This is anita version 1.49 Using pexpect version 4.6.0 /usr/pkg/bin/anita \ --workdir=/bracket/pmax/test/2019. \ --structured-log-file=/bracket/pmax/test/2019. \ --vmm-args= \ --test-timeout \ 172800 \ test \ file:///bracket/pmax/test/2019. gxemul \ -M \ 128M \ -d \ /bracket/pmax/test/2019. \ -e3max \ -d \ /bracket/pmax/test/2019. child pid is 22912 GXemul 0.6.1 Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Anders Gavare Read the source code and/or documentation for other Copyright messages. Simple setup... net: simulated network: (max outgoing: TCP=100, UDP=100) simulated gateway+nameserver: (60:50:40:30:20:10) simulated nameserver uses real nameserver machine: memory: 128 MB cpu0: R3000 (I+D = 4+4 KB) machine: DECstation 5000/200 (3MAX, KN02) (25.00 MHz) bootstring(+bootarg): boot 5/rz0/ -a diskimage: /bracket/pmax/test/2019. SCSI DISK id 0, read/write, 1536 MB (3145728 sectors) diskimage: /bracket/pmax/test/2019. SCSI DISK id 1, read/write, 100 MB (204800 sectors) DEC boot: loadaddr=0xa0700000, pc=0xa0700000: 13 blocks cpu0: starting at 0xa0700000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetBSD/pmax 9.99.20 FFSv1 Primary Bootstrap NetBSD/pmax 9.99.20 Secondary Bootstrap, Revision 1.5 (Sat Dec 7 15:35:54 UTC 2019) Boot: 5/rz0/ Loading: 5/rz0/netbsd.pmax |/-\|/-\open 5/rz0/netbsd.pmax: No such file or directory Loading: 5/rz0/netbsd |/-\|4455792/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/+114208-\ [251344|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\+246892|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-]=0x4d5b0c Starting at 0x80030000 [ 1.0000000] segment 0 start 00000000 size 08000000 [ 1.0000000] phys segment: 0x8000000 @ 0 [ 1.0000000] adding 0x2f8000 @ 0x508000 to freelist 1 [ 1.0000000] adding 0x7800000 @ 0x800000 to freelist 0 [ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, [ 1.0000000] 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, [ 1.0000000] 2018, 2019 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. [ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 [ 1.0000000] The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. [ 1.0000000] NetBSD 9.99.20 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Dec 7 16:57:33 UTC 2019 [ 1.0000000] [ 1.0000000] DECstation 5000/200 (3MAX) [ 1.0000000] total memory = 128 MB [ 1.0000000] avail memory = 120 MB [ 1.0000000] mainbus0 (root) [ 1.0000000] cpu0 at mainbus0: MIPS R3000 CPU (0x220) Rev. 2.0 with MIPS R3010 FPC Rev. 4.0 [ 1.0000000] cpu0: 4KB/4B direct-mapped Instruction cache, 64 TLB entries [ 1.0000000] cpu0: 4KB/4B direct-mapped write-through Data cache [ 1.0000000] tc0 at mainbus0: 25 MHz clock [ 1.0000000] ibus0 at tc0 slot 7 offset 0x0 [ 1.0000000] mcclock0 at ibus0 addr 0x1fe80000: mc146818 or compatible [ 1.0000000] dz0 at ibus0 addr 0x1fe00000: DC-7085, 4 lines [ 1.0000000] lkkbd0 at dz0 line 0 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[ 1.0000000] lkkbd0: no keyboard [ 1.0000000] wskbd0 at lkkbd0 mux 1 [ 1.0000000] vsms0 at dz0 line 1 [ 1.0000000] wsmouse0 at vsms0 mux 0 [ 1.0000000] le0 at tc0 slot 6 offset 0x0: address 10:20:30:00:00:10 [ 1.0000000] le0: 32 receive buffers, 8 transmit buffers [ 1.0000000] asc0 at tc0 slot 5 offset 0x0: NCR53C94, 25MHz, SCSI ID 7 [ 1.0000000] scsibus0 at asc0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target [ 1.0039142] scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle... [ 3.0078205] sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: disk fixed [ 3.0078205] sd0: 1536 MB, 1536 cyl, 16 head, 128 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3145729 sectors [ 3.0078205] sd0: async, 8-bit transfers [ 3.0078205] sd1 at scsibus0 target 1 lun 0: disk fixed [ 3.0078205] sd1: 100 MB, 100 cyl, 16 head, 128 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 204801 sectors [ 3.0078205] sd1: async, 8-bit transfers [ 3.0234455] label: 0 [ 3.0234455] label: 0 [ 3.0234455] boot device: sd0 [ 3.0234455] root on sd0a dumps on sd0b [ 3.0234455] root file system type: ffs [ 3.0234455] kern.module.path=/stand/pmax/9.99.20/modules Sun Dec 8 17:21:48 UTC 2019 Starting root file system check: /dev/rsd0a: 18253 files, 273714 used, 435909 free (4605 frags, 53913 blocks, 0.6% fragmentation) /dev/rsd0a: MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/sd0b swapctl: adding /dev/sd0b as swap device at priority 0 Starting file system checks: Loaded entropy from /var/db/entropy-file. Setting tty flags. Setting sysctl variables: ddb.onpanic: 0 -> 0 Starting network. /etc/rc: WARNING: $hostname not set. IPv6 mode: host Configuring network interfaces:. Adding interface aliases:. Waiting for DAD to complete for statically configured addresses... Building databases: dev, utmp, utmpx, services. Starting syslogd. Mounting all file systems... Clearing temporary files. Checking quotas: done. Setting securelevel: kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1 swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/sd0b Starting virecover. Checking for core dump... savecore: no core dump Starting local daemons:. Updating motd. /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname /usr/sbin/postconf: fatal: unable to use my own hostname Starting postfix. Dec 8 17:22:15 postfix[333]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname /etc/rc.d/postfix exited with code 1 Starting inetd. Starting cron. The following components reported failures: /etc/rc.d/postfix See /var/run/rc.log for more information. Sun Dec 8 17:22:17 UTC 2019 NetBSD/pmax (Amnesiac) (constty) login: NetBSD/pmax (Amnesiac) (constty) login: root Dec 8 17:22:20 login: ROOT LOGIN (root) on tty constty Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. NetBSD 9.99.20 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Dec 7 16:57:33 UTC 2019 Welcome to NetBSD! This system is running a development snapshot of the NetBSD operating system, also known as NetBSD-current. It is very possible that it has serious bugs, regressions, broken features or other problems. Please bear this in mind and use the system with care. You are encouraged to test this version as thoroughly as possible. Should you encounter any problem, please report it back to the development team using the send-pr(1) utility (requires a working MTA). If yours is not properly set up, use the web interface at: Thank you for helping us test and improve NetBSD. We recommend that you create a non-root account and use su(1) for root access. # exec /bin/sh # PS1='anita-root-shell-pr''ompt-1575739342.19# ' anita-root-shell-prompt-1575739342.19# df -k | sed 's/^/df-pre-test /'; mkdir /t mp/tests && cd /usr/tests && { atf-run; echo $? >/tmp/tests/test.status; } | tee /tmp/tests/test.tps | atf-report -o ticker:- -o xml:/tmp/tests/test.xml; (cd /t mp && for f in /usr/share/xsl/atf/tests-results.xsl /usr/share/xml/atf/tests-res ults.dtd /usr/share/examples/atf/tests-results.css; do cp $f tests/; done;); { c d /tmp && test `du -sk tests | awk '{print $1}'` -lt 90000 && test ` ] [5.457031s] Passed. unaligned_write: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71f090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [8.851563s] Passed. vmeth_failure_disklabel: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.742187s] Passed. vmeth_failure_ffs: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x769190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.613281s] Passed. vmeth_failure_gpt: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.742188s] Passed. vmeth_failure_mbr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d1990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.394531s] Passed. wrongpass: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.722656s] Passed. [40.628906s] dev/clock_subr/t_clock_subr (34/835): 2 test cases secs_to_ymdhms: [0.101563s] Passed. ymdhms_to_secs: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.199219s] dev/fss/t_fss (35/835): 1 test cases basic: [ 2864.3789142] label: 0 [ 2864.3789142] vnd0: no disk label [ 2866.6679767] fss0: snapshot invalid: forced by unmount [3.250000s] Passed. [3.273438s] dev/raidframe/t_raid (36/835): 7 test cases old_numrows_config: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76ea90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.292969s] Passed. raid1_comp0fail: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [8.523438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details raid1_compfail: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x713590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.761719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details raid1_normal: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.328125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details raid5_compfail: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7adb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [302.902343s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds raid5_normal: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71cc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.507812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details smalldisk: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.316407s] Passed. [349.035157s] dev/audio/t_pad (37/835): 1 test cases pad_output: [1.550781s] Passed. [1.648438s] dev/md/t_md (38/835): 1 test cases basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.085938s] Passed. [4.101563s] dev/scsipi/t_cd (39/835): 1 test cases noisyeject: [0.527343s] Passed. [0.539062s] dev/sysmon/t_swwdog (40/835): 3 test cases disarm: [3.937500s] Passed. panic: [2.609375s] Passed. reboot: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.335938s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WIFEXITED(status) not met [8.902344s] dev/sysmon/t_swsensor (41/835): 5 test cases alarm_sensor: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.679688s] Failed: 0: Device swsensor not registered entropy_interrupt_sensor: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.890625s] Failed: 0: Device swsensor not registered entropy_polled_sensor: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.519532s] Failed: 0: Device swsensor not registered limit_sensor: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.890625s] Failed: 0: Device swsensor not registered simple_sensor: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.914062s] Failed: 0: Device swsensor not registered [62.046875s] dev/usb/t_hid (42/835): 2 test cases khid: [1.964844s] Passed. khid_parse_just_pop: [0.414062s] Passed. [2.398437s] games/t_factor (43/835): 4 test cases loop1: [0.000000s] Skipped: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH loop2: [0.000000s] Skipped: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH overflow1: [0.031250s] Skipped: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH overflow2: [0.000000s] Skipped: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH [0.031250s] include/machine/t_bswap (44/835): 6 test cases bswap16_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. bswap16_unconst: [0.046875s] Passed. bswap32_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. bswap32_unconst: [0.062500s] Passed. bswap64_basic: [0.054688s] Passed. bswap64_unconst: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.367188s] include/sys/t_bitops (45/835): 6 test cases bitmap_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. fast_divide32: [0.062500s] Passed. ffsfls: [0.062500s] Passed. ilog2_32bit: [0.046875s] Passed. ilog2_64bit: [1.261718s] Passed. ilog2_const: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.617187s] include/sys/t_bootblock (46/835): 2 test cases mbr_partition: [0.062500s] Passed. mbr_sector: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.125000s] include/sys/t_cdefs (47/835): 8 test cases sissigned: [0.058594s] Passed. stypefit: [0.062500s] Passed. stypemask: [0.062500s] Passed. stypeminmax: [0.062500s] Passed. uissigned: [0.058594s] Passed. utypefit: [0.062500s] Passed. utypemask: [0.046875s] Passed. utypeminmax: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.476563s] include/sys/t_list (48/835): 1 test cases list_move: [0.042968s] Passed. [0.058593s] include/sys/t_pslist (49/835): 1 test cases misc: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] include/sys/t_tree (50/835): 1 test cases tree_rbstress: [6.117188s] Passed. [6.117188s] include/sys/t_types (51/835): 3 test cases types_limits: [0.062500s] Passed. types_signed: [0.062500s] Passed. types_unsigned: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.183594s] include/sys/t_socket (52/835): 3 test cases cmsg_sendfd: [0.523438s] Passed. cmsg_sendfd_bounds: [0.585937s] Passed. sock_cloexec: [1.375000s] Passed. [2.500000s] include/t_bitstring (53/835): 6 test cases bits_27: [0.136719s] Passed. bits_32: [0.140625s] Passed. bits_49: [0.152344s] Passed. bits_64: [0.152344s] Passed. bits_67: [0.156250s] Passed. bits_8: [0.125000s] Passed. [0.906250s] include/t_errno (54/835): 1 test cases errno_constants: [0.054688s] Expected failure: PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details [0.062500s] include/t_glob (55/835): 1 test cases glob_types: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] include/t_inttypes (56/835): 1 test cases int_fmtio: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] include/t_limits (57/835): 3 test cases char: [0.078125s] Passed. posix: [0.046875s] Passed. short: [0.125000s] Passed. [0.386719s] include/t_netdb (58/835): 1 test cases netdb_constants: [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details [0.093750s] include/t_paths (59/835): 1 test cases paths: [0.164062s] Passed. [0.167969s] include/t_stdint (60/835): 2 test cases int16: [0.058594s] Passed. int8: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.121094s] kernel/kqueue/read/t_fifo (61/835): 1 test cases fifo: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.078125s] kernel/kqueue/read/t_file (62/835): 1 test cases file: [6.164062s] Passed. [6.179687s] kernel/kqueue/read/t_file2 (63/835): 1 test cases file2: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] kernel/kqueue/read/t_pipe (64/835): 1 test cases pipe: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] kernel/kqueue/read/t_ttypty (65/835): 3 test cases closed_slave: [0.062500s] Passed. master: [1.136718s] Passed. slave: [1.183594s] Passed. [2.445312s] kernel/kqueue/write/t_fifo (66/835): 1 test cases fifo: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.109375s] kernel/kqueue/write/t_pipe (67/835): 3 test cases pipe1: [0.089844s] Passed. pipe2: [0.078125s] Passed. pipe3: [0.085938s] Passed. [0.261719s] kernel/kqueue/write/t_ttypty (68/835): 2 test cases master: [1.386719s] Passed. slave: [1.773438s] Passed. [3.335937s] kernel/kqueue/t_ioctl (69/835): 2 test cases kfilter_byfilter: [0.433594s] Passed. kfilter_byname: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.542969s] kernel/kqueue/t_proc1 (70/835): 1 test cases proc1: [2.304687s] Passed. [2.308594s] kernel/kqueue/t_proc2 (71/835): 1 test cases proc2: [2.078125s] Passed. [2.078125s] kernel/kqueue/t_proc3 (72/835): 1 test cases proc3: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.070313s] kernel/kqueue/t_sig (73/835): 1 test cases sig: [12.136719s] Passed. [12.136719s] kernel/kqueue/t_vnode (74/835): 18 test cases dir_no_note_link_create_file_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_no_note_link_delete_file_in: [0.125000s] Passed. dir_no_note_link_mv_dir_within: [0.121094s] Passed. dir_no_note_link_mv_file_within: [0.843750s] Passed. dir_note_link_create_dir_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_link_delete_dir_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_link_mv_dir_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_link_mv_dir_out: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_write_create_dir_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_write_create_file_in: [0.105468s] Passed. dir_note_write_delete_dir_in: [0.109375s] Passed. dir_note_write_delete_file_in: [0.121094s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_dir_in: [0.125000s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_dir_out: [0.121094s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_dir_within: [0.125000s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_file_in: [0.187500s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_file_out: [1.214843s] Passed. dir_note_write_mv_file_within: [0.136719s] Passed. [4.136719s] kernel/tty/t_pr (75/835): 3 test cases client_first: [0.460938s] Passed. master_first: [0.507812s] Passed. ptyioctl: [1.585938s] Passed. [2.570313s] kernel/t_fcntl (76/835): 1 test cases getpath: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] kernel/t_lock (77/835): 1 test cases lock: [1.058593s] Passed. [1.058593s] kernel/t_lockf (78/835): 2 test cases deadlock: [1.066407s] Passed. randlock: [55.062500s] Passed. [56.144532s] kernel/t_pty (79/835): 2 test cases pty_no_queue: [3.156250s] Passed. pty_queue: [3.761719s] Passed. [7.007813s] kernel/t_mqueue (80/835): 1 test cases mqueue: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] kernel/t_proccwd (81/835): 2 test cases chroot: [0.062500s] Passed. prompt_pid: [0.042968s] Passed. [0.128906s] kernel/t_sysv (82/835): 3 test cases msg: [0.156250s] Passed. sem: [1.894532s] Passed. shm: [0.140625s] Passed. [2.207032s] kernel/t_subr_prf (83/835): 5 test cases snprintf_count: [0.042968s] Passed. snprintf_count_overflow: [0.046875s] Passed. snprintf_print: [0.046875s] Passed. snprintf_print_overflow: [0.046875s] Passed. vasprintf_print: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.289062s] kernel/t_kauth_pr_47598 (84/835): 1 test cases kauth_curtain: [0.074219s] Skipped: curtain is not enabled and we would not be able to drop it later due to securelevel settings [0.078125s] kernel/t_ksem (85/835): 4 test cases close_on_unnamed: [0.058594s] Passed. close_on_unnamed_pshared: [0.046875s] Passed. destroy_on_named: [0.093750s] Passed. open_unlinked_lifecycle: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.335938s] kernel/t_sysctl (86/835): 1 test cases bufsize: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.093750s] kernel/t_timeleft (87/835): 1 test cases timeleft__lwp_park: [1.078125s] Passed. [1.078125s] kernel/t_zombie (88/835): 6 test cases race1: [4.621093s] Passed. signal1: [0.621094s] Passed. signal2: [0.125000s] Passed. signal3: [0.093750s] Passed. signal4: [0.089844s] Passed. signal5: [0.140625s] Passed. [5.859375s] kernel/t_extattrctl (89/835): 1 test cases extattrctl_namei: [0.445313s] Passed. [0.445313s] kernel/t_filedesc (90/835): 1 test cases getfilerace: [300.039062s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds [300.054687s] kernel/t_rnd (91/835): 3 test cases RNDADDDATA: [0.460938s] Passed. RNDADDDATA2: [1.003906s] Passed. read_random: [10.058594s] Failed: Test case timed out after 10 seconds [11.554688s] kernel/t_extent (92/835): 11 test cases bound1: [0.062500s] Passed. bound2: [0.046875s] Passed. bound3: [0.058594s] Passed. bound4: [0.062500s] Passed. bound5: [0.062500s] Passed. coalesce: [0.062500s] Passed. free: [0.058593s] Passed. subregion1: [0.050781s] Passed. subregion2: [0.054687s] Passed. subregion3: [0.046875s] Passed. subregion4: [0.042969s] Passed. [0.707031s] kernel/t_umount (93/835): 1 test cases umount: [ 3762.0976642] label: 0 [ 3762.0976642] vnd0: no disk label [8.382812s] Passed. [8.441406s] kernel/t_umountstress (94/835): 2 test cases fileop: [ 3772.7382892] label: 0 [ 3772.7382892] vnd0: no disk label [8.792969s] Passed. mountlist: [ 3780.3945392] label: 0 [ 3780.3945392] vnd0: no disk label [17.351562s] Passed. [26.175781s] kernel/t_ps_strings (95/835): 2 test cases update: [1.320313s] Passed. validate: [1.304687s] Passed. [2.625000s] kernel/t_trapsignal (96/835): 20 test cases bus_handle: [0.648438s] Passed. bus_handle_recurse: [1.183593s] Passed. bus_ignore: [0.660157s] Passed. bus_mask: [1.160156s] Passed. bus_simple: [0.628906s] Passed. fpe_handle: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [1.507812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details fpe_handle_recurse: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.722657s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details fpe_ignore: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.812500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details fpe_mask: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [1.996093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details fpe_simple: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.738282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details segv_handle: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0af30ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [1.562500s] Passed. segv_handle_recurse: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x03f10ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x03f10ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.695312s] Passed. segv_ignore: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x00c90ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [1.828125s] Passed. segv_mask: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x04df0ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.644531s] Passed. segv_simple: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x010f0ba8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.632813s] Passed. trap_handle: [1.460937s] Passed. trap_handle_recurse: [0.675782s] Passed. trap_ignore: [1.312500s] Passed. trap_mask: [0.628906s] Passed. trap_simple: [0.632812s] Passed. [20.207031s] kernel/t_interp (97/835): 1 test cases procfs_interp: [0.507812s] Passed. [0.507812s] kernel/t_origin (98/835): 2 test cases origin_simple: [8.476562s] Passed. origin_simple_32: [1.789062s] Skipped: this is not a 64 bit architecture [10.273437s] kernel/t_procpath (99/835): 3 test cases absolute_proc: [1.183593s] Passed. interpreter_proc: [0.707032s] Passed. relative_proc: [1.886718s] Passed. [3.847656s] kernel/t_fexecve (100/835): 2 test cases fexecve_elf: [4.402343s] Passed. fexecve_script: [0.878907s] Passed. [5.281250s] lib/csu/t_crt0 (101/835): 5 test cases initfini1: [1.371094s] Passed. initfini2: [0.707031s] Passed. initfini3: [1.468750s] Passed. initfini4: [0.832031s] Passed. initfini_array: [1.316407s] Passed. [5.777344s] lib/csu/t_ifunc_static (102/835): 1 test cases ifunc_static: [1.207031s] Skipped: ifunc is supposed only on ARM, i386, PowerPC, SPARC and x86-64 [1.222656s] lib/libbluetooth/t_bluetooth (103/835): 2 test cases check_bt_aton: [0.078125s] Passed. check_bt_ntoa: [0.074219s] Passed. [0.183594s] lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_data (104/835): 2 test cases check_sdp_data_size: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_data_type: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.152343s] lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_get (105/835): 10 test cases check_sdp_get_alt: [0.074219s] Passed. check_sdp_get_attr: [0.093750s] Passed. check_sdp_get_bool: [0.093750s] Passed. check_sdp_get_data: [0.058594s] Passed. check_sdp_get_int: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_get_seq: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_get_str: [0.074219s] Passed. check_sdp_get_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_get_url: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_get_uuid: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.769532s] lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_match (106/835): 1 test cases check_sdp_match_uuid16: [0.816407s] Passed. [0.816407s] lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_put (107/835): 21 test cases check_sdp_put_alt: [0.074218s] Passed. check_sdp_put_attr: [0.058593s] Passed. check_sdp_put_bool: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_data: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_int: [0.058594s] Passed. check_sdp_put_int16: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_int32: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_int64: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_int8: [0.070313s] Passed. check_sdp_put_seq: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_str: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uint16: [0.058594s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uint32: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uint64: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uint8: [0.058593s] Passed. check_sdp_put_url: [0.078125s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uuid: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uuid128: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uuid16: [0.058594s] Passed. check_sdp_put_uuid32: [0.078125s] Passed. [1.460937s] lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_set (108/835): 5 test cases check_sdp_set_alt: [0.609375s] Passed. check_sdp_set_bool: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_set_int: [0.058594s] Passed. check_sdp_set_seq: [0.062500s] Passed. check_sdp_set_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.941406s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_add (109/835): 8 test cases atomic_add_32: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_add_32_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_add_int: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_add_int_nv: [0.058593s] Passed. atomic_add_long: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_add_long_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_add_ptr: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_add_ptr_nv: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.507812s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_and (110/835): 6 test cases atomic_and_32: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_and_32_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_and_uint: [0.058594s] Passed. atomic_and_uint_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_and_ulong: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_and_ulong_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.371094s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_cas (111/835): 8 test cases atomic_cas_32: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_cas_32_ni: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_cas_ptr: [0.050781s] Passed. atomic_cas_ptr_ni: [0.371093s] Passed. atomic_cas_uint: [0.226562s] Passed. atomic_cas_uint_ni: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_cas_ulong: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_cas_ulong_ni: [0.058594s] Passed. [1.054687s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_dec (112/835): 8 test cases atomic_dec_32: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_dec_32_nv: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_dec_ptr: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_dec_ptr_nv: [0.042969s] Passed. atomic_dec_uint: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_dec_uint_nv: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_dec_ulong: [0.058594s] Passed. atomic_dec_ulong_nv: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.476563s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_inc (113/835): 8 test cases atomic_inc_32: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_inc_32_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_inc_ptr: [0.058593s] Passed. atomic_inc_ptr_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_inc_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_inc_uint_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_inc_ulong: [0.058594s] Passed. atomic_inc_ulong_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.492187s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_or (114/835): 6 test cases atomic_or_32: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_or_32_nv: [0.042969s] Passed. atomic_or_uint: [0.046875s] Passed. atomic_or_uint_nv: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_or_ulong: [0.593750s] Passed. atomic_or_ulong_nv: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.898438s] lib/libc/atomic/t_atomic_swap (115/835): 4 test cases atomic_swap_32: [0.078125s] Passed. atomic_swap_ptr: [0.074218s] Passed. atomic_swap_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. atomic_swap_ulong: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.292968s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_add (116/835): 6 test cases __sync_add_and_fetch_1: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_add_and_fetch_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_add_and_fetch_4: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_add_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_add_2: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_add_4: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.367188s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_sub (117/835): 6 test cases __sync_fetch_and_sub_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_sub_2: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_sub_4: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_sub_and_fetch_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_sub_and_fetch_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_sub_and_fetch_4: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.382812s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_or (118/835): 6 test cases __sync_fetch_and_or_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_or_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_or_4: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_or_and_fetch_1: [0.656250s] Passed. __sync_or_and_fetch_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_or_and_fetch_4: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.964844s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_and (119/835): 6 test cases __sync_and_and_fetch_1: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_and_and_fetch_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_and_and_fetch_4: [0.078125s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_and_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_and_2: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_and_4: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.382813s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_xor (120/835): 6 test cases __sync_fetch_and_xor_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_xor_2: [0.058593s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_xor_4: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_xor_and_fetch_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_xor_and_fetch_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_xor_and_fetch_4: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.367187s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_nand (121/835): 6 test cases __sync_fetch_and_nand_1: [0.050781s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_nand_2: [0.050781s] Passed. __sync_fetch_and_nand_4: [0.042969s] Passed. __sync_nand_and_fetch_1: [0.046875s] Passed. __sync_nand_and_fetch_2: [0.046875s] Passed. __sync_nand_and_fetch_4: [0.050781s] Passed. [0.386719s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_compare_and_swap (122/835): 6 test cases __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2: [0.390625s] Passed. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4: [0.292968s] Passed. __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1: [0.058594s] Passed. __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.023437s] lib/libc/atomic/t___sync_lock (123/835): 7 test cases __sync_lock_release_1: [0.042969s] Passed. __sync_lock_release_2: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_lock_release_4: [0.050781s] Passed. __sync_lock_test_and_set_1: [0.054688s] Passed. __sync_lock_test_and_set_2: [0.070313s] Passed. __sync_lock_test_and_set_4: [0.062500s] Passed. __sync_synchronize: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.445313s] lib/libc/c063/t_faccessat (124/835): 7 test cases faccessat_fd: [0.058593s] Passed. faccessat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. faccessat_fdcwderr: [0.058594s] Passed. faccessat_fderr1: [0.062500s] Passed. faccessat_fderr2: [0.058594s] Passed. faccessat_fderr3: [0.046875s] Passed. faccessat_fdlink: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.460937s] lib/libc/c063/t_fchmodat (125/835): 7 test cases fchmodat_fd: [0.046875s] Passed. fchmodat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. fchmodat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. fchmodat_fderr1: [0.054687s] Passed. fchmodat_fderr2: [0.632812s] Passed. fchmodat_fderr3: [0.042969s] Passed. fchmodat_fdlink: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.042969s] lib/libc/c063/t_fchownat (126/835): 7 test cases fchownat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. fchownat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. fchownat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. fchownat_fderr1: [0.062500s] Passed. fchownat_fderr2: [0.058593s] Passed. fchownat_fderr3: [0.074218s] Passed. fchownat_fdlink: [0.109375s] Passed. [0.554687s] lib/libc/c063/t_fexecve (127/835): 1 test cases fexecve: [0.121094s] Passed. [0.156250s] lib/libc/c063/t_fstatat (128/835): 7 test cases fstatat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. fstatat_fdcwd: [0.058593s] Passed. fstatat_fdcwderr: [0.605469s] Passed. fstatat_fderr1: [0.050781s] Passed. fstatat_fderr2: [0.062500s] Passed. fstatat_fderr3: [0.058594s] Passed. fstatat_fdlink: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.019531s] lib/libc/c063/t_linkat (129/835): 6 test cases linkat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. linkat_fdcwd: [0.058594s] Passed. linkat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. linkat_fderr: [0.062500s] Passed. linkat_fdlink1: [0.074218s] Passed. linkat_fdlink2: [0.074219s] Passed. [0.445312s] lib/libc/c063/t_mkdirat (130/835): 4 test cases mkdirat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. mkdirat_fdcwd: [0.058594s] Passed. mkdirat_fdcwderr: [0.046875s] Passed. mkdirat_fderr: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.277344s] lib/libc/c063/t_mkfifoat (131/835): 5 test cases mkfifoat_fd: [0.058594s] Passed. mkfifoat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. mkfifoat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. mkfifoat_fderr: [0.105469s] Passed. mknodat_s_ififo: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.480469s] lib/libc/c063/t_mknodat (132/835): 4 test cases mknodat_fd: [0.097656s] Passed. mknodat_fdcwd: [0.078125s] Passed. mknodat_fdcwderr: [0.078125s] Passed. mknodat_fderr: [0.382813s] Passed. [0.707031s] lib/libc/c063/t_o_search (133/835): 3 test cases o_search_notdir: [0.062500s] Passed. o_search_perm1: [0.074219s] Passed. o_search_perm2: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.214844s] lib/libc/c063/t_openat (134/835): 6 test cases openat_fd: [0.058593s] Passed. openat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. openat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. openat_fderr1: [0.062500s] Passed. openat_fderr2: [0.316407s] Passed. openat_fderr3: [0.250000s] Passed. [0.980468s] lib/libc/c063/t_readlinkat (135/835): 5 test cases readlinkat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. readlinkat_fdcwd: [0.078125s] Passed. readlinkat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. readlinkat_fderr1: [0.058594s] Passed. readlinkat_fderr2: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.382813s] lib/libc/c063/t_renameat (136/835): 4 test cases renameat_fd: [0.074219s] Passed. renameat_fdcwd: [0.199218s] Passed. renameat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. renameat_fderr: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.445312s] lib/libc/c063/t_symlinkat (137/835): 4 test cases symlinkat_fd: [0.070312s] Passed. symlinkat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. symlinkat_fdcwderr: [0.062500s] Passed. symlinkat_fderr: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.304688s] lib/libc/c063/t_unlinkat (138/835): 7 test cases unlinkat_dir: [0.062500s] Passed. unlinkat_fd: [0.062500s] Passed. unlinkat_fdcwd: [0.164062s] Passed. unlinkat_fdcwderr: [0.406250s] Passed. unlinkat_fderr1: [0.062500s] Passed. unlinkat_fderr2: [0.062500s] Passed. unlinkat_fderr3: [0.054687s] Passed. [1.058594s] lib/libc/c063/t_utimensat (139/835): 7 test cases utimensat_fd: [0.058594s] Passed. utimensat_fdcwd: [0.062500s] Passed. utimensat_fdcwderr: [0.050781s] Passed. utimensat_fderr1: [0.058594s] Passed. utimensat_fderr2: [0.062500s] Passed. utimensat_fderr3: [0.046875s] Passed. utimensat_fdlink: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.476563s] lib/libc/db/t_db_hash_seq (140/835): 4 test cases test_hash_del_all: [0.105469s] Passed. test_hash_del_alt: [0.078125s] Passed. test_hash_del_every_7: [0.078125s] Passed. test_hash_del_none: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.371094s] lib/libc/db/t_db (141/835): 32 test cases alternate_recno: [2.386718s] Passed. big_btree: [3.542969s] Passed. big_hash: [2.695312s] Passed. big_recno: [5.609375s] Passed. bsize_ffactor: [347.289063s] Passed. bsize_torture: [22.414062s] Passed. btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_bksd: [1.214844s] Passed. btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_skbd: [2.292969s] Passed. btree_known_byte_order: [2.523437s] Passed. btree_recursive_traversal: [31.523438s] Passed. btree_tricky_page_split: [6.417969s] Passed. btree_weird_page_split: [301.039062s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds byte_orders_btree: [2.636719s] Passed. byte_orders_hash: [3.886719s] Passed. cursor_flags_btree: [3.292968s] Passed. cursor_flags_recno: [2.820313s] Passed. delete_btree: [1.324219s] Passed. delete_recno: [2.117187s] Passed. duplicate_btree: [1.894531s] Passed. four_char_hash: [0.863282s] Passed. medium_btree: [1.898437s] Passed. medium_hash: [2.253906s] Passed. medium_recno: [2.273438s] Passed. random_recno: [3.375000s] Passed. repeated_btree: [2.398437s] Passed. repeated_hash: [2.089844s] Passed. reverse_order_recno: [1.308593s] Passed. reverse_recno: [3.351562s] Passed. small_btree: [1.089844s] Passed. small_hash: [1.679687s] Passed. small_page_btree: [52.785157s] Passed. small_recno: [1.546875s] Passed. [824.906250s] lib/libc/gen/execve/t_execve (142/835): 1 test cases t_execve_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawn (143/835): 6 test cases t_spawn_child: [0.125000s] Passed. t_spawn_ls: [0.054688s] Passed. t_spawn_missing: [0.058594s] Passed. t_spawn_nonexec: [0.062500s] Passed. t_spawn_zero: [0.062500s] Passed. t_spawnp_ls: [0.109375s] Passed. [0.496094s] lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_fileactions (144/835): 6 test cases t_spawn_empty_fileactions: [0.246093s] Passed. t_spawn_fileactions: [0.078125s] Passed. t_spawn_open_nonexistent: [0.062500s] Passed. t_spawn_open_nonexistent_diag: [0.058594s] Passed. t_spawn_openmode: [0.378906s] Passed. t_spawn_reopen: [0.265625s] Passed. [1.269531s] lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawnattr (145/835): 1 test cases t_spawnattr: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.093750s] lib/libc/gen/t_alarm (146/835): 3 test cases alarm_basic: [1.062500s] Passed. alarm_fork: [0.062500s] Passed. alarm_previous: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.187500s] lib/libc/gen/t_assert (147/835): 2 test cases assert_false: [0.062500s] Passed. assert_true: [0.566406s] Passed. [0.667969s] lib/libc/gen/t_basedirname (148/835): 2 test cases basename_posix: [0.062500s] Passed. dirname_posix: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.121094s] lib/libc/gen/t_closefrom (149/835): 4 test cases closefrom_basic: [0.093750s] Passed. closefrom_buffer: [0.152343s] Passed. closefrom_err: [0.062500s] Passed. closefrom_one: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.398437s] lib/libc/gen/t_cpuset (150/835): 3 test cases cpuset_err: [0.062500s] Passed. cpuset_set: [0.062500s] Passed. cpuset_size: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.187500s] lib/libc/gen/t_dir (151/835): 2 test cases seekdir_basic: [0.050781s] Passed. telldir_leak: [1.187500s] Passed. [1.355469s] lib/libc/gen/t_floatunditf (152/835): 1 test cases floatunditf: [0.074219s] Skipped: Requires long double support [0.074219s] lib/libc/gen/t_fmtcheck (153/835): 1 test cases fmtcheck_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.093750s] lib/libc/gen/t_fnmatch (154/835): 7 test cases fnmatch_backslashes: [0.152344s] Passed. fnmatch_casefold: [0.062500s] Passed. fnmatch_initialbracket: [0.156250s] Passed. fnmatch_leadingdir: [0.511718s] Passed. fnmatch_noescape: [0.062500s] Passed. fnmatch_pathname: [0.046875s] Passed. fnmatch_period: [0.292969s] Passed. [1.445312s] lib/libc/gen/t_fpclassify (155/835): 2 test cases fpclassify_double: [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. fpclassify(d1) != FP_SUBNORMAL fpclassify_float: [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. fpclassify(d1) != FP_SUBNORMAL [0.140625s] lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetmask (156/835): 7 test cases fpsetmask_basic: [0.058593s] Passed. fpsetmask_masked_double: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details fpsetmask_masked_float: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details fpsetmask_masked_long_double: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details fpsetmask_unmasked_double: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 8 checks failed; see output for more details fpsetmask_unmasked_float: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 8 checks failed; see output for more details fpsetmask_unmasked_long_double: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 8 checks failed; see output for more details [0.535156s] lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetround (157/835): 1 test cases fpsetround_basic: [0.109375s] Failed: 18 checks failed; see output for more details [0.125000s] lib/libc/gen/t_ftok (158/835): 2 test cases ftok_err: [0.046875s] Passed. ftok_link: [0.121094s] Passed. [0.183594s] lib/libc/gen/t_getcwd (159/835): 2 test cases getcwd_err: [0.042968s] Passed. getcwd_fts: [0.277344s] Passed. [0.351562s] lib/libc/gen/t_getgrent (160/835): 2 test cases getgrent_loop: [0.062500s] Passed. getgrent_setgid: [0.460937s] Passed. [0.539062s] lib/libc/gen/t_glob (161/835): 4 test cases glob_range: [0.058594s] Passed. glob_range_not: [0.062500s] Passed. glob_star: [0.062500s] Passed. glob_star_not: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.246094s] lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number (162/835): 2 test cases humanize_number_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. humanize_number_big: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.125000s] lib/libc/gen/t_isnan (163/835): 2 test cases isinf_basic: [0.058593s] Passed. isnan_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.136718s] lib/libc/gen/t_nice (164/835): 4 test cases nice_err: [0.089844s] Passed. nice_priority: [0.746094s] Passed. nice_root: [0.128906s] Passed. nice_thread: [0.078125s] Passed. [1.132813s] lib/libc/gen/t_pause (165/835): 2 test cases pause_basic: [1.074219s] Passed. pause_kill: [2.074218s] Passed. [3.187500s] lib/libc/gen/t_raise (166/835): 4 test cases raise_err: [0.058594s] Passed. raise_ret: [1.066406s] Passed. raise_sig: [0.109375s] Passed. raise_stress: [1.132813s] Passed. [2.371094s] lib/libc/gen/t_randomid (167/835): 1 test cases randomid_basic: [2.601563s] Passed. [2.609375s] lib/libc/gen/t_realpath (168/835): 3 test cases realpath_basic: [0.074219s] Passed. realpath_huge: [0.074218s] Passed. realpath_symlink: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.261718s] lib/libc/gen/t_setdomainname (169/835): 3 test cases setdomainname_basic: [0.109375s] Passed. setdomainname_limit: [0.105469s] Passed. setdomainname_perm: [0.125000s] Passed. [0.339844s] lib/libc/gen/t_sethostname (170/835): 3 test cases sethostname_basic: [0.105469s] Passed. sethostname_limit: [0.109375s] Passed. sethostname_perm: [0.121093s] Passed. [0.335937s] lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo (171/835): 8 test cases sigalarm: [1.093750s] Passed. sigbus_adraln: [0.109375s] Passed. sigchild_dump: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x081a2750 <(no symbol)> ] [1.089844s] Passed. sigchild_kill: [0.078125s] Passed. sigchild_normal: [1.089844s] Passed. sigfpe_flt: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: FPE signal handler was not invoked sigfpe_int: [1.109375s] Failed: Test program received signal 5 (core dumped) sigsegv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0b201068 <(no symbol)> ] [0.121093s] Passed. [4.824219s] lib/libc/gen/t_sleep (172/835): 5 test cases kevent: [27.160157s] Passed. nanosleep: [36.804687s] Passed. poll: [36.808594s] Passed. select: [36.917969s] Passed. sleep: [29.597657s] Passed. [167.453125s] lib/libc/gen/t_syslog (173/835): 1 test cases syslog_pthread: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/gen/t_time (174/835): 3 test cases time_copy: [0.042968s] Passed. time_mono: [10.285157s] Passed. time_timeofday: [0.062500s] Passed. [10.390625s] lib/libc/gen/t_ttyname (175/835): 4 test cases ttyname_err: [0.062500s] Passed. ttyname_r_err: [0.062500s] Passed. ttyname_r_stdin: [0.058594s] Passed. ttyname_stdin: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.261719s] lib/libc/gen/t_vis (176/835): 5 test cases strunvis_hex: [0.062500s] Passed. strvis_basic: [0.136719s] Passed. strvis_empty: [0.593750s] Passed. strvis_locale: [1.152343s] Passed. strvis_null: [0.152344s] Passed. [2.218750s] lib/libc/hash/t_sha2 (177/835): 3 test cases t_sha256: [0.085938s] Passed. t_sha384: [0.125000s] Passed. t_sha512: [0.121094s] Passed. [0.351563s] lib/libc/hash/t_hmac (178/835): 1 test cases t_hmac: [56.582031s] Passed. [56.589844s] lib/libc/hash/t_hash (179/835): 2 test cases md5: [2.156250s] Passed. sha1: [11.667969s] Passed. [13.859375s] lib/libc/inet/t_inet_addr (180/835): 2 test cases inet_addr_basic: [0.074219s] Passed. inet_addr_err: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.171875s] lib/libc/inet/t_inet_network (181/835): 2 test cases inet_network_basic: [1.027344s] Passed. inet_network_err: [0.699218s] Passed. [1.812500s] lib/libc/locale/t_mbrtowc (182/835): 2 test cases mbrtowc_internal: [0.132812s] Passed. mbrtowc_object: [0.140625s] Passed. [0.277344s] lib/libc/locale/t_mbstowcs (183/835): 1 test cases mbstowcs_basic: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.101563s] lib/libc/locale/t_mbsnrtowcs (184/835): 1 test cases mbsnrtowcs: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/locale/t_mbtowc (185/835): 1 test cases mbtowc: [0.171875s] Passed. [0.183594s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcscspn (186/835): 1 test cases wcscspn: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.058593s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcspbrk (187/835): 1 test cases wcspbrk: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.046875s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcsrtombs (188/835): 1 test cases wcsrtombs_advance: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcsspn (189/835): 1 test cases wcsspn: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcstod (190/835): 2 test cases wcstod: [4.097656s] Passed. wcstombs: [0.414063s] Passed. [4.511719s] lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb (191/835): 3 test cases wcrtomb: [0.199219s] Passed. wcrtomb_state: [0.062500s] Passed. wctomb: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.351562s] lib/libc/locale/t_io (192/835): 6 test cases bad_big5_getwc: [0.062500s] Passed. bad_big5_swprintf: [0.089844s] Passed. bad_big5_wprintf: [0.062500s] Passed. good_big5_getwc: [0.062500s] Passed. good_big5_swprintf: [0.093750s] Passed. good_big5_wprintf: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.476563s] lib/libc/locale/t_toupper (193/835): 2 test cases tolower: [0.121094s] Passed. toupper: [0.121093s] Passed. [0.261718s] lib/libc/locale/t_digittoint (194/835): 1 test cases digittoint: [0.070312s] Skipped: digittoint(3) not present to test [0.089844s] lib/libc/locale/t_sprintf (195/835): 3 test cases sprintf: [0.066406s] Passed. sscanf: [0.062500s] Passed. strto: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.214844s] lib/libc/locale/t_wctype (196/835): 1 test cases ctype: [0.664062s] Passed. [0.675781s] lib/libc/locale/t_btowc (197/835): 3 test cases btowc: [0.812500s] Passed. btowc_posix: [0.062500s] Passed. stdc_iso_10646: [0.062500s] Skipped: __STDC_ISO_10646__ not defined [0.953125s] lib/libc/locale/t_wcscoll (198/835): 1 test cases wcscoll: [0.062500s] Expected failure: LC_COLLATE support is not yet fully implemented: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. setlocale(LC_COLLATE, t->locale) != NULL not met [0.074219s] lib/libc/locale/t_ducet (199/835): 2 test cases wcscoll_ducet: [0.062500s] Skipped: Cannot test DUCET without __STDC_ISO_10646__ wcsxfrm_ducet: [0.058594s] Skipped: Cannot test DUCET without __STDC_ISO_10646__ [0.121094s] lib/libc/locale/t_strfmon (200/835): 1 test cases strfmon: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/misc/t_ubsan (201/835): 14 test cases add_overflow_signed: [0.089843s] Passed. builtin_unreachable: [0.078125s] Passed. divrem_overflow_signed_div: [0.078125s] Passed. divrem_overflow_signed_mod: [0.078125s] Passed. integer_divide_by_zero: [0.078125s] Passed. load_invalid_value_bool: [0.089844s] Passed. mul_overflow_signed: [0.078125s] Passed. out_of_bounds: [0.078125s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_negativeexponent: [0.074219s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_signednessbit: [0.078125s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_signedoverflow: [0.242187s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_toolargeexponent: [0.480469s] Passed. type_mismatch_misaligned: [0.078125s] Passed. vla_bound_not_positive: [0.089844s] Passed. [1.953125s] lib/libc/misc/t_ubsanxx (202/835): 15 test cases add_overflow_signed: [0.167968s] Passed. builtin_unreachable: [0.183594s] Passed. divrem_overflow_signed_div: [0.183594s] Passed. divrem_overflow_signed_mod: [0.171875s] Passed. integer_divide_by_zero: [0.183594s] Passed. load_invalid_value_bool: [0.175781s] Passed. load_invalid_value_enum: [0.773438s] Passed. missing_return: [0.183594s] Passed. mul_overflow_signed: [0.187500s] Passed. out_of_bounds: [0.167968s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_negativeexponent: [0.300782s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_signedoverflow: [0.187500s] Passed. shift_out_of_bounds_toolargeexponent: [0.183594s] Passed. type_mismatch_misaligned: [0.175781s] Passed. vla_bound_not_positive: [1.175782s] Passed. [4.609375s] lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo/t_getaddrinfo (203/835): 7 test cases basic: [1.199218s] Passed. empty_hostname: [1.542969s] Passed. empty_servname: [1.410156s] Passed. scopeaddr: [0.570313s] Passed. sock_raw: [1.066406s] Passed. specific: [1.308593s] Passed. unsupported_family: [0.585938s] Passed. [7.941406s] lib/libc/net/t_getprotoent (204/835): 7 test cases endprotoent_rewind: [0.054688s] Passed. getprotobyname_basic: [0.070312s] Passed. getprotobyname_err: [0.828125s] Passed. getprotobynumber_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. getprotobynumber_err: [0.078125s] Passed. getprotoent_next: [0.078125s] Passed. setprotoent_rewind: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.324218s] lib/libc/net/t_ether_aton (205/835): 1 test cases tc_ether_aton: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/net/t_if_nametoindex (206/835): 1 test cases tc_if_nametoindex: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/net/t_nsdispatch (207/835): 1 test cases recurse: [1.691407s] Passed. [1.691407s] lib/libc/net/t_protoent (208/835): 1 test cases protoent: [1.718750s] Passed. [1.734375s] lib/libc/net/t_servent (209/835): 1 test cases servent: [20.417969s] Passed. [20.417969s] lib/libc/net/t_hostent (210/835): 12 test cases dnsbyaddrlookup4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.929688s] Passed. dnsbyaddrlookup6: [6.648437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details dnsbynamelookup4: [6.390625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details dnsbynamelookup6: [6.105468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gethostbyaddr4: [6.578125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gethostbyaddr6: [8.589844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gethostbyname4: [6.621093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gethostbyname6: [6.101563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details hostsbyaddrlookup4: [1.941406s] Passed. hostsbyaddrlookup6: [0.707031s] Passed. hostsbynamelookup4: [1.421875s] Passed. hostsbynamelookup6: [0.886718s] Passed. [60.082031s] lib/libc/regex/t_regex_att (211/835): 7 test cases basic: [0.203125s] Passed. categorization: [0.074219s] Passed. forcedassoc: [0.078125s] Passed. leftassoc: [0.093750s] Expected failure: Reason for breakage unknown: 12 checks failed as expected; see output for more details nullsubexpr: [0.105469s] Passed. repetition: [0.167968s] Passed. rightassoc: [0.902344s] Passed. [1.656250s] lib/libc/regex/t_exhaust (212/835): 1 test cases regcomp_too_big: [0.000000s] Skipped: Not enough memory; needed 268435456, available 134217728 [0.000000s] lib/libc/regex/t_regex (213/835): 19 test cases anchor: [1.246094s] Passed. backref: [3.304687s] Passed. basic: [3.503907s] Passed. bracket: [3.792968s] Passed. c_comments: [3.582032s] Passed. complex: [2.781250s] Passed. error: [1.246093s] Passed. meta: [2.261719s] Passed. nospec: [2.031250s] Passed. paren: [1.378906s] Passed. regress: [1.621094s] Passed. repet_bounded: [2.507812s] Passed. repet_multi: [1.996094s] Passed. repet_ordinary: [2.019531s] Passed. startend: [1.218750s] Passed. subexp: [2.191407s] Passed. subtle: [2.562500s] Passed. word_bound: [2.281250s] Passed. zero: [1.156250s] Passed. [42.859375s] lib/libc/rpc/t_xdr (214/835): 1 test cases xdr: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/rpc/t_rpc (215/835): 7 test cases get_svc_addr_tcp: [1.773438s] Skipped: clnt_create (: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out) get_svc_addr_udp: [1.281250s] Skipped: clnt_create (: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out) raw: [0.574219s] Passed. tcp: [0.089843s] Skipped: Cannot create server 1 tcp_poll: [0.078125s] Skipped: Cannot create server 1 udp: [0.078125s] Skipped: Cannot create server 1 udp_poll: [0.089844s] Skipped: Cannot create server 1 [4.093750s] lib/libc/setjmp/t_setjmp (216/835): 4 test cases _setjmp: [0.078125s] Passed. setjmp: [0.097656s] Passed. sigsetjmp_nosave: [0.046875s] Passed. sigsetjmp_save: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.324219s] lib/libc/setjmp/t_threadjmp (217/835): 4 test cases _setjmp: [0.089844s] Passed. setjmp: [0.093750s] Passed. sigsetjmp_nosave: [0.089843s] Passed. sigsetjmp_save: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.371093s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_abs (218/835): 4 test cases abs_basic: [0.070312s] Passed. imaxabs_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. labs_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. llabs_basic: [0.960938s] Passed. [1.273438s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_atoi (219/835): 4 test cases atof_strtod: [0.058594s] Passed. atoi_strtol: [0.062500s] Passed. atol_strtol: [0.062500s] Passed. atoll_strtoll: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.246094s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_div (220/835): 3 test cases div_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. ldiv_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. lldiv_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.187500s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv (221/835): 5 test cases clearenv_basic: [0.332031s] Passed. getenv_basic: [0.093750s] Passed. putenv_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. setenv_basic: [137.265625s] Passed. setenv_mixed: [0.062500s] Passed. [137.835937s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv_thread (222/835): 4 test cases getenv_r_thread: [9.058594s] Passed. putenv_thread: [10.003906s] Passed. setenv_thread: [10.003906s] Passed. unsetenv_thread: [10.000000s] Passed. [39.082031s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_exit (223/835): 4 test cases exit_atexit: [0.062500s] Passed. exit_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. exit_status: [0.105469s] Passed. exit_tmpfile: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.339844s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_hsearch (224/835): 8 test cases hsearch_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. hsearch_duplicate: [0.062500s] Passed. hsearch_nonexistent: [0.062500s] Passed. hsearch_r_basic: [0.058593s] Passed. hsearch_r_duplicate: [0.046875s] Passed. hsearch_r_nonexistent: [0.046875s] Passed. hsearch_r_two: [0.046875s] Passed. hsearch_two: [0.718750s] Passed. [1.152343s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_mi_vector_hash (225/835): 1 test cases mi_vector_hash_basic: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_posix_memalign (226/835): 2 test cases aligned_alloc_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. posix_memalign_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.136719s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_random (227/835): 1 test cases random_same: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.109375s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod (228/835): 11 test cases strtod_basic: [0.093750s] Passed. strtod_gherman_bug: [0.062500s] Passed. strtod_hex: [0.058594s] Passed. strtod_inf: [0.062500s] Passed. strtod_nan: [0.062500s] Passed. strtod_round: [0.070312s] Passed. strtod_underflow: [0.058593s] Passed. strtof_inf: [0.062500s] Passed. strtof_nan: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.070312s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isnanf(f) != 0 not met strtold_inf: [0.062500s] Skipped: Requires long double support strtold_nan: [0.058594s] Skipped: Requires long double support [0.769531s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtol (229/835): 4 test cases strtol_base: [0.054687s] Passed. strtol_case: [0.058594s] Passed. strtol_range: [0.058594s] Passed. strtol_signed: [0.531250s] Passed. [0.804688s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtoi (230/835): 4 test cases strtoi_base: [0.058594s] Passed. strtoi_case: [0.046875s] Passed. strtoi_range: [0.046875s] Passed. strtoi_signed: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.234375s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_system (231/835): 1 test cases system_basic: [0.367187s] Passed. [0.367187s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_atexit (232/835): 1 test cases atexit: [1.593750s] Passed. [1.593750s] lib/libc/stdlib/t_getopt (233/835): 2 test cases getopt: [4.929687s] Passed. getopt_long: [3.218750s] Passed. [8.167968s] lib/libc/stdio/t_clearerr (234/835): 2 test cases clearerr_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. clearerr_err: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.121094s] lib/libc/stdio/t_fflush (235/835): 3 test cases fflush_err: [0.093750s] Passed. fflush_seek: [0.109375s] Passed. fpurge_err: [0.503906s] Passed. [0.804688s] lib/libc/stdio/t_fmemopen (236/835): 23 test cases test00: [0.046875s] Passed. test01: [0.058594s] Passed. test02: [0.062500s] Passed. test03: [0.062500s] Passed. test04: [0.062500s] Passed. test05: [0.042969s] Passed. test06: [0.062500s] Passed. test07: [0.062500s] Passed. test08: [0.164062s] Passed. test09: [0.695313s] Passed. test10: [0.902343s] Passed. test11: [0.125000s] Passed. test12: [0.105469s] Passed. test13: [0.125000s] Passed. test14: [0.105469s] Passed. test15: [0.125000s] Passed. test16: [0.062500s] Passed. test17: [0.089844s] Passed. test18: [0.062500s] Passed. test19: [0.152343s] Passed. test20: [0.066406s] Passed. test21: [0.105469s] Passed. test22: [0.277344s] Passed. [3.902344s] lib/libc/stdio/t_fopen (237/835): 13 test cases fdopen_close: [0.828125s] Passed. fdopen_err: [0.109375s] Passed. fdopen_seek: [0.121094s] Passed. fopen_append: [0.109375s] Passed. fopen_err: [0.105469s] Passed. fopen_mode: [0.140625s] Passed. fopen_nullptr: [0.062500s] Skipped: Kernel does not have 'options MODULAR'. fopen_nullptr_compat10: [0.074218s] Skipped: Kernel does not have 'options MODULAR'. fopen_perm: [0.062500s] Passed. fopen_regular: [0.062500s] Passed. fopen_seek: [0.121094s] Passed. fopen_symlink: [0.109375s] Passed. freopen_std: [0.199219s] Passed. [2.230469s] lib/libc/stdio/t_open_memstream (238/835): 1 test cases test_open_memstream: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/stdio/t_fputc (239/835): 6 test cases fputc_basic: [1.046875s] Passed. fputc_err: [0.109375s] Passed. putc_basic: [0.136718s] Passed. putc_err: [0.109375s] Passed. putc_unlocked_basic: [0.136719s] Passed. putc_unlocked_err: [0.109375s] Passed. [1.660156s] lib/libc/stdio/t_mktemp (240/835): 1 test cases mktemp_not_exist: [0.054688s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/stdio/t_popen (241/835): 1 test cases popen_zeropad: [0.929687s] Passed. [1.019531s] lib/libc/stdio/t_printf (242/835): 7 test cases snprintf_c99: [0.062500s] Passed. snprintf_dotzero: [0.062500s] Passed. snprintf_float: [6.675781s] Passed. snprintf_posarg: [1.050781s] Passed. snprintf_posarg_error: [0.058594s] Passed. snprintf_posarg_width: [0.062500s] Passed. sprintf_zeropad: [0.062500s] Passed. [8.121094s] lib/libc/stdio/t_scanf (243/835): 2 test cases sscanf_neghex: [0.054687s] Passed. sscanf_whitespace: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.121094s] lib/libc/string/t_bm (244/835): 1 test cases bm: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/string/t_memchr (245/835): 3 test cases memchr_basic: [0.054687s] Passed. memchr_simple: [0.046875s] Passed. memrchr_simple: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.203125s] lib/libc/string/t_memcpy (246/835): 3 test cases memccpy_simple: [0.062500s] Passed. memcpy_basic: [36.335938s] Passed. memcpy_return: [0.058594s] Passed. [36.476563s] lib/libc/string/t_memmem (247/835): 2 test cases memmem_basic: [0.042968s] Passed. memmem_oob: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.121093s] lib/libc/string/t_memset (248/835): 7 test cases bzero_zero_size: [0.046875s] Passed. memset_array: [0.046875s] Passed. memset_basic: [0.355469s] Passed. memset_nonzero: [0.671875s] Passed. memset_return: [0.062500s] Passed. memset_struct: [0.058594s] Passed. memset_zero_size: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.417969s] lib/libc/string/t_popcount (249/835): 2 test cases popcount_basic: [0.062500s] Skipped: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE popcountll_basic: [0.042969s] Skipped: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE [0.121094s] lib/libc/string/t_strcat (250/835): 2 test cases strcat_basic: [0.128906s] Passed. strncat_simple: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.199219s] lib/libc/string/t_strchr (251/835): 1 test cases strchr_basic: [0.054688s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/string/t_strcmp (252/835): 2 test cases strcmp_basic: [0.058593s] Passed. strcmp_simple: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.121093s] lib/libc/string/t_strcoll (253/835): 1 test cases ordering: [0.062500s] Expected failure: LC_COLLATE not supported: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. setlocale(LC_COLLATE, t->locale) != NULL not met [0.078125s] lib/libc/string/t_strcpy (254/835): 1 test cases strcpy_basic: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/string/t_strcspn (255/835): 1 test cases strcspn: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/string/t_strerror (256/835): 4 test cases strerror_basic: [0.171875s] Passed. strerror_err: [1.207031s] Passed. strerror_r_basic: [0.281250s] Passed. strerror_r_err: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.835937s] lib/libc/string/t_stresep (257/835): 1 test cases stresep_basic: [0.042969s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/string/t_strlen (258/835): 3 test cases strlen_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. strlen_huge: [0.214844s] Passed. strnlen_basic: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.339844s] lib/libc/string/t_strpbrk (259/835): 1 test cases strpbrk: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/string/t_strrchr (260/835): 1 test cases strrchr_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/string/t_strspn (261/835): 1 test cases strspn: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.058593s] lib/libc/string/t_swab (262/835): 1 test cases swab_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/sys/t_access (263/835): 6 test cases access_access: [1.921875s] Passed. access_fault: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [0.058593s] Passed. access_inval: [0.062500s] Passed. access_notdir: [0.062500s] Passed. access_notexist: [0.062500s] Passed. access_toolong: [0.046875s] Passed. [2.234375s] lib/libc/sys/t_bind (264/835): 1 test cases bind_foreign_family: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/sys/t_chroot (265/835): 6 test cases chroot_basic: [0.074219s] Passed. chroot_err: [0.062500s] Passed. chroot_perm: [0.066406s] Passed. fchroot_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. fchroot_err: [0.046875s] Passed. fchroot_perm: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.429688s] lib/libc/sys/t_clock_gettime (266/835): 1 test cases clock_gettime_real: [5.285156s] Passed. [5.296875s] lib/libc/sys/t_clock_nanosleep (267/835): 1 test cases clock_nanosleep_remain: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/sys/t_clone (268/835): 4 test cases clone_basic: [0.054687s] Passed. clone_null_func: [0.046875s] Passed. clone_null_stack: [0.046875s] Passed. clone_out_of_proc: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.246093s] lib/libc/sys/t_connect (269/835): 2 test cases connect_foreign_family: [0.062500s] Passed. connect_low_port: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.125000s] lib/libc/sys/t_dup (270/835): 10 test cases dup2_basic: [0.710938s] Passed. dup2_err: [0.062500s] Passed. dup2_max: [0.058593s] Passed. dup2_mode: [0.125000s] Passed. dup3_err: [0.210937s] Passed. dup3_max: [0.078125s] Passed. dup3_mode: [0.152344s] Passed. dup_err: [0.093750s] Passed. dup_max: [0.152344s] Passed. dup_mode: [0.121093s] Passed. [1.843750s] lib/libc/sys/t_fork (271/835): 15 test cases nested_clone: [0.062500s] Passed. nested_clone_files: [0.062500s] Passed. nested_clone_fs: [0.058594s] Passed. nested_clone_vfork: [0.062500s] Passed. nested_clone_vm: [0.062500s] Passed. nested_fork: [0.078125s] Passed. nested_vfork: [0.667969s] Passed. raise1: [0.062500s] Passed. raise2: [0.089844s] Passed. raise3: [0.093750s] Passed. raise4: [0.125000s] Passed. raise5: [0.093750s] Passed. raise6: [0.078125s] Passed. raise7: [0.062500s] Passed. raise8: [0.074219s] Passed. [1.824219s] lib/libc/sys/t_fsync (272/835): 2 test cases fsync_err: [0.085938s] Passed. fsync_sync: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.199219s] lib/libc/sys/t_getcontext (273/835): 3 test cases getcontext_err: [0.070313s] Passed. setcontext_err: [0.078125s] Passed. setcontext_link: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.277344s] lib/libc/sys/t_getgroups (274/835): 4 test cases getgroups_err: [0.062500s] Passed. getgroups_getgid: [0.898438s] Passed. getgroups_setgid: [0.140625s] Passed. getgroups_zero: [0.074219s] Passed. [1.226563s] lib/libc/sys/t_getitimer (275/835): 5 test cases getitimer_empty: [0.062500s] Passed. getitimer_err: [0.046875s] Passed. setitimer_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. setitimer_err: [0.078125s] Passed. setitimer_old: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.339843s] lib/libc/sys/t_getlogin (276/835): 5 test cases getlogin_r_err: [0.042969s] Passed. getlogin_same: [0.046875s] Passed. setlogin_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. setlogin_err: [0.062500s] Passed. setlogin_perm: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.320313s] lib/libc/sys/t_getpid (277/835): 2 test cases getpid_process: [0.125000s] Passed. getpid_thread: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.214844s] lib/libc/sys/t_getrusage (278/835): 6 test cases getrusage_err: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a44d8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.062500s] Passed. getrusage_maxrss: [4.363281s] Passed. getrusage_msgsnd: [0.062500s] Passed. getrusage_sig: [0.046875s] Passed. getrusage_utime_back: [61.468750s] Expected failure: PR kern/30115: anticipated error did not occur getrusage_utime_zero: [20.843750s] Expected failure: PR kern/30115: anticipated error did not occur [86.890625s] lib/libc/sys/t_getsid (279/835): 3 test cases getsid_current: [0.046875s] Passed. getsid_err: [0.042968s] Passed. getsid_process: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.183593s] lib/libc/sys/t_getsockname (280/835): 1 test cases getsockname_unix: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libc/sys/t_gettimeofday (281/835): 2 test cases gettimeofday_err: [0.171875s] Passed. gettimeofday_mono: [1.148437s] Passed. [1.496094s] lib/libc/sys/t_issetugid (282/835): 4 test cases issetugid_egid: [0.078125s] Passed. issetugid_euid: [0.078125s] Passed. issetugid_rgid: [0.074219s] Passed. issetugid_ruid: [0.066406s] Passed. [0.308594s] lib/libc/sys/t_kevent (283/835): 3 test cases kevent_zerotimer: [0.062500s] Passed. kqueue_desc_passing: [0.058593s] Skipped: PR kern/46523 kqueue_unsupported_fd: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.199218s] lib/libc/sys/t_kill (284/835): 5 test cases kill_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. kill_err: [0.105469s] Passed. kill_perm: [1.289063s] Passed. kill_pgrp_neg: [0.691406s] Passed. kill_pgrp_zero: [0.062500s] Passed. [2.320313s] lib/libc/sys/t_link (285/835): 4 test cases link_count: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [0.105469s] Passed. link_err: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [0.109375s] Passed. link_perm: [0.062500s] Passed. link_stat: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [0.109375s] Passed. [0.398437s] lib/libc/sys/t_listen (286/835): 2 test cases listen_err: [0.089844s] Passed. listen_low_port: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.167969s] lib/libc/sys/t_lwp_ctl (287/835): 1 test cases lwpctl_counter: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libc/sys/t_lwp_create (288/835): 2 test cases lwp_create_generic_fail_no_uc_cpu: [0.062500s] Passed. lwp_create_works: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.125000s] lib/libc/sys/t_minherit (289/835): 5 test cases minherit_bad: [0.046875s] Passed. minherit_copy: [0.062500s] Passed. minherit_none: [0.078125s] Passed. minherit_share: [0.062500s] Passed. minherit_zero: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.335937s] lib/libc/sys/t_mincore (290/835): 3 test cases mincore_err: [0.414063s] Passed. mincore_resid: [0.667968s] Passed. mincore_shmseg: [0.066406s] Passed. [1.250000s] lib/libc/sys/t_mkdir (291/835): 4 test cases mkdir_err: [0.078125s] Passed. mkdir_mode: [1.140625s] Passed. mkdir_perm: [1.246094s] Passed. mkdir_trail: [0.062500s] Passed. [2.542969s] lib/libc/sys/t_mkfifo (292/835): 6 test cases mkfifo_block: [1.109375s] Passed. mkfifo_err: [0.125000s] Passed. mkfifo_nonblock: [1.109375s] Passed. mkfifo_perm: [0.125000s] Passed. mkfifo_stat: [0.105468s] Passed. mknod_s_ififo: [0.109375s] Passed. [2.699218s] lib/libc/sys/t_mknod (293/835): 4 test cases mknod_err: [0.105469s] Passed. mknod_exist: [0.109375s] Passed. mknod_perm: [0.121094s] Passed. mknod_stat: [0.109375s] Passed. [0.449219s] t_mlock: pagesize 4096 lib/libc/sys/t_mlock (294/835): 5 test cases mlock_clip: [0.046875s] Passed. mlock_err: [0.062500s] Passed. mlock_limits: [0.109375s] Passed. mlock_mmap: [0.058593s] Passed. mlock_nested: [0.082031s] Passed. [0.414062s] lib/libc/sys/t_mmap (295/835): 9 test cases mmap_block: [0.078125s] Skipped: The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889, kern/46592) mmap_err: [0.757813s] Passed. mmap_loan: [0.246093s] Passed. mmap_prot_1: [0.445313s] Passed. mmap_prot_2: [0.121094s] Passed. mmap_prot_3: [0.152344s] Passed. mmap_truncate: [0.125000s] Passed. mmap_truncate_signal: [0.121093s] Passed. mmap_va0: [0.062500s] Passed. [2.222656s] lib/libc/sys/t_mprotect (296/835): 6 test cases mprotect_access: [0.105469s] Passed. mprotect_err: [0.046875s] Passed. mprotect_exec: [0.964844s] Skipped: Execute protection callback check not implemented mprotect_mremap_exec: [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. ((int (*)(void))map2)() == 1 not met mprotect_pax: [0.062500s] Passed. mprotect_write: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.363282s] lib/libc/sys/t_msgctl (297/835): 5 test cases msgctl_err: [0.105469s] Passed. msgctl_perm: [0.136718s] Passed. msgctl_pid: [2.242188s] Passed. msgctl_set: [0.109375s] Passed. msgctl_time: [0.093750s] Passed. [2.750000s] lib/libc/sys/t_msgget (298/835): 5 test cases msgget_excl: [0.101562s] Passed. msgget_exit: [0.105468s] Passed. msgget_init: [0.109375s] Passed. msgget_limit: [0.078125s] Passed. msgget_mode: [0.125000s] Passed. [0.539062s] lib/libc/sys/t_msgrcv (299/835): 6 test cases msgrcv_basic: [0.105469s] Passed. msgrcv_block: [2.167969s] Passed. msgrcv_err: [0.109375s] Passed. msgrcv_mtype: [0.121093s] Passed. msgrcv_nonblock: [2.128907s] Passed. msgrcv_truncate: [0.105468s] Passed. [4.753906s] lib/libc/sys/t_msgsnd (300/835): 5 test cases msgsnd_block: [2.101563s] Passed. msgsnd_count: [0.109375s] Passed. msgsnd_err: [0.109375s] Passed. msgsnd_nonblock: [2.109375s] Passed. msgsnd_perm: [0.121093s] Passed. [4.578125s] lib/libc/sys/t_msync (301/835): 4 test cases msync_async: [0.062500s] Passed. msync_err: [0.058594s] Passed. msync_invalidate: [0.062500s] Passed. msync_sync: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.261719s] lib/libc/sys/t_nanosleep (302/835): 3 test cases nanosleep_basic: [0.125000s] Passed. nanosleep_err: [0.062500s] Passed. nanosleep_sig: [1.066406s] Passed. [1.289063s] lib/libc/sys/t_pipe (303/835): 1 test cases pipe_restart: [3.335937s] Passed. [3.351562s] lib/libc/sys/t_pipe2 (304/835): 6 test cases pipe2_basic: [0.046875s] Passed. pipe2_cloexec: [0.054688s] Passed. pipe2_consume: [0.062500s] Passed. pipe2_einval: [0.058594s] Passed. pipe2_nonblock: [0.062500s] Passed. pipe2_nosigpipe: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.382813s] lib/libc/sys/t_poll (305/835): 6 test cases poll_3way: [10.378906s] Passed. poll_basic: [0.074219s] Passed. poll_err: [0.062500s] Passed. pollts_basic: [1.074219s] Passed. pollts_err: [0.062500s] Passed. pollts_sigmask: [0.062500s] Passed. [11.734375s] lib/libc/sys/t_posix_fallocate (306/835): 1 test cases ebadf: [0.042969s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace (307/835): 6 test cases attach_chroot: [0.062500s] Passed. attach_pid0: [0.390625s] Passed. attach_pid1: [0.261719s] Passed. attach_pid1_securelevel: [0.058594s] Passed. attach_self: [0.089844s] Passed. traceme_twice: [0.093750s] Passed. [1.113281s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_wait (308/835): 240 test cases access_fpregs1: [0.214844s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.214844s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.472656s] Passed. access_regs2: [0.628907s] Passed. access_regs3: [0.261718s] Passed. access_regs4: [0.230469s] Passed. access_regs5: [0.214844s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [0.402343s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [1.957032s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [2.050781s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [1.000000s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [2.269531s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [2.128906s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [1.046875s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [2.195313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [0.968750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [0.800781s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [0.789063s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [0.246094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.230468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [1.203125s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [0.949219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.230468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.914063s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [0.261718s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.230469s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [1.066406s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.246094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [1.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [0.230469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.984375s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [0.226563s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.214843s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [0.214844s] Passed. clone1: [0.878906s] Passed. clone5: [0.250000s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.234375s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.230469s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.273437s] Passed. clone_fs5: [0.234375s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.230469s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.964844s] Passed. clone_vm1: [0.230469s] Passed. clone_vm5: [0.230468s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.214843s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [1.015625s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [0.214844s] Passed. fork1: [0.214843s] Passed. fork13: [0.226563s] Passed. fork5: [0.230469s] Passed. fork9: [0.949219s] Passed. kill1: [0.214843s] Passed. kill2: [0.214844s] Passed. kill3: [0.218750s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [0.230469s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [0.214844s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [0.246093s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [1.027344s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.246093s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [0.230469s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [0.230469s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [0.246094s] Passed. resume1: [0.867187s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [0.214844s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.214844s] Passed. signal10: [0.261718s] Passed. signal9: [0.308594s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [0.214844s] Passed. suspend2: [1.703125s] Passed. syscall1: [0.214844s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.214843s] Passed. thread_concurrent_signals: [0.925782s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [6.941406s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [7.191406s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [3.859375s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 5670.1562580] sorry, pid 4689 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.214844s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_crash_ill: [0.214844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0f8a8404 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 5670.8320392] sorry, pid 1817 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.214843s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [0.832031s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.234375s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.226562s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [0.257813s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [1.433594s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [0.203125s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [1.121094s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [1.058593s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [0.859375s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [0.242188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.992188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [0.242188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.277343s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [1.128907s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [0.289063s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [0.242187s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [1.089844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [0.921875s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [0.234375s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [0.777343s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 5695.1484455] sorry, pid 3944 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.554688s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.386718s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0165a6c8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.316407s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 5696.7773517] sorry, pid 18582 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.828125s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 5697.5000080] sorry, pid 3848 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.230469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.199219s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x08d0925c <(no symbol)> ] [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 5698.4843830] sorry, pid 6395 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.605468s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [0.550781s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [0.242187s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.214844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0b1814b0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [0.253907s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.910156s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.199218s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.640625s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [0.304688s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.199219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [1.078125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.234375s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.214844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x06932490 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [0.910156s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.214844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0c4f1ca0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.265625s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.261718s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [0.230469s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [0.214844s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [1.257812s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [0.214844s] Passed. vfork1: [0.214844s] Passed. vfork13: [0.214844s] Passed. vfork5: [0.230468s] Passed. vfork9: [0.214844s] Passed. [112.843750s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_wait3 (309/835): 240 test cases access_fpregs1: [0.214844s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.214844s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.230469s] Passed. access_regs2: [0.214843s] Passed. access_regs3: [0.218750s] Passed. access_regs4: [0.214844s] Passed. access_regs5: [0.863281s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [0.414062s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [2.058594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [1.105469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [1.757812s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [0.972656s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [2.578125s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [2.363282s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [0.921875s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [1.921875s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [0.246094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [0.230468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [1.792969s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.230468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [1.023437s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [0.769531s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [0.246094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [1.054687s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.261719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [1.074219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.261718s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.261719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [0.289063s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [0.218750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [0.941406s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.214843s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [0.828125s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.230469s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [0.218750s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [0.214843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [0.769532s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.226562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.246093s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [0.230469s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [0.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [0.214844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.261718s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [1.128907s] Passed. clone1: [0.289062s] Passed. clone5: [0.277344s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.214844s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.230469s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.214843s] Passed. clone_fs5: [1.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.214844s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.214844s] Passed. clone_vm1: [0.230468s] Passed. clone_vm5: [0.218750s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.257813s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.218750s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [1.433594s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.214843s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.218750s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.214844s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [0.214844s] Passed. fork1: [0.214843s] Passed. fork13: [0.992188s] Passed. fork5: [0.230469s] Passed. fork9: [0.230468s] Passed. kill1: [0.214844s] Passed. kill2: [0.269531s] Passed. kill3: [0.246094s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [0.246093s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [1.250000s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [0.246093s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [1.019531s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [0.246094s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [0.261719s] Passed. resume1: [0.289062s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [0.246093s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.214844s] Passed. signal10: [0.214844s] Passed. signal9: [1.480469s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [0.214843s] Passed. suspend2: [0.214844s] Passed. syscall1: [0.214844s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.246094s] Passed. thread_concurrent_signals: [1.390625s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [5.867188s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [7.855469s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [3.476562s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 5785.8945392] sorry, pid 5223 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.394531s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_crash_ill: [2.375000s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x097b8440 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 5788.7890705] sorry, pid 5102 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.277344s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.277343s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.285156s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.644531s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [1.300781s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [0.226563s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [1.675781s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [1.144531s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.757813s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [0.273437s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [0.261718s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [1.910157s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [1.820313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [1.734375s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.207032s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [1.273437s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [1.128906s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.234375s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [1.105469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.269531s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [0.492188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [2.417968s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 5819.9609455] sorry, pid 16929 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.230469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.199218s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x03d7a72c <(no symbol)> ] [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 5821.9726642] sorry, pid 5862 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.578125s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 5822.7109455] sorry, pid 17461 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.230469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.199218s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0d4f92ac <(no symbol)> ] [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 5823.3711017] sorry, pid 6309 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.218750s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [1.222656s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [0.214844s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.199218s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0818157c <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [0.972656s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.199219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.230468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [0.234375s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.218750s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.246094s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [0.203125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [0.871094s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.199219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.226563s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.203125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [0.214843s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.835937s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.214844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0c2c256c <(no symbol)> ] [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [0.261719s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.214844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [0.234375s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [1.093750s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x07611d74 <(no symbol)> ] [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.230469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.246093s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [0.234375s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [0.214844s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [0.226563s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [1.253906s] Passed. vfork1: [0.214844s] Passed. vfork13: [0.230469s] Passed. vfork5: [0.277343s] Passed. vfork9: [0.230469s] Passed. [124.402344s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_wait4 (310/835): 359 test cases access_fpregs1: [0.324219s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.324218s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.320313s] Passed. access_regs2: [1.378906s] Passed. access_regs3: [0.324219s] Passed. access_regs4: [0.367187s] Passed. access_regs5: [0.339844s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.316406s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo0: [1.765625s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo1: [0.398437s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo2: [0.460938s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo3: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [1.976562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [1.136719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [2.707031s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [2.179688s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [1.136718s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [2.410157s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [2.101562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [1.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [1.792969s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [0.355468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [1.417969s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [0.371094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [0.339844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.382813s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [1.667968s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.335938s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [1.246094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.312500s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [1.039063s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.367187s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.355469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.335937s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [1.410156s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.335938s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.386719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [1.304688s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.335937s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [1.703125s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [0.539062s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.355469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.320313s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [1.230468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.335937s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [0.371094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [2.144531s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.351563s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.339843s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [1.937500s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.402344s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [1.558593s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [0.777344s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [0.386718s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.367188s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [2.914062s] Passed. clone1: [0.398438s] Passed. clone2: [0.601562s] Passed. clone3: [2.140625s] Passed. clone4: [0.925782s] Passed. clone5: [0.367187s] Passed. clone6: [2.375000s] Passed. clone7: [0.339844s] Passed. clone8: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_files2: [1.332031s] Passed. clone_files3: [1.125000s] Passed. clone_files4: [0.320313s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.335937s] Passed. clone_files6: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_files7: [2.203125s] Passed. clone_files8: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_files_signalignored: [0.421875s] Passed. clone_files_signalmasked: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.628906s] Passed. clone_fs2: [2.167969s] Passed. clone_fs3: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs4: [0.343750s] Passed. clone_fs5: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_fs6: [1.925781s] Passed. clone_fs7: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs8: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs_signalignored: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_fs_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_signalignored: [1.382812s] Passed. clone_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork2: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_vfork3: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork4: [1.097656s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.328125s] Passed. clone_vfork6: [0.335937s] Passed. clone_vfork7: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork8: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalignored: [1.042969s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalmasked: [0.339843s] Passed. clone_vm1: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm2: [0.402344s] Passed. clone_vm3: [0.351562s] Passed. clone_vm4: [1.457031s] Passed. clone_vm5: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vm6: [0.351563s] Passed. clone_vm7: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_vm8: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm_signalignored: [1.640625s] Passed. clone_vm_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.367187s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [0.617188s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.843750s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.320312s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [0.324219s] Passed. fork1: [1.093750s] Passed. fork10: [0.335938s] Passed. fork11: [0.355468s] Passed. fork12: [0.335938s] Passed. fork13: [1.097656s] Passed. fork14: [0.339844s] Passed. fork15: [0.335937s] Passed. fork16: [0.343750s] Passed. fork2: [0.339844s] Passed. fork3: [1.019531s] Passed. fork4: [0.351563s] Passed. fork5: [0.339843s] Passed. fork6: [0.339844s] Passed. fork7: [0.324219s] Passed. fork8: [0.933593s] Passed. fork9: [0.324219s] Passed. fork_detach_forker: [0.339844s] Passed. fork_kill_forker: [0.335937s] Passed. fork_singalignored: [0.324219s] Passed. fork_singalmasked: [0.886719s] Passed. kill1: [0.351562s] Passed. kill2: [0.308594s] Passed. kill3: [0.308594s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [0.320312s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [1.187500s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn10: [0.351563s] Passed. posix_spawn11: [0.355468s] Passed. posix_spawn12: [1.042969s] Passed. posix_spawn13: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn14: [0.371093s] Passed. posix_spawn15: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn16: [0.347657s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [0.964843s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [0.351563s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.355468s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [1.148438s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [0.335937s] Passed. posix_spawn9: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn_detach_spawner: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn_kill_spawner: [1.140625s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalignored: [0.398438s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalmasked: [0.382812s] Passed. resume1: [0.363281s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [1.656250s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.324219s] Passed. signal10: [0.324219s] Passed. signal9: [0.320312s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [0.324219s] Passed. suspend2: [1.242187s] Passed. syscall1: [0.320313s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.324219s] Passed. thread_concurrent_signals: [1.398437s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [3.324219s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [5.542969s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [3.472656s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.324219s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_getppid: [1.414062s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_procfs_status: [0.335938s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_sysctl_kinfo_proc2: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 5981.5390705] sorry, pid 7102 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.792969s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_crash_ill: [0.542968s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x07b497fc <(no symbol)> ] [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 5982.9648517] sorry, pid 18103 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.324219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [1.277344s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.332032s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [0.332031s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [0.316406s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [1.023437s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [0.402343s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.445313s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [1.375000s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [0.371093s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [2.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [1.871094s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [0.343750s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [1.707031s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [1.445312s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [1.199219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [0.464844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [1.312500s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [1.578125s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [0.386718s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [1.839844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [0.316407s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [1.886718s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [1.859375s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [1.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6023.6796955] sorry, pid 5970 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.308594s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.308593s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x00d0bb08 <(no symbol)> ] [1.074219s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6025.3984455] sorry, pid 17825 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.316406s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.328125s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6026.4296955] sorry, pid 7343 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.308594s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.957031s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0606a678 <(no symbol)> ] [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6028.1640705] sorry, pid 6190 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.312500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone: [0.343750s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_files: [1.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_fs: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vfork: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vm: [1.062500s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [0.351563s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.355468s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x09b229b0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [1.578125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.328125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.296875s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [1.207032s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.328125s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [1.023438s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.292968s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [0.945313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.339843s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.367188s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0a8739b0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [1.316406s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [0.339844s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.304687s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0c1631b0 <(no symbol)> ] [1.070313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [0.304688s] Passed. tracer_attach_to_unrelated_stopped_process: [0.386719s] Passed. tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.980469s] Passed. tracer_sysctl_lookup_without_duplicates: [4.671875s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_bus: [0.523438s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_fpe: [ 6055.8242267] sorry, pid 5768 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.937500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_ill: [1.328125s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0f3457b4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_trap: [ 6057.8711017] sorry, pid 18528 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.351563s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.398438s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6058.9336017] sorry, pid 6418 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.941406s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.335937s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x067957b4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.339844s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6060.4570392] sorry, pid 7791 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.347656s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.386719s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6062.2031330] sorry, pid 6791 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.328125s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.308594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x080e57b4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6063.2031330] sorry, pid 18805 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.355469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.367188s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [1.054687s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [0.324219s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [0.316406s] Passed. vfork1: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork10: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork11: [0.953125s] Passed. vfork12: [0.320312s] Passed. vfork13: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork14: [0.316406s] Passed. vfork15: [0.320312s] Passed. vfork16: [0.898438s] Passed. vfork2: [0.351562s] Passed. vfork3: [0.355469s] Passed. vfork4: [0.320313s] Passed. vfork5: [0.339843s] Passed. vfork6: [1.343750s] Passed. vfork7: [0.355469s] Passed. vfork8: [0.335937s] Passed. vfork9: [0.339844s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforker: [0.542969s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforkerdone: [1.796875s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforker: [0.371094s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforkerdone: [0.382812s] Passed. vfork_singalignored: [0.355469s] Passed. vfork_singalmasked: [2.679688s] Passed. vforkdone_singalignored: [0.339843s] Passed. vforkdone_singalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. [239.140625s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_wait6 (311/835): 359 test cases access_fpregs1: [0.363281s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.382812s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.339844s] Passed. access_regs2: [0.308594s] Passed. access_regs3: [1.703125s] Passed. access_regs4: [0.324219s] Passed. access_regs5: [0.339843s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.320313s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo0: [0.339844s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo1: [1.300781s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo2: [0.324219s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo3: [0.351562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [0.507813s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [1.777343s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [1.660157s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [1.023437s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [1.574218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [1.839844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [1.125000s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [1.597656s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [1.570313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.843750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.308593s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [0.339844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [1.347656s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [0.351562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.347657s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.335938s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [1.984375s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [0.355468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.335938s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [1.648438s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.335937s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [1.425782s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [0.429687s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [1.414063s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [0.367187s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [1.199218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.320313s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [0.355469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.351562s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [1.207031s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.324218s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [1.035156s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [0.312500s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [0.996094s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.324218s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [0.355469s] Passed. clone1: [0.398438s] Passed. clone2: [0.371094s] Passed. clone3: [1.113281s] Passed. clone4: [0.398438s] Passed. clone5: [0.335938s] Passed. clone6: [0.406250s] Passed. clone7: [1.597657s] Passed. clone8: [0.335937s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files2: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files3: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_files4: [1.425781s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files6: [0.367188s] Passed. clone_files7: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_files8: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_files_signalignored: [1.156250s] Passed. clone_files_signalmasked: [0.320313s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.355468s] Passed. clone_fs2: [0.351563s] Passed. clone_fs3: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs4: [1.039062s] Passed. clone_fs5: [0.312500s] Passed. clone_fs6: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_fs7: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs8: [0.355469s] Passed. clone_fs_signalignored: [1.500000s] Passed. clone_fs_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_signalignored: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_signalmasked: [0.332031s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.320313s] Passed. clone_vfork2: [1.636719s] Passed. clone_vfork3: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_vfork4: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.320313s] Passed. clone_vfork6: [0.355468s] Passed. clone_vfork7: [1.460938s] Passed. clone_vfork8: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalignored: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalmasked: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_vm1: [1.093750s] Passed. clone_vm2: [0.402344s] Passed. clone_vm3: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm4: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm5: [0.304687s] Passed. clone_vm6: [1.132813s] Passed. clone_vm7: [0.355468s] Passed. clone_vm8: [0.574219s] Passed. clone_vm_signalignored: [0.398437s] Passed. clone_vm_signalmasked: [1.519532s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.371093s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.320313s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [0.308594s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.339843s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [1.277344s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.308594s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [0.304687s] Passed. fork1: [0.324219s] Passed. fork10: [1.058594s] Passed. fork11: [0.339843s] Passed. fork12: [0.351563s] Passed. fork13: [0.324219s] Passed. fork14: [0.335937s] Passed. fork15: [1.265625s] Passed. fork16: [0.386719s] Passed. fork2: [0.968750s] Passed. fork3: [1.238281s] Passed. fork4: [0.335938s] Passed. fork5: [0.324218s] Passed. fork6: [0.367188s] Passed. fork7: [0.855469s] Passed. fork8: [0.457031s] Passed. fork9: [0.324219s] Passed. fork_detach_forker: [0.339843s] Passed. fork_kill_forker: [0.335938s] Passed. fork_singalignored: [1.437500s] Passed. fork_singalmasked: [0.351562s] Passed. kill1: [0.324219s] Passed. kill2: [0.316406s] Passed. kill3: [0.320312s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [1.265625s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [0.402344s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [0.335938s] Passed. posix_spawn10: [0.355468s] Passed. posix_spawn11: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn12: [1.437500s] Passed. posix_spawn13: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn14: [0.351562s] Passed. posix_spawn15: [0.390625s] Passed. posix_spawn16: [1.324219s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.335937s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.382812s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [1.277344s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [0.554688s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [0.335937s] Passed. posix_spawn9: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn_detach_spawner: [1.613281s] Passed. posix_spawn_kill_spawner: [0.386719s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalignored: [0.398437s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalmasked: [0.355469s] Passed. resume1: [1.703125s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [0.320312s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.371094s] Passed. signal10: [0.351563s] Passed. signal9: [0.339843s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [1.445312s] Passed. suspend2: [0.324219s] Passed. syscall1: [0.324219s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.324218s] Passed. thread_concurrent_signals: [1.414063s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [9.070312s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [7.562500s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [9.335938s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.585937s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_getppid: [0.339844s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_procfs_status: [0.339844s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_sysctl_kinfo_proc2: [1.738281s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 6223.6289142] sorry, pid 7495 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.355468s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_crash_ill: [0.351563s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x01979844 <(no symbol)> ] [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 6225.8476642] sorry, pid 7910 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.527343s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [1.386719s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [1.089844s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [1.312500s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [0.347656s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [1.531250s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [0.859375s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [1.265625s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [1.203125s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [1.566406s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [1.605468s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [2.367188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [1.433594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [0.957031s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [1.410157s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.617188s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [0.761719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.804687s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [0.589843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [0.386718s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [1.562500s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [1.210938s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [0.359375s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [1.039063s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6266.8671955] sorry, pid 19424 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.324219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [1.398437s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0beebb90 <(no symbol)> ] [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6268.9609455] sorry, pid 6890 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.339844s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.398437s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [1.203125s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6271.2617267] sorry, pid 20322 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.593750s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.296875s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0c9aa6e0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6272.2148517] sorry, pid 7655 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.320313s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [1.054687s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone: [0.394532s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_files: [0.332031s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_fs: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vfork: [0.312500s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vm: [0.742187s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [1.257812s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [0.324219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.308594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x02862ae8 <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [0.609375s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.839844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [1.070312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [1.113281s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.351563s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [1.246093s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.324219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.320312s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x07a93b08 <(no symbol)> ] [0.359375s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [1.210938s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [0.324218s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.292969s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x04fd32f8 <(no symbol)> ] [1.125000s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [0.304688s] Passed. tracer_attach_to_unrelated_stopped_process: [0.339844s] Passed. tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.996093s] Passed. tracer_sysctl_lookup_without_duplicates: [4.968750s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_bus: [0.355469s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_fpe: [ 6299.7578205] sorry, pid 19936 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.355469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_ill: [0.308593s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x09f95954 <(no symbol)> ] [0.933594s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_trap: [ 6301.3554767] sorry, pid 9199 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.339844s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.339844s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6302.0937580] sorry, pid 20208 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.367187s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_ill: [1.542969s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x067a5954 <(no symbol)> ] [0.371094s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6304.4531330] sorry, pid 20233 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.429687s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.382813s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6305.2539142] sorry, pid 8273 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.386718s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_ill: [1.812500s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x03e05954 <(no symbol)> ] [0.343750s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6307.9609455] sorry, pid 20340 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.371094s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.335937s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [1.527344s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [0.320312s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork1: [0.371094s] Passed. vfork10: [0.335937s] Passed. vfork11: [1.386719s] Passed. vfork12: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork13: [0.335937s] Passed. vfork14: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork15: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork16: [1.128906s] Passed. vfork2: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork3: [0.332031s] Passed. vfork4: [0.339844s] Passed. vfork5: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork6: [0.980469s] Passed. vfork7: [0.339843s] Passed. vfork8: [0.335937s] Passed. vfork9: [0.320313s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforker: [0.339843s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforkerdone: [1.089844s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforker: [0.371094s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforkerdone: [0.359375s] Passed. vfork_singalignored: [0.343750s] Passed. vfork_singalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. vforkdone_singalignored: [1.812500s] Passed. vforkdone_singalmasked: [0.308594s] Passed. [241.175782s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_waitid (312/835): 358 test cases access_fpregs1: [1.710938s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.320312s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.308593s] Passed. access_regs2: [0.335938s] Passed. access_regs3: [0.578125s] Passed. access_regs4: [1.714844s] Passed. access_regs5: [0.308594s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.308593s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo0: [0.324219s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo1: [0.324219s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo2: [1.453125s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo3: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [0.492188s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [2.343750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [2.140625s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [1.082032s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [1.949218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [1.925782s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [1.105468s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [1.621094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [0.984375s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [0.890625s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.855469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [0.332031s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [0.886719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [1.082031s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.648437s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [0.656250s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [0.316406s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [0.574219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.953125s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.355469s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [0.335937s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [1.613281s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [0.304687s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.308594s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [1.210937s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [1.996093s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.406250s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.351562s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [1.492188s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [0.324218s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [1.214844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.320312s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [0.324219s] Passed. clone1: [0.324219s] Passed. clone2: [1.019531s] Passed. clone3: [0.312500s] Passed. clone4: [0.324218s] Passed. clone5: [0.324219s] Passed. clone6: [0.320313s] Passed. clone7: [0.339843s] Passed. clone8: [0.972657s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_files2: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_files3: [0.304688s] Passed. clone_files4: [0.437500s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.941406s] Passed. clone_files6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files7: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files8: [0.367187s] Passed. clone_files_signalignored: [1.417969s] Passed. clone_files_signalmasked: [0.429688s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.402343s] Passed. clone_fs2: [0.320313s] Passed. clone_fs3: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_fs4: [1.183593s] Passed. clone_fs5: [0.316406s] Passed. clone_fs6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs7: [0.308593s] Passed. clone_fs8: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_fs_signalignored: [0.996094s] Passed. clone_fs_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_signalignored: [0.335937s] Passed. clone_signalmasked: [0.355469s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork2: [1.371094s] Passed. clone_vfork3: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_vfork4: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_vfork6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork7: [1.199219s] Passed. clone_vfork8: [0.386718s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalignored: [0.417969s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalmasked: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_vm1: [1.390625s] Passed. clone_vm2: [0.699219s] Passed. clone_vm3: [0.417969s] Passed. clone_vm4: [0.308593s] Passed. clone_vm5: [1.750000s] Passed. clone_vm6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm7: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_vm8: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_vm_signalignored: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm_signalmasked: [1.574219s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.355469s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.308593s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [0.304688s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.308594s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [1.191406s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.308593s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [0.320313s] Passed. fork1: [0.339844s] Passed. fork10: [1.105468s] Passed. fork11: [0.585938s] Passed. fork12: [0.355468s] Passed. fork13: [0.378906s] Passed. fork14: [0.355469s] Passed. fork15: [1.855468s] Passed. fork16: [0.320313s] Passed. fork2: [0.324219s] Passed. fork3: [0.363281s] Passed. fork4: [0.351563s] Passed. fork5: [2.007812s] Passed. fork6: [0.371094s] Passed. fork7: [0.332031s] Passed. fork8: [0.324218s] Passed. fork9: [0.878907s] Passed. fork_detach_forker: [1.148438s] Passed. fork_kill_forker: [0.347656s] Passed. fork_singalignored: [0.355469s] Passed. fork_singalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. kill1: [1.484375s] Passed. kill2: [0.312500s] Passed. kill3: [0.308594s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [0.324219s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [0.328125s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [1.359375s] Passed. posix_spawn10: [0.382812s] Passed. posix_spawn11: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn12: [0.367187s] Passed. posix_spawn13: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn14: [1.378906s] Passed. posix_spawn15: [0.335938s] Passed. posix_spawn16: [0.378906s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [0.335937s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.960938s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [0.574219s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [1.175781s] Passed. posix_spawn9: [0.335938s] Passed. posix_spawn_detach_spawner: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn_kill_spawner: [0.355468s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalignored: [0.351563s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalmasked: [1.023437s] Passed. resume1: [0.320313s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [0.308594s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.324218s] Passed. signal10: [0.320313s] Passed. signal9: [0.960937s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [0.308594s] Passed. suspend2: [0.398437s] Passed. syscall1: [0.324219s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.308594s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [3.292969s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [5.714844s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [3.593750s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.324219s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_getppid: [0.343750s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_procfs_status: [0.335938s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_sysctl_kinfo_proc2: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [1.089843s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 6451.3086017] sorry, pid 20937 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.335938s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_signo != sig traceme_crash_ill: [0.300782s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x09468d10 <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 6452.2656330] sorry, pid 7626 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.308594s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.980469s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [0.328125s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [1.031250s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.917969s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.566407s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [0.785156s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [0.476563s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [0.773437s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [0.855469s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.316407s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [0.914062s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [0.304688s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [0.843750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [0.769531s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.714843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [0.304688s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.312500s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [0.816406s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [0.304688s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [0.824219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [0.824218s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.382812s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [1.261719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [0.398437s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.433594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [1.925782s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [0.371093s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [0.367188s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6484.8789142] sorry, pid 22806 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.316406s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_signo != sig traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [1.906250s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x06f5af8c <(no symbol)> ] [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6487.4296955] sorry, pid 7811 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.320313s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6489.4804767] sorry, pid 9957 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.371094s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_signo != sig traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.292969s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x08069b48 <(no symbol)> ] [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6490.4179767] sorry, pid 21047 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.320313s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone: [1.097656s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_files: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_fs: [0.304687s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vfork: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vm: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [1.191406s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.308594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x01081c04 <(no symbol)> ] [0.769531s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [1.082032s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.382812s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [1.699219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.367188s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [1.382812s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [1.343750s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.410156s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.363281s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [1.683594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x09942bc4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.367187s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [1.417969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.355468s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x060623e4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [1.597657s] Passed. tracer_attach_to_unrelated_stopped_process: [0.371093s] Passed. tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.355469s] Passed. tracer_sysctl_lookup_without_duplicates: [5.335937s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_bus: [1.695313s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_fpe: [ 6522.1171955] sorry, pid 10211 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.371094s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_ill: [0.335937s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x005d492c <(no symbol)> ] [0.378906s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_trap: [ 6523.1914142] sorry, pid 21869 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.582031s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_bus: [1.175781s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6525.2148517] sorry, pid 7353 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.386719s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.339844s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x05c2492c <(no symbol)> ] [0.351562s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6527.2695392] sorry, pid 10494 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.332031s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.507813s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6528.1640705] sorry, pid 21552 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.371094s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.304687s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0ea0492c <(no symbol)> ] [1.285156s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6530.1211017] sorry, pid 10703 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.335938s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.339844s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [0.328125s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [0.371094s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [1.597656s] Passed. vfork1: [0.371094s] Passed. vfork10: [0.382812s] Passed. vfork11: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork12: [2.085938s] Passed. vfork13: [0.449218s] Passed. vfork14: [0.304688s] Passed. vfork15: [0.308594s] Passed. vfork16: [0.324218s] Passed. vfork2: [1.906250s] Passed. vfork3: [0.308594s] Passed. vfork4: [0.308594s] Passed. vfork5: [0.335937s] Passed. vfork6: [0.308594s] Passed. vfork7: [1.472656s] Passed. vfork8: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork9: [0.320313s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforker: [0.308594s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforkerdone: [0.320312s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforker: [1.281250s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforkerdone: [0.351563s] Passed. vfork_singalignored: [0.324218s] Passed. vfork_singalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. vforkdone_singalignored: [0.304688s] Passed. vforkdone_singalmasked: [1.089844s] Passed. [221.949219s] lib/libc/sys/t_ptrace_waitpid (313/835): 359 test cases access_fpregs1: [0.324219s] Passed. access_fpregs2: [0.613281s] Passed. access_regs1: [0.679687s] Passed. access_regs2: [0.308594s] Passed. access_regs3: [0.308594s] Passed. access_regs4: [0.402343s] Passed. access_regs5: [1.085938s] Passed. access_regs6: [0.507812s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo0: [0.355469s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo1: [0.324219s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo2: [0.625000s] Passed. attach_lwpinfo3: [0.761719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_auxv: [0.507812s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_d: [1.773438s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_read_i: [1.167969s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_d: [1.843750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_piod_write_i: [1.812500s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_d: [1.199219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_read_i: [2.511719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_d: [3.164062s] Passed. bytes_transfer_alignment_pt_write_i: [1.332031s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_d: [1.398438s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_read_i: [0.347656s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_d: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_piod_write_i: [0.332031s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_d: [1.503906s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_read_i: [0.414063s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_d: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_eof_pt_write_i: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_auxv: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16: [1.261719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_16_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_32_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_64_text: [0.550782s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8: [0.761719s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_d_8_text: [0.386718s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16: [0.398438s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_16_text: [0.320312s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32: [1.671875s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_32_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64: [0.320313s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_64_text: [0.324219s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_read_i_8_text: [1.316407s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_16_text: [0.320313s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32: [0.417969s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_32_text: [1.644531s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64: [0.371094s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_64_text: [0.324219s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_d_8_text: [0.320313s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16: [1.265625s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_16_text: [0.320313s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32: [0.339844s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_32_text: [0.308593s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_64_text: [1.027344s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8: [0.304687s] Passed. bytes_transfer_piod_write_i_8_text: [0.339844s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_read_d: [0.308594s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_d_text: [0.304687s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i: [0.968750s] Passed. bytes_transfer_read_i_text: [0.324218s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d: [0.312500s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_d_text: [0.335938s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text bytes_transfer_write_i: [0.363281s] Passed. bytes_transfer_write_i_text: [1.457032s] Skipped: PaX MPROTECT setup prevents writes to .text child_attach_to_its_parent: [0.316406s] Passed. child_attach_to_its_stopped_parent: [0.398438s] Passed. clone1: [0.378907s] Passed. clone2: [1.855469s] Passed. clone3: [0.371094s] Passed. clone4: [0.320312s] Passed. clone5: [0.324219s] Passed. clone6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone7: [1.667968s] Passed. clone8: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_files1: [0.371094s] Passed. clone_files2: [0.511719s] Passed. clone_files3: [1.691407s] Passed. clone_files4: [0.371094s] Passed. clone_files5: [0.378907s] Passed. clone_files6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_files7: [1.824219s] Passed. clone_files8: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_files_signalignored: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_files_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_fs1: [0.308593s] Passed. clone_fs2: [1.312500s] Passed. clone_fs3: [0.308594s] Passed. clone_fs4: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_fs5: [0.398437s] Passed. clone_fs6: [0.371094s] Passed. clone_fs7: [1.453125s] Passed. clone_fs8: [0.367188s] Passed. clone_fs_signalignored: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_fs_signalmasked: [0.355469s] Passed. clone_signalignored: [1.945313s] Passed. clone_signalmasked: [0.335937s] Passed. clone_vfork1: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vfork2: [0.355469s] Passed. clone_vfork3: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_vfork4: [1.921875s] Passed. clone_vfork5: [0.371094s] Passed. clone_vfork6: [0.367187s] Passed. clone_vfork7: [0.339844s] Passed. clone_vfork8: [0.335938s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalignored: [2.058593s] Passed. clone_vfork_signalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm1: [0.312500s] Passed. clone_vm2: [0.320312s] Passed. clone_vm3: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm4: [1.449219s] Passed. clone_vm5: [0.351562s] Passed. clone_vm6: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm7: [0.324219s] Passed. clone_vm8: [1.242187s] Passed. clone_vm_signalignored: [0.324218s] Passed. clone_vm_signalmasked: [0.335938s] Passed. core_dump_procinfo: [0.371094s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_empty: [0.324218s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_fork: [1.253907s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_create: [0.355468s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_lwp_exit: [0.367188s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_posix_spawn: [0.429687s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork: [0.324219s] Passed. eventmask_preserved_vfork_done: [1.648438s] Passed. fork1: [0.386719s] Passed. fork10: [0.335938s] Passed. fork11: [0.324218s] Passed. fork12: [1.917969s] Passed. fork13: [0.324219s] Passed. fork14: [0.320312s] Passed. fork15: [0.324219s] Passed. fork16: [0.339844s] Passed. fork2: [1.371094s] Passed. fork3: [0.351562s] Passed. fork4: [0.402344s] Passed. fork5: [0.382812s] Passed. fork6: [0.359375s] Passed. fork7: [2.351563s] Passed. fork8: [0.371093s] Passed. fork9: [0.382813s] Passed. fork_detach_forker: [0.386719s] Passed. fork_kill_forker: [2.082031s] Passed. fork_singalignored: [0.324218s] Passed. fork_singalmasked: [0.339844s] Passed. kill1: [0.324219s] Passed. kill2: [0.382812s] Passed. kill3: [1.707032s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_child: [0.367187s] Passed. parent_attach_to_its_stopped_child: [0.339844s] Passed. posix_spawn1: [0.335937s] Passed. posix_spawn10: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn11: [1.644531s] Passed. posix_spawn12: [0.464844s] Passed. posix_spawn13: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn14: [0.351562s] Passed. posix_spawn15: [1.753906s] Passed. posix_spawn16: [0.351563s] Passed. posix_spawn2: [0.375000s] Passed. posix_spawn3: [0.351562s] Passed. posix_spawn4: [1.312500s] Passed. posix_spawn5: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn6: [0.890625s] Passed. posix_spawn7: [1.636719s] Passed. posix_spawn8: [0.382812s] Passed. posix_spawn9: [0.355469s] Passed. posix_spawn_detach_spawner: [0.988281s] Passed. posix_spawn_kill_spawner: [0.386719s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalignored: [0.347656s] Passed. posix_spawn_singalmasked: [0.351563s] Passed. resume1: [0.324219s] Passed. siginfo_set_faked: [0.976562s] Passed. siginfo_set_unmodified: [0.320313s] Passed. signal10: [0.324218s] Passed. signal9: [0.339844s] Passed. signal_mask_unrelated: [0.320313s] Passed. suspend2: [0.984375s] Passed. syscall1: [0.304687s] Passed. syscallemu1: [0.324219s] Passed. thread_concurrent_signals: [1.402344s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate: [3.175782s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpcreate_and_exit: [9.187500s] Passed. trace_thread_lwpexit: [2.984375s] Passed. trace_thread_nolwpevents: [0.308594s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_getppid: [0.878906s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_procfs_status: [0.320313s] Passed. tracee_sees_its_original_parent_sysctl_kinfo_proc2: [0.328125s] Passed. traceme_crash_bus: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_crash_fpe: [ 6689.7461017] sorry, pid 22256 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.320313s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_crash_ill: [0.863281s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0f1a97c0 <(no symbol)> ] [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_crash_trap: [ 6691.2461017] sorry, pid 11603 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.308594s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_exec: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo0: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo1: [0.859375s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo2: [0.726563s] Passed. traceme_lwpinfo3: [0.585938s] Passed. traceme_pid1_parent: [0.855469s] Passed. traceme_raise1: [0.312500s] Passed. traceme_raise10: [0.753906s] Passed. traceme_raise2: [1.074219s] Passed. traceme_raise3: [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_raise4: [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_raise5: [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_raise6: [0.398438s] Passed. traceme_raise7: [2.054687s] Passed. traceme_raise8: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raise9: [0.753906s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored2: [1.585937s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored3: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored4: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored5: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored6: [0.312500s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored7: [1.417969s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_ignored8: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked1: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked2: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked3: [1.402343s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked4: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked5: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked6: [0.355468s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked7: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_raisesignal_masked8: [1.187500s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle2: [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle3: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle4: [0.351563s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle5: [1.152343s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle6: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle7: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_handle8: [0.382812s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored1: [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored2: [1.816406s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored3: [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored4: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored5: [0.351562s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored7: [1.382813s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_ignored8: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked1: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked2: [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked3: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked4: [1.152344s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked5: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked6: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked7: [0.355469s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_masked8: [0.468750s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple1: [1.226563s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple10: [0.417968s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple2: [0.335938s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple3: [0.386719s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple4: [1.328125s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple5: [0.312500s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple6: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple7: [0.347657s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple8: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_sendsignal_simple9: [1.113282s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6730.9179767] sorry, pid 22765 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.320313s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.292969s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x045fbaac <(no symbol)> ] [0.308593s] Passed. traceme_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6732.6015705] sorry, pid 10066 was killed: orphaned traced process [1.050782s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalignored_exec: [0.437500s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6733.8007892] sorry, pid 21921 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.367187s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WSTOPSIG(status) != expected: Unexpected stop signal received [Trace/BPT trap] != [Floating point exception] traceme_signalmasked_crash_ill: [1.179688s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0f1ba62c <(no symbol)> ] [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6735.6406330] sorry, pid 10545 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.324219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. info.psi_siginfo.si_code != TRAP_BRKPT traceme_signalmasked_exec: [0.351563s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_files: [1.136719s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_fs: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vfork: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_clone_vm: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_bus: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_fpe: [1.394531s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_crash_ill: [0.292969s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0ba428fc <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. traceme_vfork_crash_trap: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_exec: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_fork: [1.171875s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise1: [0.308594s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise10: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise11: [0.320313s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise12: [0.753906s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise13: [0.792969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise2: [0.339843s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise3: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise4: [0.292969s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise5: [0.925781s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise6: [0.324219s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise7: [0.320312s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise8: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_raise9: [1.210937s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.484375s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_fpe: [0.355469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.308593s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x096e38ec <(no symbol)> ] [1.312500s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_crash_trap: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalignored_exec: [0.382813s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_bus: [0.324218s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [1.093750s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. WTERMSIG(status) != expected_termsig: Unexpected signal received traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.308594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0acc30f4 <(no symbol)> ] [0.371094s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_crash_trap: [0.382812s] Passed. traceme_vfork_signalmasked_exec: [0.339844s] Passed. traceme_vfork_vfork: [0.941406s] Passed. tracer_attach_to_unrelated_stopped_process: [0.339844s] Passed. tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [0.320313s] Passed. tracer_sysctl_lookup_without_duplicates: [4.652343s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_bus: [0.355469s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_fpe: [ 6762.7421955] sorry, pid 10090 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.335938s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_ill: [1.480468s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x012456cc <(no symbol)> ] [0.335938s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_crash_trap: [ 6765.0390705] sorry, pid 12411 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.441407s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_bus: [0.437500s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_fpe: [ 6767.5390705] sorry, pid 22820 was killed: orphaned traced process [2.023438s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_ill: [0.308593s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0db956cc <(no symbol)> ] [0.398438s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalignored_crash_trap: [ 6768.6328205] sorry, pid 8697 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.355469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_bus: [1.238281s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_fpe: [ 6770.4570392] sorry, pid 22680 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.414062s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Undefined error: 0 unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_ill: [0.308594s] Skipped: PTRACE_ILLEGAL_ASM not defined unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_segv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x0f3a56cc <(no symbol)> ] [0.335937s] Passed. unrelated_tracer_sees_signalmasked_crash_trap: [ 6771.4687580] sorry, pid 10961 was killed: orphaned traced process [0.355469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. msg_read_child("tracer done" " from parent " "parent_tracer", &parent_tracer, &msg, sizeof(msg)) == 0: Operation not permitted unrelated_tracer_sees_terminaton_before_the_parent: [1.273438s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_continue: [0.339843s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_detach: [0.371094s] Passed. user_va0_disable_pt_syscall: [0.367188s] Passed. vfork1: [0.425781s] Passed. vfork10: [1.671875s] Passed. vfork11: [0.355468s] Passed. vfork12: [0.367188s] Passed. vfork13: [0.339844s] Passed. vfork14: [2.421875s] Passed. vfork15: [0.402343s] Passed. vfork16: [0.367188s] Passed. vfork2: [0.320312s] Passed. vfork3: [0.324218s] Passed. vfork4: [2.539063s] Passed. vfork5: [0.335938s] Passed. vfork6: [0.339844s] Passed. vfork7: [0.371094s] Passed. vfork8: [2.218750s] Passed. vfork9: [0.304687s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforker: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork_detach_vforkerdone: [0.324219s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforker: [0.320312s] Passed. vfork_kill_vforkerdone: [1.523437s] Passed. vfork_singalignored: [0.320313s] Passed. vfork_singalmasked: [0.324219s] Passed. vforkdone_singalignored: [0.339843s] Passed. vforkdone_singalmasked: [0.351563s] Passed. [242.980469s] lib/libc/sys/t_recvmmsg (314/835): 1 test cases recvmmsg_basic: [0.121094s] Passed. [0.136719s] lib/libc/sys/t_revoke (315/835): 3 test cases revoke_basic: [0.878906s] Passed. revoke_err: [0.109375s] Passed. revoke_perm: [0.152344s] Passed. [1.207031s] lib/libc/sys/t_select (316/835): 2 test cases pselect_sigmask: [2.234375s] Passed. pselect_timeout: [0.062500s] Passed. [2.304688s] lib/libc/sys/t_sendmmsg (317/835): 1 test cases sendmmsg_basic: [0.152343s] Passed. [0.152343s] lib/libc/sys/t_sendrecv (318/835): 2 test cases sendrecv_basic: [6.390625s] Passed. sendrecv_rerror: [4.996094s] Passed. [11.402344s] lib/libc/sys/t_setrlimit (319/835): 11 test cases setrlimit_basic: [0.058593s] Passed. setrlimit_current: [0.109375s] Passed. setrlimit_err: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBS, pc=0x803a452c <(no symbol)> ] [0.062500s] Passed. setrlimit_fsize: [0.121094s] Passed. setrlimit_memlock: [0.761719s] Passed. setrlimit_nofile_1: [0.062500s] Passed. setrlimit_nofile_2: [0.062500s] Passed. setrlimit_nproc: [0.078125s] Passed. setrlimit_nthr: [0.062500s] Passed. setrlimit_perm: [0.062500s] Passed. setrlimit_stack: [0.078125s] Passed. [1.546875s] lib/libc/sys/t_setuid (320/835): 3 test cases setuid_perm: [0.062500s] Passed. setuid_real: [0.062500s] Passed. setuid_root: [0.230469s] Passed. [0.355469s] lib/libc/sys/t_sigaction (321/835): 3 test cases sigaction_basic: [0.046875s] Passed. sigaction_noflags: [0.062500s] Passed. sigaction_resethand: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.199219s] lib/libc/sys/t_sigqueue (322/835): 3 test cases sigqueue_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. sigqueue_err: [0.062500s] Passed. sigqueue_rt: [1.054687s] Passed. [1.175781s] lib/libc/sys/t_sigtimedwait (323/835): 3 test cases sigtimedwait_NULL_timeout: [5.066406s] Passed. sigtimedwait_all0timeout: [0.062500s] Passed. sigtimedwait_small_timeout: [5.183594s] Passed. [10.410156s] lib/libc/sys/t_socketpair (324/835): 3 test cases socketpair_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. socketpair_cloexec: [0.062500s] Passed. socketpair_nonblock: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.195312s] lib/libc/sys/t_swapcontext (325/835): 2 test cases swapcontext1: [0.078125s] Passed. swapcontext2: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.140625s] lib/libc/sys/t_stat (326/835): 8 test cases stat_chflags: [0.109375s] Passed. stat_dir: [1.445313s] Passed. stat_err: [0.046875s] Passed. stat_mtime: [3.160157s] Passed. stat_perm: [0.109375s] Passed. stat_size: [0.804687s] Passed. stat_socket: [0.347656s] Passed. stat_symlink: [0.144531s] Passed. [6.312500s] lib/libc/sys/t_syscall (327/835): 2 test cases mmap___syscall: [0.042969s] Passed. mmap_syscall: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.121094s] lib/libc/sys/t_timer_create (328/835): 5 test cases timer_create_err: [0.062500s] Passed. timer_create_mono: [1.230469s] Passed. timer_create_mono_expire: [2.500000s] Passed. timer_create_real: [1.226563s] Passed. timer_create_real_expire: [2.074218s] Passed. [7.273437s] lib/libc/sys/t_truncate (329/835): 4 test cases ftruncate_basic: [0.125000s] Passed. ftruncate_err: [0.058594s] Passed. truncate_basic: [0.125000s] Passed. truncate_err: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.386719s] lib/libc/sys/t_ucontext (330/835): 5 test cases ucontext_basic: [0.093750s] Passed. ucontext_fp: [0.082031s] Passed. ucontext_intrv: [0.062500s] Passed. ucontext_pc: [0.062500s] Passed. ucontext_sp: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.371094s] lib/libc/sys/t_umask (331/835): 3 test cases umask_fork: [0.171875s] Passed. umask_open: [0.121094s] Passed. umask_previous: [1.601563s] Passed. [1.894532s] lib/libc/sys/t_unlink (332/835): 4 test cases unlink_basic: [0.792969s] Passed. unlink_err: [0.109375s] Passed. unlink_fifo: [0.136718s] Passed. unlink_perm: [0.109375s] Passed. [1.199218s] lib/libc/sys/t_vfork (333/835): 15 test cases nested_clone: [0.058594s] Passed. nested_clone_files: [0.062500s] Passed. nested_clone_fs: [0.523438s] Passed. nested_clone_vfork: [1.226562s] Passed. nested_clone_vm: [0.132813s] Passed. nested_fork: [0.121093s] Passed. nested_vfork: [0.082031s] Passed. raise1: [0.062500s] Passed. raise2: [0.058594s] Passed. raise3: [0.062500s] Passed. raise4: [0.062500s] Passed. raise5: [0.062500s] Passed. raise6: [0.074219s] Passed. raise7: [0.062500s] Passed. raise8: [0.054688s] Passed. [2.976563s] lib/libc/sys/t_wait (334/835): 6 test cases wait6_coredumped: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000008, exception TLBS, pc=0x014a1b54 <(no symbol)> ] [0.078125s] Passed. wait6_exited: [0.078125s] Passed. wait6_invalid: [0.062500s] Passed. wait6_stop_and_go: [0.058593s] Passed. wait6_stopgo_loop: [0.093750s] Passed. wait6_terminated: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.433593s] lib/libc/sys/t_wait_noproc (335/835): 11 test cases wait: [0.058594s] Passed. wait3: [0.062500s] Passed. wait3_options: [1.519531s] Passed. wait4: [0.058594s] Passed. wait4_options: [0.093750s] Passed. wait6: [0.058594s] Passed. wait6_options: [0.109375s] Passed. waitid: [0.046875s] Passed. waitid_options: [0.105469s] Passed. waitpid: [0.062500s] Passed. waitpid_options: [0.093750s] Passed. [2.324219s] lib/libc/sys/t_wait_noproc_wnohang (336/835): 10 test cases wait3: [0.046875s] Passed. wait3_options: [0.078125s] Passed. wait4: [0.046875s] Passed. wait4_options: [0.074218s] Passed. wait6: [0.046875s] Passed. wait6_options: [0.105469s] Passed. waitid: [0.062500s] Passed. waitid_options: [0.109375s] Passed. waitpid: [0.058594s] Passed. waitpid_options: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.832031s] lib/libc/sys/t_write (337/835): 7 test cases read_fault: [0.058593s] Passed. write_err: [0.140625s] Passed. write_fault: [0.140625s] Passed. write_pipe: [0.062500s] Passed. write_pos: [0.121094s] Passed. write_ret: [0.125000s] Passed. writev_iovmax: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.753906s] lib/libc/sys/t_posix_fadvise (338/835): 2 test cases posix_fadvise: [0.109375s] Passed. posix_fadvise_reg: [0.429687s] Passed. [0.554687s] lib/libc/termios/t_tcsetpgrp (339/835): 1 test cases tcsetpgrp_err: [1.050781s] Passed. [1.144531s] lib/libc/time/t_mktime (340/835): 3 test cases localtime_r_gmt: [0.078125s] Passed. mktime_negyear: [0.062500s] Passed. timegm_epoch: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.230469s] lib/libc/time/t_strptime (341/835): 8 test cases Zone: [0.125000s] Passed. common: [0.062500s] Passed. day: [0.058594s] Passed. hour: [0.062500s] Passed. month: [0.062500s] Passed. seconds: [0.046875s] Passed. year: [0.976563s] Passed. zone: [0.136719s] Passed. [1.632813s] lib/libc/tls/t_tls_static (342/835): 1 test cases t_tls_static: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.058593s] lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dynamic (343/835): 1 test cases t_tls_dynamic: [ WARNING! SPECIAL3 opcode used, but the R3000 processor does not implement such instructions. Only printing this warning once. ] [0.136719s] Passed. [0.136719s] lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dlopen (344/835): 1 test cases t_tls_dlopen: [0.167969s] Passed. [0.183594s] lib/libc/ttyio/t_ptm (345/835): 2 test cases ptm: [0.062500s] Passed. ptmx: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.140625s] lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio (346/835): 1 test cases ioctl: [2.074218s] Passed. [2.074218s] lib/libc/t_convfp (347/835): 4 test cases cast_ulong: [0.062500s] Passed. cast_ulong2: [0.058594s] Passed. conv_uint: [0.062500s] Passed. conv_ulong: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.246094s] lib/libc/t_gdtoa (348/835): 1 test cases long_format: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.089844s] lib/libc/t_cdb (349/835): 1 test cases cdb: [1.710937s] Passed. [1.714844s] lib/libcrypt/t_crypt (350/835): 1 test cases crypt_salts: [0.156250s] Passed. [0.171875s] lib/libcurses/t_curses (351/835): 71 test cases addch: [1.882812s] Passed. addchnstr: [0.843750s] Passed. addchstr: [1.906250s] Passed. addnstr: [0.781250s] Passed. addstr: [1.687500s] Passed. assume_default_colors: [1.941406s] Passed. attributes: [0.984375s] Passed. background: [2.375000s] Passed. beep: [0.832032s] Passed. bkgdset: [2.074218s] Passed. box: [1.648437s] Passed. can_change_color: [0.785157s] Passed. cbreak: [1.566406s] Passed. chgat: [1.031250s] Passed. clear: [5.960938s] Passed. copywin: [3.074219s] Passed. curs_set: [0.816406s] Passed. define_key: [1.917969s] Passed. derwin: [1.757812s] Passed. doupdate: [1.320312s] Passed. dupwin: [2.011719s] Passed. erasechar: [0.785156s] Passed. flash: [1.640625s] Passed. getattrs: [0.925781s] Passed. getbkgd: [1.683594s] Passed. getch: [0.769531s] Passed. getcurx: [1.449219s] Passed. getmaxx: [0.832031s] Passed. getmaxy: [1.441406s] Passed. getnstr: [1.613282s] Passed. getparx: [0.906250s] Passed. getstr: [1.964844s] Passed. has_colors: [0.785156s] Passed. has_ic: [1.558594s] Passed. hline: [0.902344s] Passed. inch: [1.656250s] Passed. inchnstr: [0.921875s] Passed. init_color: [1.480469s] Passed. innstr: [1.593750s] Passed. is_linetouched: [1.117188s] Passed. is_wintouched: [1.640625s] Passed. keyname: [0.859375s] Passed. keyok: [1.562500s] Passed. killchar: [0.738281s] Passed. meta: [1.476563s] Passed. mvaddch: [0.863281s] Passed. mvaddchnstr: [1.960937s] Passed. mvaddchstr: [0.863282s] Passed. mvaddnstr: [2.148437s] Passed. mvaddstr: [0.921875s] Passed. mvchgat: [1.835938s] Passed. mvcur: [0.859375s] Passed. mvderwin: [1.816406s] Passed. mvgetnstr: [1.851563s] Passed. mvgetstr: [1.707031s] Passed. mvhline: [0.894531s] Passed. mvinchnstr: [2.101562s] Passed. mvprintw: [0.933593s] Passed. mvscanw: [2.644532s] Passed. mvvline: [2.347656s] Passed. mvwin: [1.066407s] Passed. nocbreak: [2.363281s] Passed. nodelay: [0.847656s] Passed. pad: [2.046875s] Passed. startup: [0.796875s] Passed. termattrs: [1.878906s] Passed. timeout: [5.578125s] Passed. wborder: [0.890625s] Passed. window: [2.257812s] Passed. wprintw: [0.832032s] Passed. wscrl: [2.371093s] Passed. [113.554687s] lib/libexecinfo/t_backtrace (352/835): 1 test cases backtrace_fmt_basic: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.109375s] lib/libm/t_acos (353/835): 3 test cases acos_inrange: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Passed. acos_is_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 14 checks failed; see output for more details acos_is_plus_zero: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.066406s] Passed. [0.230469s] lib/libm/t_asin (354/835): 14 test cases asin_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asin_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asin_inrange: [0.074218s] Passed. asin_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asin_range: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details asin_zero_neg: [0.058594s] Passed. asin_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. asinf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.125000s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asinf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.121094s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asinf_inrange: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [1.187500s] Expected failure: asinf is busted, gives ~2ulp error: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details asinf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.058594s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details asinf_range: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details asinf_zero_neg: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. asinf_zero_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.058593s] Passed. [2.230468s] lib/libm/t_atan (355/835): 4 test cases atan_inrange: [0.062500s] Passed. atan_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.070313s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details atan_zero_neg: [0.058594s] Passed. atan_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.277344s] lib/libm/t_bit (356/835): 1 test cases signbit: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libm/t_casinh (357/835): 1 test cases casinh: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libm/t_cbrt (358/835): 18 test cases cbrt_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrt_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrt_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cbrt_pow: [0.078125s] Passed. cbrt_zero_neg: [0.074218s] Passed. cbrt_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. cbrtf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.804688s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.125000s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtf_powf: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.214844s] Passed. cbrtf_zero_neg: [0.058593s] Passed. cbrtf_zero_pos: [0.093750s] Passed. cbrtl_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtl_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105469s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtl_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cbrtl_powl: [0.082031s] Passed. cbrtl_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. cbrtl_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. [2.437500s] lib/libm/t_ceil (359/835): 54 test cases ceil_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. ceil_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceil_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074218s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceil_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.738282s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceil_zero_neg: [1.015625s] Passed. ceil_zero_pos: [0.109375s] Passed. ceilf_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. ceilf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceilf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceilf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceilf_zero_neg: [0.074219s] Passed. ceilf_zero_pos: [0.085938s] Passed. ceill_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. ceill_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.089844s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceill_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceill_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details ceill_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. ceill_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. floor_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. floor_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floor_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floor_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floor_zero_neg: [1.253906s] Passed. floor_zero_pos: [0.203125s] Passed. floorf_basic: [0.109375s] Passed. floorf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.136719s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.140625s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105468s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorf_zero_neg: [0.109375s] Passed. floorf_zero_pos: [0.121094s] Passed. floorl_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. floorl_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorl_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorl_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details floorl_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. floorl_zero_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. trunc_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. trunc_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details trunc_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.246093s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details trunc_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [1.609375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details trunc_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. trunc_zero_pos: [0.121094s] Passed. truncf_basic: [0.136718s] Passed. truncf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.140625s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105468s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.140625s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncf_zero_neg: [0.105469s] Passed. truncf_zero_pos: [0.093750s] Passed. truncl_basic: [0.078125s] Passed. truncl_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncl_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncl_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details truncl_zero_neg: [0.074219s] Passed. truncl_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. [9.968750s] lib/libm/t_cos (360/835): 12 test cases cos_angles: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [1.324218s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cos_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.437500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cos_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105469s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cos_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cos_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. cos_zero_pos: [0.109375s] Passed. cosf_angles: [0.089844s] Failed: 9 checks failed; see output for more details cosf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN cosf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105468s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN cosf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cosf_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. cosf_zero_pos: [0.089844s] Passed. [2.945312s] lib/libm/t_cosh (361/835): 12 test cases cosh_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cosh_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details cosh_inrange: [0.062500s] Passed. cosh_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details cosh_zero_neg: [0.445312s] Passed. cosh_zero_pos: [1.007813s] Passed. coshf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details coshf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details coshf_inrange: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.066407s] Passed. coshf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.109375s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details coshf_zero_neg: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.121093s] Passed. coshf_zero_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Passed. [2.363281s] lib/libm/t_erf (362/835): 16 test cases erf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erf_zero_neg: [0.074219s] Passed. erf_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. erfc_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erfc_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erfc_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erfcf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.070313s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erfcf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erfcf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erff_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erff_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.171875s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erff_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [1.160156s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details erff_zero_neg: [0.062500s] Passed. erff_zero_pos: [0.058594s] Passed. [2.449219s] lib/libm/t_exp (363/835): 26 test cases exp2_is_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details exp2_is_plus_zero: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details exp2_powers: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details exp2_values: [0.062500s] Passed. exp_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details exp_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details exp_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details exp_product: [0.058593s] Passed. exp_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. exp_zero_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. expf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.121094s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105469s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expf_product: [0.093750s] Passed. expf_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. expf_zero_pos: [1.109375s] Passed. expm1_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.066406s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.070313s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. expm1_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. expm1f_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1f_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058593s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1f_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.066406s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details expm1f_zero_neg: [0.074218s] Passed. expm1f_zero_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. [3.175781s] lib/libm/t_fenv (364/835): 4 test cases feenableexcept: [0.089844s] Passed. fegetexcept: [0.089844s] Passed. fegetround: [0.093750s] Passed. fesetround: [0.093750s] Passed. [0.371094s] lib/libm/t_fe_round (365/835): 4 test cases fe_nearbyint: [0.136719s] Failed: 10 checks failed; see output for more details fe_nextafter: [0.074218s] Passed. fe_nexttoward: [0.351563s] Passed. fe_round: [0.679687s] Failed: 10 checks failed; see output for more details [1.335937s] lib/libm/t_fmod (366/835): 1 test cases fmod: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libm/t_hypot (367/835): 3 test cases hypot_integer: [0.062500s] Passed. hypotf_integer: [0.062500s] Passed. pr50698: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.203125s] lib/libm/t_ilogb (368/835): 1 test cases ilogb: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libm/t_infinity (369/835): 3 test cases infinity_double: [0.062500s] Passed. infinity_float: [0.058593s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isinf(v) not met infinity_long_double: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.199218s] lib/libm/t_ldexp (370/835): 19 test cases ldexp_basic: [0.058594s] Passed. ldexp_denormal: [0.128906s] Failed: 5 checks failed; see output for more details ldexp_denormal_large: [0.078125s] Passed. ldexp_exp2: [0.074219s] Passed. ldexp_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details ldexp_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.664062s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details ldexp_infinity: [0.925782s] Passed. ldexp_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isnan(x) != 0 not met ldexp_overflow: [0.074218s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details ldexp_underflow: [0.093750s] Failed: 3 checks failed; see output for more details ldexp_zero: [0.089844s] Passed. ldexp_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. ldexp_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. ldexpf_exp2f: [0.074219s] Passed. ldexpf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details ldexpf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details ldexpf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isnan(x) != 0 not met ldexpf_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. ldexpf_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. [3.144532s] lib/libm/t_log (371/835): 54 test cases log10_base: [0.078125s] Passed. log10_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.312500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log10_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.925781s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log10_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.136719s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log10_one_pos: [0.125000s] Passed. log10_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074218s] Passed. log10_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. log10f_base: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log10f_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.132813s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log10f_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log10f_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log10f_one_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. log10f_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. log10f_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.074219s] Passed. log1p_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN log1p_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log1p_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074218s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log1p_one_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL log1p_zero_neg: [1.156250s] Passed. log1p_zero_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. log1pf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN log1pf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log1pf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log1pf_one_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF log1pf_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. log1pf_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. log2_base: [0.078125s] Passed. log2_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.089843s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log2_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log2_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log2_one_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. log2_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. log2_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. log2f_base: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.082031s] Passed. log2f_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log2f_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log2f_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.089844s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log2f_one_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.671875s] Passed. log2f_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.285156s] Passed. log2f_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.085937s] Passed. log_base: [0.078125s] Passed. log_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.082031s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.089844s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details log_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details log_one_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. log_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.082032s] Passed. log_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. logf_base: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.074218s] Passed. logf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details logf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details logf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.089844s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details logf_one_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. logf_zero_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. logf_zero_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.074219s] Passed. [7.929688s] lib/libm/t_modf (372/835): 1 test cases modf: [0.109375s] Passed. [0.109375s] lib/libm/t_pow (373/835): 20 test cases pow_inf_neg_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.121094s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details pow_inf_neg_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105469s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details pow_inf_pos_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details pow_inf_pos_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.136719s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details pow_nan_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.109375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details pow_nan_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105468s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details pow_one_neg_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.125000s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isinf(infp) != 0 not met pow_one_pos_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.105469s] Passed. pow_zero_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. pow_zero_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Passed. powf_inf_neg_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.074219s] Expected failure: PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed; see output for more details powf_inf_neg_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details powf_inf_pos_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details powf_inf_pos_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.070313s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details powf_nan_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details powf_nan_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details powf_one_neg_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.871093s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isinf(infp) != 0 not met powf_one_pos_x: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.085938s] Passed. powf_zero_x: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. powf_zero_y: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.105469s] Passed. [2.765625s] lib/libm/t_precision (374/835): 1 test cases t_precision: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.093750s] lib/libm/t_round (375/835): 3 test cases round_dir: [0.078125s] Passed. rounding_alpha: [0.058594s] Passed. rounding_alpha_simple: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.242188s] lib/libm/t_scalbn (376/835): 20 test cases scalbn_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074218s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details scalbn_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details scalbn_ldexp: [0.078125s] Passed. scalbn_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isnan(x) != 0 not met scalbn_val: [0.062500s] Passed. scalbn_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. scalbn_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. scalbnf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details scalbnf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.292969s] Failed: 4 checks failed; see output for more details scalbnf_ldexpf: [0.796875s] Passed. scalbnf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. isnan(x) != 0 not met scalbnf_val: [0.078125s] Passed. scalbnf_zero_neg: [0.062500s] Passed. scalbnf_zero_pos: [0.058594s] Passed. scalbnl_inf_neg: [0.078125s] Skipped: Requires long double support scalbnl_inf_pos: [0.062500s] Skipped: Requires long double support scalbnl_nan: [0.058594s] Skipped: Requires long double support scalbnl_val: [0.078125s] Skipped: Requires long double support scalbnl_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Skipped: Requires long double support scalbnl_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Skipped: Requires long double support [2.531250s] lib/libm/t_sin (377/835): 12 test cases sin_angles: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.152343s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sin_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.082031s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sin_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.066406s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sin_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sin_zero_neg: [0.058594s] Passed. sin_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. sinf_angles: [0.078125s] Failed: 6 checks failed; see output for more details sinf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.089844s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN sinf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.871093s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN sinf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.570313s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sinf_zero_neg: [0.062500s] Passed. sinf_zero_pos: [0.058593s] Passed. [2.421875s] lib/libm/t_sinh (378/835): 12 test cases sinh_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sinh_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sinh_inrange: [0.062500s] Passed. sinh_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sinh_zero_neg: [0.089844s] Passed. sinh_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. sinhf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sinhf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sinhf_inrange: [0.058594s] Passed. sinhf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sinhf_zero_neg: [0.070313s] Passed. sinhf_zero_pos: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.921875s] lib/libm/t_sqrt (379/835): 18 test cases sqrt_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrt_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.468750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrt_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.953125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sqrt_pow: [0.089844s] Passed. sqrt_zero_neg: [0.093750s] Passed. sqrt_zero_pos: [0.093750s] Passed. sqrtf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.152344s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.121094s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.093750s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtf_powf: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.078125s] Passed. sqrtf_zero_neg: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.058593s] Passed. sqrtf_zero_pos: fpu_op(): unimplemented condition code 1. see cpu_mips_coproc.c [0.062500s] Passed. sqrtl_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtl_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074218s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtl_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details sqrtl_powl: [0.078125s] Passed. sqrtl_zero_neg: [0.125000s] Passed. sqrtl_zero_pos: [0.058594s] Passed. [3.007813s] lib/libm/t_tan (380/835): 12 test cases tan_angles: DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.503906s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tan_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.609375s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tan_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tan_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.058594s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details tan_zero_neg: [0.062500s] Passed. tan_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. tanf_angles: [0.089844s] Failed: 7 checks failed; see output for more details tanf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN tanf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Expected failure: PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN tanf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.089843s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details tanf_zero_neg: [0.062500s] Passed. tanf_zero_pos: [0.078125s] Passed. [2.023437s] lib/libm/t_tanh (381/835): 10 test cases tanh_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tanh_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.093750s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tanh_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.074219s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details tanh_zero_neg: [0.078125s] Passed. tanh_zero_pos: [0.062500s] Passed. tanhf_inf_neg: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tanhf_inf_pos: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.062500s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details tanhf_nan: DIV by zero !!!! TODO [0.078125s] Failed: 2 checks failed; see output for more details tanhf_zero_neg: [0.777343s] Passed. tanhf_zero_pos: [0.074219s] Passed. [1.585938s] lib/libm/t_cabsl (382/835): 1 test cases cabsl: [0.167969s] Passed. [0.183594s] lib/libobjc/t_threads (383/835): 1 test cases thread_callback: [0.089843s] Passed. [0.089843s] lib/libposix/bsd/t_rename (384/835): 1 test cases rename: [0.085937s] Passed. [0.089844s] lib/libposix/posix1/t_rename (385/835): 1 test cases rename: [0.089844s] Passed. [0.089844s] lib/libposix/posix2/t_rename (386/835): 1 test cases rename: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] lib/libppath/t_ppath (387/835): 25 test cases component_at: [0.085938s] Passed. copydel_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. copydel_object_twice_success: [0.074218s] Passed. copyset_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. copyset_object_twice_success: [1.164063s] Passed. create_bool_eexist: [0.078125s] Passed. create_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. delete_bool_eftype: [0.074219s] Passed. delete_bool_enoent: [0.078125s] Passed. delete_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. get_bool_eftype: [0.074218s] Passed. get_bool_enoent: [0.093750s] Passed. get_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. get_idx_key: [0.074219s] Passed. get_string_eftype: [0.078125s] Passed. get_string_enoent: [0.078125s] Passed. get_string_success: [0.074219s] Passed. length: [0.078125s] Passed. pop_until_empty: [0.078125s] Passed. ppath_copy: [0.074219s] Passed. push_until_full: [0.078125s] Passed. replace: [0.066406s] Passed. set_bool_eftype: [0.074218s] Passed. set_bool_enoent: [0.078125s] Passed. set_bool_success: [0.078125s] Passed. [3.085937s] lib/libprop/t_basic (388/835): 2 test cases prop_basic: [0.062500s] Passed. prop_dictionary_equals: [0.082032s] Passed. [0.152344s] lib/libpthread/t_barrier (389/835): 1 test cases barrier: [10.289062s] Passed. [10.304687s] lib/libpthread/t_cond (390/835): 9 test cases bogus_timedwaits: [0.089844s] Passed. broadcast: [3.250000s] Passed. cond_timedwait_race: [39.175781s] Passed. condattr: [0.093750s] Passed. destroy_after_cancel: [0.089844s] Passed. signal_before_unlock: [2.109375s] Passed. signal_before_unlock_static_init: [2.082031s] Passed. signal_delay_wait: [2.367188s] Passed. signal_wait_race: [3.539062s] Passed. [52.882812s] lib/libpthread/t_condwait (391/835): 2 test cases cond_wait_mono: [2.320313s] Passed. cond_wait_real: [2.917968s] Passed. [5.417969s] lib/libpthread/t_detach (392/835): 1 test cases pthread_detach: [4.078125s] Passed. [4.082031s] lib/libpthread/t_equal (393/835): 1 test cases pthread_equal: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] lib/libpthread/t_fork (394/835): 1 test cases fork: [5.234375s] Passed. [5.320312s] lib/libpthread/t_fpu (395/835): 1 test cases fpu: [0.089843s] Passed. [0.089843s] lib/libpthread/t_join (396/835): 1 test cases pthread_join: [0.890625s] Passed. [0.890625s] lib/libpthread/t_kill (397/835): 1 test cases simple: [0.214844s] Passed. [0.214844s] lib/libpthread/t_mutex (398/835): 7 test cases mutex1: [4.281250s] Passed. mutex2: [300.042969s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds mutex3: [300.156250s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds mutex4: [4.085937s] Passed. mutex5: [10.093750s] Passed. mutexattr1: [0.066407s] Passed. mutexattr2: [0.078125s] Passed. [618.820312s] lib/libpthread/t_name (399/835): 1 test cases name: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libpthread/t_once (400/835): 3 test cases once1: [0.074219s] Passed. once2: [0.109375s] Passed. once3: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.261719s] lib/libpthread/t_preempt (401/835): 1 test cases preempt1: [3.828125s] Passed. [3.843750s] lib/libpthread/t_rwlock (402/835): 2 test cases rwlock1: [1.191406s] Passed. rwlock_static: [0.351563s] Passed. [1.644531s] lib/libpthread/t_sem (403/835): 4 test cases before_start_no_threads: [6.578125s] Passed. before_start_one_thread: [6.707031s] Passed. named: [0.089844s] Passed. unnamed: [0.445312s] Passed. [13.839844s] lib/libpthread/t_sigmask (404/835): 4 test cases before_threads: [0.062500s] Passed. incorrect_mask_bug: [3.207032s] Passed. respected_while_running: [1.300781s] Passed. upcalls_not_started: [0.058594s] Passed. [4.781250s] lib/libpthread/t_sigsuspend (405/835): 1 test cases sigsuspend: [1.062500s] Passed. [1.062500s] lib/libpthread/t_siglongjmp (406/835): 1 test cases siglongjmp1: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.074219s] lib/libpthread/t_sleep (407/835): 1 test cases sleep1: [1.078125s] Passed. [1.078125s] lib/libpthread/t_swapcontext (408/835): 1 test cases swapcontext1: [0.074219s] Passed. [0.074219s] lib/libpthread/t_timedmutex (409/835): 11 test cases mutex1: [4.093750s] Passed. mutex2: [0.785156s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex): Operation not permitted mutex3: [75.347657s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. pthread_mutex_unlock(&static_mutex): Operation not permitted mutex4: [4.089843s] Passed. mutex5: [10.230469s] Passed. mutexattr1: [0.238282s] Passed. mutexattr2: [0.183593s] Passed. timedmutex1: [0.074219s] Passed. timedmutex2: [0.156250s] Passed. timedmutex3: [0.078125s] Passed. timedmutex4: [0.074219s] Passed. [95.582031s] lib/libpthread/t_call_once (410/835): 1 test cases call_once: [0.078125s] Passed. [0.078125s] lib/libpthread/t_cnd (411/835): 4 test cases cnd_broadcast: [0.078125s] Passed. cnd_init: [0.062500s] Passed. cnd_signal: [0.078125s] Passed. cnd_timedwait: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.277343s] lib/libpthread/t_mtx (412/835): 4 test cases mtx_init: [0.062500s] Passed. mtx_lock: [0.062500s] Passed. mtx_timedlock: [0.062500s] Passed. mtx_trylock: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.261719s] lib/libpthread/t_thrd (413/835): 6 test cases thrd_create: [0.058594s] Passed. thrd_current: [0.324219s] Passed. thrd_detach: [0.281250s] Passed. thrd_exit: [0.062500s] Passed. thrd_sleep: [0.167969s] Passed. thrd_yield: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.070313s] lib/libpthread/t_tss (414/835): 4 test cases tss_create: [0.058593s] Passed. tss_destructor_main_thread: [0.062500s] Passed. tss_destructor_thread_exit: [0.062500s] Passed. tss_set: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.257812s] lib/libpthread/t_atexit (415/835): 1 test cases atexit: [0.816406s] Passed. [0.937500s] lib/libpthread/t_cancel (416/835): 1 test cases register_while_disabled: [0.679688s] Passed. [0.695313s] lib/libpthread/t_exit (417/835): 1 test cases main_thread: [0.675781s] Passed. [0.675781s] lib/libpthread/t_resolv (418/835): 1 test cases resolv: [28.273437s] Passed. [28.285156s] lib/libpthread/t_thread_local_dtor (419/835): 1 test cases thread_local_dtor_order: [1.285156s] Passed. [1.300781s] lib/librefuse/t_refuse_opt (420/835): 9 test cases t_fuse_opt_add_arg: [0.078125s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_add_opt: [0.078125s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_add_opt_escaped: [0.058593s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_insert_arg: [0.062500s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_match: [0.078125s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_parse: [0.078125s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_parse_null_args: [0.074219s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_parse_null_opts: [0.062500s] Passed. t_fuse_opt_parse_null_proc: [0.101563s] Passed. [0.707031s] lib/librt/t_sched (421/835): 8 test cases sched_getparam: [0.136719s] Passed. sched_priority: [0.082032s] Passed. sched_rr_get_interval_1: [0.062500s] Passed. sched_rr_get_interval_2: [0.074218s] Passed. sched_setscheduler_1: [0.257813s] Passed. sched_setscheduler_2: [0.511718s] Passed. sched_setscheduler_3: [0.062500s] Passed. sched_setscheduler_4: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.425781s] lib/librt/t_sem (422/835): 4 test cases basic: [0.117188s] Passed. child: [20.894531s] Passed. invalid_ops: [0.105469s] Passed. pshared: [20.812500s] Passed. [41.949219s] lib/libtre/t_regex_att (423/835): 7 test cases basic: [0.886718s] Passed. categorization: [0.089844s] Passed. forcedassoc: [0.093750s] Passed. leftassoc: [0.074219s] Passed. nullsubexpr: [0.109375s] Passed. repetition: [0.261719s] Passed. rightassoc: [0.125000s] Expected failure: Reason for breakage unknown: 12 checks failed as expected; see output for more details [1.656250s] lib/libtre/t_exhaust (424/835): 1 test cases regcomp_too_big: [0.000000s] Skipped: Not enough memory; needed 268435456, available 134217728 [0.000000s] lib/libusbhid/t_usbhid (425/835): 6 test cases check_hid_get_data: [0.070312s] Expected failure: only the 32-bit opcode works, 8 and 16-bit is broken: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details check_hid_logical_range: [0.074219s] Expected failure: only the 32-bit opcode works, 8 and 16-bit is broken: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details check_hid_physical_range: [0.078125s] Expected failure: only the 32-bit opcode works, 8 and 16-bit is broken: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details check_hid_set_data: [0.066406s] Passed. check_hid_usage: [0.058594s] Passed. check_parse_just_pop: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.445313s] lib/libutil/t_efun (426/835): 4 test cases ecalloc: [0.062500s] Passed. efopen: [0.062500s] Passed. emalloc: [0.062500s] Passed. erealloc: [0.058593s] Passed. [0.289062s] lib/libutil/t_parsedate (427/835): 7 test cases atsecs: [0.093750s] Passed. dates: [0.074219s] Passed. dsttimes: [0.125000s] Passed. gibberish: [0.089844s] Passed. relative: [91.417969s] Passed. times: [0.093750s] Passed. zones: [2.277343s] Passed. [94.203125s] lib/libutil/t_pidfile (428/835): 6 test cases change_basenames: [0.109375s] Passed. change_mix: [0.093750s] Passed. change_paths: [0.089844s] Passed. custom_basename: [0.125000s] Passed. custom_path: [0.105469s] Passed. default_path: [0.125000s] Passed. [0.679688s] lib/libutil/t_snprintb (429/835): 2 test cases snprintb: [0.105468s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. res != buf (0x0 != 0) snprintb_m: [0.105469s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. len != res_len [0.214844s] lib/libutil/t_sockaddr_snprintf (430/835): 5 test cases sockaddr_snprintf_at: [0.062500s] Passed. sockaddr_snprintf_dl: [0.058594s] Passed. sockaddr_snprintf_in: [0.062500s] Passed. sockaddr_snprintf_in6: [0.062500s] Passed. sockaddr_snprintf_un: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.339844s] lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth (431/835): 8 test cases blocktimedwait: [0.800782s] Passed. blockwait: [0.585937s] Passed. busydestroy: [2.101563s] Passed. destroy: [0.414063s] Passed. initvalue: [0.445312s] Passed. named: [0.449219s] Passed. postwait: [1.902344s] Passed. unlink: [0.414063s] Passed. [7.253907s] lib/librumpclient/t_fd (432/835): 2 test cases bigenough: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x734c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [1.277343s] Passed. sigio: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.921875s] Passed. [5.523437s] lib/librumpclient/t_exec (433/835): 5 test cases cloexec: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d1290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.238281s] Passed. exec: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.152344s] Passed. noexec: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000000, exception TLBL, pc=0x80043740 <(no symbol)> ] [7.175782s] Passed. threxec: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ce90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [302.308594s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds vfork: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ea890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.828125s] Passed. [336.976563s] lib/librumphijack/t_asyncio (434/835): 3 test cases invafd: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.937500s] Passed. select_allunset: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.890625s] Passed. select_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x769f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.636719s] Passed. [9.496094s] lib/librumphijack/t_config (435/835): 1 test cases fdoff: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.531250s] Passed. [2.546875s] lib/librumphijack/t_cwd (436/835): 8 test cases basic_chdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a7490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.722656s] Passed. basic_fchdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x702490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.300781s] Passed. slash_chdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72ef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [2.601563s] Passed. slash_fchdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f4a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.308594s] Passed. symlink_chdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.062500s] Passed. symlink_fchdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x701e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.507812s] Passed. symlink_slash_chdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.941407s] Passed. symlink_slash_fchdir: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x782f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.316407s] Passed. [28.312500s] lib/librumphijack/t_sh (437/835): 2 test cases redirect: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.734375s] Passed. runscript: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.187500s] Passed. [7.933593s] lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip (438/835): 4 test cases http: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.675781s] Passed. nfs: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d9190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [602.250000s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds nfs_autoload: [3.085937s] Skipped: test currently valid only on i386 ssh: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x700190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.363281s] Expected failure: PR lib/50174: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [646.542969s] lib/librumphijack/t_vfs (439/835): 9 test cases blanket: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73be90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.062500s] Passed. cpcopy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.097657s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details doubleblanket: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72f490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.425781s] Passed. ln_nox: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.382812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ln_x: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74af90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.195313s] Passed. mv_nox: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x705790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mv_x: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [8.234375s] Passed. paxcopy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a3c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.980468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details runonprefix: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.570313s] Passed. [64.269532s] lib/libdes/t_des (440/835): 15 test cases align: [0.062500s] Passed. cbc: [0.062500s] Passed. cbc_cksum: [0.058593s] Passed. cbcm: [0.062500s] Passed. cfb: [0.062500s] Passed. desx_cbc: [0.078125s] Passed. ecb: [0.058594s] Passed. ede_cbc: [0.078125s] Passed. ede_ecb: [0.062500s] Passed. ede_ofb64: [0.058594s] Passed. fast_crypt: [0.062500s] Passed. ofb: [0.066406s] Passed. ofb64: [0.062500s] Passed. pcbc: [0.058594s] Passed. quad_cksum: [0.062500s] Passed. [1.031250s] lib/libskey/t_algorithms (441/835): 3 test cases md4: [0.191406s] Passed. md5: [0.058594s] Passed. sha1: [0.339844s] Passed. [0.765625s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-cleared (442/835): 1 test cases rtld_dlerror_cleared: [0.058594s] Passed. [0.058594s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-false (443/835): 1 test cases rtld_dlerror_false: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.062500s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlinfo (444/835): 4 test cases rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen: [0.050781s] Passed. rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen_iter: [0.062500s] Passed. rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_inval: [0.062500s] Passed. rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_self: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.261718s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlvsym (445/835): 5 test cases rtld_dlvsym_symbol_nonexistent: [0.046875s] Passed. rtld_dlvsym_v1: [0.062500s] Passed. rtld_dlvsym_v3: [0.062500s] Passed. rtld_dlvsym_version_nonexistent: [0.058594s] Passed. rtld_dlvsym_version_null: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.339844s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_ifunc (446/835): 3 test cases rtld_hidden_ifunc: [0.062500s] Skipped: Missing linker support for ifunc relocations rtld_ifunc: [0.875000s] Skipped: Missing linker support for ifunc relocations rtld_main_ifunc: [0.062500s] Skipped: Missing linker support for ifunc relocations [1.023437s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_df_1_noopen (447/835): 2 test cases df_1_noopen1: [1.398438s] Passed. df_1_noopen2: [0.710937s] Passed. [2.121094s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dl_symver (448/835): 1 test cases dl_symver: [4.320312s] Passed. [4.320312s] libexec/ld.elf_so/t_thread_local_dtor (449/835): 1 test cases thread_local_dtor: [0.738281s] Passed. [0.742187s] net/fdpass/t_fdpass (450/835): 4 test cases fdpass_compat: [1.941407s] Passed. fdpass_compat_normal: [0.847656s] Passed. fdpass_normal: [1.996094s] Passed. fdpass_normal_compat: [1.152343s] Passed. [5.937500s] net/in_cksum/t_in_cksum (451/835): 4 test cases mbufs_aligned: [99.234375s] Passed. mbufs_unaligned: [99.472657s] Passed. sizes_aligned: [57.812500s] Passed. sizes_unaligned: [48.011718s] Passed. [304.574219s] net/net/t_unix (452/835): 4 test cases sockaddr_un_closed: [0.058594s] Passed. sockaddr_un_len_exceed: [0.062500s] Passed. sockaddr_un_len_max: [0.078125s] Passed. sockaddr_un_local_peereid: [0.074219s] Failed: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. test(true, true, 100): Socket is not connected [0.304688s] net/net/t_tcp (453/835): 10 test cases accept4_44_nonblock: [0.062500s] Passed. accept4_44_reset_nonblock: [1.070312s] Passed. accept4_46_nonblock: [0.062500s] Passed. accept4_46_reset_nonblock: [1.078125s] Passed. accept4_66_nonblock: [0.058594s] Passed. accept4_66_reset_nonblock: [1.062500s] Passed. accept_44_preserve_nonblock: [1.078125s] Passed. fcntl44_reset_nonblock: [1.074219s] Passed. fcntl46_reset_nonblock: [1.078125s] Passed. fcntl66_reset_nonblock: [1.234375s] Passed. [7.968750s] net/net/t_udp (454/835): 2 test cases udp4_send: [0.058594s] Passed. udp6_send: [0.062500s] Passed. [0.156250s] net/net/t_pktinfo (455/835): 1 test cases pktinfo: [0.046875s] Passed. [0.062500s] net/net/t_pktinfo_send (456/835): 14 test cases pktinfo_send_bindaddr: [3.917969s] Passed. pktinfo_send_bindaddrport: [4.093750s] Passed. pktinfo_send_bindany: [3.273437s] Passed. pktinfo_send_bindother: [3.921875s] Passed. pktinfo_send_bindport: [3.046875s] Passed. pktinfo_send_connected: [4.292969s] Passed. pktinfo_send_ifindex: [7.199219s] Passed. pktinfo_send_invalidarg: [4.140625s] Passed. pktinfo_send_multicast: [7.757812s] Passed. pktinfo_send_notown: [3.359375s] Passed. pktinfo_send_notown_bind: [4.269531s] Passed. pktinfo_send_rawip: [3.187500s] Passed. pktinfo_send_rawip_notown: [4.179687s] Passed. pktinfo_send_unbound: [3.121094s] Passed. [59.894531s] net/net/t_raw (457/835): 1 test cases PRU_SENSE: [3.480469s] Passed. [3.496094s] net/net/t_forwarding (458/835): 6 test cases ipforwarding_fastforward_v4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ff90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.765625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipforwarding_fastforward_v6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78d190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x716d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.781250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipforwarding_fragment_v4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x703a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fa590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.105469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipforwarding_misc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x772390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.445313s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipforwarding_v4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a9690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74bb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79ce90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.269531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipforwarding_v6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fd990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c1b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [68.980469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [348.429688s] net/net/t_ipaddress (459/835): 4 test cases ipaddr_alias_address: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a9590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.875000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipaddr_auto_linklocal: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73bf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.171875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipaddr_same_address: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x782b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.328125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipaddr_same_address6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72f990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [19.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [86.605469s] net/net/t_ipv6address (460/835): 2 test cases linklocal: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ad90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c0a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [136.039062s] Passed. linklocal_ops: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x720490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.140625s] Passed. [161.253906s] net/net/t_ipv6_lifetime (461/835): 1 test cases basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fbc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.750000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [42.781250s] net/net/t_mtudisc (462/835): 2 test cases mtudisc_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x725390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.832031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mtudisc_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x779690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.914063s] Passed. [68.789063s] net/net/t_mtudisc6 (463/835): 1 test cases mtudisc6_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x721c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x785a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.957031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [59.003906s] net/net/t_ping_opts (464/835): 3 test cases ping_opts_gateway: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76b790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.484375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ping_opts_recordroute: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d9e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74cd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.652344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ping_opts_sourceaddr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79bb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.890625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [145.148438s] net/net/t_ping6_opts (465/835): 3 test cases ping6_opts_gateway: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.332031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ping6_opts_interface: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ff790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x724190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.429688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ping6_opts_sourceaddr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e2890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x796890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [55.058594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [152.941406s] net/sys/t_rfc6056 (466/835): 2 test cases inet4: [0.171875s] Passed. inet6: [0.214844s] Passed. [0.402344s] net/arp/t_arp (467/835): 15 test cases arp_cache_expiration_10s: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.593750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_cache_expiration_5s: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x786790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cbe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.003907s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_cache_overwriting: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fc090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.968750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_command: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6edb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.867188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_garp: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x773890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [24.308594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_garp_without_dad: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x730090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.261718s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_link_activation: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73d090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.691406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_proxy_arp_pub: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x791d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.789063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_proxy_arp_pubproxy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x723890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76bd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.933594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_purge_on_ifdown: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.710938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_purge_on_route_change: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a3990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x793690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.300781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_purge_on_route_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74df90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x733e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [21.687500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_rtm: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x730490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.460938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_static: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x740190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [20.988281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details arp_stray_entries: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x778c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aee90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.941406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [495.554688s] net/arp/t_dad (468/835): 2 test cases dad_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x721f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [37.332031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details dad_duplicated: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x754090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.515625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [64.910156s] net/bpf/t_bpf (469/835): 6 test cases bpf_ioctl_BLEN: [4.847656s] Passed. bpf_ioctl_DLT: [3.089844s] Passed. bpf_ioctl_GDLTLIST: [3.085937s] Passed. bpf_ioctl_PROMISC: [3.992188s] Passed. bpf_ioctl_SETIF: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.875000s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfwriteleak: [3.550781s] Passed. [23.472656s] net/bpf/t_div-by-zero (470/835): 1 test cases div_by_zero: [3.128906s] Passed. [3.128906s] net/bpf/t_mbuf (471/835): 20 test cases bpf_mbuf_ldb_abs: [3.625000s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldb_abs_overflow: [3.085937s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldb_ind: [3.652344s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldb_ind_overflow1: [3.000000s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldb_ind_overflow2: [3.996094s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldb_ind_overflow3: [2.875000s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_abs: [3.386718s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_abs_overflow: [2.945313s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_ind: [3.429687s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_ind_overflow1: [2.890625s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_ind_overflow2: [4.296875s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldh_ind_overflow3: [3.105469s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_abs: [4.347656s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_abs_overflow: [3.703125s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_ind: [5.078125s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_ind_overflow1: [3.390625s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_ind_overflow2: [4.050782s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_ldw_ind_overflow3: [3.000000s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_msh: [4.593750s] Passed. bpf_mbuf_msh_overflow: [4.789062s] Passed. [73.335937s] net/bpfilter/t_bpfilter (472/835): 8 test cases bpfilterbadjmp: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ba490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.042969s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfilterbadmem: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.582031s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfilterbadret: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71eb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.214844s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfiltercontig: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x717d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.250000s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfiltermchain: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x754b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.984375s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfilternegjmp: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aa490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.218750s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfilternoinitA: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fd090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.203125s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) bpfilternoinitX: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.644531s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) [46.359375s] net/can/t_can (473/835): 11 test cases canbindfilter: [5.324219s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds canbindunknown: [4.566406s] Passed. canlocreate: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ade90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.281250s] Failed: Test program received signal 11 (core dumped) cannoloop: [5.070313s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds cannoown: [4.808593s] Passed. canreadlocal: [3.343750s] Passed. canrecvfrom: [5.167969s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds cansendtolo: [5.011719s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds cansendtowrite: [4.167969s] Passed. canwritelo: [4.343750s] Passed. canwriteunbound: [3.878906s] Passed. [51.109375s] net/can/t_canfilter (474/835): 4 test cases canfilter_basic: [5.035156s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds canfilter_get: [4.355469s] Passed. canfilter_multiple: [5.445312s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds canfilter_null: [5.535156s] Failed: Test case timed out after 5 seconds [20.964843s] net/carp/t_basic (475/835): 8 test cases carp_handover_ipv4_halt_carpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cbd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76aa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x793f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [49.242188s] Passed. carp_handover_ipv4_halt_nocarpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c4390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.160156s] Passed. carp_handover_ipv4_ifdown_carpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.128906s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details carp_handover_ipv4_ifdown_nocarpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x736390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.351563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details carp_handover_ipv6_halt_carpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77e090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x719290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.710937s] Passed. carp_handover_ipv6_halt_nocarpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x797290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74cc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [28.933594s] Expected failure: nd6 needs to be fixed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details carp_handover_ipv6_ifdown_carpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [57.445312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details carp_handover_ipv6_ifdown_nocarpdevip: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fca90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.289063s] Expected failure: nd6 needs to be fixed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [364.632813s] net/icmp/t_forward (476/835): 1 test cases returndatabytes: [9.042968s] Passed. [9.058593s] net/icmp/t_ping (477/835): 5 test cases floodping: [162.511719s] Passed. floodping2: [239.613281s] Passed. ping_of_death: [11.941406s] Passed. pingsize: [250.597657s] Passed. simpleping: [7.585937s] Passed. [672.312500s] net/icmp/t_ping2 (478/835): 1 test cases basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aa290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.570312s] Passed. [12.585937s] net/icmp/t_icmp_redirect (479/835): 2 test cases icmp_redirect: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f4090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72fe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.093750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details icmp_redirect_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74c890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [49.480469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [97.664062s] net/icmp/t_icmp6_redirect (480/835): 1 test cases icmp6_redirect_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x775490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dbd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.289063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [74.335938s] net/if/t_compat (481/835): 1 test cases OOSIOCGIFBRDADDR: [6.195313s] Expected failure: PR kern/51610: rump does not include COMPAT_43: /tmp/bracket/build/2019. rump_sys_ioctl(fd, ((((unsigned long)0x80000000|(unsigned long)0x40000000)) | (((sizeof(struct oifreq)) & 0x1fff) << 16) | ((('i')) << 8) | ((18))), &ifreq): Inappropriate ioctl for device [6.210938s] net/if/t_ifconf (482/835): 1 test cases basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [20.117187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [20.132812s] net/if/t_ifconfig (483/835): 7 test cases ifconfig_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.410156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ifconfig_description: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [19.960938s] Passed. ifconfig_number: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x701590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.746093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ifconfig_options: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bd390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.285157s] Passed. ifconfig_parameters: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x724990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.019531s] Passed. ifconfig_up_down_ipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x717190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.011719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ifconfig_up_down_ipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.636719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [248.269531s] net/if_bridge/t_bridge (484/835): 5 test cases bridge_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x705890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.613281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_ipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a7d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.425782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_ipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fb490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.519532s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_member_ipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x733190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a0e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.125000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_member_ipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f3f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [56.542969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [177.632813s] net/if_bridge/t_rtable (485/835): 6 test cases bridge_rtable_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71a090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.062500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_rtable_delete_member: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x778390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.785156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_rtable_flush: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.484375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_rtable_manyaddrs: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79df90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [582.492187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_rtable_maxaddr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7daa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aea90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e0b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.792969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details bridge_rtable_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79d790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f5090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70e890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.933594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [749.914063s] net/if_gif/t_gif (486/835): 13 test cases gif_basic_ipv4overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.625000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_basic_ipv4overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.757812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_basic_ipv6overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x763d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.449219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_basic_ipv6overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76dc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bcc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.679687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x766f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.941406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_ioctl_ipv4overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.566407s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_ioctl_ipv4overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76d690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x741790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.500000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_ioctl_ipv6overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ac990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dfb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.902343s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_ioctl_ipv6overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x720b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.574219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_recursive_ipv4overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eb290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x714e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [28.242187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_recursive_ipv4overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a1a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fa890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.207031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_recursive_ipv6overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.957031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details gif_recursive_ipv6overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x779490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [27.265625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [383.695312s] net/if_ipsec/t_ipsec (487/835): 25 test cases ipsecif_basic_ipv4overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x746590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.800781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv4overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x700a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.683593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv4overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x740d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.992188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv4overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73ec90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.050781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv6overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ba290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.441406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv6overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bad90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.140625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv6overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75c090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.765625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_basic_ipv6overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.105469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.359375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv4overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ebc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.019531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv4overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b2790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.222657s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv4overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.437500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv4overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dc590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.210938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv6overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x702d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74f190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [35.324218s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv6overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72cf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [37.773438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv6overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c4090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [37.296875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_ioctl_ipv6overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.683593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv4overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x738790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.437500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv4overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d3990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.457031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv4overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x745390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.660156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv4overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [35.718750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv6overipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d0790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.578125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv6overipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cbe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.027344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv6overipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76bc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70e590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.671875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_recursive_ipv6overipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [280.621094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [1118.085938s] net/if_ipsec/t_ipsec_natt (488/835): 2 test cases ipsecif_natt_transport_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bb790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x757490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.644531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_natt_transport_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79fc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71bb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c2990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [28.011719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [54.421875s] net/if_ipsec/t_ipsec_pfil (489/835): 2 test cases ipsecif_pfil_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73c390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77cc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.238282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsecif_pfil_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c5790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.433594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [28.929688s] net/if_l2tp/t_l2tp (490/835): 5 test cases l2tp_basic_ipv4overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x798490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70da90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fbd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.289063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details l2tp_basic_ipv4overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.468750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details l2tp_basic_ipv6overipv4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x701b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ec890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.808594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details l2tp_basic_ipv6overipv6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ec590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [41.449218s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details l2tp_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x791a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.363282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [182.707032s] net/if_loop/t_pr (491/835): 2 test cases loopmtu: [3.187500s] Passed. loopmtu_csum: [5.148438s] Passed. [8.367188s] net/if_loop/t_basic (492/835): 1 test cases loop_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.339844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [15.414062s] net/if_pppoe/t_pppoe (493/835): 5 test cases pppoe6_chap: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [59.984375s] Passed. pppoe6_pap: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ab390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e0490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.429687s] Passed. pppoe_chap: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76f690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eeb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [55.980469s] Passed. pppoe_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.480468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details pppoe_pap: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ff590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bd390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.109375s] Passed. [253.527344s] net/if_tap/t_tap (494/835): 3 test cases tap_bridged: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c4390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.671875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details tap_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x782690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.796875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details tap_stand_alone: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78de90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.593750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [102.144531s] net/if_tun/t_tun (495/835): 2 test cases tun_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fee90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.574219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details tun_setup: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c8790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.117188s] Passed. [43.734375s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_ah_keys (496/835): 20 test cases ipsec_ah_aesxcbcmac_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ad490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.300781s] Passed. ipsec_ah_aesxcbcmac_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.777344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacmd5_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75ab90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.121094s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacmd5_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.011719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacripemd160_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.140625s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacripemd160_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.058593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacsha1_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73fe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.457032s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacsha1_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.980468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacsha256_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x702690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.050782s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacsha256_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78bd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.949218s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacsha384_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c8c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.644531s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacsha384_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fc990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.363282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_hmacsha512_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x772890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.656250s] Passed. ipsec_ah_hmacsha512_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d9090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.605469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_keyedmd5_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6df290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.230469s] Passed. ipsec_ah_keyedmd5_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dc990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.906250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_keyedsha1_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70be90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.066406s] Passed. ipsec_ah_keyedsha1_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78d190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.093750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_ah_null_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fc990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.613281s] Passed. ipsec_ah_null_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x734890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.667969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [278.355469s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_esp_keys (497/835): 22 test cases ipsec_esp_3descbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.800782s] Passed. ipsec_esp_3descbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e6b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.804687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_aesctr_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dcb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [17.109375s] Passed. ipsec_esp_aesctr_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72cf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.382813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_aesgcm16_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [18.152343s] Passed. ipsec_esp_aesgcm16_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.492188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_aesgmac_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [20.664062s] Passed. ipsec_esp_aesgmac_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.988282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_blowfishcbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78a690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.648437s] Passed. ipsec_esp_blowfishcbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.671875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_camelliacbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.625000s] Passed. ipsec_esp_camelliacbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79e690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.417969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_cast128cbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.082031s] Passed. ipsec_esp_cast128cbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78a490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.230469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_descbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.484375s] Passed. ipsec_esp_descbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bc390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.925781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_desderiv_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ee890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.976563s] Passed. ipsec_esp_desderiv_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.136718s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_null_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x717790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.636719s] Passed. ipsec_esp_null_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79fd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.589844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_esp_rijndaelcbc_invalid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ccf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [18.472656s] Passed. ipsec_esp_rijndaelcbc_valid_keys: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.074219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [322.335938s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_gif (498/835): 16 test cases ipsec_gif_ipv4_transport_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x742390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d0290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73ba90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.957031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_transport_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f9a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77fa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.328125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_transport_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73f590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fdd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x733390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.644531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_transport_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.968750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_tunnel_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e8590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72ee90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.417969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_tunnel_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ed690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.648438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_tunnel_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fcd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cc690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73bd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.875000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv4_tunnel_esp_rijndaelcbc: [602.210937s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds ipsec_gif_ipv6_transport_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73e390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x720090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x724190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.261719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_transport_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x796e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x772890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [80.968750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_transport_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cdd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.992187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_transport_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x797e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75ff90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.277344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_tunnel_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b6290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x711090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [82.390625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_tunnel_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72f490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c1490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72c190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.238281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_tunnel_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d7490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76ca90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [81.281250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_gif_ipv6_tunnel_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x789090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c7390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79b990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.316406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [1618.054687s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_l2tp (499/835): 16 test cases ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_transport_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x791f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aba90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77a290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.597656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_transport_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6edc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d6590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.757813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_transport_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ec190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e9790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eaf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [67.863281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_transport_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74d090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70aa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x731e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.042969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_tunnel_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x703b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.503906s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_tunnel_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x709d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [67.093750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_tunnel_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75eb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bc790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.007812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv4_tunnel_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71fb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75d890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b2b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x757390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.839844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_transport_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [309.136719s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_transport_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x745890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [88.558594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_transport_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75bd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fd290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x736d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [76.281250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_transport_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x792190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f3390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6deb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73a090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [83.808593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_tunnel_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x797390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f2790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ab190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a2190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [82.453125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_tunnel_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7af090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x716090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [97.492188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_tunnel_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c9990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.468750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_l2tp_ipv6_tunnel_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75e990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cd190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [79.851562s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [1441.574219s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_misc (500/835): 44 test cases ipsec_getspi_update_sa_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.101563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_getspi_update_sa_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.027343s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_getspi_update_sa_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73e490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [57.800782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_getspi_update_sa_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.531250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x721590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.066406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x760690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.335938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cf790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [59.070312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x791c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ef090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.917969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x733a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f2f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [57.394531s] Failed: SAs didn't disappear after 3 sec. ipsec_lifetime_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ae290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eb790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [79.351563s] Failed: SAs didn't disappear after 3 sec. ipsec_lifetime_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a1090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x731590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.632812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_lifetime_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cc890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.082031s] Failed: SAs didn't disappear after 3 sec. ipsec_multiple_sa_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ddf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.703125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_multiple_sa_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x721c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.398438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_multiple_sa_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e8c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.882812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_multiple_sa_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.613281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_nosa_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eb990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [57.621094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_nosa_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79af90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.667968s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_nosa_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70ee90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [53.867188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_nosa_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x784b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e7090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.367187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_hmacsha512_preferred_new_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x730290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_hmacsha512_preferred_new_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70ff90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.066406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_hmacsha512_preferred_old_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70c290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.703125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_hmacsha512_preferred_old_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.437500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_null_preferred_new_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x785190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.570313s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_null_preferred_new_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f9090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x772b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.808593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_null_preferred_old_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.984375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_ah_null_preferred_old_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x784f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x723890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [66.113281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_null_preferred_new_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b9890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.500000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_null_preferred_new_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71ae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.363281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_null_preferred_old_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [50.535156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_null_preferred_old_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70c090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [63.351563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_rijndaelcbc_preferred_new_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78a490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [55.113281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_rijndaelcbc_preferred_new_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7daf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.062500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_rijndaelcbc_preferred_old_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72de90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.050781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_spi_esp_rijndaelcbc_preferred_old_timeout: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b2590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.597656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sa_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x791a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [53.492188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sa_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ac990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [49.300781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sa_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bee90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [76.562500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sa_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ce790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b5c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.171875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sp_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.449219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sp_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6efd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.160156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sp_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77c290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [50.257813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_update_sp_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b5190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77cd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.757812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [2469.453125s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_natt (501/835): 4 test cases ipsec_natt_transport_ipv4_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c7190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x710290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [25.738281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_natt_transport_ipv4_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c4690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.648437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_natt_transport_ipv6_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a2390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [28.539062s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_natt_transport_ipv6_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x722090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75b190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.992188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [111.082031s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_sockopt (502/835): 10 test cases ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.804688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d6a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [23.058594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75c690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.546875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [19.042969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv4_ipcomp_deflate: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cb190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d3f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.992187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74c690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d7290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.835937s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x789e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73f090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.050782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.796875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.683593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_IP_IPSEC_POLICY_ipv6_ipcomp_deflate: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x789590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [35.257813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [307.925782s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_sysctl (503/835): 3 test cases ipsec_sysctl0: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.886719s] Passed. ipsec_sysctl4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.507813s] Passed. ipsec_sysctl6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79bc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.937500s] Passed. [40.398438s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_tcp (504/835): 15 test cases ipsec_tcp_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x798090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.632812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ada90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [78.148438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ff590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72af90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.304687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76c990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d0a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [49.167968s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4_none: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x762e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [49.046875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4mappedipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [56.925782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4mappedipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [56.054687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4mappedipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a7290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.964844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4mappedipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x716d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e0790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.574219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv4mappedipv6_none: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75e990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.378906s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bd890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [55.500000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x729390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [55.148437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ea90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x759790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.937500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76f490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [50.523437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tcp_ipv6_none: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74a090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.445313s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [806.761719s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_transport (505/835): 44 test cases ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [35.613281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [37.687500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76bf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.593750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.437500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x759d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.781250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x763d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x736190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.144532s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ac890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70e690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.601563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cf690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.152344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x709f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.160156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x734290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.707031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70bd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.500000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79c390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x739590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [35.683594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x703690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.816407s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7abd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [41.824218s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x720390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.570313s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.335937s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ff590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e6490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.417969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.113281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [33.167969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.398438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73d890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ee690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.726563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv4_ipcomp_deflate: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x729890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.457031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bcb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x714f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71de90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75fa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.429687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aa690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7afb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [44.878907s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ec290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [44.359375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79fd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.789063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ebe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.437500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c4a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [41.617187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x780490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.496094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76bb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.867188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cec90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79ce90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [47.250000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x763790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ade90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.289063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74c890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73db90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.691406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70be90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.144532s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.125000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.902343s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x701c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [40.960938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x716690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.062500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [40.425781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fa490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [41.902344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72db90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.148437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.464844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_transport_ipv6_ipcomp_deflate: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dbb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x746790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.070312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [1724.496094s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_tunnel (506/835): 42 test cases ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b7990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ab090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.117187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bea90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [87.304688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76b690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b2890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x778890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [97.429687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fd990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77bc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73f590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [83.292969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73bc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x703a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [83.414062s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d7d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ef690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [75.156250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x757e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x700090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [90.925782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x784190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d3590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c5490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7caa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [81.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fce90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x759290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [89.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c9190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7afe90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ebc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75c190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [95.078125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x797090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x723790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78a690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [99.406250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a1a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7af490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cce90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.906250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x786e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x760a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.535157s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aef90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e9890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.109375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ef690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [59.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76f090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eca90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x710490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.761718s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.925782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x780b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d1790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74f890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [75.746094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fea90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a3f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77de90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [67.128906s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.296875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e7b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79e090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x705690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76fd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.894532s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x796f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.347656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x709090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c8490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [78.109375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x742c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e9690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cb790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.441406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77df90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70c690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.117187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76aa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.960938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ba690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73e990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.062500s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73fb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [91.632812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x773a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x700090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ae790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75c690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.238282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76b090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x736b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cda90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [76.011718s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e8190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b5390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c2090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [69.167969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x720e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [59.585937s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x742190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fbf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.023438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cba90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x788090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x713f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [85.097656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ddc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c9c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.550781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x710490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x729490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6de590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.019531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bf190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.832031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x766c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f8490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [66.324219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x790290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x756e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x740590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [77.621094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79a890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76eb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x717990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [63.531250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fe990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x763e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [51.257813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [3095.984375s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp (507/835): 8 test cases ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x705f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.925781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78f990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78f090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.234375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.652343s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73ae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [68.015625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e0590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.898438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c5790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79ab90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x778090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.871093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ef990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bf690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.886719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_ipcomp_deflate_ipv6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76c090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a1b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.453125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [517.441406s] net/ipsec/t_ipsec_tunnel_odd (508/835): 42 test cases ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78d790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70ec90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cbb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.726562s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bcb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d0490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79a090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [66.074219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x785190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ba990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.257812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e8a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x758090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x714790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [63.828125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x705f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7af790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.175781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f9090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79b290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x775590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [64.710938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d9a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.527344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7af690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ca890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bf690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [67.480468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x743190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x773090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70f790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [68.675782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ccd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f1e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.511718s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x740c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.300781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eaf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x788390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.113281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d0390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x738490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [86.496094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cf390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c7f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [140.218750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c1c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x784e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ad90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73d590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [86.351562s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79fd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ce790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [75.109375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x746b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x730f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [79.925781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x751590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x747a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ea190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [89.648438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bb490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x729090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f9f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d7d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.031250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x736c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70df90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [81.675781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v4v6_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fda90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x759b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [63.531250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_aesxcbcmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b5590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x763490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [86.324219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a4590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a7790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [76.371093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacripemd160: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72dd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x729b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x750490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [95.390625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x725390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70cd90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7dca90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [78.898438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacsha256: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x704e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a5790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [88.042969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacsha384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ad990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f5590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [87.050781s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_hmacsha512: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70f290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [83.339844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_keyedmd5: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x719e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x741d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x719d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d4e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [95.488281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_keyedsha1: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x713f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x749590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79cf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d6890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [70.308594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_ah_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70be90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x738390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aac90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [66.433593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_3descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x754c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c9890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7af790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ab90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [74.640625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_aesctr: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f2390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fd590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [90.785156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_aesgcm16: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ce490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f2990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75a990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.484375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_aesgmac: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x721d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x742390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e3f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f3490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.023438s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_blowfishcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x782290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ada90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cfa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [66.945312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_camelliacbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75d090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74a190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ea190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x788390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [83.785156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_cast128cbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d5b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x733490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c3090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.492188s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_descbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a8290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75ab90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.761719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_desderiv: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75d890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x738790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c0390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [73.843750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_null: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e5e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x723e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x75f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.714844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ipsec_tunnel_v6v4_esp_rijndaelcbc: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6de790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x719390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ddc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [72.410157s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [3243.125000s] net/mcast/t_mcast (509/835): 16 test cases mcast_conninet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73f490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [20.695312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_conninet6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x760f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [17.757813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_connmappedbuginet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x798290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [28.464843s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_connmappedinet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [21.335938s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_conninet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72b790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.371094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_conninet6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74cb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [21.304687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_connmappedbuginet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f2790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.402344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_connmappedinet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [14.394532s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_unconninet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73b190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.132812s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_unconninet6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x777b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.656250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_unconnmappedbuginet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x735d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [21.164062s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_destroyif_unconnmappedinet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e7b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.503907s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_unconninet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [24.140625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_unconninet6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bdf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [24.714844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_unconnmappedbuginet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78b590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [19.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details mcast_unconnmappedinet4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x710590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [17.179688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [313.359375s] net/mpls/t_mpls_fw (510/835): 2 test cases mplsfw4: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x752090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [302.523437s] Failed: Test case timed out after 300 seconds mplsfw4_expl: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bd290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78b290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x786d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [46.625000s] Passed. [349.210937s] net/mpls/t_mpls_fw6 (511/835): 2 test cases mplsfw6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x715c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [71.367188s] Passed. mplsfw6_expl: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a6e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x707490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78aa90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [50.160157s] Passed. [121.632813s] net/mpls/t_mpls_fw64 (512/835): 2 test cases mplsfw64_expl: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x766e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ddc90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aa490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [60.441406s] Passed. mplsfw64_impl: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b5090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bc090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x768390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.843750s] Passed. [115.382812s] net/mpls/t_rfc4182 (513/835): 1 test cases rfc4182: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76f790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x781e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x765a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.093750s] Passed. [65.140625s] net/mpls/t_ldp_regen (514/835): 1 test cases ldp_regen: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e6090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a2f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6e4890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79de90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [112.718750s] Passed. [112.765625s] net/ndp/t_dad (515/835): 3 test cases dad_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f7f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [30.839844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details dad_count: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ddb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [40.488281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details dad_duplicated: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b1890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79f390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [53.824219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [125.257813s] net/ndp/t_ndp (516/835): 11 test cases ndp_cache_expiration: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x744c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x762490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.121094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_cache_overwriting: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x737490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x712390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.058594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_cache_state: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74be90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [44.050781s] Passed. ndp_commands: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6eb090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.398437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_link_activation: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bd890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x774290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [38.296875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_neighborgcthresh: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ee490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77b290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [54.156250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_purge_on_ifdown: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x793590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x724b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [34.128906s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_purge_on_route_change: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x726190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71e490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.984375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_purge_on_route_delete: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x767990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [56.777344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_rtm: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x783290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [52.222656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ndp_stray_entries: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70c690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x711a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [53.675782s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [499.320313s] net/ndp/t_ra (517/835): 10 test cases ra_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b4590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78eb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [61.554688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_defrouter_expiration: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f6590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74d890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.304687s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_delete_address: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79e190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x77ca90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [37.324219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_flush_defrouter_entries: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x732f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b9d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.019531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_flush_prefix_entries: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x728590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79d090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.089844s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_multiple_routers: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bc890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73c790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.355468s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_multiple_routers_maxifprefixes: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a9490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x740e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [92.363282s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_multiple_routers_single_prefix: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x708c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [65.363281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_prefix_expiration: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x776390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x761590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.683593s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details ra_temporary_address: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x773e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x710d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.500000s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [547.484375s] net/npf/t_npf (518/835): 7 test cases npf_bpf: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x789b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_conn: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x759490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.265625s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_nat: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.230469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_nbuf: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71b490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.789062s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_rule: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x795690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [3.394531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_state: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ed290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [4.230469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details npf_table: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f4790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [5.160156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [29.226562s] net/route/t_change (519/835): 7 test cases route_change_default_flags: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ff690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.777344s] Passed. route_change_flags: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x722c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.429688s] Passed. route_change_gateway: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x748890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.601562s] Passed. route_change_ifa: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74e790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.742188s] Passed. route_change_ifp: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73a490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [15.156250s] Passed. route_change_ifp_ifa: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.906250s] Passed. route_change_reject2blackhole: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x709a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.984375s] Passed. [90.777343s] net/route/t_flags (520/835): 9 test cases route_flags_announce: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c1990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ad390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [29.394531s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_blackhole: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ad90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7cf490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.113281s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_connected: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74ed90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x70d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [26.472656s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_default_gateway: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72a390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [22.257813s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_icmp_redirect: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x770590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79c990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x738c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [69.296875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_llinfo: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7da890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ab690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.367187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_lo: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b0690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6fbf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [32.371094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_reject: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6dd190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x79c490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [45.792969s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_static: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x755690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x706490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [39.867187s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [339.316406s] net/route/t_flags6 (521/835): 8 test cases route_flags_announce6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x780a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a7a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [48.453125s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_blackhole6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6ecf90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x71d390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [56.351562s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_connected6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78e790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72ec90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.593750s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_default_gateway6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x711790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x711b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.386719s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_llinfo6: Dec 9 03:15:04 postfix/sendmail[6823]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname Dec 9 03:15:04 postfix/sendmail[6823]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a0a90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x6f0390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [62.839843s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_lo6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b3d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d8290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [36.929688s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_reject6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d2e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x73a990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [67.058594s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_flags_static6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c6b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7be890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [42.660156s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [382.597656s] net/route/t_route (522/835): 6 test cases route_command_add: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [18.820312s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_command_add6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d1290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [21.406250s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_command_get: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72fb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x773790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78e390a0 <(no symbol)> ] [43.699219s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_command_get6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x772090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7aa190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x787290a0 <(no symbol)> ] [58.671875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_default_reject: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7bf890a0 <(no symbol)> ] [17.914062s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details route_non_subnet_gateway: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x794590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7a1690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [31.109375s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [191.882812s] net/route/t_rtcache (523/835): 1 test cases rtcache_invalidation: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78ae90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x701490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x718c90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7afb90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [87.902344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [87.984375s] net/if_vlan/t_vlan (524/835): 14 test cases vlan_auto_follow_mtu: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x72c090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [13.601562s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_auto_follow_mtu6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x78c590a0 <(no symbol)> ] [6.789063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_basic: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x74a790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [16.957031s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_basic6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7d7090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [12.996094s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_bridge: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x778990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.960937s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_bridge6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x76d490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.253907s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_configs: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x753090a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.296875s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_configs6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x717790a0 <(no symbol)> ] [7.023437s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_create_destroy: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x757e90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [8.476563s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_create_destroy6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x769d90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.246093s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_multicast: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x711690a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.789063s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_multicast6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7c8f90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [9.355469s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_vlanid: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7ca990a0 <(no symbol)> ] [11.441406s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details vlan_vlanid6: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x727b90a0 <(no symbol)> ] [10.777344s] Failed: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details [145.406250s] sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas (525/835): 20 test cases corrupt_be_1: [3.304687s] Passed. corrupt_be_2: [4.691406s] Passed. corrupt_le_1: [3.410157s] Passed. corrupt_le_2: [4.617187s] Passed. dir1_be_1: [6.542969s] Passed. dir1_be_2: [5.523437s] Passed. dir1_le_1: [3.894532s] Passed. dir1_le_2: [4.535156s] Passed. disable_be_1: [5.609375s] Passed. disable_be_2: [3.027344s] Passed. disable_le_1: [3.750000s] Passed. disable_le_2: [3.335937s] Passed. notreg_be_1: [3.328125s] Passed. notreg_be_2: [3.839844s] Passed. notreg_le_1: [2.917969s] Passed. notreg_le_2: [3.171875s] Passed. unallocated_be_1: [4.089844s] Passed. unallocated_be_2: [2.796875s] Passed. unallocated_le_1: [5.117187s] Passed. unallocated_le_2: [3.164063s] Passed. [81.671875s] sbin/fsck_ffs/t_check_quotas (526/835): 12 test cases corrupt_list_be_1: [2.890625s] Passed. corrupt_list_be_2: [2.792969s] Passed. corrupt_list_le_1: [2.882812s] Passed. corrupt_list_le_2: [2.769532s] Passed. expand1_list_be_1: [4.171875s] Passed. expand1_list_be_2: [4.328125s] Passed. expand1_list_le_1: [4.945312s] Passed. expand1_list_le_2: [6.273437s] Passed. expand2_list_be_1: [73.441407s] Passed. expand2_list_be_2: [83.093750s] Passed. expand2_list_le_1: [80.246094s] Passed. expand2_list_le_2: [96.109375s] Passed. [376.808594s] sbin/gpt/t_gpt (527/835): 13 test cases backup_2part: [5.382812s] Passed. bootable_2part: [0.015625s] Skipped: Required file '/usr/mdec/gptmbr.bin' not found change_attr_2part: [5.367188s] Passed. change_type_2part: [4.949219s] Passed. create_2part: [2.929687s] Passed. create_empty: [2.933594s] Passed. label_2part: [4.847656s] Passed. migrate_disklabel: [0.632813s] Skipped: This test is specific to architectures using MBR recover_backup: [4.906250s] Passed. recover_primary: [3.464844s] Passed. remove_2part: [3.828125s] Passed. resize_2part: [6.718750s] Passed. restore_2part: [6.894531s] Passed. [53.058593s] sbin/ifconfig/t_nonexistent (528/835): 1 test cases nonexistent: [2.332031s] Passed. [2.347656s] sbin/newfs/t_enable_quotas (529/835): 12 test cases enabled_be_1_both: [1.324218s] Passed. enabled_be_1_group: [2.492188s] Passed. enabled_be_1_user: [2.089844s] Passed. enabled_be_2_both: [1.843750s] Passed. enabled_be_2_group: [1.042968s] Passed. enabled_be_2_user: [1.886719s] Passed. enabled_le_1_both: [2.113281s] Passed. enabled_le_1_group: [2.570313s] Passed. enabled_le_1_user: [1.152344s] Passed. enabled_le_2_both: [1.980468s] Passed. enabled_le_2_group: [2.160157s] Passed. enabled_le_2_user: [2.175781s] Passed. [22.941406s] sbin/newfs_msdos/t_create (530/835): 1 test cases validfat32: [2.070313s] Passed. [2.085938s] sbin/resize_ffs/t_check (531/835): 1 test cases check_grow: [3.718750s] Passed. [3.734375s] sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow (532/835): 4 test cases grow_16M_v0_8192: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x771490a0 <(no symbol)> ] [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x7b8190a0 <(no symbol)> ] [178.429687s] Failed: Test case body returned a non-ok exit code, but this is not allowed grow_16M_v1_16384: [ warning: LOW reference: vaddr=0x00000020, exception TLBL, pc=0x730490a0 <(no symbol)> ] Dec 10 03:15:03 postfix/sendmail[24920]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname Dec 10 03:15:03 postfix/sendmail[24920]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/pkg/bin/anita", line 144, in status = main() File "/usr/pkg/bin/anita", line 135, in main status = a.run_tests(timeout = options.test_timeout) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2067, in run_tests timeout) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2103, in shell_cmd return shell_cmd(self.child, cmd, timeout) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2167, in shell_cmd child.expect(prompt_re, timeout) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 181, in expect r = pexpect.spawn.expect(self, pattern, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/", line 341, in expect timeout, searchwindowsize, async_) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/", line 369, in expect_list return exp.expect_loop(timeout) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/", line 119, in expect_loop return self.timeout(e) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/", line 82, in timeout raise TIMEOUT(msg) pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded. command: /usr/pkg/bin/gxemul args: ['/usr/pkg/bin/gxemul', '-M', '128M', '-d', '/bracket/pmax/test/2019.', '-e3max', '-d', '/bracket/pmax/test/2019.'] buffer (last 100 chars): 'y own hostname\r\r\r\nDec 10 03:15:03 postfix/sendmail[24920]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname\r\r\r\n' before (last 100 chars): 'y own hostname\r\r\r\nDec 10 03:15:03 postfix/sendmail[24920]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname\r\r\r\n' after: match: None match_index: None exitstatus: None flag_eof: False pid: 22912 child_fd: 12 closed: False timeout: 3600 delimiter: logfile: None logfile_read: logfile_send: maxread: 2000 ignorecase: False searchwindowsize: None delaybeforesend: 0.05 delayafterclose: 30.0 delayafterterminate: 30.0 searcher: searcher_re: 0: re.compile('anita-root-shell-prompt-1575739342.19# ') 172867.87 real 140187.82 user 3233.26 sys