Item | Value |
ATF | |
Version | |
Timings | |
Start time of tests | |
End time of tests | |
System information | |
Host name | |
Operating system | |
Operating system release | |
Operating system version | |
Platform | |
Tests results | |
Root | /usr/tests |
Test programs | 515 |
Bogus test programs | 0 |
Test cases | 3175 |
Passed test cases | 3040 |
3 | |
43 | |
89 | |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
atf/atf-c/detail/dynstr_test | 5.549060s | ||
append_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.975946s |
append_fmt | Passed | N/A | 1.501658s |
clear | Passed | N/A | 0.052973s |
copy | Passed | N/A | 0.049476s |
cstring | Passed | N/A | 0.049655s |
equal_cstring | Passed | N/A | 0.049617s |
equal_dynstr | Passed | N/A | 0.050123s |
fini_disown | Passed | N/A | 0.049777s |
init | Passed | N/A | 0.051261s |
init_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.054408s |
init_fmt | Passed | N/A | 0.052519s |
init_raw | Passed | N/A | 0.050644s |
init_rep | Passed | N/A | 0.400925s |
init_substr | Passed | N/A | 0.052715s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.097825s |
prepend_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.914312s |
prepend_fmt | Passed | N/A | 0.903333s |
rfind_ch | Passed | N/A | 0.047849s |
atf/atf-c/detail/env_test | 0.222280s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.046665s |
has | Passed | N/A | 0.047290s |
set | Passed | N/A | 0.047027s |
unset | Passed | N/A | 0.049004s |
atf/atf-c/detail/fs_test | 2.149855s | ||
eaccess | Passed | N/A | 0.210006s |
exists | Passed | N/A | 0.062865s |
getcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.055729s |
mkdtemp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.081370s |
mkdtemp_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.065174s |
mkdtemp_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.160621s |
mkstemp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.204993s |
mkstemp_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.057550s |
mkstemp_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.056693s |
path_append | Passed | N/A | 0.082996s |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A | 0.076176s |
path_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.052490s |
path_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.052919s |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.076303s |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.078217s |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A | 0.073464s |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A | 0.107571s |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.058462s |
rmdir_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.051282s |
rmdir_enotempty | Passed | N/A | 0.051080s |
rmdir_eperm | Passed | N/A | 0.053332s |
stat_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.051879s |
stat_perms | Passed | N/A | 0.054159s |
stat_type | Passed | N/A | 0.051134s |
atf/atf-c/detail/list_test | 0.658819s | ||
list_append | Passed | N/A | 0.051780s |
list_append_list | Passed | N/A | 0.048520s |
list_for_each | Passed | N/A | 0.118052s |
list_for_each_c | Passed | N/A | 0.122189s |
list_index | Passed | N/A | 0.052261s |
list_index_c | Passed | N/A | 0.053024s |
list_init | Passed | N/A | 0.050939s |
list_to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.046343s |
list_to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.046668s |
atf/atf-c/detail/map_test | 0.906812s | ||
find | Passed | N/A | 0.048968s |
find_c | Passed | N/A | 0.047963s |
map_for_each | Passed | N/A | 0.122801s |
map_for_each_c | Passed | N/A | 0.124037s |
map_init | Passed | N/A | 0.051297s |
map_init_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.064205s |
map_init_charpp_null | Passed | N/A | 0.053579s |
map_init_charpp_short | Passed | N/A | 0.051232s |
map_init_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.050949s |
map_insert | Passed | N/A | 0.054856s |
stable_keys | Passed | N/A | 0.050347s |
to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.046669s |
to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.049096s |
atf/atf-c/detail/process_test | 6.697985s | ||
child_pid | Passed | N/A | 0.075190s |
child_wait_eintr | Passed | N/A | 2.086826s |
exec_failure | Passed | N/A | 0.082423s |
exec_list | Passed | N/A | 0.087873s |
exec_prehook | Passed | N/A | 0.073496s |
exec_success | Passed | N/A | 0.079766s |
fork_cookie | Passed | N/A | 0.073514s |
fork_out_capture_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.086200s |
fork_out_capture_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.079601s |
fork_out_capture_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.076621s |
fork_out_capture_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.081731s |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.084694s |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.094223s |
fork_out_connect_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.090001s |
fork_out_connect_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.096916s |
fork_out_connect_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.085629s |
fork_out_connect_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.083250s |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.081917s |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.094896s |
fork_out_default_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.081957s |
fork_out_default_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.112435s |
fork_out_default_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.082787s |
fork_out_default_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.098919s |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.092199s |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.088686s |
fork_out_inherit_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.083889s |
fork_out_inherit_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.085383s |
fork_out_inherit_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.082670s |
fork_out_inherit_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.089400s |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.091570s |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.088490s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.091382s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.100284s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.084183s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.079948s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.081783s |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.083562s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.109217s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.082361s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_default | Passed | N/A | 0.080816s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.085518s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.084352s |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.084983s |
status_coredump | Passed | N/A | 0.093680s |
status_exited | Passed | N/A | 0.073613s |
status_signaled | Passed | N/A | 0.075929s |
stream_init_capture | Passed | N/A | 0.057841s |
stream_init_connect | Passed | N/A | 0.057569s |
stream_init_inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.056276s |
stream_init_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A | 0.053953s |
stream_init_redirect_path | Passed | N/A | 0.056008s |
atf/atf-c/detail/sanity_test | 0.457821s | ||
inv | Passed | N/A | 0.104682s |
post | Passed | N/A | 0.099741s |
pre | Passed | N/A | 0.100172s |
unreachable | Passed | N/A | 0.114630s |
atf/atf-c/detail/test_helpers_test | 0.232869s | ||
grep_file | Passed | N/A | 0.083486s |
grep_string | Passed | N/A | 0.061761s |
read_line | Passed | N/A | 0.061753s |
atf/atf-c/detail/text_test | 0.477330s | ||
for_each_word | Passed | N/A | 0.053001s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.049850s |
format_ap | Passed | N/A | 0.051304s |
split | Passed | N/A | 0.096273s |
split_delims | Passed | N/A | 0.072739s |
to_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.050765s |
to_long | Passed | N/A | 0.052078s |
atf/atf-c/detail/user_test | 0.280900s | ||
euid | Passed | N/A | 0.050447s |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A | 0.098774s |
is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.051723s |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.050177s |
atf/atf-c/atf_c_test | 1.376839s | ||
include | Passed | N/A | 1.337816s |
atf/atf-c/build_test | 0.774433s | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A | 0.106688s |
cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.076278s |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 0.088483s |
equal_arrays | Passed | N/A | 0.053407s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.412722s |
atf/atf-c/check_test | 8.200919s | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A | 0.797072s |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.375997s |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 5.623045s |
exec_array | Passed | N/A | 0.124949s |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.085375s |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A | 0.130258s |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A | 0.123088s |
exec_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.050122s |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.076626s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.664878s |
atf/atf-c/config_test | 0.725275s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.118488s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.582304s |
atf/atf-c/error_test | 1.466547s | ||
error_new | Passed | N/A | 0.046551s |
error_new_wo_memory | Passed | N/A | 0.050263s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.054734s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.469207s |
include_fwd | Passed | N/A | 0.392594s |
is_error | Passed | N/A | 0.044954s |
libc_format | Passed | N/A | 0.056683s |
libc_new | Passed | N/A | 0.045871s |
no_error | Passed | N/A | 0.048032s |
no_memory_format | Passed | N/A | 0.046654s |
no_memory_new | Passed | N/A | 0.045439s |
no_memory_twice | Passed | N/A | 0.047343s |
atf/atf-c/macros_test | 3.104704s | ||
check | Passed | N/A | 0.166597s |
check_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.246399s |
check_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.130469s |
check_streq | Passed | N/A | 0.275022s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.437211s |
msg_embedded_fmt | Passed | N/A | 0.146651s |
require | Passed | N/A | 0.137464s |
require_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.228188s |
require_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.120841s |
require_streq | Passed | N/A | 0.254736s |
use | Passed | N/A | 0.862740s |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | 0.023425s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.008869s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004813s | |
atf/atf-c/tc_test | 0.672011s | ||
config | Passed | N/A | 0.047583s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.440651s |
init | Passed | N/A | 0.048020s |
init_pack | Passed | N/A | 0.047908s |
vars | Passed | N/A | 0.047749s |
atf/atf-c/tp_test | 0.476899s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 0.047730s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.410421s |
atf/atf-c/utils_test | 0.548527s | ||
free_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.048122s |
free_charpp_some | Passed | N/A | 0.049294s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.423423s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/application_test | 0.088065s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 0.077709s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/env_test | 0.263751s | ||
has_get | Passed | N/A | 0.076193s |
set | Passed | N/A | 0.076655s |
unset | Passed | N/A | 0.074186s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/exceptions_test | 0.467266s | ||
throw_atf_error_libc | Passed | N/A | 0.228357s |
throw_atf_error_no_memory | Passed | N/A | 0.090718s |
throw_atf_error_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.086566s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/expand_test | 0.515414s | ||
expand_glob_base | Passed | N/A | 0.083249s |
expand_glob_tps | Passed | N/A | 0.078765s |
is_glob | Passed | N/A | 0.074373s |
matches_glob_plain | Passed | N/A | 0.073184s |
matches_glob_question | Passed | N/A | 0.076870s |
matches_glob_star | Passed | N/A | 0.079890s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/fs_test | 1.578535s | ||
directory_file_info | Passed | N/A | 0.090877s |
directory_names | Passed | N/A | 0.079338s |
directory_read | Passed | N/A | 0.079331s |
exists | Passed | N/A | 0.078049s |
file_info_perms | Passed | N/A | 0.078512s |
file_info_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.080374s |
is_executable | Passed | N/A | 0.076686s |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A | 0.072950s |
path_compare_different | Passed | N/A | 0.094841s |
path_compare_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.073292s |
path_concat | Passed | N/A | 0.072422s |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.071744s |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.075821s |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A | 0.071004s |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A | 0.070670s |
path_op_less | Passed | N/A | 0.071057s |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A | 0.072867s |
remove | Passed | N/A | 0.088481s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/parser_test | 2.029461s | ||
headers_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.094706s |
headers_10 | Passed | N/A | 0.084963s |
headers_11 | Passed | N/A | 0.084486s |
headers_12 | Passed | N/A | 0.090725s |
headers_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.083270s |
headers_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.087131s |
headers_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.091355s |
headers_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.087052s |
headers_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.086530s |
headers_7 | Passed | N/A | 0.086834s |
headers_8 | Passed | N/A | 0.084399s |
headers_9 | Passed | N/A | 0.094001s |
parse_error_to_string | Passed | N/A | 0.073853s |
parse_errors_what | Passed | N/A | 0.071531s |
token_getters | Passed | N/A | 0.074972s |
tokenizer_delims_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.075391s |
tokenizer_delims_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.074062s |
tokenizer_keywords_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.076028s |
tokenizer_keywords_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.073326s |
tokenizer_minimal_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.076300s |
tokenizer_minimal_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.078022s |
tokenizer_quotes_nows | Passed | N/A | 0.075467s |
tokenizer_quotes_ws | Passed | N/A | 0.073990s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/sanity_test | 0.080543s | ||
nothing | Passed | N/A | 0.071217s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/text_test | 0.873512s | ||
duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.074189s |
join | Passed | N/A | 0.073742s |
match | Passed | N/A | 0.089030s |
split | Passed | N/A | 0.073094s |
split_delims | Passed | N/A | 0.072819s |
to_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.087547s |
to_bytes | Passed | N/A | 0.091245s |
to_string | Passed | N/A | 0.071871s |
to_type | Passed | N/A | 0.099932s |
trim | Passed | N/A | 0.071482s |
atf/atf-c++/detail/ui_test | 0.686909s | ||
paragraphs | Passed | N/A | 0.143013s |
w_tag_col | Passed | N/A | 0.092123s |
w_tag_no_repeat | Passed | N/A | 0.102938s |
w_tag_repeat | Passed | N/A | 0.089116s |
wo_tag | Passed | N/A | 0.109673s |
wo_tag_col | Passed | N/A | 0.093305s |
atf/atf-c++/atf_c++_test | 5.673232s | ||
include | Passed | N/A | 5.660039s |
atf/atf-c++/build_test | 2.682441s | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A | 0.135741s |
cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.108395s |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 0.126769s |
equal_argvs | Passed | N/A | 0.073961s |
include | Passed | N/A | 2.194741s |
atf/atf-c++/check_test | 10.099657s | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A | 1.165263s |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A | 0.378254s |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A | 4.986119s |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.159276s |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A | 0.164016s |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A | 0.159793s |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.105284s |
include | Passed | N/A | 2.857811s |
atf/atf-c++/config_test | 2.946875s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 0.109004s |
get_all | Passed | N/A | 0.071650s |
has | Passed | N/A | 0.076076s |
include | Passed | N/A | 2.656141s |
atf/atf-c++/macros_test | 14.654983s | ||
check_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.182417s |
fail | Passed | N/A | 0.107996s |
include | Passed | N/A | 4.981921s |
pass | Passed | N/A | 0.104750s |
require | Passed | N/A | 0.148248s |
require_eq | Passed | N/A | 0.358840s |
require_errno | Passed | N/A | 0.251410s |
require_in | Passed | N/A | 0.241932s |
require_match | Passed | N/A | 0.144132s |
require_not_in | Passed | N/A | 0.253559s |
require_throw | Passed | N/A | 0.211741s |
require_throw_re | Passed | N/A | 0.208521s |
skip | Passed | N/A | 0.106753s |
use | Passed | N/A | 7.138449s |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | 0.024384s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.009239s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004636s | |
atf/atf-c++/tests_test | 3.065859s | ||
atf_tp_writer | Passed | N/A | 0.093488s |
include | Passed | N/A | 2.954504s |
atf/atf-c++/utils_test | 1.382926s | ||
auto_array_access | Passed | N/A | 0.082245s |
auto_array_assign | Passed | N/A | 0.083822s |
auto_array_assign_ref | Passed | N/A | 0.085700s |
auto_array_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.083957s |
auto_array_copy_ref | Passed | N/A | 0.082107s |
auto_array_get | Passed | N/A | 0.082677s |
auto_array_release | Passed | N/A | 0.081004s |
auto_array_reset | Passed | N/A | 0.084608s |
auto_array_scope | Passed | N/A | 0.081510s |
include | Passed | N/A | 0.547524s |
atf/atf-sh/tc_test | 2.604649s | ||
default_status | Passed | N/A | 1.868924s |
missing_body | Passed | N/A | 0.717492s |
atf/atf-sh/tp_test | 0.884803s | ||
srcdir | Passed | N/A | 0.869846s |
atf/atf-sh/normalize_test | 0.955914s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 0.945691s |
atf/atf-sh/config_test | 3.239409s | ||
get | Passed | N/A | 1.557901s |
has | Passed | N/A | 1.662351s |
atf/atf-sh/atf-check_test | 22.758964s | ||
eflag_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.713381s |
eflag_file | Passed | N/A | 1.066354s |
eflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.643184s |
eflag_inline | Passed | N/A | 1.716123s |
eflag_match | Passed | N/A | 1.173111s |
eflag_multiple | Passed | N/A | 0.941627s |
eflag_negated | Passed | N/A | 1.005180s |
eflag_save | Passed | N/A | 0.557453s |
invalid_umask | Passed | N/A | 0.574801s |
oflag_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.716478s |
oflag_file | Passed | N/A | 1.089800s |
oflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.668647s |
oflag_inline | Passed | N/A | 2.002336s |
oflag_match | Passed | N/A | 1.153065s |
oflag_multiple | Passed | N/A | 0.941436s |
oflag_negated | Passed | N/A | 0.943458s |
oflag_save | Passed | N/A | 0.517433s |
sflag_eq_ne | Passed | N/A | 1.356591s |
sflag_exit | Passed | N/A | 1.694155s |
sflag_ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.703558s |
sflag_signal | Passed | N/A | 1.221829s |
stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.462110s |
xflag | Passed | N/A | 0.634558s |
atf/atf-sh/atf_check_test | 7.735669s | ||
equal | Passed | N/A | 2.097596s |
experr_mismatch | Passed | N/A | 1.062484s |
expout_mismatch | Passed | N/A | 1.063372s |
info_ok | Passed | N/A | 1.427522s |
null_stderr | Passed | N/A | 1.039492s |
null_stdout | Passed | N/A | 0.985450s |
atf/atf-sh/integration_test | 1.737979s | ||
arguments | Passed | N/A | 0.794720s |
missing_script | Passed | N/A | 0.462181s |
no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.453836s |
atf/test-programs/config_test | 4.345902s | ||
vflag | Passed | N/A | 4.335513s |
atf/test-programs/expect_test | 14.858911s | ||
expect_death | Passed | N/A | 2.882502s |
expect_exit | Passed | N/A | 2.838181s |
expect_fail | Passed | N/A | 2.475304s |
expect_pass | Passed | N/A | 2.459019s |
expect_signal | Passed | N/A | 2.914733s |
expect_timeout | Passed | N/A | 1.244632s |
atf/test-programs/fork_test | 3.511815s | ||
stop | Passed | N/A | 3.500496s |
atf/test-programs/meta_data_test | 14.900882s | ||
no_descr | Passed | N/A | 7.441809s |
no_head | Passed | N/A | 7.442393s |
atf/test-programs/srcdir_test | 13.706112s | ||
default | Passed | N/A | 2.051647s |
libtool | Passed | N/A | 2.105029s |
relative | Passed | N/A | 6.771186s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 2.695733s |
atf/test-programs/result_test | 7.280507s | ||
atf_run_warnings | Passed | N/A | 0.947164s |
result_exception | Passed | N/A | 0.507765s |
result_on_stdout | Passed | N/A | 1.910492s |
result_to_file | Passed | N/A | 2.797126s |
result_to_file_fail | Passed | N/A | 1.072034s |
atf/atf-config/integration_test | 36.751976s | ||
list_all | Passed | N/A | 2.029094s |
override_env | Passed | N/A | 17.025052s |
query_mixture | Passed | N/A | 4.011307s |
query_multiple | Passed | N/A | 0.601385s |
query_one | Passed | N/A | 4.210309s |
query_one_terse | Passed | N/A | 8.371543s |
query_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.447307s |
atf/atf-report/integration_test | 21.447691s | ||
default | Passed | N/A | 1.986469s |
expect | Passed | N/A | 7.084144s |
oflag | Passed | N/A | 4.304556s |
output_csv | Passed | N/A | 2.080321s |
output_ticker | Passed | N/A | 2.012080s |
output_xml | Passed | N/A | 2.051335s |
output_xml_space | Passed | N/A | 1.273743s |
too_many_args | Passed | N/A | 0.487991s |
atf/atf-report/reader_test | 2.475158s | ||
tps_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.095289s |
tps_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.094948s |
tps_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.099013s |
tps_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.093089s |
tps_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.089101s |
tps_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.103245s |
tps_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.101581s |
tps_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.098478s |
tps_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.099063s |
tps_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.108735s |
tps_55 | Passed | N/A | 0.135204s |
tps_56 | Passed | N/A | 0.104748s |
tps_57 | Passed | N/A | 0.100820s |
tps_58 | Passed | N/A | 0.094528s |
tps_59 | Passed | N/A | 0.094308s |
tps_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.088889s |
tps_60 | Passed | N/A | 0.096740s |
tps_61 | Passed | N/A | 0.097066s |
tps_62 | Passed | N/A | 0.098286s |
tps_63 | Passed | N/A | 0.096764s |
tps_64 | Passed | N/A | 0.097279s |
tps_65 | Passed | N/A | 0.097912s |
tps_66 | Passed | N/A | 0.098413s |
atf/atf-run/atffile_test | 1.629994s | ||
atffile_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.096417s |
atffile_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.082146s |
atffile_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.084759s |
atffile_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.081515s |
atffile_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.083256s |
atffile_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.098606s |
atffile_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.093728s |
atffile_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.102779s |
atffile_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.095896s |
atffile_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.098284s |
atffile_6 | Passed | N/A | 0.083238s |
atffile_getters | Passed | N/A | 0.082354s |
read_missing_test_program | Passed | N/A | 0.111133s |
read_missing_test_suite | Passed | N/A | 0.101500s |
read_ok_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.093402s |
read_ok_some_globs | Passed | N/A | 0.100595s |
atf/atf-run/config_test | 1.365803s | ||
config_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.089649s |
config_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.081002s |
config_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.084973s |
config_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.081464s |
config_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.099856s |
config_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.091428s |
config_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.097672s |
config_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.096924s |
config_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.100294s |
merge_configs_both_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.081730s |
merge_configs_lower_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.085546s |
merge_configs_mixed | Passed | N/A | 0.087641s |
merge_configs_upper_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.082186s |
read_config_files_none | Passed | N/A | 0.093404s |
atf/atf-run/fs_test | 0.635792s | ||
change_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.105220s |
cleanup | Passed | N/A | 0.099096s |
cleanup_eacces_on_root | Passed | N/A | 0.086460s |
cleanup_eacces_on_subdir | Passed | N/A | 0.096442s |
get_current_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.089299s |
temp_dir_raii | Passed | N/A | 0.088340s |
atf/atf-run/integration_test | 174.768898s | ||
atffile | Passed | N/A | 6.962330s |
atffile_recursive | Passed | N/A | 3.786003s |
broken_results | Passed | N/A | 2.320535s |
broken_tp_list | Passed | N/A | 1.951829s |
cleanup_curdir | Passed | N/A | 2.258027s |
cleanup_fail | Passed | N/A | 2.242347s |
cleanup_mount | Passed | N/A | 3.521745s |
cleanup_pass | Passed | N/A | 2.021615s |
cleanup_signal | Passed | N/A | 0.410992s |
cleanup_skip | Passed | N/A | 2.114533s |
cleanup_symlink | Passed | N/A | 3.729819s |
config | Passed | N/A | 6.886534s |
exit_codes | Passed | N/A | 2.229470s |
expect | Passed | N/A | 7.449309s |
fds | Passed | N/A | 2.027934s |
hooks | Passed | N/A | 6.073360s |
ignore_deprecated_use_fs | Passed | N/A | 1.991679s |
isolation_env | Passed | N/A | 3.868314s |
isolation_home | Passed | N/A | 2.001680s |
isolation_stdin | Passed | N/A | 2.138503s |
isolation_umask | Passed | N/A | 2.058114s |
missing_results | Passed | N/A | 2.327359s |
mux_streams | Passed | N/A | 28.550705s |
no_warnings | Passed | N/A | 1.909904s |
require_arch | Passed | N/A | 13.971367s |
require_config | Passed | N/A | 4.904947s |
require_files | Passed | N/A | 7.885070s |
require_machine | Passed | N/A | 14.292983s |
require_progs | Passed | N/A | 7.843940s |
require_user_bad | Passed | N/A | 1.926046s |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A | 1.996195s |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 2.012538s |
signaled | Passed | N/A | 2.558228s |
timeout | Passed | N/A | 5.676922s |
timeout_forkexit | Passed | N/A | 1.994301s |
vflag | Passed | N/A | 6.503995s |
zero_tcs | Passed | N/A | 1.934929s |
atf/atf-run/io_test | 28.634950s | ||
file_handle_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.080817s |
file_handle_ctor | Passed | N/A | 0.077071s |
file_handle_get | Passed | N/A | 0.121656s |
file_handle_posix_remap | Passed | N/A | 0.080756s |
muxer_large_buffer | Passed | N/A | 18.276934s |
muxer_small_buffer | Passed | N/A | 9.235776s |
pistream | Passed | N/A | 0.081362s |
systembuf_long_read | Passed | N/A | 0.259384s |
systembuf_long_write | Passed | N/A | 0.166065s |
systembuf_short_read | Passed | N/A | 0.081051s |
systembuf_short_write | Passed | N/A | 0.080681s |
atf/atf-run/requirements_test | 2.838073s | ||
require_arch_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.094916s |
require_arch_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.081787s |
require_arch_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.081141s |
require_arch_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.084134s |
require_config_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.085274s |
require_config_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.079325s |
require_config_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.077370s |
require_config_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.074771s |
require_files_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.095053s |
require_files_many_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.087911s |
require_files_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.080422s |
require_files_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.095202s |
require_files_one_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.084079s |
require_files_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.079728s |
require_machine_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.080673s |
require_machine_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.083604s |
require_machine_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.082867s |
require_machine_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.082792s |
require_memory_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.094914s |
require_memory_not_enough | Passed | N/A | 0.091704s |
require_memory_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.084932s |
require_progs_many_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.097816s |
require_progs_many_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.084860s |
require_progs_many_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.084473s |
require_progs_one_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.097264s |
require_progs_one_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.090604s |
require_progs_one_ok | Passed | N/A | 0.086555s |
require_user_fail | Passed | N/A | 0.099913s |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A | 0.088243s |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.089317s |
atf/atf-run/signals_test | 0.547625s | ||
reset | Passed | N/A | 0.091231s |
signal_holder_destructor | Passed | N/A | 0.082832s |
signal_holder_preserve | Passed | N/A | 0.078328s |
signal_holder_process | Passed | N/A | 0.084610s |
signal_programmer_preserve | Passed | N/A | 0.080649s |
signal_programmer_program | Passed | N/A | 0.080753s |
atf/atf-run/test_program_test | 3.830966s | ||
atf_tps_writer | Passed | N/A | 0.247973s |
get_metadata_bad | Passed | N/A | 0.169283s |
get_metadata_several_tcs | Passed | N/A | 0.165595s |
get_metadata_zero_tcs | Passed | N/A | 0.173586s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_death | Passed | N/A | 0.102315s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.100416s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_failure | Passed | N/A | 0.099131s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_signal | Passed | N/A | 0.100705s |
parse_test_case_result_expected_timeout | Passed | N/A | 0.099752s |
parse_test_case_result_failed | Passed | N/A | 0.099482s |
parse_test_case_result_passed | Passed | N/A | 0.100249s |
parse_test_case_result_skipped | Passed | N/A | 0.099782s |
parse_test_case_result_unknown | Passed | N/A | 0.097059s |
read_test_case_result_empty_file | Passed | N/A | 0.103731s |
read_test_case_result_invalid | Passed | N/A | 0.098595s |
read_test_case_result_multiline | Passed | N/A | 0.088179s |
read_test_case_result_no_file | Passed | N/A | 0.101512s |
tp_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.097198s |
tp_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.090448s |
tp_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.089851s |
tp_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.090712s |
tp_50 | Passed | N/A | 0.104626s |
tp_51 | Passed | N/A | 0.100959s |
tp_52 | Passed | N/A | 0.085726s |
tp_53 | Passed | N/A | 0.096485s |
tp_54 | Passed | N/A | 0.157271s |
tp_55 | Passed | N/A | 0.108859s |
tp_56 | Passed | N/A | 0.104122s |
tp_57 | Passed | N/A | 0.102260s |
tp_58 | Passed | N/A | 0.097933s |
tp_59 | Passed | N/A | 0.098578s |
tp_60 | Passed | N/A | 0.100526s |
atf/atf-run/user_test | 0.400424s | ||
euid | Passed | N/A | 0.082837s |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A | 0.122115s |
is_root | Passed | N/A | 0.080876s |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A | 0.079692s |
bin/cat/t_cat | 1.002354s | ||
align | Passed | N/A | 0.498634s |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.484432s |
bin/cp/t_cp | 8.359549s | ||
dir_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.826166s |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.655156s |
file_over_link | Passed | N/A | 0.565334s |
file_to_file | Passed | N/A | 1.158166s |
file_to_link | Passed | N/A | 0.547303s |
file_to_linkdir | Passed | N/A | 0.757532s |
files_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.675433s |
link_over_file | Passed | N/A | 0.613569s |
link_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.670504s |
linkdir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 0.716998s |
bin/dd/t_dd | 3.967975s | ||
io | Passed | N/A | 2.070655s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.722301s |
seek | Passed | N/A | 1.113879s |
bin/df/t_df | 1.038407s | ||
hflag | Passed | N/A | 0.518453s |
normal | Passed | N/A | 0.496607s |
bin/expr/t_expr | 7.100653s | ||
arithmetic_ops | Passed | N/A | 0.520859s |
basic_functional | Passed | N/A | 0.444224s |
basic_math | Passed | N/A | 0.363531s |
colon_vs_math | Passed | N/A | 0.404064s |
compare_ops | Passed | N/A | 0.806745s |
compare_ops_precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.389565s |
gtkmm | Passed | N/A | 0.543354s |
lang | Passed | N/A | 0.605180s |
math_precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.389493s |
multiply | Passed | N/A | 0.432874s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 0.519583s |
overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.816140s |
precedence | Passed | N/A | 0.384996s |
regex | Passed | N/A | 0.385033s |
bin/pax/t_pax | 0.826033s | ||
append | Passed | N/A | 0.812553s |
bin/ps/t_ps | 12.399082s | ||
default_columns | Passed | N/A | 3.533371s |
duplicate_column | Passed | N/A | 0.929250s |
minus_O | Passed | N/A | 1.183119s |
minus_o | Passed | N/A | 1.462219s |
override_heading_all_null | Passed | N/A | 0.974171s |
override_heading_embedded_specials | Passed | N/A | 1.386919s |
override_heading_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.290118s |
override_heading_some_null | Passed | N/A | 1.583864s |
bin/sh/t_compexit | 0.360511s | ||
set_e | Passed | N/A | 0.348533s |
bin/sh/t_exit | 3.497236s | ||
background | Passed | N/A | 0.553349s |
function | Passed | N/A | 0.395169s |
readout | Passed | N/A | 0.387946s |
trap_subshell | Passed | N/A | 0.468404s |
trap_zero__explicit_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.572618s |
trap_zero__explicit_return | Passed | N/A | 0.543949s |
trap_zero__implicit_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.518001s |
bin/sh/t_expand | 2.005529s | ||
arithmetic | Passed | N/A | 0.361574s |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A | 0.471474s |
dollar_at_with_text | Passed | N/A | 0.428797s |
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | 0.361917s | |
varpattern_backslashes | Passed | N/A | 0.335450s |
bin/sh/t_evaltested | 0.402948s | ||
evaltested | Passed | N/A | 0.391904s |
bin/sh/t_fsplit | 3.553139s | ||
default_val | Passed | N/A | 0.519909s |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A | 0.636001s |
for | Passed | N/A | 0.361236s |
ifs | Passed | N/A | 0.573804s |
ifs_alpha | Passed | N/A | 0.478655s |
quote | Passed | N/A | 0.503298s |
var_length | Passed | N/A | 0.425429s |
bin/sh/t_here | 0.917388s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 0.906574s |
bin/sh/t_set_e | 11.585012s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 11.574952s |
bin/sh/t_varquote | 0.786141s | ||
all | Passed | N/A | 0.341977s |
nested_quotes_multiword | Passed | N/A | 0.427017s |
bin/sh/t_wait | 6.321219s | ||
individual | Passed | N/A | 6.309583s |
bin/sleep/t_sleep | 5.179289s | ||
fraction | Passed | N/A | 1.962281s |
hex | Passed | N/A | 2.474347s |
nonnumeric | Passed | N/A | 0.717569s |
bin/tar/t_tar | 0.801141s | ||
append | Passed | N/A | 0.786252s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_certs | 0.481948s | ||
x509v3 | Passed | N/A | 0.471601s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | 32.375192s | ||
bf | Passed | N/A | 0.506583s |
cast | Passed | N/A | 28.472559s |
des | Passed | N/A | 0.505522s |
evp | Passed | N/A | 0.842101s |
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | 0.376350s | |
rc2 | Passed | N/A | 0.502704s |
rc4 | Passed | N/A | 0.737822s |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | 0.372038s | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | 3.985613s | ||
hmac | Passed | N/A | 0.484388s |
md2 | Passed | N/A | 0.489354s |
md4 | Passed | N/A | 0.492254s |
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.568212s |
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | 0.840701s | |
ripemd | Passed | N/A | 0.471539s |
sha | Passed | N/A | 0.583955s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_libcrypto | 40.059963s | ||
bn | Passed | N/A | 36.639983s |
conf | Passed | N/A | 0.655537s |
engine | Passed | N/A | 0.874801s |
lhash | Passed | N/A | 0.516300s |
rand | Passed | N/A | 0.475952s |
threads | Passed | N/A | 0.837141s |
crypto/libcrypto/t_pubkey | 82.862329s | ||
dh | Passed | N/A | 0.623207s |
dsa | Passed | N/A | 1.490751s |
ec | Passed | N/A | 18.047573s |
ecdh | Passed | N/A | 4.153386s |
ecdsa | Passed | N/A | 26.841007s |
rsa | Passed | N/A | 30.794988s |
srp | Passed | N/A | 0.863044s |
dev/audio/t_pad | 1.222687s | ||
pad_output | Passed | N/A | 1.210420s |
dev/cgd/t_cgd | 9.047014s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.561041s |
unaligned_write | Passed | N/A | 4.179780s |
wrongpass | Passed | N/A | 2.262955s |
dev/md/t_md | 2.042539s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.026193s |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | 59.733722s | ||
raid1_comp0fail | Passed | N/A | 8.706211s |
raid1_compfail | Passed | N/A | 12.358169s |
raid1_normal | Passed | N/A | 10.312443s |
raid5_compfail | Passed | N/A | 13.264764s |
raid5_normal | Passed | N/A | 13.105031s |
smalldisk | Passed | N/A | 1.521921s |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | 0.426720s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | 0.410003s | |
dev/sysmon/t_swwdog | 9.638630s | ||
disarm | Passed | N/A | 5.274401s |
panic | Passed | N/A | 2.234609s |
reboot | Passed | N/A | 2.060858s |
dev/sysmon/t_swsensor | 139.544917s | ||
alarm_sensor | Passed | N/A | 53.508222s |
limit_sensor | Passed | N/A | 52.682753s |
simple_sensor | Passed | N/A | 33.269963s |
examples/t_asm | 1.324805s | ||
Skipped | Example program not implemented on this platform | 1.275193s | |
fs/ffs/t_fifos | 0.898711s | ||
fifos | Passed | N/A | 0.883056s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot | 2.775972s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 2.765741s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_log | 3.587327s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 3.577115s |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_v2 | 2.666918s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 2.651747s |
fs/ffs/t_mount | 0.917930s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | 0.415707s | |
fsbsize2big | Passed | N/A | 0.476336s |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_1 | 53.128240s | ||
quota_1000_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 16.073621s |
quota_1000_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 6.659421s |
quota_1000_O2_be | Passed | N/A | 9.281664s |
quota_1000_O2_le | Passed | N/A | 16.571129s |
quota_40_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 0.761454s |
quota_40_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 0.730749s |
quota_40_O1_log | Passed | N/A | 0.704031s |
quota_40_O2_be | Passed | N/A | 0.741816s |
quota_40_O2_le | Passed | N/A | 0.717786s |
quota_40_O2_log | Passed | N/A | 0.726107s |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_remount | 1.292281s | ||
quota_10_O1_be | Passed | N/A | 0.700175s |
quota_10_O1_le | Passed | N/A | 0.569085s |
fs/ffs/t_getquota | 31.452716s | ||
get_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.119650s |
get_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.594929s |
get_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.676895s |
get_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.559709s |
get_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.561649s |
get_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.487501s |
get_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 2.819686s |
get_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.580059s |
get_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.429028s |
get_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.450967s |
get_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.590557s |
get_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.436132s |
fs/ffs/t_setquota | 115.858957s | ||
set_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.112936s |
set_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 3.137510s |
set_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.143514s |
set_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 3.667190s |
set_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 3.094664s |
set_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 3.194753s |
set_default_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 2.578060s |
set_default_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.717516s |
set_default_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.888638s |
set_default_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.492180s |
set_default_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.502935s |
set_default_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.918158s |
set_default_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 2.481288s |
set_default_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.542234s |
set_default_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.601129s |
set_default_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 3.162678s |
set_default_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.944945s |
set_default_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.532009s |
set_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.125754s |
set_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 3.121937s |
set_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.243431s |
set_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 3.115178s |
set_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 3.261151s |
set_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 3.063767s |
set_new_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 2.660156s |
set_new_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 2.804031s |
set_new_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.617382s |
set_new_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.133249s |
set_new_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.678241s |
set_new_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 2.685069s |
set_new_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.593530s |
set_new_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.636403s |
set_new_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.009882s |
set_new_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 2.773943s |
set_new_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 3.103888s |
set_new_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.982085s |
set_new_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.963298s |
set_new_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 2.580705s |
set_new_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 3.050161s |
set_new_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.521237s |
fs/ffs/t_quotalimit | 73.312749s | ||
herit_defq_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 3.619051s |
herit_defq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 3.248347s |
herit_defq_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.554645s |
herit_defq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 3.287176s |
herit_idefq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 3.288627s |
herit_idefq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 4.011156s |
inolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.996700s |
inolimit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 3.310871s |
inolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.002695s |
inolimit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 3.252461s |
limit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 3.013948s |
limit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A | 3.050965s |
limit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 3.036826s |
limit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A | 3.171619s |
sinolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 6.942988s |
sinolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 6.436133s |
slimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 6.984944s |
slimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 6.897149s |
fs/ffs/t_clearquota | 48.258211s | ||
clear_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.597144s |
clear_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 3.334175s |
clear_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.726371s |
clear_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.718404s |
clear_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 3.317825s |
clear_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 3.612016s |
clear_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.739275s |
clear_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.803096s |
clear_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 3.644307s |
clear_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A | 3.092797s |
clear_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 2.897067s |
clear_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 2.484669s |
clear_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 2.946169s |
clear_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A | 3.146735s |
clear_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 2.509902s |
clear_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 2.506774s |
fs/ffs/t_miscquota | 42.751111s | ||
log_unlink | Passed | N/A | 2.344881s |
log_unlink_remount | Passed | N/A | 2.414354s |
npsnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A | 4.549661s |
npsnapshot_user | Passed | N/A | 4.209097s |
psnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A | 4.305442s |
psnapshot_user | Passed | N/A | 4.243174s |
walk_list_user | Passed | N/A | 20.594410s |
fs/fifofs/t_fifo | 1.267695s | ||
parent_child | Passed | N/A | 1.251019s |
fs/hfs/t_pathconvert | 0.783321s | ||
colonslash | Passed | N/A | 0.767044s |
fs/kernfs/t_basic | 0.527441s | ||
getdents | Passed | N/A | 0.290944s |
hostname | Passed | N/A | 0.218034s |
fs/lfs/t_pr | 2.182927s | ||
mknod | Passed | N/A | 2.107518s |
fs/msdosfs/t_snapshot | 2.843314s | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A | 2.828683s |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | 16.139136s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time | 16.075674s | |
fs/nfs/t_rquotad | 63.865689s | ||
get_nfs_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 11.319431s |
get_nfs_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 10.409778s |
get_nfs_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 9.552118s |
get_nfs_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 11.485837s |
get_nfs_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 11.302568s |
get_nfs_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 9.504547s |
fs/nullfs/t_basic | 0.631271s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.374573s |
twistymount | Passed | N/A | 0.236033s |
fs/psshfs/t_psshfs | 16.132315s | ||
inode_nos | Passed | N/A | 6.240334s |
ls | Passed | N/A | 5.203391s |
pwd | Passed | N/A | 4.588221s |
fs/ptyfs/t_ptyfs | 0.435659s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.392762s |
fs/ptyfs/t_nullpts | 0.278372s | ||
nullrevoke | Passed | N/A | 0.269025s |
fs/puffs/t_basic | 6.893017s | ||
inactive_basic | Passed | N/A | 1.263528s |
inactive_reclaim | Passed | N/A | 0.624361s |
mount | Passed | N/A | 0.470608s |
reclaim_hardlink | Passed | N/A | 1.053736s |
root_chrdev | Passed | N/A | 0.595753s |
root_fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.591720s |
root_lnk | Passed | N/A | 0.362509s |
root_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.624431s |
signals | Passed | N/A | 0.621012s |
unlink_accessible | Passed | N/A | 0.611576s |
fs/puffs/t_fuzz | 8.198285s | ||
mountfuzz0 | Passed | N/A | 0.582507s |
mountfuzz1 | Passed | N/A | 0.526604s |
mountfuzz2 | Passed | N/A | 0.531291s |
mountfuzz3 | Passed | N/A | 0.525455s |
mountfuzz4 | Passed | N/A | 0.531593s |
mountfuzz5 | Passed | N/A | 0.516042s |
mountfuzz6 | Passed | N/A | 0.509099s |
Failed | Test program received signal 6 (core dumped) | 1.877603s | |
Failed | Test program received signal 6 (core dumped) | 2.445522s | |
fs/puffs/t_io | 1.103839s | ||
nocache | Passed | N/A | 1.089818s |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | 8.333347s | ||
renamerace2 | Passed | N/A | 8.322108s |
fs/tmpfs/t_create | 5.495225s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.784614s |
create | Passed | N/A | 1.112753s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.549815s |
fs/tmpfs/t_devices | 1.733629s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.719494s |
fs/tmpfs/t_dots | 2.315192s | ||
nesteddir | Passed | N/A | 1.190702s |
topdir | Passed | N/A | 1.106647s |
fs/tmpfs/t_exec | 1.167726s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.155723s |
fs/tmpfs/t_link | 5.635371s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.693652s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.773741s |
subdirs | Passed | N/A | 2.117975s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mkdir | 32.992382s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.216283s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.404085s |
many | Passed | N/A | 26.954519s |
nested | Passed | N/A | 1.164099s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.208661s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mknod | 7.778292s | ||
block | Passed | N/A | 1.007894s |
block_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.248607s |
char | Passed | N/A | 1.016684s |
char_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.259310s |
pipe | Passed | N/A | 1.402409s |
pipe_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.790511s |
fs/tmpfs/t_mount | 5.684583s | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.940982s |
large | Passed | N/A | 1.102055s |
mntpt | Passed | N/A | 0.857297s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 0.873533s |
options | Passed | N/A | 0.939900s |
plain | Passed | N/A | 0.917502s |
fs/tmpfs/t_pipes | 1.257646s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.244835s |
fs/tmpfs/t_read_write | 3.140391s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.348626s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.771893s |
fs/tmpfs/t_readdir | 15.112513s | ||
caching | Passed | N/A | 1.334749s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.239186s |
many | Passed | N/A | 10.797942s |
types | Passed | N/A | 1.705275s |
fs/tmpfs/t_remove | 5.481732s | ||
dot | Passed | N/A | 1.158973s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.456989s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.347196s |
uchg | Passed | N/A | 1.482624s |
fs/tmpfs/t_rename | 16.749680s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.357567s |
crossdev | Passed | N/A | 1.349650s |
dir_to_emptydir | Passed | N/A | 1.539214s |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A | 1.430736s |
dir_to_fulldir | Passed | N/A | 1.870371s |
dotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.978946s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.237732s |
file_to_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.484165s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 3.423656s |
fs/tmpfs/t_rmdir | 11.950274s | ||
curdir | Passed | N/A | 1.197817s |
dots | Passed | N/A | 1.418791s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.606196s |
links | Passed | N/A | 1.513352s |
mntpt | Passed | N/A | 0.993571s |
nested | Passed | N/A | 1.248736s |
non_empty | Passed | N/A | 1.514934s |
non_existent | Passed | N/A | 1.089082s |
single | Passed | N/A | 1.286133s |
fs/tmpfs/t_setattr | 13.076895s | ||
chgrp | Passed | N/A | 1.170652s |
chgrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.365961s |
chmod | Passed | N/A | 1.223302s |
chmod_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.381366s |
chown | Passed | N/A | 1.285854s |
chown_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.376313s |
chowngrp | Passed | N/A | 1.231314s |
chowngrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.319942s |
chtimes | Passed | N/A | 1.271757s |
chtimes_kqueue | Passed | N/A | 1.355024s |
fs/tmpfs/t_sizes | 5.273906s | ||
big | Passed | N/A | 1.506566s |
overflow | Passed | N/A | 1.527017s |
overwrite | Passed | N/A | 1.192224s |
small | Passed | N/A | 1.011234s |
fs/tmpfs/t_sockets | 1.471361s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.459393s |
fs/tmpfs/t_statvfs | 1.018419s | ||
values | Passed | N/A | 1.006679s |
fs/tmpfs/t_symlink | 6.226341s | ||
dir | Passed | N/A | 1.491748s |
exec | Passed | N/A | 1.308993s |
file | Passed | N/A | 1.285023s |
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 2.103755s |
fs/tmpfs/t_times | 15.199934s | ||
empty | Passed | N/A | 5.470370s |
link | Passed | N/A | 3.093041s |
non_empty | Passed | N/A | 3.272177s |
rename | Passed | N/A | 3.329227s |
fs/tmpfs/t_trail_slash | 1.321701s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 1.308969s |
fs/tmpfs/t_truncate | 1.317433s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.306574s |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnd | 14.922474s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 14.910866s |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnode_leak | 70.675503s | ||
main | Passed | N/A | 70.663486s |
fs/umapfs/t_basic | 0.331034s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.320968s |
fs/union/t_pr | 1.003523s | ||
devnull1 | Passed | N/A | 0.442659s |
devnull2 | Passed | N/A | 0.253475s |
multilayer | Passed | N/A | 0.251471s |
fs/vfs/t_full | 47.264284s | ||
ext2fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 2.056528s |
ffs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 1.436881s |
ffslog_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 1.174880s |
lfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 4.558336s |
msdosfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 1.263111s |
nfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 10.263061s |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 1.471575s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.631402s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.525607s | |
sysvbfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 2.028038s |
tmpfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 0.787153s |
v7fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A | 20.715761s |
fs/vfs/t_io | 95.793420s | ||
ext2fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.711104s |
ext2fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.653780s |
ext2fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.655606s |
ext2fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.901848s |
ext2fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.689673s |
ext2fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.686771s |
ext2fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.650380s |
ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.668628s |
ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.656898s |
ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.647106s |
ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.665667s |
ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.808829s |
ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.784661s |
ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.715825s |
ffslog_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.751090s |
ffslog_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.724661s |
ffslog_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.024035s |
ffslog_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.694423s |
ffslog_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.724313s |
ffslog_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.006808s |
ffslog_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.702126s |
lfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 2.438593s |
lfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 2.485445s |
lfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.885601s |
lfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.916608s |
lfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 2.165965s |
lfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 2.075379s |
lfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 2.034131s |
msdosfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.675014s |
msdosfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.625305s |
msdosfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.613669s |
msdosfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.602775s |
msdosfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.631290s |
msdosfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.653095s |
msdosfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.643121s |
nfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 2.422542s |
nfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 4.685992s |
nfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 4.419503s |
nfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 4.629833s |
nfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 2.681820s |
nfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 3.976680s |
nfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 4.715924s |
p2k_ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 1.572661s |
p2k_ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 1.508849s |
p2k_ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 1.089452s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 1.050577s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 1.152743s |
p2k_ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.110380s |
p2k_ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 1.050109s |
puffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.870277s |
puffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.872345s |
puffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.892565s |
puffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.833632s |
puffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.854918s |
puffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.853891s |
puffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.813553s |
rumpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.540711s |
rumpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.521459s |
rumpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.520970s |
rumpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.531970s |
rumpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.534019s |
rumpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.526215s |
rumpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.519859s |
sysvbfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.688345s |
sysvbfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.592937s |
sysvbfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.643513s |
sysvbfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.588873s |
sysvbfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.610535s |
sysvbfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.612962s |
sysvbfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.589565s |
tmpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.532289s |
tmpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.546543s |
tmpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.523751s |
tmpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.528945s |
tmpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.528745s |
tmpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 0.533739s |
tmpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.528733s |
v7fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A | 0.770459s |
v7fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A | 0.737523s |
v7fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A | 0.733933s |
v7fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A | 0.727058s |
v7fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A | 0.871552s |
v7fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A | 1.054226s |
v7fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A | 0.721616s |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 191.712553s | ||
ext2fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 6.982451s |
Expected signal | 8.020568s | ||
ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 6.695281s |
ffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 6.159082s |
ffslog_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 10.734064s |
ffslog_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 9.929987s |
lfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 12.478039s |
lfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 12.698567s |
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | 6.299819s | |
Expected signal | 7.684300s | ||
nfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 13.610996s |
nfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 10.489015s |
p2k_ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 8.630882s |
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | 6.521336s | |
puffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 11.240691s |
puffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 10.693907s |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.529844s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.529237s | |
sysvbfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 7.086170s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.613423s | |
tmpfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 10.622617s |
tmpfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 10.550936s |
v7fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A | 6.496073s |
v7fs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A | 5.799798s |
fs/vfs/t_ro | 92.785008s | ||
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.966019s |
ext2fs_create | Passed | N/A | 0.707282s |
ext2fs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 0.675895s |
ext2fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.837274s |
ext2fs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.676551s |
ext2fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.683626s |
ext2fs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.861196s |
ext2fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 1.039838s |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.724983s |
ffs_create | Passed | N/A | 0.645530s |
ffs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 0.644103s |
ffs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.673666s |
ffs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.657697s |
ffs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.638035s |
ffs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.654981s |
ffs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 0.656620s |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.210158s |
ffslog_create | Passed | N/A | 0.871542s |
ffslog_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.080516s |
ffslog_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.653516s |
ffslog_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.678658s |
ffslog_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.671687s |
ffslog_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.680320s |
ffslog_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 0.676211s |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.658293s |
msdosfs_create | Passed | N/A | 0.608566s |
msdosfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 0.610462s |
msdosfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.605796s |
msdosfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.619299s |
msdosfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.592890s |
msdosfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.615810s |
msdosfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 0.618060s |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.521885s |
nfs_create | Passed | N/A | 2.802778s |
nfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 2.126014s |
nfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 2.343740s |
nfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 4.876938s |
nfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 2.624216s |
nfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 4.823420s |
nfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 2.660476s |
nfsro_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.764479s |
nfsro_create | Passed | N/A | 2.616718s |
nfsro_createdir | Passed | N/A | 4.755015s |
nfsro_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 4.782218s |
nfsro_createlink | Passed | N/A | 3.103921s |
nfsro_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 2.695370s |
nfsro_fileio | Passed | N/A | 4.586839s |
nfsro_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 4.193966s |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.866684s |
sysvbfs_create | Passed | N/A | 0.689115s |
sysvbfs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 0.608903s |
sysvbfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.615587s |
sysvbfs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.621581s |
sysvbfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.607141s |
sysvbfs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 0.633159s |
sysvbfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 0.625248s |
v7fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.969748s |
v7fs_create | Passed | N/A | 0.781760s |
v7fs_createdir | Passed | N/A | 1.377320s |
v7fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A | 0.768995s |
v7fs_createlink | Passed | N/A | 0.918676s |
v7fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A | 0.867129s |
v7fs_fileio | Passed | N/A | 1.003860s |
v7fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A | 0.855131s |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | 197.387018s | ||
ext2fs_race | Passed | N/A | 16.255318s |
ffs_race | Passed | N/A | 12.596722s |
ffslog_race | Passed | N/A | 20.560322s |
lfs_race | Passed | N/A | 23.072173s |
msdosfs_race | Passed | N/A | 15.603841s |
nfs_race | Passed | N/A | 15.794649s |
p2k_ffs_race | Passed | N/A | 12.401697s |
puffs_race | Passed | N/A | 20.891540s |
rumpfs_race | Passed | N/A | 21.038059s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.612992s | |
tmpfs_race | Passed | N/A | 20.500606s |
v7fs_race | Passed | N/A | 17.760836s |
fs/vfs/t_union | 27.771226s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.652974s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.791111s | |
ffs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.679790s |
ffs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 0.826041s |
ffslog_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.732807s |
ffslog_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 1.110512s |
lfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.436198s |
lfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 2.227840s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.626374s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.746129s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 2.242835s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 4.583877s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.389955s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.131238s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.629494s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.755126s | |
rumpfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.562612s |
rumpfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 0.711665s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.586168s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.729020s | |
tmpfs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.558167s |
tmpfs_whiteout | Passed | N/A | 0.774024s |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.822293s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.962339s | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | 50.520610s | ||
ext2fs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.689187s |
ext2fs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.658737s |
ext2fs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.724167s |
ext2fs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.639092s |
ffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.679244s |
ffs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.826412s |
ffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.663443s |
ffs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.673551s |
ffslog_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.765151s |
ffslog_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.744930s |
ffslog_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.730380s |
ffslog_times | Passed | N/A | 0.720119s |
lfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 2.431707s |
lfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 2.453123s |
lfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 2.179117s |
lfs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.867237s |
msdosfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.678224s |
msdosfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.609776s |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | 0.577658s | |
msdosfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.682754s |
nfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 2.569497s |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 2.329543s | |
nfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 2.255406s |
nfs_times | Passed | N/A | 2.461270s |
p2k_ffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 1.904114s |
p2k_ffs_flags | Passed | N/A | 1.122918s |
p2k_ffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 1.610319s |
p2k_ffs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.369610s |
puffs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.810369s |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.619235s | |
puffs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.868743s |
puffs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.972920s |
rumpfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.565379s |
rumpfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.551228s |
rumpfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.551653s |
rumpfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.561590s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.631674s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.621824s | |
sysvbfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.678065s |
sysvbfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.625393s |
tmpfs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.562093s |
tmpfs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.547605s |
tmpfs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.543699s |
tmpfs_times | Passed | N/A | 0.549566s |
v7fs_dirperms | Passed | N/A | 0.855594s |
v7fs_flags | Passed | N/A | 0.882488s |
v7fs_owner | Passed | N/A | 0.857404s |
v7fs_times | Passed | N/A | 1.265886s |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 81.219398s | ||
ext2fs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.695202s |
ext2fs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.660117s |
ext2fs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.770389s |
ext2fs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.651286s |
ext2fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.643689s |
ext2fs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.644993s |
ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.729117s |
ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.659955s |
ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.961162s |
ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.990283s |
ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.645512s |
ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.725004s |
ffslog_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.894438s |
ffslog_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.965630s |
ffslog_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.744527s |
ffslog_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.663315s |
ffslog_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.677343s |
ffslog_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.677130s |
lfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.982699s |
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/amd64/work/2012. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | 2.015569s | |
lfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.974091s |
lfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.909657s |
lfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.854021s |
lfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 2.247433s |
msdosfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.638419s |
msdosfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.625905s |
msdosfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.647592s |
msdosfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.616781s |
msdosfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.623852s |
msdosfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.615600s |
nfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 2.432071s |
nfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 4.273044s |
nfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 2.535710s |
nfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 4.339417s |
nfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 4.434968s |
nfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 4.091005s |
p2k_ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 1.627565s |
p2k_ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 1.509209s |
p2k_ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 1.325150s |
p2k_ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 1.093012s |
p2k_ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 1.173767s |
p2k_ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 1.184390s |
puffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.910751s |
puffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.752226s |
puffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.913323s |
puffs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.752847s |
puffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.894382s |
puffs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.892176s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.579165s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.552701s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.570356s | |
rumpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.537321s |
rumpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.546462s |
rumpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.613233s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.658818s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.683526s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.720922s | |
sysvbfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.618691s |
sysvbfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.666739s |
sysvbfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.583636s |
tmpfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A | 0.541711s |
tmpfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A | 0.551111s |
tmpfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A | 0.547149s |
tmpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.534039s |
tmpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.546125s |
tmpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.528540s |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.898618s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.784416s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.965004s | |
v7fs_tmount | Passed | N/A | 0.813720s |
v7fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A | 0.768208s |
v7fs_tsync | Passed | N/A | 0.885255s |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | 261.489008s | ||
ext2fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.929236s |
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.914935s |
ext2fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.746417s |
ext2fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.815057s |
ext2fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.704731s |
ext2fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.735054s |
ext2fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.667579s |
ext2fs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.690174s |
ext2fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.667939s |
ext2fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.676353s |
ext2fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.665480s |
ext2fs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.690182s |
ext2fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.806817s |
ext2fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.803895s |
ext2fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.670676s |
ext2fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.701216s |
ext2fs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.683474s |
ext2fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.693234s |
ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.717981s |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.750991s |
ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.768501s |
ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.689411s |
ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.708050s |
ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.969682s |
ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.703350s |
ffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.721706s |
ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.716239s |
ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.691665s |
ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.748461s |
ffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.687445s |
ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.878871s |
ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.929813s |
ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.682825s |
ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.705305s |
ffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.801069s |
ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.679070s |
ffslog_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.773098s |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.763259s |
ffslog_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.721241s |
ffslog_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.716380s |
ffslog_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.773790s |
ffslog_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.732852s |
ffslog_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.727538s |
ffslog_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.836802s |
ffslog_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.815791s |
ffslog_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.781114s |
ffslog_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.858632s |
ffslog_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.741602s |
ffslog_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.008474s |
ffslog_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.825804s |
ffslog_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.980969s |
ffslog_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.742397s |
ffslog_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.799307s |
ffslog_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.890859s |
lfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.190376s |
lfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.116243s |
lfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 2.048317s |
lfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 2.067909s |
lfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 2.043653s |
lfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.138491s |
lfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.060119s |
lfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 2.189862s |
lfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 2.326003s |
lfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 2.058657s |
lfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.213290s |
lfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 2.273783s |
lfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 2.060604s |
lfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 2.209935s |
lfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 2.081794s |
lfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 2.083935s |
lfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 2.087696s |
lfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 2.595179s |
msdosfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.763037s |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.665607s |
msdosfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.689334s |
msdosfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.659175s |
msdosfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.690122s |
msdosfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.668719s |
msdosfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.666950s |
msdosfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.684057s |
msdosfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.688030s |
msdosfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.685000s |
msdosfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.680006s |
msdosfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.664234s |
msdosfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.828211s |
msdosfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.686406s |
msdosfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.668569s |
msdosfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.687881s |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.653013s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.655835s | |
nfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 2.480578s |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 2.230321s |
nfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 4.771174s |
nfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 3.514447s |
nfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 4.317367s |
nfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 5.121891s |
nfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 4.404449s |
nfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 4.669819s |
nfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 4.866440s |
nfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 4.286262s |
nfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 4.377613s |
nfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 4.639266s |
nfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 4.950440s |
nfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 3.457141s |
nfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 4.693395s |
nfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 4.829705s |
nfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 4.540761s |
nfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 2.392811s |
p2k_ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.821153s |
p2k_ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 1.301946s |
p2k_ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.377361s |
p2k_ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.589143s |
p2k_ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.207102s |
p2k_ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.273275s |
p2k_ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.284817s |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.292834s |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 1.130115s |
p2k_ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 1.630020s |
p2k_ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.091579s |
p2k_ffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 1.151688s |
p2k_ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.952072s |
p2k_ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.170149s |
p2k_ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 1.168634s |
p2k_ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.231759s |
p2k_ffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 1.105180s |
p2k_ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 1.092051s |
puffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.947333s |
puffs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.934122s |
puffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.893345s |
puffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.913024s |
puffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 1.139097s |
puffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.829765s |
puffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.831915s |
puffs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.836160s |
puffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.831966s |
puffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.833896s |
puffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.835364s |
puffs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.912330s |
puffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.073967s |
puffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.855333s |
puffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.832680s |
puffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.833437s |
puffs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.912701s |
puffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.875763s |
rumpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.581777s |
rumpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.573051s |
rumpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.575325s |
rumpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.569457s |
rumpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.579965s |
rumpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.572354s |
rumpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.579517s |
rumpfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.585998s |
rumpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.580980s |
rumpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.560495s |
rumpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.566544s |
rumpfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.590618s |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.580511s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.566598s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.571013s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.569072s | |
rumpfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.580925s |
rumpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.580048s |
sysvbfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.667324s |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.638579s |
sysvbfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.773246s |
sysvbfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.644659s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.634472s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.658590s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.655556s | |
sysvbfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.715503s |
sysvbfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.687770s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.648650s | |
sysvbfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.658698s |
sysvbfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.665758s |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.652684s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.658630s | |
sysvbfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.644108s |
sysvbfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.668276s |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.665629s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.663863s | |
tmpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.618283s |
tmpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.622690s |
tmpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.611201s |
tmpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.597674s |
tmpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.620457s |
tmpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.614841s |
tmpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.596685s |
tmpfs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 0.592034s |
tmpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.575352s |
tmpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.599230s |
tmpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.588599s |
tmpfs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.586827s |
tmpfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.613194s |
tmpfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.596146s |
tmpfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.663920s |
tmpfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 0.639600s |
tmpfs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.576618s |
tmpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.572891s |
v7fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.145891s |
v7fs_attrs | Passed | N/A | 0.933789s |
v7fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A | 1.046875s |
v7fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.890670s |
v7fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A | 0.909338s |
v7fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A | 1.027306s |
v7fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.893875s |
v7fs_fcntl_getlock_pids | Passed | N/A | 1.051003s |
v7fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A | 0.956055s |
v7fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A | 0.894759s |
v7fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.817653s |
v7fs_read_directory | Passed | N/A | 0.827218s |
v7fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.348409s |
v7fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A | 0.936829s |
v7fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A | 0.982994s |
v7fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A | 1.047746s |
v7fs_symlink_root | Passed | N/A | 0.973197s |
v7fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A | 0.850924s |
fs/zfs/t_zpool | 3.875049s | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 3.844934s | |
games/t_factor | 0.023320s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.006529s | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.003377s | |
include/machine/t_bswap | 0.354167s | ||
bswap16_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055470s |
bswap16_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.049611s |
bswap32_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.054084s |
bswap32_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.052776s |
bswap64_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051768s |
bswap64_unconst | Passed | N/A | 0.048749s |
include/sys/t_bitops | 0.298651s | ||
fast_divide32 | Passed | N/A | 0.053252s |
ffsfls | Passed | N/A | 0.051654s |
ilog2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.052323s |
ilog2_log2 | Passed | N/A | 0.112199s |
include/sys/t_bootblock | 0.108543s | ||
mbr_partition | Passed | N/A | 0.047249s |
mbr_sector | Passed | N/A | 0.046080s |
include/sys/t_cdefs | 0.473308s | ||
sissigned | Passed | N/A | 0.047087s |
stypefit | Passed | N/A | 0.050209s |
stypemask | Passed | N/A | 0.050599s |
stypeminmax | Passed | N/A | 0.051531s |
uissigned | Passed | N/A | 0.048507s |
utypefit | Passed | N/A | 0.049193s |
utypemask | Passed | N/A | 0.049079s |
utypeminmax | Passed | N/A | 0.049943s |
include/sys/t_socket | 0.592905s | ||
cmsg_sendfd | Passed | N/A | 0.332246s |
cmsg_sendfd_bounds | Passed | N/A | 0.244787s |
include/sys/t_tree | 1.752253s | ||
tree_rbstress | Passed | N/A | 1.741762s |
include/sys/t_types | 0.177901s | ||
types_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.050293s |
types_signed | Passed | N/A | 0.051535s |
types_unsigned | Passed | N/A | 0.052388s |
include/t_bitstring | 0.774687s | ||
bits_27 | Passed | N/A | 0.131540s |
bits_32 | Passed | N/A | 0.113902s |
bits_49 | Passed | N/A | 0.117975s |
bits_64 | Passed | N/A | 0.126982s |
bits_67 | Passed | N/A | 0.127940s |
bits_8 | Passed | N/A | 0.105012s |
include/t_errno | 0.070566s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.059475s | |
include/t_glob | 0.059741s | ||
glob_types | Passed | N/A | 0.049721s |
include/t_inttypes | 0.066722s | ||
int_fmtio | Passed | N/A | 0.056551s |
include/t_limits | 0.196262s | ||
char | Passed | N/A | 0.050757s |
posix | Passed | N/A | 0.052534s |
short | Passed | N/A | 0.049267s |
include/t_netdb | 0.069156s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.058058s | |
include/t_paths | 0.163379s | ||
paths | Passed | N/A | 0.153764s |
include/t_stdint | 0.125340s | ||
int16 | Passed | N/A | 0.052550s |
int8 | Passed | N/A | 0.050764s |
ipf/t_filter_exec | 45.884034s | ||
f1 | Passed | N/A | 1.406040s |
f10 | Passed | N/A | 3.188614s |
f11 | Passed | N/A | 1.527260s |
f12 | Passed | N/A | 1.332083s |
f13 | Passed | N/A | 1.822014s |
f14 | Passed | N/A | 1.633174s |
f15 | Passed | N/A | 0.590618s |
f16 | Passed | N/A | 0.594868s |
f17 | Passed | N/A | 0.570608s |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.306732s | |
f2 | Passed | N/A | 1.391109s |
f20 | Passed | N/A | 0.543268s |
f24 | Passed | N/A | 0.559559s |
f3 | Passed | N/A | 1.621384s |
f4 | Passed | N/A | 1.593420s |
f5 | Passed | N/A | 8.022284s |
f6 | Passed | N/A | 8.024974s |
f7 | Passed | N/A | 1.711963s |
f8 | Passed | N/A | 1.288869s |
f9 | Passed | N/A | 3.055644s |
ipv6_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.724244s |
ipv6_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.059130s |
ipv6_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.727435s |
ipv6_5 | Passed | N/A | 0.908791s |
ipv6_6 | Passed | N/A | 1.393406s |
ipf/t_filter_parse | 11.004937s | ||
i1 | Passed | N/A | 0.543416s |
i10 | Passed | N/A | 0.508838s |
i11 | Passed | N/A | 0.508217s |
i12 | Passed | N/A | 0.488651s |
i13 | Passed | N/A | 0.489507s |
i14 | Passed | N/A | 0.511763s |
i15 | Passed | N/A | 0.487634s |
i16 | Passed | N/A | 0.476651s |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.301652s | |
i18 | Passed | N/A | 0.508534s |
i19 | Passed | N/A | 0.922514s |
i2 | Passed | N/A | 0.513876s |
i20 | Passed | N/A | 0.507642s |
i21 | Passed | N/A | 0.513268s |
i3 | Passed | N/A | 0.482630s |
i4 | Passed | N/A | 0.492685s |
i5 | Passed | N/A | 0.487008s |
i6 | Passed | N/A | 0.500760s |
i7 | Passed | N/A | 0.519660s |
i8 | Passed | N/A | 0.550432s |
i9 | Passed | N/A | 0.501443s |
ipf/t_logging | 4.424364s | ||
l1 | Passed | N/A | 4.406657s |
ipf/t_nat_exec | 3.773825s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.275868s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.298677s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.296485s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.292996s | |
n16 | Passed | N/A | 0.666670s |
n17 | Passed | N/A | 0.664211s |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.289194s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.308082s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.308611s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.291984s | |
ipf/t_nat_ipf_exec | 4.940988s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.304503s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.310902s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.289947s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.296422s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.298188s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.306821s | |
ni21 | Passed | N/A | 0.606601s |
ni23 | Passed | N/A | 0.611038s |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.290870s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.290452s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.300793s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.304245s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.303466s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.311403s | |
ipf/t_nat_parse | 2.640860s | ||
in1 | Passed | N/A | 0.526408s |
in3 | Passed | N/A | 0.508962s |
in4 | Passed | N/A | 0.515953s |
in5 | Passed | N/A | 0.533950s |
in6 | Passed | N/A | 0.508080s |
ipf/t_pools | 3.591851s | ||
ip1 | Passed | N/A | 0.589514s |
ip2 | Passed | N/A | 0.550421s |
p1 | Passed | N/A | 0.609143s |
p2 | Passed | N/A | 0.592932s |
p3 | Passed | N/A | 0.581660s |
p5 | Passed | N/A | 0.592100s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_fifo | 0.081193s | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.069184s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file | 12.135704s | ||
file | Passed | N/A | 12.124729s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file2 | 0.063645s | ||
file2 | Passed | N/A | 0.051649s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_pipe | 0.065037s | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A | 0.054963s |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_ttypty | 4.024379s | ||
master | Passed | N/A | 1.936995s |
slave | Passed | N/A | 2.071869s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_fifo | 0.075630s | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.065302s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_pipe | 0.184397s | ||
pipe1 | Passed | N/A | 0.048490s |
pipe2 | Passed | N/A | 0.064707s |
pipe3 | Passed | N/A | 0.048390s |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_ttypty | 4.170854s | ||
master | Passed | N/A | 2.080290s |
slave | Passed | N/A | 2.071477s |
kernel/kqueue/t_ioctl | 0.133838s | ||
kfilter_byfilter | Passed | N/A | 0.059216s |
kfilter_byname | Passed | N/A | 0.059409s |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc1 | 4.108238s | ||
proc1 | Passed | N/A | 4.097685s |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc2 | 3.914985s | ||
proc2 | Passed | N/A | 3.904462s |
kernel/kqueue/t_sig | 24.052491s | ||
sig | Passed | N/A | 24.044335s |
kernel/tty/t_pr | 1.056302s | ||
client_first | Passed | N/A | 0.437066s |
master_first | Passed | N/A | 0.328057s |
ptyioctl | Passed | N/A | 0.224836s |
kernel/t_lock | 2.067700s | ||
lock | Passed | N/A | 2.053424s |
kernel/t_pty | 12.224953s | ||
pty_no_queue | Passed | N/A | 6.094217s |
pty_queue | Passed | N/A | 6.113825s |
kernel/t_rnd | 0.512990s | ||
RNDADDDATA | Passed | N/A | 0.280342s |
RNDADDDATA2 | Passed | N/A | 0.215331s |
kernel/t_extattrctl | 0.269012s | ||
extattrctl_namei | Passed | N/A | 0.259297s |
kernel/t_filedesc | 8.181353s | ||
getfilerace | Passed | N/A | 8.171990s |
kernel/t_subr_prf | 0.221060s | ||
snprintf_count | Passed | N/A | 0.048191s |
snprintf_count_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.049284s |
snprintf_print | Passed | N/A | 0.047367s |
snprintf_print_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.047754s |
kernel/t_extent | 0.661122s | ||
bound1 | Passed | N/A | 0.051927s |
bound2 | Passed | N/A | 0.050620s |
bound3 | Passed | N/A | 0.051107s |
bound4 | Passed | N/A | 0.051312s |
bound5 | Passed | N/A | 0.055827s |
coalesce | Passed | N/A | 0.056361s |
free | Passed | N/A | 0.057213s |
subregion1 | Passed | N/A | 0.051208s |
subregion2 | Passed | N/A | 0.052283s |
subregion3 | Passed | N/A | 0.051902s |
subregion4 | Passed | N/A | 0.052839s |
kernel/t_umount | 3.852465s | ||
umount | Passed | N/A | 3.767061s |
kernel/t_ps_strings | 1.066130s | ||
update | Passed | N/A | 0.622376s |
validate | Passed | N/A | 0.424850s |
lib/csu/t_crt0 | 2.010042s | ||
initfini1 | Passed | N/A | 0.458924s |
initfini2 | Passed | N/A | 0.430945s |
initfini3 | Passed | N/A | 0.561879s |
initfini4 | Passed | N/A | 0.525605s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_bluetooth | 0.120033s | ||
check_bt_aton | Passed | N/A | 0.057161s |
check_bt_ntoa | Passed | N/A | 0.047836s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_data | 0.114984s | ||
check_sdp_data_size | Passed | N/A | 0.050305s |
check_sdp_data_type | Passed | N/A | 0.050161s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_get | 0.566793s | ||
check_sdp_get_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.050936s |
check_sdp_get_attr | Passed | N/A | 0.049693s |
check_sdp_get_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.049233s |
check_sdp_get_data | Passed | N/A | 0.049747s |
check_sdp_get_int | Passed | N/A | 0.050436s |
check_sdp_get_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.050044s |
check_sdp_get_str | Passed | N/A | 0.052173s |
check_sdp_get_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.049924s |
check_sdp_get_url | Passed | N/A | 0.049944s |
check_sdp_get_uuid | Passed | N/A | 0.050924s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_match | 0.060477s | ||
check_sdp_match_uuid16 | Passed | N/A | 0.051745s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_put | 1.251060s | ||
check_sdp_put_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.055921s |
check_sdp_put_attr | Passed | N/A | 0.053530s |
check_sdp_put_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.053492s |
check_sdp_put_data | Passed | N/A | 0.056624s |
check_sdp_put_int | Passed | N/A | 0.052214s |
check_sdp_put_int16 | Passed | N/A | 0.051039s |
check_sdp_put_int32 | Passed | N/A | 0.051457s |
check_sdp_put_int64 | Passed | N/A | 0.052107s |
check_sdp_put_int8 | Passed | N/A | 0.048962s |
check_sdp_put_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.049722s |
check_sdp_put_str | Passed | N/A | 0.049763s |
check_sdp_put_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.049629s |
check_sdp_put_uint16 | Passed | N/A | 0.050274s |
check_sdp_put_uint32 | Passed | N/A | 0.050842s |
check_sdp_put_uint64 | Passed | N/A | 0.050344s |
check_sdp_put_uint8 | Passed | N/A | 0.049712s |
check_sdp_put_url | Passed | N/A | 0.049789s |
check_sdp_put_uuid | Passed | N/A | 0.049760s |
check_sdp_put_uuid128 | Passed | N/A | 0.048783s |
check_sdp_put_uuid16 | Passed | N/A | 0.049490s |
check_sdp_put_uuid32 | Passed | N/A | 0.052854s |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_set | 0.283155s | ||
check_sdp_set_alt | Passed | N/A | 0.049339s |
check_sdp_set_bool | Passed | N/A | 0.047572s |
check_sdp_set_int | Passed | N/A | 0.052950s |
check_sdp_set_seq | Passed | N/A | 0.048473s |
check_sdp_set_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.050513s |
lib/libc/db/t_db | 202.540751s | ||
alternate_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.260973s |
big_btree | Passed | N/A | 7.778547s |
big_hash | Passed | N/A | 2.654881s |
big_recno | Passed | N/A | 2.492903s |
bsize_ffactor | Passed | N/A | 142.301926s |
byte_orders_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.162625s |
byte_orders_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.192458s |
cursor_flags_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.006309s |
cursor_flags_recno | Passed | N/A | 0.973832s |
delete_btree | Passed | N/A | 0.914610s |
delete_recno | Passed | N/A | 0.883110s |
duplicate_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.114647s |
four_char_hash | Passed | N/A | 0.641157s |
medium_btree | Passed | N/A | 0.775123s |
medium_hash | Passed | N/A | 0.771496s |
medium_recno | Passed | N/A | 0.660707s |
random_recno | Passed | N/A | 2.575523s |
repeated_btree | Passed | N/A | 1.579742s |
repeated_hash | Passed | N/A | 1.621564s |
reverse_order_recno | Passed | N/A | 0.940395s |
reverse_recno | Passed | N/A | 1.280053s |
small_btree | Passed | N/A | 0.741676s |
small_hash | Passed | N/A | 0.753601s |
small_page_btree | Passed | N/A | 25.397952s |
small_recno | Passed | N/A | 0.688869s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawn | 0.498341s | ||
t_spawn_child | Passed | N/A | 0.113755s |
t_spawn_ls | Passed | N/A | 0.055065s |
t_spawn_missing | Passed | N/A | 0.052370s |
t_spawn_nonexec | Passed | N/A | 0.054037s |
t_spawn_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.116811s |
t_spawnp_ls | Passed | N/A | 0.056515s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_fileactions | 0.978076s | ||
t_spawn_empty_fileactions | Passed | N/A | 0.519782s |
t_spawn_fileactions | Passed | N/A | 0.078038s |
t_spawn_open_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.056511s |
t_spawn_open_nonexistent_diag | Passed | N/A | 0.057390s |
t_spawn_openmode | Passed | N/A | 0.133589s |
t_spawn_reopen | Passed | N/A | 0.079121s |
lib/libc/gen/posix_spawn/t_spawnattr | 0.093571s | ||
t_spawnattr | Passed | N/A | 0.083585s |
lib/libc/gen/t_alarm | 2.208020s | ||
alarm_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.069313s |
alarm_fork | Passed | N/A | 0.058683s |
alarm_previous | Passed | N/A | 0.054699s |
lib/libc/gen/t_assert | 0.160527s | ||
assert_false | Passed | N/A | 0.057488s |
assert_true | Passed | N/A | 0.083605s |
lib/libc/gen/t_basedirname | 0.125692s | ||
basename_posix | Passed | N/A | 0.053053s |
dirname_posix | Passed | N/A | 0.054330s |
lib/libc/gen/t_closefrom | 0.331267s | ||
closefrom_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.094688s |
closefrom_buffer | Passed | N/A | 0.094457s |
closefrom_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051903s |
closefrom_one | Passed | N/A | 0.058879s |
lib/libc/gen/t_cpuset | 0.188544s | ||
cpuset_err | Passed | N/A | 0.055295s |
cpuset_set | Passed | N/A | 0.054649s |
cpuset_size | Passed | N/A | 0.053557s |
lib/libc/gen/t_dir | 0.249760s | ||
seekdir_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055888s |
telldir_leak | Passed | N/A | 0.171376s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fmtcheck | 0.063009s | ||
fmtcheck_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051684s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fnmatch | 0.361596s | ||
fnmatch_backslashes | Passed | N/A | 0.051132s |
fnmatch_casefold | Passed | N/A | 0.053985s |
fnmatch_leadingdir | Passed | N/A | 0.053243s |
fnmatch_noescape | Passed | N/A | 0.051513s |
fnmatch_pathname | Passed | N/A | 0.051487s |
fnmatch_period | Passed | N/A | 0.052322s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpclassify | 1.629309s | ||
fpclassify_double | Passed | N/A | 0.053763s |
fpclassify_float | Passed | N/A | 0.056947s |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetmask | 1.099034s | ||
fpsetmask_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051447s |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.183632s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.157585s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.156003s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.162434s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.168108s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.165131s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetround | 0.065946s | ||
fpsetround_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055582s |
lib/libc/gen/t_ftok | 0.162238s | ||
ftok_err | Passed | N/A | 0.050599s |
ftok_link | Passed | N/A | 0.094590s |
lib/libc/gen/t_getcwd | 0.260918s | ||
getcwd_err | Passed | N/A | 0.050955s |
getcwd_fts | Passed | N/A | 0.192912s |
lib/libc/gen/t_getgrent | 0.589625s | ||
getgrent_loop | Passed | N/A | 0.073888s |
getgrent_setgid | Passed | N/A | 0.451291s |
lib/libc/gen/t_glob | 0.151565s | ||
glob_star | Passed | N/A | 0.082356s |
glob_star_not | Passed | N/A | 0.050710s |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | 0.122571s | ||
humanize_number_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.053570s |
humanize_number_big | Passed | N/A | 0.054877s |
lib/libc/gen/t_isnan | 0.104282s | ||
isinf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.046780s |
isnan_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043578s |
lib/libc/gen/t_nice | 0.516595s | ||
nice_err | Passed | N/A | 0.071261s |
nice_priority | Passed | N/A | 0.184374s |
nice_root | Passed | N/A | 0.049584s |
nice_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.057223s |
lib/libc/gen/t_pause | 6.151828s | ||
pause_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.063085s |
pause_kill | Passed | N/A | 4.074060s |
lib/libc/gen/t_raise | 2.839628s | ||
raise_err | Passed | N/A | 0.044613s |
raise_ret | Passed | N/A | 2.068023s |
raise_sig | Passed | N/A | 0.233289s |
raise_stress | Passed | N/A | 0.467828s |
lib/libc/gen/t_randomid | 4.133139s | ||
randomid_basic | Passed | N/A | 4.124813s |
lib/libc/gen/t_realpath | 0.165781s | ||
realpath_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048704s |
realpath_huge | Passed | N/A | 0.046136s |
realpath_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.050107s |
lib/libc/gen/t_setdomainname | 0.288230s | ||
setdomainname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.087004s |
setdomainname_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.085459s |
setdomainname_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.094903s |
lib/libc/gen/t_sethostname | 0.289541s | ||
sethostname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.085891s |
sethostname_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.088686s |
sethostname_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.094317s |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 6.896958s | ||
sigalarm | Passed | N/A | 2.066707s |
Expected failure | QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected | 0.218095s | |
sigchild_dump | Passed | N/A | 2.116545s |
sigchild_kill | Passed | N/A | 0.058984s |
sigchild_normal | Passed | N/A | 2.078556s |
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | 0.133914s | |
sigfpe_int | Passed | N/A | 0.083484s |
sigsegv | Passed | N/A | 0.086674s |
lib/libc/gen/t_syslog | 0.089033s | ||
syslog_pthread | Passed | N/A | 0.080085s |
lib/libc/gen/t_time | 20.046334s | ||
time_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.047740s |
time_mono | Passed | N/A | 19.928011s |
time_timeofday | Passed | N/A | 0.052393s |
lib/libc/gen/t_ttyname | 0.246596s | ||
ttyname_err | Passed | N/A | 0.065693s |
ttyname_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.057103s |
ttyname_r_stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.050109s |
ttyname_stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.048318s |
lib/libc/gen/t_vis | 0.113979s | ||
strunvis_hex | Passed | N/A | 0.051701s |
strvis_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051418s |
lib/libc/hash/t_sha2 | 0.165373s | ||
t_sha256 | Passed | N/A | 0.049394s |
t_sha384 | Passed | N/A | 0.049665s |
t_sha512 | Passed | N/A | 0.050017s |
lib/libc/hash/t_hash | 5.567309s | ||
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.531735s |
sha1 | Passed | N/A | 5.020339s |
lib/libc/inet/t_inet_network | 0.247540s | ||
inet_addr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.059068s |
inet_addr_err | Passed | N/A | 0.060711s |
inet_network_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.049325s |
inet_network_err | Passed | N/A | 0.050774s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbrtowc | 0.241403s | ||
mbrtowc_internal | Passed | N/A | 0.134367s |
mbrtowc_object | Passed | N/A | 0.091460s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbstowcs | 0.094969s | ||
mbstowcs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.086036s |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbtowc | 0.429817s | ||
mbtowc | Passed | N/A | 0.420499s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcscspn | 0.172122s | ||
wcscspn | Passed | N/A | 0.161608s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcspbrk | 0.057375s | ||
wcspbrk | Passed | N/A | 0.047953s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcsspn | 0.063804s | ||
wcsspn | Passed | N/A | 0.049153s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcstod | 2.780059s | ||
wcstod | Passed | N/A | 2.770700s |
lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb | 0.217629s | ||
wcrtomb | Passed | N/A | 0.068353s |
wcrtomb_state | Passed | N/A | 0.063829s |
wctomb | Passed | N/A | 0.063624s |
lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo/t_getaddrinfo | 4.532264s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.859381s |
empty_hostname | Passed | N/A | 0.816758s |
empty_servname | Passed | N/A | 0.602128s |
scopeaddr | Passed | N/A | 0.447955s |
sock_raw | Passed | N/A | 0.698948s |
specific | Passed | N/A | 0.610486s |
unsupported_family | Passed | N/A | 0.436895s |
lib/libc/net/t_getprotoent | 0.485554s | ||
endprotoent_rewind | Passed | N/A | 0.059494s |
getprotobyname_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.064294s |
getprotobyname_err | Passed | N/A | 0.077468s |
getprotobynumber_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.060855s |
getprotobynumber_err | Passed | N/A | 0.061947s |
getprotoent_next | Passed | N/A | 0.053589s |
setprotoent_rewind | Passed | N/A | 0.055439s |
lib/libc/net/t_ether_aton | 0.065934s | ||
tc_ether_aton | Passed | N/A | 0.054367s |
lib/libc/net/t_nsdispatch | 0.686304s | ||
recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.675465s |
lib/libc/net/t_protoent | 0.929036s | ||
protoent | Passed | N/A | 0.871812s |
lib/libc/net/t_servent | 5.723724s | ||
servent | Passed | N/A | 5.699408s |
lib/libc/regex/t_exhaust | 5.665758s | ||
regcomp_too_big | Passed | N/A | 5.656410s |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex | 17.852332s | ||
anchor | Passed | N/A | 0.684081s |
backref | Passed | N/A | 0.803988s |
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.715239s |
bracket | Passed | N/A | 0.860459s |
c_comments | Passed | N/A | 2.932654s |
complex | Passed | N/A | 0.690306s |
error | Passed | N/A | 0.777221s |
meta | Passed | N/A | 0.730142s |
nospec | Passed | N/A | 0.713843s |
paren | Passed | N/A | 1.008159s |
regress | Passed | N/A | 0.700977s |
repet_bounded | Passed | N/A | 0.838070s |
repet_multi | Passed | N/A | 0.754097s |
repet_ordinary | Passed | N/A | 0.704837s |
startend | Passed | N/A | 0.669421s |
subexp | Passed | N/A | 0.683602s |
subtle | Passed | N/A | 0.679154s |
word_bound | Passed | N/A | 0.667327s |
zero | Passed | N/A | 0.676876s |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex_att | 2.885948s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.521791s |
categorization | Passed | N/A | 0.460972s |
forcedassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.460919s |
nullsubexpr | Passed | N/A | 0.463911s |
repetition | Passed | N/A | 0.480837s |
rightassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.458269s |
lib/libc/rpc/t_xdr | 0.056241s | ||
xdr | Passed | N/A | 0.045698s |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_setjmp | 0.220061s | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.049719s |
setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.047208s |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A | 0.047097s |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A | 0.046608s |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_threadjmp | 0.349192s | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.053454s |
setjmp | Passed | N/A | 0.051628s |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A | 0.052370s |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A | 0.137268s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_abs | 0.214097s | ||
abs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047457s |
imaxabs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.046482s |
labs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047072s |
llabs_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045472s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atoi | 0.226667s | ||
atof_strtod | Passed | N/A | 0.052898s |
atoi_strtol | Passed | N/A | 0.047397s |
atol_strtol | Passed | N/A | 0.050551s |
atoll_strtoll | Passed | N/A | 0.046649s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_div | 0.162436s | ||
div_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.046972s |
ldiv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045951s |
lldiv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048119s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv | 43.152315s | ||
clearenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.200494s |
getenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047432s |
putenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.056355s |
setenv_basic | Passed | N/A | 42.764932s |
setenv_mixed | Passed | N/A | 0.050207s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getenv_thread | 39.174628s | ||
getenv_r_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.167911s |
putenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.990925s |
setenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.994014s |
unsetenv_thread | Passed | N/A | 9.993643s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_exit | 0.322086s | ||
exit_atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.055295s |
exit_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055866s |
exit_status | Passed | N/A | 0.115025s |
exit_tmpfile | Passed | N/A | 0.067151s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_hsearch | 0.441699s | ||
hsearch_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051095s |
hsearch_duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.047708s |
hsearch_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.047972s |
hsearch_r_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047693s |
hsearch_r_duplicate | Passed | N/A | 0.047893s |
hsearch_r_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.047784s |
hsearch_r_two | Passed | N/A | 0.047905s |
hsearch_two | Passed | N/A | 0.048661s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_mi_vector_hash | 0.057931s | ||
mi_vector_hash_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048238s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_posix_memalign | 0.067465s | ||
posix_memalign_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.058357s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_random | 0.116234s | ||
random_same | Passed | N/A | 0.107238s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | 0.799006s | ||
strtod_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.061206s |
strtod_hex | Passed | N/A | 0.051122s |
strtod_inf | Passed | N/A | 0.050268s |
strtod_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050216s |
strtod_round | Passed | N/A | 0.053696s |
strtod_underflow | Passed | N/A | 0.051505s |
strtof_inf | Passed | N/A | 0.051154s |
strtof_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050155s |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(ld) != 0 not met | 0.162040s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isnan(ld) != 0 not met | 0.142949s | |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtol | 0.219180s | ||
strtol_base | Passed | N/A | 0.048423s |
strtol_case | Passed | N/A | 0.047467s |
strtol_range | Passed | N/A | 0.046708s |
strtol_signed | Passed | N/A | 0.047699s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_system | 0.277779s | ||
system_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.268304s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atexit | 0.415695s | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.403999s |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getopt | 3.417061s | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A | 2.044056s |
getopt_long | Passed | N/A | 1.356871s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_clearerr | 0.119754s | ||
clearerr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.052951s |
clearerr_err | Passed | N/A | 0.050563s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fflush | 0.306258s | ||
fflush_err | Passed | N/A | 0.092518s |
fflush_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.095266s |
fpurge_err | Passed | N/A | 0.094588s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fmemopen | 1.739348s | ||
test00 | Passed | N/A | 0.051899s |
test01 | Passed | N/A | 0.051745s |
test02 | Passed | N/A | 0.051790s |
test03 | Passed | N/A | 0.051115s |
test04 | Passed | N/A | 0.051553s |
test05 | Passed | N/A | 0.049997s |
test06 | Passed | N/A | 0.050452s |
test07 | Passed | N/A | 0.052433s |
test08 | Passed | N/A | 0.051841s |
test09 | Passed | N/A | 0.097398s |
test10 | Passed | N/A | 0.086652s |
test11 | Passed | N/A | 0.076259s |
test12 | Passed | N/A | 0.066020s |
test13 | Passed | N/A | 0.067449s |
test14 | Passed | N/A | 0.067167s |
test15 | Passed | N/A | 0.075372s |
test16 | Passed | N/A | 0.056128s |
test17 | Passed | N/A | 0.061687s |
test18 | Passed | N/A | 0.053994s |
test19 | Passed | N/A | 0.094469s |
test20 | Passed | N/A | 0.058252s |
test21 | Passed | N/A | 0.066487s |
test22 | Passed | N/A | 0.167760s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fopen | 1.483167s | ||
fdopen_close | Passed | N/A | 0.093013s |
fdopen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.101367s |
fdopen_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.093156s |
fopen_append | Passed | N/A | 0.093487s |
fopen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.091825s |
fopen_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.095051s |
fopen_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.066382s |
fopen_regular | Passed | N/A | 0.051068s |
fopen_seek | Passed | N/A | 0.095908s |
freopen_std | Passed | N/A | 0.631266s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fputc | 0.627403s | ||
fputc_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.093610s |
fputc_err | Passed | N/A | 0.091508s |
putc_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.092592s |
putc_err | Passed | N/A | 0.090435s |
putc_unlocked_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.092984s |
putc_unlocked_err | Passed | N/A | 0.091504s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_popen | 0.533152s | ||
popen_zeropad | Passed | N/A | 0.523350s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_printf | 1.560694s | ||
snprintf_c99 | Passed | N/A | 0.054358s |
snprintf_dotzero | Passed | N/A | 0.049716s |
snprintf_float | Passed | N/A | 1.209990s |
snprintf_posarg | Passed | N/A | 0.048954s |
snprintf_posarg_error | Passed | N/A | 0.049447s |
snprintf_posarg_width | Passed | N/A | 0.048780s |
sprintf_zeropad | Passed | N/A | 0.049160s |
lib/libc/stdio/t_scanf | 0.117077s | ||
sscanf_neghex | Passed | N/A | 0.051333s |
sscanf_whitespace | Passed | N/A | 0.048512s |
lib/libc/string/t_memchr | 0.171032s | ||
memchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.048948s |
memchr_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.049724s |
memrchr_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.048380s |
lib/libc/string/t_memcpy | 7.314695s | ||
memccpy_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.119330s |
memcpy_basic | Passed | N/A | 7.138355s |
lib/libc/string/t_memmem | 0.055800s | ||
memmem_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044005s |
lib/libc/string/t_memset | 0.209267s | ||
memset_array | Passed | N/A | 0.050594s |
memset_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043317s |
memset_nonzero | Passed | N/A | 0.046837s |
memset_struct | Passed | N/A | 0.044273s |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | 0.107645s | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.045763s | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.043899s | |
lib/libc/string/t_strcat | 0.153086s | ||
strcat_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.094202s |
strncat_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.043055s |
lib/libc/string/t_strchr | 0.055519s | ||
strchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047315s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcmp | 0.101581s | ||
strcmp_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044687s |
strcmp_simple | Passed | N/A | 0.043517s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcpy | 0.053211s | ||
strcpy_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045238s |
lib/libc/string/t_strcspn | 0.051876s | ||
strcspn | Passed | N/A | 0.043895s |
lib/libc/string/t_strerror | 0.408331s | ||
strerror_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.145773s |
strerror_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046892s |
strerror_r_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.141089s |
strerror_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.048288s |
lib/libc/string/t_stresep | 0.052431s | ||
stresep_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044347s |
lib/libc/string/t_strlen | 0.552409s | ||
strlen_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044529s |
strlen_huge | Passed | N/A | 0.444538s |
strnlen_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043502s |
lib/libc/string/t_strpbrk | 0.051677s | ||
strpbrk | Passed | N/A | 0.043419s |
lib/libc/string/t_strrchr | 0.053312s | ||
strrchr_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.045058s |
lib/libc/string/t_strspn | 0.072675s | ||
strspn | Passed | N/A | 0.043950s |
lib/libc/string/t_swab | 0.053949s | ||
swab_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.044761s |
lib/libc/sys/t_access | 0.380421s | ||
access_access | Passed | N/A | 0.111260s |
access_fault | Passed | N/A | 0.045519s |
access_inval | Passed | N/A | 0.044858s |
access_notdir | Passed | N/A | 0.045145s |
access_notexist | Passed | N/A | 0.047730s |
access_toolong | Passed | N/A | 0.047935s |
lib/libc/sys/t_chroot | 0.394017s | ||
chroot_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.073236s |
chroot_err | Passed | N/A | 0.045867s |
chroot_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.057726s |
fchroot_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.057672s |
fchroot_err | Passed | N/A | 0.045883s |
fchroot_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.067831s |
lib/libc/sys/t_clock_gettime | 29.905120s | ||
clock_gettime_real | Passed | N/A | 29.896397s |
lib/libc/sys/t_clone | 0.224915s | ||
clone_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055483s |
clone_null_func | Passed | N/A | 0.045907s |
clone_null_stack | Passed | N/A | 0.047372s |
clone_out_of_proc | Passed | N/A | 0.053884s |
lib/libc/sys/t_connect | 0.080395s | ||
connect_low_port | Passed | N/A | 0.071077s |
lib/libc/sys/t_dup | 0.735715s | ||
dup2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.046863s |
dup2_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046045s |
dup2_max | Passed | N/A | 0.047173s |
dup2_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.098308s |
dup3_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046570s |
dup3_max | Passed | N/A | 0.046437s |
dup3_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.096744s |
dup_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046838s |
dup_max | Passed | N/A | 0.096716s |
dup_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.097836s |
lib/libc/sys/t_fsync | 1.333568s | ||
fsync_err | Passed | N/A | 0.045949s |
fsync_sync | Passed | N/A | 1.271350s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getcontext | 0.161858s | ||
getcontext_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046896s |
setcontext_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046329s |
setcontext_link | Passed | N/A | 0.047156s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getgroups | 0.263143s | ||
getgroups_err | Passed | N/A | 0.057401s |
getgroups_getgid | Passed | N/A | 0.047039s |
getgroups_setgid | Passed | N/A | 0.080329s |
getgroups_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.046019s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getitimer | 0.293096s | ||
getitimer_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.046785s |
getitimer_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046160s |
setitimer_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.073204s |
setitimer_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046163s |
setitimer_old | Passed | N/A | 0.046599s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getlogin | 0.298562s | ||
getlogin_r_err | Passed | N/A | 0.048152s |
getlogin_same | Passed | N/A | 0.047361s |
setlogin_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.054580s |
setlogin_err | Passed | N/A | 0.053923s |
setlogin_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.060064s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getpid | 0.193852s | ||
getpid_process | Passed | N/A | 0.118490s |
getpid_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.059152s |
lib/libc/sys/t_getrusage | 7.911119s | ||
getrusage_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051043s |
getrusage_sig | Passed | N/A | 0.051938s |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: user time went backwards | 7.707730s | |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | 0.066280s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_getsid | 0.182852s | ||
getsid_current | Passed | N/A | 0.056554s |
getsid_err | Passed | N/A | 0.048317s |
getsid_process | Passed | N/A | 0.055294s |
lib/libc/sys/t_gettimeofday | 0.132918s | ||
gettimeofday_err | Passed | N/A | 0.060437s |
gettimeofday_mono | Passed | N/A | 0.055294s |
lib/libc/sys/t_issetugid | 0.367920s | ||
issetugid_egid | Passed | N/A | 0.086208s |
issetugid_euid | Passed | N/A | 0.079028s |
issetugid_rgid | Passed | N/A | 0.070509s |
issetugid_ruid | Passed | N/A | 0.098482s |
lib/libc/sys/t_kevent | 0.065495s | ||
kevent_zerotimer | Passed | N/A | 0.055926s |
lib/libc/sys/t_kill | 2.355687s | ||
kill_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.054792s |
kill_err | Passed | N/A | 0.057608s |
kill_perm | Passed | N/A | 2.090419s |
kill_pgrp_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.058030s |
kill_pgrp_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.058082s |
lib/libc/sys/t_link | 0.354539s | ||
link_count | Passed | N/A | 0.089855s |
link_err | Passed | N/A | 0.089181s |
link_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.055310s |
link_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.089694s |
lib/libc/sys/t_listen | 0.161528s | ||
listen_err | Passed | N/A | 0.093072s |
listen_low_port | Passed | N/A | 0.051907s |
lib/libc/sys/t_lwp_ctl | 0.086285s | ||
lwpctl_counter | Passed | N/A | 0.076968s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mincore | 1.942209s | ||
mincore_err | Passed | N/A | 0.049938s |
mincore_resid | Passed | N/A | 1.432736s |
mincore_shmseg | Passed | N/A | 0.436951s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mkdir | 2.278861s | ||
mkdir_err | Passed | N/A | 0.048830s |
mkdir_mode | Passed | N/A | 2.044217s |
mkdir_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.099110s |
mkdir_trail | Passed | N/A | 0.056578s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mkfifo | 4.539325s | ||
mkfifo_block | Passed | N/A | 2.102614s |
mkfifo_err | Passed | N/A | 0.090695s |
mkfifo_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 2.115933s |
mkfifo_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.101195s |
mkfifo_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.092178s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mknod | 0.406536s | ||
mknod_err | Passed | N/A | 0.089123s |
mknod_exist | Passed | N/A | 0.092197s |
mknod_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.100824s |
mknod_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.092888s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mlock | 0.341632s | ||
mlock_clip | Passed | N/A | 0.050765s |
mlock_err | Passed | N/A | 0.049146s |
mlock_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.104816s |
mlock_mmap | Passed | N/A | 0.050571s |
mlock_nested | Passed | N/A | 0.049515s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mmap | 0.674325s | ||
Skipped | The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889) | 0.049588s | |
mmap_err | Passed | N/A | 0.049119s |
mmap_loan | Passed | N/A | 0.109876s |
mmap_prot_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.093730s |
mmap_prot_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.061034s |
mmap_prot_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.103654s |
mmap_truncate | Passed | N/A | 0.095550s |
mmap_va0 | Passed | N/A | 0.052425s |
lib/libc/sys/t_mprotect | 0.489237s | ||
mprotect_access | Passed | N/A | 0.092689s |
mprotect_err | Passed | N/A | 0.050437s |
mprotect_exec | Passed | N/A | 0.196611s |
mprotect_pax | Passed | N/A | 0.053359s |
mprotect_write | Passed | N/A | 0.058477s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgctl | 4.480306s | ||
msgctl_err | Passed | N/A | 0.092754s |
msgctl_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.105133s |
msgctl_pid | Passed | N/A | 4.053876s |
msgctl_set | Passed | N/A | 0.097471s |
msgctl_time | Passed | N/A | 0.093358s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgget | 0.522472s | ||
msgget_excl | Passed | N/A | 0.093098s |
msgget_exit | Passed | N/A | 0.098903s |
msgget_init | Passed | N/A | 0.092238s |
msgget_limit | Passed | N/A | 0.092105s |
msgget_mode | Passed | N/A | 0.108414s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgrcv | 8.612969s | ||
msgrcv_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.091703s |
msgrcv_block | Passed | N/A | 4.105512s |
msgrcv_err | Passed | N/A | 0.090647s |
msgrcv_mtype | Passed | N/A | 0.091208s |
msgrcv_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 4.099313s |
msgrcv_truncate | Passed | N/A | 0.090542s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msgsnd | 8.626790s | ||
msgsnd_block | Passed | N/A | 4.076065s |
msgsnd_count | Passed | N/A | 0.249735s |
msgsnd_err | Passed | N/A | 0.097550s |
msgsnd_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 4.011314s |
msgsnd_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.126667s |
lib/libc/sys/t_msync | 0.434520s | ||
msync_async | Passed | N/A | 0.100066s |
msync_err | Passed | N/A | 0.125647s |
msync_invalidate | Passed | N/A | 0.093795s |
msync_sync | Passed | N/A | 0.086838s |
lib/libc/sys/t_nanosleep | 2.520973s | ||
nanosleep_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.388280s |
nanosleep_err | Passed | N/A | 0.043451s |
nanosleep_sig | Passed | N/A | 2.066905s |
lib/libc/sys/t_pipe | 4.130396s | ||
pipe_restart | Passed | N/A | 4.122362s |
lib/libc/sys/t_pipe2 | 0.249498s | ||
pipe2_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.043979s |
pipe2_cloexec | Passed | N/A | 0.044014s |
pipe2_einval | Passed | N/A | 0.043703s |
pipe2_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 0.043785s |
pipe2_nosigpipe | Passed | N/A | 0.043525s |
lib/libc/sys/t_posix_fadvise | 0.334923s | ||
posix_fadvise | Passed | N/A | 0.063464s |
posix_fadvise_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.256921s |
lib/libc/sys/t_poll | 22.175434s | ||
poll_3way | Passed | N/A | 19.851732s |
poll_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.083033s |
poll_err | Passed | N/A | 0.048127s |
pollts_basic | Passed | N/A | 2.060009s |
pollts_err | Passed | N/A | 0.045275s |
pollts_sigmask | Passed | N/A | 0.048209s |
lib/libc/sys/t_revoke | 0.281762s | ||
revoke_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.092560s |
revoke_err | Passed | N/A | 0.062037s |
revoke_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.104996s |
lib/libc/sys/t_select | 2.140612s | ||
pselect_sigmask | Passed | N/A | 2.067114s |
pselect_timeout | Passed | N/A | 0.058625s |
lib/libc/sys/t_setrlimit | 0.599494s | ||
setrlimit_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051964s |
setrlimit_current | Passed | N/A | 0.045774s |
setrlimit_err | Passed | N/A | 0.049207s |
setrlimit_fsize | Passed | N/A | 0.100784s |
setrlimit_memlock | Passed | N/A | 0.055368s |
setrlimit_nofile_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.054085s |
setrlimit_nofile_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.059289s |
setrlimit_nproc | Passed | N/A | 0.063412s |
setrlimit_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.053278s |
lib/libc/sys/t_setuid | 0.311773s | ||
setuid_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.056353s |
setuid_real | Passed | N/A | 0.050627s |
setuid_root | Passed | N/A | 0.180940s |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigaction | 0.144000s | ||
sigaction_noflags | Passed | N/A | 0.065428s |
sigaction_resethand | Passed | N/A | 0.057654s |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigqueue | 0.109817s | ||
sigqueue_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.047556s |
sigqueue_err | Passed | N/A | 0.046885s |
lib/libc/sys/t_socketpair | 0.174690s | ||
socketpair_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055318s |
socketpair_cloexec | Passed | N/A | 0.047262s |
socketpair_nonblock | Passed | N/A | 0.048803s |
lib/libc/sys/t_stat | 8.942374s | ||
stat_chflags | Passed | N/A | 0.090897s |
stat_dir | Passed | N/A | 1.119313s |
stat_err | Passed | N/A | 0.051657s |
stat_mtime | Passed | N/A | 7.282368s |
stat_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.091693s |
stat_size | Passed | N/A | 0.094362s |
stat_socket | Passed | N/A | 0.060724s |
stat_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.093965s |
lib/libc/sys/t_timer_create | 12.433376s | ||
timer_create_err | Passed | N/A | 0.049437s |
timer_create_mono | Passed | N/A | 2.194020s |
timer_create_mono_expire | Passed | N/A | 4.068465s |
timer_create_real | Passed | N/A | 2.038557s |
timer_create_real_expire | Passed | N/A | 4.052985s |
lib/libc/sys/t_truncate | 0.353128s | ||
ftruncate_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.107411s |
ftruncate_err | Passed | N/A | 0.055793s |
truncate_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.107546s |
truncate_err | Passed | N/A | 0.056473s |
lib/libc/sys/t_ucontext | 0.067943s | ||
ucontext_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.058642s |
lib/libc/sys/t_umask | 0.351578s | ||
umask_fork | Passed | N/A | 0.141547s |
umask_open | Passed | N/A | 0.098430s |
umask_previous | Passed | N/A | 0.089181s |
lib/libc/sys/t_unlink | 0.733763s | ||
unlink_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.418365s |
unlink_err | Passed | N/A | 0.089795s |
unlink_fifo | Passed | N/A | 0.090875s |
unlink_perm | Passed | N/A | 0.101424s |
lib/libc/sys/t_write | 0.442616s | ||
write_err | Passed | N/A | 0.093082s |
write_pipe | Passed | N/A | 0.051273s |
write_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.101784s |
write_ret | Passed | N/A | 0.101839s |
writev_iovmax | Passed | N/A | 0.052973s |
lib/libc/termios/t_tcsetpgrp | 0.062109s | ||
tcsetpgrp_err | Passed | N/A | 0.052193s |
lib/libc/time/t_mktime | 0.249066s | ||
localtime_r_gmt | Passed | N/A | 0.057232s |
mktime_negyear | Passed | N/A | 0.112917s |
timegm_epoch | Passed | N/A | 0.055578s |
lib/libc/time/t_strptime | 0.180222s | ||
common | Passed | N/A | 0.052633s |
day | Passed | N/A | 0.050867s |
month | Passed | N/A | 0.052093s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_static | 0.056280s | ||
t_tls_static | Passed | N/A | 0.045567s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dynamic | 0.101594s | ||
t_tls_dynamic | Passed | N/A | 0.091315s |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dlopen | 0.109122s | ||
t_tls_dlopen | Passed | N/A | 0.098533s |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ptm | 0.136849s | ||
ptm | Passed | N/A | 0.061688s |
ptmx | Passed | N/A | 0.058077s |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio | 4.036526s | ||
ioctl | Passed | N/A | 4.026159s |
lib/libc/ssp/t_ssp | 9.516073s | ||
fgets | Passed | N/A | 0.841774s |
getcwd | Passed | N/A | 0.587321s |
gets | Passed | N/A | 0.540492s |
memcpy | Passed | N/A | 0.515535s |
memmove | Passed | N/A | 0.500418s |
memset | Passed | N/A | 0.493794s |
raw | Passed | N/A | 0.495408s |
read | Passed | N/A | 0.537971s |
readlink | Passed | N/A | 0.502565s |
snprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.500786s |
sprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.507158s |
strcat | Passed | N/A | 0.500094s |
strcpy | Passed | N/A | 0.499636s |
strncat | Passed | N/A | 0.504268s |
strncpy | Passed | N/A | 0.505337s |
vsnprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.503151s |
vsprintf | Passed | N/A | 0.512448s |
lib/libc/t_convfp | 0.225981s | ||
cast_ulong | Passed | N/A | 0.049750s |
cast_ulong2 | Passed | N/A | 0.049174s |
conv_uint | Passed | N/A | 0.046494s |
conv_ulong | Passed | N/A | 0.049653s |
lib/libc/t_gdtoa | 0.143853s | ||
long_format | Passed | N/A | 0.072529s |
lib/libcrypt/t_crypt | 0.081833s | ||
crypt_salts | Passed | N/A | 0.073140s |
lib/libcurses/t_curses | 31.966914s | ||
addch | Passed | N/A | 0.649817s |
addchnstr | Passed | N/A | 0.587085s |
addchstr | Passed | N/A | 0.572722s |
addnstr | Passed | N/A | 0.574896s |
addstr | Passed | N/A | 0.572643s |
assume_default_colors | Passed | N/A | 0.838940s |
attributes | Passed | N/A | 1.031819s |
background | Passed | N/A | 0.913054s |
box | Passed | N/A | 0.697582s |
can_change_color | Passed | N/A | 0.527791s |
cbreak | Passed | N/A | 1.074435s |
clear | Passed | N/A | 4.731160s |
copywin | Passed | N/A | 3.136874s |
curs_set | Passed | N/A | 0.631916s |
getch | Passed | N/A | 0.575417s |
getstr | Passed | N/A | 0.893195s |
mvwin | Passed | N/A | 0.872782s |
startup | Passed | N/A | 0.494424s |
termattrs | Passed | N/A | 0.553594s |
timeout | Passed | N/A | 9.081228s |
wborder | Passed | N/A | 0.671081s |
window | Passed | N/A | 0.593181s |
wprintw | Passed | N/A | 0.614916s |
wscrl | Passed | N/A | 0.914317s |
lib/libevent/t_event | 155.604561s | ||
kqueue | Passed | N/A | 53.441374s |
poll | Passed | N/A | 51.074166s |
select | Passed | N/A | 51.072911s |
lib/libm/t_acos | 0.681623s | ||
acos_cos | Passed | N/A | 0.052230s |
acos_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053019s |
acos_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050347s |
acos_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051144s |
acos_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050284s |
acos_range | Passed | N/A | 0.051235s |
acosf_cosf | Passed | N/A | 0.051173s |
acosf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051282s |
acosf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051554s |
acosf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051372s |
acosf_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051394s |
acosf_range | Passed | N/A | 0.051864s |
lib/libm/t_asin | 0.805217s | ||
asin_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052305s |
asin_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050936s |
asin_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050728s |
asin_range | Passed | N/A | 0.050741s |
asin_sin | Passed | N/A | 0.050597s |
asin_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050871s |
asin_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050529s |
asinf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051330s |
asinf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050944s |
asinf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050981s |
asinf_range | Passed | N/A | 0.050731s |
asinf_sinf | Passed | N/A | 0.050876s |
asinf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050367s |
asinf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050607s |
lib/libm/t_atan | 0.704551s | ||
atan_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052468s |
atan_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051122s |
atan_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051166s |
atan_tan | Passed | N/A | 0.050841s |
atan_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050909s |
atan_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050246s |
atanf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050121s |
atanf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051113s |
atanf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050254s |
atanf_tanf | Passed | N/A | 0.051037s |
atanf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050391s |
atanf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050176s |
lib/libm/t_cbrt | 0.693929s | ||
cbrt_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052312s |
cbrt_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050959s |
cbrt_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050605s |
cbrt_pow | Passed | N/A | 0.052460s |
cbrt_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050059s |
cbrt_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050334s |
cbrtf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050755s |
cbrtf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050974s |
cbrtf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050951s |
cbrtf_powf | Passed | N/A | 0.051410s |
cbrtf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050996s |
cbrtf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051166s |
lib/libm/t_ceil | 1.527883s | ||
ceil_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051722s |
ceil_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055323s |
ceil_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.060449s |
ceil_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.059488s |
ceil_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052193s |
ceil_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052516s |
ceilf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.053380s |
ceilf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052624s |
ceilf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055841s |
ceilf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.060103s |
ceilf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.059385s |
ceilf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.059345s |
floor_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.059530s |
floor_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.058768s |
floor_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058026s |
floor_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.052379s |
floor_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052306s |
floor_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051508s |
floorf_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.051589s |
floorf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052318s |
floorf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051599s |
floorf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051893s |
floorf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052052s |
floorf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053569s |
lib/libm/t_cos | 0.703263s | ||
cos_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.050289s |
cos_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051016s |
cos_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050054s |
cos_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.049904s |
cos_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050518s |
cos_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050554s |
cosf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.051027s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051929s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.051195s | |
cosf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051342s |
cosf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050263s |
cosf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050379s |
lib/libm/t_cosh | 0.719252s | ||
cosh_def | Passed | N/A | 0.059575s |
cosh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049051s |
cosh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058164s |
cosh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051149s |
cosh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051157s |
cosh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051362s |
coshf_def | Passed | N/A | 0.068050s |
coshf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051038s |
coshf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051366s |
coshf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050856s |
coshf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050474s |
coshf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050063s |
lib/libm/t_erf | 0.929047s | ||
erf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.050755s |
erf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.050773s |
erf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051354s |
erf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051204s |
erf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051784s |
erfc_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051194s |
erfc_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051422s |
erfc_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051545s |
erfcf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051102s |
erfcf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051743s |
erfcf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.051195s |
erff_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051312s |
erff_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051181s |
erff_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.050594s |
erff_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052244s |
erff_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.051570s |
lib/libm/t_exp | 2.090005s | ||
exp2_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.055190s |
exp2_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055337s |
exp2_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.053564s |
exp2_product | Passed | N/A | 0.053552s |
exp2_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053693s |
exp2_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.055009s |
exp2f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054041s |
exp2f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054045s |
exp2f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.054140s |
exp2f_product | Passed | N/A | 0.054057s |
exp2f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053359s |
exp2f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053538s |
exp_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054192s |
exp_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054022s |
exp_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.053967s |
exp_product | Passed | N/A | 0.054042s |
exp_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053902s |
exp_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053722s |
expf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054048s |
expf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054284s |
expf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.053528s |
expf_product | Passed | N/A | 0.053948s |
expf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054339s |
expf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053703s |
expm1_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054524s |
expm1_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054634s |
expm1_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.053537s |
expm1_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.053944s |
expm1_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057176s |
expm1f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054270s |
expm1f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.054215s |
expm1f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.054818s |
expm1f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.054071s |
expm1f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.053924s |
lib/libm/t_infinity | 0.288155s | ||
infinity_double | Passed | N/A | 0.050813s |
infinity_float | Passed | N/A | 0.049989s |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(v) not met | 0.163720s | |
lib/libm/t_ldexp | 1.132944s | ||
ldexp_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.055274s |
ldexp_denormal | Passed | N/A | 0.053568s |
ldexp_denormal_large | Passed | N/A | 0.055278s |
ldexp_exp2 | Passed | N/A | 0.052111s |
ldexp_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052216s |
ldexp_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052468s |
ldexp_infinity | Passed | N/A | 0.052332s |
ldexp_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.052421s |
ldexp_overflow | Passed | N/A | 0.052702s |
ldexp_underflow | Passed | N/A | 0.053124s |
ldexp_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.052048s |
ldexp_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.051951s |
ldexp_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052806s |
ldexpf_exp2f | Passed | N/A | 0.052767s |
ldexpf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052398s |
ldexpf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052058s |
ldexpf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.052211s |
ldexpf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.052697s |
ldexpf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.052858s |
lib/libm/t_log | 3.540504s | ||
log10_base | Passed | N/A | 0.056566s |
log10_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.059224s |
log10_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058068s |
log10_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057772s |
log10_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057561s |
log10_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057830s |
log10_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058398s |
log10f_base | Passed | N/A | 0.058004s |
log10f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057737s |
log10f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057586s |
log10f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057289s |
log10f_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057356s |
log10f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057463s |
log10f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058686s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058542s | |
log1p_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057468s |
log1p_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.056922s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL | 0.058016s | |
log1p_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057495s |
log1p_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057976s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058481s | |
log1pf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057555s |
log1pf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057433s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF | 0.058220s | |
log1pf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.059573s |
log1pf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057852s |
log2_base | Passed | N/A | 0.056812s |
log2_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057977s |
log2_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058151s |
log2_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057235s |
log2_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057680s |
log2_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057882s |
log2_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058600s |
log2f_base | Passed | N/A | 0.057014s |
log2f_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.073121s |
log2f_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057641s |
log2f_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057286s |
log2f_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058663s |
log2f_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.058188s |
log2f_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.060954s |
log_base | Passed | N/A | 0.057075s |
log_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057837s |
log_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057758s |
log_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.056913s |
log_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057848s |
log_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057846s |
log_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058198s |
logf_base | Passed | N/A | 0.056560s |
logf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057789s |
logf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.058055s |
logf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.057334s |
logf_one_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057736s |
logf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.057335s |
logf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.057735s |
lib/libm/t_pow | 1.447165s | ||
pow_inf_neg_x | Passed | N/A | 0.054265s |
pow_inf_neg_y | Passed | N/A | 0.053038s |
pow_inf_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.052992s |
pow_inf_pos_y | Passed | N/A | 0.052859s |
pow_nan_x | Passed | N/A | 0.052368s |
pow_nan_y | Passed | N/A | 0.052150s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.059432s | |
pow_one_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.053240s |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.060486s | |
pow_zero_y | Passed | N/A | 0.052259s |
powf_inf_neg_x | Passed | N/A | 0.054118s |
powf_inf_neg_y | Passed | N/A | 0.052847s |
powf_inf_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.053853s |
powf_inf_pos_y | Passed | N/A | 0.053342s |
powf_nan_x | Passed | N/A | 0.052145s |
powf_nan_y | Passed | N/A | 0.052785s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.058235s | |
powf_one_pos_x | Passed | N/A | 0.207189s |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.085143s | |
powf_zero_y | Passed | N/A | 0.047198s |
lib/libm/t_round | 0.055837s | ||
round_dir | Passed | N/A | 0.044476s |
lib/libm/t_scalbn | 0.894303s | ||
scalbn_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047207s |
scalbn_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046451s |
scalbn_ldexp | Passed | N/A | 0.046411s |
scalbn_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046925s |
scalbn_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046812s |
scalbn_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047200s |
scalbnf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046606s |
scalbnf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046374s |
scalbnf_ldexpf | Passed | N/A | 0.045977s |
scalbnf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.047230s |
scalbnf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047110s |
scalbnf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046292s |
scalbnl_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046297s |
scalbnl_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047038s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: (0.0L / 0.0L) != NaN | 0.046848s | |
scalbnl_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046828s |
scalbnl_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047521s |
lib/libm/t_sin | 0.626725s | ||
sin_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.047959s |
sin_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046392s |
sin_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046271s |
sin_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046516s |
sin_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046242s |
sin_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045417s |
sinf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.046214s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.046882s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.046553s | |
sinf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.045862s |
sinf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049065s |
sinf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.045638s |
lib/libm/t_sinh | 0.664839s | ||
sinh_def | Passed | N/A | 0.065263s |
sinh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048464s |
sinh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046598s |
sinh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046599s |
sinh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046558s |
sinh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046771s |
sinhf_def | Passed | N/A | 0.060907s |
sinhf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047055s |
sinhf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047726s |
sinhf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046485s |
sinhf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048634s |
sinhf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046443s |
lib/libm/t_sqrt | 0.645125s | ||
sqrt_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047835s |
sqrt_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046439s |
sqrt_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046568s |
sqrt_pow | Passed | N/A | 0.046757s |
sqrt_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049362s |
sqrt_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046731s |
sqrtf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046701s |
sqrtf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047305s |
sqrtf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046745s |
sqrtf_powf | Passed | N/A | 0.046592s |
sqrtf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.048226s |
sqrtf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.047257s |
lib/libm/t_tan | 0.634659s | ||
tan_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.046964s |
tan_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046963s |
tan_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046815s |
tan_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046088s |
tan_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.049042s |
tan_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046372s |
tanf_angles | Passed | N/A | 0.046739s |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.047616s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047201s | |
tanf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046789s |
tanf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046988s |
tanf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046635s |
lib/libm/t_tanh | 0.547855s | ||
tanh_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.047438s |
tanh_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046658s |
tanh_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046248s |
tanh_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046075s |
tanh_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046374s |
tanhf_inf_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046605s |
tanhf_inf_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046749s |
tanhf_nan | Passed | N/A | 0.046687s |
tanhf_zero_neg | Passed | N/A | 0.046615s |
tanhf_zero_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.046699s |
lib/libobjc/t_threads | 0.077319s | ||
thread_callback | Passed | N/A | 0.068845s |
lib/libppath/t_ppath | 1.506333s | ||
component_at | Passed | N/A | 0.055580s |
copydel_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.061550s |
copydel_object_twice_success | Passed | N/A | 0.058238s |
copyset_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.055740s |
copyset_object_twice_success | Passed | N/A | 0.056603s |
create_bool_eexist | Passed | N/A | 0.054998s |
create_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053822s |
delete_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.053836s |
delete_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.052944s |
delete_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053252s |
get_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.053535s |
get_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.053179s |
get_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053528s |
get_idx_key | Passed | N/A | 0.052244s |
get_string_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.053718s |
get_string_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.054582s |
get_string_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053686s |
length | Passed | N/A | 0.051710s |
pop_until_empty | Passed | N/A | 0.051928s |
ppath_copy | Passed | N/A | 0.053058s |
push_until_full | Passed | N/A | 0.052569s |
replace | Passed | N/A | 0.052820s |
set_bool_eftype | Passed | N/A | 0.054106s |
set_bool_enoent | Passed | N/A | 0.053987s |
set_bool_success | Passed | N/A | 0.053872s |
lib/libprop/t_basic | 0.131858s | ||
prop_basic | Passed | N/A | 0.056337s |
prop_dictionary_equals | Passed | N/A | 0.049101s |
lib/libpthread/t_barrier | 20.000249s | ||
barrier | Passed | N/A | 19.993598s |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | 18.013364s | ||
bogus_timedwaits | Passed | N/A | 0.077310s |
broadcast | Passed | N/A | 1.763650s |
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | 2.184625s | |
destroy_after_cancel | Passed | N/A | 0.053076s |
signal_before_unlock | Passed | N/A | 4.069139s |
signal_before_unlock_static_init | Passed | N/A | 4.075734s |
signal_delay_wait | Passed | N/A | 3.996911s |
signal_wait_race | Passed | N/A | 1.744932s |
lib/libpthread/t_detach | 0.059613s | ||
pthread_detach | Passed | N/A | 0.050943s |
lib/libpthread/t_equal | 0.060618s | ||
pthread_equal | Passed | N/A | 0.052084s |
lib/libpthread/t_fork | 10.052153s | ||
fork | Passed | N/A | 10.043236s |
lib/libpthread/t_fpu | 0.078216s | ||
fpu | Passed | N/A | 0.069620s |
lib/libpthread/t_join | 0.075389s | ||
pthread_join | Passed | N/A | 0.066284s |
lib/libpthread/t_kill | 0.532821s | ||
simple | Passed | N/A | 0.524065s |
lib/libpthread/t_mutex | 40.849985s | ||
mutex1 | Passed | N/A | 8.044647s |
mutex2 | Passed | N/A | 12.373327s |
mutex3 | Passed | N/A | 12.355034s |
mutex4 | Passed | N/A | 8.050597s |
lib/libpthread/t_name | 0.062820s | ||
name | Passed | N/A | 0.052745s |
lib/libpthread/t_once | 0.222350s | ||
once1 | Passed | N/A | 0.054642s |
once2 | Passed | N/A | 0.091127s |
once3 | Passed | N/A | 0.056517s |
lib/libpthread/t_preempt | 2.085540s | ||
preempt1 | Passed | N/A | 2.076395s |
lib/libpthread/t_rwlock | 2.097200s | ||
rwlock1 | Passed | N/A | 2.088305s |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | 41.560268s | ||
before_start_no_threads | Passed | N/A | 20.271288s |
before_start_one_thread | Passed | N/A | 20.343896s |
named | Passed | N/A | 0.057423s |
unnamed | Passed | N/A | 0.861718s |
lib/libpthread/t_sigmask | 8.276502s | ||
before_threads | Passed | N/A | 0.054876s |
incorrect_mask_bug | Passed | N/A | 6.089693s |
respected_while_running | Passed | N/A | 2.056691s |
upcalls_not_started | Passed | N/A | 0.053153s |
lib/libpthread/t_sigsuspend | 2.006421s | ||
sigsuspend | Passed | N/A | 1.997490s |
lib/libpthread/t_siglongjmp | 0.061436s | ||
siglongjmp1 | Passed | N/A | 0.052580s |
lib/libpthread/t_sleep | 2.068638s | ||
sleep1 | Passed | N/A | 2.059723s |
lib/libpthread/t_atexit | 0.476620s | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A | 0.466288s |
lib/libpthread/t_cancel | 0.427021s | ||
register_while_disabled | Passed | N/A | 0.417571s |
lib/libpthread/t_exit | 0.415916s | ||
main_thread | Passed | N/A | 0.406450s |
lib/libpthread/t_resolv | 42.622885s | ||
resolv | Passed | N/A | 42.613554s |
lib/librt/t_sched | 0.473560s | ||
sched_getparam | Passed | N/A | 0.052163s |
sched_priority | Passed | N/A | 0.056724s |
sched_rr_get_interval_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.053932s |
sched_rr_get_interval_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.053907s |
sched_setscheduler_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.053713s |
sched_setscheduler_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.052520s |
sched_setscheduler_3 | Passed | N/A | 0.052862s |
sched_setscheduler_4 | Passed | N/A | 0.052672s |
lib/librt/t_sem | 40.255205s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.050737s |
child | Passed | N/A | 40.190052s |
lib/librumpclient/t_exec | 15.419921s | ||
cloexec | Passed | N/A | 2.194464s |
exec | Passed | N/A | 1.817835s |
noexec | Passed | N/A | 1.748344s |
threxec | Passed | N/A | 7.575026s |
vfork | Passed | N/A | 2.028606s |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | 1.181601s | ||
bigenough | Passed | N/A | 0.712689s |
sigio | Passed | N/A | 0.449922s |
lib/librumphijack/t_asyncio | 3.673509s | ||
invafd | Passed | N/A | 1.372554s |
select_allunset | Passed | N/A | 1.057283s |
select_timeout | Passed | N/A | 1.221445s |
lib/librumphijack/t_config | 1.227967s | ||
fdoff | Passed | N/A | 1.218520s |
lib/librumphijack/t_cwd | 9.191079s | ||
basic_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.105828s |
basic_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.333541s |
slash_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.108790s |
slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.119009s |
symlink_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.112581s |
symlink_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.121094s |
symlink_slash_chdir | Passed | N/A | 1.138566s |
symlink_slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A | 1.098507s |
lib/librumphijack/t_sh | 3.364580s | ||
redirect | Passed | N/A | 1.905465s |
runscript | Passed | N/A | 1.436804s |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | 26.363324s | ||
http | Passed | N/A | 2.559028s |
nfs | Passed | N/A | 7.683063s |
Skipped | test currently valid only on i386 | 0.882335s | |
ssh | Passed | N/A | 15.120571s |
lib/librumphijack/t_vfs | 17.337541s | ||
blanket | Passed | N/A | 1.762372s |
cpcopy | Passed | N/A | 3.318868s |
doubleblanket | Passed | N/A | 1.688730s |
mv_nox | Passed | N/A | 2.360515s |
mv_x | Passed | N/A | 2.907371s |
paxcopy | Passed | N/A | 3.885333s |
runonprefix | Passed | N/A | 1.280522s |
lib/libtre/t_exhaust | 96.852009s | ||
regcomp_too_big | Passed | N/A | 96.814475s |
lib/libtre/t_regex_att | 3.055608s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.653603s |
categorization | Passed | N/A | 0.455934s |
forcedassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.451866s |
leftassoc | Passed | N/A | 0.447862s |
nullsubexpr | Passed | N/A | 0.468453s |
repetition | Passed | N/A | 0.526522s |
lib/libutil/t_efun | 0.226382s | ||
ecalloc | Passed | N/A | 0.049510s |
efopen | Passed | N/A | 0.047780s |
emalloc | Passed | N/A | 0.046939s |
erealloc | Passed | N/A | 0.054423s |
lib/libutil/t_parsedate | 0.192364s | ||
dates | Passed | N/A | 0.062656s |
relative | Passed | N/A | 0.054852s |
times | Passed | N/A | 0.053545s |
lib/libutil/t_pidfile | 0.526873s | ||
change_basenames | Passed | N/A | 0.088114s |
change_mix | Passed | N/A | 0.087154s |
change_paths | Passed | N/A | 0.080297s |
custom_basename | Passed | N/A | 0.072719s |
custom_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071855s |
default_path | Passed | N/A | 0.071871s |
lib/libutil/t_snprintb | 0.060423s | ||
snprintb | Passed | N/A | 0.048083s |
lib/libutil/t_sockaddr_snprintf | 0.280036s | ||
sockaddr_snprintf_at | Passed | N/A | 0.048897s |
sockaddr_snprintf_dl | Passed | N/A | 0.048884s |
sockaddr_snprintf_in | Passed | N/A | 0.050990s |
sockaddr_snprintf_in6 | Passed | N/A | 0.049666s |
sockaddr_snprintf_un | Passed | N/A | 0.048462s |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | 1.622261s | ||
blocktimedwait | Passed | N/A | 0.321483s |
blockwait | Passed | N/A | 0.512305s |
busydestroy | Passed | N/A | 0.150284s |
destroy | Passed | N/A | 0.117252s |
initvalue | Passed | N/A | 0.115618s |
named | Passed | N/A | 0.117574s |
postwait | Passed | N/A | 0.115159s |
unlink | Passed | N/A | 0.116122s |
lib/libdes/t_des | 0.868905s | ||
align | Passed | N/A | 0.055257s |
cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.051171s |
cbc_cksum | Passed | N/A | 0.049565s |
cbcm | Passed | N/A | 0.051068s |
cfb | Passed | N/A | 0.059621s |
desx_cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.049947s |
ecb | Passed | N/A | 0.049247s |
ede_cbc | Passed | N/A | 0.049994s |
ede_ecb | Passed | N/A | 0.050301s |
ede_ofb64 | Passed | N/A | 0.049659s |
fast_crypt | Passed | N/A | 0.051205s |
ofb | Passed | N/A | 0.049544s |
ofb64 | Passed | N/A | 0.048752s |
pcbc | Passed | N/A | 0.050474s |
quad_cksum | Passed | N/A | 0.049259s |
lib/libskey/t_algorithms | 0.556763s | ||
md4 | Passed | N/A | 0.052010s |
md5 | Passed | N/A | 0.051517s |
sha1 | Passed | N/A | 0.431387s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-cleared | 0.066856s | ||
rtld_dlerror_cleared | Passed | N/A | 0.057628s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-false | 0.060249s | ||
rtld_dlerror_false | Passed | N/A | 0.050740s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlinfo | 0.229372s | ||
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen | Passed | N/A | 0.052483s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen_iter | Passed | N/A | 0.050007s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_inval | Passed | N/A | 0.050476s |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_self | Passed | N/A | 0.047958s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlvsym | 0.289959s | ||
rtld_dlvsym_symbol_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.054022s |
rtld_dlvsym_v1 | Passed | N/A | 0.049860s |
rtld_dlvsym_v3 | Passed | N/A | 0.049712s |
rtld_dlvsym_version_nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.050081s |
rtld_dlvsym_version_null | Passed | N/A | 0.050191s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_df_1_noopen | 0.923846s | ||
df_1_noopen1 | Passed | N/A | 0.453997s |
df_1_noopen2 | Passed | N/A | 0.451847s |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dl_symver | 1.842963s | ||
dl_symver | Passed | N/A | 1.833629s |
modules/t_modctl | 0.957280s | ||
cmd_load | Passed | N/A | 0.205886s |
cmd_load_props | Passed | N/A | 0.195704s |
cmd_load_recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.170852s |
cmd_stat | Passed | N/A | 0.165888s |
cmd_unload | Passed | N/A | 0.183619s |
modules/t_builtin | 1.378099s | ||
busydisable | Passed | N/A | 0.387642s |
disable | Passed | N/A | 0.300341s |
disabledstat | Passed | N/A | 0.201684s |
forcereload | Passed | N/A | 0.211551s |
noauto | Passed | N/A | 0.206879s |
modules/t_abi_uvm | 1.134250s | ||
PAGE_SIZE | Passed | N/A | 1.121898s |
modules/t_modload | 7.241839s | ||
bflag | Passed | N/A | 1.754111s |
iflag | Passed | N/A | 2.272572s |
plain | Passed | N/A | 1.433861s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 1.740855s |
net/bpf/t_bpf | 0.899145s | ||
bpfwriteleak | Passed | N/A | 0.440841s |
bpfwritetrunc | Passed | N/A | 0.434936s |
net/bpf/t_div-by-zero | 0.335068s | ||
div_by_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.324797s |
net/carp/t_basic | 14.600135s | ||
handover | Passed | N/A | 14.550132s |
net/icmp/t_forward | 2.461559s | ||
returndatabytes | Passed | N/A | 2.440593s |
net/icmp/t_ping | 79.355789s | ||
floodping | Passed | N/A | 19.074020s |
floodping2 | Passed | N/A | 30.695099s |
ping_of_death | Passed | N/A | 0.668039s |
pingsize | Passed | N/A | 27.171387s |
simpleping | Passed | N/A | 1.683261s |
net/icmp/t_ping2 | 2.934796s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 2.920047s |
net/if/t_compat | 0.527145s | ||
OOSIOCGIFBRDADDR | Passed | N/A | 0.476810s |
net/if_loop/t_pr | 0.519424s | ||
loopmtu | Passed | N/A | 0.292097s |
loopmtu_csum | Passed | N/A | 0.210287s |
net/net/t_raw | 0.387855s | ||
PRU_SENSE | Passed | N/A | 0.378576s |
net/net/t_unix | 2.164555s | ||
sockaddr_un_len_exceed | Passed | N/A | 0.053978s |
sockaddr_un_len_max | Passed | N/A | 2.088755s |
net/route/t_change | 1.889782s | ||
reject2blackhole | Passed | N/A | 1.879825s |
net/sys/t_rfc6056 | 0.487077s | ||
inet4 | Passed | N/A | 0.204500s |
inet6 | Passed | N/A | 0.196113s |
rump/rumpkern/t_copy | 0.670989s | ||
copyinstr | Passed | N/A | 0.264995s |
copyoutstr | Passed | N/A | 0.188926s |
copystr | Passed | N/A | 0.192143s |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | 1.812766s | ||
lockme_DESTROYHELD | Passed | N/A | 0.340401s |
lockme_DOUBLEFREE | Passed | N/A | 0.285698s |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.069784s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.063610s | |
lockme_MTX | Passed | N/A | 0.283530s |
lockme_RWDOUBLEX | Passed | N/A | 0.283891s |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.064667s | |
lockme_RWXR | Passed | N/A | 0.282700s |
rump/rumpkern/t_lwproc | 1.718460s | ||
inherit | Passed | N/A | 0.191071s |
lwps | Passed | N/A | 0.221417s |
makelwp | Passed | N/A | 0.188483s |
nolwp | Passed | N/A | 0.186891s |
nolwprelease | Passed | N/A | 0.269667s |
nullswitch | Passed | N/A | 0.191470s |
proccreds | Passed | N/A | 0.189698s |
rfork | Passed | N/A | 0.198800s |
rump/rumpkern/t_modcmd | 0.238963s | ||
cmsg_modcmd | Passed | N/A | 0.230100s |
rump/rumpkern/t_modlinkset | 0.235665s | ||
modlinkset | Passed | N/A | 0.226502s |
rump/rumpkern/t_signals | 0.695157s | ||
sigignore | Passed | N/A | 0.190443s |
sigpanic | Passed | N/A | 0.279951s |
sigraise | Passed | N/A | 0.192503s |
rump/rumpkern/t_threads | 0.481687s | ||
kthread | Passed | N/A | 0.234466s |
threadjoin | Passed | N/A | 0.224066s |
rump/rumpkern/t_tsleep | 0.780129s | ||
tsleep | Passed | N/A | 0.770790s |
rump/rumpkern/t_vm | 10.407815s | ||
busypage | Passed | N/A | 0.195263s |
uvmwait | Passed | N/A | 10.196442s |
rump/rumpkern/t_sp | 89.276612s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.069333s |
fork_fakeauth | Passed | N/A | 1.089824s |
fork_pipecomm | Passed | N/A | 1.095072s |
fork_simple | Passed | N/A | 1.092027s |
reconnect | Passed | N/A | 5.071224s |
signal | Passed | N/A | 1.330291s |
sigsafe | Passed | N/A | 6.439696s |
stress_killer | Passed | N/A | 36.623476s |
stress_long | Passed | N/A | 22.071733s |
stress_short | Passed | N/A | 13.302979s |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | 53.511200s | ||
crossping | Passed | N/A | 53.491917s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_basic | 0.444044s | ||
lseekrv | Passed | N/A | 0.391945s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_etfs | 2.642905s | ||
key | Passed | N/A | 0.258059s |
large_blk | Passed | N/A | 1.242543s |
range_blk | Passed | N/A | 0.462292s |
reregister_blk | Passed | N/A | 0.417687s |
reregister_reg | Passed | N/A | 0.211793s |
rump/rumpvfs/t_p2kifs | 0.219898s | ||
makecn | Passed | N/A | 0.209160s |
rump/modautoload/t_modautoload | 0.302827s | ||
modautoload | Passed | N/A | 0.293749s |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas | 22.360212s | ||
corrupt_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.285870s |
corrupt_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.150404s |
corrupt_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.141112s |
corrupt_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.130816s |
dir1_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.015745s |
dir1_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.993667s |
dir1_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 0.999747s |
dir1_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 0.994918s |
disable_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.154039s |
disable_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.146774s |
disable_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.158775s |
disable_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.148909s |
notreg_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.115128s |
notreg_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.121606s |
notreg_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.212608s |
notreg_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.172027s |
unallocated_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.077714s |
unallocated_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.061328s |
unallocated_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.039619s |
unallocated_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.036249s |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_check_quotas | 86.661680s | ||
corrupt_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.144506s |
corrupt_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.141334s |
corrupt_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.157292s |
corrupt_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.135872s |
expand1_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.646639s |
expand1_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.600877s |
expand1_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 1.619361s |
expand1_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 1.610870s |
expand2_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A | 19.710708s |
expand2_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A | 17.092567s |
expand2_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A | 17.414905s |
expand2_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A | 17.550682s |
sbin/ifconfig/t_nonexistent | 0.431573s | ||
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.419115s |
sbin/newfs/t_enable_quotas | 6.829424s | ||
enabled_be_1_both | Passed | N/A | 0.579173s |
enabled_be_1_group | Passed | N/A | 0.549658s |
enabled_be_1_user | Passed | N/A | 0.549292s |
enabled_be_2_both | Passed | N/A | 0.538163s |
enabled_be_2_group | Passed | N/A | 0.541249s |
enabled_be_2_user | Passed | N/A | 0.548975s |
enabled_le_1_both | Passed | N/A | 0.605226s |
enabled_le_1_group | Passed | N/A | 0.550182s |
enabled_le_1_user | Passed | N/A | 0.553852s |
enabled_le_2_both | Passed | N/A | 0.539838s |
enabled_le_2_group | Passed | N/A | 0.538331s |
enabled_le_2_user | Passed | N/A | 0.621976s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow | 121.650882s | ||
grow_16M_v0_8192 | Passed | N/A | 38.006896s |
grow_16M_v1_16384 | Passed | N/A | 39.199757s |
grow_16M_v2_32768 | Passed | N/A | 43.243383s |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 0.798977s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | 160.257848s | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_32768 | Passed | N/A | 57.235379s |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_65536 | Passed | N/A | 54.047634s |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 47.687927s | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 0.938869s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow_swapped | 128.342873s | ||
grow_16M_v0_65536 | Passed | N/A | 40.476595s |
grow_16M_v1_4096 | Passed | N/A | 44.648730s |
grow_16M_v2_8192 | Passed | N/A | 41.981522s |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 0.833144s |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | 172.809678s | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_4096 | Passed | N/A | 58.560932s |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_8192 | Passed | N/A | 59.305235s |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 53.760136s | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A | 0.845473s |
sbin/route/t_missing | 0.521209s | ||
missing | Passed | N/A | 0.491244s |
sbin/sysctl/t_perm | 70.748926s | ||
sysctl_ddb | Passed | N/A | 2.107633s |
sysctl_hw | Passed | N/A | 8.428761s |
sysctl_kern | Passed | N/A | 17.118609s |
sysctl_machdep | Passed | N/A | 2.645970s |
sysctl_net | Passed | N/A | 29.104346s |
sysctl_security | Passed | N/A | 2.902507s |
sysctl_vfs | Passed | N/A | 5.471511s |
sysctl_vm | Passed | N/A | 2.910028s |
sbin/sysctl/t_sysctl | 0.578560s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.569658s |
sys/rc/t_rc_d_cli | 12.920693s | ||
default_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A | 1.653937s |
default_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.160540s |
default_start_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.882279s |
default_start_with_args | Passed | N/A | 0.880301s |
default_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.900574s |
default_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A | 1.369561s |
no_command | Passed | N/A | 0.556013s |
overriden_custom_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.676295s |
overriden_custom_with_args | Passed | N/A | 0.673960s |
overriden_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.664698s |
overriden_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A | 0.665678s |
overriden_start_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.666495s |
overriden_start_with_args | Passed | N/A | 0.672265s |
overriden_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A | 0.697207s |
overriden_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A | 0.693873s |
usr.bin/awk/t_awk | 12.598052s | ||
assign_NF | Passed | N/A | 0.560669s |
big_regexp | Passed | N/A | 0.553098s |
empty_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.471327s |
end | Passed | N/A | 0.762341s |
multibyte | Passed | N/A | 0.960544s |
newline_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.477078s |
period | Passed | N/A | 0.589654s |
regex_caret_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.480149s |
regex_caret_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.479096s |
regex_dollar_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.479083s |
regex_dollar_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.478092s |
regex_or_1_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.479394s |
regex_or_2_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.476930s |
regex_or_3_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.476289s |
regex_reallocation_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.734278s |
regex_two_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.476718s |
single_char_regex_group_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.476053s |
single_char_regex_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.475803s |
single_char_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.479547s |
string1 | Passed | N/A | 0.500145s |
two_char_regex_group_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.480450s |
two_char_regex_star_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.592294s |
two_char_rs | Passed | N/A | 0.481238s |
usr.bin/basename/t_basename | 1.725734s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.027998s |
suffix | Passed | N/A | 0.681852s |
usr.bin/bzip2/t_bzip2 | 3.278892s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 3.269416s |
usr.bin/cc/t_hello | 8.940007s | ||
hello | Passed | N/A | 2.358616s |
hello32 | Passed | N/A | 4.021238s |
hello_pic | Passed | N/A | 2.495189s |
usr.bin/cmp/t_cmp | 1.380383s | ||
missing | Passed | N/A | 0.743239s |
skip | Passed | N/A | 0.616118s |
usr.bin/config/t_config | 3.802334s | ||
deffs_redef | Passed | N/A | 0.559666s |
loop | Passed | N/A | 0.533403s |
loop2 | Passed | N/A | 0.517162s |
no_pseudo | Passed | N/A | 0.496283s |
postponed_orphan | Passed | N/A | 0.496424s |
pseudo_parent | Passed | N/A | 0.508478s |
shadow_instance | Passed | N/A | 0.511874s |
usr.bin/cut/t_cut | 4.107654s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.777680s |
dflag | Passed | N/A | 0.731809s |
dsflag | Passed | N/A | 0.746420s |
latin1 | Passed | N/A | 0.516826s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 0.740732s |
utf8 | Passed | N/A | 0.550493s |
usr.bin/diff/t_diff | 1.362962s | ||
mallocv | Passed | N/A | 0.464939s |
nomallocv | Passed | N/A | 0.439487s |
same | Passed | N/A | 0.437311s |
usr.bin/dirname/t_dirname | 1.101796s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 1.092696s |
usr.bin/find/t_find | 1.541003s | ||
emptyperm | Passed | N/A | 0.587152s |
exit | Passed | N/A | 0.444515s |
exit_status | Passed | N/A | 0.478396s |
usr.bin/grep/t_grep | 8.298762s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.714421s |
begin_end | Passed | N/A | 0.548987s |
binary | Passed | N/A | 0.431950s |
context | Passed | N/A | 0.733361s |
context2 | Passed | N/A | 0.632535s |
egrep | Passed | N/A | 0.438108s |
file_exp | Passed | N/A | 0.507214s |
ignore_case | Passed | N/A | 0.440310s |
invert | Passed | N/A | 0.437424s |
negative | Passed | N/A | 0.425105s |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A | 0.417665s |
recurse | Passed | N/A | 0.453708s |
recurse_symlink | Passed | N/A | 0.492224s |
whole_line | Passed | N/A | 0.441182s |
word_regexps | Passed | N/A | 0.440504s |
zgrep | Passed | N/A | 0.602939s |
usr.bin/gzip/t_gzip | 20.665607s | ||
concatenated | Passed | N/A | 0.506909s |
crcerror | Passed | N/A | 0.470545s |
good | Passed | N/A | 0.460632s |
pipe | Passed | N/A | 18.459824s |
truncated | Passed | N/A | 0.705511s |
usr.bin/id/t_groups | 1.572923s | ||
correct | Passed | N/A | 0.968483s |
syntax | Passed | N/A | 0.579252s |
usr.bin/id/t_id | 14.202195s | ||
Gflag | Passed | N/A | 1.788941s |
default | Passed | N/A | 1.408046s |
gflag | Passed | N/A | 3.379584s |
pflag | Passed | N/A | 1.469316s |
primaries | Passed | N/A | 2.766982s |
uflag | Passed | N/A | 3.324537s |
usr.bin/id/t_whoami | 1.258493s | ||
correct | Passed | N/A | 0.620253s |
syntax | Passed | N/A | 0.617631s |
usr.bin/jot/t_jot | 1.062634s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.435272s |
format | Passed | N/A | 0.612306s |
usr.bin/m4/t_m4 | 0.730052s | ||
eof | Passed | N/A | 0.718575s |
usr.bin/make/t_make | 38.324464s | ||
comment | Passed | N/A | 0.678828s |
cond1 | Passed | N/A | 0.652540s |
dotwait | Passed | N/A | 23.684650s |
export | Passed | N/A | 0.654212s |
export_all | Passed | N/A | 0.658121s |
moderrs | Passed | N/A | 0.798529s |
modmatch | Passed | N/A | 1.153356s |
modmisc | Passed | N/A | 0.739809s |
modorder | Passed | N/A | 0.785610s |
modts | Passed | N/A | 1.053585s |
modword | Passed | N/A | 3.453873s |
posix | Passed | N/A | 0.863661s |
qequals | Passed | N/A | 0.560202s |
ternary | Passed | N/A | 0.848560s |
unmatchedvarparen | Passed | N/A | 0.552837s |
varcmd | Passed | N/A | 1.068291s |
usr.bin/mkdep/t_mkdep | 1.421034s | ||
suffixes | Passed | N/A | 1.409314s |
usr.bin/pr/t_basic | 0.499093s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.489035s |
usr.bin/rump_server/t_disk | 10.039289s | ||
data | Passed | N/A | 1.619561s |
notrunc | Passed | N/A | 1.178067s |
offset | Passed | N/A | 1.122708s |
size | Passed | N/A | 1.141180s |
type_blk | Passed | N/A | 1.203479s |
type_blk_default | Passed | N/A | 1.314907s |
type_chr | Passed | N/A | 1.186637s |
type_reg | Passed | N/A | 1.200205s |
usr.bin/shmif_dumpbus/t_basic | 3.755255s | ||
contents | Passed | N/A | 1.147742s |
header | Passed | N/A | 0.770245s |
pcap | Passed | N/A | 1.753869s |
usr.bin/sdiff/t_sdiff | 11.281443s | ||
dot | Passed | N/A | 0.681527s |
flags | Passed | N/A | 0.810977s |
iflags | Passed | N/A | 1.641656s |
merge | Passed | N/A | 4.599829s |
oneline | Passed | N/A | 0.606262s |
same | Passed | N/A | 0.470553s |
short | Passed | N/A | 0.532819s |
stdin | Passed | N/A | 0.643977s |
tabends | Passed | N/A | 0.741427s |
tabs | Passed | N/A | 0.475812s |
usr.bin/sed/t_sed | 3.752479s | ||
c2048 | Passed | N/A | 0.435539s |
Expected failure | PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 0.634664s | |
longlines | Passed | N/A | 0.640578s |
rangeselection | Passed | N/A | 2.010910s |
usr.bin/sort/t_sort | 28.768140s | ||
any_char | Passed | N/A | 0.695531s |
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.492232s |
bflag | Passed | N/A | 0.720718s |
cflag | Passed | N/A | 0.466550s |
empty_file | Passed | N/A | 0.618358s |
end_of_options | Passed | N/A | 0.577572s |
kflag_alpha | Passed | N/A | 1.736846s |
kflag_limits | Passed | N/A | 0.494249s |
kflag_many_fields | Passed | N/A | 0.493064s |
kflag_no_end | Passed | N/A | 0.492511s |
kflag_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A | 0.466378s |
kflag_one_field | Passed | N/A | 0.493763s |
kflag_outofbounds | Passed | N/A | 0.465319s |
kflag_two_fields | Passed | N/A | 0.492491s |
long_file | Passed | N/A | 2.327131s |
long_records | Passed | N/A | 0.626958s |
mflag | Passed | N/A | 0.524725s |
mflag_uflag | Passed | N/A | 0.470520s |
mflag_uflag_first | Passed | N/A | 0.653076s |
missing_newline | Passed | N/A | 0.447098s |
nflag | Passed | N/A | 0.490853s |
nflag_rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.497698s |
null_bytes | Passed | N/A | 0.443901s |
oflag | Passed | N/A | 0.580084s |
oflag_displaced | Passed | N/A | 0.438819s |
plus_as_path | Passed | N/A | 0.461242s |
plus_bad_tempfile | Passed | N/A | 0.448531s |
plus_no_end | Passed | N/A | 0.512265s |
plus_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A | 0.476571s |
plus_one | Passed | N/A | 0.496361s |
plus_one_minus_two | Passed | N/A | 0.497286s |
plus_rflag_invalid | Passed | N/A | 0.493262s |
plus_tflag | Passed | N/A | 2.849626s |
plus_zero | Passed | N/A | 0.444148s |
rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.495802s |
sflag | Passed | N/A | 0.495800s |
sflag_many_files | Passed | N/A | 0.527767s |
tflag | Passed | N/A | 0.735266s |
tflag_alphabetic | Passed | N/A | 0.470745s |
tflag_char_pos | Passed | N/A | 0.766983s |
tflag_whitespace | Passed | N/A | 0.989175s |
uflag | Passed | N/A | 0.497503s |
uflag_rflag | Passed | N/A | 0.499309s |
usr.bin/unifdef/t_basic | 0.510072s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 0.500639s |
usr.bin/xlint/lint1/t_integration | 19.172246s | ||
alignof | Passed | N/A | 0.560357s |
c99_complex_num | Passed | N/A | 0.540750s |
c99_decls_after_stmt | Passed | N/A | 0.736381s |
c99_for_loops | Passed | N/A | 0.538821s |
c99_func | Passed | N/A | 0.516256s |
c99_recursive_init | Passed | N/A | 0.512841s |
c99_struct_init | Passed | N/A | 0.511600s |
c99_union_init1 | Passed | N/A | 0.508332s |
c99_union_init2 | Passed | N/A | 0.514542s |
c99_union_init3 | Passed | N/A | 0.510189s |
c9x_array_init | Passed | N/A | 0.512263s |
c9x_recursive_init | Passed | N/A | 0.511969s |
cast_init | Passed | N/A | 0.518320s |
cast_init2 | Passed | N/A | 0.509195s |
cast_lhs | Passed | N/A | 0.513186s |
compound_literals1 | Passed | N/A | 0.676596s |
compound_literals2 | Passed | N/A | 0.513103s |
constant_conv1 | Passed | N/A | 0.513542s |
constant_conv2 | Passed | N/A | 0.511250s |
cvt_in_ternary | Passed | N/A | 0.510489s |
ellipsis_in_switch | Passed | N/A | 0.510782s |
gcc_compound_statements1 | Passed | N/A | 0.509490s |
gcc_compound_statements2 | Passed | N/A | 0.510214s |
gcc_compound_statements3 | Passed | N/A | 0.510871s |
gcc_func | Passed | N/A | 0.509908s |
gcc_variable_array_init | Passed | N/A | 0.508674s |
incorrect_array_size | Passed | N/A | 0.511402s |
long_double_int | Passed | N/A | 0.514622s |
nested_structs | Passed | N/A | 0.509600s |
nolimit_init | Passed | N/A | 0.512195s |
packed_structs | Passed | N/A | 0.511638s |
shift_to_narrower_type | Passed | N/A | 0.521208s |
type_conv1 | Passed | N/A | 0.505761s |
type_conv2 | Passed | N/A | 0.523080s |
type_conv3 | Passed | N/A | 0.505258s |
zero_sized_arrays | Passed | N/A | 0.504384s |
usr.sbin/mtree/t_mtree | 4.536554s | ||
check | Passed | N/A | 0.519588s |
convert_C | Passed | N/A | 0.399847s |
convert_C_S | Passed | N/A | 0.396233s |
convert_D | Passed | N/A | 0.399553s |
convert_D_S | Passed | N/A | 0.398089s |
create | Passed | N/A | 0.550476s |
ignore | Passed | N/A | 0.678797s |
merge | Passed | N/A | 0.468136s |
nonemptydir | Passed | N/A | 0.561014s |
usr.sbin/tcpdump/t_tcpdump | 8.384857s | ||
promiscuous | Passed | N/A | 8.375516s |
usr.sbin/traceroute/t_traceroute | 10.090894s | ||
basic | Passed | N/A | 5.012245s |
basic_icmp | Passed | N/A | 5.029396s |
usr.sbin/useradd/t_useradd | 1.130701s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.116628s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
fs/puffs/t_fuzz | 8.198285s | ||
Failed | Test program received signal 6 (core dumped) | 1.877603s | |
Failed | Test program received signal 6 (core dumped) | 2.445522s | |
fs/zfs/t_zpool | 3.875049s | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 3.844934s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
bin/sh/t_expand | 2.005529s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | 0.361917s | |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | 0.426720s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | 0.410003s | |
fs/ffs/t_mount | 0.917930s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | 0.415707s | |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | 16.139136s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time | 16.075674s | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 191.712553s | ||
Expected signal | 8.020568s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | 6.299819s | |
Expected signal | 7.684300s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | 6.521336s | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 81.219398s | ||
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/amd64/work/2012. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | 2.015569s | |
include/t_errno | 0.070566s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.059475s | |
include/t_netdb | 0.069156s | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.058058s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_fpsetmask | 1.099034s | ||
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.183632s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.157585s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.156003s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.162434s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.168108s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.165131s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 6.896958s | ||
Expected failure | QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected | 0.218095s | |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | 0.799006s | ||
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(ld) != 0 not met | 0.162040s | |
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isnan(ld) != 0 not met | 0.142949s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_getrusage | 7.911119s | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: user time went backwards | 7.707730s | |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | 0.066280s | |
lib/libm/t_cos | 0.703263s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.051929s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.051195s | |
lib/libm/t_infinity | 0.288155s | ||
Expected failure | PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(v) not met | 0.163720s | |
lib/libm/t_log | 3.540504s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058542s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL | 0.058016s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.058481s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF | 0.058220s | |
lib/libm/t_pow | 1.447165s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.059432s | |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.060486s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.058235s | |
Expected failure | PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | 0.085143s | |
lib/libm/t_scalbn | 0.894303s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: (0.0L / 0.0L) != NaN | 0.046848s | |
lib/libm/t_sin | 0.626725s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.046882s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.046553s | |
lib/libm/t_tan | 0.634659s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN | 0.047616s | |
Expected failure | PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN | 0.047201s | |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | 18.013364s | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | 2.184625s | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | 160.257848s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 47.687927s | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | 172.809678s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 53.760136s | |
usr.bin/sed/t_sed | 3.752479s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 0.634664s | |
usr.sbin/useradd/t_useradd | 1.130701s | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | 1.116628s |
Test case | Result | Reason | Duration |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | 0.023425s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.008869s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004813s | |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | 0.024384s | ||
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.009239s | |
Skipped | Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH | 0.004636s | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | 32.375192s | ||
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | 0.376350s | |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | 0.372038s | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | 3.985613s | ||
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | 0.840701s | |
examples/t_asm | 1.324805s | ||
Skipped | Example program not implemented on this platform | 1.275193s | |
fs/vfs/t_full | 47.264284s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 1.471575s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.631402s | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | 0.525607s | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | 191.712553s | ||
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.529844s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.529237s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.613423s | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | 197.387018s | ||
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.612992s | |
fs/vfs/t_union | 27.771226s | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.652974s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.791111s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.626374s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.746129s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 2.242835s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 4.583877s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.389955s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 1.131238s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.629494s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.755126s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.586168s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.729020s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.822293s | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | 0.962339s | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | 50.520610s | ||
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | 0.577658s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 2.329543s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.619235s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.631674s | |
Skipped | file flags not supported by file system | 0.621824s | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | 81.219398s | ||
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.579165s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.552701s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.570356s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.658818s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.683526s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.720922s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.898618s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.784416s | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | 0.965004s | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | 261.489008s | ||
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.653013s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.655835s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.580511s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.566598s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.571013s | |
Skipped | rename not supported by file system | 0.569072s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.634472s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.658590s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.655556s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.648650s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.652684s | |
Skipped | directories not supported by file system | 0.658630s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.665629s | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | 0.663863s | |
games/t_factor | 0.023320s | ||
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.006529s | |
Skipped | Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH | 0.003377s | |
ipf/t_filter_exec | 45.884034s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.306732s | |
ipf/t_filter_parse | 11.004937s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.301652s | |
ipf/t_nat_exec | 3.773825s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.275868s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.298677s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.296485s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.292996s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.289194s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.308082s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.308611s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.291984s | |
ipf/t_nat_ipf_exec | 4.940988s | ||
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.304503s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.310902s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.289947s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.296422s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.298188s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.306821s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.290870s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.290452s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.300793s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.304245s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.303466s | |
Skipped | This test case is probably broken | 0.311403s | |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | 6.896958s | ||
Skipped | Test does not run correctly under qemu | 0.133914s | |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | 0.107645s | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.045763s | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | 0.043899s | |
lib/libc/sys/t_mmap | 0.674325s | ||
Skipped | The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889) | 0.049588s | |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | 26.363324s | ||
Skipped | test currently valid only on i386 | 0.882335s | |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | 1.812766s | ||
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.069784s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.063610s | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | 0.064667s |
Duration: 0.008869 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.004813 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.009239 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.004636 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program 'pkg-config' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.361917 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ")
Duration: 0.376350 seconds
SKIPPED: IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no
Duration: 0.372038 seconds
SKIPPED: RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no
Duration: 0.840701 seconds
SKIPPED: MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no
Duration: 0.410003 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/43785: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0
cd0(scsitest0:0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SENSE KEY: Not Ready ASC/ASCQ: Medium Not Present
Duration: 1.275193 seconds
SKIPPED: Example program not implemented on this platform
Duration: 0.415707 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument
rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set
Duration: 16.075674 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/5844: race did not trigger this time inaccurate wcc data (ctime) detected, disabling wcc (ctime 1335820413.944705999 1335820413.944705999, mtime 1335820413.944705999 1335820413.944705999)
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host
Duration: 1.877603 seconds
FAILED: Test program received signal 6 (core dumped)
test seeded RNG with 1335820525 rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more panic: mount: lost mount rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace [New process 1] [New process 20] [New process 19] [New process 18] [New process 17] [New process 16] [New process 15] [New process 14] [New process 13] [New process 12] [New process 11] [New process 10] [New process 9] [New process 8] [New process 7] [New process 6] [New process 5] [New process 4] [New process 3] [New process 2] Core was generated by `t_fuzz'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f7ff49063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x00007f7ff49063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f7ff4906042 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f7ff54097cc in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f7ff5886eb7 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f7ff585e62e in rumpns_vpanic () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x00007f7ff585e733 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007f7ff5c3620b in rumpns_mount_domount () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x00007f7ff5c2da15 in rumpns_do_sys_mount () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f7ff5c2de02 in rumpns_sys___mount50 () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x00007f7ff587ec70 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x00007f7ff5882871 in rump___sysimpl_mount50 () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x000000000040270f in testbody () #12 0x0000000000404e04 in atf_tc_run () #13 0x00000000004034ff in atf_tp_main () #14 0x0000000000401fd2 in ___start () #15 0x00007f7ff7ffa000 in ?? () #16 0x0000000000000005 in ?? () #17 0x00007f7ffffffe48 in ?? () #18 0x00007f7ffffffe4f in ?? () #19 0x00007f7ffffffe69 in ?? () #20 0x00007f7ffffffe7f in ?? () #21 0x00007f7ffffffe9a in ?? () #22 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
Duration: 2.445522 seconds
FAILED: Test program received signal 6 (core dumped)
test seeded RNG with 1335820527 rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more puffs_mount: using 8192 hash buckets. adjust puffs_maxpnodebuckets for more panic: mount: lost mount rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace [New process 1] [New process 83] [New process 19] [New process 18] [New process 17] [New process 16] [New process 15] [New process 14] [New process 13] [New process 12] [New process 11] [New process 10] [New process 9] [New process 8] [New process 7] [New process 6] [New process 5] [New process 4] [New process 3] [New process 2] Core was generated by `t_fuzz'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f7ff49063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x00007f7ff49063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f7ff4906042 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x00007f7ff54097cc in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00007f7ff5886eb7 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x00007f7ff585e62e in rumpns_vpanic () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x00007f7ff585e733 in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007f7ff5c3620b in rumpns_mount_domount () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x00007f7ff5c2da15 in rumpns_do_sys_mount () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007f7ff5c2de02 in rumpns_sys___mount50 () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x00007f7ff587ec70 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x00007f7ff5882871 in rump___sysimpl_mount50 () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x000000000040270f in testbody () #12 0x0000000000404e04 in atf_tc_run () #13 0x00000000004034ff in atf_tp_main () #14 0x0000000000401fd2 in ___start () #15 0x00007f7ff7ffa000 in ?? () #16 0x0000000000000005 in ?? () #17 0x00007f7ffffffe48 in ?? () #18 0x00007f7ffffffe4f in ?? () #19 0x00007f7ffffffe69 in ?? () #20 0x00007f7ffffffe7f in ?? () #21 0x00007f7ffffffe9a in ?? () #22 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
Duration: 1.471575 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390z/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390z/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 0.631402 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
Duration: 0.525607 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
Duration: 8.020568 seconds
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace [New process 1] [New process 20] [New process 19] [New process 18] [New process 17] [New process 16] [New process 15] [New process 14] [New process 13] [New process 12] [New process 11] [New process 10] [New process 9] [New process 8] [New process 7] [New process 6] [New process 5] [New process 4] [New process 3] [New process 2] Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f7ff1d063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x00007f7ff1d063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f7ff1d06042 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x000000000040710e in renamerace_dirs.clone.0 () #3 0x000000000040723b in atfu_ext2fs_renamerace_dirs_body () #4 0x0000000000419c04 in atf_tc_run () #5 0x00000000004182ff in atf_tp_main () #6 0x0000000000405d62 in ___start () #7 0x00007f7ff7ffa000 in ?? () #8 0x0000000000000005 in ?? () #9 0x00007f7ffffffe38 in ?? () #10 0x00007f7ffffffe45 in ?? () #11 0x00007f7ffffffe5f in ?? () #12 0x00007f7ffffffe73 in ?? () #13 0x00007f7ffffffe8e in ?? () #14 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
Duration: 6.299819 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy
==== dumping mountpoint at ``/mnt'' ==== vnodecovered = 0x7f7ff77b5170 syncer = 0x0 data = 0x7f7ff7ba7150 fs_bshift 12 dev_bshift = 9 flag = 0x1000<MNT_LOCAL> iflag = 0x80<IMNT_HAS_TRANS> refcnt = 2 unmounting @ 0x7f7ff7bbe048 updating @ 0x7f7ff7bbe950 statvfs cache: bsize = 4096 frsize = 4096 iosize = 4096 blocks = 1239 bfree = 1239 bavail = 1239 bresvd = 0 files = 512 ffree = 0 favail = 0 fresvd = 0 f_fsidx = { 0xc500, 0x764f } owner = 0 namemax = 255 flag = 0x0 syncwrites = 3122 asyncwrites = 0 syncreads = 20297 asyncreads = 0 fstypename = msdos mntonname = /mnt mntfromname = /dev/device0.msdosfs locked vnodes = all vnodes = 0x7f7ff7bc0e30 == dumping vnodes == VM OBJECT at 0x7f7ff7bc0e30, refs 57 VNODE flags 0x1<ROOT> mp 0x7f7ff7bbe000 numoutput 0 size 0x4000 writesize 0x4000 data 0x7f7ff7bc1e58 writecount 0 holdcnt 0 tag VT_MSDOSFS(4) type VDIR(2) mount 0x7f7ff7bbe000 typedata 0x0 v_lock 0x7f7ff7bc0f40 clean bufs: dirty bufs: ==== done ====
Duration: 7.684300 seconds
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace [New process 1] [New process 20] [New process 19] [New process 18] [New process 17] [New process 16] [New process 15] [New process 14] [New process 13] [New process 12] [New process 11] [New process 10] [New process 9] [New process 8] [New process 7] [New process 6] [New process 5] [New process 4] [New process 3] [New process 2] Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f7ff1d063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x00007f7ff1d063da in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007f7ff1d06042 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x000000000040710e in renamerace_dirs.clone.0 () #3 0x0000000000407bbc in atfu_msdosfs_renamerace_dirs_body () #4 0x0000000000419c04 in atf_tc_run () #5 0x00000000004182ff in atf_tp_main () #6 0x0000000000405d62 in ___start () #7 0x00007f7ff7c06ae6 in _rtld () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so #8 0x00007f7fffffff8b in ?? () #9 0x00007f7fffffff98 in ?? () #10 0x00007f7fffffffa6 in ?? () #11 0x00007f7fffffffad in ?? () #12 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Stack trace complete
Duration: 6.521336 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390a/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390a/p2kffsfake" instead. readshovel r1 -1 / 6
Duration: 0.529844 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.529237 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.613423 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.612992 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.652974 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.791111 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.626374 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.746129 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 2.242835 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport
Duration: 4.583877 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. t_union: rpcbind to nfs on server: RPC: Program not registered got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
Duration: 1.389955 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390y/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390y/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 1.131238 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390z/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00390z/p2kffsfake" instead.
Duration: 0.629494 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.755126 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.586168 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.729020 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.822293 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.962339 seconds
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
Duration: 0.577658 seconds
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
Duration: 2.329543 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
Duration: 0.619235 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
Duration: 0.631674 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.621824 seconds
SKIPPED: file flags not supported by file system
Duration: 2.015569 seconds
XFAIL: fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /bracket/amd64/work/2012. Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
lfs_cleanerd[18583]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
Duration: 0.579165 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1335821596
Duration: 0.552701 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.570356 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.658818 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1335821600
Duration: 0.683526 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.720922 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.898618 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1335821607
Duration: 0.784416 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.965004 seconds
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
Duration: 0.653013 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
Duration: 0.655835 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
Duration: 0.580511 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.566598 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.571013 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.569072 seconds
SKIPPED: rename not supported by file system
Duration: 0.634472 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.658590 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.655556 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.648650 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.652684 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.658630 seconds
SKIPPED: directories not supported by file system
Duration: 0.665629 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
Duration: 0.663863 seconds
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
Duration: 3.844934 seconds
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpkern_solaris -lrumpfs_zfs -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_rnd -d key=/dk,hostpath=zfs.img,size=100m unix://zsuck ] Executing command [ zpool create jippo /dk ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: cannot mount 'jippo': mountpoint or dataset is busy
Duration: 0.006529 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.003377 seconds
SKIPPED: Required program '/usr/games/factor' not found in the PATH
Duration: 0.059475 seconds
XFAIL: PR standards/44921: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: ENOTRECOVERABLE not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44921: EOWNERDEAD not defined
Duration: 0.058058 seconds
XFAIL: PR standards/44777: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined *** Expected check failure: PR standards/44777: AI_ALL not defined
Duration: 0.306732 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.301652 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.275868 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.298677 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.296485 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.292996 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.289194 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.308082 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.308611 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.291984 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.304503 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.310902 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.289947 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.296422 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.298188 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.306821 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.290870 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.290452 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.300793 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.304245 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.303466 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.311403 seconds
SKIPPED: This test case is probably broken
Duration: 0.183632 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.157585 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.156003 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 4 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. ex1 & t->mask != t->mask
Duration: 0.162434 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.168108 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.165131 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: 8 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. signal_caught != 1 *** Expected check failure: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. sicode != t->sicode
Duration: 0.218095 seconds
XFAIL: QEMU fails to trap unaligned accesses: Test did not fault as expected
now trying to access unaligned address 0x7f7ff7b01081
Duration: 0.133914 seconds
SKIPPED: Test does not run correctly under qemu
Duration: 0.162040 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(ld) != 0 not met
Duration: 0.142949 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isnan(ld) != 0 not met
Duration: 0.045763 seconds
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
Duration: 0.043899 seconds
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
Duration: 7.707730 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: user time went backwards
Duration: 0.066280 seconds
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2)
Duration: 0.049588 seconds
SKIPPED: The test case causes a panic (PR kern/38889)
Duration: 0.051929 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: cosf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.051195 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: cosf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.163720 seconds
XFAIL: PR misc/44767: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. isinf(v) not met
Duration: 0.058542 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1p(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.058016 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1p(-1.0) != -HUGE_VAL
Duration: 0.058481 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.058220 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: log1pf(-1.0) != -HUGE_VALF
Duration: 0.059432 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: pow(-1.0, +Inf) != 1.0 *** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: pow(-1.0, -Inf) != 1.0
Duration: 0.060486 seconds
XFAIL: PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(+0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VAL *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(-0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VAL *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: pow(+0.0, -5.0) != HUGE_VAL
Duration: 0.058235 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45372: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: powf(-1.0, +Inf) != 1.0 *** Expected check failure: PR lib/45372: powf(-1.0, -Inf) != 1.0
Duration: 0.085143 seconds
XFAIL: PR port-amd64/45391: 3 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(+0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VALF *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(-0.0, -4.0) != HUGE_VALF *** Expected check failure: PR port-amd64/45391: powf(+0.0, -5.0) != HUGE_VALF
Duration: 0.046848 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: (0.0L / 0.0L) != NaN
Duration: 0.046882 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: sinf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.046553 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: sinf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.047616 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: tanf(-Inf) != NaN
Duration: 0.047201 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/45362: tanf(+Inf) != NaN
Duration: 2.184625 seconds
XFAIL: PR lib/44756: /bracket/amd64/work/2012. rv == ETIMEDOUT not met
Duration: 0.882335 seconds
SKIPPED: test currently valid only on i386
Duration: 0.069784 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 0.063610 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 0.064667 seconds
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
Duration: 47.687927 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 4096 512 49152 32768 2 41 bs is 4096 numdata is 41 ****resizing fs with blocksize 4096 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 512 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 1536 blks, 2720 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 144, 12432, 24720, 37008, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 14 dataleft is 27 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
tar: Failed write to file TD41/131073 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65536 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65537 (Input/output error) Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00390l/mnt: not currently mounted
Duration: 53.760136 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 16384 2048 49152 32768 2 43 swap bs is 16384 numdata is 43 ****resizing fs with blocksize 16384 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 384 blks, 768 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 160, 12448, 24736, 37024, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 15 dataleft is 28 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00390v/mnt: not currently mounted
Duration: 0.634664 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/28126: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo foo1bar1 | sed -ne '/foo\(.*\)bar\1/p' ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo foobar | sed -ne '/foo\(.*\)bar\1/p' ]
Fail: stdout does not match expected value --- /tmp/inline.05210b 2012-04-30 22:23:17.000000000 +0000 +++ /tmp/check.05210a/stdout 2012-04-30 22:23:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -foobar
Duration: 1.116628 seconds
XFAIL: PR bin/39546: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c useradd test5678901234567 ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c userdel test5678901234567 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: useradd: Can't add user `test5678901234567': invalid login name