Item | Value |
ATF | |
Version | |
Timings | |
Start time of tests | |
End time of tests | |
System information | |
Host name | |
Operating system | |
Operating system release | |
Operating system version | |
Platform | |
Tests results | |
Root | /usr/tests |
Test programs | 557 |
Bogus test programs | 0 |
Test cases | 3526 |
Passed test cases | 3387 |
19 | |
42 | |
78 | |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
atf/atf-c/detail/dynstr_test | 6.779908s | ||
append_ap | Passed | N/A | 1.297934s |
append_fmt | Passed | N/A | 1.207169s |
clear | Passed | N/A | 0.048126s |
copy | Passed | N/A | 0.045027s |
cstring | Passed | N/A | 0.048551s |
equal_cstring | Passed | N/A | 0.044976s |
equal_dynstr | Passed | N/A | 0.044809s |
fini_disown | Passed | N/A | 0.044830s |
init | Passed | N/A | 0.044584s |
init_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.045105s |
init_fmt | Passed | N/A | 0.044887s |
init_raw | Passed | N/A | 0.045847s |
init_rep | Passed | N/A | 0.453683s |
init_substr | Passed | N/A | 0.045152s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.127638s |
prepend_ap | Passed | N/A | 1.509652s |
prepend_fmt | Passed | N/A | 1.506926s |
rfind_ch | Passed | N/A | 0.044947s |
atf/atf-c/detail/env_test | 0.189622s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.041608s |
has | Passed | N/A | 0.042620s |
set | Passed | N/A | 0.044239s |
unset | Passed | N/A | 0.042260s |
atf/atf-c/detail/fs_test | 1.520783s | ||
eaccess | Passed | N/A | 0.106009s |
exists | Passed | N/A | 0.052760s |
getcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.047702s |
mkdtemp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.067810s |
mkdtemp_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.049824s |
mkdtemp_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.053625s |
mkstemp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.052381s |
mkstemp_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.048685s |
mkstemp_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.050333s |
path_append | Passed | N/A | 0.062834s |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A | 0.061126s |
path_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.045759s |
path_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.045659s |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.063139s |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.063474s |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A | 0.060693s |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A | 0.089418s |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.053673s |
rmdir_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.047651s |
rmdir_enotempty | Passed | N/A | 0.048088s |
rmdir_eperm | Passed | N/A | 0.048376s |
stat_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.047131s |
stat_perms | Passed | N/A | 0.049974s |
stat_type | Passed | N/A | 0.047595s |
atf/atf-c/detail/list_test | 0.541377s | ||
list_append | Passed | N/A | 0.048048s |
list_append_list | Passed | N/A | 0.043038s |
list_for_each | Passed | N/A | 0.092856s |
list_for_each_c | Passed | N/A | 0.092990s |
list_index | Passed | N/A | 0.042430s |
list_index_c | Passed | N/A | 0.042306s |
list_init | Passed | N/A | 0.042382s |
list_to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.042570s |
list_to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.042747s |
atf/atf-c/detail/map_test | 0.742715s | ||
find | Passed | N/A | 0.043652s |
find_c | Passed | N/A | 0.043770s |
map_for_each | Passed | N/A | 0.095327s |
map_for_each_c | Passed | N/A | 0.095120s |
map_init | Passed | N/A | 0.043404s |
map_init_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.043151s |
map_init_charpp_null | Passed | N/A | 0.043084s |
map_init_charpp_short | Passed | N/A | 0.043417s |
map_init_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.043476s |
map_insert | Passed | N/A | 0.046129s |
stable_keys | Passed | N/A | 0.043485s |
to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.042857s |
to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.043479s |
atf/atf-c/detail/process_test | 6.014305s | ||
child_pid | Passed | N/A | 0.067609s |
child_wait_eintr | Passed | N/A | 2.061748s |
exec_failure | Passed | N/A | 0.074401s |
exec_list | Passed | N/A | 0.149383s |
exec_prehook | Passed | N/A | 0.120997s |
exec_success | Passed | N/A | 0.072250s |
fork_cookie | Passed | N/A | 0.065878s |
fork_out_capture_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.070994s |
fork_out_capture_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.070514s |
fork_out_capture_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.072285s |
fork_out_capture_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.070151s |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.070462s |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.070625s |
fork_out_connect_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.070116s |
fork_out_connect_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.071085s |
fork_out_connect_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.071335s |
fork_out_connect_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.071434s |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.071283s |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071464s |
fork_out_default_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.070062s |
fork_out_default_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.071692s |
fork_out_default_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.071059s |
fork_out_default_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.071334s |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.071759s |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071545s |
fork_out_inherit_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.070487s |
fork_out_inherit_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.071291s |
fork_out_inherit_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.071124s |
fork_out_inherit_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.071309s |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.071390s |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.072172s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.073111s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.071208s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.071879s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.071356s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.071092s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071813s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.071671s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.071559s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.071645s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.071448s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.071372s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071355s |
status_coredump | Passed | N/A | 0.076472s |
status_exited | Passed | N/A | 0.064392s |
status_signaled | Passed | N/A | 0.060609s |
stream_init_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.050506s |
stream_init_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.050506s |
stream_init_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.050455s |
stream_init_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.050534s |
stream_init_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.050757s |
atf/atf-c/detail/sanity_test | 0.370889s | ||
inv | Passed | N/A | 0.084855s |
post | Passed | N/A | 0.083153s |
pre | Passed | N/A | 0.083019s |
unreachable | Passed | N/A | 0.083425s |
atf/atf-c/detail/test_helpers_test | 0.189222s | ||
grep_file | Passed | N/A | 0.066479s |
grep_string | Passed | N/A | 0.050321s |
read_line | Passed | N/A | 0.051810s |
atf/atf-c/detail/text_test | 0.389885s | ||
for_each_word | Passed | N/A | 0.042802s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.042304s |
format_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.041966s |
split | Passed | N/A | 0.078547s |
split_delims | Passed | N/A | 0.057793s |
to_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.043712s |
to_long | Passed | N/A | 0.042968s |
atf/atf-c/detail/user_test | 0.224495s | ||
euid | Passed | N/A | 0.041005s |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A | 0.077059s |
is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.041240s |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.041592s |
atf/atf-c/atf_c_test | 1.590878s | ||
include | Passed | N/A | 1.560458s |
atf/atf-c/build_test | 1.388011s | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A | 0.100220s |
cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.057688s |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 0.073122s |
equal_arrays | Passed | N/A | 0.041599s |
include | Passed | N/A | 1.028573s |
atf/atf-c/check_test | 11.264262s | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A | 1.678358s |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.810772s |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 6.864864s |
exec_array | Passed | N/A | 0.144347s |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.069804s |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A | 0.110979s |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A | 0.110923s |
exec_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.042735s |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.066671s |
include | Passed | N/A | 1.138369s |
atf/atf-c/config_test | 0.961283s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.090359s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.827008s |
atf/atf-c/error_test | 2.195485s | ||
error_new | Passed | N/A | 0.052853s |
error_new_wo_memory | Passed | N/A | 0.041582s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.047558s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.803948s |
include_fwd | Passed | N/A | 0.785015s |
is_error | Passed | N/A | 0.095000s |
libc_format | Passed | N/A | 0.054907s |
libc_new | Passed | N/A | 0.042521s |
no_error | Passed | N/A | 0.041227s |
no_memory_format | Passed | N/A | 0.041557s |
no_memory_new | Passed | N/A | 0.041309s |
no_memory_twice | Passed | N/A | 0.041664s |
atf/atf-c/macros_test | 4.843522s | ||
check | Passed | N/A | 0.141755s |
check_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.221277s |
check_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.121459s |
check_streq | Passed | N/A | 0.258054s |
detect_unused_tests | Passed | N/A | 0.758712s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.931707s |
msg_embedded_fmt | Passed | N/A | 0.285589s |
require | Passed | N/A | 0.124367s |
require_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.205833s |
require_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.113615s |
require_streq | Passed | N/A | 0.230226s |
use | Passed | N/A | 1.293385s |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | 0.039517s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.012536s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004937s | |
atf/atf-c/tc_test | 1.372054s | ||
config | Passed | N/A | 0.081471s |
include | Passed | N/A | 1.010437s |
init | Passed | N/A | 0.101228s |
init_pack | Passed | N/A | 0.041891s |
vars | Passed | N/A | 0.040913s |
atf/atf-c/tp_test | 0.881230s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 0.039471s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.807596s |
atf/atf-c/utils_test | 0.884475s | ||
free_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.050004s |
free_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.040403s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.755806s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/application_test | 0.220029s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 0.177850s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/env_test | 0.480827s | ||
has_get | Passed | N/A | 0.152625s |
set | Passed | N/A | 0.071367s |
unset | Passed | N/A | 0.169109s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/exceptions_test | 0.518070s | ||
throw_atf_error_libc | Passed | N/A | 0.287229s |
throw_atf_error_no_memory | Passed | N/A | 0.093749s |
throw_atf_error_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.089328s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/expand_test | 0.825645s | ||
expand_glob_base | Passed | N/A | 0.189917s |
expand_glob_tps | Passed | N/A | 0.246640s |
is_glob | Passed | N/A | 0.072149s |
matches_glob_plain | Passed | N/A | 0.071677s |
matches_glob_question | Passed | N/A | 0.072871s |
matches_glob_star | Passed | N/A | 0.075565s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/fs_test | 2.150978s | ||
directory_file_info | Passed | N/A | 0.197563s |
directory_names | Passed | N/A | 0.250529s |
directory_read | Passed | N/A | 0.081810s |
exists | Passed | N/A | 0.080593s |
file_info_perms | Passed | N/A | 0.081832s |
file_info_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.076534s |
is_executable | Passed | N/A | 0.082774s |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A | 0.074291s |
path_compare_different | Passed | N/A | 0.073962s |
path_compare_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.073856s |
path_concat | Passed | N/A | 0.073283s |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.072627s |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.073158s |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A | 0.154005s |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A | 0.162427s |
path_op_less | Passed | N/A | 0.082217s |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.079978s |
remove | Passed | N/A | 0.113070s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/parser_test | 2.627800s | ||
headers_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.194400s |
headers_10 | Passed | N/A | 0.203370s |
headers_11 | Passed | N/A | 0.097237s |
headers_12 | Passed | N/A | 0.105528s |
headers_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.095350s |
headers_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.095987s |
headers_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.098836s |
headers_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.097024s |
headers_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.095603s |
headers_7 | Passed | N/A | 0.095909s |
headers_8 | Passed | N/A | 0.100613s |
headers_9 | Passed | N/A | 0.097583s |
parse_error_to_string | Passed | N/A | 0.074057s |
parse_errors_what | Passed | N/A | 0.074820s |
token_getters | Passed | N/A | 0.073229s |
tokenizer_delims_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.163411s |
tokenizer_delims_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.159618s |
tokenizer_keywords_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.078185s |
tokenizer_keywords_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.076934s |
tokenizer_minimal_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.078141s |
tokenizer_minimal_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.080537s |
tokenizer_quotes_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.077461s |
tokenizer_quotes_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.075520s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/sanity_test | 0.145664s | ||
nothing | Passed | N/A | 0.109647s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/text_test | 1.360108s | ||
duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.110469s |
join | Passed | N/A | 0.235509s |
match | Passed | N/A | 0.100297s |
split | Passed | N/A | 0.072520s |
split_delims | Passed | N/A | 0.070651s |
to_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.097127s |
to_bytes | Passed | N/A | 0.097526s |
to_string | Passed | N/A | 0.072627s |
to_type | Passed | N/A | 0.188433s |
trim | Passed | N/A | 0.152557s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/ui_test | 0.988281s | ||
paragraphs | Passed | N/A | 0.249341s |
w_tag_col | Passed | N/A | 0.263015s |
w_tag_no_repeat | Passed | N/A | 0.099835s |
w_tag_repeat | Passed | N/A | 0.086138s |
wo_tag | Passed | N/A | 0.105664s |
wo_tag_col | Passed | N/A | 0.088562s |
atf/atf-c++/atf_c++_test | 8.583387s | ||
include | Passed | N/A | 8.546634s |
atf/atf-c++/build_test | 4.127051s | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A | 0.223701s |
cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.271126s |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 0.118945s |
equal_argvs | Passed | N/A | 0.071007s |
include | Passed | N/A | 3.328212s |
atf/atf-c++/check_test | 15.162124s | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A | 2.090771s |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.961332s |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 6.822425s |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.232017s |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A | 0.152418s |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A | 0.263413s |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.192029s |
include | Passed | N/A | 4.240531s |
atf/atf-c++/config_test | 4.537740s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.219709s |
get_all | Passed | N/A | 0.228441s |
has | Passed | N/A | 0.071686s |
include | Passed | N/A | 3.905824s |
atf/atf-c++/macros_test | 30.764576s | ||
check_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.356491s |
detect_unused_tests | Passed | N/A | 9.974116s |
fail | Passed | N/A | 0.311044s |
include | Passed | N/A | 8.021152s |
pass | Passed | N/A | 0.314407s |
require | Passed | N/A | 0.197268s |
require_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.174816s |
require_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.153696s |
require_in | Passed | N/A | 0.211431s |
require_match | Passed | N/A | 0.129934s |
require_not_in | Passed | N/A | 0.206536s |
require_throw | Passed | N/A | 0.306189s |
require_throw_re | Passed | N/A | 0.325415s |
skip | Passed | N/A | 0.098881s |
use | Passed | N/A | 9.724931s |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | 0.036897s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.009489s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.005117s | |
atf/atf-c++/tests_test | 4.348147s | ||
atf_tp_writer | Passed | N/A | 0.118236s |
include | Passed | N/A | 4.140967s |
atf/atf-c++/utils_test | 2.158652s | ||
auto_array_access | Passed | N/A | 0.113147s |
auto_array_assign | Passed | N/A | 0.238865s |
auto_array_assign_ref | Passed | N/A | 0.073395s |
auto_array_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.072886s |
auto_array_copy_ref | Passed | N/A | 0.073165s |
auto_array_get | Passed | N/A | 0.072538s |
auto_array_release | Passed | N/A | 0.072618s |
auto_array_reset | Passed | N/A | 0.074286s |
auto_array_scope | Passed | N/A | 0.074019s |
include | Passed | N/A | 1.159315s |
atf/atf-sh/tc_test | 3.290180s | ||
default_status | Passed | N/A | 2.266190s |
missing_body | Passed | N/A | 0.934027s |
atf/atf-sh/tp_test | 1.288797s | ||
srcdir | Passed | N/A | 1.260360s |
atf/atf-sh/normalize_test | 1.154351s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 1.072624s |
atf/atf-sh/config_test | 4.310707s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 1.954874s |
has | Passed | N/A | 2.224016s |
atf/atf-sh/atf-check_test | 29.322272s | ||
eflag_empty | Passed | N/A | 1.051050s |
eflag_file | Passed | N/A | 1.492380s |
eflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.906043s |
eflag_inline | Passed | N/A | 2.176364s |
eflag_match | Passed | N/A | 1.220615s |
eflag_multiple | Passed | N/A | 1.179627s |
eflag_negated | Passed | N/A | 1.271407s |
eflag_save | Passed | N/A | 0.777015s |
invalid_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.725573s |
oflag_empty | Passed | N/A | 1.037114s |
oflag_file | Passed | N/A | 1.461677s |
oflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.909655s |
oflag_inline | Passed | N/A | 2.169044s |
oflag_match | Passed | N/A | 1.226800s |
oflag_multiple | Passed | N/A | 1.189680s |
oflag_negated | Passed | N/A | 1.280314s |
oflag_save | Passed | N/A | 0.762225s |
sflag_eq_ne | Passed | N/A | 1.638317s |
sflag_exit | Passed | N/A | 2.069431s |
sflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.955110s |
sflag_signal | Passed | N/A | 1.425688s |
stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.697935s |
xflag | Passed | N/A | 0.884971s |
atf/atf-sh/atf_check_test | 9.571386s | ||
equal | Passed | N/A | 2.518245s |
experr_mismatch | Passed | N/A | 1.349603s |
expout_mismatch | Passed | N/A | 1.289248s |
info_ok | Passed | N/A | 1.793323s |
null_stderr | Passed | N/A | 1.247067s |
null_stdout | Passed | N/A | 1.249895s |
atf/atf-sh/integration_test | 2.557328s | ||
arguments | Passed | N/A | 0.964390s |
missing_script | Passed | N/A | 0.754167s |
no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.725800s |
atf/test-programs/config_test | 5.792189s | ||
vflag | Passed | N/A | 5.759982s |
atf/test-programs/expect_test | 20.054321s | ||
expect_death | Passed | N/A | 3.861346s |
expect_exit | Passed | N/A | 3.792090s |
expect_fail | Passed | N/A | 3.251021s |
expect_pass | Passed | N/A | 3.201998s |
expect_signal | Passed | N/A | 3.980088s |
expect_timeout | Passed | N/A | 1.786470s |
atf/test-programs/fork_test | 4.208426s | ||
stop | Passed | N/A | 4.177088s |
atf/test-programs/meta_data_test | 13.147261s | ||
no_descr | Passed | N/A | 6.736388s |
no_head | Passed | N/A | 6.332980s |
atf/test-programs/srcdir_test | 18.768989s | ||
default | Passed | N/A | 3.081223s |
libtool | Passed | N/A | 3.240807s |
relative | Passed | N/A | 8.401149s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 3.874925s |
atf/test-programs/result_test | 10.545160s | ||
atf_run_warnings | Passed | N/A | 1.270459s |
result_exception | Passed | N/A | 0.799952s |
result_on_stdout | Passed | N/A | 2.706996s |
result_to_file | Passed | N/A | 4.051660s |
result_to_file_fail | Passed | N/A | 1.610725s |
atf/atf-config/integration_test | 55.873447s | ||
list_all | Passed | N/A | 2.267762s |
override_env | Passed | N/A | 26.024191s |
query_mixture | Passed | N/A | 4.537501s |
query_multiple | Passed | N/A | 0.984613s |
query_one | Passed | N/A | 7.562378s |
query_one_terse | Passed | N/A | 13.483702s |
query_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.806380s |
atf/atf-report/integration_test | 28.272767s | ||
default | Passed | N/A | 2.596981s |
expect | Passed | N/A | 8.191131s |
oflag | Passed | N/A | 6.106457s |
output_csv | Passed | N/A | 2.738506s |
output_ticker | Passed | N/A | 2.837550s |
output_xml | Passed | N/A | 2.815106s |
output_xml_space | Passed | N/A | 1.926522s |
too_many_args | Passed | N/A | 0.750757s |
atf/atf-report/reader_test | 2.996421s | ||
tps_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.263764s |
tps_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.085001s |
tps_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.088167s |
tps_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.087076s |
tps_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.079990s |
tps_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.184300s |
tps_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.197552s |
tps_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.095551s |
tps_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.098704s |
tps_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.115205s |
tps_55 | Passed | N/A | 0.113901s |
tps_56 | Passed | N/A | 0.106379s |
tps_57 | Passed | N/A | 0.097419s |
tps_58 | Passed | N/A | 0.100551s |
tps_59 | Passed | N/A | 0.095509s |
tps_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.169964s |
tps_60 | Passed | N/A | 0.191864s |
tps_61 | Passed | N/A | 0.095675s |
tps_62 | Passed | N/A | 0.098811s |
tps_63 | Passed | N/A | 0.095917s |
tps_64 | Passed | N/A | 0.096125s |
tps_65 | Passed | N/A | 0.100425s |
tps_66 | Passed | N/A | 0.097460s |
atf/atf-run/atffile_test | 2.448788s | ||
atffile_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.158574s |
atffile_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.189935s |
atffile_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.077189s |
atffile_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.079553s |
atffile_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.077315s |
atffile_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.110270s |
atffile_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.095175s |
atffile_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.101198s |
atffile_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.256822s |
atffile_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.099601s |
atffile_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.076824s |
atffile_getters | Passed | N/A | 0.075535s |
read_missing_test_program | Passed | N/A | 0.209791s |
read_missing_test_suite | Passed | N/A | 0.176294s |
read_ok_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.166292s |
read_ok_some_globs | Passed | N/A | 0.197537s |
atf/atf-run/config_test | 1.623940s | ||
config_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.119010s |
config_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.241964s |
config_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.075399s |
config_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.072580s |
config_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.101140s |
config_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.094075s |
config_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.097254s |
config_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.094366s |
config_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.096677s |
merge_configs_both_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.070089s |
merge_configs_lower_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.073003s |
merge_configs_mixed | Passed | N/A | 0.071344s |
merge_configs_upper_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.070585s |
read_config_files_none | Passed | N/A | 0.162647s |
atf/atf-run/fs_test | 1.153435s | ||
change_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.269428s |
cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.197395s |
cleanup_eacces_on_root | Passed | N/A | 0.156854s |
cleanup_eacces_on_subdir | Passed | N/A | 0.086361s |
get_current_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.085391s |
temp_dir_raii | Passed | N/A | 0.179559s |
atf/atf-run/integration_test | 207.663802s | ||
atffile | Passed | N/A | 8.363936s |
atffile_recursive | Passed | N/A | 4.636859s |
broken_results | Passed | N/A | 2.569549s |
broken_tp_list | Passed | N/A | 2.172561s |
cleanup_curdir | Passed | N/A | 2.601515s |
cleanup_fail | Passed | N/A | 2.607162s |
cleanup_mount | Passed | N/A | 3.707568s |
cleanup_pass | Passed | N/A | 2.688448s |
cleanup_signal | Passed | N/A | 0.549102s |
cleanup_skip | Passed | N/A | 2.606964s |
cleanup_symlink | Passed | N/A | 4.015121s |
config | Passed | N/A | 8.579775s |
exit_codes | Passed | N/A | 2.542653s |
expect | Passed | N/A | 7.577583s |
fds | Passed | N/A | 2.453486s |
hooks | Passed | N/A | 8.502217s |
ignore_deprecated_use_fs | Passed | N/A | 2.542431s |
isolation_env | Passed | N/A | 4.347631s |
isolation_home | Passed | N/A | 2.477168s |
isolation_stdin | Passed | N/A | 2.516160s |
isolation_umask | Passed | N/A | 2.499508s |
missing_results | Passed | N/A | 2.554910s |
mux_streams | Passed | N/A | 32.405943s |
no_warnings | Passed | N/A | 2.437250s |
require_arch | Passed | N/A | 17.176574s |
require_config | Passed | N/A | 5.921356s |
require_files | Passed | N/A | 9.599168s |
require_machine | Passed | N/A | 17.274586s |
require_progs | Passed | N/A | 9.515601s |
require_user_bad | Passed | N/A | 2.277379s |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A | 2.463526s |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 2.425529s |
signaled | Passed | N/A | 2.741146s |
timeout | Passed | N/A | 6.394764s |
timeout_forkexit | Passed | N/A | 2.518842s |
vflag | Passed | N/A | 8.352384s |
zero_tcs | Passed | N/A | 2.221383s |
atf/atf-run/io_test | 31.776983s | ||
file_handle_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.107415s |
file_handle_ctor | Passed | N/A | 0.236794s |
file_handle_get | Passed | N/A | 0.380055s |
file_handle_posix_remap | Passed | N/A | 0.074344s |
muxer_large_buffer | Passed | N/A | 18.805160s |
muxer_small_buffer | Passed | N/A | 11.202432s |
pistream | Passed | N/A | 0.154680s |
systembuf_long_read | Passed | N/A | 0.323699s |
systembuf_long_write | Passed | N/A | 0.165962s |
systembuf_short_read | Passed | N/A | 0.074961s |
systembuf_short_write | Passed | N/A | 0.072997s |
atf/atf-run/requirements_test | 3.325230s | ||
require_arch_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.165045s |
require_arch_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.248216s |
require_arch_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.076879s |
require_arch_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.073025s |
require_config_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.074441s |
require_config_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.072838s |
require_config_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.077087s |
require_config_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.072635s |
require_files_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.100792s |
require_files_many_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.076531s |
require_files_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.075837s |
require_files_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.094434s |
require_files_one_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.074931s |
require_files_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.073016s |
require_machine_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.076159s |
require_machine_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.075523s |
require_machine_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.156742s |
require_machine_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.162092s |
require_memory_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.101260s |
require_memory_not_enough | Passed | N/A | 0.086847s |
require_memory_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.074526s |
require_progs_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.100254s |
require_progs_many_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.081208s |
require_progs_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.161788s |
require_progs_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.178112s |
require_progs_one_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.081821s |
require_progs_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.074437s |
require_user_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.091698s |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A | 0.072997s |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.075633s |
atf/atf-run/signals_test | 0.597324s | ||
reset | Passed | N/A | 0.178059s |
signal_holder_destructor | Passed | N/A | 0.072925s |
signal_holder_preserve | Passed | N/A | 0.071159s |
signal_holder_process | Passed | N/A | 0.069651s |
signal_programmer_preserve | Passed | N/A | 0.069778s |
signal_programmer_program | Passed | N/A | 0.069786s |
atf/atf-run/test_program_test | 4.618932s | ||
atf_tps_writer | Passed | N/A | 0.526107s |
get_metadata_bad | Passed | N/A | 0.301626s |
get_metadata_several_tcs | Passed | N/A | 0.159935s |
get_metadata_zero_tcs | Passed | N/A | 0.155047s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_death | Passed | N/A | 0.184653s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.181768s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_failure | Passed | N/A | 0.095050s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_signal | Passed | N/A | 0.095427s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_timeout | Passed | N/A | 0.095427s |
parse_test_case_result_failed | Passed | N/A | 0.094745s |
parse_test_case_result_passed | Passed | N/A | 0.094992s |
parse_test_case_result_skipped | Passed | N/A | 0.095633s |
parse_test_case_result_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.095044s |
read_test_case_result_empty_file | Passed | N/A | 0.104079s |
read_test_case_result_failed | Passed | N/A | 0.078033s |
read_test_case_result_invalid | Passed | N/A | 0.100691s |
read_test_case_result_multiline | Passed | N/A | 0.077175s |
read_test_case_result_no_file | Passed | N/A | 0.095805s |
read_test_case_result_skipped | Passed | N/A | 0.076742s |
tp_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.176955s |
tp_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.160806s |
tp_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.078624s |
tp_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.077302s |
tp_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.103296s |
tp_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.096536s |
tp_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.079943s |
tp_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.097261s |
tp_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.097057s |
tp_55 | Passed | N/A | 0.100779s |
tp_56 | Passed | N/A | 0.097833s |
tp_57 | Passed | N/A | 0.097777s |
tp_58 | Passed | N/A | 0.097919s |
tp_59 | Passed | N/A | 0.096689s |
tp_60 | Passed | N/A | 0.098779s |
atf/atf-run/user_test | 0.581515s | ||
euid | Passed | N/A | 0.110721s |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A | 0.248125s |
is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.069233s |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.069577s |
bin/cat/t_cat | 1.352543s | ||
align | Passed | N/A | 0.602685s |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.674439s |
bin/cp/t_cp | 10.369948s | ||
dir_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.885077s |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.936016s |
file_over_link | Passed | N/A | 0.718264s |
file_to_file | Passed | N/A | 1.359443s |
file_to_link | Passed | N/A | 0.770605s |
file_to_linkdir | Passed | N/A | 0.898830s |
files_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.869179s |
link_over_file | Passed | N/A | 0.741134s |
link_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.872417s |
linkdir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.910595s |
bin/dd/t_dd | 4.344433s | ||
io | Passed | N/A | 1.719072s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.785233s |
seek | Passed | N/A | 1.734858s |
bin/df/t_df | 1.506116s | ||
hflag | Passed | N/A | 0.684685s |
normal | Passed | N/A | 0.769648s |
bin/expr/t_expr | 7.730057s | ||
arithmetic_ops | Passed | N/A | 0.631406s |
basic_functional | Passed | N/A | 0.444810s |
basic_math | Passed | N/A | 0.305245s |
colon_vs_math | Passed | N/A | 0.406730s |
compare_ops | Passed | N/A | 0.866479s |
compare_ops_precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.404055s |
gtkmm | Passed | N/A | 0.429315s |
lang | Passed | N/A | 0.705948s |
math_precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.498389s |
multiply | Passed | N/A | 0.346164s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 0.541276s |
overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.835584s |
precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.475451s |
regex | Passed | N/A | 0.558201s |
bin/pax/t_pax | 0.991928s | ||
append | Passed | N/A | 0.956309s |
bin/ps/t_ps | 13.177490s | ||
default_columns | Passed | N/A | 3.396752s |
duplicate_column | Passed | N/A | 1.107067s |
minus_O | Passed | N/A | 1.259769s |
minus_o | Passed | N/A | 1.570806s |
override_heading_all_null | Passed | N/A | 1.043239s |
override_heading_embedded_specials | Passed | N/A | 1.500217s |
override_heading_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.295899s |
override_heading_some_null | Passed | N/A | 1.659610s |
bin/sh/t_compexit | 0.380629s | ||
set_e | Passed | N/A | 0.311607s |
bin/sh/t_exit | 5.270465s | ||
background | Passed | N/A | 0.893683s |
function | Passed | N/A | 0.484012s |
readout | Passed | N/A | 0.506402s |
trap_subshell | Passed | N/A | 0.642096s |
trap_zero__explicit_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.840890s |
trap_zero__explicit_return | Passed | N/A | 0.883544s |
trap_zero__implicit_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.882868s |
bin/sh/t_expand | 2.110582s | ||
arithmetic | Passed | N/A | 0.376042s |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A | 0.538465s |
dollar_at_with_text | Passed | N/A | 0.496034s |
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | 0.281183s | |
varpattern_backslashes | Passed | N/A | 0.274877s |
bin/sh/t_evaltested | 0.423351s | ||
evaltested | Passed | N/A | 0.361831s |
bin/sh/t_fsplit | 3.157595s | ||
default_val | Passed | N/A | 0.598965s |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A | 0.481840s |
for | Passed | N/A | 0.407566s |
ifs | Passed | N/A | 0.550152s |
ifs_alpha | Passed | N/A | 0.375532s |
quote | Passed | N/A | 0.322437s |
var_length | Passed | N/A | 0.328997s |
bin/sh/t_here | 0.877965s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 0.835311s |
bin/sh/t_set_e | 9.114612s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 9.038801s |
bin/sh/t_ulimit | 1.893934s | ||
limits | Passed | N/A | 1.873158s |
bin/sh/t_varquote | 1.066031s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 0.303897s |
nested_quotes_multiword | Passed | N/A | 0.685112s |
bin/sh/t_wait | 6.532170s | ||
individual | Passed | N/A | 6.488062s |
bin/sleep/t_sleep | 6.087668s | ||
fraction | Passed | N/A | 2.127955s |
hex | Passed | N/A | 2.750140s |
nonnumeric | Passed | N/A | 1.088722s |
bin/tar/t_tar | 1.122450s | ||
append | Passed | N/A | 1.082656s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_certs | 0.766065s | ||
x509v3 | Passed | N/A | 0.728630s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | 51.661205s | ||
bf | Passed | N/A | 0.648056s |
cast | Passed | N/A | 45.909666s |
des | Passed | N/A | 0.728378s |
evp | Passed | N/A | 1.220698s |
idea | Passed | N/A | 0.722443s |
rc2 | Passed | N/A | 0.675585s |
rc4 | Passed | N/A | 1.171190s |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | 0.418317s | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | 5.266411s | ||
hmac | Passed | N/A | 0.695926s |
md2 | Passed | N/A | 0.720215s |
md4 | Passed | N/A | 0.696136s |
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.674275s |
mdc2 | Passed | N/A | 0.650661s |
ripemd | Passed | N/A | 0.721245s |
sha | Passed | N/A | 0.902100s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_libcrypto | 57.333113s | ||
bn | Passed | N/A | 52.602251s |
conf | Passed | N/A | 0.815100s |
engine | Passed | N/A | 1.119456s |
lhash | Passed | N/A | 0.746820s |
rand | Passed | N/A | 0.723556s |
threads | Passed | N/A | 1.181833s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_pubkey | 128.611559s | ||
dh | Passed | N/A | 0.986280s |
dsa | Passed | N/A | 2.599171s |
ec | Passed | N/A | 25.037584s |
ecdh | Passed | N/A | 8.464736s |
ecdsa | Passed | N/A | 53.531451s |
rsa | Passed | N/A | 36.416270s |
srp | Passed | N/A | 1.430156s |
dev/cgd/t_cgd | 15.738789s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 4.064505s |
unaligned_write | Passed | N/A | 6.588135s |
wrongpass | Passed | N/A | 4.973920s |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | 67.637920s | ||
raid1_comp0fail | Passed | N/A | 10.581825s |
raid1_compfail | Passed | N/A | 11.427218s |
raid1_normal | Passed | N/A | 11.211885s |
raid5_compfail | Passed | N/A | 15.962940s |
raid5_normal | Passed | N/A | 15.910497s |
smalldisk | Passed | N/A | 2.234666s |
dev/audio/t_pad | 1.568079s | ||
pad_output | Passed | N/A | 1.535756s |
dev/md/t_md | 3.072060s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 3.026007s |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | 0.458301s | ||
noisyeject | Passed | N/A | 0.423280s |
dev/sysmon/t_swwdog | 9.987405s | ||
disarm | Passed | N/A | 5.265506s |
panic | Passed | N/A | 2.390020s |
reboot | Passed | N/A | 2.226989s |
dev/sysmon/t_swsensor | 260.654597s | ||
alarm_sensor | Passed | N/A | 57.967636s |
entropy_interrupt_sensor | Passed | N/A | 37.537343s |
entropy_polled_sensor | Passed | N/A | 69.675880s |
limit_sensor | Passed | N/A | 58.019266s |
simple_sensor | Passed | N/A | 37.245044s |
examples/t_asm | 1.190087s | ||
Skipped | Example program not implemented on this platform | 1.099296s | |
fs/ffs/t_fifos | 0.986215s | ||
fifos | Passed | N/A | 0.963818s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot | 4.004342s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 3.972138s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_log | 4.612585s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 4.543154s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_v2 | 3.845336s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 3.822883s |
fs/ffs/t_mount | 2.484482s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | 0.643542s | |
fsbsizeovermaxbsize | Passed | N/A | 0.871026s |
fsbsizeovermaxphys | Passed | N/A | 0.855642s |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_1 | 58.447066s | ||
quota_1000_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 27.254938s |
quota_1000_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 7.083577s |
quota_1000_O2_be | Passed | N/A | 8.530258s |
quota_1000_O2_le | Passed | N/A | 7.172325s |
quota_40_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 1.232384s |
quota_40_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 1.132637s |
quota_40_O1_log | Passed | N/A | 1.181790s |
quota_40_O2_be | Passed | N/A | 2.041877s |
quota_40_O2_le | Passed | N/A | 1.170031s |
quota_40_O2_log | Passed | N/A | 1.164072s |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_remount | 1.973147s | ||
quota_10_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 0.957868s |
quota_10_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 0.953671s |
fs/ffs/t_getquota | 55.147002s | ||
get_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.605512s |
get_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.771754s |
get_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.531948s |
get_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.346349s |
get_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.414012s |
get_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.402326s |
get_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.562377s |
get_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.041385s |
get_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.447641s |
get_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.592601s |
get_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.517576s |
get_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.371193s |
fs/ffs/t_setquota | 190.800203s | ||
set_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 5.696547s |
set_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.971048s |
set_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 5.374162s |
set_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 5.279456s |
set_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 5.416383s |
set_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 5.527864s |
set_default_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.210835s |
set_default_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.442933s |
set_default_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.120750s |
set_default_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.196608s |
set_default_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.083383s |
set_default_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.345701s |
set_default_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.340485s |
set_default_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.157259s |
set_default_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.093941s |
set_default_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.355676s |
set_default_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.196952s |
set_default_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.148080s |
set_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 5.434546s |
set_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.471422s |
set_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 5.338698s |
set_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 5.372202s |
set_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 5.447041s |
set_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 5.437062s |
set_new_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.588373s |
set_new_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 4.419258s |
set_new_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.516856s |
set_new_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.516274s |
set_new_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.490895s |
set_new_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 4.533697s |
set_new_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.425543s |
set_new_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.668093s |
set_new_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 4.792239s |
set_new_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 4.582383s |
set_new_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.630910s |
set_new_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.674471s |
set_new_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 4.537374s |
set_new_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 4.496566s |
set_new_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.510118s |
set_new_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.263653s |
fs/ffs/t_quotalimit | 113.760327s | ||
herit_defq_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.600703s |
herit_defq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 5.435399s |
herit_defq_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 5.887122s |
herit_defq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 6.167768s |
herit_idefq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 5.664413s |
herit_idefq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 5.880887s |
inolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.311677s |
inolimit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 5.251205s |
inolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 5.273265s |
inolimit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 5.047166s |
limit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 5.215857s |
limit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 5.304794s |
limit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 5.230929s |
limit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 5.295134s |
sinolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 9.109032s |
sinolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 9.167089s |
slimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 9.008104s |
slimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 9.228913s |
fs/ffs/t_clearquota | 85.980492s | ||
clear_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 5.913576s |
clear_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 5.782200s |
clear_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.721105s |
clear_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.764386s |
clear_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 5.851286s |
clear_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 5.796015s |
clear_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.866817s |
clear_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.604243s |
clear_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 5.933759s |
clear_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 6.154453s |
clear_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 4.783810s |
clear_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 4.646636s |
clear_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 6.289723s |
clear_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 5.709235s |
clear_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 4.741022s |
clear_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 4.740564s |
fs/ffs/t_miscquota | 141.999771s | ||
defaut_deny_user | Passed | N/A | 3.945501s |
defaut_deny_user_big | Passed | N/A | 52.896739s |
log_unlink | Passed | N/A | 3.446077s |
log_unlink_remount | Passed | N/A | 3.570378s |
npsnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A | 8.044475s |
npsnapshot_user | Passed | N/A | 7.957352s |
psnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A | 7.766913s |
psnapshot_user | Passed | N/A | 7.438905s |
walk_list_user | Passed | N/A | 46.535583s |
fs/fifofs/t_fifo | 1.395844s | ||
parent_child | Passed | N/A | 1.368802s |
fs/hfs/t_pathconvert | 0.745604s | ||
colonslash | Passed | N/A | 0.684698s |
fs/kernfs/t_basic | 0.711544s | ||
getdents | Passed | N/A | 0.362144s |
hostname | Passed | N/A | 0.307948s |
fs/lfs/t_pr | 2.131965s | ||
mknod | Passed | N/A | 2.049923s |
fs/msdosfs/t_snapshot | 3.640019s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 3.610748s |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | 15.151485s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time | 15.094914s | |
fs/nfs/t_rquotad | 112.208317s | ||
get_nfs_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 18.962269s |
get_nfs_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 17.614336s |
get_nfs_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 17.142256s |
get_nfs_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 21.103893s |
get_nfs_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 19.099148s |
get_nfs_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 17.922972s |
fs/nullfs/t_basic | 0.921500s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.438976s |
twistymount | Passed | N/A | 0.404548s |
fs/psshfs/t_psshfs | 29.098701s | ||
inode_nos | Passed | N/A | 10.189853s |
ls | Passed | N/A | 10.203638s |
pwd | Passed | N/A | 8.505326s |
fs/ptyfs/t_ptyfs | 0.433063s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.395759s |
fs/ptyfs/t_nullpts | 0.449050s | ||
nullrevoke | Passed | N/A | 0.411560s |
fs/puffs/t_basic | 10.026539s | ||
inactive_basic | Passed | N/A | 1.117160s |
inactive_reclaim | Passed | N/A | 0.877109s |
mount | Passed | N/A | 1.010299s |
reclaim_hardlink | Passed | N/A | 1.238464s |
root_chrdev | Passed | N/A | 0.840233s |
root_fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.731375s |
root_lnk | Passed | N/A | 0.630957s |
root_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.860368s |
signals | Passed | N/A | 1.449401s |
unlink_accessible | Passed | N/A | 0.887439s |
fs/puffs/t_fuzz | 7.735322s | ||
mountfuzz0 | Passed | N/A | 0.745354s |
mountfuzz1 | Passed | N/A | 0.579395s |
mountfuzz2 | Passed | N/A | 0.523491s |
mountfuzz3 | Passed | N/A | 0.526809s |
mountfuzz4 | Passed | N/A | 0.621067s |
mountfuzz5 | Passed | N/A | 0.702793s |
mountfuzz6 | Passed | N/A | 0.664725s |
mountfuzz7 | Passed | N/A | 1.654971s |
mountfuzz8 | Passed | N/A | 1.546837s |
fs/puffs/t_io | 1.303934s | ||
nocache | Passed | N/A | 1.246870s |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | 8.456858s | ||
renamerace2 | Passed | N/A | 8.422422s |
fs/tmpfs/t_create | 7.516591s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 3.741533s |
create | Passed | N/A | 1.400765s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 2.226063s |
fs/tmpfs/t_devices | 2.196109s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.162033s |
fs/tmpfs/t_dots | 2.775768s | ||
nesteddir | Passed | N/A | 1.296414s |
topdir | Passed | N/A | 1.393388s |
fs/tmpfs/t_exec | 1.563145s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.488071s |
fs/tmpfs/t_link | 7.281241s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.382780s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 2.485935s |
subdirs | Passed | N/A | 2.340401s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mkdir | 34.565754s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 3.092508s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.949194s |
many | Passed | N/A | 26.243672s |
nested | Passed | N/A | 1.435220s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.689667s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mknod | 10.133284s | ||
block | Passed | N/A | 1.363381s |
block_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.791600s |
char | Passed | N/A | 1.749559s |
char_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.779941s |
pipe | Passed | N/A | 1.469492s |
pipe_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.737893s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mount | 7.814588s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.444218s |
large | Passed | N/A | 1.432014s |
mntpt | Passed | N/A | 1.147877s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 1.197682s |
options | Passed | N/A | 1.312018s |
plain | Passed | N/A | 1.102298s |
fs/tmpfs/t_pipes | 1.138347s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.069787s |
fs/tmpfs/t_read_write | 4.106447s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.870637s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 2.194897s |
fs/tmpfs/t_readdir | 15.409470s | ||
caching | Passed | N/A | 1.682038s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.622523s |
many | Passed | N/A | 9.949926s |
types | Passed | N/A | 2.002139s |
fs/tmpfs/t_remove | 6.789082s | ||
dot | Passed | N/A | 1.430646s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.928630s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.522011s |
uchg | Passed | N/A | 1.669834s |
fs/tmpfs/t_rename | 21.596857s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.614160s |
crossdev | Passed | N/A | 1.849263s |
dir_to_emptydir | Passed | N/A | 1.871483s |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 1.969456s |
dir_to_fulldir | Passed | N/A | 2.323890s |
dotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.940997s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.569472s |
file_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.943124s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 4.345006s |
fs/tmpfs/t_rmdir | 14.586178s | ||
curdir | Passed | N/A | 1.546797s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.543314s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.924906s |
links | Passed | N/A | 1.839574s |
mntpt | Passed | N/A | 1.302253s |
nested | Passed | N/A | 1.511367s |
non_empty | Passed | N/A | 1.755005s |
non_existent | Passed | N/A | 1.240391s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.615185s |
fs/tmpfs/t_setattr | 17.784187s | ||
chgrp | Passed | N/A | 2.039578s |
chgrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.821412s |
chmod | Passed | N/A | 1.468600s |
chmod_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.868819s |
chown | Passed | N/A | 1.662653s |
chown_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.893130s |
chowngrp | Passed | N/A | 1.574564s |
chowngrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.888259s |
chtimes | Passed | N/A | 1.673027s |
chtimes_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.651957s |
fs/tmpfs/t_sizes | 7.845577s | ||
big | Passed | N/A | 2.174938s |
overflow | Passed | N/A | 2.428491s |
overwrite | Passed | N/A | 1.767402s |
small | Passed | N/A | 1.246723s |
fs/tmpfs/t_sockets | 2.052129s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.016916s |
fs/tmpfs/t_statvfs | 1.211067s | ||
values | Passed | N/A | 1.097830s |
fs/tmpfs/t_symlink | 6.589663s | ||
dir | Passed | N/A | 1.519239s |
exec | Passed | N/A | 1.398827s |
file | Passed | N/A | 1.663155s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.789519s |
fs/tmpfs/t_times | 17.737358s | ||
empty | Passed | N/A | 6.095614s |
link | Passed | N/A | 3.658183s |
non_empty | Passed | N/A | 3.681693s |
rename | Passed | N/A | 4.185469s |
fs/tmpfs/t_trail_slash | 1.446932s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 1.367879s |
fs/tmpfs/t_truncate | 1.710490s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.687766s |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnd | 13.872308s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 13.823107s |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnode_leak | 48.200381s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 48.158855s |
fs/umapfs/t_basic | 0.459600s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.397515s |
fs/union/t_pr | 1.150163s | ||
devnull1 | Passed | N/A | 0.456644s |
devnull2 | Passed | N/A | 0.366636s |
multilayer | Passed | N/A | 0.280013s |
fs/vfs/t_full | 137.102292s | ||
ext2fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 3.079800s |
ffs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 2.277868s |
ffslog_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 2.234843s |
lfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 7.900197s |
msdosfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 2.200110s |
nfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 8.787581s |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 1.796514s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.934705s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.808145s | |
sysvbfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 3.509480s |
tmpfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 1.384704s |
v7fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 17.712827s |
Failed | filled file system over size limit | 83.625136s | |
fs/vfs/t_io | 181.373513s | ||
ext2fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.095043s |
ext2fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.105641s |
ext2fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.089147s |
ext2fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.074713s |
ext2fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.121217s |
ext2fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.134792s |
ext2fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.097358s |
ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.265223s |
ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.252291s |
ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.259086s |
ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.277757s |
ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.259607s |
ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.268732s |
ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.262610s |
ffslog_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.305430s |
ffslog_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.335847s |
ffslog_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.330208s |
ffslog_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.312958s |
ffslog_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.341596s |
ffslog_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.317206s |
ffslog_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.325586s |
lfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 3.444788s |
lfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 3.208947s |
lfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 3.815581s |
lfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 3.788310s |
lfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 3.971705s |
lfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 3.981506s |
lfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 2.797079s |
msdosfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.144775s |
msdosfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.070234s |
msdosfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.044500s |
msdosfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.028812s |
msdosfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.033764s |
msdosfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.046888s |
msdosfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.020185s |
nfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 3.340482s |
nfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 3.495161s |
nfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 3.536439s |
nfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 3.368775s |
nfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 3.541613s |
nfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 3.616954s |
nfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 3.251299s |
p2k_ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 2.413827s |
p2k_ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 2.095646s |
p2k_ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.985093s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 2.377910s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 2.205707s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 2.462684s |
p2k_ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 2.006840s |
puffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.749557s |
puffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.311135s |
puffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.235621s |
puffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.744612s |
puffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.317702s |
puffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.335655s |
puffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.285482s |
rumpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.855421s |
rumpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.875662s |
rumpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.874678s |
rumpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.834884s |
rumpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.899559s |
rumpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.836231s |
rumpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.866521s |
sysvbfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.968572s |
sysvbfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.025167s |
sysvbfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.023617s |
sysvbfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.989394s |
sysvbfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.985626s |
sysvbfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.041709s |
sysvbfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.008751s |
tmpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.845589s |
tmpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.902506s |
tmpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.861031s |
tmpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.856273s |
tmpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.879337s |
tmpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.840611s |
tmpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.881245s |
v7fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.118684s |
v7fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.168812s |
v7fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.147666s |
v7fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.187495s |
v7fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.325220s |
v7fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.486560s |
v7fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.173193s |
zfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 5.660511s |
zfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 6.724753s |
zfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 5.482074s |
zfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 5.251127s |
zfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 6.747213s |
zfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 6.097791s |
zfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 5.629035s |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 256.560362s | ||
ext2fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 20.599414s |
ext2fs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 7.617871s |
ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 6.386178s |
ffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 7.043882s |
ffslog_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 11.402516s |
ffslog_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 10.720463s |
lfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 13.444915s |
lfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 13.011423s |
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: race did not trigger this time | 6.269953s | |
Expected signal | 9.266627s | ||
nfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 12.069727s |
nfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 11.089980s |
p2k_ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 7.686317s |
p2k_ffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 7.097250s |
puffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 11.103667s |
puffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 11.189939s |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.833267s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.839865s | |
sysvbfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 23.347557s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.958408s | |
tmpfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 10.822402s |
tmpfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 10.832456s |
v7fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 6.292665s |
v7fs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 7.711471s |
zfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 15.213291s |
zfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 12.503563s |
fs/vfs/t_ro | 119.568386s | ||
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.119591s |
ext2fs_create | Passed | N/A | 1.076955s |
ext2fs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.107331s |
ext2fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 1.135224s |
ext2fs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.160326s |
ext2fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 1.139886s |
ext2fs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.193109s |
ext2fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.180724s |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.324328s |
ffs_create | Passed | N/A | 1.262660s |
ffs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.227472s |
ffs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 1.247882s |
ffs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.300726s |
ffs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 1.274206s |
ffs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.278581s |
ffs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.258650s |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.370860s |
ffslog_create | Passed | N/A | 1.326438s |
ffslog_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.340989s |
ffslog_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 1.306509s |
ffslog_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.337786s |
ffslog_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 1.310581s |
ffslog_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.366854s |
ffslog_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.401418s |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.248458s |
msdosfs_create | Passed | N/A | 1.113615s |
msdosfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.122425s |
msdosfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 1.112248s |
msdosfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.191779s |
msdosfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 1.061819s |
msdosfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.160204s |
msdosfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.078202s |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 4.627909s |
nfs_create | Passed | N/A | 3.808231s |
nfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 3.534173s |
nfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 3.847451s |
nfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 3.687920s |
nfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 3.447920s |
nfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 3.803358s |
nfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 3.688525s |
nfsro_attrs | Passed | N/A | 3.837849s |
nfsro_create | Passed | N/A | 3.547148s |
nfsro_createdir | Passed | N/A | 3.661404s |
nfsro_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 3.573227s |
nfsro_createlink | Passed | N/A | 3.712242s |
nfsro_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 3.572210s |
nfsro_fileio | Passed | N/A | 3.722551s |
nfsro_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 3.643402s |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.056647s |
sysvbfs_create | Passed | N/A | 1.337139s |
sysvbfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 0.981016s |
sysvbfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.946191s |
sysvbfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.013909s |
sysvbfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.968083s |
sysvbfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.961974s |
sysvbfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.018348s |
v7fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.204096s |
v7fs_create | Passed | N/A | 1.180133s |
v7fs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.190517s |
v7fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 1.080491s |
v7fs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 1.154258s |
v7fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 1.158266s |
v7fs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.211416s |
v7fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.198158s |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | 223.916946s | ||
ext2fs_race | Passed | N/A | 18.168220s |
ffs_race | Passed | N/A | 18.080913s |
ffslog_race | Passed | N/A | 21.094046s |
lfs_race | Passed | N/A | 23.299520s |
msdosfs_race | Passed | N/A | 18.888297s |
nfs_race | Passed | N/A | 14.097526s |
p2k_ffs_race | Passed | N/A | 12.129358s |
puffs_race | Passed | N/A | 21.179289s |
rumpfs_race | Passed | N/A | 20.773903s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.904894s | |
tmpfs_race | Passed | N/A | 20.773038s |
v7fs_race | Passed | N/A | 17.917302s |
zfs_race | Passed | N/A | 15.878103s |
fs/vfs/t_union | 58.841370s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.047369s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.460517s | |
ffs_basic | Passed | N/A | 1.435297s |
ffs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 1.725830s |
ffslog_basic | Passed | N/A | 1.354479s |
ffslog_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 1.688110s |
lfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 3.872117s |
lfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 4.552479s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.164041s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.468097s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 6.484992s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 4.041941s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.794102s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 2.083688s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.005899s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.305721s | |
rumpfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.897245s |
rumpfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 1.162964s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.986517s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.288391s | |
tmpfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.888688s |
tmpfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 1.158727s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.121607s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.544567s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 6.159375s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 5.769677s | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | 103.781283s | ||
ext2fs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.121175s |
ext2fs_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.146754s |
ext2fs_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.175514s |
ext2fs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.164067s |
ffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.304586s |
ffs_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.309566s |
ffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.282719s |
ffs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.261493s |
ffslog_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.416101s |
ffslog_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.396340s |
ffslog_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.402084s |
ffslog_times | Passed | N/A | 1.389364s |
lfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 4.196347s |
lfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 3.921895s |
lfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 3.647091s |
lfs_times | Passed | N/A | 3.136569s |
msdosfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.080283s |
msdosfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.968757s |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | 0.979041s | |
msdosfs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.046142s |
nfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 3.478490s |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 3.291895s | |
nfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 3.294217s |
nfs_times | Passed | N/A | 3.443005s |
p2k_ffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 2.012150s |
p2k_ffs_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.920941s |
p2k_ffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 2.208410s |
p2k_ffs_times | Passed | N/A | 2.003910s |
puffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.201475s |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.973828s | |
puffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.130131s |
puffs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.218103s |
rumpfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.917106s |
rumpfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.804897s |
rumpfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.864121s |
rumpfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.809876s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.965102s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.887010s | |
sysvbfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.986259s |
sysvbfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.983098s |
tmpfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.841134s |
tmpfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.850835s |
tmpfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.852180s |
tmpfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.814971s |
v7fs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.191626s |
v7fs_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.157575s |
v7fs_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.164838s |
v7fs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.158718s |
Failed | open: Operation not permitted | 6.742817s | |
Failed | chflags: Operation not supported | 5.193108s | |
Failed | chown: Operation not permitted | 5.374358s | |
Failed | utimes: Operation not permitted | 8.391391s | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 159.319188s | ||
ext2fs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.136769s |
ext2fs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.124862s |
ext2fs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.119713s |
ext2fs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.131359s |
ext2fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.157151s |
ext2fs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.173938s |
ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.257767s |
ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.373374s |
ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.277121s |
ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.251748s |
ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.354254s |
ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.341194s |
ffslog_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.322728s |
ffslog_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.478794s |
ffslog_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.416751s |
ffslog_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.332663s |
ffslog_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.312805s |
ffslog_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.379175s |
lfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 3.510598s |
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /tmp/bracket/build/2013. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | 3.537929s | |
lfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 3.527027s |
lfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 3.814145s |
lfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 3.686125s |
lfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 3.593616s |
msdosfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.134113s |
msdosfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.102327s |
msdosfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.085290s |
msdosfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.055819s |
msdosfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.125644s |
msdosfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.142858s |
nfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 3.637917s |
nfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 3.512128s |
nfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 3.650868s |
nfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 3.486017s |
nfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 3.261102s |
nfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 3.541756s |
p2k_ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 2.250944s |
p2k_ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 2.568508s |
p2k_ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 2.340606s |
p2k_ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 2.334282s |
p2k_ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.910028s |
p2k_ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 2.089618s |
puffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.364462s |
puffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.288096s |
puffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.278530s |
puffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.302894s |
puffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.317267s |
puffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.208603s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.920961s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.891191s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.886775s | |
rumpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.920021s |
rumpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.889374s |
rumpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.846238s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.045971s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.034283s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.963390s | |
sysvbfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.086936s |
sysvbfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.031883s |
sysvbfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.978078s |
tmpfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.911495s |
tmpfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.909486s |
tmpfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.852319s |
tmpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.916875s |
tmpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.856856s |
tmpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.868079s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.152087s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.230126s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.238886s | |
v7fs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.224343s |
v7fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.177943s |
v7fs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.192413s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 6.882650s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 5.706208s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 5.490379s | |
zfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 6.654452s |
zfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 6.674152s |
zfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 6.761296s |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | 516.975016s | ||
ext2fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.317416s |
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.373297s |
ext2fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.373216s |
ext2fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.375562s |
ext2fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.414595s |
ext2fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.358431s |
ext2fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.413022s |
ext2fs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.413525s |
ext2fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.389910s |
ext2fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.350527s |
ext2fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.370583s |
ext2fs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.388222s |
ext2fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.478560s |
ext2fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.410880s |
ext2fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.371396s |
ext2fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.362272s |
ext2fs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.309507s |
ext2fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.298936s |
ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.519756s |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.537075s |
ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.520043s |
ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.477529s |
ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.508202s |
ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.095860s |
ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.542909s |
ffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.582088s |
ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.575190s |
ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.511926s |
ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.305235s |
ffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.233678s |
ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.409849s |
ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.295863s |
ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.261215s |
ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.347611s |
ffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.263820s |
ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.263884s |
ffslog_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.384958s |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.334849s |
ffslog_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.333538s |
ffslog_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.346857s |
ffslog_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.350267s |
ffslog_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.365148s |
ffslog_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.320736s |
ffslog_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.368470s |
ffslog_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.410863s |
ffslog_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.358040s |
ffslog_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.389021s |
ffslog_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.324389s |
ffslog_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.393686s |
ffslog_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.365015s |
ffslog_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.371207s |
ffslog_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.358373s |
ffslog_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.350688s |
ffslog_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.337559s |
lfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.494424s |
lfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 3.165437s |
lfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 3.550322s |
lfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 3.479298s |
lfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 3.762733s |
lfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.137280s |
lfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.412614s |
lfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 3.333999s |
lfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 3.503986s |
lfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 3.333764s |
lfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.534578s |
lfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 3.172474s |
lfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 3.738051s |
lfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.464993s |
lfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 3.285308s |
lfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 3.587516s |
lfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 3.100221s |
lfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 3.238745s |
msdosfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.288333s |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.200309s |
msdosfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.225205s |
msdosfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.169851s |
msdosfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.206072s |
msdosfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.179765s |
msdosfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.163140s |
msdosfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.183025s |
msdosfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.160284s |
msdosfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.164518s |
msdosfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.127159s |
msdosfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.140232s |
msdosfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.326004s |
msdosfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.189690s |
msdosfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.194930s |
msdosfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.192658s |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.108287s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.119374s | |
nfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.765299s |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 3.782324s |
nfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 3.815945s |
nfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 3.624918s |
nfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 3.853276s |
nfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.847447s |
nfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.907552s |
nfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 3.760341s |
nfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 4.186556s |
nfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 3.603876s |
nfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 3.620375s |
nfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 3.676831s |
nfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 4.228230s |
nfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.951325s |
nfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 3.636722s |
nfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 3.863571s |
nfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 3.760526s |
nfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 3.641718s |
p2k_ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.677958s |
p2k_ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.177534s |
p2k_ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 2.257654s |
p2k_ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 2.495699s |
p2k_ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 2.252496s |
p2k_ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.697355s |
p2k_ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.356240s |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 2.796875s |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 2.629444s |
p2k_ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 2.460145s |
p2k_ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.549979s |
p2k_ffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 2.096470s |
p2k_ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 2.568195s |
p2k_ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.336061s |
p2k_ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 2.202676s |
p2k_ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 2.483825s |
p2k_ffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 2.311229s |
p2k_ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 2.195852s |
puffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.334695s |
puffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.446026s |
puffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.683258s |
puffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.315200s |
puffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.400353s |
puffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.348970s |
puffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.445559s |
puffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.243118s |
puffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.306316s |
puffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.335615s |
puffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.388063s |
puffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.384797s |
puffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.768073s |
puffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.483889s |
puffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.407662s |
puffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.705507s |
puffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.355794s |
puffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.287940s |
rumpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.995561s |
rumpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.933307s |
rumpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.017536s |
rumpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.934635s |
rumpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.995058s |
rumpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.972077s |
rumpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.974553s |
rumpfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.005026s |
rumpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.958506s |
rumpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.975235s |
rumpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.937201s |
rumpfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.041670s |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.921620s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.958401s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.986563s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.927643s | |
rumpfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.046303s |
rumpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.963175s |
sysvbfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.128153s |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.133555s |
sysvbfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.132707s |
sysvbfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.130290s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.073900s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.141863s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.118454s | |
sysvbfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.047758s |
sysvbfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.104945s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.103089s | |
sysvbfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.123920s |
sysvbfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.044452s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.080597s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.115986s | |
sysvbfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.145123s |
sysvbfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.055292s |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.095468s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.122260s | |
tmpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.947806s |
tmpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.022927s |
tmpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.969470s |
tmpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.985128s |
tmpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.991684s |
tmpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.982431s |
tmpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.989581s |
tmpfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.973806s |
tmpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.028576s |
tmpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.970675s |
tmpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.991126s |
tmpfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.934590s |
tmpfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.027013s |
tmpfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.943168s |
tmpfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.999529s |
tmpfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.958428s |
tmpfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.017996s |
tmpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.950202s |
v7fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.317474s |
v7fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.340538s |
v7fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.299370s |
v7fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.277187s |
v7fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.301489s |
v7fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.342188s |
v7fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.328512s |
v7fs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.391803s |
v7fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.334680s |
v7fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.319337s |
v7fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.306256s |
v7fs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.343717s |
v7fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.376249s |
v7fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.350878s |
v7fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.320904s |
v7fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.335726s |
v7fs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.315957s |
v7fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.322712s |
zfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 5.793626s |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sb.st_mode != sb2.st_mode | 8.395614s | |
zfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 8.729875s |
zfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 7.182495s |
Failed | non-empty directory removed succesfully | 7.287449s | |
zfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 11.105438s |
zfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 8.699999s |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd[i], 8, &lock[i]): Operation not supported | 7.750070s | |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd, 8, &l): Operation not supported | 6.964436s | |
zfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 6.165842s |
zfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 6.150026s |
zfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 5.500632s |
Failed | rename 3: Invalid argument | 7.353834s | |
zfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 7.505739s |
zfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 6.149414s |
zfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 7.483536s |
zfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 6.265167s |
zfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 5.757934s |
fs/zfs/t_zpool | 6.620351s | ||
create | Passed | N/A | 6.542697s |
games/t_factor | 0.033638s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.007157s | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.002015s | |
include/machine/t_bswap | 0.321778s | ||
bswap16_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.058597s |
bswap16_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.043647s |
bswap32_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044700s |
bswap32_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.043076s |
bswap64_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045413s |
bswap64_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.042999s |
include/sys/t_bitops | 0.535033s | ||
bitmap_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.049760s |
fast_divide32 | Passed | N/A | 0.048810s |
ffsfls | Passed | N/A | 0.049527s |
ilog2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045194s |
ilog2_log2 | Passed | N/A | 0.271904s |
include/sys/t_bootblock | 0.111528s | ||
mbr_partition | Passed | N/A | 0.053175s |
mbr_sector | Passed | N/A | 0.040407s |
include/sys/t_cdefs | 0.398387s | ||
sissigned | Passed | N/A | 0.042469s |
stypefit | Passed | N/A | 0.041163s |
stypemask | Passed | N/A | 0.041416s |
stypeminmax | Passed | N/A | 0.043360s |
uissigned | Passed | N/A | 0.041877s |
utypefit | Passed | N/A | 0.044145s |
utypemask | Passed | N/A | 0.046976s |
utypeminmax | Passed | N/A | 0.047750s |
include/sys/t_tree | 1.850789s | ||
tree_rbstress | Passed | N/A | 1.841925s |
include/sys/t_types | 0.159160s | ||
types_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.050078s |
types_signed | Passed | N/A | 0.043987s |
types_unsigned | Passed | N/A | 0.043913s |
include/sys/t_socket | 0.967749s | ||
cmsg_sendfd | Passed | N/A | 0.484670s |
cmsg_sendfd_bounds | Passed | N/A | 0.422405s |
include/t_bitstring | 0.793513s | ||
bits_27 | Passed | N/A | 0.200173s |
bits_32 | Passed | N/A | 0.099086s |
bits_49 | Passed | N/A | 0.101920s |
bits_64 | Passed | N/A | 0.107935s |
bits_67 | Passed | N/A | 0.119492s |
bits_8 | Passed | N/A | 0.088472s |
include/t_errno | 0.064031s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.053671s | |
include/t_glob | 0.053292s | ||
glob_types | Passed | N/A | 0.044345s |
include/t_inttypes | 0.058963s | ||
int_fmtio | Passed | N/A | 0.049890s |
include/t_limits | 0.162840s | ||
char | Passed | N/A | 0.046965s |
posix | Passed | N/A | 0.045078s |
short | Passed | N/A | 0.047705s |
include/t_netdb | 0.061126s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.051341s | |
include/t_paths | 0.149272s | ||
paths | Passed | N/A | 0.139796s |
include/t_stdint | 0.108100s | ||
int16 | Passed | N/A | 0.044441s |
int8 | Passed | N/A | 0.047372s |
ipf/t_filter_exec | 65.337623s | ||
f1 | Passed | N/A | 1.519773s |
f10 | Passed | N/A | 3.477979s |
f11 | Passed | N/A | 2.128190s |
f12 | Passed | N/A | 1.857327s |
f13 | Passed | N/A | 2.233750s |
f14 | Passed | N/A | 2.048393s |
f15 | Passed | N/A | 1.014371s |
f16 | Passed | N/A | 0.926047s |
f17 | Passed | N/A | 0.945859s |
f18 | Passed | N/A | 0.926192s |
f19 | Passed | N/A | 1.233649s |
f2 | Passed | N/A | 1.784638s |
f20 | Passed | N/A | 0.941622s |
f24 | Passed | N/A | 0.922316s |
f25 | Passed | N/A | 0.955503s |
f26 | Passed | N/A | 1.936282s |
f27 | Passed | N/A | 2.025610s |
f3 | Passed | N/A | 2.092622s |
f30 | Passed | N/A | 1.638913s |
f4 | Passed | N/A | 2.154748s |
f5 | Passed | N/A | 7.963862s |
f6 | Passed | N/A | 8.489204s |
f7 | Passed | N/A | 2.435542s |
f8 | Passed | N/A | 1.950417s |
f9 | Passed | N/A | 3.455152s |
ipv6_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.210064s |
ipv6_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.655412s |
ipv6_3 | Passed | N/A | 1.153340s |
ipv6_5 | Passed | N/A | 1.430301s |
ipv6_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.512519s |
ipf/t_filter_parse | 20.794964s | ||
i1 | Passed | N/A | 0.874181s |
i10 | Passed | N/A | 0.870192s |
i11 | Passed | N/A | 0.909720s |
i12 | Passed | N/A | 0.834316s |
i13 | Passed | N/A | 0.811954s |
i14 | Passed | N/A | 0.854065s |
i15 | Passed | N/A | 0.832040s |
i16 | Passed | N/A | 0.825939s |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.018006s | |
i18 | Passed | N/A | 0.813189s |
i19 | Passed | N/A | 1.085824s |
i2 | Passed | N/A | 0.874120s |
i20 | Passed | N/A | 0.827572s |
i21 | Passed | N/A | 0.823017s |
i22 | Passed | N/A | 0.856626s |
i23 | Passed | N/A | 0.787778s |
i3 | Passed | N/A | 0.871573s |
i4 | Passed | N/A | 0.872134s |
i5 | Passed | N/A | 0.879552s |
i6 | Passed | N/A | 0.876726s |
i7 | Passed | N/A | 0.860513s |
i8 | Passed | N/A | 0.935167s |
i9 | Passed | N/A | 0.869245s |
ipf/t_logging | 8.096424s | ||
l1 | Passed | N/A | 8.043803s |
ipf/t_nat_exec | 61.309533s | ||
n1 | Passed | N/A | 1.905579s |
n10 | Passed | N/A | 1.902840s |
n100 | Passed | N/A | 1.064407s |
n101 | Passed | N/A | 1.053901s |
n102 | Passed | N/A | 1.069629s |
n103 | Passed | N/A | 1.459910s |
n104 | Passed | N/A | 1.093446s |
n105 | Passed | N/A | 1.055823s |
n106 | Passed | N/A | 1.042413s |
n11 | Passed | N/A | 1.925472s |
n11_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.876272s |
Failed | results differ | 1.116757s | |
n12_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.000874s |
n13 | Passed | N/A | 1.017727s |
n14 | Passed | N/A | 1.017788s |
n15_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.452118s |
n16 | Passed | N/A | 1.061096s |
n17 | Passed | N/A | 1.073269s |
Expected failure | Test golden output file missing: results differ | 1.142200s | |
n1_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.971703s |
n2 | Passed | N/A | 2.430957s |
n200 | Passed | N/A | 1.124307s |
n2_6 | Passed | N/A | 2.475340s |
n3 | Passed | N/A | 1.539480s |
n4 | Passed | N/A | 3.250885s |
n4_6 | Passed | N/A | 3.022263s |
n5 | Passed | N/A | 3.432530s |
n5_6 | Passed | N/A | 3.320073s |
n6 | Passed | N/A | 2.707278s |
n6_6 | Passed | N/A | 2.729447s |
n7 | Passed | N/A | 1.862396s |
n7_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.906270s |
n8 | Passed | N/A | 1.065624s |
n8_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.058290s |
n9 | Passed | N/A | 1.072084s |
n9_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.098115s |
ipf/t_nat_ipf_exec | 25.631979s | ||
ni1 | Passed | N/A | 0.967248s |
ni10 | Passed | N/A | 1.123449s |
ni11 | Passed | N/A | 1.175185s |
ni12 | Passed | N/A | 1.122059s |
ni13 | Passed | N/A | 1.141179s |
ni14 | Passed | N/A | 1.221067s |
ni15 | Passed | N/A | 1.141314s |
ni16 | Passed | N/A | 1.234750s |
ni17 | Passed | N/A | 1.024647s |
ni18 | Passed | N/A | 0.972323s |
ni19 | Passed | N/A | 1.253269s |
ni2 | Passed | N/A | 1.198946s |
ni20 | Passed | N/A | 1.183121s |
ni21 | Passed | N/A | 1.048786s |
ni23 | Passed | N/A | 1.058283s |
ni3 | Passed | N/A | 1.172710s |
ni4 | Passed | N/A | 1.168926s |
ni5 | Passed | N/A | 1.212470s |
ni6 | Passed | N/A | 1.108969s |
ni7 | Passed | N/A | 1.205936s |
ni8 | Passed | N/A | 1.141392s |
ni9 | Passed | N/A | 1.144327s |
ipf/t_nat_parse | 8.168119s | ||
in1 | Passed | N/A | 0.863102s |
in100 | Passed | N/A | 0.810152s |
in101 | Passed | N/A | 0.829199s |
in102 | Passed | N/A | 0.828025s |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.398242s | |
in3 | Passed | N/A | 0.825725s |
in4 | Passed | N/A | 0.839039s |
in5 | Passed | N/A | 0.865618s |
in6 | Passed | N/A | 0.832121s |
in7 | Passed | N/A | 0.743901s |
ipf/t_pools | 18.265217s | ||
f28 | Passed | N/A | 0.970690s |
f29 | Passed | N/A | 1.089198s |
ip1 | Passed | N/A | 0.962775s |
ip2 | Passed | N/A | 0.905244s |
ip3 | Passed | N/A | 0.849000s |
p1 | Passed | N/A | 1.050233s |
p10 | Passed | N/A | 1.093850s |
p11 | Passed | N/A | 1.124555s |
p12 | Passed | N/A | 1.121061s |
p13 | Passed | N/A | 1.032257s |
p2 | Passed | N/A | 1.045921s |
p3 | Passed | N/A | 1.043897s |
p4 | Passed | N/A | 1.076961s |
p5 | Passed | N/A | 1.102172s |
p6 | Passed | N/A | 1.074842s |
p7 | Passed | N/A | 1.126500s |
p9 | Passed | N/A | 1.108910s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_fifo | 0.079925s | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.066051s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file | 12.338870s | ||
file | Passed | N/A | 12.308176s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file2 | 0.071706s | ||
file2 | Passed | N/A | 0.056131s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_pipe | 0.054526s | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A | 0.046888s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_ttypty | 4.189207s | ||
master | Passed | N/A | 2.075625s |
slave | Passed | N/A | 2.094841s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_fifo | 0.081208s | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.066342s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_pipe | 0.386188s | ||
pipe1 | Passed | N/A | 0.051605s |
pipe2 | Passed | N/A | 0.166216s |
pipe3 | Passed | N/A | 0.049195s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_ttypty | 4.332752s | ||
master | Passed | N/A | 2.150717s |
slave | Passed | N/A | 2.142286s |
kernel/kqueue/t_ioctl | 0.127216s | ||
kfilter_byfilter | Passed | N/A | 0.053694s |
kfilter_byname | Passed | N/A | 0.054367s |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc1 | 4.325247s | ||
proc1 | Passed | N/A | 4.316277s |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc2 | 4.101144s | ||
proc2 | Passed | N/A | 4.066245s |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc3 | 0.075440s | ||
proc3 | Passed | N/A | 0.061920s |
kernel/kqueue/t_sig | 24.540608s | ||
sig | Passed | N/A | 24.532095s |
kernel/tty/t_pr | 1.610847s | ||
client_first | Passed | N/A | 0.543441s |
master_first | Passed | N/A | 0.509106s |
ptyioctl | Passed | N/A | 0.443910s |
kernel/t_lock | 2.064261s | ||
lock | Passed | N/A | 2.046318s |
kernel/t_lockf | 611.187151s | ||
deadlock | Passed | N/A | 2.141512s |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | 608.966747s | |
kernel/t_pty | 12.311286s | ||
pty_no_queue | Passed | N/A | 6.183691s |
pty_queue | Passed | N/A | 6.083814s |
kernel/t_mqueue | 0.098513s | ||
mqueue | Passed | N/A | 0.085051s |
kernel/t_sysv | 2.899231s | ||
msg | Passed | N/A | 0.333737s |
sem | Passed | N/A | 2.385424s |
shm | Passed | N/A | 0.129861s |
kernel/t_subr_prf | 0.249060s | ||
snprintf_count | Passed | N/A | 0.068466s |
snprintf_count_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.044233s |
snprintf_print | Passed | N/A | 0.042837s |
snprintf_print_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.041435s |
kernel/t_extattrctl | 0.398054s | ||
extattrctl_namei | Passed | N/A | 0.367134s |
kernel/t_filedesc | 10.091343s | ||
getfilerace | Passed | N/A | 10.053292s |
kernel/t_rnd | 0.623863s | ||
RNDADDDATA | Passed | N/A | 0.356227s |
RNDADDDATA2 | Passed | N/A | 0.221883s |
kernel/t_extent | 0.590075s | ||
bound1 | Passed | N/A | 0.067620s |
bound2 | Passed | N/A | 0.043015s |
bound3 | Passed | N/A | 0.042291s |
bound4 | Passed | N/A | 0.042284s |
bound5 | Passed | N/A | 0.042358s |
coalesce | Passed | N/A | 0.042097s |
free | Passed | N/A | 0.043161s |
subregion1 | Passed | N/A | 0.044427s |
subregion2 | Passed | N/A | 0.044776s |
subregion3 | Passed | N/A | 0.043509s |
subregion4 | Passed | N/A | 0.043576s |
kernel/t_umount | 4.658163s | ||
umount | Passed | N/A | 4.606062s |
kernel/t_ps_strings | 1.653829s | ||
update | Passed | N/A | 0.807570s |
validate | Passed | N/A | 0.737501s |
lib/csu/t_crt0 | 3.478580s | ||
initfini1 | Passed | N/A | 0.843948s |
initfini2 | Passed | N/A | 0.727432s |
initfini3 | Passed | N/A | 0.856687s |
initfini4 | Passed | N/A | 0.893788s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_bluetooth | 0.129599s | ||
check_bt_aton | Passed | N/A | 0.059799s |
check_bt_ntoa | Passed | N/A | 0.048753s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_data | 0.114628s | ||
check_sdp_data_size | Passed | N/A | 0.049671s |
check_sdp_data_type | Passed | N/A | 0.049477s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_get | 0.578690s | ||
check_sdp_get_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.050586s |
check_sdp_get_attr | Passed | N/A | 0.053188s |
check_sdp_get_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.050055s |
check_sdp_get_data | Passed | N/A | 0.050028s |
check_sdp_get_int | Passed | N/A | 0.051810s |
check_sdp_get_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.051606s |
check_sdp_get_str | Passed | N/A | 0.049036s |
check_sdp_get_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.049855s |
check_sdp_get_url | Passed | N/A | 0.050186s |
check_sdp_get_uuid | Passed | N/A | 0.050230s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_match | 0.057963s | ||
check_sdp_match_uuid16 | Passed | N/A | 0.048944s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_put | 1.259677s | ||
check_sdp_put_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.054495s |
check_sdp_put_attr | Passed | N/A | 0.052669s |
check_sdp_put_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.053050s |
check_sdp_put_data | Passed | N/A | 0.052809s |
check_sdp_put_int | Passed | N/A | 0.054181s |
check_sdp_put_int16 | Passed | N/A | 0.052755s |
check_sdp_put_int32 | Passed | N/A | 0.053128s |
check_sdp_put_int64 | Passed | N/A | 0.053431s |
check_sdp_put_int8 | Passed | N/A | 0.052397s |
check_sdp_put_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.054495s |
check_sdp_put_str | Passed | N/A | 0.053441s |
check_sdp_put_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.053999s |
check_sdp_put_uint16 | Passed | N/A | 0.054409s |
check_sdp_put_uint32 | Passed | N/A | 0.053468s |
check_sdp_put_uint64 | Passed | N/A | 0.052601s |
check_sdp_put_uint8 | Passed | N/A | 0.053002s |
check_sdp_put_url | Passed | N/A | 0.052225s |
check_sdp_put_uuid | Passed | N/A | 0.053580s |
check_sdp_put_uuid128 | Passed | N/A | 0.052107s |
check_sdp_put_uuid16 | Passed | N/A | 0.052454s |
check_sdp_put_uuid32 | Passed | N/A | 0.052235s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_set | 0.282134s | ||
check_sdp_set_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.048630s |
check_sdp_set_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.049593s |
check_sdp_set_int | Passed | N/A | 0.049314s |
check_sdp_set_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.048502s |
check_sdp_set_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.050904s |
lib/libc/c063/t_faccessat | 0.710335s | ||
faccessat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.095921s |
faccessat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.091625s |
faccessat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.093299s |
faccessat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.097936s |
faccessat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.094903s |
faccessat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.094296s |
faccessat_fdlink | Passed | N/A | 0.093088s |
lib/libc/c063/t_fchmodat | 0.698826s | ||
fchmodat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.092540s |
fchmodat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.092748s |
fchmodat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.092007s |
fchmodat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.091946s |
fchmodat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.092949s |
fchmodat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.094311s |
fchmodat_fdlink | Passed | N/A | 0.094525s |
lib/libc/c063/t_fchownat | 0.938867s | ||
fchownat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.253539s |
fchownat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.109478s |
fchownat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.100744s |
fchownat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.098158s |
fchownat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.103537s |
fchownat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.101415s |
fchownat_fdlink | Passed | N/A | 0.104898s |
lib/libc/c063/t_fexecve | 2.087391s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. access(FILE, F_OK) == 0 not met | 2.070378s | |
lib/libc/c063/t_fstatat | 0.716835s | ||
fstatat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.095545s |
fstatat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.094828s |
fstatat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.093008s |
fstatat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.093191s |
fstatat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.096304s |
fstatat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.091991s |
fstatat_fdlink | Passed | N/A | 0.100993s |
lib/libc/c063/t_linkat | 0.637943s | ||
linkat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.099148s |
linkat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.096632s |
linkat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.106133s |
linkat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.096672s |
linkat_fdlink1 | Passed | N/A | 0.097737s |
linkat_fdlink2 | Passed | N/A | 0.097732s |
lib/libc/c063/t_mkdirat | 0.410219s | ||
mkdirat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.091326s |
mkdirat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.092693s |
mkdirat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.091110s |
mkdirat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.094967s |
lib/libc/c063/t_mkfifoat | 0.395907s | ||
mkfifoat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.094249s |
mkfifoat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.090901s |
mkfifoat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.088437s |
mkfifoat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.093124s |
lib/libc/c063/t_mknodat | 0.406543s | ||
mknodat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.095146s |
mknodat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.096741s |
mknodat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.091232s |
mknodat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.094157s |
lib/libc/c063/t_o_search | 0.925509s | ||
o_search_notdir | Passed | N/A | 0.093496s |
o_search_perm1 | Passed | N/A | 0.241965s |
o_search_perm2 | Passed | N/A | 0.104545s |
o_search_root_flag1 | Passed | N/A | 0.095092s |
o_search_root_flag2 | Passed | N/A | 0.095379s |
o_search_unpriv_flag1 | Passed | N/A | 0.100866s |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. faccessat(dfd, BASEFILE, W_OK, 0) == 0 not met | 0.100982s | |
lib/libc/c063/t_openat | 0.605716s | ||
openat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.093497s |
openat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.094262s |
openat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.091443s |
openat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.092842s |
openat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.094368s |
openat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.092842s |
lib/libc/c063/t_readlinkat | 0.516760s | ||
readlinkat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.095210s |
readlinkat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.101161s |
readlinkat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.091057s |
readlinkat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.094943s |
readlinkat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.098016s |
lib/libc/c063/t_renameat | 0.420685s | ||
renameat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.100563s |
renameat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.096647s |
renameat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.096467s |
renameat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.096029s |
lib/libc/c063/t_symlinkat | 0.413414s | ||
symlinkat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.093796s |
symlinkat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.098610s |
symlinkat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.096512s |
symlinkat_fderr | Passed | N/A | 0.095882s |
lib/libc/c063/t_unlinkat | 0.707771s | ||
unlinkat_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.093662s |
unlinkat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.094589s |
unlinkat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.094131s |
unlinkat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.093101s |
unlinkat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.093410s |
unlinkat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.093977s |
unlinkat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.095147s |
lib/libc/c063/t_utimensat | 0.717600s | ||
utimensat_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.098629s |
utimensat_fdcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.096322s |
utimensat_fdcwderr | Passed | N/A | 0.092700s |
utimensat_fderr1 | Passed | N/A | 0.094056s |
utimensat_fderr2 | Passed | N/A | 0.096083s |
utimensat_fderr3 | Passed | N/A | 0.096119s |
utimensat_fdlink | Passed | N/A | 0.093495s |
lib/libc/db/t_db | 137.946537s | ||
alternate_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.482558s |
big_btree | Passed | N/A | 3.346325s |
big_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.864810s |
big_recno | Passed | N/A | 3.185414s |
bsize_ffactor | Passed | N/A | 79.947962s |
byte_orders_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.422219s |
byte_orders_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.505026s |
cursor_flags_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.465367s |
cursor_flags_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.340459s |
delete_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.432217s |
delete_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.263616s |
duplicate_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.219724s |
four_char_hash | Passed | N/A | 0.929335s |
medium_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.152730s |
medium_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.132975s |
medium_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.033984s |
random_recno | Passed | N/A | 2.701132s |
repeated_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.024094s |
repeated_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.073920s |
reverse_order_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.351864s |
reverse_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.692194s |
small_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.038128s |
small_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.048535s |
small_page_btree | Passed | N/A | 22.423786s |
small_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.047332s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawn | 0.594692s | ||
t_spawn_child | Passed | N/A | 0.219171s |
t_spawn_ls | Passed | N/A | 0.069618s |
t_spawn_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.049570s |
t_spawn_nonexec | Passed | N/A | 0.048122s |
t_spawn_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.092206s |
t_spawnp_ls | Passed | N/A | 0.050712s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_fileactions | 1.159674s | ||
t_spawn_empty_fileactions | Passed | N/A | 0.791918s |
t_spawn_fileactions | Passed | N/A | 0.061808s |
t_spawn_open_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.046462s |
t_spawn_open_nonexistent_diag | Passed | N/A | 0.046115s |
t_spawn_openmode | Passed | N/A | 0.101853s |
t_spawn_reopen | Passed | N/A | 0.063609s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawnattr | 0.081908s | ||
t_spawnattr | Passed | N/A | 0.072840s |
lib/libc/gen/t_alarm | 2.170637s | ||
alarm_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.055230s |
alarm_fork | Passed | N/A | 0.050704s |
alarm_previous | Passed | N/A | 0.043707s |
lib/libc/gen/t_assert | 0.138712s | ||
assert_false | Passed | N/A | 0.050312s |
assert_true | Passed | N/A | 0.070072s |
lib/libc/gen/t_basedirname | 0.106402s | ||
basename_posix | Passed | N/A | 0.046480s |
dirname_posix | Passed | N/A | 0.044873s |
lib/libc/gen/t_closefrom | 0.303868s | ||
closefrom_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.085962s |
closefrom_buffer | Passed | N/A | 0.089280s |
closefrom_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046810s |
closefrom_one | Passed | N/A | 0.052374s |
lib/libc/gen/t_cpuset | 0.159967s | ||
cpuset_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044799s |
cpuset_set | Passed | N/A | 0.046337s |
cpuset_size | Passed | N/A | 0.046672s |
lib/libc/gen/t_dir | 0.248221s | ||
seekdir_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.049474s |
telldir_leak | Passed | N/A | 0.178696s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fmtcheck | 0.149133s | ||
fmtcheck_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.111048s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fnmatch | 0.320427s | ||
fnmatch_backslashes | Passed | N/A | 0.045862s |
fnmatch_casefold | Passed | N/A | 0.049508s |
fnmatch_leadingdir | Passed | N/A | 0.047088s |
fnmatch_noescape | Passed | N/A | 0.045986s |
fnmatch_pathname | Passed | N/A | 0.044608s |
fnmatch_period | Passed | N/A | 0.047177s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpclassify | 0.351903s | ||
fpclassify_double | Passed | N/A | 0.134121s |
fpclassify_float | Passed | N/A | 0.163535s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetmask | 2.519833s | ||
fpsetmask_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048607s |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.346758s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.353625s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.375217s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.382015s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.396228s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.361759s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetround | 0.085363s | ||
fpsetround_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.071229s |
lib/libc/gen/t_ftok | 0.293961s | ||
ftok_err | Passed | N/A | 0.114743s |
ftok_link | Passed | N/A | 0.139751s |
lib/libc/gen/t_getcwd | 0.275867s | ||
getcwd_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046482s |
getcwd_fts | Passed | N/A | 0.209282s |
lib/libc/gen/t_getgrent | 0.439035s | ||
getgrent_loop | Passed | N/A | 0.073875s |
getgrent_setgid | Passed | N/A | 0.349178s |
lib/libc/gen/t_glob | 0.110507s | ||
glob_star | Passed | N/A | 0.049820s |
glob_star_not | Passed | N/A | 0.045963s |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | 0.108017s | ||
humanize_number_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.046231s |
humanize_number_big | Passed | N/A | 0.046591s |
lib/libc/gen/t_isnan | 0.325240s | ||
isinf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.132162s |
isnan_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.138053s |
lib/libc/gen/t_nice | 0.525868s | ||
nice_err | Passed | N/A | 0.132301s |
nice_priority | Passed | N/A | 0.225604s |
nice_root | Passed | N/A | 0.050464s |
nice_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.057689s |
lib/libc/gen/t_pause | 6.272500s | ||
pause_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.189647s |
pause_kill | Passed | N/A | 4.064624s |
lib/libc/gen/t_raise | 2.866901s | ||
raise_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041626s |
raise_ret | Passed | N/A | 2.053598s |
raise_sig | Passed | N/A | 0.241917s |
raise_stress | Passed | N/A | 0.502314s |
lib/libc/gen/t_randomid | 14.180628s | ||
randomid_basic | Passed | N/A | 14.169359s |
lib/libc/gen/t_realpath | 0.201702s | ||
realpath_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.053334s |
realpath_huge | Passed | N/A | 0.051211s |
realpath_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.059397s |
lib/libc/gen/t_setdomainname | 0.292522s | ||
setdomainname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.088582s |
setdomainname_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.084273s |
setdomainname_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.096910s |
lib/libc/gen/t_sethostname | 0.279629s | ||
sethostname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.085485s |
sethostname_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.082893s |
sethostname_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.088648s |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 7.008748s | ||
sigalarm | Passed | N/A | 2.058042s |
Expected failure | QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected | 0.296734s | |
sigchild_dump | Passed | N/A | 2.109748s |
sigchild_kill | Passed | N/A | 0.058152s |
sigchild_normal | Passed | N/A | 2.110504s |
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | 0.140567s | |
sigfpe_int | Passed | N/A | 0.072105s |
sigsegv | Passed | N/A | 0.074494s |
lib/libc/gen/t_sleep | 204.012316s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. kevent: KEVNT_TIMEOUT did not cause EVFILT_TIMER event | 54.372115s | |
Expected failure | Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -58367000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000 | 0.380926s | |
poll | Passed | N/A | 73.524163s |
select | Passed | N/A | 73.324080s |
Expected failure | Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -1000000000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000 | 2.247609s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_syslog | 0.226365s | ||
syslog_pthread | Passed | N/A | 0.183307s |
lib/libc/gen/t_time | 20.439104s | ||
time_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.119774s |
time_mono | Passed | N/A | 20.204355s |
time_timeofday | Passed | N/A | 0.051493s |
lib/libc/gen/t_ttyname | 0.305702s | ||
ttyname_err | Passed | N/A | 0.113443s |
ttyname_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.060275s |
ttyname_r_stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.050551s |
ttyname_stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.048637s |
lib/libc/gen/t_vis | 0.117730s | ||
strunvis_hex | Passed | N/A | 0.048619s |
strvis_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.050138s |
lib/libc/hash/t_sha2 | 0.278469s | ||
t_sha256 | Passed | N/A | 0.083455s |
t_sha384 | Passed | N/A | 0.070632s |
t_sha512 | Passed | N/A | 0.069074s |
lib/libc/hash/t_hash | 7.665731s | ||
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.700599s |
sha1 | Passed | N/A | 6.919782s |
lib/libc/inet/t_inet_network | 0.225177s | ||
inet_addr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.058688s |
inet_addr_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051879s |
inet_network_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044479s |
inet_network_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042478s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbrtowc | 0.199223s | ||
mbrtowc_internal | Passed | N/A | 0.108804s |
mbrtowc_object | Passed | N/A | 0.077803s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbstowcs | 0.086231s | ||
mbstowcs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.078760s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbtowc | 0.158894s | ||
mbtowc | Passed | N/A | 0.151345s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcscspn | 0.048949s | ||
wcscspn | Passed | N/A | 0.041162s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcspbrk | 0.048726s | ||
wcspbrk | Passed | N/A | 0.040930s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcsspn | 0.048474s | ||
wcsspn | Passed | N/A | 0.040640s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcstod | 2.478516s | ||
wcstod | Passed | N/A | 2.445668s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb | 0.370913s | ||
wcrtomb | Passed | N/A | 0.196915s |
Failed | Test failed | 0.072238s | |
wctomb | Passed | N/A | 0.060937s |
lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo/t_getaddrinfo | 5.909812s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.936914s |
empty_hostname | Passed | N/A | 0.964780s |
empty_servname | Passed | N/A | 0.867761s |
scopeaddr | Passed | N/A | 0.598135s |
sock_raw | Passed | N/A | 0.830159s |
specific | Passed | N/A | 0.856763s |
unsupported_family | Passed | N/A | 0.581013s |
lib/libc/net/t_getprotoent | 0.555677s | ||
endprotoent_rewind | Passed | N/A | 0.125545s |
getprotobyname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.056230s |
getprotobyname_err | Passed | N/A | 0.080885s |
getprotobynumber_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.058377s |
getprotobynumber_err | Passed | N/A | 0.060097s |
getprotoent_next | Passed | N/A | 0.049782s |
setprotoent_rewind | Passed | N/A | 0.047452s |
lib/libc/net/t_ether_aton | 0.055109s | ||
tc_ether_aton | Passed | N/A | 0.046245s |
lib/libc/net/t_nsdispatch | 0.724442s | ||
recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.690135s |
lib/libc/net/t_protoent | 0.898614s | ||
protoent | Passed | N/A | 0.850715s |
lib/libc/net/t_servent | 6.901734s | ||
servent | Passed | N/A | 6.815949s |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex_att | 0.645570s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.156251s |
categorization | Passed | N/A | 0.057911s |
forcedassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.062704s |
Expected failure | Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4) != (0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4)): at line 3 | 0.050489s | |
nullsubexpr | Passed | N/A | 0.100651s |
repetition | Passed | N/A | 0.119486s |
rightassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.049458s |
lib/libc/regex/t_exhaust | 0.011162s | ||
Skipped | Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832 | 0.006471s | |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex | 24.751812s | ||
anchor | Passed | N/A | 0.890258s |
backref | Passed | N/A | 1.395842s |
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.972226s |
bracket | Passed | N/A | 1.422299s |
c_comments | Passed | N/A | 1.003605s |
complex | Passed | N/A | 1.146518s |
error | Passed | N/A | 1.692670s |
meta | Passed | N/A | 1.574039s |
nospec | Passed | N/A | 1.288521s |
paren | Passed | N/A | 1.474581s |
regress | Passed | N/A | 1.132023s |
repet_bounded | Passed | N/A | 1.799598s |
repet_multi | Passed | N/A | 1.622488s |
repet_ordinary | Passed | N/A | 1.626093s |
startend | Passed | N/A | 0.999777s |
subexp | Passed | N/A | 1.048501s |
subtle | Passed | N/A | 1.091542s |
word_bound | Passed | N/A | 1.074979s |
zero | Passed | N/A | 1.070499s |
lib/libc/rpc/t_xdr | 0.139230s | ||
xdr | Passed | N/A | 0.104004s |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_setjmp | 0.196692s | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.044408s |
setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.042061s |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A | 0.042422s |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A | 0.042595s |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_threadjmp | 0.302884s | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.112705s |
setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.045602s |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A | 0.045077s |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A | 0.045238s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_abs | 0.187836s | ||
abs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041040s |
imaxabs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040730s |
labs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040791s |
llabs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040769s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atoi | 0.400058s | ||
atof_strtod | Passed | N/A | 0.136445s |
atoi_strtol | Passed | N/A | 0.116678s |
atol_strtol | Passed | N/A | 0.041811s |
atoll_strtoll | Passed | N/A | 0.042642s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_div | 0.146469s | ||
div_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041807s |
ldiv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041509s |
lldiv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041029s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv | 50.591767s | ||
clearenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.215289s |
getenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.042386s |
putenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.155520s |
setenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 50.078171s |
setenv_mixed | Passed | N/A | 0.043523s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv_thread | 39.538844s | ||
getenv_r_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.528175s |
putenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.979585s |
setenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.983996s |
unsetenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.994411s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_exit | 0.426344s | ||
exit_atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.047762s |
exit_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047617s |
exit_status | Passed | N/A | 0.100203s |
exit_tmpfile | Passed | N/A | 0.179901s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_hsearch | 0.403781s | ||
hsearch_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.053186s |
hsearch_duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.042307s |
hsearch_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.042202s |
hsearch_r_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.042268s |
hsearch_r_duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.042859s |
hsearch_r_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.042085s |
hsearch_r_two | Passed | N/A | 0.045848s |
hsearch_two | Passed | N/A | 0.042682s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_mi_vector_hash | 0.048826s | ||
mi_vector_hash_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041144s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_posix_memalign | 0.058900s | ||
posix_memalign_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051438s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_random | 0.091443s | ||
random_same | Passed | N/A | 0.084109s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | 0.734085s | ||
strtod_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.161046s |
strtod_gherman_bug | Passed | N/A | 0.049643s |
strtod_hex | Passed | N/A | 0.047817s |
strtod_inf | Passed | N/A | 0.048450s |
strtod_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046792s |
strtod_round | Passed | N/A | 0.048208s |
strtod_underflow | Passed | N/A | 0.047725s |
strtof_inf | Passed | N/A | 0.047315s |
strtof_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046382s |
strtold_inf | Passed | N/A | 0.046944s |
strtold_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046702s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtol | 0.276681s | ||
strtol_base | Passed | N/A | 0.098402s |
strtol_case | Passed | N/A | 0.041978s |
strtol_range | Passed | N/A | 0.041623s |
strtol_signed | Passed | N/A | 0.042832s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_system | 0.243725s | ||
system_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.235854s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atexit | 0.493182s | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.443538s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getopt | 3.230867s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 1.601442s |
getopt_long | Passed | N/A | 1.582750s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_clearerr | 0.142310s | ||
clearerr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.060858s |
clearerr_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041817s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fflush | 0.257126s | ||
fflush_err | Passed | N/A | 0.079004s |
fflush_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.080213s |
fpurge_err | Passed | N/A | 0.078656s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fmemopen | 1.739279s | ||
test00 | Passed | N/A | 0.044952s |
test01 | Passed | N/A | 0.045133s |
test02 | Passed | N/A | 0.045300s |
test03 | Passed | N/A | 0.046031s |
test04 | Passed | N/A | 0.045172s |
test05 | Passed | N/A | 0.044063s |
test06 | Passed | N/A | 0.044092s |
test07 | Passed | N/A | 0.044082s |
test08 | Passed | N/A | 0.044402s |
test09 | Passed | N/A | 0.113139s |
test10 | Passed | N/A | 0.101427s |
test11 | Passed | N/A | 0.086260s |
test12 | Passed | N/A | 0.069276s |
test13 | Passed | N/A | 0.069229s |
test14 | Passed | N/A | 0.070342s |
test15 | Passed | N/A | 0.082576s |
test16 | Passed | N/A | 0.052387s |
test17 | Passed | N/A | 0.061489s |
test18 | Passed | N/A | 0.048657s |
test19 | Passed | N/A | 0.111681s |
test20 | Passed | N/A | 0.054500s |
test21 | Passed | N/A | 0.070183s |
test22 | Passed | N/A | 0.213730s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fopen | 1.039950s | ||
fdopen_close | Passed | N/A | 0.079975s |
fdopen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.258977s |
fdopen_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.091614s |
fopen_append | Passed | N/A | 0.083786s |
fopen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.082445s |
fopen_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.083302s |
fopen_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.056784s |
fopen_regular | Passed | N/A | 0.044054s |
fopen_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.082290s |
freopen_std | Passed | N/A | 0.098882s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fputc | 0.517567s | ||
fputc_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.080466s |
fputc_err | Passed | N/A | 0.078936s |
putc_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.080196s |
putc_err | Passed | N/A | 0.078985s |
putc_unlocked_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.080134s |
putc_unlocked_err | Passed | N/A | 0.078786s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_popen | 0.588260s | ||
popen_zeropad | Passed | N/A | 0.580550s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_printf | 3.378243s | ||
snprintf_c99 | Passed | N/A | 0.046870s |
snprintf_dotzero | Passed | N/A | 0.119610s |
snprintf_float | Passed | N/A | 2.951391s |
snprintf_posarg | Passed | N/A | 0.053237s |
snprintf_posarg_error | Passed | N/A | 0.042369s |
snprintf_posarg_width | Passed | N/A | 0.042187s |
sprintf_zeropad | Passed | N/A | 0.044005s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_scanf | 0.103299s | ||
sscanf_neghex | Passed | N/A | 0.044875s |
sscanf_whitespace | Passed | N/A | 0.041806s |
lib/libc/string/t_memchr | 0.191728s | ||
memchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.060300s |
memchr_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.042219s |
memrchr_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.041834s |
lib/libc/string/t_memcpy | 12.000113s | ||
memccpy_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.041027s |
memcpy_basic | Passed | N/A | 11.944306s |
lib/libc/string/t_memmem | 0.048210s | ||
memmem_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040490s |
lib/libc/string/t_memset | 0.194909s | ||
memset_array | Passed | N/A | 0.041107s |
memset_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043177s |
memset_nonzero | Passed | N/A | 0.045052s |
memset_struct | Passed | N/A | 0.041384s |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | 0.099933s | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.042566s | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.042037s | |
lib/libc/string/t_strcat | 0.112689s | ||
strcat_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.057958s |
strncat_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.041450s |
lib/libc/string/t_strchr | 0.050377s | ||
strchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.042724s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcmp | 0.097643s | ||
strcmp_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041378s |
strcmp_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.041545s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcpy | 0.048755s | ||
strcpy_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041032s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcspn | 0.048020s | ||
strcspn | Passed | N/A | 0.040292s |
lib/libc/string/t_strerror | 0.400203s | ||
strerror_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.144690s |
strerror_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044371s |
strerror_r_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.140916s |
strerror_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044970s |
lib/libc/string/t_stresep | 0.048466s | ||
stresep_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040782s |
lib/libc/string/t_strlen | 0.686596s | ||
strlen_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041576s |
strlen_huge | Passed | N/A | 0.584411s |
strnlen_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041816s |
lib/libc/string/t_strpbrk | 0.048437s | ||
strpbrk | Passed | N/A | 0.040612s |
lib/libc/string/t_strrchr | 0.048539s | ||
strrchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040909s |
lib/libc/string/t_strspn | 0.047912s | ||
strspn | Passed | N/A | 0.040207s |
lib/libc/string/t_swab | 0.048286s | ||
swab_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.040684s |
lib/libc/sys/t_access | 0.339684s | ||
access_access | Passed | N/A | 0.093083s |
access_fault | Passed | N/A | 0.043339s |
access_inval | Passed | N/A | 0.041649s |
access_notdir | Passed | N/A | 0.042078s |
access_notexist | Passed | N/A | 0.041663s |
access_toolong | Passed | N/A | 0.041978s |
lib/libc/sys/t_chroot | 0.492001s | ||
chroot_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.119845s |
chroot_err | Passed | N/A | 0.095034s |
chroot_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.057595s |
fchroot_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.049843s |
fchroot_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041603s |
fchroot_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.063051s |
lib/libc/sys/t_clock_gettime | 29.709986s | ||
clock_gettime_real | Passed | N/A | 29.669575s |
lib/libc/sys/t_clone | 0.363993s | ||
clone_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.165469s |
clone_null_func | Passed | N/A | 0.057674s |
clone_null_stack | Passed | N/A | 0.041177s |
clone_out_of_proc | Passed | N/A | 0.052747s |
lib/libc/sys/t_connect | 0.075747s | ||
connect_low_port | Passed | N/A | 0.064449s |
lib/libc/sys/t_dup | 0.682532s | ||
dup2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.042636s |
dup2_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042749s |
dup2_max | Passed | N/A | 0.042498s |
dup2_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.093885s |
dup3_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042594s |
dup3_max | Passed | N/A | 0.042075s |
dup3_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.093295s |
dup_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042322s |
dup_max | Passed | N/A | 0.087625s |
dup_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.093478s |
lib/libc/sys/t_fsync | 0.115767s | ||
fsync_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041231s |
fsync_sync | Passed | N/A | 0.061522s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getcontext | 0.142468s | ||
getcontext_err | Passed | N/A | 0.040991s |
setcontext_err | Passed | N/A | 0.040927s |
setcontext_link | Passed | N/A | 0.042098s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getgroups | 0.220151s | ||
getgroups_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041299s |
getgroups_getgid | Passed | N/A | 0.041258s |
getgroups_setgid | Passed | N/A | 0.070933s |
getgroups_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.042837s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getitimer | 0.275745s | ||
getitimer_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.041609s |
getitimer_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041769s |
setitimer_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.079401s |
setitimer_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041524s |
setitimer_old | Passed | N/A | 0.041975s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getlogin | 0.261747s | ||
getlogin_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041600s |
getlogin_same | Passed | N/A | 0.043204s |
setlogin_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047967s |
setlogin_err | Passed | N/A | 0.047193s |
setlogin_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.051674s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getpid | 0.256307s | ||
getpid_process | Passed | N/A | 0.161219s |
getpid_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.053508s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getrusage | 9.792854s | ||
getrusage_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042996s |
getrusage_sig | Passed | N/A | 0.042304s |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: anticipated error did not occur | 9.636027s | |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | 0.045325s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_getsid | 0.148747s | ||
getsid_current | Passed | N/A | 0.041348s |
getsid_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042380s |
getsid_process | Passed | N/A | 0.046485s |
lib/libc/sys/t_gettimeofday | 0.096364s | ||
gettimeofday_err | Passed | N/A | 0.040982s |
gettimeofday_mono | Passed | N/A | 0.042189s |
lib/libc/sys/t_issetugid | 0.247481s | ||
issetugid_egid | Passed | N/A | 0.062102s |
issetugid_euid | Passed | N/A | 0.052468s |
issetugid_rgid | Passed | N/A | 0.053581s |
issetugid_ruid | Passed | N/A | 0.054191s |
lib/libc/sys/t_kevent | 0.333164s | ||
kevent_zerotimer | Passed | N/A | 0.055687s |
Skipped | 0.066864s | ||
kqueue_unsupported_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.163699s |
lib/libc/sys/t_kill | 2.338650s | ||
kill_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.061241s |
kill_err | Passed | N/A | 0.052679s |
kill_perm | Passed | N/A | 2.086038s |
kill_pgrp_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052157s |
kill_pgrp_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.050390s |
lib/libc/sys/t_link | 0.322994s | ||
link_count | Passed | N/A | 0.081216s |
link_err | Passed | N/A | 0.082901s |
link_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.053179s |
link_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.079884s |
lib/libc/sys/t_listen | 0.302986s | ||
listen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.216801s |
listen_low_port | Passed | N/A | 0.051808s |
lib/libc/sys/t_lwp_ctl | 0.082652s | ||
lwpctl_counter | Passed | N/A | 0.071279s |
lib/libc/sys/t_lwp_create | 0.200504s | ||
lwp_create_generic_fail_no_uc_cpu | Passed | N/A | 0.042518s |
lwp_create_i386_fail_priv_escalation | Passed | N/A | 0.042487s |
lwp_create_i386_fail_untouchable_eflags | Passed | N/A | 0.042405s |
lwp_create_works | Passed | N/A | 0.048489s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mincore | 0.715356s | ||
mincore_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044759s |
Skipped | could not mmap more anonymous test pages with mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) in effect, system might be low on memory | 0.339674s | |
mincore_shmseg | Passed | N/A | 0.273732s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mkdir | 2.331677s | ||
mkdir_err | Passed | N/A | 0.053393s |
mkdir_mode | Passed | N/A | 2.098817s |
mkdir_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.091258s |
mkdir_trail | Passed | N/A | 0.057216s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mkfifo | 4.517014s | ||
mkfifo_block | Passed | N/A | 2.116916s |
mkfifo_err | Passed | N/A | 0.083035s |
mkfifo_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 2.107845s |
mkfifo_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.092415s |
mkfifo_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.082038s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mknod | 0.363304s | ||
mknod_err | Passed | N/A | 0.080904s |
mknod_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.083588s |
mknod_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.088605s |
mknod_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.081838s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mlock | 0.306685s | ||
mlock_clip | Passed | N/A | 0.044455s |
mlock_err | Passed | N/A | 0.045869s |
mlock_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.094881s |
mlock_mmap | Passed | N/A | 0.044782s |
mlock_nested | Passed | N/A | 0.044371s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mmap | 0.597673s | ||
Skipped | The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889, kern/46592) | 0.046099s | |
mmap_err | Passed | N/A | 0.043417s |
mmap_loan | Passed | N/A | 0.096227s |
mmap_prot_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.083674s |
mmap_prot_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.049107s |
mmap_prot_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.091132s |
mmap_truncate | Passed | N/A | 0.087562s |
mmap_va0 | Passed | N/A | 0.048285s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mprotect | 0.304621s | ||
mprotect_access | Passed | N/A | 0.082530s |
mprotect_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042882s |
Skipped | Host only supports partial executable space protection | 0.052707s | |
mprotect_pax | Passed | N/A | 0.045890s |
mprotect_write | Passed | N/A | 0.049124s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgctl | 4.650486s | ||
msgctl_err | Passed | N/A | 0.080117s |
msgctl_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.213423s |
msgctl_pid | Passed | N/A | 4.125418s |
msgctl_set | Passed | N/A | 0.095888s |
msgctl_time | Passed | N/A | 0.082634s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgget | 0.451084s | ||
msgget_excl | Passed | N/A | 0.078685s |
msgget_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.084776s |
msgget_init | Passed | N/A | 0.082911s |
msgget_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.080436s |
msgget_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.088934s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgrcv | 8.557167s | ||
msgrcv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.077826s |
msgrcv_block | Passed | N/A | 4.109028s |
msgrcv_err | Passed | N/A | 0.080972s |
msgrcv_mtype | Passed | N/A | 0.080996s |
msgrcv_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 4.089228s |
msgrcv_truncate | Passed | N/A | 0.080270s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgsnd | 8.579166s | ||
msgsnd_block | Passed | N/A | 4.077473s |
msgsnd_count | Passed | N/A | 0.086806s |
msgsnd_err | Passed | N/A | 0.080541s |
msgsnd_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 4.172057s |
msgsnd_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.109830s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msync | 0.534865s | ||
msync_async | Passed | N/A | 0.111716s |
msync_err | Passed | N/A | 0.172638s |
msync_invalidate | Passed | N/A | 0.109088s |
msync_sync | Passed | N/A | 0.111948s |
lib/libc/sys/t_nanosleep | 2.529530s | ||
nanosleep_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.397558s |
nanosleep_err | Passed | N/A | 0.042287s |
nanosleep_sig | Passed | N/A | 2.069797s |
lib/libc/sys/t_pipe | 4.115032s | ||
pipe_restart | Passed | N/A | 4.107443s |
lib/libc/sys/t_pipe2 | 0.305440s | ||
pipe2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043631s |
pipe2_cloexec | Passed | N/A | 0.043926s |
pipe2_consume | Passed | N/A | 0.044072s |
pipe2_einval | Passed | N/A | 0.048276s |
pipe2_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 0.043125s |
pipe2_nosigpipe | Passed | N/A | 0.043535s |
lib/libc/sys/t_poll | 22.487198s | ||
poll_3way | Passed | N/A | 20.094242s |
poll_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.066138s |
poll_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041125s |
pollts_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.060477s |
pollts_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041143s |
pollts_sigmask | Passed | N/A | 0.041617s |
lib/libc/sys/t_recvmmsg | 0.344559s | ||
recvmmsg_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.336815s |
lib/libc/sys/t_revoke | 0.235335s | ||
revoke_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.077649s |
revoke_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051116s |
revoke_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.086704s |
lib/libc/sys/t_select | 2.123378s | ||
pselect_sigmask | Passed | N/A | 2.060507s |
pselect_timeout | Passed | N/A | 0.049945s |
lib/libc/sys/t_setrlimit | 0.566569s | ||
setrlimit_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.042027s |
setrlimit_current | Passed | N/A | 0.041601s |
setrlimit_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041861s |
setrlimit_fsize | Passed | N/A | 0.085078s |
setrlimit_memlock | Passed | N/A | 0.049637s |
setrlimit_nofile_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.050146s |
setrlimit_nofile_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.051090s |
setrlimit_nproc | Passed | N/A | 0.051870s |
setrlimit_nthr | Passed | N/A | 0.047689s |
setrlimit_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.046501s |
lib/libc/sys/t_setuid | 0.255579s | ||
setuid_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.045148s |
setuid_real | Passed | N/A | 0.040863s |
setuid_root | Passed | N/A | 0.150320s |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigaction | 0.243843s | ||
sigaction_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.099685s |
sigaction_noflags | Passed | N/A | 0.048759s |
sigaction_resethand | Passed | N/A | 0.048143s |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigqueue | 0.096407s | ||
sigqueue_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.041045s |
sigqueue_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041949s |
lib/libc/sys/t_socketpair | 0.149264s | ||
socketpair_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044831s |
socketpair_cloexec | Passed | N/A | 0.041641s |
socketpair_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 0.044194s |
lib/libc/sys/t_swapcontext | 0.109748s | ||
swapcontext1 | Passed | N/A | 0.049639s |
swapcontext2 | Passed | N/A | 0.047690s |
lib/libc/sys/t_stat | 7.989005s | ||
stat_chflags | Passed | N/A | 0.078682s |
stat_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.386787s |
stat_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044436s |
stat_mtime | Passed | N/A | 6.137218s |
stat_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.079326s |
stat_size | Passed | N/A | 0.080063s |
stat_socket | Passed | N/A | 0.055150s |
stat_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.079393s |
lib/libc/sys/t_timer_create | 12.437855s | ||
timer_create_err | Passed | N/A | 0.041183s |
timer_create_mono | Passed | N/A | 2.139601s |
timer_create_mono_expire | Passed | N/A | 4.095077s |
timer_create_real | Passed | N/A | 2.048660s |
timer_create_real_expire | Passed | N/A | 4.064089s |
lib/libc/sys/t_truncate | 0.309386s | ||
ftruncate_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.091262s |
ftruncate_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051685s |
truncate_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.087683s |
truncate_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051282s |
lib/libc/sys/t_ucontext | 0.064795s | ||
ucontext_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.057410s |
lib/libc/sys/t_umask | 0.300872s | ||
umask_fork | Passed | N/A | 0.119861s |
umask_open | Passed | N/A | 0.087403s |
umask_previous | Passed | N/A | 0.074554s |
lib/libc/sys/t_unlink | 0.821923s | ||
unlink_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.556425s |
unlink_err | Passed | N/A | 0.076727s |
unlink_fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.078854s |
unlink_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.084255s |
lib/libc/sys/t_write | 0.371866s | ||
write_err | Passed | N/A | 0.079718s |
write_pipe | Passed | N/A | 0.043210s |
write_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.087743s |
write_ret | Passed | N/A | 0.086842s |
writev_iovmax | Passed | N/A | 0.044492s |
lib/libc/sys/t_posix_fadvise | 0.470964s | ||
posix_fadvise | Passed | N/A | 0.057290s |
posix_fadvise_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.376623s |
lib/libc/termios/t_tcsetpgrp | 0.197119s | ||
tcsetpgrp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.161100s |
lib/libc/time/t_mktime | 0.217428s | ||
localtime_r_gmt | Passed | N/A | 0.095442s |
mktime_negyear | Passed | N/A | 0.049776s |
timegm_epoch | Passed | N/A | 0.049285s |
lib/libc/time/t_strptime | 0.148753s | ||
common | Passed | N/A | 0.043086s |
day | Passed | N/A | 0.042557s |
month | Passed | N/A | 0.042770s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_static | 0.108317s | ||
t_tls_static | Passed | N/A | 0.073624s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dynamic | 0.220384s | ||
t_tls_dynamic | Passed | N/A | 0.177060s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dlopen | 0.093472s | ||
t_tls_dlopen | Passed | N/A | 0.085315s |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ptm | 0.169325s | ||
ptm | Passed | N/A | 0.080458s |
ptmx | Passed | N/A | 0.049831s |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio | 4.076454s | ||
ioctl | Passed | N/A | 4.068799s |
lib/libc/ssp/t_ssp | 15.989496s | ||
fgets | Passed | N/A | 0.965204s |
getcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.869203s |
gets | Passed | N/A | 0.915467s |
memcpy | Passed | N/A | 0.867920s |
memmove | Passed | N/A | 0.876366s |
memset | Passed | N/A | 0.867653s |
raw | Passed | N/A | 0.910986s |
read | Passed | N/A | 0.951885s |
readlink | Passed | N/A | 0.873072s |
snprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.880505s |
sprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.865539s |
strcat | Passed | N/A | 0.877133s |
strcpy | Passed | N/A | 0.878711s |
strncat | Passed | N/A | 0.877423s |
strncpy | Passed | N/A | 0.880780s |
vsnprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.869687s |
vsprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.875484s |
lib/libc/t_convfp | 0.224723s | ||
cast_ulong | Passed | N/A | 0.061454s |
cast_ulong2 | Passed | N/A | 0.045917s |
conv_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.042023s |
conv_ulong | Passed | N/A | 0.044998s |
lib/libc/t_gdtoa | 0.125170s | ||
long_format | Passed | N/A | 0.116743s |
lib/libc/t_cdb | 0.584755s | ||
cdb | Passed | N/A | 0.562946s |
lib/libcrypt/t_crypt | 0.098078s | ||
crypt_salts | Passed | N/A | 0.086498s |
lib/libcurses/t_curses | 38.833408s | ||
addch | Passed | N/A | 0.710143s |
addchnstr | Passed | N/A | 0.782717s |
addchstr | Passed | N/A | 0.845209s |
addnstr | Passed | N/A | 0.812335s |
addstr | Passed | N/A | 0.775455s |
assume_default_colors | Passed | N/A | 1.130252s |
attributes | Passed | N/A | 1.237069s |
background | Passed | N/A | 1.327092s |
box | Passed | N/A | 0.967849s |
can_change_color | Passed | N/A | 0.749762s |
cbreak | Passed | N/A | 1.363390s |
clear | Passed | N/A | 5.279631s |
copywin | Passed | N/A | 3.412625s |
curs_set | Passed | N/A | 0.852286s |
getch | Passed | N/A | 0.843528s |
getstr | Passed | N/A | 1.110013s |
mvwin | Passed | N/A | 1.129374s |
startup | Passed | N/A | 0.723857s |
termattrs | Passed | N/A | 0.743083s |
timeout | Passed | N/A | 9.433179s |
wborder | Passed | N/A | 0.977030s |
window | Passed | N/A | 0.810210s |
wprintw | Passed | N/A | 0.841649s |
wscrl | Passed | N/A | 1.164486s |
lib/libevent/t_event | 155.673855s | ||
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 51.838490s |
poll | Passed | N/A | 52.053923s |
select | Passed | N/A | 51.689056s |
lib/libexecinfo/t_backtrace | 0.068652s | ||
Skipped | PR toolchain/46490: libexecinfo only works on amd64 currently | 0.055237s | |
lib/libm/t_acos | 0.869103s | ||
acos_cos | Passed | N/A | 0.143531s |
acos_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.125823s |
acos_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047423s |
acos_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047672s |
acos_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051730s |
acos_range | Passed | N/A | 0.047413s |
acosf_cosf | Passed | N/A | 0.048556s |
acosf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047444s |
acosf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047636s |
acosf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047059s |
acosf_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.056830s |
acosf_range | Passed | N/A | 0.047005s |
lib/libm/t_asin | 0.756096s | ||
asin_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047488s |
asin_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049330s |
asin_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050304s |
asin_range | Passed | N/A | 0.047714s |
asin_sin | Passed | N/A | 0.047582s |
asin_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047360s |
asin_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047319s |
asinf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047686s |
asinf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047536s |
asinf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047614s |
asinf_range | Passed | N/A | 0.047649s |
asinf_sinf | Passed | N/A | 0.047735s |
asinf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046570s |
asinf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045991s |
lib/libm/t_atan | 2.366615s | ||
atan_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.321979s |
atan_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.348514s |
atan_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.209989s |
atan_tan | Passed | N/A | 0.289513s |
atan_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.459714s |
atan_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.182907s |
atanf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050312s |
atanf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049164s |
atanf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047605s |
atanf_tanf | Passed | N/A | 0.048104s |
atanf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.056151s |
atanf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047894s |
lib/libm/t_cbrt | 0.679628s | ||
cbrt_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047939s |
cbrt_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049072s |
cbrt_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048608s |
cbrt_pow | Passed | N/A | 0.052954s |
cbrt_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051138s |
cbrt_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049719s |
cbrtf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051273s |
cbrtf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049939s |
cbrtf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048683s |
cbrtf_powf | Passed | N/A | 0.050459s |
cbrtf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050055s |
cbrtf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047024s |
lib/libm/t_ceil | 1.548865s | ||
ceil_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048093s |
ceil_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049411s |
ceil_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049972s |
ceil_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.114869s |
ceil_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.139239s |
ceil_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052097s |
ceilf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.056376s |
ceilf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050435s |
ceilf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049864s |
ceilf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.049889s |
ceilf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048992s |
ceilf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048332s |
floor_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048566s |
floor_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049972s |
floor_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049711s |
floor_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050263s |
floor_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050863s |
floor_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050973s |
floorf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048832s |
floorf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049382s |
floorf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050815s |
floorf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050184s |
floorf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049516s |
floorf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049968s |
lib/libm/t_cos | 0.879794s | ||
cos_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.048683s |
cos_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050357s |
cos_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051042s |
cos_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.049971s |
cos_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049468s |
cos_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048738s |
cosf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.049601s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.061217s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.176963s | |
cosf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.049376s |
cosf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055024s |
cosf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047994s |
lib/libm/t_cosh | 0.919808s | ||
cosh_def | Passed | N/A | 0.167084s |
cosh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.122205s |
cosh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050410s |
cosh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050411s |
cosh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053475s |
cosh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048718s |
coshf_def | Passed | N/A | 0.066862s |
coshf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050052s |
coshf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050512s |
coshf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050350s |
coshf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049005s |
coshf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048632s |
lib/libm/t_erf | 1.106394s | ||
erf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.206561s |
erf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049987s |
erf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048788s |
erf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055858s |
erf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052271s |
erfc_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049215s |
erfc_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048503s |
erfc_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048164s |
erfcf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048070s |
erfcf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049274s |
erfcf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048823s |
erff_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047912s |
erff_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058347s |
erff_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.054839s |
erff_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057418s |
erff_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047459s |
lib/libm/t_exp | 2.153740s | ||
exp2_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051634s |
exp2_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052829s |
exp2_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.058183s |
exp2_product | Passed | N/A | 0.055338s |
exp2_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049590s |
exp2_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049036s |
exp2f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050797s |
exp2f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.125082s |
exp2f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.122801s |
exp2f_product | Passed | N/A | 0.052326s |
exp2f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.056469s |
exp2f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049544s |
exp_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051187s |
exp_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051448s |
exp_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055981s |
exp_product | Passed | N/A | 0.053728s |
exp_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050823s |
exp_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049728s |
expf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054363s |
expf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051392s |
expf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051459s |
expf_product | Passed | N/A | 0.051340s |
expf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050216s |
expf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049661s |
expm1_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050811s |
expm1_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051742s |
expm1_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051271s |
expm1_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051205s |
expm1_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051277s |
expm1f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051158s |
expm1f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051571s |
expm1f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051269s |
expm1f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050413s |
expm1f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049743s |
lib/libm/t_infinity | 0.162714s | ||
infinity_double | Passed | N/A | 0.046764s |
infinity_float | Passed | N/A | 0.046165s |
infinity_long_double | Passed | N/A | 0.046377s |
lib/libm/t_ldexp | 1.244039s | ||
ldexp_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.133416s |
ldexp_denormal | Passed | N/A | 0.121364s |
ldexp_denormal_large | Passed | N/A | 0.052875s |
ldexp_exp2 | Passed | N/A | 0.048986s |
ldexp_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048111s |
ldexp_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048223s |
ldexp_infinity | Passed | N/A | 0.048756s |
ldexp_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048399s |
ldexp_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.048506s |
ldexp_underflow | Passed | N/A | 0.048773s |
ldexp_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.048299s |
ldexp_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048317s |
ldexp_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.049104s |
ldexpf_exp2f | Passed | N/A | 0.048628s |
ldexpf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048229s |
ldexpf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.048833s |
ldexpf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048451s |
ldexpf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053502s |
ldexpf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046813s |
lib/libm/t_log | 3.519769s | ||
log10_base | Passed | N/A | 0.174976s |
log10_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.099693s |
log10_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.056652s |
log10_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055586s |
log10_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055588s |
log10_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055617s |
log10_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055546s |
log10f_base | Passed | N/A | 0.054349s |
log10f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055601s |
log10f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057189s |
log10f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055476s |
log10f_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058143s |
log10f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055506s |
log10f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055668s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058871s | |
log1p_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055285s |
log1p_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.056191s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL | 0.055569s | |
log1p_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054295s |
log1p_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053625s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.057623s | |
log1pf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055409s |
log1pf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055895s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF | 0.055590s | |
log1pf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054297s |
log1pf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053893s |
log2_base | Passed | N/A | 0.053573s |
log2_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055494s |
log2_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055770s |
log2_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055686s |
log2_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055285s |
log2_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055653s |
log2_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055977s |
log2f_base | Passed | N/A | 0.054169s |
log2f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055575s |
log2f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055656s |
log2f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055512s |
log2f_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054484s |
log2f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055170s |
log2f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055484s |
log_base | Passed | N/A | 0.054159s |
log_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055474s |
log_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055460s |
log_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055584s |
log_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.056071s |
log_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055634s |
log_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055586s |
logf_base | Passed | N/A | 0.054193s |
logf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055458s |
logf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055666s |
logf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.055512s |
logf_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054405s |
logf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055018s |
logf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055402s |
lib/libm/t_pow | 1.286241s | ||
pow_inf_neg_x | Passed | N/A | 0.161462s |
pow_inf_neg_y | Passed | N/A | 0.049836s |
pow_inf_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.050231s |
pow_inf_pos_y | Passed | N/A | 0.050278s |
pow_nan_x | Passed | N/A | 0.048834s |
pow_nan_y | Passed | N/A | 0.050664s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.061415s | |
pow_one_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.053515s |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.055432s | |
pow_zero_y | Passed | N/A | 0.048299s |
powf_inf_neg_x | Passed | N/A | 0.050252s |
powf_inf_neg_y | Passed | N/A | 0.049351s |
powf_inf_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.049308s |
powf_inf_pos_y | Passed | N/A | 0.048908s |
powf_nan_x | Passed | N/A | 0.048550s |
powf_nan_y | Passed | N/A | 0.048737s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.053210s | |
powf_one_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.048006s |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.055485s | |
powf_zero_y | Passed | N/A | 0.047952s |
lib/libm/t_round | 0.152522s | ||
round_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.115366s |
lib/libm/t_scalbn | 0.940957s | ||
scalbn_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.091295s |
scalbn_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047660s |
scalbn_ldexp | Passed | N/A | 0.045794s |
scalbn_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047045s |
scalbn_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048540s |
scalbn_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046839s |
scalbnf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046947s |
scalbnf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046980s |
scalbnf_ldexpf | Passed | N/A | 0.046156s |
scalbnf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046894s |
scalbnf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.045847s |
scalbnf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045488s |
scalbnl_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047092s |
scalbnl_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047448s |
scalbnl_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.048863s |
scalbnl_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046033s |
scalbnl_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045539s |
lib/libm/t_sin | 0.658675s | ||
sin_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.046690s |
sin_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047753s |
sin_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046891s |
sin_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050716s |
sin_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050679s |
sin_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050648s |
sinf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.051104s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051289s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047752s | |
sinf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047178s |
sinf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.045656s |
sinf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045188s |
lib/libm/t_sinh | 0.866949s | ||
sinh_def | Passed | N/A | 0.157399s |
sinh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.118789s |
sinh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047403s |
sinh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047226s |
sinh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047008s |
sinh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046883s |
sinhf_def | Passed | N/A | 0.061923s |
sinhf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047499s |
sinhf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047292s |
sinhf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047221s |
sinhf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052510s |
sinhf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045781s |
lib/libm/t_sqrt | 0.833630s | ||
sqrt_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047509s |
sqrt_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047213s |
sqrt_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047177s |
sqrt_pow | Passed | N/A | 0.047921s |
sqrt_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047042s |
sqrt_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.124852s |
sqrtf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.117322s |
sqrtf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047833s |
sqrtf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047344s |
sqrtf_powf | Passed | N/A | 0.047746s |
sqrtf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053558s |
sqrtf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045743s |
lib/libm/t_tan | 0.644292s | ||
tan_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.047124s |
tan_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047491s |
tan_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047558s |
tan_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047239s |
tan_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046050s |
tan_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045458s |
tanf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.047607s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051192s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047992s | |
tanf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047422s |
tanf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046112s |
tanf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045484s |
lib/libm/t_tanh | 0.531068s | ||
tanh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051271s |
tanh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046837s |
tanh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047061s |
tanh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046815s |
tanh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046774s |
tanhf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046845s |
tanhf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046871s |
tanhf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046923s |
tanhf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.045898s |
tanhf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045310s |
lib/libobjc/t_threads | 0.113494s | ||
thread_callback | Passed | N/A | 0.079649s |
lib/libppath/t_ppath | 1.443660s | ||
component_at | Passed | N/A | 0.051556s |
copydel_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.062670s |
copydel_object_twice_success | Passed | N/A | 0.054988s |
copyset_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053920s |
copyset_object_twice_success | Passed | N/A | 0.054980s |
create_bool_eexist | Passed | N/A | 0.051642s |
create_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.051435s |
delete_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.052713s |
delete_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.051189s |
delete_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.051238s |
get_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.051182s |
get_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.051552s |
get_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.051348s |
get_idx_key | Passed | N/A | 0.049728s |
get_string_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.051167s |
get_string_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.051539s |
get_string_success | Passed | N/A | 0.051156s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.049714s |
pop_until_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.049659s |
ppath_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.049810s |
push_until_full | Passed | N/A | 0.049529s |
replace | Passed | N/A | 0.050227s |
set_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.051173s |
set_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.051216s |
set_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.051282s |
lib/libprop/t_basic | 0.199622s | ||
prop_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.107299s |
prop_dictionary_equals | Passed | N/A | 0.046525s |
lib/libpthread/t_barrier | 20.184741s | ||
barrier | Passed | N/A | 20.177497s |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | 18.320548s | ||
bogus_timedwaits | Passed | N/A | 0.080918s |
broadcast | Passed | N/A | 1.821094s |
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | 2.220822s | |
destroy_after_cancel | Passed | N/A | 0.049890s |
signal_before_unlock | Passed | N/A | 4.050776s |
signal_before_unlock_static_init | Passed | N/A | 4.068566s |
signal_delay_wait | Passed | N/A | 4.102068s |
signal_wait_race | Passed | N/A | 1.859250s |
lib/libpthread/t_detach | 0.061713s | ||
pthread_detach | Passed | N/A | 0.049473s |
lib/libpthread/t_equal | 0.057167s | ||
pthread_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.048451s |
lib/libpthread/t_fork | 10.076377s | ||
fork | Passed | N/A | 10.067846s |
lib/libpthread/t_fpu | 0.231888s | ||
fpu | Passed | N/A | 0.194714s |
lib/libpthread/t_join | 0.140952s | ||
pthread_join | Passed | N/A | 0.097449s |
lib/libpthread/t_kill | 0.533897s | ||
simple | Passed | N/A | 0.525273s |
lib/libpthread/t_mutex | 25.773568s | ||
mutex1 | Passed | N/A | 8.105207s |
mutex2 | Passed | N/A | 4.788026s |
mutex3 | Passed | N/A | 4.758920s |
mutex4 | Passed | N/A | 8.094505s |
lib/libpthread/t_name | 0.057525s | ||
name | Passed | N/A | 0.049202s |
lib/libpthread/t_once | 0.211245s | ||
once1 | Passed | N/A | 0.050768s |
once2 | Passed | N/A | 0.086772s |
once3 | Passed | N/A | 0.053909s |
lib/libpthread/t_preempt | 2.062625s | ||
preempt1 | Passed | N/A | 2.054344s |
lib/libpthread/t_rwlock | 2.117903s | ||
rwlock1 | Passed | N/A | 2.108970s |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | 41.461239s | ||
before_start_no_threads | Passed | N/A | 20.273176s |
before_start_one_thread | Passed | N/A | 20.121319s |
named | Passed | N/A | 0.163465s |
unnamed | Passed | N/A | 0.862037s |
lib/libpthread/t_sigmask | 8.291232s | ||
before_threads | Passed | N/A | 0.048725s |
incorrect_mask_bug | Passed | N/A | 6.103259s |
respected_while_running | Passed | N/A | 2.067148s |
upcalls_not_started | Passed | N/A | 0.046800s |
lib/libpthread/t_sigsuspend | 2.073373s | ||
sigsuspend | Passed | N/A | 2.065848s |
lib/libpthread/t_siglongjmp | 0.053149s | ||
siglongjmp1 | Passed | N/A | 0.045628s |
lib/libpthread/t_sleep | 2.069055s | ||
sleep1 | Passed | N/A | 2.063052s |
lib/libpthread/t_swapcontext | 0.054870s | ||
swapcontext1 | Passed | N/A | 0.048798s |
lib/libpthread/t_atexit | 0.754303s | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.719156s |
lib/libpthread/t_cancel | 0.666628s | ||
register_while_disabled | Passed | N/A | 0.634810s |
lib/libpthread/t_exit | 0.628463s | ||
main_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.597080s |
lib/libpthread/t_resolv | 53.015677s | ||
resolv | Passed | N/A | 52.976500s |
lib/librt/t_sched | 0.531152s | ||
sched_getparam | Passed | N/A | 0.128337s |
sched_priority | Passed | N/A | 0.048667s |
sched_rr_get_interval_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.045735s |
sched_rr_get_interval_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.045550s |
sched_setscheduler_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.044685s |
sched_setscheduler_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.044845s |
sched_setscheduler_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.045144s |
sched_setscheduler_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.044839s |
lib/librt/t_sem | 40.545421s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045720s |
child | Passed | N/A | 40.487906s |
lib/libtre/t_regex_att | 0.848484s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.279279s |
categorization | Passed | N/A | 0.117730s |
forcedassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.062937s |
leftassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.054579s |
nullsubexpr | Passed | N/A | 0.075107s |
repetition | Passed | N/A | 0.146867s |
Expected failure | Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4) != (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)): at line 3 | 0.049616s | |
lib/libtre/t_exhaust | 0.014672s | ||
Skipped | Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832 | 0.006779s | |
lib/libutil/t_efun | 0.198955s | ||
ecalloc | Passed | N/A | 0.044144s |
efopen | Passed | N/A | 0.043249s |
emalloc | Passed | N/A | 0.044023s |
erealloc | Passed | N/A | 0.043541s |
lib/libutil/t_parsedate | 0.382136s | ||
dates | Passed | N/A | 0.146948s |
relative | Passed | N/A | 0.123197s |
times | Passed | N/A | 0.053079s |
lib/libutil/t_pidfile | 0.610816s | ||
change_basenames | Passed | N/A | 0.159285s |
change_mix | Passed | N/A | 0.131332s |
change_paths | Passed | N/A | 0.071218s |
custom_basename | Passed | N/A | 0.062472s |
custom_path | Passed | N/A | 0.065539s |
default_path | Passed | N/A | 0.061996s |
lib/libutil/t_snprintb | 0.054529s | ||
snprintb | Passed | N/A | 0.043443s |
lib/libutil/t_sockaddr_snprintf | 0.250452s | ||
sockaddr_snprintf_at | Passed | N/A | 0.044347s |
sockaddr_snprintf_dl | Passed | N/A | 0.044797s |
sockaddr_snprintf_in | Passed | N/A | 0.044184s |
sockaddr_snprintf_in6 | Passed | N/A | 0.044289s |
sockaddr_snprintf_un | Passed | N/A | 0.043590s |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | 1.801014s | ||
blocktimedwait | Passed | N/A | 0.438278s |
blockwait | Passed | N/A | 0.565766s |
busydestroy | Passed | N/A | 0.143753s |
destroy | Passed | N/A | 0.115306s |
initvalue | Passed | N/A | 0.117425s |
named | Passed | N/A | 0.116722s |
postwait | Passed | N/A | 0.113892s |
unlink | Passed | N/A | 0.113789s |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | 1.867848s | ||
bigenough | Passed | N/A | 0.745018s |
sigio | Passed | N/A | 1.044927s |
lib/librumpclient/t_exec | 28.083993s | ||
cloexec | Passed | N/A | 3.120494s |
exec | Passed | N/A | 3.285552s |
noexec | Passed | N/A | 3.102922s |
threxec | Passed | N/A | 13.628873s |
vfork | Passed | N/A | 4.677928s |
lib/librumphijack/t_asyncio | 7.551932s | ||
invafd | Passed | N/A | 2.604154s |
select_allunset | Passed | N/A | 2.309003s |
select_timeout | Passed | N/A | 2.456506s |
lib/librumphijack/t_config | 2.707918s | ||
fdoff | Passed | N/A | 2.609811s |
lib/librumphijack/t_cwd | 16.699199s | ||
basic_chdir | Passed | N/A | 2.376243s |
basic_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.982603s |
slash_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.932117s |
slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 2.413353s |
symlink_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.849061s |
symlink_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.882877s |
symlink_slash_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.884233s |
symlink_slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.998943s |
lib/librumphijack/t_sh | 5.935584s | ||
redirect | Passed | N/A | 3.086065s |
runscript | Passed | N/A | 2.761522s |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | 45.694551s | ||
http | Passed | N/A | 3.972236s |
nfs | Passed | N/A | 15.830158s |
nfs_autoload | Passed | N/A | 16.196757s |
ssh | Passed | N/A | 9.481481s |
lib/librumphijack/t_vfs | 37.989227s | ||
blanket | Passed | N/A | 2.149092s |
cpcopy | Passed | N/A | 5.880672s |
doubleblanket | Passed | N/A | 3.626556s |
ln_nox | Passed | N/A | 5.547336s |
ln_x | Passed | N/A | 2.310582s |
mv_nox | Passed | N/A | 5.068266s |
mv_x | Passed | N/A | 3.989342s |
paxcopy | Passed | N/A | 6.467120s |
runonprefix | Passed | N/A | 2.423740s |
lib/libdes/t_des | 0.845180s | ||
align | Passed | N/A | 0.107381s |
cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.045187s |
cbc_cksum | Passed | N/A | 0.043269s |
cbcm | Passed | N/A | 0.045083s |
cfb | Passed | N/A | 0.052616s |
desx_cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.043963s |
ecb | Passed | N/A | 0.043578s |
ede_cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.045482s |
ede_ecb | Passed | N/A | 0.044576s |
ede_ofb64 | Passed | N/A | 0.043451s |
fast_crypt | Passed | N/A | 0.044154s |
ofb | Passed | N/A | 0.043157s |
ofb64 | Passed | N/A | 0.043212s |
pcbc | Passed | N/A | 0.043388s |
quad_cksum | Passed | N/A | 0.042677s |
lib/libskey/t_algorithms | 0.832128s | ||
md4 | Passed | N/A | 0.048490s |
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.048026s |
sha1 | Passed | N/A | 0.692692s |
lib/libsljit/t_sljit | 0.613776s | ||
sljit | Passed | N/A | 0.572933s |
lib/libbpfjit/t_bpfjit | 7.200208s | ||
bpfjit_alu_add_k | Passed | N/A | 0.125331s |
bpfjit_alu_add_x | Passed | N/A | 0.069792s |
bpfjit_alu_and_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066857s |
bpfjit_alu_and_x | Passed | N/A | 0.067773s |
bpfjit_alu_div0_k | Passed | N/A | 0.068762s |
bpfjit_alu_div0_x | Passed | N/A | 0.071613s |
bpfjit_alu_div10000_k | Passed | N/A | 0.068496s |
bpfjit_alu_div10000_x | Passed | N/A | 0.072078s |
bpfjit_alu_div10_k | Passed | N/A | 0.069704s |
bpfjit_alu_div10_x | Passed | N/A | 0.072098s |
bpfjit_alu_div1_k | Passed | N/A | 0.069346s |
bpfjit_alu_div1_x | Passed | N/A | 0.072203s |
bpfjit_alu_div2_k | Passed | N/A | 0.067244s |
bpfjit_alu_div2_x | Passed | N/A | 0.072811s |
bpfjit_alu_div4_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066435s |
bpfjit_alu_div4_x | Passed | N/A | 0.080499s |
bpfjit_alu_div7609801_k | Passed | N/A | 0.071141s |
bpfjit_alu_div7609801_x | Passed | N/A | 0.071947s |
bpfjit_alu_div80000000_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066226s |
bpfjit_alu_div80000000_x | Passed | N/A | 0.072255s |
bpfjit_alu_lsh0_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066238s |
bpfjit_alu_lsh0_x | Passed | N/A | 0.068064s |
bpfjit_alu_lsh_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066646s |
bpfjit_alu_lsh_x | Passed | N/A | 0.068391s |
bpfjit_alu_modulo_k | Passed | N/A | 0.075593s |
bpfjit_alu_modulo_x | Passed | N/A | 0.086131s |
bpfjit_alu_mul_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066221s |
bpfjit_alu_mul_x | Passed | N/A | 0.067506s |
bpfjit_alu_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.066384s |
bpfjit_alu_or_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066709s |
bpfjit_alu_or_x | Passed | N/A | 0.067784s |
bpfjit_alu_rsh0_k | Passed | N/A | 0.066990s |
bpfjit_alu_rsh0_x | Passed | N/A | 0.067824s |
bpfjit_alu_rsh_k | Passed | N/A | 0.065794s |
bpfjit_alu_rsh_x | Passed | N/A | 0.068246s |
bpfjit_alu_sub_k | Passed | N/A | 0.071924s |
bpfjit_alu_sub_x | Passed | N/A | 0.073145s |
bpfjit_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.059252s |
bpfjit_jmp_ja | Passed | N/A | 0.068522s |
bpfjit_jmp_jeq_k | Passed | N/A | 0.088423s |
bpfjit_jmp_jeq_x | Passed | N/A | 0.091575s |
bpfjit_jmp_jge_k | Passed | N/A | 0.086191s |
bpfjit_jmp_jge_x | Passed | N/A | 0.092287s |
bpfjit_jmp_jgt_k | Passed | N/A | 0.086269s |
bpfjit_jmp_jgt_x | Passed | N/A | 0.093043s |
bpfjit_jmp_jset_k | Passed | N/A | 0.090203s |
bpfjit_jmp_jset_x | Passed | N/A | 0.097273s |
bpfjit_jmp_modulo_k | Passed | N/A | 0.099001s |
bpfjit_jmp_modulo_x | Passed | N/A | 0.105590s |
bpfjit_ld_abs | Passed | N/A | 0.093223s |
bpfjit_ld_abs_k_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.100330s |
bpfjit_ld_imm | Passed | N/A | 0.065686s |
bpfjit_ld_ind | Passed | N/A | 0.156433s |
bpfjit_ld_ind_k_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.132001s |
bpfjit_ld_ind_x_overflow1 | Passed | N/A | 0.091038s |
bpfjit_ld_ind_x_overflow2 | Passed | N/A | 0.094421s |
bpfjit_ld_len | Passed | N/A | 0.068574s |
bpfjit_ldx_imm1 | Passed | N/A | 0.072997s |
bpfjit_ldx_imm2 | Passed | N/A | 0.071854s |
bpfjit_ldx_len1 | Passed | N/A | 0.067814s |
bpfjit_ldx_len2 | Passed | N/A | 0.071642s |
bpfjit_ldx_msh | Passed | N/A | 0.071751s |
bpfjit_misc_tax | Passed | N/A | 0.074736s |
bpfjit_misc_txa | Passed | N/A | 0.066882s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_abs_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.109224s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_abs_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.113710s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_abs_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.109938s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_ind_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.124205s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_ind_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.124707s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_ind_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.125642s |
bpfjit_opt_ld_ind_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.125883s |
bpfjit_st1 | Passed | N/A | 0.067643s |
bpfjit_st2 | Passed | N/A | 0.081444s |
bpfjit_st3 | Passed | N/A | 0.088119s |
bpfjit_st4 | Passed | N/A | 0.083358s |
bpfjit_st5 | Passed | N/A | 0.158738s |
bpfjit_stx1 | Passed | N/A | 0.070368s |
bpfjit_stx2 | Passed | N/A | 0.082803s |
bpfjit_stx3 | Passed | N/A | 0.082657s |
bpfjit_stx4 | Passed | N/A | 0.158933s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-cleared | 0.058678s | ||
rtld_dlerror_cleared | Passed | N/A | 0.050174s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-false | 0.053808s | ||
rtld_dlerror_false | Passed | N/A | 0.045468s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlinfo | 0.197749s | ||
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen | Passed | N/A | 0.044616s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen_iter | Passed | N/A | 0.044111s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_inval | Passed | N/A | 0.041412s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_self | Passed | N/A | 0.041874s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlvsym | 0.254203s | ||
rtld_dlvsym_symbol_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.046478s |
rtld_dlvsym_v1 | Passed | N/A | 0.044133s |
rtld_dlvsym_v3 | Passed | N/A | 0.044104s |
rtld_dlvsym_version_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.043897s |
rtld_dlvsym_version_null | Passed | N/A | 0.043966s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_df_1_noopen | 1.401411s | ||
df_1_noopen1 | Passed | N/A | 0.592843s |
df_1_noopen2 | Passed | N/A | 0.747063s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dl_symver | 2.072249s | ||
dl_symver | Passed | N/A | 2.002434s |
modules/t_modctl | 1.045396s | ||
cmd_load | Passed | N/A | 0.192979s |
cmd_load_props | Passed | N/A | 0.252718s |
cmd_load_recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.231765s |
cmd_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.139884s |
cmd_unload | Passed | N/A | 0.151102s |
modules/t_builtin | 1.502554s | ||
busydisable | Passed | N/A | 0.358622s |
disable | Passed | N/A | 0.398427s |
disabledstat | Passed | N/A | 0.212591s |
forcereload | Passed | N/A | 0.217962s |
noauto | Passed | N/A | 0.216648s |
modules/t_abi_uvm | 1.424757s | ||
PAGE_SIZE | Passed | N/A | 1.371438s |
modules/t_modload | 10.133781s | ||
bflag | Passed | N/A | 2.438986s |
iflag | Passed | N/A | 3.186835s |
plain | Passed | N/A | 1.774092s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 2.566171s |
net/fdpass/t_fdpass | 3.268093s | ||
fdpass_compat | Passed | N/A | 0.796724s |
fdpass_compat_normal | Passed | N/A | 0.787232s |
fdpass_normal | Passed | N/A | 0.772533s |
fdpass_normal_compat | Passed | N/A | 0.823904s |
net/route/t_change | 3.392549s | ||
reject2blackhole | Passed | N/A | 3.345084s |
net/sys/t_rfc6056 | 0.246330s | ||
inet4 | Passed | N/A | 0.125641s |
inet6 | Passed | N/A | 0.090959s |
net/bpf/t_bpf | 0.763669s | ||
bpfwriteleak | Passed | N/A | 0.709237s |
net/bpf/t_div-by-zero | 0.597277s | ||
div_by_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.556810s |
net/bpfilter/t_bpfilter | 2.822866s | ||
bpfiltercontig | Passed | N/A | 1.304810s |
bpfiltermchain | Passed | N/A | 1.350471s |
net/carp/t_basic | 13.765583s | ||
handover | Passed | N/A | 13.670981s |
net/icmp/t_forward | 2.774717s | ||
returndatabytes | Passed | N/A | 2.730768s |
net/icmp/t_ping | 74.789796s | ||
floodping | Passed | N/A | 17.774212s |
floodping2 | Passed | N/A | 28.181461s |
ping_of_death | Passed | N/A | 0.931613s |
pingsize | Passed | N/A | 26.659473s |
simpleping | Passed | N/A | 1.049552s |
net/icmp/t_ping2 | 6.523217s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 6.449320s |
net/if/t_compat | 0.560949s | ||
OOSIOCGIFBRDADDR | Passed | N/A | 0.517401s |
net/if_loop/t_pr | 0.945146s | ||
loopmtu | Passed | N/A | 0.400576s |
loopmtu_csum | Passed | N/A | 0.414303s |
net/net/t_raw | 0.561391s | ||
PRU_SENSE | Passed | N/A | 0.524466s |
net/net/t_unix | 2.285832s | ||
sockaddr_un_len_exceed | Passed | N/A | 0.088669s |
sockaddr_un_len_max | Passed | N/A | 2.136626s |
net/npf/t_npf | 9.794974s | ||
npf_nat | Passed | N/A | 1.585842s |
npf_nbuf | Passed | N/A | 1.476568s |
npf_processor | Passed | N/A | 1.529248s |
npf_rule | Passed | N/A | 1.611558s |
npf_state | Passed | N/A | 1.916330s |
npf_table | Passed | N/A | 1.520007s |
rump/rumpkern/t_copy | 0.912363s | ||
copyinstr | Passed | N/A | 0.267741s |
copyoutstr | Passed | N/A | 0.367058s |
copystr | Passed | N/A | 0.202767s |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | 2.284266s | ||
lockme_DESTROYHELD | Passed | N/A | 0.487265s |
lockme_DOUBLEFREE | Passed | N/A | 0.475492s |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.063293s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.057795s | |
lockme_MTX | Passed | N/A | 0.284948s |
lockme_RWDOUBLEX | Passed | N/A | 0.285372s |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.057165s | |
lockme_RWXR | Passed | N/A | 0.391112s |
rump/rumpkern/t_lwproc | 2.327313s | ||
inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.363939s |
lwps | Passed | N/A | 0.324940s |
makelwp | Passed | N/A | 0.203447s |
nolwp | Passed | N/A | 0.206382s |
nolwprelease | Passed | N/A | 0.369539s |
nullswitch | Passed | N/A | 0.319321s |
proccreds | Passed | N/A | 0.205807s |
rfork | Passed | N/A | 0.222902s |
rump/rumpkern/t_modcmd | 0.424187s | ||
cmsg_modcmd | Passed | N/A | 0.385510s |
rump/rumpkern/t_modlinkset | 0.417630s | ||
modlinkset | Passed | N/A | 0.380524s |
rump/rumpkern/t_signals | 0.962397s | ||
sigignore | Passed | N/A | 0.350074s |
sigpanic | Passed | N/A | 0.353559s |
sigraise | Passed | N/A | 0.199817s |
rump/rumpkern/t_threads | 0.777338s | ||
kthread | Passed | N/A | 0.301899s |
threadjoin | Passed | N/A | 0.400890s |
rump/rumpkern/t_tsleep | 1.077153s | ||
tsleep | Passed | N/A | 1.037095s |
rump/rumpkern/t_vm | 10.765363s | ||
busypage | Passed | N/A | 0.341337s |
uvmwait | Passed | N/A | 10.284201s |
rump/rumpkern/t_sp | 213.169031s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.720132s |
fork_fakeauth | Passed | N/A | 1.971567s |
fork_pipecomm | Passed | N/A | 1.905653s |
fork_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.072104s |
reconnect | Passed | N/A | 5.973816s |
signal | Passed | N/A | 1.778957s |
sigsafe | Passed | N/A | 7.530543s |
stress_killer | Passed | N/A | 28.922851s |
stress_long | Passed | N/A | 111.845383s |
stress_short | Passed | N/A | 48.992973s |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | 292.255986s | ||
crossping | Passed | N/A | 292.189646s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_basic | 0.438346s | ||
lseekrv | Passed | N/A | 0.406968s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_etfs | 3.395599s | ||
key | Passed | N/A | 0.328895s |
large_blk | Passed | N/A | 1.047583s |
range_blk | Passed | N/A | 0.681068s |
reregister_blk | Passed | N/A | 0.756676s |
reregister_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.397876s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_p2kifs | 0.444032s | ||
makecn | Passed | N/A | 0.412146s |
rump/modautoload/t_modautoload | 0.839255s | ||
modautoload | Passed | N/A | 0.779627s |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas | 39.225388s | ||
corrupt_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.445928s |
corrupt_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.070617s |
corrupt_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.155348s |
corrupt_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.042639s |
dir1_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.080672s |
dir1_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.004610s |
dir1_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.021335s |
dir1_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.028502s |
disable_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.780837s |
disable_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.660999s |
disable_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.632396s |
disable_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.664170s |
notreg_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.064848s |
notreg_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.111677s |
notreg_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.096557s |
notreg_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.082586s |
unallocated_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.630401s |
unallocated_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.545814s |
unallocated_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.554229s |
unallocated_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.627117s |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_check_quotas | 99.257907s | ||
corrupt_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.129183s |
corrupt_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.091988s |
corrupt_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.156445s |
corrupt_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.148481s |
expand1_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.327845s |
expand1_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.221083s |
expand1_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 2.026796s |
expand1_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 2.015445s |
expand2_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 19.059635s |
expand2_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 20.732363s |
expand2_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 18.549321s |
expand2_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 18.556032s |
sbin/ifconfig/t_nonexistent | 0.724759s | ||
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.692592s |
sbin/newfs/t_enable_quotas | 12.795627s | ||
enabled_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 0.892341s |
enabled_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 1.037840s |
enabled_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 1.078130s |
enabled_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 1.048179s |
enabled_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 1.051411s |
enabled_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 1.060683s |
enabled_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 1.055423s |
enabled_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 1.067954s |
enabled_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 1.056853s |
enabled_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 1.065726s |
enabled_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 1.053967s |
enabled_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 1.067215s |
sbin/newfs_msdos/t_create | 1.454547s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/46743: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.409229s | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow | 143.560910s | ||
grow_16M_v0_8192 | Passed | N/A | 47.964834s |
grow_16M_v1_16384 | Passed | N/A | 47.398744s |
grow_16M_v2_32768 | Passed | N/A | 46.336075s |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 1.437772s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | 160.051910s | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_32768 | Passed | N/A | 60.823030s |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_65536 | Passed | N/A | 57.066855s |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 40.135307s | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 1.576270s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow_swapped | 142.567853s | ||
grow_16M_v0_65536 | Passed | N/A | 44.790587s |
grow_16M_v1_4096 | Passed | N/A | 47.854676s |
grow_16M_v2_8192 | Passed | N/A | 48.052412s |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 1.437225s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | 159.571200s | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_4096 | Passed | N/A | 59.624107s |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_8192 | Passed | N/A | 58.884136s |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 39.143367s | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 1.440259s |
sbin/route/t_missing | 0.706540s | ||
missing | Passed | N/A | 0.672070s |
sbin/sysctl/t_perm | 75.107647s | ||
sysctl_ddb | Passed | N/A | 2.874765s |
sysctl_hw | Passed | N/A | 8.709938s |
sysctl_kern | Passed | N/A | 18.144557s |
sysctl_machdep | Passed | N/A | 3.853571s |
sysctl_net | Passed | N/A | 28.418041s |
sysctl_security | Passed | N/A | 3.262605s |
sysctl_vfs | Passed | N/A | 5.871347s |
sysctl_vm | Passed | N/A | 3.495067s |
sbin/sysctl/t_sysctl | 0.986376s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.964890s |
share/mk/t_lib | 17.367357s | ||
defaults__build_and_install | Passed | N/A | 17.284878s |
share/mk/t_own | 2.898234s | ||
makeconf__missing | Passed | N/A | 1.098937s |
makeconf__ok | Passed | N/A | 1.746094s |
share/mk/t_prog | 5.622980s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/bin/mandoc' not found in the PATH | 0.005336s | |
without_man__build_and_install | Passed | N/A | 5.555917s |
share/mk/t_test | 32.366428s | ||
one_c | Passed | N/A | 7.251730s |
one_cxx | Passed | N/A | 21.508036s |
one_sh | Passed | N/A | 3.442982s |
sys/rc/t_rc_d_cli | 21.809505s | ||
default_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A | 4.532608s |
default_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.855070s |
default_start_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.285626s |
default_start_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.417614s |
default_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.334353s |
default_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.988754s |
no_command | Passed | N/A | 0.805295s |
overriden_custom_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.040031s |
overriden_custom_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.067059s |
overriden_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.025532s |
overriden_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.025737s |
overriden_start_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.034539s |
overriden_start_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.034638s |
overriden_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.014780s |
overriden_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.033203s |
usr.bin/awk/t_awk | 22.154179s | ||
assign_NF | Passed | N/A | 0.944901s |
big_regexp | Passed | N/A | 0.931925s |
empty_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.822551s |
end | Passed | N/A | 1.383768s |
modify_subsep | Passed | N/A | 0.833043s |
multibyte | Passed | N/A | 1.614765s |
newline_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.770017s |
period | Passed | N/A | 0.975820s |
regex_caret_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.820765s |
regex_caret_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.863665s |
regex_dollar_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.776403s |
regex_dollar_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.810510s |
regex_or_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.771104s |
regex_or_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.842141s |
regex_or_3_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.861632s |
regex_reallocation_rs | Passed | N/A | 1.110174s |
regex_two_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.786080s |
single_char_regex_group_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.783091s |
single_char_regex_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.827559s |
single_char_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.862466s |
string1 | Passed | N/A | 0.814533s |
two_char_regex_group_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.788691s |
two_char_regex_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.780289s |
two_char_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.833846s |
usr.bin/basename/t_basename | 2.342824s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.238404s |
suffix | Passed | N/A | 1.060285s |
usr.bin/bzip2/t_bzip2 | 3.533969s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 3.502659s |
usr.bin/cc/t_hello | 11.934926s | ||
hello | Passed | N/A | 2.943597s |
Skipped | this is not a 64 bit architecture | 0.940066s | |
hello_pic | Passed | N/A | 4.712377s |
hello_pie | Passed | N/A | 3.165700s |
usr.bin/cmp/t_cmp | 2.007574s | ||
missing | Passed | N/A | 0.944939s |
skip | Passed | N/A | 1.012547s |
usr.bin/config/t_config | 6.365673s | ||
deffs_redef | Passed | N/A | 0.822359s |
loop | Passed | N/A | 0.939490s |
loop2 | Passed | N/A | 0.935317s |
no_pseudo | Passed | N/A | 0.808533s |
postponed_orphan | Passed | N/A | 0.810205s |
pseudo_parent | Passed | N/A | 0.844241s |
shadow_instance | Passed | N/A | 0.876794s |
usr.bin/cut/t_cut | 5.667181s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.844766s |
dflag | Passed | N/A | 0.862824s |
dsflag | Passed | N/A | 0.819218s |
latin1 | Passed | N/A | 1.230954s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 0.799039s |
utf8 | Passed | N/A | 0.939380s |
usr.bin/diff/t_diff | 2.253011s | ||
mallocv | Passed | N/A | 0.745088s |
nomallocv | Passed | N/A | 0.734820s |
same | Passed | N/A | 0.711184s |
usr.bin/dirname/t_dirname | 1.324756s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.294737s |
usr.bin/find/t_find | 2.551259s | ||
emptyperm | Passed | N/A | 0.935761s |
exit | Passed | N/A | 0.741105s |
exit_status | Passed | N/A | 0.779992s |
usr.bin/grep/t_grep | 13.592775s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.121217s |
begin_end | Passed | N/A | 0.936080s |
binary | Passed | N/A | 0.707519s |
context | Passed | N/A | 1.010164s |
context2 | Passed | N/A | 0.945231s |
egrep | Passed | N/A | 0.714280s |
file_exp | Passed | N/A | 0.894631s |
ignore_case | Passed | N/A | 0.728640s |
invert | Passed | N/A | 0.740784s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 0.673394s |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.691033s |
recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.765558s |
recurse_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.784200s |
whole_line | Passed | N/A | 0.722408s |
word_regexps | Passed | N/A | 0.721748s |
zgrep | Passed | N/A | 0.933933s |
usr.bin/gzip/t_gzip | 24.444771s | ||
concatenated | Passed | N/A | 0.739059s |
crcerror | Passed | N/A | 0.739210s |
good | Passed | N/A | 0.737413s |
pipe | Passed | N/A | 21.378271s |
truncated | Passed | N/A | 0.747650s |
usr.bin/id/t_groups | 2.116664s | ||
correct | Passed | N/A | 1.120614s |
syntax | Passed | N/A | 0.942899s |
usr.bin/id/t_id | 15.393238s | ||
Gflag | Passed | N/A | 1.881339s |
default | Passed | N/A | 1.612725s |
gflag | Passed | N/A | 3.395544s |
pflag | Passed | N/A | 1.688944s |
primaries | Passed | N/A | 2.884701s |
uflag | Passed | N/A | 3.589750s |
usr.bin/id/t_whoami | 1.842759s | ||
correct | Passed | N/A | 0.829447s |
syntax | Passed | N/A | 0.959150s |
usr.bin/infocmp/t_terminfo | 2.431040s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.444270s |
missing | Passed | N/A | 0.941059s |
usr.bin/jot/t_jot | 1.619745s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.580457s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.990621s |
usr.bin/m4/t_m4 | 1.079936s | ||
eof | Passed | N/A | 1.045946s |
usr.bin/make/t_make | 41.915947s | ||
comment | Passed | N/A | 0.789335s |
cond1 | Passed | N/A | 0.892647s |
dotwait | Passed | N/A | 24.050891s |
export | Passed | N/A | 1.036024s |
export_all | Passed | N/A | 1.006183s |
moderrs | Passed | N/A | 1.028209s |
modmatch | Passed | N/A | 1.361880s |
modmisc | Passed | N/A | 1.050574s |
modorder | Passed | N/A | 0.989325s |
modts | Passed | N/A | 1.202407s |
modword | Passed | N/A | 2.886397s |
posix | Passed | N/A | 1.142745s |
qequals | Passed | N/A | 0.863353s |
ternary | Passed | N/A | 1.083797s |
unmatchedvarparen | Passed | N/A | 0.891503s |
varcmd | Passed | N/A | 1.241638s |
usr.bin/mkdep/t_mkdep | 5.621544s | ||
prefix | Passed | N/A | 1.473852s |
prefix_and_suffixes | Passed | N/A | 1.308804s |
suffixes | Passed | N/A | 2.762896s |
usr.bin/nbperf/t_nbperf | 190.162417s | ||
bdz | Passed | N/A | 64.224942s |
chm | Passed | N/A | 71.044168s |
chm3 | Passed | N/A | 54.749154s |
usr.bin/netpgpverify/t_netpgpverify | 12.818473s | ||
netpgpverify_dsa | Passed | N/A | 6.522174s |
netpgpverify_rsa | Passed | N/A | 6.144934s |
usr.bin/pr/t_basic | 0.819154s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.777560s |
usr.bin/rump_server/t_disk | 16.040921s | ||
data | Passed | N/A | 2.491625s |
notrunc | Passed | N/A | 1.760234s |
offset | Passed | N/A | 1.833133s |
size | Passed | N/A | 1.880692s |
type_blk | Passed | N/A | 1.947452s |
type_blk_default | Passed | N/A | 1.915564s |
type_chr | Passed | N/A | 1.959139s |
type_reg | Passed | N/A | 1.885624s |
usr.bin/shmif_dumpbus/t_basic | 4.654052s | ||
contents | Passed | N/A | 1.359810s |
header | Passed | N/A | 1.076219s |
pcap | Passed | N/A | 2.040925s |
usr.bin/sdiff/t_sdiff | 15.248653s | ||
dot | Passed | N/A | 0.817019s |
flags | Passed | N/A | 1.146181s |
iflags | Passed | N/A | 1.953756s |
merge | Passed | N/A | 5.663077s |
oneline | Passed | N/A | 0.926575s |
same | Passed | N/A | 0.741195s |
short | Passed | N/A | 0.916994s |
stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.941549s |
tabends | Passed | N/A | 1.051674s |
tabs | Passed | N/A | 0.772020s |
usr.bin/sed/t_sed | 5.296519s | ||
c2048 | Passed | N/A | 0.639134s |
Expected failure | PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.129606s | |
longlines | Passed | N/A | 1.165665s |
rangeselection | Passed | N/A | 2.275169s |
usr.bin/sort/t_sort | 42.764032s | ||
any_char | Passed | N/A | 1.029941s |
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.763703s |
bflag | Passed | N/A | 1.057387s |
cflag | Passed | N/A | 0.747139s |
empty_file | Passed | N/A | 0.863977s |
end_of_options | Passed | N/A | 0.896575s |
kflag_alpha | Passed | N/A | 2.048826s |
kflag_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.788037s |
kflag_many_fields | Passed | N/A | 0.750136s |
kflag_no_end | Passed | N/A | 0.766225s |
kflag_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A | 0.763833s |
kflag_one_field | Passed | N/A | 0.772955s |
kflag_outofbounds | Passed | N/A | 0.742004s |
kflag_two_fields | Passed | N/A | 0.775503s |
long_file | Passed | N/A | 3.085559s |
long_records | Passed | N/A | 1.110867s |
mflag | Passed | N/A | 0.788493s |
mflag_uflag | Passed | N/A | 0.744808s |
mflag_uflag_first | Passed | N/A | 0.959994s |
missing_newline | Passed | N/A | 0.728494s |
nflag | Passed | N/A | 0.768204s |
nflag_rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.761886s |
null_bytes | Passed | N/A | 0.737783s |
oflag | Passed | N/A | 0.945751s |
oflag_displaced | Passed | N/A | 0.668371s |
plus_as_path | Passed | N/A | 0.737154s |
plus_bad_tempfile | Passed | N/A | 0.690160s |
plus_no_end | Passed | N/A | 0.768045s |
plus_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A | 0.761214s |
plus_one | Passed | N/A | 0.783169s |
plus_one_minus_two | Passed | N/A | 0.767844s |
plus_rflag_invalid | Passed | N/A | 0.773420s |
plus_tflag | Passed | N/A | 3.398948s |
plus_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.716794s |
rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.777547s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 0.719822s |
sflag_many_files | Passed | N/A | 0.801190s |
tflag | Passed | N/A | 0.975363s |
tflag_alphabetic | Passed | N/A | 0.750696s |
tflag_char_pos | Passed | N/A | 1.183252s |
tflag_whitespace | Passed | N/A | 1.351293s |
uflag | Passed | N/A | 0.760516s |
uflag_rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.770526s |
usr.bin/tmux/t_tmux | 4.705052s | ||
stdin | Passed | N/A | 4.646421s |
usr.bin/unifdef/t_basic | 1.617133s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.803019s |
lastline | Passed | N/A | 0.725319s |
usr.bin/xlint/lint1/t_integration | 29.130596s | ||
alignof | Passed | N/A | 0.700741s |
c99_complex_num | Passed | N/A | 0.794157s |
c99_decls_after_stmt | Passed | N/A | 0.779707s |
c99_for_loops | Passed | N/A | 0.783730s |
c99_func | Passed | N/A | 0.769916s |
c99_recursive_init | Passed | N/A | 0.795858s |
c99_struct_init | Passed | N/A | 0.792054s |
c99_union_init1 | Passed | N/A | 0.748744s |
c99_union_init2 | Passed | N/A | 0.788433s |
c99_union_init3 | Passed | N/A | 0.788017s |
c9x_array_init | Passed | N/A | 0.779123s |
c9x_recursive_init | Passed | N/A | 0.813077s |
cast_init | Passed | N/A | 0.783279s |
cast_init2 | Passed | N/A | 0.791083s |
cast_lhs | Passed | N/A | 0.794371s |
compound_literals1 | Passed | N/A | 0.801019s |
compound_literals2 | Passed | N/A | 0.797379s |
constant_conv1 | Passed | N/A | 0.789731s |
constant_conv2 | Passed | N/A | 0.817078s |
cvt_in_ternary | Passed | N/A | 0.793261s |
ellipsis_in_switch | Passed | N/A | 0.762667s |
gcc_compound_statements1 | Passed | N/A | 0.791167s |
gcc_compound_statements2 | Passed | N/A | 0.754454s |
gcc_compound_statements3 | Passed | N/A | 0.796337s |
gcc_func | Passed | N/A | 0.787118s |
gcc_variable_array_init | Passed | N/A | 0.808104s |
incorrect_array_size | Passed | N/A | 0.788939s |
long_double_int | Passed | N/A | 0.759201s |
nested_structs | Passed | N/A | 0.786761s |
nolimit_init | Passed | N/A | 0.766305s |
packed_structs | Passed | N/A | 0.787734s |
shift_to_narrower_type | Passed | N/A | 0.787132s |
type_conv1 | Passed | N/A | 0.822758s |
type_conv2 | Passed | N/A | 0.806901s |
type_conv3 | Passed | N/A | 0.790611s |
zero_sized_arrays | Passed | N/A | 0.790265s |
usr.sbin/mtree/t_mtree | 13.831989s | ||
Failed | mtree exit status 2 | 0.646816s | |
mtree_convert_C | Passed | N/A | 0.569429s |
mtree_convert_C_S | Passed | N/A | 0.565446s |
mtree_convert_D | Passed | N/A | 0.558625s |
mtree_convert_D_S | Passed | N/A | 0.565269s |
Failed | files /usr/tests/usr.sbin/mtree/mtree_d_create.out and output differ | 0.896429s | |
mtree_ignore | Passed | N/A | 1.067658s |
mtree_merge | Passed | N/A | 0.625407s |
mtree_nonemptydir | Passed | N/A | 1.025688s |
netbsd6_check | Passed | N/A | 0.690506s |
netbsd6_convert_C | Passed | N/A | 0.599056s |
netbsd6_convert_C_S | Passed | N/A | 0.569005s |
netbsd6_convert_D | Passed | N/A | 0.564935s |
netbsd6_convert_D_S | Passed | N/A | 0.613458s |
netbsd6_create | Passed | N/A | 0.803324s |
netbsd6_ignore | Passed | N/A | 1.072303s |
netbsd6_merge | Passed | N/A | 0.627665s |
netbsd6_nonemptydir | Passed | N/A | 1.016535s |
usr.sbin/tcpdump/t_tcpdump | 8.646951s | ||
promiscuous | Passed | N/A | 8.559723s |
usr.sbin/traceroute/t_traceroute | 20.649703s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 10.763139s |
basic_icmp | Passed | N/A | 9.726083s |
usr.sbin/useradd/t_useradd | 1.669336s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.591712s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
fs/vfs/t_full | 137.102292s | ||
Failed | filled file system over size limit | 83.625136s | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | 103.781283s | ||
Failed | open: Operation not permitted | 6.742817s | |
Failed | chflags: Operation not supported | 5.193108s | |
Failed | chown: Operation not permitted | 5.374358s | |
Failed | utimes: Operation not permitted | 8.391391s | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | 516.975016s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sb.st_mode != sb2.st_mode | 8.395614s | |
Failed | non-empty directory removed succesfully | 7.287449s | |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd[i], 8, &lock[i]): Operation not supported | 7.750070s | |
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd, 8, &l): Operation not supported | 6.964436s | |
Failed | rename 3: Invalid argument | 7.353834s | |
ipf/t_filter_parse | 20.794964s | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.018006s | |
ipf/t_nat_exec | 61.309533s | ||
Failed | results differ | 1.116757s | |
kernel/t_lockf | 611.187151s | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | 608.966747s | |
lib/libc/c063/t_fexecve | 2.087391s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. access(FILE, F_OK) == 0 not met | 2.070378s | |
lib/libc/c063/t_o_search | 0.925509s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. faccessat(dfd, BASEFILE, W_OK, 0) == 0 not met | 0.100982s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_sleep | 204.012316s | ||
Failed | /tmp/bracket/build/2013. kevent: KEVNT_TIMEOUT did not cause EVFILT_TIMER event | 54.372115s | |
lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb | 0.370913s | ||
Failed | Test failed | 0.072238s | |
usr.sbin/mtree/t_mtree | 13.831989s | ||
Failed | mtree exit status 2 | 0.646816s | |
Failed | files /usr/tests/usr.sbin/mtree/mtree_d_create.out and output differ | 0.896429s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
bin/sh/t_expand | 2.110582s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | 0.281183s | |
fs/ffs/t_mount | 2.484482s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | 0.643542s | |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | 15.151485s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time | 15.094914s | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 256.560362s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: race did not trigger this time | 6.269953s | |
Expected signal | 9.266627s | ||
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 159.319188s | ||
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /tmp/bracket/build/2013. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | 3.537929s | |
include/t_errno | 0.064031s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.053671s | |
include/t_netdb | 0.061126s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.051341s | |
ipf/t_nat_exec | 61.309533s | ||
Expected failure | Test golden output file missing: results differ | 1.142200s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetmask | 2.519833s | ||
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.346758s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.353625s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.375217s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.382015s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.396228s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.361759s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 7.008748s | ||
Expected failure | QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected | 0.296734s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_sleep | 204.012316s | ||
Expected failure | Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -58367000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000 | 0.380926s | |
Expected failure | Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -1000000000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000 | 2.247609s | |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex_att | 0.645570s | ||
Expected failure | Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4) != (0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4)): at line 3 | 0.050489s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_getrusage | 9.792854s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: anticipated error did not occur | 9.636027s | |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | 0.045325s | |
lib/libm/t_cos | 0.879794s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.061217s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.176963s | |
lib/libm/t_log | 3.519769s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058871s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL | 0.055569s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.057623s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF | 0.055590s | |
lib/libm/t_pow | 1.286241s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.061415s | |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.055432s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.053210s | |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.055485s | |
lib/libm/t_sin | 0.658675s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051289s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047752s | |
lib/libm/t_tan | 0.644292s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051192s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047992s | |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | 18.320548s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | 2.220822s | |
lib/libtre/t_regex_att | 0.848484s | ||
Expected failure | Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4) != (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)): at line 3 | 0.049616s | |
sbin/newfs_msdos/t_create | 1.454547s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/46743: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.409229s | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | 160.051910s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 40.135307s | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | 159.571200s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 39.143367s | |
usr.bin/sed/t_sed | 5.296519s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.129606s | |
usr.sbin/useradd/t_useradd | 1.669336s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.591712s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | 0.039517s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.012536s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004937s | |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | 0.036897s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.009489s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.005117s | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | 51.661205s | ||
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | 0.418317s | |
examples/t_asm | 1.190087s | ||
Skipped | Example program not implemented on this platform | 1.099296s | |
fs/vfs/t_full | 137.102292s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 1.796514s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.934705s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.808145s | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 256.560362s | ||
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.833267s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.839865s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.958408s | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | 223.916946s | ||
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.904894s | |
fs/vfs/t_union | 58.841370s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.047369s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.460517s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.164041s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.468097s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 6.484992s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 4.041941s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.794102s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 2.083688s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.005899s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.305721s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.986517s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.288391s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.121607s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.544567s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 6.159375s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 5.769677s | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | 103.781283s | ||
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | 0.979041s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 3.291895s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.973828s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.965102s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.887010s | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 159.319188s | ||
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.920961s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.891191s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.886775s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.045971s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.034283s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.963390s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.152087s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.230126s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 1.238886s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 6.882650s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 5.706208s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 5.490379s | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | 516.975016s | ||
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.108287s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.119374s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.921620s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.958401s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.986563s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.927643s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.073900s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.141863s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.118454s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.103089s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.080597s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 1.115986s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.095468s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 1.122260s | |
games/t_factor | 0.033638s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.007157s | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.002015s | |
ipf/t_nat_parse | 8.168119s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.398242s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 7.008748s | ||
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | 0.140567s | |
lib/libc/regex/t_exhaust | 0.011162s | ||
Skipped | Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832 | 0.006471s | |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | 0.099933s | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.042566s | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.042037s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_kevent | 0.333164s | ||
Skipped | 0.066864s | ||
lib/libc/sys/t_mincore | 0.715356s | ||
Skipped | could not mmap more anonymous test pages with mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) in effect, system might be low on memory | 0.339674s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_mmap | 0.597673s | ||
Skipped | The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889, kern/46592) | 0.046099s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_mprotect | 0.304621s | ||
Skipped | Host only supports partial executable space protection | 0.052707s | |
lib/libexecinfo/t_backtrace | 0.068652s | ||
Skipped | PR toolchain/46490: libexecinfo only works on amd64 currently | 0.055237s | |
lib/libtre/t_exhaust | 0.014672s | ||
Skipped | Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832 | 0.006779s | |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | 2.284266s | ||
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.063293s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.057795s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.057165s | |
share/mk/t_prog | 5.622980s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/bin/mandoc' not found in the PATH | 0.005336s | |
usr.bin/cc/t_hello | 11.934926s | ||
Skipped | this is not a 64 bit architecture | 0.940066s |
Duration: 0.012536 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.004937 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.009489 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.005117 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.281183 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ")
Duration: 0.418317 seconds
SKIPPED: RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no
Duration: 1.099296 seconds
SKIPPED: Example program not implemented on this platform
Duration: 0.643542 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument
rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set
Duration: 15.094914 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time inaccurate wcc data (ctime) detected, disabling wcc (ctime 1357233055.773443999 1357233055.773443999, mtime 1357233055.773443999 1357233055.773443999)
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host
Duration: 1.796514 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040k/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040k/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 0.934705 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.808145 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 83.625136 seconds
FAILED: filled file system over size limit
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 6.269953 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/44661: race did not trigger this time
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 9.266627 seconds
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace [New process 1] [New process 23] [New process 22] [New process 21] [New process 20] [New process 19] [New process 18] [New process 17] [New process 16] [New process 15] [New process 14] [New process 13] [New process 12] [New process 11] [New process 10] [New process 9] [New process 8] [New process 7] [New process 6] [New process 5] [New process 4] [New process 3] [New process 2] Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0xbb70f457 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0xbb70f457 in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xbb70f3ef in raise () from /usr/lib/ #2 0xbb70ea41 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x0804df52 in renamerace_dirs.clone.0 () #4 0x0804ee92 in atfu_msdosfs_renamerace_dirs_body () #5 0xbb751cb4 in atf_tc_run () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xbb7508a5 in atf_tp_run () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xbb7500f2 in atf_tp_main () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x0805004a in main () Stack trace complete
Duration: 0.833267 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.839865 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.958408 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.904894 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.047369 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.460517 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.164041 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.468097 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 6.484992 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
Duration: 4.041941 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
Duration: 1.794102 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040u/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040u/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 2.083688 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040v/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00040v/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 1.005899 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.305721 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.986517 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.288391 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.121607 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.544567 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 6.159375 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 5.769677 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 0.979041 seconds
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 3.291895 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
Duration: 0.973828 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.965102 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.887010 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 6.742817 seconds
FAILED: open: Operation not permitted
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 5.193108 seconds
FAILED: chflags: Operation not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 5.374358 seconds
FAILED: chown: Operation not permitted
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 8.391391 seconds
FAILED: utimes: Operation not permitted
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 3.537929 seconds
XFAIL: fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /tmp/bracket/build/2013. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
lfs_cleanerd[19773]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
Duration: 0.920961 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development RNG seed 1357234715
Duration: 0.891191 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.886775 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.045971 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development RNG seed 1357234721
Duration: 1.034283 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.963390 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.152087 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development RNG seed 1357234733
Duration: 1.230126 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.238886 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 6.882650 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0 RNG seed 1357234746
Duration: 5.706208 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 5.490379 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 1.108287 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.119374 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.921620 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.958401 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.986563 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 0.927643 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.073900 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.141863 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.118454 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.103089 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.080597 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.115986 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.095468 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 1.122260 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development
Duration: 8.395614 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sb.st_mode != sb2.st_mode
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 7.287449 seconds
FAILED: non-empty directory removed succesfully
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 7.750070 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd[i], 8, &lock[i]): Operation not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 6.964436 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rump_sys_fcntl(fd, 8, &l): Operation not supported
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 7.353834 seconds
FAILED: rename 3: Invalid argument
WARNING: module error: builtin module `zfs' failed to init WARNING: ZFS on NetBSD is under development zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 0 !created version 23 pool mnt using 23zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 18 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 5 zfsdev_ioctl 0 zfsdev_ioctl called zfsdev_ioctl -> zvol_ioctl zfsdev_ioctl -> calling zfs_ioc_vec zvec_func on 40 zfsdev_ioctl 0
Duration: 0.007157 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.002015 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.053671 seconds
XFAIL: PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: ENOTRECOVERABLE not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: EOWNERDEAD not defined
Duration: 0.051341 seconds
XFAIL: PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_ALL not defined
Duration: 1.018006 seconds
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ ipftest -D -r reg -i /dev/null ]
Fail: stderr not empty --- /dev/null 2013-01-03 17:48:23.000000000 +0000 +++ /tmp/check.27316a/stderr 2013-01-03 17:49:50.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +38:12:ioctl(add/insert rule) group map cannot find it's hash table +38:13:ioctl(add/insert rule) group map cannot find it's hash table
Duration: 1.116757 seconds
FAILED: results differ
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo "map le0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 10000:20000 sequential" | ipftest -xF hex -RDbN - -i in -T update_ipid=0 -v ] --- exp 2013-01-03 17:50:32.000000000 +0000 +++ out 2013-01-03 17:50:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ -4510 0040 2020 4000 4006 9478 c0a8 01bc c0a8 0303 2710 0017 4e33 298e 0000 0000 b002 4000 6ff8 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402 0103 0300 0101 080a 0c72 549e 0000 0000 +fin_flx 0xbfbfcbb0 pass 0xbfbfccc8 4510 0040 2020 4000 4006 9478 c0a8 01bc c0a8 0303 2710 0017 4e33 298e 0000 0000 b002 4000 6ff8 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402 0103 0300 0101 080a 0c72 549e 0000 0000 -4500 003c 00b0 4000 fe06 7964 c0a8 0303 c0a8 7e53 0017 12c2 f674 e02c 4e33 298f a012 2798 7ace 0000 0101 080a 2c05 b797 0c72 549e 0103 0300 0204 05b4 +fin_flx 0xbfbfcbb0 pass 0xbfbfccc8 4500 003c 00b0 4000 fe06 7964 c0a8 0303 c0a8 7e53 0017 12c2 f674 e02c 4e33 298f a012 2798 7ace 0000 0101 080a 2c05 b797 0c72 549e 0103 0300 0204 05b4 -4510 0034 493b 4000 4006 6b69 c0a8 01bc c0a8 0303 2710 0017 4e33 298f f674 e02d 8010 4000 f673 0000 0101 080a 0c72 549e 2c05 b797 +fin_flx 0xbfbfcbb0 pass 0xbfbfccc8 4510 0034 493b 4000 4006 6b69 c0a8 01bc c0a8 0303 2710 0017 4e33 298f f674 e02d 8010 4000 f673 0000 0101 080a 0c72 549e 2c05 b797 List of active MAP/Redirect filters: map le0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 10000:20000 sequential List of active sessions: MAP 4802 <- -> 10000 [ 23] + ttl 864000 use 0 sumd 0x97b6/0x8616 pr 6/6 hash 1451791030/3205589243 flags 1 + ifp X,X bytes 60/116 pkts 1/2 ipsumd 8368 Hostmap table: -, ->, (use = 1) +, ->, (use = 1 hv = 2801750400) List of active state sessions: List of configured pools List of configured hash tables
Duration: 1.142200 seconds
XFAIL: Test golden output file missing: results differ
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo "bimap zx0 any -> 1::1:1:3" | ipftest -xF hex -RDbN - -i in -6 ]
diff: exp: No such file or directory
Duration: 0.398242 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 608.966747 seconds
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
Duration: 2.070378 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. access(FILE, F_OK) == 0 not met
Duration: 0.100982 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. faccessat(dfd, BASEFILE, W_OK, 0) == 0 not met
Duration: 0.346758 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.353625 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.375217 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.382015 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.396228 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.361759 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.296734 seconds
XFAIL: QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected
now trying to access unaligned address 0xbb904069
Duration: 0.140567 seconds
SKIPPED: Test does not run correctly under qemu
Duration: 54.372115 seconds
FAILED: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. kevent: KEVNT_TIMEOUT did not cause EVFILT_TIMER event
Duration: 0.380926 seconds
XFAIL: Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -58367000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000
Duration: 2.247609 seconds
XFAIL: Long reschedule latency due to PR kern/43997: Reschedule latency -1000000000 exceeds allowable fuzz 40000000
Duration: 0.072238 seconds
FAILED: Test failed
Checking wcrtomb() (with state object) Checking sequence: "\033$BF|K\1348l\033(BABC\033(I\261\262\263\033(B" Using locale: C/ja_JP.ISO2022-JP/C/C/C/C At position 1: expected: 2 got : 4
Duration: 0.050489 seconds
XFAIL: Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4) != (0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4)): at line 3
Duration: 0.006471 seconds
SKIPPED: Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832
Duration: 0.042566 seconds
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
Duration: 0.042037 seconds
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
Duration: 9.636027 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: anticipated error did not occur
Duration: 0.045325 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2)
Duration: 0.066864 seconds
parent (pid 10842): sending kq fd 3 child (pid 9719): received kq fd 0
Duration: 0.339674 seconds
SKIPPED: could not mmap more anonymous test pages with mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) in effect, system might be low on memory
Duration: 0.046099 seconds
SKIPPED: The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889, kern/46592)
Duration: 0.052707 seconds
SKIPPED: Host only supports partial executable space protection
Duration: 0.055237 seconds
SKIPPED: PR toolchain/46490: libexecinfo only works on amd64 currently
Duration: 0.061217 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.176963 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.058871 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.055569 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL
Duration: 0.057623 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.055590 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF
Duration: 0.061415 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: pow(-1.0, +Inf) != 1.0 *** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: pow(-1.0, -Inf) != 1.0
Duration: 0.055432 seconds
XFAIL: PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(+0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VAL *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(-0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VAL *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(+0.0, -5.0) != HUGE_VAL
Duration: 0.053210 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: powf(-1.0, +Inf) != 1.0 *** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: powf(-1.0, -Inf) != 1.0
Duration: 0.055485 seconds
XFAIL: PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(+0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VALF *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(-0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VALF *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(+0.0, -5.0) != HUGE_VALF
Duration: 0.051289 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.047752 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.051192 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.047992 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 2.220822 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/44756: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met
Duration: 0.049616 seconds
XFAIL: Reason for breakage unknown: /tmp/bracket/build/2013. res != matches ((0,4)(0,1)(1,4)(4,4) != (0,4)(0,2)(2,3)(3,4)): at line 3
Duration: 0.006779 seconds
SKIPPED: Not enough memory; needed 125829120, available 33144832
Duration: 0.063293 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 0.057795 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 0.057165 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 1.409229 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/46743: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ newfs_msdos -b 512 -C 33m -F 32 msdos.img ] Executing command [ fsck_msdos -p msdos.img ]
Fail: regexp FIXED is in stdout msdos.img: Next free cluster in FSInfo block (2) not free FIXED msdos.img: 1 files, 33255 free (66511 clusters)
Duration: 40.135307 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 4096 512 49152 32768 2 41 bs is 4096 numdata is 41 ****resizing fs with blocksize 4096 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 512 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 1536 blks, 2720 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 144, 12432, 24720, 37008, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 14 dataleft is 27 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
tar: Failed write to file TD41/131073 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65536 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65537 (Input/output error) Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00040a/mnt: not currently mounted
Duration: 39.143367 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 16384 2048 49152 32768 2 43 swap bs is 16384 numdata is 43 ****resizing fs with blocksize 16384 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 384 blks, 768 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 160, 12448, 24736, 37024, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 15 dataleft is 28 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00040k/mnt: not currently mounted
Duration: 0.005336 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/bin/mandoc' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.940066 seconds
SKIPPED: this is not a 64 bit architecture
Duration: 1.129606 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo foo1bar1 | sed -ne '/foo\(.*\)bar\1/p' ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo foobar | sed -ne '/foo\(.*\)bar\1/p' ]
Fail: stdout does not match expected value --- /tmp/inline.19573b 2013-01-03 19:02:13.000000000 +0000 +++ /tmp/check.19573a/stdout 2013-01-03 19:02:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -foobar
Duration: 0.646816 seconds
FAILED: mtree exit status 2
Duration: 0.896429 seconds
FAILED: files /usr/tests/usr.sbin/mtree/mtree_d_create.out and output differ
--- /usr/tests/usr.sbin/mtree/mtree_d_create.out 2013-01-03 16:15:00.000000000 +0000 +++ output 2013-01-03 19:04:01.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ # . /set type=file nlink=1 -. type=dir nlink=4 size=240 +. type=dir nlink=4 size=512 a.symlink.1 type=link size=8 link=a.file.1 top.dangling \ type=link size=11 link=nonexistent @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type=link size=1 link=b # ./a -a type=dir nlink=4 size=200 +a type=dir nlink=4 size=512 a.file.1 size=18 \ sha256=bdbea62f7ccdf862f22254ea871d523845250010d5f233896e800142a859eef2 a.file.2 size=18 \ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ sha256=784fd6b95fe5054d87bf268de51dea043031c5e985f668d4f51e1c759b0f9333 # ./a/1 -1 type=dir nlink=2 size=40 +1 type=dir nlink=2 size=512 a1.file.1 size=21 \ sha256=a062cd272facdd38c4fdeff2a18947b28c99a28a8fe51f88468978740382e592 # ./a/1 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ # ./a/2 -2 type=dir nlink=2 size=0 +2 type=dir nlink=2 size=512 # ./a/2 .. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ # ./b -b type=dir nlink=2 size=120 +b type=dir nlink=2 size=512 b.file.1 nlink=2 size=18 \ sha256=5754b0d97a8238ea0e495ab871667dcab8f1d684e323290ae76f70c47de18998 b.file.2 nlink=2 size=18 \
Duration: 1.591712 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c useradd test5678901234567 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c userdel test5678901234567 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: useradd: Can't add user `test5678901234567': invalid login name