?? () #16 0xbba51440 in ?? () #17 0x11110001 in ?? () #18 0x00000001 in ?? () #19 0x33330003 in ?? () #20 0x00000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
SKIPPED: rmdir(2) not supported by file system
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "rw_lock_held(&wl->wl_rwlock)" failed: file "/bracket/i386/work/2011.", line 1628 rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_union'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbb927040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbb9b4b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbb98af08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbb972e33 in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbb9fd28a in rumpns_wapbl_jlock_assert () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbb9fd5cf in rumpns_wapbl_add_buf () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbba284cc in rumpns_bdwrite () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbba2872a in rumpns_bwrite () from /usr/lib/ #11 0xbba2894f in rumpns_vn_bwrite () from /usr/lib/ #12 0xbb9833cf in rumpns_VOP_BWRITE () from /usr/lib/ #13 0xbbba6319 in rumpns_ufs_direnter () from /usr/lib/ #14 0xbbbaf6fe in rumpns_ufs_whiteout () from /usr/lib/ #15 0xbb9820ff in rumpns_VOP_WHITEOUT () from /usr/lib/ #16 0xbbb22ba8 in rumpns_union_mkwhiteout () from /usr/lib/ #17 0xbbb20f34 in rumpns_union_remove () from /usr/lib/ #18 0xbb982a5e in rumpns_VOP_REMOVE () from /usr/lib/ #19 0xbba11011 in rumpns_do_sys_unlink () from /usr/lib/ #20 0xbba11050 in rumpns_sys_unlink () from /usr/lib/ #21 0xbb9ab21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #22 0xbb9afbfe in rump___sysimpl_unlink () from /usr/lib/ #23 0x0804dc16 in basic () #24 0x0804f99a in atfu_ffslog_basic_body () #25 0x0806200b in atf_tc_run () #26 0x08060e5c in atf_tp_main () #27 0x0804c3c2 in main () Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[16245]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366v/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366v/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366w/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00366w/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
XFAIL: fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[17784]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1306118299
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1306118312
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[16584]: /mnt: attaching cleaner *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len lfs_cleanerd[16584]: /mnt: filesystem unmounted lfs_cleanerd[16584]: /mnt: detaching cleaner
XFAIL: PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.a0366g/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.a0366g/p2kffsfake" instead. *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len readshovel r1 -1 / 6
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len readshovel r1 -1 / 6
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "0" failed: file "/bracket/i386/work/2011.", line 395 rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_vnops'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbb927040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbb9b4b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbb98af08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbb972e33 in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbbb2ea43 in rumpns_tmpfs_alloc_vp () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbbb2cd59 in rumpns_tmpfs_lookup () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbb98380f in rumpns_VOP_LOOKUP () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbba201fd in rumpns_relookup () from /usr/lib/ #11 0xbba20b58 in rumpns_pathbuf_stringcopy_put () from /usr/lib/ #12 0xbba22172 in rumpns_namei () from /usr/lib/ #13 0xbba10068 in rumpns_chdir_lookup () from /usr/lib/ #14 0xbba10130 in rumpns_sys_chdir () from /usr/lib/ #15 0xbb9ab21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #16 0xbb9afb8e in rump___sysimpl_chdir () from /usr/lib/ #17 0x08057f15 in dir_rmdirdotdot () #18 0x08061c19 in atfu_tmpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot_body () #19 0x0807838b in atf_tc_run () #20 0x080771dc in atf_tp_main () #21 0x0804c7f2 in main () Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /bracket/i386/work/2011. l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "node->tn_links == 0" failed: file "/bracket/i386/work/2011.", line 1112 rump kernel halting... halted
*** Check failed: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sb.st_nlink != 3 Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_vnops'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb8d85f7 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb8d85b5 in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb8d7d8a in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0xbb927040 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #4 0xbb9b4b9a in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #5 0xbb98af08 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbb972e33 in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbbb2dc76 in rumpns_tmpfs_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #8 0xbb9828cf in rumpns_VOP_RMDIR () from /usr/lib/ #9 0xbba0ecbd in rumpns_sys_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #10 0xbb9ab21f in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #11 0xbb9ae25e in rump___sysimpl_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #12 0x08057bce in rename_dir () #13 0x08060e5a in atfu_tmpfs_rename_dir_body () #14 0x0807838b in atf_tc_run () #15 0x080771dc in atf_tp_main () #16 0x0804c7f2 in main () Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43617: other-dotdot
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
FAILED: Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised
XFAIL: PR standards/44847: /bracket/i386/work/2011. (bs - 1) <= 0 not met
XFAIL: PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: ENOTRECOVERABLE not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: EOWNERDEAD not defined
XFAIL: PR standards/44777: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_ALL not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_ADDRCONFIG not defined
XFAIL: PR lib/44807: /bracket/i386/work/2011. S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met
XFAIL: PR lib/44097: /bracket/i386/work/2011. strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met
SKIPPED: Test does not run correctly under qemu
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
SKIPPED: Test not applicable on QEMU
FAILED: /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(ld) != 0 not met
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
XFAIL: PR lib/41673: wrong errno
FAILED: check report
Calibrated interval: 1 sec = 1857 msec Testing register fds: OK evutil_stroll: OK Testing Priorities 1: OK Testing Priorities 2: OK Testing Priorities 3: OK Testing Evbuffer: OK Testing evbuffer_find 1: OK Testing evbuffer_find 2: OK Testing evbuffer_find 3: OK Bufferevent: OK Bufferevent Watermarks: OK Free active base: OK Event base new: OK Testing HTTP Server Event Base: OK Testing HTTP Header filtering: OK Testing HTTP query parsing: OK Testing Basic HTTP Server: OK Testing Request Connection Pipeline : OK Testing Request Connection Pipeline (persistent): OK Testing Connection Close Detection: OK Testing Connection Close Detection (with delay): OK Testing HTTP POST Request: OK Testing Bad HTTP Request: OK Testing HTTP Server with high port: OK Testing HTTP Dispatcher: OK Testing HTTP Server with multi line: OK Testing HTTP Negative Content Length: OK Testing Chunked HTTP Reply: OK Testing Basic RPC Support: OK Testing Good RPC Post: OK Testing RPC Client: OK Testing RPC (Queued) Client: OK Testing RPC Client Timeout: OK DNS server support: OK After fork: OK Simple read: OK Simple write: OK Multiple read/write: OK Persist read/write: OK Combined read/write: OK Simple timeout: FAILED
FAILED: Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised
FAILED: /bracket/i386/work/2011. isinf(v) not met
XFAIL: PR lib/44756: /bracket/i386/work/2011. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met
XFAIL: Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version
XFAIL: PR lib/44768: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met
FAILED: /bracket/i386/work/2011. sigcnt != 1
XFAIL: PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Checking error conditions Executing command [ modload -i foo k_helper/k_helper.kmod ] Executing command [ grep Invalid parameter.*foo stderr ] Executing command [ modload -i foo= k_helper/k_helper.kmod ] Executing command [ grep Invalid integer value stderr ] Executing command [ modload -i foo=bar k_helper/k_helper.kmod ] Executing command [ grep Invalid integer value.*bar stderr ] Executing command [ modload -i foo=123a k_helper/k_helper.kmod ] Executing command [ grep Invalid integer value.*123a stderr ] Checking valid values Executing command [ modload -i prop_int=5 /usr/tests/modules/k_helper/k_helper.kmod ] Executing command [ sysctl vendor.k_helper.prop_int_ok ] Executing command [ sysctl vendor.k_helper.prop_int_val ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: sysctl: second level name 'k_helper' in 'vendor.k_helper.prop_int_val' is invalid t_modload: ERROR: The test case cleanup returned a non-ok exit code, but this is not allowed
XFAIL: PR kern/44196: /bracket/i386/work/2011. getmtdata() != 0
FAILED: /bracket/i386/work/2011. netcfg_rump_pingtest("", 1000) != true
FAILED: Test case timed out after 2 seconds
FAILED: Test case timed out after 2 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet unix://commsock ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet unix://commsock ]
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock1 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock2 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock3 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 3, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory
XFAIL: PR bin/43141: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ ifconfig nonexistent0 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 0, expected: anything else stdout: stderr:
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 4096 512 49152 32768 2 41 bs is 4096 numdata is 41 ****resizing fs with blocksize 4096 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 512 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 1536 blks, 2720 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 144, 12432, 24720, 37008, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 14 dataleft is 27 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
tar: Failed write to file TD41/131073 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65536 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65537 (Input/output error) Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00366a/mnt: not currently mounted
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 16384 2048 49152 32768 2 43 swap bs is 16384 numdata is 43 ****resizing fs with blocksize 16384 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 384 blks, 768 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 160, 12448, 24736, 37024, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 15 dataleft is 28 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00366k/mnt: not currently mounted
XFAIL: PR bin/42179: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ route -n get ]
Fail: stderr matches expected value route: writing to routing socket: Invalid argument
XFAIL: PR kern/44946: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.ostype=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.osrelease=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.osrevision=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.version=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.maxvnodes=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.maxproc=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.argmax=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.securelevel=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.hostname=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.hostid=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.clockrate: tick=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.posix1version=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.ngroups=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.job_control=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.saved_ids=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.domainname=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.maxpartitions=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.rawpartition=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.rtc_offset=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.root_device=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.msgbufsize=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.fsync=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.synchronized_io=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.iov_max=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mbuf.msize=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mbuf.mclbytes=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mbuf.nmbclusters=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mbuf.mblowat=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mbuf.mcllowat=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.mapped_files=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.memlock=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.memlock_range=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.memory_protection=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.login_name_max=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.defcorename=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.logsigexit=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.fscale=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.ccpu=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.cp_time: user=3735928559 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sysctl -w kern.consdev=3735928559 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 0, expected: anything else stdout: kern.consdev = tty00 stderr:
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: user time went backwards
FAILED: Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised
XFAIL: PR standards/44927: /bracket/i386/work/2011. Expected errno 14, got 1, in setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,(void*)-1, &ot) == -1
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
SKIPPED: this is not a 64 bit architecture
XFAIL: PR bin/26453: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c env MALLOC_OPTIONS=V diff /usr/tests/usr.bin/diff/ /usr/tests/usr.bin/diff/ ]
Fail: stderr matches expected value diff: memory exhausted
XFAIL: PR bin/41880: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c pr -t -2 /usr/tests/usr.bin/pr/ ]
Fail: stdout does not match golden output --- /usr/tests/usr.bin/pr/d_basic.out 2011-05-23 01:17:18.000000000 +0000 +++ /tmp/check.07145a/stdout 2011-05-23 04:03:49.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +1 @@ -123 456 789 abc def ghi +123 456 789 abc def ghi
XFAIL: PR bin/42320: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c awk -v x=0.5 -f d_period.awk < ]
Fail: stdout does not match golden output --- d_period.out 2011-05-23 04:05:46.000000000 +0000 +++ /tmp/check.10787a/stdout 2011-05-23 04:05:47.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +1 @@ -0,875 +0,625
XFAIL: PR bin/6764: sh works but ksh does not: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh ] Executing command [ /bin/ksh ]
Fail: regexp exiting not in stdout
XFAIL: PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ")
XFAIL: PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo "${foo:="first-word"} second-word" ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 2, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string