Last 2000 lines of build log: --- cleandir-drvctl --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libiscsi_g.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf64 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pcictl pcictl.o pcictl.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- cleandir ===> sys/modules/drvctl --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_g.a || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- cleandir ===> sys/rump/net/lib/libwg --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_sdiff t_sdiff.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-perfused --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-openldap --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/openldap/lib --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libipf_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-digest-service --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- sh: /tmp/build/2024. not found --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- cleandir-mdc2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f gmp.h mpfr.h mpf2mpfr.h mpc.h mpc-log.h .depend attribs.d c-ada-spec.d c-attribs.d c-aux-info.d c-common.d c-convert.d c-cppbuiltin.d c-decl.d c-dump.d c-errors.d c-fold.d c-format.d c-gimplify.d c-indentation.d c-lex.d c-objc-common.d c-omp.d c-opts.d c-parser.d c-pch.d c-ppoutput.d c-pragma.d c-pretty-print.d c-semantics.d c-spellcheck.d c-typeck.d c-ubsan.d c-warn.d cc1obj-checksum.d default-c.d gimple-parser.d hash-table.d i386-c.d known-headers.d main.d objc-act.d objc-encoding.d objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.d objc-lang.d objc-map.d objc-next-runtime-abi-01.d objc-next-runtime-abi-02.d objc-runtime-shared-support.d attribs.d.tmp c-ada-spec.d.tmp c-attribs.d.tmp c-aux-info.d.tmp c-common.d.tmp c-convert.d.tmp c-cppbuiltin.d.tmp c-decl.d.tmp c-dump.d.tmp c-errors.d.tmp c-fold.d.tmp c-format.d.tmp c-gimplify.d.tmp c-indentation.d.tmp c-lex.d.tmp c-objc-common.d.tmp c-omp.d.tmp c-opts.d.tmp c-parser.d.tmp c-pch.d.tmp c-ppoutput.d.tmp c-pragma.d.tmp c-pretty-print.d.tmp c-semantics.d.tmp c-spellcheck.d.tmp c-typeck.d.tmp c-ubsan.d.tmp c-warn.d.tmp cc1obj-checksum.d.tmp default-c.d.tmp gimple-parser.d.tmp hash-table.d.tmp i386-c.d.tmp known-headers.d.tmp main.d.tmp objc-act.d.tmp objc-encoding.d.tmp objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.d.tmp objc-lang.d.tmp objc-map.d.tmp objc-next-runtime-abi-01.d.tmp objc-next-runtime-abi-02.d.tmp objc-runtime-shared-support.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- nbmake[8]: "/tmp/build/2024." line 10: warning: "/tmp/build/2024. -ne 's/AC_INIT(\[\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\)\].*/\1/p' /tmp/build/2024." returned non-zero status --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf64 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit perfused perfused.o msg.o debug.o perfused.ln msg.ln debug.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf64_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libiscsi_pic.a* conffile.pico disk.pico util.pico parameters.pico protocol.pico storage.pico netmask.pico md5c.pico md5hl.pico uuid.pico initiator.pico target.pico conffile.pico.tmp disk.pico.tmp util.pico.tmp parameters.pico.tmp protocol.pico.tmp storage.pico.tmp netmask.pico.tmp md5c.pico.tmp md5hl.pico.tmp uuid.pico.tmp initiator.pico.tmp target.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locale --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/libexec/digest-service --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librpcsvc --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/crypto/libcrypto/mdc2 --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- sh: /tmp/build/2024. not found --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtools.a application.o atffile.o config.o config_file.o env.o exceptions.o expand.o fs.o io.o parser.o process.o reader.o requirements.o signals.o test-program.o text.o timers.o ui.o user.o application.o.tmp atffile.o.tmp config.o.tmp config_file.o.tmp env.o.tmp exceptions.o.tmp expand.o.tmp fs.o.tmp io.o.tmp parser.o.tmp process.o.tmp reader.o.tmp requirements.o.tmp signals.o.tmp test-program.o.tmp text.o.tmp timers.o.tmp ui.o.tmp user.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- nbmake[8]: "/tmp/build/2024." line 11: warning: "/tmp/build/2024. -ne 's/AC_INIT(\[[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\], \[\([0-9.]*\)\].*/\1/p' /tmp/build/2024." returned non-zero status --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libatf-c++_pic.a* application.pico build.pico check.pico config.pico env.pico exceptions.pico fs.pico process.pico tests.pico text.pico utils.pico application.pico.tmp build.pico.tmp check.pico.tmp config.pico.tmp env.pico.tmp exceptions.pico.tmp fs.pico.tmp process.pico.tmp tests.pico.tmp text.pico.tmp utils.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-pcictl --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_vether.a if_vether.o vether_component.o if_vether.o.tmp vether_component.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit locale locale.o locale.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/librpcsvc --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pcictl.html8 .depend pcictl.d pcictl.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-psrset --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_portal/examples --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-sed --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf64 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- cleandir-liblber --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pkg_add main.o perform.o main.ln perform.ln || true) --- cleandir-ipf --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit psrset psrset.o psrset.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/sed --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf64 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lldd_elf64.ln dummy.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-perfused --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/openldap/lib/liblber --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lipf.ln addicmp.ln addipopt.ln alist_free.ln alist_new.ln allocmbt.ln assigndefined.ln bcopywrap.ln binprint.ln buildopts.ln checkrev.ln connecttcp.ln count4bits.ln count6bits.ln debug.ln dupmbt.ln facpri.ln familyname.ln fill6bits.ln findword.ln flags.ln freembt.ln ftov.ln genmask.ln gethost.ln geticmptype.ln getifname.ln getnattype.ln getport.ln getportproto.ln getproto.ln getsumd.ln hostname.ln icmpcode.ln icmptypename.ln icmptypes.ln initparse.ln interror.ln ionames.ln ipf_perror.ln ipf_dotuning.ln ipft_hx.ln ipft_pc.ln ipft_tx.ln ipoptsec.ln kmem.ln kmemcpywrap.ln kvatoname.ln load_file.ln load_dstlist.ln load_dstlistnode.ln load_hash.ln load_hashnode.ln load_http.ln load_pool.ln load_poolnode.ln load_url.ln msgdsize.ln mutex_emul.ln nametokva.ln nat_setgroupmap.ln ntomask.ln optname.ln optprint.ln optprintv6.ln optvalue.ln parsefields.ln parseipfexpr.ln parsewhoisline.ln poolio.ln portname.ln print_toif.ln printactiveaddr.ln printactivenat.ln printaddr.ln printaps.ln printbuf.ln printfieldhdr.ln printfr.ln printfraginfo.ln printhash.ln printhashdata.ln printhashnode.ln printhash_live.ln printhost.ln printhostmap.ln printhostmask.ln printifname.ln printip.ln printipfexpr.ln printlog.ln printlookup.ln printmask.ln printnat.ln printnataddr.ln printnatfield.ln printnatside.ln printpool.ln printpooldata.ln printpoolfield.ln printpoolnode.ln printpool_live.ln printproto.ln printportcmp.ln printpacket.ln printpacket6.ln printsbuf.ln printstate.ln printstatefields.ln printtcpflags.ln printtqtable.ln printtunable.ln printunit.ln remove_hash.ln remove_hashnode.ln remove_pool.ln remove_poolnode.ln resetlexer.ln rwlock_emul.ln save_execute.ln save_file.ln save_nothing.ln save_syslog.ln save_v1trap.ln save_v2trap.ln tcpflags.ln var.ln verbose.ln vtof.ln v6ionames.ln v6optvalue.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locale --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f perfused.html8 .depend debug.d msg.d perfused.d debug.d.tmp msg.d.tmp perfused.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-liscsi.ln conffile.ln disk.ln util.ln parameters.ln protocol.ln storage.ln netmask.ln md5c.ln md5hl.ln uuid.ln initiator.ln target.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_vether_p.a if_vether.po vether_component.po if_vether.po.tmp vether_component.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-latf-c++.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-locale --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f locale.html1 .depend locale.d locale.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pamu2fcfg pamu2fcfg.o cmdline.o b64.o readpassphrase.o explicit_bzero.o util.o pamu2fcfg.ln cmdline.ln b64.ln readpassphrase.ln explicit_bzero.ln util.ln || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtools_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lldd_elf32.ln ldd_elfxx.ln xmalloc.ln debug.ln expand.ln map_object.ln load.ln search.ln headers.ln paths.ln tls.ln symver.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- cleandir ===> sys/rump/net/lib/libbpfjit --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf64 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-psrset --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_wg.a if_wg.o wg_component.o wg_user.o if_wg.o.tmp wg_component.o.tmp wg_user.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_add.html1 .depend main.d perform.d main.d.tmp perform.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cc1plus --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f psrset.html8 .depend psrset.d psrset.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_procfs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl3/gcc.old/usr.bin/cc1plus --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_portal --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_procfs --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_procfs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt atf-c++.pc a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ioconf.c ioconf.h locators.h machine i386 i386 x86 xen a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core drvctl.kmod kern_drvctl.o || true) --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-sort --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_portal --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtools_g.a || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_vether_g.a || true) --- cleandir-libwg --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/sort --- cleandir-sed --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_wg_p.a if_wg.po wg_component.po wg_user.po if_wg.po.tmp wg_component.po.tmp wg_user.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pamu2fcfg.html1 .depend b64.d cmdline.d explicit_bzero.d pamu2fcfg.d readpassphrase.d util.d b64.d.tmp cmdline.d.tmp explicit_bzero.d.tmp pamu2fcfg.d.tmp readpassphrase.d.tmp util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- cleandir-pkg_admin --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-elf64 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-pstat --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/pstat --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit h_mdc2test mdc2test.o mdc2test.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f bootparam_prot.h klm_prot.h mount.h nfs_prot.h nlm_prot.h rex.h rnusers.h rusers.h rquota.h rstat.h rwall.h sm_inter.h spray.h yp.h yppasswd.h bootparam_prot_xdr.c klm_prot_xdr.c mount_xdr.c nfs_prot_xdr.c nlm_prot_xdr.c rex_xdr.c rnusers_xdr.c rusers_xdr.c rquota_xdr.c rstat_xdr.c rwall_xdr.c sm_inter_xdr.c spray_xdr.c yp_xdr.c yppasswd_xdr.c a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pkg_install/sbin/pkg_admin --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libatf-c++ --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-c++-api.html3 .depend application.d build.d check.d config.d env.d exceptions.d fs.d process.d tests.d text.d utils.d application.d.tmp build.d.tmp check.d.tmp config.d.tmp env.d.tmp exceptions.d.tmp fs.d.tmp process.d.tmp tests.d.tmp text.d.tmp utils.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend dummy.d dummy.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libvether --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_vether_pic.a* if_vether.pico vether_component.pico if_vether.pico.tmp vether_component.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-libwg --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-modules --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend ioconf.d kern_drvctl.d ioconf.d.tmp kern_drvctl.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtools_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_bpfjit.a bpfjit.o bpfjit.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libiscsi.html3 .depend conffile.d disk.d initiator.d md5c.d md5hl.d netmask.d parameters.d protocol.d storage.d target.d util.d uuid.d conffile.d.tmp disk.d.tmp initiator.d.tmp md5c.d.tmp md5hl.d.tmp netmask.d.tmp parameters.d.tmp protocol.d.tmp storage.d.tmp target.d.tmp util.d.tmp uuid.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_wg_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_sed t_sed.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrumpnet_vether.ln if_vether.ln vether_component.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_procfs --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pam-u2f/lib --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-sort --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_procfs mount_procfs.o pathadj.o mount_procfs.ln pathadj.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_bpfjit_p.a bpfjit.po bpfjit.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. .depend mdc2test.d mdc2test.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-ltools.ln || true) --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librpcsvc.a bootparam_prot_xdr.o klm_prot_xdr.o mount_xdr.o nfs_prot_xdr.o nlm_prot_xdr.o rex_xdr.o rnusers_xdr.o rusers_xdr.o rquota_xdr.o rstat_xdr.o rwall_xdr.o sm_inter_xdr.o spray_xdr.o yp_xdr.o yppasswd_xdr.o bootparam_prot_xdr.o.tmp klm_prot_xdr.o.tmp mount_xdr.o.tmp nfs_prot_xdr.o.tmp nlm_prot_xdr.o.tmp rex_xdr.o.tmp rnusers_xdr.o.tmp rusers_xdr.o.tmp rquota_xdr.o.tmp rstat_xdr.o.tmp rwall_xdr.o.tmp sm_inter_xdr.o.tmp spray_xdr.o.tmp yp_xdr.o.tmp yppasswd_xdr.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-libproc --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/libproc --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean1 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f liblber.a assert.o decode.o encode.o io.o bprint.o debug.o memory.o options.o sockbuf.o stdio.o assert.o.tmp decode.o.tmp encode.o.tmp io.o.tmp bprint.o.tmp debug.o.tmp memory.o.tmp options.o.tmp sockbuf.o.tmp stdio.o.tmp || true) --- libclean2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f liblber_p.a assert.po decode.po encode.po io.po bprint.po debug.po memory.po options.po sockbuf.po stdio.po assert.po.tmp decode.po.tmp encode.po.tmp io.po.tmp bprint.po.tmp debug.po.tmp memory.po.tmp options.po.tmp sockbuf.po.tmp stdio.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_wg_pic.a* if_wg.pico wg_component.pico wg_user.pico if_wg.pico.tmp wg_component.pico.tmp wg_user.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- cleandir-target --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- cleandir-security --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf32 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/iscsi/target --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pstat pstat.o swaplist.o pstat.ln swaplist.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pam-u2f/lib/security --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ioconf.c ioconf.h locators.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core machine i386 i386 x86 xen || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- cleandir-rc5 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-hprop --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_procfs.html8 .depend mount_procfs.d pathadj.d mount_procfs.d.tmp pathadj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/crypto/libcrypto/rc5 --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/locate --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cc1objplus --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- cleandir-efs --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/hprop --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f gss-commands.c gss-commands.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit gsstool gss-commands.o gsstool.o gsstool.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_sort t_sort.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cc1objplus objcp-act.o objcp-lang.o objcp-decl.o objc-runtime-shared-support.o objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.o objc-next-runtime-abi-01.o objc-next-runtime-abi-02.o objc-encoding.o objc-map.o call.o class.o constexpr.o constraint.o coroutines.o cp-gimplify.o cp-objcp-common.o cp-ubsan.o cvt.o cxx-pretty-print.o decl.o decl2.o dump.o error.o except.o expr.o friend.o init.o lambda.o lex.o logic.o mangle.o method.o name-lookup.o optimize.o parser.o pt.o ptree.o rtti.o search.o semantics.o tree.o typeck.o typeck2.o vtable-class-hierarchy.o attribs.o incpath.o c-common.o c-cppbuiltin.o c-dump.o c-format.o c-gimplify.o c-indentation.o c-lex.o c-omp.o c-opts.o c-pch.o c-ppoutput.o c-pragma.o c-pretty-print.o c-semantics.o c-ada-spec.o c-ubsan.o known-headers.o c-attribs.o c-warn.o c-spellcheck.o i386-c.o default-c.o main.o cc1objplus-checksum.o objcp-act.ln objcp-lang.ln objcp-decl.ln objc-runtime-shared-support.ln objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.ln objc-next-runtime-abi-01.ln objc-next-runtime-abi-02.ln objc-encoding.ln objc-map.ln call.ln class.ln constexpr.ln cp-gimplify.ln cp-objcp-common.ln cp-ubsan.ln cvt.ln cxx-pretty-print.ln decl.ln decl2.ln dump.ln error.ln except.ln expr.ln friend.ln init.ln lambda.ln lex.ln mangle.ln method.ln name-lookup.ln optimize.ln parser.ln pt.ln ptree.ln rtti.ln search.ln semantics.ln tree.ln typeck.ln typeck2.ln vtable-class-hierarchy.ln attribs.ln incpath.ln c-common.ln c-cppbuiltin.ln c-dump.ln c-format.ln c-gimplify.ln c-indentation.ln c-lex.ln c-omp.ln c-opts.ln c-pch.ln c-ppoutput.ln c-pragma.ln c-pretty-print.ln c-semantics.ln c-ada-spec.ln c-ubsan.ln c-attribs.ln c-warn.ln i386-c.ln default-c.ln main.ln cc1objplus-checksum.ln cc1objplus-checksum.c genchecksum genchecksum.lo checksum-options || true) --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/modules/efs --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librpcsvc_p.a bootparam_prot_xdr.po klm_prot_xdr.po mount_xdr.po nfs_prot_xdr.po nlm_prot_xdr.po rex_xdr.po rnusers_xdr.po rusers_xdr.po rquota_xdr.po rstat_xdr.po rwall_xdr.po sm_inter_xdr.po spray_xdr.po yp_xdr.po yppasswd_xdr.po bootparam_prot_xdr.po.tmp klm_prot_xdr.po.tmp mount_xdr.po.tmp nfs_prot_xdr.po.tmp nlm_prot_xdr.po.tmp rex_xdr.po.tmp rnusers_xdr.po.tmp rusers_xdr.po.tmp rquota_xdr.po.tmp rstat_xdr.po.tmp rwall_xdr.po.tmp sm_inter_xdr.po.tmp spray_xdr.po.tmp yp_xdr.po.tmp yppasswd_xdr.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend addicmp.d addipopt.d alist_free.d alist_new.d allocmbt.d assigndefined.d bcopywrap.d binprint.d buildopts.d checkrev.d connecttcp.d count4bits.d count6bits.d debug.d dupmbt.d facpri.d familyname.d fill6bits.d findword.d flags.d freembt.d ftov.d genmask.d gethost.d geticmptype.d getifname.d getnattype.d getport.d getportproto.d getproto.d getsumd.d hostname.d icmpcode.d icmptypename.d icmptypes.d initparse.d interror.d ionames.d ipf_dotuning.d ipf_perror.d ipft_hx.d ipft_pc.d ipft_tx.d ipoptsec.d kmem.d kmemcpywrap.d kvatoname.d load_dstlist.d load_dstlistnode.d load_file.d load_hash.d load_hashnode.d load_http.d load_pool.d load_poolnode.d load_url.d msgdsize.d mutex_emul.d nametokva.d nat_setgroupmap.d ntomask.d optname.d optprint.d optprintv6.d optvalue.d parsefields.d parseipfexpr.d parsewhoisline.d poolio.d portname.d print_toif.d printactiveaddr.d printactivenat.d printaddr.d printaps.d printbuf.d printfieldhdr.d printfr.d printfraginfo.d printhash.d printhash_live.d printhashdata.d printhashnode.d printhost.d printhostmap.d printhostmask.d printifname.d printip.d printipfexpr.d printlog.d printlookup.d printmask.d printnat.d printnataddr.d printnatfield.d printnatside.d printpacket.d printpacket6.d printpool.d printpool_live.d printpooldata.d printpoolfield.d printpoolnode.d printportcmp.d printproto.d printsbuf.d printstate.d printstatefields.d printtcpflags.d printtqtable.d printtunable.d printunit.d remove_hash.d remove_hashnode.d remove_pool.d remove_poolnode.d resetlexer.d rwlock_emul.d save_execute.d save_file.d save_nothing.d save_syslog.d save_v1trap.d save_v2trap.d tcpflags.d v6ionames.d v6optvalue.d var.d verbose.d vtof.d addicmp.d.tmp addipopt.d.tmp alist_free.d.tmp alist_new.d.tmp allocmbt.d.tmp assigndefined.d.tmp bcopywrap.d.tmp binprint.d.tmp buildopts.d.tmp checkrev.d.tmp connecttcp.d.tmp count4bits.d.tmp count6bits.d.tmp debug.d.tmp dupmbt.d.tmp facpri.d.tmp familyname.d.tmp fill6bits.d.tmp findword.d.tmp flags.d.tmp freembt.d.tmp ftov.d.tmp genmask.d.tmp gethost.d.tmp geticmptype.d.tmp getifname.d.tmp getnattype.d.tmp getport.d.tmp getportproto.d.tmp getproto.d.tmp getsumd.d.tmp hostname.d.tmp icmpcode.d.tmp icmptypename.d.tmp icmptypes.d.tmp initparse.d.tmp interror.d.tmp ionames.d.tmp ipf_dotuning.d.tmp ipf_perror.d.tmp ipft_hx.d.tmp ipft_pc.d.tmp ipft_tx.d.tmp ipoptsec.d.tmp kmem.d.tmp kmemcpywrap.d.tmp kvatoname.d.tmp load_dstlist.d.tmp load_dstlistnode.d.tmp load_file.d.tmp load_hash.d.tmp load_hashnode.d.tmp load_http.d.tmp load_pool.d.tmp load_poolnode.d.tmp load_url.d.tmp msgdsize.d.tmp mutex_emul.d.tmp nametokva.d.tmp nat_setgroupmap.d.tmp ntomask.d.tmp optname.d.tmp optprint.d.tmp optprintv6.d.tmp optvalue.d.tmp parsefields.d.tmp parseipfexpr.d.tmp parsewhoisline.d.tmp poolio.d.tmp portname.d.tmp print_toif.d.tmp printactiveaddr.d.tmp printactivenat.d.tmp printaddr.d.tmp printaps.d.tmp printbuf.d.tmp printfieldhdr.d.tmp printfr.d.tmp printfraginfo.d.tmp printhash.d.tmp printhash_live.d.tmp printhashdata.d.tmp printhashnode.d.tmp printhost.d.tmp printhostmap.d.tmp printhostmask.d.tmp printifname.d.tmp printip.d.tmp printipfexpr.d.tmp printlog.d.tmp printlookup.d.tmp printmask.d.tmp printnat.d.tmp printnataddr.d.tmp printnatfield.d.tmp printnatside.d.tmp printpacket.d.tmp printpacket6.d.tmp printpool.d.tmp printpool_live.d.tmp printpooldata.d.tmp printpoolfield.d.tmp printpoolnode.d.tmp printportcmp.d.tmp printproto.d.tmp printsbuf.d.tmp printstate.d.tmp printstatefields.d.tmp printtcpflags.d.tmp printtqtable.d.tmp printtunable.d.tmp printunit.d.tmp remove_hash.d.tmp remove_hashnode.d.tmp remove_pool.d.tmp remove_poolnode.d.tmp resetlexer.d.tmp rwlock_emul.d.tmp save_execute.d.tmp save_file.d.tmp save_nothing.d.tmp save_syslog.d.tmp save_v1trap.d.tmp save_v2trap.d.tmp tcpflags.d.tmp v6ionames.d.tmp v6optvalue.d.tmp var.d.tmp verbose.d.tmp vtof.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-libproc --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/libproc/lib --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-stat --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_bpfjit_g.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/stat --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pstat.html8 .depend pstat.d swaplist.d pstat.d.tmp swaplist.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pkg_admin audit.o check.o main.o audit.ln check.ln main.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f liblber_g.a || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pam-u2f/lib/security/pam-u2f --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libvether --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend if_vether.d ioconf.d vether_component.d if_vether.d.tmp ioconf.d.tmp vether_component.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend application.d atffile.d config.d config_file.d env.d exceptions.d expand.d fs.d io.d parser.d process.d reader.d requirements.d signals.d test-program.d text.d timers.d ui.d user.d application.d.tmp atffile.d.tmp config.d.tmp config_file.d.tmp env.d.tmp exceptions.d.tmp expand.d.tmp fs.d.tmp io.d.tmp parser.d.tmp process.d.tmp reader.d.tmp requirements.d.tmp signals.d.tmp test-program.d.tmp text.d.tmp timers.d.tmp ui.d.tmp user.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_ptyfs --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrumpnet_wg.ln if_wg.ln wg_component.ln wg_user.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-bigram --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_ptyfs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend debug.d expand.d headers.d ldd_elfxx.d load.d map_object.d paths.d search.d symver.d tls.d xmalloc.d debug.d.tmp expand.d.tmp headers.d.tmp ldd_elfxx.d.tmp load.d.tmp map_object.d.tmp paths.d.tmp search.d.tmp symver.d.tmp tls.d.tmp xmalloc.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cpp --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf32_compat --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend gss-commands.d gsstool.d gss-commands.d.tmp gsstool.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit iscsi-target iscsi-target.o iscsi-target.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librpcsvc_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/ldd/elf32_compat --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl3/gcc.old/usr.bin/cpp --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_bpfjit_pic.a* bpfjit.pico bpfjit.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-pwd_mkdb --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/locate/bigram --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f liblber_pic.a* assert.pico decode.pico encode.pico io.pico bprint.pico debug.pico memory.pico options.pico sockbuf.pico stdio.pico assert.pico.tmp decode.pico.tmp encode.pico.tmp io.pico.tmp bprint.pico.tmp debug.pico.tmp memory.pico.tmp options.pico.tmp sockbuf.pico.tmp stdio.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/pwd_mkdb --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_admin.html1 .depend audit.d check.d main.d audit.d.tmp check.d.tmp main.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-hxtool --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librpcsvc_pic.a* bootparam_prot_xdr.pico klm_prot_xdr.pico mount_xdr.pico nfs_prot_xdr.pico nlm_prot_xdr.pico rex_xdr.pico rnusers_xdr.pico rusers_xdr.pico rquota_xdr.pico rstat_xdr.pico rwall_xdr.pico sm_inter_xdr.pico spray_xdr.pico yp_xdr.pico yppasswd_xdr.pico bootparam_prot_xdr.pico.tmp klm_prot_xdr.pico.tmp mount_xdr.pico.tmp nfs_prot_xdr.pico.tmp nlm_prot_xdr.pico.tmp rex_xdr.pico.tmp rnusers_xdr.pico.tmp rusers_xdr.pico.tmp rquota_xdr.pico.tmp rstat_xdr.pico.tmp rwall_xdr.pico.tmp sm_inter_xdr.pico.tmp spray_xdr.pico.tmp yp_xdr.pico.tmp yppasswd_xdr.pico.tmp || true) --- libclean5 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrpcsvc.ln bootparam_prot_xdr.ln klm_prot_xdr.ln mount_xdr.ln nfs_prot_xdr.ln nlm_prot_xdr.ln rex_xdr.ln rnusers_xdr.ln rusers_xdr.ln rquota_xdr.ln rstat_xdr.ln rwall_xdr.ln sm_inter_xdr.ln spray_xdr.ln yp_xdr.ln yppasswd_xdr.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-libwg --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ioconf.c ioconf.h locators.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core machine i386 i386 x86 xen || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrumpnet_bpfjit.ln bpfjit.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/bin/hxtool --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/libexec --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f iscsi-target.html8 targets.html5 .depend iscsi-target.d iscsi-target.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- cleandir-pkg_create --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-llber.ln assert.ln decode.ln encode.ln io.ln bprint.ln debug.ln memory.ln options.ln sockbuf.ln stdio.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit digest-service digest-service.o digest-service.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pkg_install/sbin/pkg_create --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_ptyfs mount_ptyfs.o pathadj.o mount_ptyfs.ln pathadj.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/ipf/bin --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_compat.a dummy.o dummy.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit h_rc5test rc5test.o rc5test.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cc1objplus --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libwg --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend if_wg.d ioconf.d wg_component.d wg_user.d if_wg.d.tmp ioconf.d.tmp wg_component.d.tmp wg_user.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- cleandir-initiator --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-libbpfjit --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core machine i386 i386 x86 xen || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_stat t_stat.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-postinstall --- --- cleandir-pwd_mkdb --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-atf-check --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit locate.bigram locate.bigram.o locate.bigram.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f objcp-act.c objcp-lang.c gmp.h mpfr.h mpf2mpfr.h mpc.h mpc-log.h .depend attribs.d c-ada-spec.d c-attribs.d c-common.d c-cppbuiltin.d c-dump.d c-format.d c-gimplify.d c-indentation.d c-lex.d c-omp.d c-opts.d c-pch.d c-ppoutput.d c-pragma.d c-pretty-print.d c-semantics.d c-spellcheck.d c-ubsan.d c-warn.d call.d cc1objplus-checksum.d class.d constexpr.d constraint.d coroutines.d cp-gimplify.d cp-objcp-common.d cp-ubsan.d cvt.d cxx-pretty-print.d decl.d decl2.d default-c.d dump.d error.d except.d expr.d friend.d i386-c.d incpath.d init.d known-headers.d lambda.d lex.d logic.d main.d mangle.d method.d name-lookup.d objc-encoding.d objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.d objc-map.d objc-next-runtime-abi-01.d objc-next-runtime-abi-02.d objc-runtime-shared-support.d objcp-act.d objcp-decl.d objcp-lang.d optimize.d parser.d pt.d ptree.d rtti.d search.d semantics.d tree.d typeck.d typeck2.d vtable-class-hierarchy.d attribs.d.tmp c-ada-spec.d.tmp c-attribs.d.tmp c-common.d.tmp c-cppbuiltin.d.tmp c-dump.d.tmp c-format.d.tmp c-gimplify.d.tmp c-indentation.d.tmp c-lex.d.tmp c-omp.d.tmp c-opts.d.tmp c-pch.d.tmp c-ppoutput.d.tmp c-pragma.d.tmp c-pretty-print.d.tmp c-semantics.d.tmp c-spellcheck.d.tmp c-ubsan.d.tmp c-warn.d.tmp call.d.tmp cc1objplus-checksum.d.tmp class.d.tmp constexpr.d.tmp constraint.d.tmp coroutines.d.tmp cp-gimplify.d.tmp cp-objcp-common.d.tmp cp-ubsan.d.tmp cvt.d.tmp cxx-pretty-print.d.tmp decl.d.tmp decl2.d.tmp default-c.d.tmp dump.d.tmp error.d.tmp except.d.tmp expr.d.tmp friend.d.tmp i386-c.d.tmp incpath.d.tmp init.d.tmp known-headers.d.tmp lambda.d.tmp lex.d.tmp logic.d.tmp main.d.tmp mangle.d.tmp method.d.tmp name-lookup.d.tmp objc-encoding.d.tmp objc-gnu-runtime-abi-01.d.tmp objc-map.d.tmp objc-next-runtime-abi-01.d.tmp objc-next-runtime-abi-02.d.tmp objc-runtime-shared-support.d.tmp objcp-act.d.tmp objcp-decl.d.tmp objcp-lang.d.tmp optimize.d.tmp parser.d.tmp pt.d.tmp ptree.d.tmp rtti.d.tmp search.d.tmp semantics.d.tmp tree.d.tmp typeck.d.tmp typeck2.d.tmp vtable-class-hierarchy.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-postinstall --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/postinstall --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/iscsi/initiator --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/libexec/atf-check --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-pwd_mkdb --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pwd_mkdb pwd_mkdb.o pwd_mkdb.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend digest-service.d digest-service.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f machine i386 i386 x86 xen a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core efs.kmod efs_genfs.o efs_subr.o efs_vfsops.o efs_vnops.o || true) --- cleandir-rump --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-tar --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend bootparam_prot_xdr.d klm_prot_xdr.d mount_xdr.d nfs_prot_xdr.d nlm_prot_xdr.d rex_xdr.d rnusers_xdr.d rquota_xdr.d rstat_xdr.d rusers_xdr.d rwall_xdr.d sm_inter_xdr.d spray_xdr.d yp_xdr.d yppasswd_xdr.d bootparam_prot_xdr.d.tmp klm_prot_xdr.d.tmp mount_xdr.d.tmp nfs_prot_xdr.d.tmp nlm_prot_xdr.d.tmp rex_xdr.d.tmp rnusers_xdr.d.tmp rquota_xdr.d.tmp rstat_xdr.d.tmp rusers_xdr.d.tmp rwall_xdr.d.tmp sm_inter_xdr.d.tmp spray_xdr.d.tmp yp_xdr.d.tmp yppasswd_xdr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. .depend rc5test.d rc5test.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend bpfjit.d bpfjit.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/tar --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-postinstall --- sh: /tmp/build/2024. not found nbmake[5]: "/tmp/build/2024." line 12: warning: "/tmp/build/2024. -n '/ARCHDIR_SUBDIR/s/[[:space:]]//gp' /tmp/build/2024." returned non-zero status --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_puffs --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-hpropd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_compat_p.a || true) --- cleandir-locate --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend locate.bigram.d locate.bigram.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libproc.a proc_bkpt.o proc_create.o proc_regs.o proc_sym.o proc_rtld.o proc_util.o proc_bkpt.o.tmp proc_create.o.tmp proc_regs.o.tmp proc_sym.o.tmp proc_rtld.o.tmp proc_util.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_ptyfs --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_ptyfs.html8 .depend mount_ptyfs.d pathadj.d mount_ptyfs.d.tmp pathadj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/libexec/hpropd --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_puffs --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_puffs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pam_u2f.a pam-u2f.o drop_privs.o util.o b64.o explicit_bzero.o pam-u2f.o.tmp drop_privs.o.tmp util.o.tmp b64.o.tmp explicit_bzero.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/ipf/bin/ipf --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libvirtif --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-crypto --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-pwd_mkdb --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pwd_mkdb.html8 .depend pwd_mkdb.d pwd_mkdb.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend efs_genfs.d efs_subr.d efs_vfsops.d efs_vnops.d efs_genfs.d.tmp efs_subr.d.tmp efs_vfsops.d.tmp efs_vnops.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pkg_create main.o perform.o pl.o util.o build.o main.ln perform.ln pl.ln util.ln build.ln || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- cleandir ===> sys/rump/net/lib/libvirtif --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_ciphers t_hashes t_libcrypto t_pubkey t_ciphers.tmp t_hashes.tmp t_libcrypto.tmp t_pubkey.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp .depend t_sha512trunc.d t_sha512trunc.d.tmp tags /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit iscsi-initiator iscsi-initiator.o virtdir.o libkmod.o iscsi-initiator.ln virtdir.ln libkmod.ln || true) --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f lber-decode.html3 lber-encode.html3 lber-memory.html3 lber-sockbuf.html3 lber-types.html3 .depend assert.d bprint.d debug.d decode.d encode.d io.d memory.d options.d sockbuf.d stdio.d assert.d.tmp bprint.d.tmp debug.d.tmp decode.d.tmp encode.d.tmp io.d.tmp memory.d.tmp options.d.tmp sockbuf.d.tmp stdio.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit atf-check atf-check.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_compat_g.a || true) --- cleandir-locate --- --- cleandir-code --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-postinstall --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libproc_p.a proc_bkpt.po proc_create.po proc_regs.po proc_sym.po proc_rtld.po proc_util.po proc_bkpt.po.tmp proc_create.po.tmp proc_regs.po.tmp proc_sym.po.tmp proc_rtld.po.tmp proc_util.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pam_u2f_p.a || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/usr.bin --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f postinstall a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit postinstall || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/locate/code --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- cleandir-libldap --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/librt --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-iscsi --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f iscsi-initiator.html8 .depend iscsi-initiator.d libkmod.d virtdir.d iscsi-initiator.d.tmp libkmod.d.tmp virtdir.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-iprop-log --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-check.html1 .depend atf-check.d atf-check.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-openldap --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/openldap/lib/libldap --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipfs --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_puffs mount_puffs.o mount_puffs.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/iprop-log --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-ipf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/ipf/bin/ipfs --- cleandir-libproc --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_create.html1 .depend build.d main.d perform.d pl.d util.d build.d.tmp main.d.tmp perform.d.tmp pl.d.tmp util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-doc --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f postinstall.html8 || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pam_u2f_g.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldd_elf32_compat_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-atf-sh --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libproc_g.a || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit h_tar test_main.o test_utils.o test_0.o test_basic.o test_copy.o test_empty_mtree.o test_extract_tar_Z.o test_extract_tar_bz2.o test_extract_tar_grz.o test_extract_tar_gz.o test_extract_tar_lrz.o test_extract_tar_lz.o test_extract_tar_lz4.o test_extract_tar_lzma.o test_extract_tar_lzo.o test_extract_tar_xz.o test_extract_tar_zstd.o test_format_newc.o test_help.o test_leading_slash.o test_missing_file.o test_option_C_mtree.o test_option_C_upper.o test_option_H_upper.o test_option_L_upper.o test_option_O_upper.o test_option_T_upper.o test_option_U_upper.o test_option_X_upper.o test_option_a.o test_option_acls.o test_option_b.o test_option_b64encode.o test_option_exclude.o test_option_exclude_vcs.o test_option_fflags.o test_option_gid_gname.o test_option_grzip.o test_option_j.o test_option_k.o test_option_keep_newer_files.o test_option_lrzip.o test_option_lz4.o test_option_lzma.o test_option_lzop.o test_option_n.o test_option_newer_than.o test_option_nodump.o test_option_older_than.o test_option_passphrase.o test_option_q.o test_option_r.o test_option_s.o test_option_uid_uname.o test_option_uuencode.o test_option_xattrs.o test_option_xz.o test_option_z.o test_option_zstd.o test_patterns.o test_print_longpath.o test_stdio.o test_strip_components.o test_symlink_dir.o test_version.o test_windows.o test_main.ln test_utils.ln test_0.ln test_basic.ln test_copy.ln test_empty_mtree.ln test_extract_tar_Z.ln test_extract_tar_bz2.ln test_extract_tar_grz.ln test_extract_tar_gz.ln test_extract_tar_lrz.ln test_extract_tar_lz.ln test_extract_tar_lz4.ln test_extract_tar_lzma.ln test_extract_tar_lzo.ln test_extract_tar_xz.ln test_extract_tar_zstd.ln test_format_newc.ln test_help.ln test_leading_slash.ln test_missing_file.ln test_option_C_mtree.ln test_option_C_upper.ln test_option_H_upper.ln test_option_L_upper.ln test_option_O_upper.ln test_option_T_upper.ln test_option_U_upper.ln test_option_X_upper.ln test_option_a.ln test_option_acls.ln test_option_b.ln test_option_b64encode.ln test_option_exclude.ln test_option_exclude_vcs.ln test_option_fflags.ln test_option_gid_gname.ln test_option_grzip.ln test_option_j.ln test_option_k.ln test_option_keep_newer_files.ln test_option_lrzip.ln test_option_lz4.ln test_option_lzma.ln test_option_lzop.ln test_option_n.ln test_option_newer_than.ln test_option_nodump.ln test_option_older_than.ln test_option_passphrase.ln test_option_q.ln test_option_r.ln test_option_s.ln test_option_uid_uname.ln test_option_uuencode.ln test_option_xattrs.ln test_option_xz.ln test_option_z.ln test_option_zstd.ln test_patterns.ln test_print_longpath.ln test_stdio.ln test_strip_components.ln test_symlink_dir.ln test_version.ln test_windows.ln list.h || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/usr.bin/atf-sh --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/doc --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_virtif.a if_virt.o virtif_user.o if_virt.o.tmp virtif_user.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-hprop --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cc1plus --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit hprop hprop.o mit_dump.o hprop.ln mit_dump.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit locate.code locate.code.o locate.code.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/libtelnet --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- cleandir-ext2fs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cc1plus cp-lang.o stub-objc.o call.o class.o constexpr.o constraint.o coroutines.o cp-gimplify.o cp-objcp-common.o cp-ubsan.o cvt.o cxx-pretty-print.o decl.o decl2.o dump.o error.o except.o expr.o friend.o init.o lambda.o lex.o logic.o mangle.o method.o name-lookup.o optimize.o parser.o pt.o ptree.o rtti.o search.o semantics.o tree.o typeck.o typeck2.o vtable-class-hierarchy.o attribs.o incpath.o c-common.o c-cppbuiltin.o c-dump.o c-format.o c-gimplify.o c-indentation.o c-lex.o c-omp.o c-opts.o c-pch.o c-ppoutput.o c-pragma.o c-pretty-print.o c-semantics.o c-ada-spec.o c-ubsan.o known-headers.o c-attribs.o c-warn.o c-spellcheck.o i386-c.o default-c.o main.o cc1plus-checksum.o cp-lang.ln stub-objc.ln call.ln class.ln constexpr.ln cp-gimplify.ln cp-objcp-common.ln cp-ubsan.ln cvt.ln cxx-pretty-print.ln decl.ln decl2.ln dump.ln error.ln except.ln expr.ln friend.ln init.ln lambda.ln lex.ln mangle.ln method.ln name-lookup.ln optimize.ln parser.ln pt.ln ptree.ln rtti.ln search.ln semantics.ln tree.ln typeck.ln typeck2.ln vtable-class-hierarchy.ln attribs.ln incpath.ln c-common.ln c-cppbuiltin.ln c-dump.ln c-format.ln c-gimplify.ln c-indentation.ln c-lex.ln c-omp.ln c-opts.ln c-pch.ln c-ppoutput.ln c-pragma.ln c-pretty-print.ln c-semantics.ln c-ada-spec.ln c-ubsan.ln c-attribs.ln c-warn.ln i386-c.ln default-c.ln main.ln cc1plus-checksum.ln cc1plus-checksum.c genchecksum genchecksum.lo checksum-options || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-powerd --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- cleandir-pkg_delete --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/tests --- cleandir-libproc --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_puffs.html8 .depend mount_puffs.d mount_puffs.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pam_u2f_pic.a* pam-u2f.pico drop_privs.pico util.pico b64.pico explicit_bzero.pico pam-u2f.pico.tmp drop_privs.pico.tmp util.pico.tmp b64.pico.tmp explicit_bzero.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/powerd --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/modules/ext2fs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libproc_pic.a* proc_bkpt.pico proc_create.pico proc_regs.pico proc_sym.pico proc_rtld.pico proc_util.pico proc_bkpt.pico.tmp proc_create.pico.tmp proc_regs.pico.tmp proc_sym.pico.tmp proc_rtld.pico.tmp proc_util.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-pkg_install --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pkg_install/sbin/pkg_delete --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/doc/atf --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_virtif_p.a if_virt.po virtif_user.po if_virt.po.tmp virtif_user.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ipf_y.c ipf_y.h ipf_l.c ipf_l.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ipf ipf.o ipfcomp.o ipf_y.o ipf_l.o ipf.ln ipfcomp.ln ipf_y.ln ipf_l.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_qemufwcfg --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lldd_elf32_compat.ln dummy.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f hprop.html8 .depend hprop.d mit_dump.d hprop.d.tmp mit_dump.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend locate.code.d locate.code.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_qemufwcfg --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lpam_u2f.ln pam-u2f.ln drop_privs.ln util.ln b64.ln explicit_bzero.ln || true) --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lproc.ln proc_bkpt.ln proc_create.ln proc_regs.ln proc_sym.ln proc_rtld.ln proc_util.ln || true) --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/tests/atf --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f hxtool-commands.c hxtool-commands.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit hxtool hxtool-commands.o hxtool.o hxtool.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt atf-sh.pc a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit atf-sh atf-sh.o || true) --- cleandir-share --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt atf.7 atf.7.tmp || true) --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ipf.html8 ipf.html4 ipf.html5 ipl.html4 .depend ipf.d ipf_l.d ipf_y.d ipfcomp.d ipf.d.tmp ipf_l.d.tmp ipf_y.d.tmp ipfcomp.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-kadmin --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/kadmin --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_virtif_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librt.a sem.o shm.o pset.o aio_cancel.o aio_error.o aio_fsync.o aio_read.o aio_return.o aio_write.o lio_listio.o mq_close.o mq_getattr.o mq_notify.o mq_open.o mq_setattr.o mq_unlink.o pset_create.o pset_destroy.o pset_assign.o _pset_bind.o cerror.o sem.o.tmp shm.o.tmp pset.o.tmp aio_cancel.o.tmp aio_error.o.tmp aio_fsync.o.tmp aio_read.o.tmp aio_return.o.tmp aio_write.o.tmp lio_listio.o.tmp mq_close.o.tmp mq_getattr.o.tmp mq_notify.o.tmp mq_open.o.tmp mq_setattr.o.tmp mq_unlink.o.tmp pset_create.o.tmp pset_destroy.o.tmp pset_assign.o.tmp _pset_bind.o.tmp cerror.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_tar t_tar.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp .depend test_0.d test_basic.d test_copy.d test_empty_mtree.d test_extract_tar_Z.d test_extract_tar_bz2.d test_extract_tar_grz.d test_extract_tar_gz.d test_extract_tar_lrz.d test_extract_tar_lz.d test_extract_tar_lz4.d test_extract_tar_lzma.d test_extract_tar_lzo.d test_extract_tar_xz.d test_extract_tar_zstd.d test_format_newc.d test_help.d test_leading_slash.d test_main.d test_missing_file.d test_option_C_mtree.d test_option_C_upper.d test_option_H_upper.d test_option_L_upper.d test_option_O_upper.d test_option_T_upper.d test_option_U_upper.d test_option_X_upper.d test_option_a.d test_option_acls.d test_option_b.d test_option_b64encode.d test_option_exclude.d test_option_exclude_vcs.d test_option_fflags.d test_option_gid_gname.d test_option_grzip.d test_option_j.d test_option_k.d test_option_keep_newer_files.d test_option_lrzip.d test_option_lz4.d test_option_lzma.d test_option_lzop.d test_option_n.d test_option_newer_than.d test_option_nodump.d test_option_older_than.d test_option_passphrase.d test_option_q.d test_option_r.d test_option_s.d test_option_uid_uname.d test_option_uuencode.d test_option_xattrs.d test_option_xz.d test_option_z.d test_option_zstd.d test_patterns.d test_print_longpath.d test_stdio.d test_strip_components.d test_symlink_dir.d test_utils.d test_version.d test_windows.d test_0.d.tmp test_basic.d.tmp test_copy.d.tmp test_empty_mtree.d.tmp test_extract_tar_Z.d.tmp test_extract_tar_bz2.d.tmp test_extract_tar_grz.d.tmp test_extract_tar_gz.d.tmp test_extract_tar_lrz.d.tmp test_extract_tar_lz.d.tmp test_extract_tar_lz4.d.tmp test_extract_tar_lzma.d.tmp test_extract_tar_lzo.d.tmp test_extract_tar_xz.d.tmp test_extract_tar_zstd.d.tmp test_format_newc.d.tmp test_help.d.tmp test_leading_slash.d.tmp test_main.d.tmp test_missing_file.d.tmp test_option_C_mtree.d.tmp test_option_C_upper.d.tmp test_option_H_upper.d.tmp test_option_L_upper.d.tmp test_option_O_upper.d.tmp test_option_T_upper.d.tmp test_option_U_upper.d.tmp test_option_X_upper.d.tmp test_option_a.d.tmp test_option_acls.d.tmp test_option_b.d.tmp test_option_b64encode.d.tmp test_option_exclude.d.tmp test_option_exclude_vcs.d.tmp test_option_fflags.d.tmp test_option_gid_gname.d.tmp test_option_grzip.d.tmp test_option_j.d.tmp test_option_k.d.tmp test_option_keep_newer_files.d.tmp test_option_lrzip.d.tmp test_option_lz4.d.tmp test_option_lzma.d.tmp test_option_lzop.d.tmp test_option_n.d.tmp test_option_newer_than.d.tmp test_option_nodump.d.tmp test_option_older_than.d.tmp test_option_passphrase.d.tmp test_option_q.d.tmp test_option_r.d.tmp test_option_s.d.tmp test_option_uid_uname.d.tmp test_option_uuencode.d.tmp test_option_xattrs.d.tmp test_option_xz.d.tmp test_option_z.d.tmp test_option_zstd.d.tmp test_patterns.d.tmp test_print_longpath.d.tmp test_stdio.d.tmp test_strip_components.d.tmp test_symlink_dir.d.tmp test_utils.d.tmp test_version.d.tmp test_windows.d.tmp tags /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtelnet.a auth.o encrypt.o genget.o getent.o misc.o enc_des.o kerberos5.o sra.o pk.o auth.o.tmp encrypt.o.tmp genget.o.tmp getent.o.tmp misc.o.tmp enc_des.o.tmp kerberos5.o.tmp sra.o.tmp pk.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend hxtool-commands.d hxtool.d hxtool-commands.d.tmp hxtool.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit powerd powerd.o powerd_hostops.o powerd.ln powerd_hostops.ln rump.powerd powerd.o powerd_rumpops.o prop_kern.o powerd.ln powerd_rumpops.ln prop_kern.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f gmp.h mpfr.h mpf2mpfr.h mpc.h mpc-log.h .depend attribs.d c-ada-spec.d c-attribs.d c-common.d c-cppbuiltin.d c-dump.d c-format.d c-gimplify.d c-indentation.d c-lex.d c-omp.d c-opts.d c-pch.d c-ppoutput.d c-pragma.d c-pretty-print.d c-semantics.d c-spellcheck.d c-ubsan.d c-warn.d call.d cc1plus-checksum.d class.d constexpr.d constraint.d coroutines.d cp-gimplify.d cp-lang.d cp-objcp-common.d cp-ubsan.d cvt.d cxx-pretty-print.d decl.d decl2.d default-c.d dump.d error.d except.d expr.d friend.d i386-c.d incpath.d init.d known-headers.d lambda.d lex.d logic.d main.d mangle.d method.d name-lookup.d optimize.d parser.d pt.d ptree.d rtti.d search.d semantics.d stub-objc.d tree.d typeck.d typeck2.d vtable-class-hierarchy.d attribs.d.tmp c-ada-spec.d.tmp c-attribs.d.tmp c-common.d.tmp c-cppbuiltin.d.tmp c-dump.d.tmp c-format.d.tmp c-gimplify.d.tmp c-indentation.d.tmp c-lex.d.tmp c-omp.d.tmp c-opts.d.tmp c-pch.d.tmp c-ppoutput.d.tmp c-pragma.d.tmp c-pretty-print.d.tmp c-semantics.d.tmp c-spellcheck.d.tmp c-ubsan.d.tmp c-warn.d.tmp call.d.tmp cc1plus-checksum.d.tmp class.d.tmp constexpr.d.tmp constraint.d.tmp coroutines.d.tmp cp-gimplify.d.tmp cp-lang.d.tmp cp-objcp-common.d.tmp cp-ubsan.d.tmp cvt.d.tmp cxx-pretty-print.d.tmp decl.d.tmp decl2.d.tmp default-c.d.tmp dump.d.tmp error.d.tmp except.d.tmp expr.d.tmp friend.d.tmp i386-c.d.tmp incpath.d.tmp init.d.tmp known-headers.d.tmp lambda.d.tmp lex.d.tmp logic.d.tmp main.d.tmp mangle.d.tmp method.d.tmp name-lookup.d.tmp optimize.d.tmp parser.d.tmp pt.d.tmp ptree.d.tmp rtti.d.tmp search.d.tmp semantics.d.tmp stub-objc.d.tmp tree.d.tmp typeck.d.tmp typeck2.d.tmp vtable-class-hierarchy.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-sh.html1 atf-sh-api.html3 .depend atf-sh.d atf-sh.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pkg_delete pkg_delete.o pkg_delete.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_qemufwcfg fwcfg.o virtdir.o fwcfg.ln virtdir.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipfs --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/librtld_db --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_virtif_pic.a* if_virt.pico virtif_user.pico if_virt.pico.tmp virtif_user.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf.html7 atf-formats.html5 atf-test-case.html4 atf-test-program.html1 || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend dummy.d dummy.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f machine i386 i386 x86 xen a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core ext2fs.kmod ext2fs_alloc.o ext2fs_balloc.o ext2fs_bmap.o ext2fs_bswap.o ext2fs_hash.o ext2fs_htree.o ext2fs_extents.o ext2fs_inode.o ext2fs_lookup.o ext2fs_readwrite.o ext2fs_rename.o ext2fs_subr.o ext2fs_vfsops.o ext2fs_vnops.o ext2fs_xattr.o || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ipfs ipfs.o ipfs.ln || true) --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kcc --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtelnet_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend proc_bkpt.d proc_create.d proc_regs.d proc_rtld.d proc_sym.d proc_util.d proc_bkpt.d.tmp proc_create.d.tmp proc_regs.d.tmp proc_rtld.d.tmp proc_sym.d.tmp proc_util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-pam-u2f --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pam_u2f.html8 .depend b64.d drop_privs.d explicit_bzero.d pam-u2f.d util.d b64.d.tmp drop_privs.d.tmp explicit_bzero.d.tmp pam-u2f.d.tmp util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/bin/kcc --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f powerd.html8 .depend powerd.d powerd_hostops.d powerd_rumpops.d prop_kern.d powerd.d.tmp powerd_hostops.d.tmp powerd_rumpops.d.tmp prop_kern.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/locate/locate --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-atf-config --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librt_p.a sem.po shm.po pset.po aio_cancel.po aio_error.po aio_fsync.po aio_read.po aio_return.po aio_write.po lio_listio.po mq_close.po mq_getattr.po mq_notify.po mq_open.po mq_setattr.po mq_unlink.po pset_create.po pset_destroy.po pset_assign.po _pset_bind.po cerror.po sem.po.tmp shm.po.tmp pset.po.tmp aio_cancel.po.tmp aio_error.po.tmp aio_fsync.po.tmp aio_read.po.tmp aio_return.po.tmp aio_write.po.tmp lio_listio.po.tmp mq_close.po.tmp mq_getattr.po.tmp mq_notify.po.tmp mq_open.po.tmp mq_setattr.po.tmp mq_unlink.po.tmp pset_create.po.tmp pset_destroy.po.tmp pset_assign.po.tmp _pset_bind.po.tmp cerror.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cpp --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/usr.bin/atf-config --- cleandir-librtld_db --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/librtld_db/lib --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrumpnet_virtif.ln if_virt.ln virtif_user.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cpp cppspec.o gcc.o gcc-main.o ggc-none.o driver-i386.o cppspec.ln gcc.ln gcc-main.ln ggc-none.ln driver-i386.ln gcc-vers.texi || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tmux --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_delete.html1 .depend pkg_delete.d pkg_delete.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_qemufwcfg.html8 .depend fwcfg.d virtdir.d fwcfg.d.tmp virtdir.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-atf-c --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-examples --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/tmux --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-g++ --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/tests/atf/atf-c --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtelnet_g.a || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit hpropd hpropd.o hpropd.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/examples --- cleandir-gpl3 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl3/gcc.old/usr.bin/g++ --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/puffs --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ipfs.html8 .depend ipfs.d ipfs.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librt_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-cpp --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_sysvbfs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- cleandir-pkg_info --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core machine i386 i386 x86 xen || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl3 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f cpp.html1 gmp.h mpfr.h mpf2mpfr.h mpc.h mpc-log.h .depend cppspec.d driver-i386.d gcc-main.d gcc.d ggc-none.d cppspec.d.tmp driver-i386.d.tmp gcc-main.d.tmp gcc.d.tmp ggc-none.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend ext2fs_alloc.d ext2fs_balloc.d ext2fs_bmap.d ext2fs_bswap.d ext2fs_extents.d ext2fs_hash.d ext2fs_htree.d ext2fs_inode.d ext2fs_lookup.d ext2fs_readwrite.d ext2fs_rename.d ext2fs_subr.d ext2fs_vfsops.d ext2fs_vnops.d ext2fs_xattr.d ext2fs_alloc.d.tmp ext2fs_balloc.d.tmp ext2fs_bmap.d.tmp ext2fs_bswap.d.tmp ext2fs_extents.d.tmp ext2fs_hash.d.tmp ext2fs_htree.d.tmp ext2fs_inode.d.tmp ext2fs_lookup.d.tmp ext2fs_readwrite.d.tmp ext2fs_rename.d.tmp ext2fs_subr.d.tmp ext2fs_vfsops.d.tmp ext2fs_vnops.d.tmp ext2fs_xattr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/libproc/tests --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libtelnet_pic.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_sysvbfs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f hpropd.html8 .depend hpropd.d hpropd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/pkg_install/sbin/pkg_info --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit locate locate.o locate.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/examples/atf --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldap.a bind.o open.o result.o error.o compare.o search.o controls.o messages.o references.o extended.o cyrus.o modify.o add.o modrdn.o delete.o abandon.o sasl.o sbind.o unbind.o cancel.o msctrl.o filter.o free.o sort.o passwd.o whoami.o lbase64.o getdn.o getentry.o getattr.o getvalues.o addentry.o request.o os-ip.o url.o pagectrl.o sortctrl.o vlvctrl.o init.o options.o print.o string.o util-int.o schema.o charray.o os-local.o dnssrv.o utf-8.o utf-8-conv.o turn.o ppolicy.o dds.o txn.o ldap_sync.o stctrl.o assertion.o deref.o fetch.o ldif.o tavl.o account_usability.o avl.o psearchctrl.o ldifutil.o gssapi.o tls2.o tls_o.o tls_g.o bind.o.tmp open.o.tmp result.o.tmp error.o.tmp compare.o.tmp search.o.tmp controls.o.tmp messages.o.tmp references.o.tmp extended.o.tmp cyrus.o.tmp modify.o.tmp add.o.tmp modrdn.o.tmp delete.o.tmp abandon.o.tmp sasl.o.tmp sbind.o.tmp unbind.o.tmp cancel.o.tmp msctrl.o.tmp filter.o.tmp free.o.tmp sort.o.tmp passwd.o.tmp whoami.o.tmp lbase64.o.tmp getdn.o.tmp getentry.o.tmp getattr.o.tmp getvalues.o.tmp addentry.o.tmp request.o.tmp os-ip.o.tmp url.o.tmp pagectrl.o.tmp sortctrl.o.tmp vlvctrl.o.tmp init.o.tmp options.o.tmp print.o.tmp string.o.tmp util-int.o.tmp schema.o.tmp charray.o.tmp os-local.o.tmp dnssrv.o.tmp utf-8.o.tmp utf-8-conv.o.tmp turn.o.tmp ppolicy.o.tmp dds.o.tmp txn.o.tmp ldap_sync.o.tmp stctrl.o.tmp assertion.o.tmp deref.o.tmp fetch.o.tmp ldif.o.tmp tavl.o.tmp account_usability.o.tmp avl.o.tmp psearchctrl.o.tmp ldifutil.o.tmp gssapi.o.tmp tls2.o.tmp tls_o.o.tmp tls_g.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- cleandir-build --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_9p --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librt_pic.a* sem.pico shm.pico pset.pico aio_cancel.pico aio_error.pico aio_fsync.pico aio_read.pico aio_return.pico aio_write.pico lio_listio.pico mq_close.pico mq_getattr.pico mq_notify.pico mq_open.pico mq_setattr.pico mq_unlink.pico pset_create.pico pset_destroy.pico pset_assign.pico _pset_bind.pico cerror.pico sem.pico.tmp shm.pico.tmp pset.pico.tmp aio_cancel.pico.tmp aio_error.pico.tmp aio_fsync.pico.tmp aio_read.pico.tmp aio_return.pico.tmp aio_write.pico.tmp lio_listio.pico.tmp mq_close.pico.tmp mq_getattr.pico.tmp mq_notify.pico.tmp mq_open.pico.tmp mq_setattr.pico.tmp mq_unlink.pico.tmp pset_create.pico.tmp pset_destroy.pico.tmp pset_assign.pico.tmp _pset_bind.pico.tmp cerror.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipfstat --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/ldd/build --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/puffs/mount_9p --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend if_virt.d virtif_user.d if_virt.d.tmp virtif_user.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/ipf/bin/ipfstat --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tr --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-ltelnet.ln auth.ln encrypt.ln genget.ln getent.ln misc.ln enc_des.ln kerberos5.ln sra.ln pk.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tmux --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librtld_db.a rtld_db.o rtld_db.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-ipropd-master --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-locate --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tr --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/tr --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit atf-config atf-config.o || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/libexec/ipropd-master --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-iprop-log --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f locate.html1 locate.updatedb.html8 .depend locate.d locate.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- cleandir-exec_script --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f iprop-commands.c iprop-commands.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit iprop-log iprop-commands.o iprop-log.o iprop-log.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit atf_c_test atf_c_test.o test_helpers.o atf_c_test.ln test_helpers.ln build_test build_test.o test_helpers.o build_test.ln test_helpers.ln check_test check_test.o test_helpers.o check_test.ln test_helpers.ln config_test config_test.o test_helpers.o config_test.ln test_helpers.ln error_test error_test.o test_helpers.o error_test.ln test_helpers.ln macros_test macros_test.o test_helpers.o macros_test.ln test_helpers.ln tc_test tc_test.o test_helpers.o tc_test.ln test_helpers.ln tp_test tp_test.o test_helpers.o tp_test.ln test_helpers.ln utils_test utils_test.o test_helpers.o utils_test.ln test_helpers.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrt.ln sem.ln shm.ln pset.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-unbound --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/modules/exec_script --- cleandir-rump --- --- cleandir-libsockin --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit target_prog target_prog.o target_prog.ln proc_test proc_test.o proc_test.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tmux --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_sysvbfs mount_sysvbfs.o fattr.o pathadj.o mount_sysvbfs.ln fattr.ln pathadj.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librtld_db_p.a rtld_db.po rtld_db.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-unbound --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/unbound --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/rump/net/lib/libsockin --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_tmux t_tmux.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libtelnet --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean2 --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldap_p.a bind.po open.po result.po error.po compare.po search.po controls.po messages.po references.po extended.po cyrus.po modify.po add.po modrdn.po delete.po abandon.po sasl.po sbind.po unbind.po cancel.po msctrl.po filter.po free.po sort.po passwd.po whoami.po lbase64.po getdn.po getentry.po getattr.po getvalues.po addentry.po request.po os-ip.po url.po pagectrl.po sortctrl.po vlvctrl.po init.po options.po print.po string.po util-int.po schema.po charray.po os-local.po dnssrv.po utf-8.po utf-8-conv.po turn.po ppolicy.po dds.po txn.po ldap_sync.po stctrl.po assertion.po deref.po fetch.po ldif.po tavl.po account_usability.po avl.po psearchctrl.po ldifutil.po gssapi.po tls2.po tls_o.po tls_g.po bind.po.tmp open.po.tmp result.po.tmp error.po.tmp compare.po.tmp search.po.tmp controls.po.tmp messages.po.tmp references.po.tmp extended.po.tmp cyrus.po.tmp modify.po.tmp add.po.tmp modrdn.po.tmp delete.po.tmp abandon.po.tmp sasl.po.tmp sbind.po.tmp unbind.po.tmp cancel.po.tmp msctrl.po.tmp filter.po.tmp free.po.tmp sort.po.tmp passwd.po.tmp whoami.po.tmp lbase64.po.tmp getdn.po.tmp getentry.po.tmp getattr.po.tmp getvalues.po.tmp addentry.po.tmp request.po.tmp os-ip.po.tmp url.po.tmp pagectrl.po.tmp sortctrl.po.tmp vlvctrl.po.tmp init.po.tmp options.po.tmp print.po.tmp string.po.tmp util-int.po.tmp schema.po.tmp charray.po.tmp os-local.po.tmp dnssrv.po.tmp utf-8.po.tmp utf-8-conv.po.tmp turn.po.tmp ppolicy.po.tmp dds.po.tmp txn.po.tmp ldap_sync.po.tmp stctrl.po.tmp assertion.po.tmp deref.po.tmp fetch.po.tmp ldif.po.tmp tavl.po.tmp account_usability.po.tmp avl.po.tmp psearchctrl.po.tmp ldifutil.po.tmp gssapi.po.tmp tls2.po.tmp tls_o.po.tmp tls_g.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend auth.d enc_des.d encrypt.d genget.d getent.d kerberos5.d misc.d pk.d sra.d auth.d.tmp enc_des.d.tmp encrypt.d.tmp genget.d.tmp getent.d.tmp kerberos5.d.tmp misc.d.tmp pk.d.tmp sra.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-librt --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-config.html1 .depend atf-config.d atf-config.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-tr --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f aio_cancel.S aio_error.S aio_fsync.S aio_read.S aio_return.S aio_write.S lio_listio.S mq_close.S mq_getattr.S mq_notify.S mq_open.S mq_setattr.S mq_unlink.S pset_create.S pset_destroy.S pset_assign.S _pset_bind.S a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-detail --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f iprop-log.html8 .depend iprop-commands.d iprop-log.d iprop-commands.d.tmp iprop-log.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_9p ninepuffs.o ninebuf.o nineproto.o fs.o node.o subr.o ninepuffs.ln ninebuf.ln nineproto.ln fs.ln node.ln subr.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_psshfs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-libproc --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/tests/atf/atf-c/detail --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_sysvbfs.html8 .depend fattr.d mount_sysvbfs.d pathadj.d fattr.d.tmp mount_sysvbfs.d.tmp pathadj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librtld_db_g.a || true) --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit pkg_info main.o perform.o show.o main.ln perform.ln show.ln || true) --- cleandir-unbound --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/puffs/mount_psshfs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-libproc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f Atffile Atffile.tmp .depend proc_test.d target_prog.d proc_test.d.tmp target_prog.d.tmp tags /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ldd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quot --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ldd ldd.o ldd.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ipfstat ipfstat.o ipfstat.ln || true) --- cleandir-unbound --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/unbound/lib --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/quot --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-xml --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-atf-report --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_sockin.a sockin.o sockin_component.o sockin_user.o sockin.o.tmp sockin_component.o.tmp sockin_user.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kcm --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/usr.bin/atf-report --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_config_test pkg_config_test.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp .depend atf_c_test.d build_test.d check_test.d config_test.d error_test.d macros_test.d tc_test.d test_helpers.d tp_test.d utils_test.d atf_c_test.d.tmp build_test.d.tmp check_test.d.tmp config_test.d.tmp error_test.d.tmp macros_test.d.tmp tc_test.d.tmp test_helpers.d.tmp tp_test.d.tmp utils_test.d.tmp tags /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- --- cleandir-mount_9p --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-share --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/xml --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_tmpfs --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/kcm --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librtld_db_pic.a* rtld_db.pico rtld_db.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_9p.html8 .depend fs.d ninebuf.d nineproto.d ninepuffs.d node.d subr.d fs.d.tmp ninebuf.d.tmp nineproto.d.tmp ninepuffs.d.tmp node.d.tmp subr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_tmpfs --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-unbound --- --- cleandir-libunbound --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_basic t_basic.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f aio.html3 aio_cancel.html3 aio_error.html3 aio_fsync.html3 aio_read.html3 aio_return.html3 aio_suspend.html3 aio_write.html3 lio_listio.html3 mq.html3 mq_close.html3 mq_getattr.html3 mq_notify.html3 mq_open.html3 mq_receive.html3 mq_send.html3 mq_setattr.html3 mq_unlink.html3 pset.html3 sched.html3 shm_open.html3 sem_destroy.html3 sem_getvalue.html3 sem_init.html3 sem_open.html3 sem_post.html3 sem_wait.html3 .depend _pset_bind.d aio_cancel.d aio_error.d aio_fsync.d aio_read.d aio_return.d aio_write.d cerror.d lio_listio.d mq_close.d mq_getattr.d mq_notify.d mq_open.d mq_setattr.d mq_unlink.d pset.d pset_assign.d pset_create.d pset_destroy.d sem.d shm.d _pset_bind.d.tmp aio_cancel.d.tmp aio_error.d.tmp aio_fsync.d.tmp aio_read.d.tmp aio_return.d.tmp aio_write.d.tmp cerror.d.tmp lio_listio.d.tmp mq_close.d.tmp mq_getattr.d.tmp mq_notify.d.tmp mq_open.d.tmp mq_setattr.d.tmp mq_unlink.d.tmp pset.d.tmp pset_assign.d.tmp pset_create.d.tmp pset_destroy.d.tmp sem.d.tmp shm.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-pkg_install --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f pkg_info.html1 .depend main.d perform.d show.d main.d.tmp perform.d.tmp show.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-unbound --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/unbound/lib/libunbound --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_umap --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldap_g.a || true) --- cleandir-ipf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ipfstat.html8 .depend ipfstat.d ipfstat.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f ldd.html1 .depend ldd.d ldd.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/mount_umap --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kadmin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-kdc --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_psshfs --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_sockin_p.a sockin.po sockin_component.po sockin_user.po sockin.po.tmp sockin_component.po.tmp sockin_user.po.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/xml/atf --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quot --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-quotacheck --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kadmin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f kadmin.8 kadmin-commands.c kadmin-commands.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit kadmin kadmin-commands.o add_enctype.o ank.o check.o cpw.o del.o del_enctype.o dump.o ext.o get.o init.o kadmin.o load.o mod.o pw_quality.o random_password.o rename.o stash.o util.o add_enctype.ln ank.ln check.ln cpw.ln del.ln del_enctype.ln dump.ln ext.ln get.ln init.ln kadmin.ln load.ln mod.ln pw_quality.ln random_password.ln rename.ln stash.ln util.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_psshfs psshfs.o fs.o node.o psbuf.o subr.o psshfs.ln fs.ln node.ln psbuf.ln subr.ln || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kdc --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/kdc --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quot --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit quot quot.o quot.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quotacheck --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/quotacheck --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f machine i386 i386 x86 xen a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core exec_script.kmod exec_script.o || true) --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-unifdef --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrtld_db.ln rtld_db.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- cleandir ===> tests/usr.bin/unifdef --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-libterminfo --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f libldap_pic.a* bind.pico open.pico result.pico error.pico compare.pico search.pico controls.pico messages.pico references.pico extended.pico cyrus.pico modify.pico add.pico modrdn.pico delete.pico abandon.pico sasl.pico sbind.pico unbind.pico cancel.pico msctrl.pico filter.pico free.pico sort.pico passwd.pico whoami.pico lbase64.pico getdn.pico getentry.pico getattr.pico getvalues.pico addentry.pico request.pico os-ip.pico url.pico pagectrl.pico sortctrl.pico vlvctrl.pico init.pico options.pico print.pico string.pico util-int.pico schema.pico charray.pico os-local.pico dnssrv.pico utf-8.pico utf-8-conv.pico turn.pico ppolicy.pico dds.pico txn.pico ldap_sync.pico stctrl.pico assertion.pico deref.pico fetch.pico ldif.pico tavl.pico account_usability.pico avl.pico psearchctrl.pico ldifutil.pico gssapi.pico tls2.pico tls_o.pico tls_g.pico bind.pico.tmp open.pico.tmp result.pico.tmp error.pico.tmp compare.pico.tmp search.pico.tmp controls.pico.tmp messages.pico.tmp references.pico.tmp extended.pico.tmp cyrus.pico.tmp modify.pico.tmp add.pico.tmp modrdn.pico.tmp delete.pico.tmp abandon.pico.tmp sasl.pico.tmp sbind.pico.tmp unbind.pico.tmp cancel.pico.tmp msctrl.pico.tmp filter.pico.tmp free.pico.tmp sort.pico.tmp passwd.pico.tmp whoami.pico.tmp lbase64.pico.tmp getdn.pico.tmp getentry.pico.tmp getattr.pico.tmp getvalues.pico.tmp addentry.pico.tmp request.pico.tmp os-ip.pico.tmp url.pico.tmp pagectrl.pico.tmp sortctrl.pico.tmp vlvctrl.pico.tmp init.pico.tmp options.pico.tmp print.pico.tmp string.pico.tmp util-int.pico.tmp schema.pico.tmp charray.pico.tmp os-local.pico.tmp dnssrv.pico.tmp utf-8.pico.tmp utf-8-conv.pico.tmp turn.pico.tmp ppolicy.pico.tmp dds.pico.tmp txn.pico.tmp ldap_sync.pico.tmp stctrl.pico.tmp assertion.pico.tmp deref.pico.tmp fetch.pico.tmp ldif.pico.tmp tavl.pico.tmp account_usability.pico.tmp avl.pico.tmp psearchctrl.pico.tmp ldifutil.pico.tmp gssapi.pico.tmp tls2.pico.tmp tls_o.pico.tmp tls_g.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-lock --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-kdestroy --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_sockin_g.a || true) --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/libterminfo --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/lock --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kcc --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f heimtools-commands.c heimtools-commands.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit kcc heimtools-commands.o copy_cred_cache.o heimtools.o klist.o kswitch.o copy_cred_cache.ln heimtools.ln klist.ln kswitch.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quot --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-puffs --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-kdestroy --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/bin/kdestroy --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quot --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f quot.html8 .depend quot.d quot.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-kadmin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_psshfs.html8 .depend fs.d node.d psbuf.d psshfs.d subr.d fs.d.tmp node.d.tmp psbuf.d.tmp psshfs.d.tmp subr.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f .depend exec_script.d exec_script.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_tmpfs --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f kadmin.html8 .depend add_enctype.d ank.d check.d cpw.d del.d del_enctype.d dump.d ext.d get.d init.d kadmin-commands.d kadmin.d load.d mod.d pw_quality.d random_password.d rename.d stash.d util.d add_enctype.d.tmp ank.d.tmp check.d.tmp cpw.d.tmp del.d.tmp del_enctype.d.tmp dump.d.tmp ext.d.tmp get.d.tmp init.d.tmp kadmin-commands.d.tmp kadmin.d.tmp load.d.tmp mod.d.tmp pw_quality.d.tmp random_password.d.tmp rename.d.tmp stash.d.tmp util.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-lib --- nbmake[5]: "/tmp/build/2024." line 50: Could not find Makefile.hash --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_tmpfs mount_tmpfs.o fattr.o pathadj.o mount_tmpfs.ln fattr.ln pathadj.ln || true) --- cleandir-mount_umap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit mount_umap mount_umap.o pathadj.o mount_umap.ln pathadj.ln || true) --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librumpnet_sockin_pic.a* sockin.pico sockin_component.pico sockin_user.pico sockin.pico.tmp sockin_component.pico.tmp sockin_user.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quotacheck --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-kcc --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- cleandir-detail --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit process_helpers process_helpers.o process_helpers.ln version_helper version_helper.o version_helper.ln dynstr_test dynstr_test.o test_helpers.o dynstr_test.ln test_helpers.ln env_test env_test.o test_helpers.o env_test.ln test_helpers.ln fs_test fs_test.o test_helpers.o fs_test.ln test_helpers.ln list_test list_test.o test_helpers.o list_test.ln test_helpers.ln map_test map_test.o test_helpers.o map_test.ln test_helpers.ln process_test process_test.o test_helpers.o process_test.ln test_helpers.ln sanity_test sanity_test.o test_helpers.o sanity_test.ln test_helpers.ln text_test text_test.o test_helpers.o text_test.ln test_helpers.ln user_test user_test.o test_helpers.o user_test.ln test_helpers.ln || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-ipf --- --- cleandir-ipftest --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/ipf/bin/ipftest --- cleandir-atf --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-share --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-version.txt atf-version-real.txt a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit atf-report atf-report.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- --- cleandir-mount_sysctlfs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-openldap --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quotacheck --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit quotacheck quotacheck.o fsutil.o preen.o ffs_bswap.o quotautil.o quotacheck.ln fsutil.ln preen.ln ffs_bswap.ln quotautil.ln || true) --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f klist.html1 .depend copy_cred_cache.d heimtools-commands.d heimtools.d klist.d kswitch.d copy_cred_cache.d.tmp heimtools-commands.d.tmp heimtools.d.tmp klist.d.tmp kswitch.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- --- cleandir-fdesc --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-mount_tmpfs --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-puffs --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/puffs/mount_sysctlfs --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lldap.ln bind.ln open.ln result.ln error.ln compare.ln search.ln controls.ln messages.ln references.ln extended.ln cyrus.ln modify.ln add.ln modrdn.ln delete.ln abandon.ln sasl.ln sbind.ln unbind.ln cancel.ln msctrl.ln filter.ln free.ln sort.ln passwd.ln whoami.ln lbase64.ln getdn.ln getentry.ln getattr.ln getvalues.ln addentry.ln request.ln os-ip.ln url.ln pagectrl.ln sortctrl.ln vlvctrl.ln init.ln options.ln print.ln string.ln util-int.ln schema.ln charray.ln os-local.ln dnssrv.ln utf-8.ln utf-8-conv.ln turn.ln ppolicy.ln dds.ln txn.ln ldap_sync.ln stctrl.ln assertion.ln deref.ln fetch.ln ldif.ln tavl.ln account_usability.ln avl.ln psearchctrl.ln ldifutil.ln gssapi.ln tls2.ln tls_o.ln tls_g.ln || true) --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-share --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- cleandir ===> sys/modules/fdesc --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_tmpfs.html8 .depend fattr.d mount_tmpfs.d pathadj.d fattr.d.tmp mount_tmpfs.d.tmp pathadj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-kdigest --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-mount_umap --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f mount_umap.html8 .depend mount_umap.d pathadj.d mount_umap.d.tmp pathadj.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-atf --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit lock lock.o lock.ln || true) --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f lock.html1 .depend lock.d lock.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-librtld_db --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f librtld_db.html3 .depend rtld_db.d rtld_db.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/sbin/kdigest --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-atf --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f Atffile Atffile.tmp .depend dynstr_test.d env_test.d fs_test.d list_test.d map_test.d process_helpers.d process_test.d sanity_test.d test_helpers.d text_test.d user_test.d version_helper.d dynstr_test.d.tmp env_test.d.tmp fs_test.d.tmp list_test.d.tmp map_test.d.tmp process_helpers.d.tmp process_test.d.tmp sanity_test.d.tmp test_helpers.d.tmp text_test.d.tmp user_test.d.tmp version_helper.d.tmp tags /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-xsl --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tests --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sys --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f llib-lrumpnet_sockin.ln sockin.ln sockin_component.ln sockin_user.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f atf-report.html1 .depend atf-report.d atf-report.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-share --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-quotacheck --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/atf/share/xsl --- cleandir-gpl3 --- --- cleandir-g++ --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-kgetcred --- --- cleandir-tests --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f t_basic t_basic.tmp Atffile Atffile.tmp /tmp/build/2024. /tmp/build/2024. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f quotacheck.html8 .depend ffs_bswap.d fsutil.d preen.d quotacheck.d quotautil.d ffs_bswap.d.tmp fsutil.d.tmp preen.d.tmp quotacheck.d.tmp quotautil.d.tmp tags || true) --- cleandir-crypto/external --- cleandir ===> crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/bin/kgetcred --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-logger --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/build/2024. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit gplusplus gcc.o gcc-main.o ggc-none.o g++spec.o gcc.ln gcc-main.ln ggc-none.ln g++spec.ln gcc-vers.texi || true) --- cleandir-lib --- nbmake[5]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-libexec --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/logger --- cleandir-crypto/external --- nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-external --- nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- --- cleandir-sbin --- nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-bin --- nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sbin --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-external --- nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sys --- nbmake[7]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-tests --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-external --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-bsd --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-usr.bin --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sys --- nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-modules --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-lib --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-external --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-crypto/external --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sys --- --- cleandir-rump --- nbmake[5]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-tests --- nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. --- cleandir-sys --- nbmake[4]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. nbmake[3]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. nbmake[2]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. nbmake[1]: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. nbmake: stopped in /tmp/build/2024. ERROR: Failed to make release *** BUILD ABORTED *** 4.55 real 17.27 user 14.48 sys