Last 1000 lines of build log: cleandir ===> games/snake/snake --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/disklabel --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devlj4 --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit init init.o init.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libzpool --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/lib/libzpool --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f init.html8 .depend init.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit named-checkzone named-checkzone.o check-tool.o named-checkzone.ln check-tool.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit snake snake.o snake.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-ldconfig --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/ldconfig --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f hdb_err.c hdb_err.h hdb_asn1_files hdb_asn1-template.c asn1_hdb_asn1.x asn1_hdb_asn1.c hdb_asn1.h hdb_asn1.hx hdb_asn1-priv.h hdb_asn1-priv.hx hdb.ts a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f named-checkzone.html8 .depend check-tool.d named-checkzone.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend common.d db.d db3.d dbinfo.d ext.d hdb-keytab.d hdb-ldap.d hdb-mitdb.d hdb.d hdb_err.d keys.d keytab.d mkey.d ndbm.d print.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core disklabel main.lo dkcksum.lo interact.lo printlabel.lo disklabel.lo bswap.lo main.ln dkcksum.ln interact.ln printlabel.ln disklabel.ln bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f DESC a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/tools --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libkafs --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/lib/libkafs --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend bswap.d disklabel.d dkcksum.d interact.d main.d printlabel.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-devps --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devps --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-paxctl --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-arpaname --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/tools/arpaname --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ldconfig ldconfig.o shlib.o ldconfig.ln shlib.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libzpool.a kernel.o kernel2.o arc.o bplist.o dbuf.o ddt.o ddt_zap.o dmu.o dmu_send.o dmu_object.o dmu_objset.o dmu_traverse.o dmu_tx.o dnode.o dnode_sync.o dsl_dir.o dsl_dataset.o dsl_pool.o dsl_synctask.o dmu_zfetch.o dsl_deleg.o dsl_prop.o dsl_scrub.o gzip.o lzjb.o metaslab.o refcount.o sha256.o spa.o spa_config.o spa_errlog.o spa_history.o spa_misc.o space_map.o txg.o uberblock.o unique.o vdev.o vdev_cache.o vdev_file.o vdev_label.o vdev_mirror.o vdev_missing.o vdev_queue.o vdev_raidz.o vdev_root.o zap.o zap_leaf.o zap_micro.o zfs_byteswap.o zfs_fm.o zfs_fuid.o zfs_znode.o zil.o zio.o zio_checksum.o zio_compress.o zio_inject.o zle.o zfs_namecheck.o zfs_deleg.o zfs_prop.o zfs_comutil.o zfs_fletcher.o zpool_prop.o zprop_common.o taskq.o util.o list.o u8_textprep.o kernel.o.tmp kernel2.o.tmp arc.o.tmp bplist.o.tmp dbuf.o.tmp ddt.o.tmp ddt_zap.o.tmp dmu.o.tmp dmu_send.o.tmp dmu_object.o.tmp dmu_objset.o.tmp dmu_traverse.o.tmp dmu_tx.o.tmp dnode.o.tmp dnode_sync.o.tmp dsl_dir.o.tmp dsl_dataset.o.tmp dsl_pool.o.tmp dsl_synctask.o.tmp dmu_zfetch.o.tmp dsl_deleg.o.tmp dsl_prop.o.tmp dsl_scrub.o.tmp gzip.o.tmp lzjb.o.tmp metaslab.o.tmp refcount.o.tmp sha256.o.tmp spa.o.tmp spa_config.o.tmp spa_errlog.o.tmp spa_history.o.tmp spa_misc.o.tmp space_map.o.tmp txg.o.tmp uberblock.o.tmp unique.o.tmp vdev.o.tmp vdev_cache.o.tmp vdev_file.o.tmp vdev_label.o.tmp vdev_mirror.o.tmp vdev_missing.o.tmp vdev_queue.o.tmp vdev_raidz.o.tmp vdev_root.o.tmp zap.o.tmp zap_leaf.o.tmp zap_micro.o.tmp zfs_byteswap.o.tmp zfs_fm.o.tmp zfs_fuid.o.tmp zfs_znode.o.tmp zil.o.tmp zio.o.tmp zio_checksum.o.tmp zio_compress.o.tmp zio_inject.o.tmp zle.o.tmp zfs_namecheck.o.tmp zfs_deleg.o.tmp zfs_prop.o.tmp zfs_comutil.o.tmp zfs_fletcher.o.tmp zpool_prop.o.tmp zprop_common.o.tmp taskq.o.tmp util.o.tmp list.o.tmp u8_textprep.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/paxctl --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ldconfig.html8 .depend ldconfig.d shlib.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-mbrlabel --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit arpaname arpaname.o arpaname.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mbrlabel --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f snake.html6 .depend snake.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libzpool_p.a kernel.po kernel2.po arc.po bplist.po dbuf.po ddt.po ddt_zap.po dmu.po dmu_send.po dmu_object.po dmu_objset.po dmu_traverse.po dmu_tx.po dnode.po dnode_sync.po dsl_dir.po dsl_dataset.po dsl_pool.po dsl_synctask.po dmu_zfetch.po dsl_deleg.po dsl_prop.po dsl_scrub.po gzip.po lzjb.po metaslab.po refcount.po sha256.po spa.po spa_config.po spa_errlog.po spa_history.po spa_misc.po space_map.po txg.po uberblock.po unique.po vdev.po vdev_cache.po vdev_file.po vdev_label.po vdev_mirror.po vdev_missing.po vdev_queue.po vdev_raidz.po vdev_root.po zap.po zap_leaf.po zap_micro.po zfs_byteswap.po zfs_fm.po zfs_fuid.po zfs_znode.po zil.po zio.po zio_checksum.po zio_compress.po zio_inject.po zle.po zfs_namecheck.po zfs_deleg.po zfs_prop.po zfs_comutil.po zfs_fletcher.po zpool_prop.po zprop_common.po taskq.po util.po list.po u8_textprep.po kernel.po.tmp kernel2.po.tmp arc.po.tmp bplist.po.tmp dbuf.po.tmp ddt.po.tmp ddt_zap.po.tmp dmu.po.tmp dmu_send.po.tmp dmu_object.po.tmp dmu_objset.po.tmp dmu_traverse.po.tmp dmu_tx.po.tmp dnode.po.tmp dnode_sync.po.tmp dsl_dir.po.tmp dsl_dataset.po.tmp dsl_pool.po.tmp dsl_synctask.po.tmp dmu_zfetch.po.tmp dsl_deleg.po.tmp dsl_prop.po.tmp dsl_scrub.po.tmp gzip.po.tmp lzjb.po.tmp metaslab.po.tmp refcount.po.tmp sha256.po.tmp spa.po.tmp spa_config.po.tmp spa_errlog.po.tmp spa_history.po.tmp spa_misc.po.tmp space_map.po.tmp txg.po.tmp uberblock.po.tmp unique.po.tmp vdev.po.tmp vdev_cache.po.tmp vdev_file.po.tmp vdev_label.po.tmp vdev_mirror.po.tmp vdev_missing.po.tmp vdev_queue.po.tmp vdev_raidz.po.tmp vdev_root.po.tmp zap.po.tmp zap_leaf.po.tmp zap_micro.po.tmp zfs_byteswap.po.tmp zfs_fm.po.tmp zfs_fuid.po.tmp zfs_znode.po.tmp zil.po.tmp zio.po.tmp zio_checksum.po.tmp zio_compress.po.tmp zio_inject.po.tmp zle.po.tmp zfs_namecheck.po.tmp zfs_deleg.po.tmp zfs_prop.po.tmp zfs_comutil.po.tmp zfs_fletcher.po.tmp zpool_prop.po.tmp zprop_common.po.tmp taskq.po.tmp util.po.tmp list.po.tmp u8_textprep.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-snscore --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/snake/snscore --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkafs.a afssys.o afskrb5.o common.o afssys.o.tmp afskrb5.o.tmp common.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f DESC prologue symbolsl.pfa zapfdr.pfa a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f arpaname.html1 .depend arpaname.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core paxctl paxctl.lo paxctl.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-devutf8 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkafs_p.a afssys.po afskrb5.po common.po afssys.po.tmp afskrb5.po.tmp common.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devutf8 --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libzpool_g.a || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-named-journalprint --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mbrlabel mbrlabel.o dkcksum.o printlabel.o xlat_mbr_fstype.o mbrlabel.ln dkcksum.ln printlabel.ln xlat_mbr_fstype.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/tools/named-journalprint --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit snscore snscore.o snscore.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkafs_g.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f mbrlabel.html8 .depend dkcksum.d mbrlabel.d printlabel.d xlat_mbr_fstype.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libzpool_pic.a* kernel.pico kernel2.pico arc.pico bplist.pico dbuf.pico ddt.pico ddt_zap.pico dmu.pico dmu_send.pico dmu_object.pico dmu_objset.pico dmu_traverse.pico dmu_tx.pico dnode.pico dnode_sync.pico dsl_dir.pico dsl_dataset.pico dsl_pool.pico dsl_synctask.pico dmu_zfetch.pico dsl_deleg.pico dsl_prop.pico dsl_scrub.pico gzip.pico lzjb.pico metaslab.pico refcount.pico sha256.pico spa.pico spa_config.pico spa_errlog.pico spa_history.pico spa_misc.pico space_map.pico txg.pico uberblock.pico unique.pico vdev.pico vdev_cache.pico vdev_file.pico vdev_label.pico vdev_mirror.pico vdev_missing.pico vdev_queue.pico vdev_raidz.pico vdev_root.pico zap.pico zap_leaf.pico zap_micro.pico zfs_byteswap.pico zfs_fm.pico zfs_fuid.pico zfs_znode.pico zil.pico zio.pico zio_checksum.pico zio_compress.pico zio_inject.pico zle.pico zfs_namecheck.pico zfs_deleg.pico zfs_prop.pico zfs_comutil.pico zfs_fletcher.pico zpool_prop.pico zprop_common.pico taskq.pico util.pico list.pico u8_textprep.pico kernel.pico.tmp kernel2.pico.tmp arc.pico.tmp bplist.pico.tmp dbuf.pico.tmp ddt.pico.tmp ddt_zap.pico.tmp dmu.pico.tmp dmu_send.pico.tmp dmu_object.pico.tmp dmu_objset.pico.tmp dmu_traverse.pico.tmp dmu_tx.pico.tmp dnode.pico.tmp dnode_sync.pico.tmp dsl_dir.pico.tmp dsl_dataset.pico.tmp dsl_pool.pico.tmp dsl_synctask.pico.tmp dmu_zfetch.pico.tmp dsl_deleg.pico.tmp dsl_prop.pico.tmp dsl_scrub.pico.tmp gzip.pico.tmp lzjb.pico.tmp metaslab.pico.tmp refcount.pico.tmp sha256.pico.tmp spa.pico.tmp spa_config.pico.tmp spa_errlog.pico.tmp spa_history.pico.tmp spa_misc.pico.tmp space_map.pico.tmp txg.pico.tmp uberblock.pico.tmp unique.pico.tmp vdev.pico.tmp vdev_cache.pico.tmp vdev_file.pico.tmp vdev_label.pico.tmp vdev_mirror.pico.tmp vdev_missing.pico.tmp vdev_queue.pico.tmp vdev_raidz.pico.tmp vdev_root.pico.tmp zap.pico.tmp zap_leaf.pico.tmp zap_micro.pico.tmp zfs_byteswap.pico.tmp zfs_fm.pico.tmp zfs_fuid.pico.tmp zfs_znode.pico.tmp zil.pico.tmp zio.pico.tmp zio_checksum.pico.tmp zio_compress.pico.tmp zio_inject.pico.tmp zle.pico.tmp zfs_namecheck.pico.tmp zfs_deleg.pico.tmp zfs_prop.pico.tmp zfs_comutil.pico.tmp zfs_fletcher.pico.tmp zpool_prop.pico.tmp zprop_common.pico.tmp taskq.pico.tmp util.pico.tmp list.pico.tmp u8_textprep.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend paxctl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mknod --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkafs_pic.a* afssys.pico afskrb5.pico common.pico afssys.pico.tmp afskrb5.pico.tmp common.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mknod --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-fdisk --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend snscore.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit named-journalprint named-journalprint.o named-journalprint.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lkafs.ln afssys.ln afskrb5.ln common.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/fdisk --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-tetris --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lzpool.ln kernel.ln kernel2.ln arc.ln bplist.ln dbuf.ln ddt.ln ddt_zap.ln dmu.ln dmu_send.ln dmu_object.ln dmu_objset.ln dmu_traverse.ln dmu_tx.ln dnode.ln dnode_sync.ln dsl_dir.ln dsl_dataset.ln dsl_pool.ln dsl_synctask.ln dmu_zfetch.ln dsl_deleg.ln dsl_prop.ln dsl_scrub.ln gzip.ln lzjb.ln metaslab.ln refcount.ln sha256.ln spa.ln spa_config.ln spa_errlog.ln spa_history.ln spa_misc.ln space_map.ln txg.ln uberblock.ln unique.ln vdev.ln vdev_cache.ln vdev_file.ln vdev_label.ln vdev_mirror.ln vdev_missing.ln vdev_queue.ln vdev_raidz.ln vdev_root.ln zap.ln zap_leaf.ln zap_micro.ln zfs_byteswap.ln zfs_fm.ln zfs_fuid.ln zfs_znode.ln zil.ln zio.ln zio_checksum.ln zio_compress.ln zio_inject.ln zle.ln zfs_namecheck.ln zfs_deleg.ln zfs_prop.ln zfs_comutil.ln zfs_fletcher.ln zpool_prop.ln zprop_common.ln taskq.ln util.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/tetris --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f named-journalprint.html8 .depend named-journalprint.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mknod mknod.o pack_dev.o mknod.ln pack_dev.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-nsec3hash --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/tools/nsec3hash --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f mknod.html8 .depend mknod.d pack_dev.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f kafs.html3 .depend afskrb5.d afssys.d common.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lc.ln Lint_Ovfork.ln Lint__setjmp.ln Lint_alloca.ln Lint_bswap16.ln Lint_bswap32.ln Lint_fabs.ln Lint___setjmp14.ln Lint___sigsetjmp14.ln Lint_flt_rounds.ln Lint_fpgetmask.ln Lint_fpgetround.ln Lint_fpgetsticky.ln Lint_fpsetmask.ln Lint_fpsetround.ln Lint_fpsetsticky.ln Lint_resumecontext.ln Lint_swapcontext.ln Lint__setjmp.ln Lint_htonl.ln Lint_htons.ln Lint_ntohl.ln Lint_ntohs.ln Lint___clone.ln Lint___vfork14.ln Lint_brk.ln Lint_clone.ln Lint_getcontext.ln Lint_exect.ln Lint_pipe.ln Lint_ptrace.ln Lint_sbrk.ln Lint___sigaction14.ln Lint_syscall.ln Lint___syscall.ln LintSysNormal.ln LintSysNoerr.ln LintSysPseudoNoerr.ln abs.ln div.ln labs.ln ldiv.ln llabs.ln bcmp.ln bcopy.ln bzero.ln ffs.ln memchr.ln memcmp.ln memcpy.ln memmove.ln memset.ln strcat.ln strchr.ln strcmp.ln strcpy.ln strlen.ln strncmp.ln strrchr.ln swab.ln imaxabs.ln __sigaction14_sigtramp.ln compat_ndbmdatum.ln compat_setlocale1.ln compat_setlocale32.ln compat_errlist.ln compat_fts.ln compat___fts13.ln compat___fts30.ln compat___fts31.ln compat_getmntinfo.ln compat_glob.ln compat___glob13.ln compat_opendir.ln compat_readdir.ln compat__readdir_unlocked30.ln compat_scandir.ln compat_siglist.ln compat_signame.ln compat_sigsetops.ln compat_times.ln compat_timezone.ln compat_unvis.ln compat_utmpx.ln compat__sys_errlist.ln compat__sys_nerr.ln compat__sys_siglist.ln compat_time.ln compat_utime.ln compat_devname.ln compat_alphasort.ln compat_getpwent.ln compat___fts32.ln compat_utmp.ln compat___fts50.ln compat___unvis13.ln compat_syslog.ln compat_alloca.ln __cmsg_alignbytes.ln compat_ns_addr.ln compat_ns_ntoa.ln compat_pmap_rmtcall.ln compat_rpcb.ln compat_fgetpos.ln compat_fsetpos.ln compat_putenv.ln compat_unsetenv.ln compat_getdents.ln compat_getdirentries.ln compat_msync.ln compat_ntp_gettime.ln compat_sched.ln compat_semctl.ln compat_sigaltstack.ln compat_stat.ln compat___stat13.ln compat_statfs.ln compat_socket.ln compat_getfh.ln compat_fhopen.ln compat___fhstat30.ln compat_fhstatvfs.ln compat_fhstatvfs1.ln compat_mount.ln compat_getrusage.ln compat_gettimeofday.ln compat_utimes.ln compat_wait4.ln compat_sigtimedwait.ln compat_settimeofday.ln compat_timer.ln compat_clock.ln compat_itimer.ln compat_select.ln compat_nanosleep.ln compat___stat30.ln compat_aio_suspend.ln compat_adjtime.ln compat_mknod.ln compat_mqueue.ln compat__lwp_park.ln compat_lfs_segwait.ln compat_kevent.ln compat___ntp_gettime30.ln compat___semctl13.ln compat___shmctl13.ln compat___msgctl13.ln compat___lwp_park50.ln compat_localtime.ln compat_difftime.ln compat_frexp_ieee754.ln compat_ldexp_ieee754.ln compat_modf_ieee754.ln atomic_add_64_cas.ln atomic_add_64_nv_cas.ln atomic_and_64_cas.ln atomic_and_64_nv_cas.ln atomic_dec_64_cas.ln atomic_dec_64_nv_cas.ln atomic_inc_64_cas.ln atomic_inc_64_nv_cas.ln atomic_or_64_cas.ln atomic_or_64_nv_cas.ln atomic_swap_64_cas.ln atomic_init_cas.ln cdbr.ln cdbw.ln bt_close.ln bt_conv.ln bt_debug.ln bt_delete.ln bt_get.ln bt_open.ln bt_overflow.ln bt_page.ln bt_put.ln bt_search.ln bt_seq.ln bt_split.ln bt_utils.ln db.ln hash.ln hash_bigkey.ln hash_buf.ln hash_func.ln hash_log2.ln hash_page.ln ndbmdatum.ln ndbm.ln mpool.ln rec_close.ln rec_delete.ln rec_get.ln rec_open.ln rec_put.ln rec_search.ln rec_seq.ln rec_utils.ln citrus_bcs.ln citrus_bcs_strtol.ln citrus_bcs_strtoul.ln citrus_csmapper.ln citrus_ctype.ln citrus_ctype_fallback.ln citrus_db.ln citrus_db_hash.ln citrus_esdb.ln citrus_hash.ln citrus_iconv.ln citrus_lookup.ln citrus_mapper.ln citrus_memstream.ln citrus_mmap.ln citrus_module.ln citrus_none.ln citrus_stdenc.ln citrus_lc_ctype.ln citrus_lc_monetary.ln citrus_lc_numeric.ln citrus_lc_time.ln citrus_lc_messages.ln creat.ln getdtablesize.ln gethostid.ln killpg.ln sethostid.ln setpgrp.ln setrgid.ln setruid.ln sigcompat.ln getwd.ln dlfcn_elf.ln strtof.ln strtold_px.ln strtopx.ln strtod.ln dtoa.ln ldtoa.ln hdtoa.ln gdtoa.ln gdtoa_locks.ln dmisc.ln gethex.ln gmisc.ln hd_init.ln hexnan.ln misc.ln smisc.ln strtodg.ln sum.ln ulp.ln _strtof.ln _strtold.ln strtord.ln _errno.ln alarm.ln alphasort.ln arc4random.ln assert.ln basename.ln clock.ln closedir.ln closefrom.ln confstr.ln ctermid.ln ctype_.ln daemon.ln dehumanize_number.ln devname.ln dirname.ln disklabel.ln err.ln errx.ln errlist.ln errno.ln execl.ln execle.ln execlp.ln execv.ln execvp.ln extattr.ln fmtcheck.ln fmtmsg.ln fnmatch.ln fstab.ln ftok.ln fts.ln ftw.ln getbsize.ln getcap.ln getcwd.ln getdevmajor.ln getdomainname.ln getgrent.ln getgrouplist.ln getgroupmembership.ln gethostname.ln getloadavg.ln getlogin.ln getmntinfo.ln getnetgrent.ln getpagesize.ln getpass.ln getprogname.ln getpwent.ln getttyent.ln getusershell.ln glob.ln humanize_number.ln initdir.ln initgroups.ln isascii.ln isatty.ln isctype.ln lockf.ln nftw.ln nice.ln nlist.ln nlist_aout.ln nlist_coff.ln nlist_ecoff.ln nlist_elf32.ln nlist_elf64.ln opendir.ln pause.ln popen.ln posix_spawn_sched.ln posix_spawn_fileactions.ln posix_spawnp.ln psignal.ln pthread_atfork.ln ptree.ln pwcache.ln pw_scan.ln raise.ln randomid.ln rb.ln readdir.ln rewinddir.ln scandir.ln seekdir.ln setdomainname.ln sethostname.ln setjmperr.ln setmode.ln setproctitle.ln setprogname.ln shquote.ln shquotev.ln sighold.ln sigignore.ln siginterrupt.ln siglist.ln signal.ln signame.ln sigrelse.ln sigset.ln sigsetops.ln sleep.ln stringlist.ln sysconf.ln sysctl.ln sysctlbyname.ln sysctlgetmibinfo.ln sysctlnametomib.ln syslog.ln telldir.ln time.ln times.ln toascii.ln tolower_.ln ttyname.ln ttyslot.ln toupper_.ln ualarm.ln ulimit.ln uname.ln unvis.ln usleep.ln utime.ln utimens.ln utmp.ln utmpx.ln valloc.ln vis.ln wait.ln wait3.ln waitpid.ln warn.ln warnx.ln vwarn.ln vwarnx.ln verr.ln verrx.ln wordexp.ln _err.ln _errx.ln _sysconf.ln _verr.ln _verrx.ln _vwarn.ln _vwarnx.ln _warn.ln _warnx.ln bswap64.ln _lwp.ln makecontext.ln infinityf_ieee754.ln infinity_ieee754.ln fpclassifyf_ieee754.ln fpclassifyd_ieee754.ln isinff_ieee754.ln isinfd_ieee754.ln isnanf_ieee754.ln isnand_ieee754.ln isfinitef_ieee754.ln isfinited_ieee754.ln signbitf_ieee754.ln signbitd_ieee754.ln nanf.ln infinityl.ln fpclassifyl.ln isfinitel.ln isinfl.ln isnanl.ln signbitl.ln gmon.ln mcount.ln md2.ln md2hl.ln rmd160.ln rmd160hl.ln sha1.ln sha1hl.ln sha2.ln sha224hl.ln sha256hl.ln sha384hl.ln sha512hl.ln murmurhash.ln iconv.ln _inet_aton.ln _inet_pton.ln inet_addr.ln inet_cidr_ntop.ln inet_cidr_pton.ln inet_lnaof.ln inet_makeaddr.ln inet_net_ntop.ln inet_net_pton.ln inet_neta.ln inet_netof.ln inet_network.ln inet_ntoa.ln inet_ntop.ln inet_pton.ln nsap_addr.ln assertions.ln ev_timers.ln ev_streams.ln _def_messages.ln _def_monetary.ln _def_numeric.ln _def_time.ln setlocale.ln __mb_cur_max.ln current_locale.ln c_locale.ln duplocale.ln global_locale.ln fix_grouping.ln freelocale.ln localeconv.ln newlocale.ln nl_langinfo.ln generic_lc_all.ln dummy_lc_collate.ln wcstol.ln wcstoll.ln wcstoimax.ln wcstoul.ln wcstoull.ln wcstoumax.ln wcstod.ln wcstof.ln wcstold.ln wcscoll.ln wcsxfrm.ln wcsftime.ln _wctrans.ln _wctype.ln rune.ln runetable.ln multibyte_c90.ln multibyte_amd1.ln iswctype_mb.ln md4c.ln md5c.ln md4hl.ln md5hl.ln initfini.ln stack_protector.ln base64.ln ethers.ln gethnamaddr.ln getifaddrs.ln getnetnamadr.ln getnetent.ln getpeereid.ln getprotobyname.ln getprotobynumber.ln getprotoent.ln getprotobyname_r.ln getprotobynumber_r.ln getprotoent_r.ln getservbyname.ln getservbyport.ln getservent.ln getservbyname_r.ln getservbyport_r.ln getservent_r.ln iso_addr.ln linkaddr.ln nsdispatch.ln nsap_addr.ln rcmd.ln recv.ln send.ln sethostent.ln sockatmark.ln hesiod.ln getaddrinfo.ln getnameinfo.ln ip6opt.ln rthdr.ln vars6.ln if_indextoname.ln if_nameindex.ln if_nametoindex.ln ns_name.ln ns_netint.ln ns_parse.ln ns_print.ln ns_samedomain.ln ns_ttl.ln catclose.ln catgets.ln catopen.ln _catclose.ln _catgets.ln _catopen.ln cmpdi2.ln ucmpdi2.ln divdi3.ln moddi3.ln fixdfdi.ln fixsfdi.ln fixunsdfdi.ln fixunssfdi.ln floatdidf.ln floatdisf.ln floatundisf.ln floatundidf.ln muldi3.ln negdi2.ln qdivrem.ln udivdi3.ln umoddi3.ln ashldi3.ln ashrdi3.ln lshrdi3.ln lshldi3.ln adddi3.ln anddi3.ln iordi3.ln notdi2.ln subdi3.ln xordi3.ln regcomp.ln regerror.ln regexec.ln regfree.ln __dn_comp.ln __res_close.ln __res_send.ln h_errno.ln herror.ln res_comp.ln res_data.ln res_debug.ln res_init.ln res_mkquery.ln res_query.ln res_send.ln res_state.ln mtctxres.ln res_compat.ln auth_none.ln auth_unix.ln authunix_prot.ln bindresvport.ln clnt_bcast.ln clnt_dg.ln clnt_generic.ln clnt_perror.ln clnt_raw.ln clnt_simple.ln clnt_vc.ln rpc_dtablesize.ln getnetconfig.ln getnetpath.ln getrpcent.ln getrpcport.ln mt_misc.ln pmap_clnt.ln pmap_getmaps.ln pmap_getport.ln pmap_prot.ln pmap_prot2.ln pmap_rmt.ln rpc_prot.ln rpc_commondata.ln rpc_callmsg.ln rpc_generic.ln rpc_soc.ln rpcb_clnt.ln rpcb_prot.ln rpcb_st_xdr.ln svc.ln svc_auth.ln svc_dg.ln svc_auth_unix.ln svc_generic.ln svc_raw.ln svc_run.ln svc_simple.ln svc_vc.ln xdr.ln xdr_array.ln xdr_float.ln xdr_mem.ln xdr_rec.ln xdr_reference.ln xdr_stdio.ln xdr_sizeof.ln __rpc_getxid.ln gets_chk.ln fgets_chk.ln memcpy_chk.ln memmove_chk.ln memset_chk.ln snprintf_chk.ln sprintf_chk.ln strcat_chk.ln strcpy_chk.ln strncat_chk.ln strncpy_chk.ln vsnprintf_chk.ln vsprintf_chk.ln clrerr.ln dprintf.ln fclose.ln fdopen.ln feof.ln ferror.ln fflush.ln fgetc.ln fgetln.ln fgetpos.ln fgets.ln fgetstr.ln fgetwc.ln fgetwln.ln fgetws.ln fileno.ln findfp.ln flags.ln flockfile.ln fopen.ln fparseln.ln fprintf.ln fpurge.ln fputc.ln fputs.ln fputwc.ln fputws.ln fread.ln freopen.ln fscanf.ln fseek.ln fseeko.ln fsetpos.ln ftell.ln ftello.ln funopen.ln fvwrite.ln fwalk.ln fwide.ln fwprintf.ln fwrite.ln fwscanf.ln getc.ln getchar.ln getdelim.ln getline.ln gettemp.ln getw.ln getwc.ln getwchar.ln makebuf.ln mkdtemp.ln mkstemp.ln perror.ln printf.ln putc.ln putchar.ln puts.ln putw.ln putwc.ln putwchar.ln refill.ln remove.ln rewind.ln rget.ln scanf.ln setbuf.ln setbuffer.ln setvbuf.ln snprintf_ss.ln sscanf.ln stdio.ln swprintf.ln swscanf.ln tmpfile.ln ungetc.ln ungetwc.ln vasprintf.ln vdprintf.ln vfprintf.ln vfscanf.ln vfwprintf.ln vfwscanf.ln vprintf.ln vscanf.ln vsnprintf.ln vsnprintf_ss.ln vsscanf.ln vswprintf.ln vswscanf.ln vwprintf.ln vwscanf.ln wbuf.ln wprintf.ln wscanf.ln wsetup.ln fmemopen.ln gets.ln vsprintf.ln tempnam.ln tmpnam.ln mktemp.ln _fileno.ln _fseeko.ln _ftello.ln _env.ln _rand48.ln a64l.ln abort.ln atexit.ln atof.ln atoi.ln atol.ln atoll.ln bsearch.ln drand48.ln exit.ln getenv.ln getopt.ln getopt_long.ln getsubopt.ln hcreate.ln heapsort.ln imaxdiv.ln insque.ln jrand48.ln l64a.ln lldiv.ln lcong48.ln lrand48.ln lsearch.ln merge.ln mi_vector_hash.ln mrand48.ln nrand48.ln putenv.ln qabs.ln qdiv.ln qsort.ln posix_openpt.ln pty.ln quick_exit.ln radixsort.ln rand.ln rand_r.ln random.ln remque.ln seed48.ln setenv.ln srand48.ln strsuftoll.ln strtoimax.ln strtol.ln strtoll.ln strtoq.ln strtoul.ln strtoull.ln strtoumax.ln strtouq.ln system.ln tdelete.ln tfind.ln tsearch.ln twalk.ln unsetenv.ln strfmon.ln imaxdiv.ln erand48_ieee754.ln jemalloc.ln bm.ln stpcpy.ln stpncpy.ln strcasecmp.ln strncasecmp.ln strcasestr.ln strcoll.ln strdup.ln strerror.ln strlcat.ln strlcpy.ln strnlen.ln strmode.ln strsignal.ln strtok.ln strtok_r.ln strxfrm.ln __strsignal.ln strerror_r.ln strndup.ln stresep.ln memrchr.ln strcspn.ln strncat.ln strncpy.ln strpbrk.ln strsep.ln strspn.ln strstr.ln explicit_bzero.ln consttime_bcmp.ln memccpy.ln memmem.ln popcount32.ln popcount64.ln wcscat.ln wcschr.ln wcscmp.ln wcscpy.ln wcscspn.ln wcslcat.ln wcslcpy.ln wcslen.ln wcsncat.ln wcscasecmp.ln wcsdup.ln wcsncasecmp.ln wcsncmp.ln wcsncpy.ln wcspbrk.ln wcsrchr.ln wcsspn.ln wcsstr.ln wcstok.ln wcswcs.ln wmemchr.ln wmemcmp.ln wmemcpy.ln wmemmove.ln wmemset.ln _strlcat.ln _strlcpy.ln _strerror_r.ln cfgetispeed.ln cfgetospeed.ln cfmakeraw.ln cfsetispeed.ln cfsetospeed.ln cfsetspeed.ln tcdrain.ln tcflow.ln tcflush.ln tcgetattr.ln tcgetpgrp.ln tcgetsid.ln tcsendbreak.ln tcsetattr.ln tcsetpgrp.ln __isthreaded.ln thread-stub.ln thread-stub-init.ln _daylight.ln asctime.ln difftime.ln localtime.ln getdate.ln strftime.ln strptime.ln tls.ln cpuset.ln posix_fadvise.ln posix_madvise.ln sched.ln sigqueue.ln sigtimedwait.ln sigwait.ln sigwaitinfo.ln statvfs.ln swapon.ln semctl.ln ftruncate.ln lseek.ln mmap.ln pread.ln preadv.ln pwrite.ln pwritev.ln truncate.ln ntp_adjtime.ln adjtime.ln clock_settime.ln settimeofday.ln _brk.ln _fork.ln _getcontext.ln _pipe.ln _sbrk.ln uuid_compare.ln uuid_create.ln uuid_create_nil.ln uuid_equal.ln uuid_from_string.ln uuid_hash.ln uuid_is_nil.ln uuid_stream.ln uuid_to_string.ln xdryp.ln yp_all.ln yp_first.ln yp_maplist.ln yp_master.ln yp_match.ln yp_order.ln yplib.ln yperr_string.ln ypprot_err.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit tetris input.o screen.o shapes.o scores.o tetris.o input.ln screen.ln shapes.ln scores.ln tetris.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend arc.d bplist.d dbuf.d ddt.d ddt_zap.d dmu.d dmu_object.d dmu_objset.d dmu_send.d dmu_traverse.d dmu_tx.d dmu_zfetch.d dnode.d dnode_sync.d dsl_dataset.d dsl_deleg.d dsl_dir.d dsl_pool.d dsl_prop.d dsl_scrub.d dsl_synctask.d gzip.d kernel.d kernel2.d lzjb.d metaslab.d refcount.d sha256.d spa.d spa_config.d spa_errlog.d spa_history.d spa_misc.d space_map.d taskq.d txg.d uberblock.d unique.d util.d vdev.d vdev_cache.d vdev_file.d vdev_label.d vdev_mirror.d vdev_missing.d vdev_queue.d vdev_raidz.d vdev_root.d zap.d zap_leaf.d zap_micro.d zfs_byteswap.d zfs_comutil.d zfs_deleg.d zfs_fletcher.d zfs_fm.d zfs_fuid.d zfs_namecheck.d zfs_prop.d zfs_znode.d zil.d zio.d zio_checksum.d zio_compress.d zio_inject.d zle.d zpool_prop.d zprop_common.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libheimntlm --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core fdisk fdisk.lo disklabel.lo fdisk.ln disklabel.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f tetris.html6 .depend input.d scores.d screen.d shapes.d tetris.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-modload --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-trek --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/modload --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit nsec3hash nsec3hash.o nsec3hash.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend disklabel.d fdisk.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/trek --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/sbin --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-installboot --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f nsec3hash.html8 .depend nsec3hash.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/installboot --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-zpool --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f R I B BI S L CW DESC a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/sbin/zpool --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-confgen --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit modload main.o modload_hostops.o main.ln modload_hostops.ln rump.modload main.o modload_rumpops.o main.ln modload_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-rndc-confgen --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit trek abandon.o attack.o autover.o capture.o check_out.o checkcond.o compkl.o computer.o damage.o damaged.o dcrept.o destruct.o dock.o dumpgame.o dumpme.o dumpssradio.o events.o externs.o getcodi.o getpar.o help.o impulse.o initquad.o kill.o klmove.o lose.o lrscan.o main.o move.o nova.o out.o phaser.o play.o ram.o ranf.o rest.o schedule.o score.o setup.o setwarp.o shield.o snova.o srscan.o systemname.o torped.o visual.o warp.o win.o abandon.ln attack.ln autover.ln capture.ln check_out.ln checkcond.ln compkl.ln computer.ln damage.ln damaged.ln dcrept.ln destruct.ln dock.ln dumpgame.ln dumpme.ln dumpssradio.ln events.ln externs.ln getcodi.ln getpar.ln help.ln impulse.ln initquad.ln kill.ln klmove.ln lose.ln lrscan.ln main.ln move.ln nova.ln out.ln phaser.ln play.ln ram.ln ranf.ln rest.ln schedule.ln score.ln setup.ln setwarp.ln shield.ln snova.ln srscan.ln systemname.ln torped.ln visual.ln warp.ln--- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen/rndc-confgen --- cleandir-games --- win.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-man --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f modload.html8 .depend main.d modload_hostops.d modload_rumpops.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/man --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core installboot installboot.lo sum.lo machines.lo fstypes.lo alpha.lo amiga.lo emips.lo ews4800mips.lo hp300.lo hp700.lo i386.lo landisk.lo macppc.lo news.lo next68k.lo pmax.lo sparc.lo sparc64.lo sun68k.lo vax.lo x68k.lo bbinfo.lo ffs.lo ffs_bswap.lo installboot.ln sum.ln machines.ln fstypes.ln alpha.ln amiga.ln emips.ln ews4800mips.ln hp300.ln hp700.ln i386.ln landisk.ln macppc.ln news.ln next68k.ln pmax.ln sparc.ln sparc64.ln sun68k.ln vax.ln x68k.ln bbinfo.ln ffs.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f trek.html6 .depend abandon.d attack.d autover.d capture.d check_out.d checkcond.d compkl.d computer.d damage.d damaged.d dcrept.d destruct.d dock.d dumpgame.d dumpme.d dumpssradio.d events.d externs.d getcodi.d getpar.d help.d impulse.d initquad.d kill.d klmove.d lose.d lrscan.d main.d move.d nova.d out.d phaser.d play.d ram.d ranf.d rest.d schedule.d score.d setup.d setwarp.d shield.d snova.d srscan.d systemname.d torped.d visual.d warp.d win.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-modstat --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/modstat --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rndc-confgen rndc-confgen.o keygen.o util.o os.o rndc-confgen.ln keygen.ln util.ln os.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend alpha.d amiga.d bbinfo.d emips.d ews4800mips.d ffs.d ffs_bswap.d fstypes.d hp300.d hp700.d i386.d installboot.d landisk.d machines.d macppc.d news.d next68k.d pmax.d sparc.d sparc64.d sum.d sun68k.d vax.d x68k.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit zpool zpool_main.o zpool_iter.o zpool_util.o zpool_vdev.o zpool_main.ln zpool_iter.ln zpool_util.ln zpool_vdev.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/lib/libheimntlm --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f rndc-confgen.html8 .depend keygen.d os.d rndc-confgen.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-wargames --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-pwd_mkdb --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f zpool.html8 .depend zpool_iter.d zpool_main.d zpool_util.d zpool_vdev.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/pwd_mkdb --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f groff_font.5 groff_out.5 groff_tmac.5 ditroff.7 groff.7 groff_char.7 groff_diff.7 roff.7 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-ddns-confgen --- --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/wargames --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f tags Lint__setjmp.c Lint_alloca.c Lint_bswap16.c Lint_bswap32.c Lint_fabs.c 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fchdir.S fchflags.S fchmod.S fchmodat.S fchown.S fchownat.S fchroot.S fexecve.S __fhopen40.S __fhstat50.S __fhstatvfs140.S fktrace.S flock.S fpathconf.S __fstat50.S fstatvfs1.S fstatat.S __futimes50.S futimens.S __getcwd.S __getdents30.S __getfh30.S getvfsstat.S getgroups.S __getitimer50.S __getlogin.S getpeername.S getpgid.S getpgrp.S getpriority.S getrlimit.S __getrusage50.S getsid.S getsockname.S getsockopt.S __gettimeofday50.S ioctl.S kqueue.S kqueue1.S ktrace.S _ksem_close.S _ksem_destroy.S _ksem_getvalue.S _ksem_init.S _ksem_post.S _ksem_timedwait.S _ksem_trywait.S _ksem_unlink.S _ksem_wait.S _ksem_open.S lchflags.S lchmod.S lchown.S lfs_bmapv.S lfs_markv.S lfs_segclean.S __lfs_segwait50.S link.S linkat.S listen.S __lstat50.S __lutimes50.S _lwp_create.S _lwp_exit.S _lwp_kill.S _lwp_self.S _lwp_wait.S _lwp_unpark.S _lwp_unpark_all.S _lwp_suspend.S _lwp_continue.S _lwp_wakeup.S _lwp_detach.S _lwp_setprivate.S _lwp_setname.S _lwp_getname.S _lwp_ctl.S madvise.S mincore.S minherit.S mkdir.S mkdirat.S mkfifo.S mkfifoat.S __mknod50.S mknodat.S mlock.S mlockall.S modctl.S __mount50.S mprotect.S __msgctl50.S msgget.S munlock.S munlockall.S munmap.S nfssvc.S __ntp_gettime50.S openat.S paccept.S pathconf.S pipe2.S pmc_get_info.S pmc_control.S __posix_chown.S __posix_fchown.S __posix_lchown.S __posix_rename.S profil.S __quotactl.S rasctl.S readlinkat.S reboot.S recvfrom.S recvmmsg.S recvmsg.S rename.S renameat.S revoke.S rmdir.S semconfig.S semget.S semop.S sendmmsg.S sendmsg.S sendto.S setegid.S seteuid.S setgid.S setgroups.S __setitimer50.S __setlogin.S setpgid.S setpriority.S setregid.S setreuid.S setrlimit.S setsid.S setsockopt.S setuid.S __shmctl50.S shmdt.S shmget.S shutdown.S sigqueueinfo.S __sigaltstack14.S __sigpending14.S __sigaction_sigtramp.S ____sigtimedwait50.S __socket30.S socketpair.S __stat50.S statvfs1.S swapctl.S symlink.S symlinkat.S __sysctl.S timer_create.S timer_delete.S __timer_gettime50.S timer_getoverrun.S ____semctl50.S __timer_settime50.S umask.S undelete.S unlink.S unlinkat.S unmount.S __utimes50.S utimensat.S utrace.S uuidgen.S vadvise.S tmp__lwp_getprivate.S tmp_mremap.S accept.S __aio_suspend50.S close.S connect.S execve.S fcntl.S fdatasync.S fsync.S fsync_range.S __kevent50.S kill.S mq_receive.S mq_send.S __mq_timedreceive50.S __mq_timedsend50.S msgrcv.S msgsnd.S __msync13.S __nanosleep50.S open.S poll.S __pollts50.S __pselect50.S read.S readlink.S readv.S _sched_setparam.S _sched_getparam.S _sched_setaffinity.S _sched_getaffinity.S sched_yield.S __select50.S setcontext.S __sigprocmask14.S __sigsuspend14.S sysarch.S __wait450.S write.S writev.S getegid.S geteuid.S getgid.S getpid.S getppid.S getuid.S issetugid.S posix_spawn.S sync.S __posix_fadvise50.S _exit.S tmp_ftruncate.S tmp_lseek.S tmp_mmap.S tmp_pread.S tmp_preadv.S tmp_pwrite.S tmp_pwritev.S tmp_truncate.S tmp_ntp_adjtime.S tmp___adjtime50.S tmp___clock_settime50.S tmp___settimeofday50.S nslexer.c nsparser.c nsparser.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen/ddns-confgen --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit modstat main.o modstat_hostops.o main.ln modstat_hostops.ln rump.modstat main.o modstat_rumpops.o main.ln modstat_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-zfs --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/sbin/zfs --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f groff_font.html5 groff_out.html5 groff_tmac.html5 ditroff.html7 groff.html7 groff_char.html7 groff_diff.html7 roff.html7 || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-src --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core pwd_mkdb pwd_mkdb.lo pwd_mkdb.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ddns-confgen ddns-confgen.o keygen.o util.o os.o ddns-confgen.ln keygen.ln util.ln os.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend pwd_mkdb.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f modstat.html8 .depend main.d modstat_hostops.d modstat_rumpops.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ddns-confgen.html8 .depend ddns-confgen.d keygen.d os.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-stat --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-modunload --- cleandir ===> sbin/modunload --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-libs --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/libs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-byacc --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/byacc --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit zfs zfs_main.o zfs_iter.o zfs_main.ln zfs_iter.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/stat --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-libgroff --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/libs/libgroff --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f zfs.html8 .depend zfs_iter.d zfs_main.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/byacc/bin --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core stat stat.lo stat.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/usr.bin --- cleandir-ztest --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit modunload main.o modunload_hostops.o main.ln modunload_hostops.ln rump.modunload main.o modunload_rumpops.o main.ln modunload_rumpops.ln || true) --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f modunload.html8 .depend main.d modunload_hostops.d modunload_rumpops.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/usr.bin/ztest --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit yacc closure.o error.o lalr.o lr0.o main.o mkpar.o output.o reader.o skeleton.o symtab.o verbose.o warshall.o graph.o closure.ln error.ln lalr.ln lr0.ln main.ln mkpar.ln output.ln reader.ln skeleton.ln symtab.ln verbose.ln warshall.ln graph.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend stat.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f yacc.html1 .depend closure.d error.d graph.d lalr.d lr0.d main.d mkpar.d output.d reader.d skeleton.d symtab.d verbose.d warshall.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-strfile --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/strfile --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libgroff.a assert.o change_lf.o cmap.o color.o cset.o device.o errarg.o error.o fatal.o filename.o font.o fontfile.o geometry.o glyphuni.o htmlhint.o hypot.o invalid.o lf.o lineno.o macropath.o maxfilename.o maxpathname.o mksdir.o nametoindex.o new.o paper.o prime.o ptable.o quotearg.o relocate.o searchpath.o spawnvp.o string.o strsave.o symbol.o tmpfile.o tmpname.o unicode.o uniglyph.o uniuni.o version.o getopt.o getopt1.o iftoa.o itoa.o matherr.o progname.o assert.o.tmp change_lf.o.tmp cmap.o.tmp color.o.tmp cset.o.tmp device.o.tmp errarg.o.tmp error.o.tmp fatal.o.tmp filename.o.tmp font.o.tmp fontfile.o.tmp geometry.o.tmp glyphuni.o.tmp htmlhint.o.tmp hypot.o.tmp invalid.o.tmp lf.o.tmp lineno.o.tmp macropath.o.tmp maxfilename.o.tmp maxpathname.o.tmp mksdir.o.tmp nametoindex.o.tmp new.o.tmp paper.o.tmp prime.o.tmp ptable.o.tmp quotearg.o.tmp relocate.o.tmp searchpath.o.tmp spawnvp.o.tmp string.o.tmp strsave.o.tmp symbol.o.tmp tmpfile.o.tmp tmpname.o.tmp unicode.o.tmp uniglyph.o.tmp uniuni.o.tmp version.o.tmp getopt.o.tmp getopt1.o.tmp iftoa.o.tmp itoa.o.tmp matherr.o.tmp progname.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean1 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libheimntlm.a ntlm_err.o ntlm.o ntlm_err.o.tmp ntlm.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cron --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libgroff_p.a || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount mount.o vfslist.o mount.ln vfslist.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f wargames.html6 || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f getdirentries.html3 atomic_add.html3 atomic_and.html3 atomic_cas.html3 atomic_dec.html3 atomic_inc.html3 atomic_ops.html3 atomic_or.html3 atomic_swap.html3 membar_ops.html3 cdbr.html3 cdbw.html3 cdb.html5 btree.html3 dbm_clearerr.html3 dbopen.html3 hash.html3 recno.html3 mpool.html3 creat.html3 getdtablesize.html3 gethostid.html3 killpg.html3 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sigcompat.d sighold.d sigignore.d siginterrupt.d siglist.d signal.d signame.d signbitd_ieee754.d signbitf_ieee754.d signbitl.d sigqueue.d sigqueueinfo.d sigrelse.d sigset.d sigsetjmp.d sigsetops.d sigtimedwait.d sigwait.d sigwaitinfo.d sleep.d smisc.d snprintf_chk.d snprintf_ss.d sockatmark.d socketpair.d sprintf_chk.d srand48.d sscanf.d stack_protector.d statvfs.d statvfs1.d stdio.d stpcpy.d stpncpy.d strcasecmp.d strcasestr.d strcat.d strcat_chk.d strchr.d strcmp.d strcoll.d strcpy.d strcpy_chk.d strcspn.d strdup.d strerror.d strerror_r.d stresep.d strfmon.d strftime.d stringlist.d strlcat.d strlcpy.d strlen.d strmode.d strncasecmp.d strncat.d strncat_chk.d strncmp.d strncpy.d strncpy_chk.d strndup.d strnlen.d strpbrk.d strptime.d strrchr.d strsep.d strsignal.d strspn.d strstr.d strsuftoll.d strtod.d strtodg.d strtof.d strtoimax.d strtok.d strtok_r.d strtol.d strtold_px.d strtoll.d strtopx.d strtoq.d strtord.d strtoul.d strtoull.d strtoumax.d strtouq.d strxfrm.d subdi3.d sum.d svc.d svc_auth.d svc_auth_unix.d svc_dg.d svc_generic.d svc_raw.d svc_run.d svc_simple.d svc_vc.d swab.d swapcontext.d swapctl.d swapon.d swprintf.d swscanf.d symlink.d symlinkat.d sync.d sysarch.d syscall.d sysconf.d sysctl.d sysctlbyname.d sysctlgetmibinfo.d sysctlnametomib.d syslog.d system.d tcdrain.d tcflow.d tcflush.d tcgetattr.d tcgetpgrp.d tcgetsid.d tcsendbreak.d tcsetattr.d tcsetpgrp.d tdelete.d telldir.d tempnam.d tfind.d thread-stub-init.d thread-stub.d time.d timer_create.d timer_delete.d timer_getoverrun.d times.d tls.d tmp___adjtime50.d tmp___clock_settime50.d tmp___settimeofday50.d tmp__lwp_getprivate.d tmp_ftruncate.d tmp_lseek.d tmp_mmap.d tmp_mremap.d tmp_ntp_adjtime.d tmp_pread.d tmp_preadv.d tmp_pwrite.d tmp_pwritev.d tmp_truncate.d tmpfile.d tmpnam.d toascii.d tolower_.d toupper_.d truncate.d tsearch.d ttyname.d ttyslot.d twalk.d ualarm.d ucmpdi2.d udivdi3.d udivsi3.d ulimit.d ulp.d umask.d umoddi3.d uname.d undelete.d ungetc.d ungetwc.d unlink.d unlinkat.d unmount.d unsetenv.d unvis.d usleep.d utime.d utimens.d utimensat.d utmp.d utmpx.d utrace.d uuid_compare.d uuid_create.d uuid_create_nil.d uuid_equal.d uuid_from_string.d uuid_hash.d uuid_is_nil.d uuid_stream.d uuid_to_string.d uuidgen.d vadvise.d valloc.d vars6.d vasprintf.d vdprintf.d verr.d verrx.d vfprintf.d vfscanf.d vfwprintf.d vfwscanf.d vis.d vprintf.d vscanf.d vsnprintf.d vsnprintf_chk.d vsnprintf_ss.d vsprintf.d vsprintf_chk.d vsscanf.d vswprintf.d vswscanf.d vwarn.d vwarnx.d vwprintf.d vwscanf.d wait.d wait3.d waitpid.d warn.d warnx.d wbuf.d wcscasecmp.d wcscat.d wcschr.d wcscmp.d wcscoll.d wcscpy.d wcscspn.d wcsdup.d wcsftime.d wcslcat.d wcslcpy.d wcslen.d wcsncasecmp.d wcsncat.d wcsncmp.d wcsncpy.d wcspbrk.d wcsrchr.d wcsspn.d wcsstr.d wcstod.d wcstof.d wcstoimax.d wcstok.d wcstol.d wcstold.d wcstoll.d wcstoul.d wcstoull.d wcstoumax.d wcswcs.d wcsxfrm.d wmemchr.d wmemcmp.d wmemcpy.d wmemmove.d wmemset.d wordexp.d wprintf.d write.d writev.d wscanf.d wsetup.d xdr.d xdr_array.d xdr_float.d xdr_mem.d xdr_rec.d xdr_reference.d xdr_sizeof.d xdr_stdio.d xdryp.d xordi3.d yp_all.d yp_first.d yp_maplist.d yp_master.d yp_match.d yp_order.d yperr_string.d yplib.d ypprot_err.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core strfile strfile.lo strfile.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ztest ztest.o ztest.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libgroff_g.a || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f mount.html8 .depend mount.d vfslist.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend strfile.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-cron --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin/cron --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend ztest.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libheimntlm_p.a ntlm_err.po ntlm.po ntlm_err.po.tmp ntlm.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libgroff_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-worm --- cleandir ===> games/worm --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-sunlabel --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-newbtconf --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libheimntlm_g.a || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/newbtconf --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lgroff.ln quotearg.ln spawnvp.ln getopt.ln getopt1.ln iftoa.ln itoa.ln matherr.ln progname.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/usr.sbin --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean4 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libheimntlm_pic.a* ntlm_err.pico ntlm.pico ntlm_err.pico.tmp ntlm.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f version.cpp a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- cleandir-zdb --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cron cron.o database.o do_command.o entry.o env.o job.o misc.o popen.o pw_dup.o user.o cron.ln database.ln do_command.ln entry.ln env.ln job.ln misc.ln popen.ln pw_dup.ln user.ln || true) --- cleandir-cddl --- cleandir ===> external/cddl/osnet/usr.sbin/zdb --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lheimntlm.ln ntlm.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/sunlabel --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit worm worm.o worm.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend assert.d change_lf.d cmap.d color.d cset.d device.d errarg.d error.d fatal.d filename.d font.d fontfile.d geometry.d getopt.d getopt1.d glyphuni.d htmlhint.d hypot.d iftoa.d invalid.d itoa.d lf.d lineno.d macropath.d matherr.d maxfilename.d maxpathname.d mksdir.d nametoindex.d new.d paper.d prime.d progname.d ptable.d quotearg.d relocate.d searchpath.d spawnvp.d string.d strsave.d symbol.d tmpfile.d tmpname.d unicode.d uniglyph.d uniuni.d version.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ntlm_err.c ntlm_err.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f cron.html8 .depend cron.d database.d do_command.d entry.d env.d job.d misc.d popen.d pw_dup.d user.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f worm.html6 .depend worm.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f newbtconf.html8 || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-libdriver --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/libs/libdriver --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-crontab --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend ntlm.d ntlm_err.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin/crontab --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-worms --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-nologin --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core sunlabel sunlabel.lo sunlabel.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/worms --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/nologin --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libkdc --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/lib/libkdc --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit crontab crontab.o misc.o entry.o env.o pw_dup.o crontab.ln misc.ln entry.ln env.ln pw_dup.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend sunlabel.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit zdb zdb.o zdb_il.o zdb.ln zdb_il.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdriver.a input.o printer.o input.o.tmp printer.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-zic --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f crontab.html1 crontab.html5 .depend crontab.d entry.d env.d misc.d pw_dup.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdriver_p.a || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/zic --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cddl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f zdb.html8 .depend zdb.d zdb_il.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f nologin.html8 || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit worms worms.o worms.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean3 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdriver_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-dhcpcd --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-ping --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-pppoectl --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-ping --- cleandir ===> sbin/ping --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdriver_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f worms.html6 .depend worms.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-pppoectl --- cleandir ===> sbin/pppoectl --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd/sbin --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-ldriver.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-wtf --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core zic zic.lo scheck.lo ialloc.lo zic.ln scheck.ln ialloc.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/wtf --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-dhcpcd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd/sbin/dhcpcd --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend input.d printer.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend ialloc.d scheck.d zic.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pppoectl pppoectl.o pppoectl.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-libbib --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/libs/libbib --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-config --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/config --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f wtf.html6 || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-ping --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-pppoectl --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f pppoectl.html8 .depend pppoectl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-ping --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ping ping.o ping_hostops.o ping.ln ping_hostops.ln ping.o ping_rumpops.o ping.ln ping_rumpops.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dhcpcd.conf.5 dhcpcd.8 dhcpcd-run-hooks dhcpcd-run-hooks.8 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dhcpcd arp.o bind.o common.o control.o configure.o dhcp.o dhcpcd.o duid.o eloop.o if-options.o if-pref.o ipv4ll.o ipv6.o ipv6ns.o ipv6rs.o net.o signals.o bpf.o if-bsd.o platform-bsd.o arp.ln bind.ln common.ln control.ln configure.ln dhcp.ln dhcpcd.ln duid.ln eloop.ln if-options.ln if-pref.ln ipv4ll.ln ipv6.ln ipv6ns.ln ipv6rs.ln net.ln signals.ln bpf.ln if-bsd.ln platform-bsd.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-wump --- cleandir ===> games/wump --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f gram.c scan.c gram.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core config files.lo gram.lo hash.lo lint.lo main.lo mkdevsw.lo mkheaders.lo mkioconf.lo mkmakefile.lo mkswap.lo pack.lo scan.lo sem.lo util.lo crc.lo files.ln hash.ln lint.ln main.ln mkdevsw.ln mkheaders.ln mkioconf.ln mkmakefile.ln mkswap.ln pack.ln sem.ln util.ln crc.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2 --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dhcpcd.conf.html5 dhcpcd.html8 dhcpcd-run-hooks.html8 .depend arp.d bind.d bpf.d common.d configure.d control.d dhcp.d dhcpcd.d duid.d eloop.d if-bsd.d if-options.d if-pref.d ipv4ll.d ipv6.d ipv6ns.d ipv6rs.d net.d platform-bsd.d signals.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkdc.a default_config.o set_dbinfo.o digest.o kerberos5.o krb5tgs.o pkinit.o log.o misc.o kx509.o process.o windc.o default_config.o.tmp set_dbinfo.o.tmp digest.o.tmp kerberos5.o.tmp krb5tgs.o.tmp pkinit.o.tmp log.o.tmp misc.o.tmp kx509.o.tmp process.o.tmp windc.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend crc.d files.d gram.d hash.d lint.d main.d mkdevsw.d mkheaders.d mkioconf.d mkmakefile.d mkswap.d pack.d scan.d sem.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ping.html8 .depend ping.d ping_hostops.d ping_rumpops.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-xcvs --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-elftosb --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit wump wump.o wump.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/elftosb --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-groff --- cleandir ===> tools/groff --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-raidctl --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/lib --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/raidctl --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f wump.html6 .depend wump.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libbib.a common.o index.o linear.o search.o map.o common.o.tmp index.o.tmp linear.o.tmp search.o.tmp map.o.tmp || true) --- libclean2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libbib_p.a || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkdc_p.a default_config.po set_dbinfo.po digest.po kerberos5.po krb5tgs.po pkinit.po log.po misc.po kx509.po process.po windc.po default_config.po.tmp set_dbinfo.po.tmp digest.po.tmp kerberos5.po.tmp krb5tgs.po.tmp pkinit.po.tmp log.po.tmp misc.po.tmp kx509.po.tmp process.po.tmp windc.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/elftosb/lib --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libbib_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-libcvs --- --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-dab --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/lib/libcvs --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/dab --- cleandir-gnu --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libbib_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libkdc_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- nbmake: nbmake: don't know how to make clean. Stop nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-elftosb] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-tools --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-external --- *** [cleandir-bsd] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- *** [cleandir-libbib] Error code 2 --- cleandir-tools --- *** [cleandir-groff] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-tools] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- *** [cleandir-libkdc] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 --- cleandir-gnu --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-libs] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-src] Error code 2 --- cleandir-crypto/external --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-groff] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error --- cleandir-crypto/external --- *** [cleandir-heimdal] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-sbin --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- *** [cleandir-usr.bin] Error code 2 --- cleandir-crypto/external --- *** [cleandir-bsd] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-sbin --- *** [cleandir-raidctl] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-gnu] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- *** [cleandir-crypto/external] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-sbin --- *** [cleandir-sbin] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-lib --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-games --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-dab] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-games] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make --- cleandir-lib --- *** [cleandir-libc] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-external --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-libcvs] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-xcvs] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-gpl2] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 2 errors nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-external] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 7 errors nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [build] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [distribution] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [release] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ERROR: Failed to make release *** BUILD ABORTED *** 8.44 real 15.37 user 10.47 sys