/usr/pkg/bin/anita:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('anita==2.13', 'anita') This is anita version 2.13 Using pexpect version 4.9.0 /usr/pkg/bin/anita \ --workdir=/bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020. \ --structured-log-file=/bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020. \ --vmm-args= \ --test-timeout 21600 \ --dtb /usr/pkg/share/dtb/arm/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb \ test \ file:///bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/release/2020. QEMU emulator version 8.2.2 Copyright (c) 2003-2023 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers qemu path: /usr/pkg/bin/qemu-system-arm qemu package: qemu-8.2.2 glib2 package: glib2-2.78.4 qemu-system-arm \ -m 128 \ -drive file=/bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020.,format=raw,media=disk,snapshot=on,if=sd \ -nographic \ -M vexpress-a15 \ -append root=ld0a \ -dtb /usr/pkg/share/dtb/arm/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb \ -kernel /bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020. child pid is 13976 oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured audio: Could not create a backend for voice `lm4549.out' [ 1.0000000] NetBSD/evbarm (fdt) booting ... [ 1.0000000] [ Kernel symbol table missing! ] [ 1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'l1ttpl' [ 1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'kmem-04096' [ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, [ 1.0000000] 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, [ 1.0000000] 2018, 2019, 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. [ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 [ 1.0000000] The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. [ 1.0000000] NetBSD 9.99.50 (GENERIC) #0: Mon Jun 24 01:46:49 UTC 2024 [ 1.0000000] root@babylon5.netbsd.org:/tmp/build/2020. [ 1.0000000] total memory = 128 MB [ 1.0000000] avail memory = 114 MB [ 1.0000000] sysctl_createv: sysctl_locate(maxtypenum) returned 2 [ 1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'buf64k' [ 1.0000000] running cgd selftest aes-xts-256 aes-xts-512 done [ 1.0000000] armfdt0 (root) [ 1.0000000] simplebus0 at armfdt0: V2P-CA15 [ 1.0000000] simplebus1 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000000] simplebus2 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000000] cpus0 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000000] simplebus3 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000000] cpu0 at cpus0: Cortex-A15 r4p0 (Cortex V7A core) [ 1.0000000] cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled [ 1.0000000] cpu0: 32KB/64B 2-way L1 PIPT Instruction cache [ 1.0000000] cpu0: 32KB/64B 2-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache [ 1.0000000] cpu0: 2304KB/64B 16-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache [ 1.0000000] vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals [ 1.0000000] cpu1 at cpus0: disabled (unresponsive) [ 1.0000000] simplebus4 at simplebus1: V2M-P1 [ 1.0000000] simplebus5 at simplebus4 [ 1.0000000] gic0 at simplebus0: GIC [ 1.0000000] armgic0 at gic0: Generic Interrupt Controller, 160 sources (160 valid) [ 1.0000000] armgic0: 256 Priorities, 128 SPIs, 16 PPIs, 16 SGIs [ 1.0000000] fclock0 at simplebus4: 32768 Hz fixed clock (v2m:refclk32khz) [ 1.0000000] fclock1 at simplebus4: 1000000 Hz fixed clock (v2m:refclk1mhz) [ 1.0000000] fclock2 at simplebus4: 24000000 Hz fixed clock (v2m:clk24mhz) [ 1.0000000] gtmr0 at simplebus0: Generic Timer [ 1.0000000] gtmr0: interrupting on GIC irq 27 [ 1.0000000] armgtmr0 at gtmr0: Generic Timer (62500 kHz, virtual) [ 1.0000080] plcom0 at simplebus5: ARM PL011 UART [ 1.0000080] plcom0: txfifo disabled [ 1.0000080] plcom0: console [ 1.0000080] plcom0: interrupting on GIC irq 37 [ 1.0000080] plcom1 at simplebus5: ARM PL011 UART [ 1.0000080] plcom1: txfifo disabled [ 1.0000080] plcom1: interrupting on GIC irq 38 [ 1.0000080] plcom2 at simplebus5: ARM PL011 UART [ 1.0000080] plcom2: txfifo disabled [ 1.0000080] plcom2: interrupting on GIC irq 39 [ 1.0000080] plcom3 at simplebus5: ARM PL011 UART [ 1.0000080] plcom3: txfifo disabled [ 1.0000080] plcom3: interrupting on GIC irq 40 [ 1.0000080] fregulator0 at simplebus4: 3V3 [ 1.0000080] /dcc at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] vxsysreg0 at simplebus5 [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/sysctl@020000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/mcc at simplebus4 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/vram@2,00000000 at simplebus4 not configured [ 1.0000080] genfb0 at simplebus5 [ 1.0000080] wsdisplay0 at genfb0 kbdmux 1: console (default, vt100 emulation) [ 1.0000080] virtio0 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000080] virtio1 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000080] virtio2 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000080] virtio3 at simplebus0 [ 1.0000080] /hdlcd@2b000000 at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] /memory-controller@2b0a0000 at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] /memory-controller@7ffd0000 at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] /dma@7ffb0000 at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] /pmu at simplebus0 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/flash@0,00000000 at simplebus4 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/psram@1,00000000 at simplebus4 not configured [ 1.0000080] smsh0 at simplebus4: SMSC LAN9118 Rev 1 [ 1.0000080] smsh0: MAC address 52:54:00:12:34:56 [ 1.0000080] ukphy0 at smsh0 phy 1: OUI 0x00800f, model 0x000d, rev. 1 [ 1.0000080] ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto [ 1.0000080] smsh0: interrupting on GIC irq 47 [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/usb@2,03000000 at simplebus4 not configured [ 1.0000080] gpioleds0 at simplebus4: [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/i2c@030000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] aaci0 at simplebus5: Advanced Audio CODEC [ 1.0000080] aaci0: ac97: National Semiconductor LM4549 codec; headphone, 18 bit DAC, 18 bit ADC, National Semi 3D [ 1.0000080] aaci0: ac97: ext id 0x1<VRA> oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured audio: Could not create a backend for voice `lm4549.out' oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured oss: Could not initialize DAC oss: Failed to open `/dev/audio' oss: Reason: Device not configured audio: Could not create a backend for voice `lm4549.out' [ 1.0000080] audio0 at aaci0: playback [ 1.0000080] audio0: slinear_le:16 2ch 48000Hz, blk 4ms for playback [ 1.0000080] spkr0 at audio0: PC Speaker (synthesized) [ 1.0000080] wsbell at spkr0 not configured [ 1.0000080] aaci0: interrupting on GIC irq 43 [ 1.0000080] plmmc0 at simplebus5 [ 1.0000080] plmmc0: interrupting on GIC irq 41 [ 1.0000080] sdmmc0 at plmmc0 [ 1.0000080] plkmi0 at simplebus5: PS2 controller [ 1.0000080] pckbd0 at plkmi0 (kbd slot) [ 1.0000080] wskbd0 at pckbd0 mux 1 [ 1.0000080] plkmi0: interrupting on GIC irq 44 [ 1.0000080] plkmi1 at simplebus5: PS2 controller [ 1.0000080] pms0 at plkmi1 (aux slot) [ 1.0000080] wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0 [ 1.0000080] plkmi1: interrupting on GIC irq 45 [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/wdt@0f0000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/timer@110000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/timer@120000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/i2c@160000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 1.0000080] plrtc0 at simplebus5: RTC [ 1.0000080] /smb@08000000/motherboard/iofpga@3,00000000/compact-flash@1a0000 at simplebus5 not configured [ 2.0143748] ld0 at sdmmc0: <0xaa:0x5859:QEMU!:0x01:0xdeadbeef:0x062> [ 2.0259688] ld0: 2048 MB, 1040 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 4194304 sectors [ 2.0460818] ld0: 4-bit width, 12.000 MHz [ 2.0598690] boot device: ld0 [ 2.0802288] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b [ 2.1242868] root file system type: ffs [ 2.1918252] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/9.99.50/modules Mon Jun 24 02:00:51 UTC 2024 Starting root file system check: /dev/rld0a: file system is clean; not checking Not resizing /: already correct size Starting file system checks: /dev/rld0e: 234 files, 45668 free (45668 clusters) random_seed: /var/db/entropy-file: Not present Setting tty flags. Setting sysctl variables: ddb.onpanic: 1 -> 0 Starting network. Hostname: armv7 IPv6 mode: host Configuring network interfaces:. Adding interface aliases:. Waiting for duplicate address detection to finish... Starting dhcpcd. Starting mdnsd. mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) starting Building databases: dev, utmp, utmpx. wsconscfg: screen 1 is already configured wsconscfg: screen 2 is already configured wsconscfg: screen 3 is already configured Starting syslogd. Mounting all file systems... Clearing temporary files. Creating a.out runtime link editor directory cache. Checking quotas: done. Setting securelevel: kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1 Starting virecover. Starting devpubd. Starting local daemons:. Updating motd. Starting ntpd. Starting sshd. Starting postfix. Starting inetd. Starting cron. Mon Jun 24 02:02:39 UTC 2024 NetBSD/evbarm (armv7) (constty) login: NetBSD/evbarm (armv7) (constty) login: root Jun 24 02:02:45 armv7 login: ROOT LOGIN (root) on tty constty Last login: Mon Jun 24 01:59:51 2024 on constty Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. NetBSD 9.99.50 (GENERIC) #0: Mon Jun 24 01:46:49 UTC 2024 Welcome to NetBSD! This system is running a development snapshot of the NetBSD operating system, also known as NetBSD-current. It is very possible that it has serious bugs, regressions, broken features or other problems. Please bear this in mind and use the system with care. You are encouraged to test this version as thoroughly as possible. Should you encounter any problem, please report it back to the development team using the send-pr(1) utility (requires a working MTA). If yours is not properly set up, use the web interface at: https://www.NetBSD.org/support/send-pr.html Thank you for helping us test and improve NetBSD. We recommend that you create a non-root account and use su(1) for root access. armv7# exec /bin/sh armv7# PS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 PS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 > Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/pkg/bin/anita", line 4, in <module> __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('anita==2.13', 'anita') File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 722, in run_script self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 1572, in run_script exec(script_code, namespace, namespace) File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/anita", line 163, in <module> File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/anita", line 154, in main File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/anita.py", line 2633, in run_tests "vmstat -s; " + ^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/anita.py", line 2679, in shell_cmd try: File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/anita.py", line 2750, in shell_cmd print("exitstatus", child.exitstatus) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/anita-2.13-py3.11.egg/anita.py", line 255, in expect r = pexpect.spawn.expect(self, pattern, *args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 354, in expect return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 383, in expect_list return exp.expect_loop(timeout) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 181, in expect_loop return self.timeout(e) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 144, in timeout raise exc pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded. <anita.pexpect_spawn_log object at 0x7919c440d920> command: /usr/pkg/bin/qemu-system-arm args: ['/usr/pkg/bin/qemu-system-arm', '-m', '128', '-drive', 'file=/bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020.,format=raw,media=disk,snapshot=on,if=sd', '-nographic', '-M', 'vexpress-a15', '-append', 'root=ld0a', '-dtb', '/usr/pkg/share/dtb/arm/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb', '-kernel', '/bracket/evbarm-earmv7hf/test/2020.'] buffer (last 100 chars): b"PS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 \r\r\nPS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 \r\r\n> " before (last 100 chars): b"PS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 \r\r\nPS=aiaro-hl-rm't11146.736 \r\r\n> " after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT'> match: None match_index: None exitstatus: None flag_eof: False pid: 13976 child_fd: 9 closed: False timeout: 3600 delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile: None logfile_read: <anita.multifile object at 0x7919c5dd9da0> logfile_send: <anita.Logger object at 0x7919c712bb20> maxread: 2000 ignorecase: False searchwindowsize: None delaybeforesend: 0.05 delayafterclose: 30.0 delayafterterminate: 30.0 searcher: searcher_re: 0: re.compile(b'anita-root-shell-prompt-1719194569.772306# ') 3753.43 real 315.70 user 118.28 sys