Last 1000 lines of build log: --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit catman catman.o manconf.o catman.ln manconf.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_bcs.d citrus_db_factory.d citrus_db_hash.d citrus_lookup_factory.d lex.d yacc.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-BIG5 --- cleandir ===> lib/i18n_module/BIG5 --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f fsck_ffs.html8 .depend dir.d ffs_appleufs.d ffs_bswap.d ffs_subr.d ffs_tables.d fsutil.d inode.d main.d partutil.d pass1.d pass1b.d pass2.d pass3.d pass4.d pass5.d pass6.d progress.d quota2.d quota2_subr.d setup.d snapshot.d utilities.d vfs_wapbl.d wapbl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-confgen --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-ctags --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-mklocale --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/ctags --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f catman.html8 .depend catman.d manconf.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/mklocale --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-wtf --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-fsdb --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-chroot --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-rndc-confgen --- --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/wtf --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen/rndc-confgen --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libBIG5.a citrus_big5.o citrus_prop.o citrus_big5.o.tmp citrus_prop.o.tmp || true) --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libBIG5_p.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/fsdb --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grodvi.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grodvi dvi.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/chroot --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ctags C.o ctags.o fortran.o lisp.o print.o tree.o yacc.o C.ln ctags.ln fortran.ln lisp.ln print.ln tree.ln yacc.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit rndc-confgen rndc-confgen.o keygen.o util.o os.o rndc-confgen.ln keygen.ln util.ln os.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libBIG5_g.a || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grodvi.html1 .depend dvi.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ctags.html1 .depend C.d ctags.d fortran.d lisp.d print.d tree.d yacc.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f wtf.html6 || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit fsdb fsdb.o fsdbutil.o dir.o inode.o pass1.o pass1b.o pass2.o pass3.o pass4.o pass5.o setup.o utilities.o ffs_bswap.o ffs_subr.o ffs_tables.o ffs_appleufs.o fsutil.o partutil.o vfs_wapbl.o wapbl.o quota2_subr.o quota2.o fsdb.ln fsdbutil.ln dir.ln inode.ln pass1.ln pass1b.ln pass2.ln pass3.ln pass4.ln pass5.ln setup.ln utilities.ln ffs_bswap.ln ffs_subr.ln ffs_tables.ln ffs_appleufs.ln fsutil.ln partutil.ln vfs_wapbl.ln wapbl.ln quota2_subr.ln quota2.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f rndc-confgen.html8 .depend keygen.d os.d rndc-confgen.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grohtml --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit chroot chroot.o chroot.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-cut --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grohtml --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-wump --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/cut --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/wump --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libBIG5_pic.a* citrus_big5.pico citrus_prop.pico citrus_big5.pico.tmp citrus_prop.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-ddns-confgen --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f chroot.html8 .depend chroot.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f fsdb.html8 .depend dir.d ffs_appleufs.d ffs_bswap.d ffs_subr.d ffs_tables.d fsdb.d fsdbutil.d fsutil.d inode.d partutil.d pass1.d pass1b.d pass2.d pass3.d pass4.d pass5.d quota2.d quota2_subr.d setup.d utilities.d vfs_wapbl.d wapbl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-cnwctl --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lBIG5.ln citrus_big5.ln citrus_prop.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/cnwctl --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit wump wump.o wump.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/bind/bin/confgen/ddns-confgen --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cut cut.o cut.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-dump --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/dump --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f wump.html6 .depend wump.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grohtml.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit post-grohtml post-html.o html-table.o html-text.o output.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cnwctl cnwctl.o cnwctl.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f cut.html1 .depend cut.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_big5.d citrus_prop.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grohtml.html1 .depend html-table.d html-text.d output.d post-html.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-deroff --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit ddns-confgen ddns-confgen.o keygen.o util.o os.o ddns-confgen.ln keygen.ln util.ln os.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/deroff --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-DECHanyu --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f cnwctl.html8 .depend cnwctl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/i18n_module/DECHanyu --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dump itime.o main.o optr.o dumprmt.o rcache.o snapshot.o tape.o traverse.o unctime.o ffs_inode.o ffs_bswap.o itime.ln main.ln optr.ln dumprmt.ln rcache.ln snapshot.ln tape.ln traverse.ln unctime.ln ffs_inode.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- cleandir-dab --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grolbp --- --- cleandir-games --- cleandir ===> games/dab --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grolbp --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-cpuctl --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f ddns-confgen.html8 .depend ddns-confgen.d keygen.d os.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/cpuctl --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dump.html8 .depend dumprmt.d ffs_bswap.d ffs_inode.d itime.d main.d optr.d rcache.d snapshot.d tape.d traverse.d unctime.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit deroff deroff.o deroff.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-restore --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libDECHanyu.a citrus_dechanyu.o citrus_dechanyu.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-games --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f deroff.html1 .depend deroff.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-byacc --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/restore --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/byacc --- cleandir-bin --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cpuctl cpuctl.o noarch.o cpuctl.ln noarch.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libDECHanyu_p.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/byacc/bin --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-db --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/db --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dab algor.o board.o main.o human.o box.o player.o gamescreen.o ttyscrn.o random.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f cpuctl.html8 .depend cpuctl.d noarch.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libDECHanyu_g.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit restore main.o interactive.o restore.o dirs.o symtab.o tape.o utilities.o dumprmt.o main.ln interactive.ln restore.ln dirs.ln symtab.ln tape.ln utilities.ln dumprmt.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grolbp.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grolbp lbp.o || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libDECHanyu_pic.a* citrus_dechanyu.pico citrus_dechanyu.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit db db.o db.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-games --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit yacc closure.o error.o lalr.o lr0.o main.o mkpar.o output.o reader.o skeleton.o symtab.o verbose.o warshall.o graph.o closure.ln error.ln lalr.ln lr0.ln main.ln mkpar.ln output.ln reader.ln skeleton.ln symtab.ln verbose.ln warshall.ln graph.ln || true) --- cleandir-games --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dab.html6 .depend algor.d board.d box.d gamescreen.d human.d main.d player.d random.d ttyscrn.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-crash --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grolbp.html1 .depend lbp.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/crash --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lDECHanyu.ln citrus_dechanyu.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f restore.html8 .depend dirs.d dumprmt.d interactive.d main.d restore.d symtab.d tape.d utilities.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f yacc.c lex.c yacc.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core mklocale yacc.lo lex.lo mklocaledb.lo fix_grouping.lo citrus_bcs_strtoul.lo citrus_db_factory.lo citrus_db_hash.lo mklocaledb.ln fix_grouping.ln citrus_bcs_strtoul.ln citrus_db_factory.ln citrus_db_hash.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grolj4 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-clri --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f db.html1 .depend db.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grolj4 --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f yacc.html1 .depend closure.d error.d graph.d lalr.d lr0.d main.d mkpar.d output.d reader.d skeleton.d symtab.d verbose.d warshall.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/clri --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit crash unsupported.o unsupported.ln machine sparc sparc || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-cron --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-dirname --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_bcs_strtoul.d citrus_db_factory.d citrus_db_hash.d fix_grouping.d lex.d mklocaledb.d yacc.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/dirname --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_dechanyu.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f crash.html8 .depend unsupported.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-mknod --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit clri clri.o ffs_bswap.o clri.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bin --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin --- cleandir-cron --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/mknod --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core mknod mknod.lo pack_dev.lo mknod.ln pack_dev.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-EUC --- cleandir ===> lib/i18n_module/EUC --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f clri.html8 .depend clri.d ffs_bswap.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin/cron --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-du --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/du --- cleandir-dirname --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dirname dirname.o dirname.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-dev_mkdb --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/dev_mkdb --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend dirname.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-du --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-tunefs --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grolj4.1 lj4_font.5 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grolj4 lj4.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/tunefs --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit du du.o du.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dev_mkdb dev_mkdb.o dev_mkdb.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit cron cron.o database.o do_command.o entry.o env.o job.o misc.o popen.o pw_dup.o user.o cron.ln database.ln do_command.ln entry.ln env.ln job.ln misc.ln popen.ln pw_dup.ln user.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2 --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend mknod.d pack_dev.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f du.html1 .depend du.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grolj4.html1 lj4_font.html5 .depend lj4.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dev_mkdb.html8 .depend dev_mkdb.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-xcvs --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-msgc --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-eject --- --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit tunefs tunefs.o ffs_bswap.o tunefs.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/msgc --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/eject --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f cron.html8 .depend cron.d database.d do_command.d entry.d env.d job.d misc.d popen.d pw_dup.d user.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grops --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grops --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUC.a citrus_euc.o citrus_euc.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f tunefs.html8 .depend ffs_bswap.d tunefs.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/lib --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f msgparse.c msgscan.c msgparse.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core msgc msgmain.lo msgparse.lo msgscan.lo msgdb.lo util.lo avl.lo msgmain.ln msgdb.ln util.ln avl.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-crontab --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-libcvs --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-resize_ffs --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/cron/bin/crontab --- cleandir-gpl2 --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/lib/libcvs --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-dhcp --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUC_p.a || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/resize_ffs --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/dhcp --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit eject eject.o am_glue.o nfs_prot_xdr.o eject.ln am_glue.ln nfs_prot_xdr.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend avl.d msgdb.d msgmain.d msgparse.d msgscan.d util.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUC_g.a || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit crontab crontab.o misc.o entry.o env.o pw_dup.o crontab.ln misc.ln entry.ln env.ln pw_dup.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-common --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-disklabel --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f eject.html1 .depend am_glue.d eject.d nfs_prot_xdr.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/dhcp/common --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/disklabel --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUC_pic.a* citrus_euc.pico citrus_euc.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf2aout --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f crontab.html1 crontab.html5 .depend crontab.d entry.d env.d misc.d pw_dup.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libcvs.a __fpending.o asnprintf.o basename.o canon-host.o canonicalize.o chdir-long.o closeout.o cycle-check.o dirname.o dup-safer.o exitfail.o fd-safer.o getdate.o gettime.o md5.o openat.o pagealign_alloc.o printf-args.o printf-parse.o quotearg.o regex.o rpmatch.o save-cwd.o sighandle.o strftime.o stripslash.o vasnprintf.o xalloc-die.o xgetcwd.o xgethostname.o xmalloc.o xreadlink.o yesno.o __fpending.o.tmp asnprintf.o.tmp basename.o.tmp canon-host.o.tmp canonicalize.o.tmp chdir-long.o.tmp closeout.o.tmp cycle-check.o.tmp dirname.o.tmp dup-safer.o.tmp exitfail.o.tmp fd-safer.o.tmp getdate.o.tmp gettime.o.tmp md5.o.tmp openat.o.tmp pagealign_alloc.o.tmp printf-args.o.tmp printf-parse.o.tmp quotearg.o.tmp regex.o.tmp rpmatch.o.tmp save-cwd.o.tmp sighandle.o.tmp strftime.o.tmp stripslash.o.tmp vasnprintf.o.tmp xalloc-die.o.tmp xgetcwd.o.tmp xgethostname.o.tmp xmalloc.o.tmp xreadlink.o.tmp yesno.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit resize_ffs resize_ffs.o ffs_bswap.o resize_ffs.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grops.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grops ps.o psrm.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/elf2aout --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-dhcpcd --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grops.html1 .depend ps.d psrm.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libcvs_p.a || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lEUC.ln citrus_euc.ln || true) --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core disklabel main.lo dkcksum.lo interact.lo printlabel.lo disklabel.lo bswap.lo main.ln dkcksum.ln interact.ln printlabel.ln disklabel.ln bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grotty --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f resize_ffs.html8 .depend ffs_bswap.d resize_ffs.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grotty --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd/sbin --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libcvs_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend bswap.d disklabel.d dkcksum.d interact.d main.d printlabel.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-dhcpcd --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f elf2aout.html1 || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-bsd --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/dhcpcd/sbin/dhcpcd --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libcvs_pic.a* || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean1 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdhcp.a raw.o parse.o nit.o icmp.o dispatch.o conflex.o upf.o bpf.o socket.o lpf.o dlpi.o packet.o tr.o ethernet.o memory.o print.o options.o inet.o tree.o tables.o alloc.o fddi.o ctrace.o dns.o resolv.o execute.o discover.o comapi.o raw.o.tmp parse.o.tmp nit.o.tmp icmp.o.tmp dispatch.o.tmp conflex.o.tmp upf.o.tmp bpf.o.tmp socket.o.tmp lpf.o.tmp dlpi.o.tmp packet.o.tmp tr.o.tmp ethernet.o.tmp memory.o.tmp print.o.tmp options.o.tmp inet.o.tmp tree.o.tmp tables.o.tmp alloc.o.tmp fddi.o.tmp ctrace.o.tmp dns.o.tmp resolv.o.tmp execute.o.tmp discover.o.tmp comapi.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-elf2ecoff --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-paxctl --- --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean5 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lcvs.ln __fpending.ln asnprintf.ln basename.ln canon-host.ln canonicalize.ln chdir-long.ln closeout.ln cycle-check.ln dirname.ln dup-safer.ln exitfail.ln fd-safer.ln getdate.ln gettime.ln md5.ln openat.ln pagealign_alloc.ln printf-args.ln printf-parse.ln quotearg.ln regex.ln rpmatch.ln save-cwd.ln sighandle.ln strftime.ln stripslash.ln vasnprintf.ln xalloc-die.ln xgetcwd.ln xgethostname.ln xmalloc.ln xreadlink.ln yesno.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_euc.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/elf2ecoff --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/paxctl --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdhcp_p.a || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-EUCTW --- cleandir ===> lib/i18n_module/EUCTW --- cleandir-external --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean3 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdhcp_g.a || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grotty.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grotty tty.o || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend __fpending.d asnprintf.d basename.d canon-host.d canonicalize.d chdir-long.d closeout.d cycle-check.d dirname.d dup-safer.d exitfail.d fd-safer.d getdate.d gettime.d md5.d openat.d pagealign_alloc.d printf-args.d printf-parse.d quotearg.d regex.d rpmatch.d save-cwd.d sighandle.d strftime.d stripslash.d vasnprintf.d xalloc-die.d xgetcwd.d xgethostname.d xmalloc.d xreadlink.d yesno.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-newfs_lfs --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdhcp_pic.a* || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f elf2ecoff.html1 || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dhcpcd.conf.5 dhcpcd.8 dhcpcd-run-hooks dhcpcd-run-hooks.8 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit dhcpcd arp.o bind.o common.o control.o configure.o dhcp.o dhcpcd.o duid.o eloop.o if-options.o if-pref.o ipv4ll.o ipv6.o ipv6ns.o ipv6rs.o net.o signals.o bpf.o if-bsd.o platform-bsd.o arp.ln bind.ln common.ln control.ln configure.ln dhcp.ln dhcpcd.ln duid.ln eloop.ln if-options.ln if-pref.ln ipv4ll.ln ipv6.ln ipv6ns.ln ipv6rs.ln net.ln signals.ln bpf.ln if-bsd.ln platform-bsd.ln || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grotty.html1 .depend tty.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core paxctl paxctl.lo paxctl.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- cleandir-libdiff --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend paxctl.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUCTW.a citrus_euctw.o citrus_euctw.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/newfs_lfs --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-preproc --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/preproc --- cleandir-external --- cleandir ===> external/gpl2/xcvs/lib/libdiff --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-env --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/env --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean5 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-ldhcp.ln raw.ln parse.ln nit.ln icmp.ln dispatch.ln conflex.ln upf.ln bpf.ln socket.ln lpf.ln dlpi.ln packet.ln tr.ln ethernet.ln memory.ln print.ln options.ln inet.ln tree.ln tables.ln alloc.ln fddi.ln ctrace.ln dns.ln resolv.ln execute.ln discover.ln comapi.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-fdisk --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-eqn --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/fdisk --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUCTW_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/preproc/eqn --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit env env.o env.ln || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit newfs_lfs dkcksum.o make_lfs.o lfs_cksum.o misc.o newfs.o bufcache.o vnode.o lfs.o segwrite.o lfs_itimes.o partutil.o kernelops.o dkcksum.ln make_lfs.ln lfs_cksum.ln misc.ln newfs.ln bufcache.ln vnode.ln lfs.ln segwrite.ln lfs_itimes.ln partutil.ln kernelops.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean3 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUCTW_g.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dhcp-options.html5 dhcp-eval.html5 .depend alloc.d bpf.d comapi.d conflex.d ctrace.d discover.d dispatch.d dlpi.d dns.d ethernet.d execute.d fddi.d icmp.d inet.d lpf.d memory.d nit.d options.d packet.d parse.d print.d raw.d resolv.d socket.d tables.d tr.d tree.d upf.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f env.html1 .depend env.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdiff.a analyze.o cmpbuf.o context.o diff.o diff3.o dir.o ed.o ifdef.o io.o normal.o side.o util.o version.o analyze.o.tmp cmpbuf.o.tmp context.o.tmp diff.o.tmp diff3.o.tmp dir.o.tmp ed.o.tmp ifdef.o.tmp io.o.tmp normal.o.tmp side.o.tmp util.o.tmp version.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-bsd --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f newfs_lfs.html8 .depend bufcache.d dkcksum.d kernelops.d lfs.d lfs_cksum.d lfs_itimes.d make_lfs.d misc.d newfs.d partutil.d segwrite.d vnode.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libEUCTW_pic.a* citrus_euctw.pico citrus_euctw.pico.tmp || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core fdisk fdisk.lo disklabel.lo fdisk.ln disklabel.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f dhcpcd.conf.html5 dhcpcd.html8 dhcpcd-run-hooks.html8 .depend arp.d bind.d bpf.d common.d configure.d control.d dhcp.d dhcpcd.d duid.d eloop.d if-bsd.d if-options.d if-pref.d ipv4ll.d ipv6.d ipv6ns.d ipv6rs.d net.d platform-bsd.d signals.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- cleandir-minires --- --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- libclean2 --- --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-error --- --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- cleandir ===> usr.sbin/dhcp/minires --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdiff_p.a || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/error --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-lEUCTW.ln citrus_euctw.ln || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend disklabel.d fdisk.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f neqn eqn.1 neqn.1 eqn.cpp eqn_tab.h a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit eqn main.o lex.o box.o limit.o list.o over.o text.o script.o mark.o other.o delim.o sqrt.o pile.o special.o eqn.o || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean3 --- --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdiff_g.a || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- cleandir-installboot --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-tools --- cleandir ===> tools/installboot --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit error main.o input.o pi.o subr.o filter.o touch.o main.ln input.ln pi.ln subr.ln filter.ln touch.ln || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean4 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f eqn.html1 neqn.html1 .depend box.d delim.d eqn.d lex.d limit.d list.d main.d mark.d other.d over.d pile.d script.d special.d sqrt.d text.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- cleandir-fsck_lfs --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libdiff_pic.a* || true) --- cleandir-lib --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend citrus_euctw.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- cleandir ===> sbin/fsck_lfs --- cleandir-gnu --- --- cleandir-grn --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __docleandir --- --- cleandir-external --- --- libclean5 --- --- cleandir-gnu --- cleandir ===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/preproc/grn --- cleandir-usr.bin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f error.html1 .depend filter.d input.d main.d pi.d subr.d touch.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- cleandir-GBK2K --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f llib-ldiff.ln analyze.ln cmpbuf.ln context.ln diff.ln diff3.ln dir.ln ed.ln ifdef.ln io.ln normal.ln side.ln util.ln version.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- --- libclean1 --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> lib/i18n_module/GBK2K --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-elftosb --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/elftosb --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- cleandir-expand --- --- cleandir-tools --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit fsck_lfs bufcache.o dir.o fsutil.o inode.o lfs.o lfs_cksum.o lfs_itimes.o main.o pass0.o pass1.o pass2.o pass3.o pass4.o pass5.o pass6.o segwrite.o setup.o utilities.o vars.o vnode.o kernelops.o bufcache.ln dir.ln fsutil.ln inode.ln lfs.ln lfs_cksum.ln lfs_itimes.ln main.ln pass0.ln pass1.ln pass2.ln pass3.ln pass4.ln pass5.ln pass6.ln segwrite.ln setup.ln utilities.ln vars.ln vnode.ln kernelops.ln || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- cleandir ===> usr.bin/expand --- cleandir-tools --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core installboot installboot.lo sum.lo machines.lo fstypes.lo alpha.lo amiga.lo emips.lo ews4800mips.lo hp300.lo hp700.lo i386.lo landisk.lo macppc.lo news.lo next68k.lo pmax.lo sparc.lo sparc64.lo sun68k.lo vax.lo x68k.lo bbinfo.lo ffs.lo ffs_bswap.lo installboot.ln sum.ln machines.ln fstypes.ln alpha.ln amiga.ln emips.ln ews4800mips.ln hp300.ln hp700.ln i386.ln landisk.ln macppc.ln news.ln next68k.ln pmax.ln sparc.ln sparc64.ln sun68k.ln vax.ln x68k.ln bbinfo.ln ffs.ln ffs_bswap.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- --- cleandir-lib --- cleandir ===> external/bsd/elftosb/lib --- cleandir-gpl2 --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend analyze.d cmpbuf.d context.d diff.d diff3.d dir.d ed.d ifdef.d io.d normal.d side.d util.d version.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-tools --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f .depend alpha.d amiga.d bbinfo.d emips.d ews4800mips.d ffs.d ffs_bswap.d fstypes.d hp300.d hp700.d i386.d installboot.d landisk.d machines.d macppc.d news.d next68k.d pmax.d sparc.d sparc64.d sum.d sun68k.d vax.d x68k.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-lib --- --- libclean1 --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libGBK2K.a citrus_gbk2k.o citrus_gbk2k.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-sbin --- --- __docleandir --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f fsck_lfs.html8 .depend bufcache.d dir.d fsutil.d inode.d kernelops.d lfs.d lfs_cksum.d lfs_itimes.d main.d pass0.d pass1.d pass2.d pass3.d pass4.d pass5.d pass6.d segwrite.d setup.d utilities.d vars.d vnode.d /tmp/bracket/build/2013. || true) --- cleandir-usr.bin --- --- __doclean --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit expand expand.o expand.ln || true) --- cleandir-external --- --- cleandir-bsd --- nbmake: nbmake: don't know how to make clean. Stop --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f libminires.a res_mkupdate.o res_init.o res_update.o res_send.o res_comp.o res_sendsigned.o res_findzonecut.o res_query.o res_mkquery.o ns_date.o ns_parse.o ns_sign.o ns_name.o ns_samedomain.o ns_verify.o res_mkupdate.o.tmp res_init.o.tmp res_update.o.tmp res_send.o.tmp res_comp.o.tmp res_sendsigned.o.tmp res_findzonecut.o.tmp res_query.o.tmp res_mkquery.o.tmp ns_date.o.tmp ns_parse.o.tmp ns_sign.o.tmp ns_name.o.tmp ns_samedomain.o.tmp ns_verify.o.tmp || true) --- cleandir-gnu --- --- __doclean --- --- cleandir-external --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-elftosb] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gpl2 --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-bsd --- 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gpl2 --- *** [cleandir-xcvs] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-bsd --- *** [cleandir-bsd] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gpl2 --- *** [cleandir-gpl2] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 2 errors nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-external] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-lib --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- (cd /tmp/bracket/build/2013. && rm -f grn.1 a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core .gdbinit grn hdb.o hpoint.o hgraph.o main.o || true) --- cleandir-lib --- *** [cleandir-GBK2K] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-i18n_module] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-lib] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-tools --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-sbin --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-tools --- *** [cleandir-installboot] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-sbin --- *** [cleandir-fsck_lfs] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-tools --- *** [cleandir-tools] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make --- cleandir-sbin --- *** [cleandir-sbin] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make --- cleandir-usr.bin --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- *** [cleandir-minires] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.bin --- *** [cleandir-expand] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- *** [cleandir-grn] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- *** [cleandir-dhcp] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- *** [cleandir-preproc] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.bin --- *** [cleandir-usr.bin] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-usr.sbin --- *** [cleandir-usr.sbin] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. --- cleandir-gnu --- *** [cleandir-src] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-groff] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-usr.bin] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [cleandir-gnu] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 7 errors nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [build] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [distribution] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. *** [release] Error code 2 nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. 1 error nbmake: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2013. ERROR: Failed to make release *** BUILD ABORTED *** 10.96 real 18.68 user 13.67 sys